How not to listen to the opinions of others and improve your quality of life. Learn to defend your own point of view

I am constantly afraid for my health

Asked by: Julia

Female gender

Age: 25

Chronic diseases: not specified

Hello. I am turning to you with the following problem: I have fallen into some kind of vicious circle of illnesses and fears for my health. My name is Yulia, 25 years old. I have 2 children, married. It all started 1.5 years ago, when my second child was 4 months old. I was standing in line at the store and suddenly felt dizzy. There was a fear that I would faint. But I didn’t faint, I ran out of the store and went home with fear. At home I had something very similar to a panic attack. My heart was pounding, I was slightly dizzy, I was shivering, and I ran to the toilet several times. It was scary, I had thoughts that I might die. I absolutely did not understand what was happening to me. From that moment to this day I have been suffering. I started visiting doctors. The cardiologist diagnosed stage 1 mitral valve prolapse. And VSD. Treatment for it did not help. I contacted a neurologist and had an ultrasound of the neck vessels done. Neurologists didn’t help either; they prescribed some vascular drugs and beta blockers. The endocrinologist diagnosed postpartum thyroiditis. I take hormones (they are now back to normal). The endocrinologist excludes pathology on her part. The therapist says that this is all because of the neck (there is instability of the discs in the cervical region). I consulted a chiropractor, took a course of massage and acupuncture. Did not help. At the moment, I have worked myself up to the point of the most terrible illnesses. I am constantly afraid for my health and don’t want to die, because I have two small children. I constantly read medical information on the Internet. Literature and looking for my symptoms. There are so many symptoms that it is impossible to describe everything in detail in a letter. Every day it’s one thing or another. And fear for one organ and then for another. In general, I’m already so tired of this... I became very irritable and whiny, my nerves generally became weak. I listen to my body and often measure my blood pressure. It is most often normal (110-120/70-80). I started getting motion sickness in transport, I often got headaches and felt dizzy. I stopped communicating with friends and going to some social events (birthdays, etc.) I’m afraid to go somewhere alone, because it seems to me that I will feel bad and no one will help me. At first, my family supported me and were also worried about my health. Now they practically don’t respond to my constant complaints and say that I’m pushing myself too hard. But I really feel really bad. In general, my life has turned into complete fear and various physical and bodily symptoms, which I am very afraid of, or rather their consequences. Now I’ve stopped going to doctors because it’s all paid for. So I’ve already spent a lot of money on all this in 1.5 years. But there is no result. I really want to get an MRI done. Brain, but it’s also expensive, I don’t have finances at the moment. Opportunities for him. I really want to go to work, because my husband works alone and we don’t have enough money. But I'm afraid because of my condition. Yes, it seems to me that I won’t be able to work in this state. The endocrinologist advises going to a psychotherapist. But I’m still afraid that my condition is due to some organic pathology of the brain or something else. I'm still very afraid of cancer. Overall a nightmare. What do you advise? What should I do? Who should I contact? I'm looking forward to your answer. Thank you.

9 answers

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Hello. You have a pronounced neurosis. If you don’t treat it (and everything you did in no way relates to the treatment of neurosis), then it just turns into a nightmare. I highly recommend listening to an endocrinologist and urgently contacting a psychotherapist. At a minimum, you need anti-anxiety medications, and possibly antidepressants. The neck has absolutely nothing to do with it!

Elena 2015-06-06 16:50

I read it and it seems like I wrote it, all the same. I've been with this for 6 years now. They let me go for 2 years, when I got out, I started working all over again, I had an MRI of my head) and checked with all the doctors) everything was ok everywhere, but my worries didn’t go away. Probably the only way out is a long course of sedatives, or maybe some sanatorium specialized in neuroses. EVERYTHING WILL BE FINE.

Anna 2015-12-13 00:05

Oh, even though it wasn’t me who wrote this, my situation is similar. You gave moral reassurance that everything can return to normal! Thank you!

Mignonette. 2016-08-07 15:42

I thought that I was the only one who also thought only about the bad and every minute it seemed that I would feel bad. I don’t know how to live with such fear anymore, I’m completely exhausted. I can't go anywhere. (

Tolya 2017-10-26 13:51

Hello everyone) to be honest, I have the same problem every day in fear, like a man I feel scared (I often look at medical forums. We always have a hood with us from pressure, although for me it’s always 120/80, that’s only when my head starts to feel dizzy I start to work myself up, sometimes to the point where I got my blood pressure up to 170/80, that’s when I thought that death had come) at first everyone supported me, then everyone got tired of it (I don’t take drugs, I’m afraid of some kind of side effects (although I used to tear it off and get out) always I was active and now I’m like a grandfather (I don’t know how to calm myself down (although an MRI of the neck and back did an ultrasound, musi anything, they found only erosions in the 12th intestine and that’s all(

Hello, Tolya.
The signs you listed may indicate a possible neurotic disorder. To find out an accurate diagnosis, you need a face-to-face consultation with a psychiatrist-psychotherapist.
They do not pose a danger to the person himself or his environment. Despite the painful symptoms, they do not lead to endogenous mental illnesses and organ damage.
Psychotherapy plays the most important role in the treatment of neuroses - this is internal work on oneself in a specially organized safe environment of a group or a doctor’s office within the framework of individual consultations. You are looking for a specialist who gives priority to psychotherapy over drug treatment, since pills will only give a temporary and unstable effect. In psychotherapeutic sessions, you can understand the destructive mechanisms of neurotic defenses, learn to bring yourself back to normal and manage your mood, as well as develop a life strategy that is acceptable to you.
Sports and general strengthening activities also play an important role: establishing a daily routine, adequate sleep, water treatments, proper nutrition, vitamin therapy, etc.
And only in some cases is drug therapy added: antidepressants, tranquilizers, antipsychotics. More details about the treatment of neuroses here:

Good day to you, my dear readers! Today it is fashionable to talk about “should you listen to your body?” They say that this can even improve your health, because the body supposedly knows better than us what it needs.

In general, I'm not against fashion if fashionable suits you. Is it good for you (that is, will it benefit you) that you listen to your body?

Let's try to find out.

A few stories from life

History 1, student

Lena is a student girl, slightly overweight, but this does not bother her yet: her studies do not allow her to be distracted by such trifles.

Lena eats at a nearby fast food establishment, and her lunch is not very varied: 2 hamburgers and a large glass of cola. A common lunch, by the way, for many students. But here’s the problem: on weekends and holidays, Lena, who can calmly eat her mother’s delicious soup, is drawn to hamburgers like a magnet. Habit, you know, is a great thing.

Story 2, married

Irina married for great love, and, guided by this very love, she began preparing healthy vegetable salads, soups and steamed fish for her husband.

In response from her beloved husband, she first heard: “Can’t it be fatter?” or “Grass again.” Then dissatisfaction grew into demands: “I want normal pork cutlets and fried potatoes!”

It was impossible to convince my husband - he had been accustomed to eating this way since childhood. Now Irina prepares salads only for herself, and sighs and fries cutlets for her husband.

Story 3, office

Olga’s work is characterized by constant stress - either the client will be rude, or the boss will give an undeserved reprimand, or she herself does not have time to fulfill all her duties and is delayed at the workplace. In a word, work is far from sugar.

True, there is plenty of sugar in Olga’s life: the morning begins with a chocolate bar, then one of her colleagues offers a homemade pie, lunch also traditionally ends with dessert, the afternoon snack beckons with delicious cookies, and dinner is rarely complete without sweets. Total trouble - how can there be no sweets!

Attention, point-blank question! What story's hero (heroine) needs to listen to her body and follow its lead?

So should you listen to your body?

And the conclusion is simple: the body needs what is familiar to it.

It doesn’t matter if it’s a cigarette, a glass of wine, a fatty cutlet, sweet soda, cake, etc. The main thing is that it is familiar, that it constitutes his comfort zone.

The body is so used to it, it has already adapted and knows that it can live like this. This is his comfortable state!

You can listen to him as much as you like - he won’t give you anything new. There will be only what you are used to.

If you are not used to doing exercises, then your body will never ask for it in any form until you accustom it to daily morning exercises. If you do not eat raw vegetables, then your body will not crave carrots or cabbage, even if they are 1000 times healthier than the usual fried cutlet. If you are not used to eating greens, then you will rather choke on them than wait for your body to ask you to chew a sprig of parsley.

Listen to your body – when it’s convenient

I am especially surprised by how people skillfully pass off their own momentary whims as the desires of the body. For example, in a supermarket they smell grilled chicken and buy it - the body demands it. They hear mention of pancakes in a conversation, and immediately an obsessive thought about pancakes with butter arises in their brain, which persistently seeks satisfaction - and again.

Guys, let's use our brains! We are adults, and in addition to such a “capricious” organism, we are also given the ability to think for ourselves.

A smell, a sight, a conversation caused a desire for a certain food - this is in no way a requirement of the body, it is an association, a memory, in a word, an emotion that you can control.

You have to make a decision whether you want it or not. And there is no need to blame everything on the long-suffering organism, it has absolutely nothing to do with it. An adult can cope with such desires on his own.

If you are not an adult yet, work on yourself, grow up. But behaving like a little child and not taking responsibility for it, putting everything on the body, is really not a solution at all.

About the body and thirst

Oh, this thirst! I am so tired of the endless debates on this topic that I decided to clearly state my opinion, and if disagreements arise, refer to this article.

Here are the facts that are very difficult to argue with:

  1. We are losing per day with urine about a liter, with breathing about 0.5 liters evaporate. But there is also sweat! And this liquid requires compensation - at the most conservative estimates, no less than one and a half liters.
  2. The feeling of thirst in a person weakens with age. And if you drink, trusting the natural urges of thirst, then there will not be enough fluid in the body.
  3. The feeling of thirst actually occurs when the body is already quite dehydrated.. It is for this reason that a person who is thirsty will never be satisfied with a sip of water - he will greedily drink at least a glass.

And finally: what is the name of a body of water in nature in which the water is not renewed? That's right, SWAMP.

Garbage that ends up in a swamp can only rot there. And a lot of garbage gets into the body of a modern person - from food, household chemicals, and just from the air. If you want to turn your own body into a swamp, that’s your right. And if you don’t want to, then drink more water so that your body can get rid of waste (toxic and noxious substances).

So what should we do?

In fact, there is a way out. After all, if habits rule us so much, then we just need to change them to necessary and useful ones.

The difficulty is that this is work. Work on yourself, on your desires and old habits.

However, there is great news: once you develop a new habit, you get a permanent, faithful assistant. You are no longer working on it, but it is working on you.

You can read more about the power of habits and how it can help you become slimmer and feel better. And I wish you to listen to your own body only if you have taught it to “whisper” the right things to you. Be healthy, beautiful and happy!

Mini Tips for Losing Weight

    Reduce your portions by a third - that's what will help you lose weight! Short and to the point :)

    Add more or stop? When this question arises, it’s definitely time to stop eating. This is the body giving you a signal that you will be full soon, otherwise you would not doubt it.

    If you tend to overeat in the evenings, then take a warm shower before dinner. 5-7 minutes, and you already have a completely different mood and attitude towards food. Try it - it works.

At the most crucial moments, people appeal to their inner voice, but in rare cases they receive a clear answer.
Often in very important situations there is a lack of correct information and hints. At such moments, intuition becomes the most devoted, powerful assistant. As one of the languages ​​of the subconscious, intuition is the invisible guiding hand of a higher power, a guide in the dark, a generous one. Thanks to intuition, a person seems to be walking along an illuminated road, and all other paths are lost in the dark.

Definition of intuition

What is intuition and how to develop it correctly? In another way, it is also called premonition, but for the most part it is a person’s ability to recognize information using not the voice of reason, but sensations and feelings. But not everything is so simple, because not every person knows how to correctly tune in to the wave of his soul. There is no other way to get in there. Science still does not recognize intuition as a tool for accessing the subtle world, and does not rely on the veracity of the information received. The voice of intuition is something extremely subtle, individual, elusive, opening its doors only to a select few. She cannot be controlled, much less forced to give exactly the information that is needed. Studying this subject requires a lot of patience, as well as painstaking work on your soul and body. At the same time, it has a mystical character, because there are known facts when exactly what intuition suggested came true down to the last detail. People you meet throughout your life can help and push you in the right direction, but you have to look for the key to your soul yourself.
Each personality has its own path, a certain life scenario, from which weak people sometimes turn away. But intuition will always give signals to return a person to his path. The inner voice is able to suggest solutions to problems, answer any question, thanks to which the shortest path to the goal will appear.
The main thing to realize is that if there is no goal, there is no happy opportunity. To find out your path, you need to clearly understand where to go, as well as why. If a person does not know where he wants to go, then it does not matter which way he goes. The problem is that at the end of the journey it will be unbearably painful from the understanding that the goal and dream have been missed, and the path has been taken along someone else’s path. But, unfortunately, it will be too late.

How to learn to listen to yourself?

It is noteworthy that young children have an innate connection with their inner voice, but under the influence of society this thin thread is quickly interrupted. Intuition stops working because it is not used, it has been forgotten. It’s as if a person doesn’t move for a long time and the muscles of his legs and arms atrophy, the same thing happens with the work of intuition. It is very difficult to restore this connection again, for some it takes many years.
It would seem that it could be simpler - just listen to yourself, but in fact it is hard personal work and working on yourself for a long time. Only if, under certain critical circumstances, a certain impulse occurs, a request to “turn on” the power of intuition, miracles begin.
What factors help you listen to your inner voice:

  1. Physical exercise. It’s not for nothing that yogis exhaust themselves with practices, stretching and gymnastics. These classes help you take full control of your body.
  2. It is necessary to fast on certain lunar days in order to learn to pacify the feeling of hunger, cleansing the body.
  3. Asceticism in the form of giving up junk food, smoking, alcohol, sex is necessary in order to control passions, preventing them from taking over the mind, mastering oneself.
  4. A healthy body in symbiosis with tamed instincts makes it possible to learn to listen to your inner voice.
  5. Cleansing the body of harmful toxins and waste. You need to drink plenty of water, follow a proper diet, and periodically fast.
  6. Getting rid of acute and chronic ailments, fighting excess weight. It is much easier to listen to intuition when a person feels healthy in his body, and unpleasant sensations do not interfere.

When a person spends all his free time distracted by drinking, delicious food or chronic illnesses, it will be very difficult to concentrate on personal perception. There is simply no time or energy left to work on yourself. It’s not for nothing that the famous saying goes: a healthy mind in a healthy body.

Practical exercises for developing the sixth sense

Before waiting for clues from the subconscious, you need to know approximately in what form they will come. You should not expect clues from Heaven or other grandiose signals. On the contrary, you should pay close attention to any small details and sensations that occur in everyday life. Many people don’t even realize that a message from above can come from TV, a telephone conversation, or loud phrases from the crowd. The main thing is not to rely on the mind, because it interprets the present only through the program of the past and associations.
It is very effective in a controversial situation to pay attention to the sensations in the body. You need to completely trust your feelings in order to distinguish between negative and positive feelings. When you have to make an important decision quickly, the body gives the right hints.

  • Exercise No. 1 “Answer from the heart”
    There is a fairly simple exercise for developing intuition. It gently teaches you to listen to your inner voice. You need to ask a question in your mind that interests you, and then listen to the sensations in your heart and solar plexus. The same applies in situations where a quick, decisive response is required. If unpleasant, pressing spasms occur in the area of ​​the heart, you should be as careful as possible. Warmth, peace, harmony in the heart means that a person is moving in the right direction. There are many different body signals, so even a whole science - kinesiology - was created to decipher them.
  • Exercise No. 2 “What’s in the letter?”
    You can develop and learn intuition using regular emails. To do this, you should, without looking at the new message, try to feel what message it contains, what information. It is best to turn to your feelings, which are especially pronounced if you temporarily drown out the flow of thoughts. For example, when focusing on writing, a feeling of anxiety, apprehension, or fear may arise.
  • Exercise No. 3 “Silence and emptiness”
    There is an excellent tool for harmonizing your mental as well as physical state - meditation. It is advisable to practice meditation before bed, when no one and nothing prevents you from relaxing your body, while calming your thoughts. Meditation teaches you to drown out the endless stream of repetitive thoughts and verbal garbage. Thanks to this, the voice of the soul awakens - intuition. In addition, this practice helps increase energy while helping to change patterned thinking. This exercise should become a habit; if you do it regularly, you will be able to quickly develop your sixth sense.

Learning not only to listen, but also to understand intuition is not easy, but if you support your goal with the right actions and do not deviate from this path, the result will be excellent. Events and people around will only be favorable. The path to developing intuition is difficult, and in order for it to become a reliable assistant in difficult situations, you must always remain aware.

A year and a half ago, I led a terrible lifestyle: I smoked and drank often. One day a friend persuaded me to smoke weed with him, before which we drank cognac. I came home with a wild burning sensation in my chest and a racing heartbeat. Mom saw that I wasn’t feeling well and made me take my blood pressure, it turned out to be 150/100 with a pulse of 13. I felt terribly bad, my legs were shaking, I was cold and my heart was on fire. I never thought about death, but at that moment I said goodbye to the white light. I ended up drinking more green tea and eventually fell asleep. Since that day I don’t smoke, drink alcohol or even coffee. But also since that day I have been tormented by a problem - every day it seems to me that I will die soon. Life has become unbearable, I’m afraid of everything, I can’t live normally, I listen to my heart constantly and measure my blood pressure a hundred times a day. Sometimes I really want to die so that this madness will stop, I don’t know what to do. My nervous system is shaken and I get nervous about everything. How to deal with this?
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Sonya, age: 20/11/23/2013


Sonya, your condition looks like panic attacks. I went through this myself. Contact a neurologist and tell us about your problem. He will prescribe medications that will help restore your nervous system. Health and good luck to you!

Ira, age: 32 / 11/23/2013

I think that if you cannot cope with an obsessive state, you need to see a psychotherapist so that he can prescribe an antidepressant. Believe me, it helps a lot. Or just take a sedative. Valerian, if taken in a course, helps better than expensive sedatives. Well done for stopping drinking and smoking!

Inessa, age: 26 / 23.11.2013

Sonya, it seems to me that such events must be used to your advantage. Thank God and fate. You have completely changed your lifestyle, and oh, how difficult it is to do!!!
There would be no happiness, but misfortune would help.
It’s the same with the fear of death. It can play a very positive role in your life. When you remember that you will die someday, you can no longer live “whatever”. You begin to ask yourself: “Have I done everything good that was in my power?! Can I do something good right now?! Am I wasting my time in meaningless parties? Or maybe someone needs it now? my kind word or encouraging smile?
I immediately remember that close people also do not last forever. They need your care and kind words NOW, and not later someday (equals never). You begin to monitor your actions, your words, your thoughts. In general, “hurry to do good.”
Try to direct your thoughts in this direction. Then “mortal memory” will only be a plus for you.
God bless you!

Elena Ordinary, age: 37 / 11/23/2013

Ulyana, age: 20/11/24/2013

You have a fear of death... You will accept death as an inevitability, we will all die one way or another someday... And it is impossible to control everything... I understand you perfectly, I was tormented by all this myself... One more thing! Don't beat yourself up! Distract yourself with something pleasant..or work..(study)

Ilya, age: 24 / 24.11.2013

Sonya, you know, it’s good that it seems to you that death is close. Don't get me wrong, the smell of death is always sobering and helps lead life in the right direction. Don’t be afraid of death, it will come anyway and you won’t feel it, especially when you have heart problems, people often die quietly... They just fall asleep. And this will happen ONLY when your time comes; no mortal is immune from this. And then why worry? You have taken the first steps towards a pious life - you have left bad habits in the past. And then, with God’s help, everything will sort itself out by itself. I’m telling you as a person who had three operations on his head (brain tumor), suffered from meningitis and a lot of other things, they also found something wrong with his heart.. Live. God decided to bring you to reason with that incident with pressure, not in order to constantly worry about it, but so that you mentally thank Him that you are alive, you have an incredibly healthy chance to change your life for the better! And in general, you will have everything is great no matter what!!

Svetlana, age: 28/11/24/2013

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