What does it mean to be responsible for your life.

Reviewed by Vladislav Chelpachenko on Jun 14 Rating: 4.5

Hello, dear friends!

What is responsibility? Why is it necessary for your growth? What methods of training responsibility are there?

I will answer these questions and talk about how to achieve awareness in your own life.

Are you responsible for your life?

Responsibility is one of the most important qualities of a person. It means being responsible for your life, which sounds quite scary if you think about it. Responsibility comes from the Latin word “respondere,” which means “to promise” or “to give in return.” Let's look at the main, in my opinion, features of this topic.

What happens when you take responsibility? You fulfill what you promised and exchange it for faith and energy. This applies both to you personally and to others.

What prevents us from taking full responsibility for our lives? Self-deception. A person tends to convince himself that he is not involved in the troubles that happen to him. Usually they use one of the strategies: blaming someone else (boss, colleague, employee, family, parents or state), an unfortunate coincidence of circumstances and the belief that next time it will be different - will not be!

What does responsibility affect? Each person is to blame for his own troubles and what happens in his life. Responsibility helps reduce the number of “unpleasant” events and forces you to look at them as opportunities and be prepared for other circumstances.

Are you a responsible person? Look at yourself from the outside. If you met yourself, what opinion would you have about yourself? Whatever your answer, we all have .

How to take responsibility for your life or how to train yourself to be responsible?

I will give you several methods for training responsibility, but I want to warn you right away: you should not try them all at once unless you are absolutely sure that you can handle it.

  • Set a global mission. Remember the great people: none of them set their goal at a million dollars or to achieve success. They wanted to change the world, and money and status came naturally. , but don't limit yourself.
  • Does what you do bring you closer to your goal? How does this affect you? A person does not stand still: he either moves forward or backward. Constantly check yourself and you can remove everything unnecessary from your life. I advise you to do this check for at least a month, because out of habit you will constantly forget about it. But I'm sure it will make a big difference in your life.
  • What do you do every 15 minutes? I encourage you to print it out and fill it out throughout the day. Every 15 minutes you need to record what you are doing. If any task takes you more than 30 minutes (that is, it must be entered 2 or more times), then the second and subsequent times you enter your task again only if you were distracted by something else. Thanks to this method, it is easy to see what you are spending your life on. You will be able to unlock the potential of using your time.
  • Keep reports. Keep a diary in which you write briefly about your day. It should show your current situation and your emotions.

In one of them I wrote that under no circumstances should you blame yourself for what you missed, didn’t write or didn’t say. Instilling healthy habits is a complex process and you shouldn’t waste energy and time on self-flagellation, it’s better to move on - forward.

How to report?

I decided to pay more attention to this because I consider this method one of the most effective and I use it myself, especially in business where it is critically important. I recommend that you use the following scheme to maintain your reporting:

  1. Impression of the day. It is important to indicate your emotional state here. If you want to “whine”, then do it and move on. By constantly observing your complaints, you will get tired of this activity, and you will change your perception of the world. But try to look at life more positively. Try to find positive moments in your day.
  2. What did you do? Write specifically: you earned 10,000 rubles, or made a financial report for August, or studied English for 3 hours. Write down what exactly today moved you towards your goal.
  3. What did you think? Write here your thoughts for the day and what was in your head. This can be not only a new invention or an innovative method of analyzing competitors, but also negative thoughts towards the state or boss, thoughts of hopelessness and the like.
  4. What did you say? Do you tell yourself that you will succeed? Are you kind to the world around you? Write what information you sent to this world.
  5. How do I feel about myself? This point will show you your attitude towards yourself. By realizing your problem (uncertainty, laziness, closedness or negative attitude), you can eliminate its root.

It is important to understand that each of these points leads to full awareness of your life. This will open you up and the truth may be difficult to accept, but by doing it you will change your life forever. In fact, this is enough to achieve personal and financial growth; nothing more is needed.

I wish success to those who decide to take the path of changing their lives. This is not an easy task, but if you move forward, you will achieve your goals.

If you take responsibility for your life, gradually everything will begin to change. Only for this you must be serious and decisive.

Indecision in this case is perhaps the worst thing. How often do we go with the flow, not in control of our lives, allowing external circumstances to determine our destiny.

Here's what renowned entrepreneur and life coach Anthony Robbins advises.

  1. Make a decision at the moment of enthusiasm.
  2. Make a commitment to see it through to completion.
  3. Tell yourself that your decision is final and everything will happen as you planned.

Unfortunately, most of us constantly break our promises to ourselves, that is, we lie to ourselves. And if you don’t trust yourself, you simply won’t be able to change anything in your life. How to be?

Challenge yourself

Don't dismiss this article. Don't put everything off until tomorrow. Make a decision Today. Let it be something that you have long wanted or planned to do. Promise yourself that you are halfway there. Tell yourself that you already have all the necessary qualities. After all, otherwise this idea would not have tormented you all this time.

According to researchers, if we make a commitment, especially publicly, the very desire to appear consistent motivates us to act in accordance with the decision we made. Can Commitment Change Behavior? A Case Study of Environmental Actions..

When we make a decision, we build a certain image of ourselves that corresponds to our new behavior.

We begin to perceive ourselves in accordance with this decision. If, as a result, our behavior for a sufficiently long time (about 4 months Commitment, behavior, and attitude change: An analysis of voluntary recycling.) corresponds to the decision made, our attitudes also change.

Fake it until it's true? No. Make a decision to change and stick to it. You don't have to pretend, but...


Make a decision, take responsibility for it, and communicate it to others. Make a rough action plan. Think about what you want to achieve and what you will need to do to achieve it.

And then create the conditions in which you will inevitably accomplish your plans. Don't leave yourself any loopholes. Over time, a responsible attitude towards life will simply become a habit.

It is difficult for every person to take responsibility for their own life into their own hands - and begin to act, take steps to change their own life for the better, to realize their plans and cherished desires. Irresponsibility is a disease of modern society. A person blames reality, fate and other people for his troubles. Understanding that everything depends on the person is very important, if a person wants to become truly free and strong - you need to accept that everything depends on the person, just learn to act and live in the moment here and now.

A huge reluctance to take responsibility and the total irresponsibility of people is a familiar picture of the existence of people in modern society. Nobody wants to be responsible for anything and shifts responsibility onto the shoulders of others: the state, unfair fate, other people or chance.

This attitude towards oneself and the surrounding reality is instilled, as a rule, from childhood, and the comparative majority of people reject the idea that everything depends on the person, accepting, on the contrary, that the root cause of one’s troubles and problems must be sought around oneself. It all starts small - with an unwillingness to take responsibility for one’s actions, shifting the blame onto other people’s shoulders. The essentially innocent question “Who offended you?” cultivates in the child the sprouts of irresponsibility and the desire to tell lies on another at every opportunity. Gradually, a person gets the hang of it, and any unpleasant situation or problem that arises shifts attention to the external environment - and an active search begins for someone who can be blamed and considered involved in what happened.

Responsibility for your life fades into the background; instead, a person learns to play the game of finding those to blame for his troubles already at a more conscious age. The government with its “unfair” laws, the surrounding reality with its “laws of meanness”, the superiority of the rich over the poor, the one-directionality of the laws of society in general, the injustice of fate, fate or fate and life in general are also used. No one will be surprised by the endless debates in the media regarding who should be held responsible for this or that social institution, event, incident, problem. Various options are proposed, but few come to a single conclusion, because in the distribution of responsibility no one wants to place it primarily on their own shoulders.

An irresponsible attitude towards oneself, thus, is gradually consolidated in a person from childhood and throughout his life, because it is “convenient” not to be responsible for anything and to present oneself in a better light, nominating someone else responsible instead of oneself. However, all people want to live happily and have more freedom in their thoughts, actions and actions. And for this they do not need to seek the protection of the powers that be, otherworldly forces, or just sit and hope for a happy accident. As the practice of recent years has shown, such an attitude towards oneself and the world is fundamentally wrong. And a person who has finally decided to become freer and stronger needs to take the first step - take responsibility for what he has at the moment and begin to act .

All thoughts, beliefs, attitudes, laws (including a huge number of real laws of society and current law) represent mental material stored deep inside every person. This material is used by a person as a guide to action, and also forms his perception filters, with the help of which events in the surrounding world are assessed in accordance with the standards, attitudes and rules inherent in a person.

Human irresponsible(especially if we consider the extremely neglected version) will assess each situation with amazing clarity: the state for him is enemy number one with its thieving government, laws that clearly do not work in favor of the “common” person; surrounding people and reality are a source of enemies and envious people of the second order. It’s convenient to blame neighbors, passers-by, parents and other relatives, heredity and fate for lack of money, failures in your personal life, the state of your health, and other difficulties in life, including even a falling sandwich that certainly falls “butter side down.”

To understand the true reasons for human total reluctance take responsibility for your life, one must turn to the very mental material he has accumulated throughout his life: all his thoughts, false beliefs and limiting conclusions regarding what and who in life should be considered a cause and what a consequence. This material is not stored on the surface, i.e. It will not be possible to look for it in the conscious area - you will have to go deeper, into the subconscious.

It is the subconscious that stores all the mental material accumulated by a person during his life. You can get rid of this material using a special procedure - deprogramming the subconscious - which allows you to remove the importance, the “charge” of this material, thus eliminating the most subconscious roots of a big human problem called irresponsibility.

In the human psyche, this material is so intertwined and confused that you will have to work through everything in order to gradually free yourself from it. Such elaboration is necessary, of course, for those who have finally decided to be free and strong, who do not want to shift the responsibility of life onto the shoulders of others, and who want, finally, to be the one who will independently change their life in the desired direction and see the root cause of everything that happens around them. of his events - in himself. Such a person, no longer tied to his mental attitudes (which once dictated to him a position of sacrifice and lack of faith in his own strength), will look at the world around him differently - as an arena of wonderful opportunities, and not a conglomerate of enemies and dangers; he will accept free independent decisions and learn to simply act to realize their intentions.

Deprogramming the subconscious can be done using special psychotechnics aimed at working with a person’s mental material. Such an effective psychotechnic is the system Turbo gopher, which provides tools for transitioning from the state of " tyrant-victim"in the position of freedom, strength, desire live here and now.

Turbo gopher is not a pill that you can swallow and quietly wait for all the problems to resolve on their own. This is a system that shows HOW and with what help INSTRUMENTS you can gain - freedom and the opportunity to finally start living here and now, how to learn to live with responsibility for your life and how to start taking action , to change life in the direction in which you want to change it.

System for practitioners who understands, it’s time to act, that any result (including deprogramming your subconscious from unnecessary mental material) is achievable through independent efforts, who does not hold on to their “unique” beliefs, thoughts and does not want to continue living in an irresponsible sleep. You just need to act, when everything unnecessary goes away, then new sensations awaken, a new taste for life. If this is about you, then you should download the book Turbo Gopher to begin the process of your personal transformation from an irresponsible victim into a free and strong person with enormous opportunities in life.

The information in this article is the result of the personal experience of its author, all articles are written based on their own results of using the system and are not intended to convince anyone of anything.

This site is a personal initiative of its author and has no relation to the author of the Turbo-Suslik technique, Dmitry Leushkin.

The main problem with music in Russia is not thieving directors.

The main problem with music in Russia is not the sound producer.

The main problem with music in Russia is not priests or cops.

The main problem of music in Russia is YOU personally.

Zakhar Mai "The Main Problem"

Stumble upon a call to take the responsibility You can now at every step.

As if it’s not enough that it’s constantly expected of us in the family and at work, now it’s also talked about in various literature on success, mentioned in all sorts of methods of working on oneself, and in general, it’s not written on fences.

Like, for some reason you must first of all accept responsibility for everything that happens to you. This is the only way you can influence something.

I must disappoint you. This is true.

By the way, it is at this stage that a blockage most often occurs, due to which many quite effective psychotechniques and psychotechnics do not work. If you have tried some well-known technique, but the desired does not happen, in 90% of cases it is a matter of responsibility. More precisely, the fact is that you forgot about it.

This is despite the fact that we seem to be trying with all our might to take on this very responsibility, and we talk a lot about it.

What does it mean, after all, to take responsibility? What do they all want from us?!

Let's figure out once and for all what numerous authors mean.

Let's start with how we are generally used to approaching responsibility and what we mean by this.

We are accustomed to approaching it as something external. What you can take on yourself can be transferred to another, or even divided. "Equally" or "fairly."

All this is true if we are talking about formal, official responsibility. About official responsibility for some events. Material liability for specific objects. Legal responsibility, finally. That is, where the conditions, risks and penalties are clearly specified.

This is where the subtlety lies. Because all this has very little to do with the responsibility that the mentioned books and methods are talking about.

Therefore, when you try to approach personal internal responsibility as a formal responsibility, God knows what usually begins.

Namely, the search for ways to replace the criteria of formal responsibility (those very conditions, risks, penalties, etc.) with something so personal that one could present and demonstrate to oneself and others instead of official “analogues”.

Anything can be used for this. Increased tension. Pathetic seriousness. Proud arrogance. Self-pity. In especially severe cases, we just immediately begin to tear our shirts off our chests and at the same time exude a sense of self-importance from every pore at the mere mention of the enormous burden, extent and depth of our “responsibility.”

And if something didn’t go as planned, we are overtaken by a feeling of guilt. Accompanied by a firm decision to fix everything yourself. Without asking anyone for help. Even if through superhuman efforts. Or resign yourself and suffer. Alone. And punish yourself in every possible way. After all, this great RESPONSIBILITY lies with us as a heavy burden.

You're already laughing, right? It looks a bit strange from the outside, right? However, this happens systematically to most of us.

Do you know what's the strangest thing about this?

Firstly, these games have absolutely nothing to do with responsibility. Secondly, they are completely lacking in practical use. Nobody needs them for anything. Even you.

But this is exactly how most of us imagine responsibility for what is happening. And most often, nothing more intelligible is put into this word.

Mania of control, feelings of guilt, and increased anxiety are taken for “responsibility.” Anything except, in fact, responsibility itself.

So here it is. In reality, as is usually the case, everything is much simpler. Much.

Imagine that you are sitting in the driver's seat of a speeding car. And are you wondering whether to take the helm? Or share it with drivers of other cars and pedestrians? Or maybe give it up altogether? What is the right thing to do? To take control or not to take control?

Whatever choice you make - who is driving the car now? That's right, on you.

Will it make any difference whether you decide to accept it or refuse it? Absolutely true, just the result of the trip.

But you will still be driving. At least close your eyes, or even turn away altogether. There is no one else.

I think you understand me. Responsibility for what is happening, of course, cannot be taken or laid down. It is impossible to accept or refuse responsibility. The only thing that can be done with responsibility is to acknowledge the fact that it exists. Open your eyes, grab the steering wheel and put your feet on the pedals. And whether you panic or are calm, feel sorry for yourself or proud - absolutely nothing changes.

Responsibility cannot be divided into parts. She doesn't have any parts. And even if there were, they would be of as much use as the fragments of the steering wheel that resulted after it was “divided into parts.” She's completely on you. Always. In any situation.

Think about this without trying to habitually look for allegories and allegories. This should be taken literally. Everything that happens is done by you yourself. Dot.

Another question is how consciously you do this.

If you turn the steering wheel with your eyes closed, it’s really difficult to understand that it was you yourself who turned towards the pole, and not “fate brought it,” or a harmful pole suddenly grew where it shouldn’t have.

You didn't see it. Boom - that's all. The circumstances of harsh reality hit me painfully right in the forehead. Well, that's life, sometimes it hits. Let's reproach its injustice, scold the vile pillars, and then go and pray for improvement - to God, the universe, the subconscious, the universe, nature, or some other unknown bullshit.

It’s true, it’s much calmer this way. Is it better to blame yourself for everything?

Good afternoon dear friends!

Very often we avoid responsibility for fear of losing freedom and independence from circumstances. The habit of shifting the blame for failures onto anyone but yourself is dangerous and contagious.

Because of the fear of failure and not being able to cope with the volume of expectations, a person is likened to the position of an ostrich and is panicky afraid of any manifestation of an action, be it getting married, deciding to have a child, or quitting a hated job. How to take responsibility for your life and receive the well-deserved benefits of the Universe?

In today’s material, I have selected 10 reasons that can change your perception of responsibility and help you look differently at your own capabilities and prospects. Shall we begin?

Reason 1. The role of the victim or the winner?

In order to understand the beauty of the responsibility assigned to oneself, it is worth taking a closer look at way of perceiving what is happening around. People who are afraid to use their own brain, logic, will, as well as confidence in action, suffer from strange complex - avoidance.

This amazing ability originates from victim position. The essence of this behavior doomed to fail, because no matter what he does, the result will depend on the actions of other people.

For example, to the question: “ Why is everything like this?", the individual will offer many amazing facts-justifications, the key figure of which will be collective mind, which was completely out of hand. Bad state, era, epoch, neighbors, company director, illnesses and other treasure trove of lists.

In order to change approach to such a formation of beliefs, it is worth accepting true purpose- only you are responsible for how life is built!

No one except you is able to change or generate the necessary resources for your needs.

Having built thinking in winner's position, you will open up many perspectives that bring choice and responsibility for actions.

Reason 2. Personal experience.

Sometimes a person can allow strangers to live their lives. You could see a sad picture - a mother, although she is one of the most important people on Earth, makes decisions when the child is 40, a friend always knows how best to run a business, although he himself cannot boast of such an achievement, the other half is definitely confident in that her vision of the world is true and must certainly be translated into reality.

And where in all this abundance of lives and other people’s decisions are you? Are you comfortable trusting in all matters the opinions of other people who are not necessarily doing the right thing? And if something doesn’t go according to plan, who do you blame? Yourself or the collective mind?

By purchasing someone else's experience, and not yours, you risk being left with nothing in the end. After all, ideas are not among your achievements, all work is also not the result. your panting, sweat and blood.

By refusing to blindly follow the route of other two-legged creatures, you will develop your own unique and inimitable strategy, bringing his own contribution to the treasury of achievements.

Reason 3. The usual “tomorrow”

This point is common to many individuals who fanatically believe that if sit and wait, when someone solves all the problems, this will definitely happen.

Postponing life for later, for a ghostly tomorrow, you can end up getting the present Nothing and Never.

Paradoxical but true! We convince ourselves in every possible way that we will begin to act when we enlist the support of funds, motivation and the necessary concentration of desire.
For example: " When will we have a baby?“- a loving wife can ask her husband. And he receives a banal answer: “ Well, when we get back on our feet, we’ll buy an apartment, get a dog and ensure financial stability" Sounds familiar, doesn't it?

What if this illusory tomorrow does not happen at all? Random circumstances bring not only good, but sometimes bad news. There is no need to delay the implementation of the plan in a dark, phantom box. After all, tomorrow may not exist, or suddenly it will be much worse today?

Reason 4. Role model

In cases where adults don't take responsibility for their own lives, and are already parents, then what they set an example to the younger generation?

Programming yourself and your children with the principle: “ Eh, somehow it will decide on its own or it’s better without me“, you strengthen the belief that you need to do nothing, but wait until the river carries you down the stream to the shore. Is this the right shore? Did you want to swim to him?

You need to build your life balanced and taking into account the future successful continuation of its kind. Only in this case, you will not degrade. After all, there is no static situation in life: you either work on improving it, or roll back to the baseboard at the speed of sound.

Eradicating the opportunity to refuse, fuss and make excuses- you progress and develop. Children picking up parental activity, their proper participation in life and control of all important areas will definitely become than peers. I think you want your child to become better than you?

Reason 5. Conflict management and freedom!

It is possible that a person who refuses to accept responsibility for what is happening does not know how to behave in a situation. And they cut our hair on almost every corner. A team at work, a nervous boss, waking up on the wrong foot of loved ones - all this is a reason to practice the necessary behavior under conditions of such an obsession.

How does it usually happen? A man who is afraid be present in your life- sincerely strive to be unidentified, do not intrude into any difficult situations that require immediate solutions. And solving a problem for him is enormous stress and panic attack.

But without working through and practicing conflict situations, in order to obtain the necessary experience, you might just end up overboard reality. And do the same evasive, stupid things.

By taking responsibility into your own hands, you will have the opportunity to be a free person and manage resources, yourself and the right to make a decision personally, without unnecessary explanation.

Reason 6. Adult child

What does the phrase mean for a modern person: “ You need to grow up!"? No, it does not mean that you need to walk with a serious face, give up fooling around or games.
She says it's time take responsibility for your life and start it build with your own hands.

As children, we are accustomed to the fact that adults will decide everything. They provide shelter over their heads, a supply of food, and they have the final, decisive word.

This is logical when you are 18, but if you are 50, and the model you are used to from the cradle has not transformed, you should think hard: “ What will I do when I'm alone? »

Reason 7. Achieve the maximum

The desire to become outstanding personality and provide yourself and your loved ones with comfort, happy stay, is not possible without you taking responsibility for what you do.

Every action carries with it the pursuit of some goal: getting a prestigious job, making the right contacts, etc.

Feeling innate intuition, can tell you the right ways to invest your energy, savings and bets. Self-awareness as master of your life, can completely change your day, outlook and goals.

Once, the level of confidence that your actions focused on achieving dreams, and not avoidance - will outweigh, then the desire to move faster will spur you to unknown possibilities and will definitely please you effectiveness.

Reason 8. Try again! And again!

Sometimes, loss of control awaits us with bated breath. Life is full of mysteries and adventures and sometimes, not pleasant news that pulls the rug out from under your feet.

Illnesses of loved ones, experienced stress, dismissal, deception or frame-up of friends, hit the head with an iron anvil and beat off any .

But! Don’t get hung up on failures and be afraid to try to get your life back on track.

As they say, everything that is not done - for the better !

So take the most useful thing from this situation - experience and move on, without making the same mistakes.

A person is formed by the amount of effort applied and... Remember this when the urge to give up becomes almost overwhelming. victory over reason.

Reason 9. Under a lying stone, water does not flow!

This is not surprising, because how can something magical will happen, if all day long you are busy with an important task - spitting at the ceiling?

Activity is due your desire to get the most out of life. If you ignore all the gifts and opportunities of fate, then what is the point of complaining about it?

When was the last time you did something? Invested in education additional experience, master class, knowledge? How often do you spend time thinking strategy and plans for the future ?

It is thanks to your strength, passion and perseverance that you can move mountains! So what are you waiting for, go ahead!

Reason 10. Stop whining and crying!

This is perhaps the most common behavioral misconception I have encountered. I wonder where the desire to see the negative in everything and revel in self-pity comes from, while without doing or changing anything ?

If you are not happy with something, remember that you are not a tree! You have the right to tear the loin off the sofa and take action in order to change the negative impact factor.

Dear friends! That's all.

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See you on the blog, bye-bye!