Study of Jupiter in square to the sun. Problems with Jupiter

March 2017 will give Taurus a long-awaited vacation. Compared to the end of winter, the beginning of spring will be calm, favorable to cultural pastime and self-education. Representatives of the sign will more often attend various events and become interested in the basics of psychology, the world of art, and spiritual practices. Even pragmatic individuals fixated on material benefits, you will want to understand the actions of colleagues and business partners.

The Taurus horoscope for March 2017 warns of a crisis in relationships with your significant other. Already from March 4, Venus, the planet of love, and also the patroness of Taurus, becomes retrograde. Moving backwards, she will force you to reconsider old connections with your close circle, relationships with loved ones, children. Since the planet also affects finances, it is not recommended to make expensive purchases. Until April 15, you should not invest money in anything or lend money. If you really want to update the interior of your home, it is better to limit yourself to rearranging the furniture.

Taurus love horoscope for March 2017

The period from March 4 to April 15 is absolutely not suitable for starting romantic relationships, weddings, weddings. Adoption important decisions It is better to postpone issues related to starting a family and planning a child until after May 5th. March 2017 will shake up many Taurus people. Conflicts with loved ones and children clearly hint at the need to introduce reforms in family life. There is no need to accuse anyone of callousness or stubbornness; it is better to analyze the current situation in a calm atmosphere and try, together with your family, to find a way out that will suit everyone.

Favorable days for love in March 2017 for Taurus: March 3, 4, 5, 6, 14, 15, 16, 24, 25, 30, 31.

Financial horoscope Taurus for March 2017

The Taurus horoscope for March 2017 recommends calmly dealing with any delays in payments or financial difficulties. All these troubles are temporary. It is better for Taurus to focus on those projects that do not get out of control. March is great for exploring the potential of colleagues and partners. Perhaps some connections have become burdensome and ineffective, well, the time has come to free yourself from them.

In March 2017, many Taurus will want to radically clean up the contact list on their phone. If people only bring trouble and drag you down, you need to say goodbye to them kindly, thanking them for the lessons they taught. If, on the contrary, you want to attract into your life some of your old acquaintances with whom you have not had contact for a long time, you need to remind these people about yourself.

Favorable days for money in March 2017 for Taurus: March 1, 2, 3, 4, 11, 12, 13, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 30, 31.

Health horoscope for the sign Taurus for March 2017

In March 2017 Special attention You need to pay attention to your lungs and throat. Natural juices, herbal teas, walks on the fresh air. It is not recommended to change your image or plan serious cosmetic procedures or surgeries.

> Aspects

You can find out what aspects were between the planets at the time of your birth.

Francis Sakoyan. Aspects of.

An exaggerated opinion of oneself, a desire to achieve a lot without discipline or thought. All this leads to frustration when trying to expand your sphere of influence. Defensive reaction- pronounced egoism. We must learn patience, developing the qualities of Saturn, gain experience and discipline; it will take time, but it will bring success. Tendency towards extravagance in matters of houses and signs. We must beware of foolish optimism and rash actions, and develop our personality. They are generous indiscriminately, but often with an afterthought. Restlessness and love of change are dangerous.

A child can show boundless optimism. Or the child may have an exaggerated opinion of himself and his capabilities, wanting to achieve a lot without discipline or reflection. All this leads to frustration when trying to expand your sphere of influence. We must learn patience, gain experience and discipline; it will take time, but it will bring success.
The child sometimes feels that the father expects too much from him, and then, perhaps, the child constantly “embellishes” the truth about his successes in order to hear words of recognition and praise from the father.

S.V. Shestopalov. Aspects of.

Explosive character, prone to adventure and adventure, rebellious, aggressive, obstinate, overly independent and freedom-loving, proud, frivolous, careless, self-confident, underestimating dangers, which leads to miscalculations.
wasteful, gambling, eccentric, despising social conventions, irritable, hot-tempered, loving luxury, unfair.
If a person works on himself, then such aspects can give him a fighter for justice, a fighter against the evil and vices of society, the injustice of his superiors, the desire to sacrifice his well-being for the sake of others, fearlessness, courage, determination, nobility, honesty, directness and frankness.

Catherine Aubier. Astrological dictionary.

Opposition, quadrature: here we should, on the contrary, add a bit of radicalism. The desire to see oneself as important and indispensable can develop into delusions of grandeur. A person is not satisfied with what he has; he is always sure that the height of his position does not at all correspond to the greatness of his merits. He becomes obsessive, demands with all his might a worthy reward, complains to the whole world for not being recognized, not understood, not appreciated. Suspicious, self-centered, he does not see beyond his own nose. Therefore, often he can only reject and criticize what is inaccessible to him, that is, the power, the power of others, or resort to dubious and even illicit methods to achieve them. The basis is always a rebellion against the authority of the paternal model.

No Monster. Aspects of.

An exaggerated opinion of oneself, a desire to achieve much without much discipline or thought. Hence the disappointments. The defensive reaction is selfishness. Tendency towards extravagance. Generous to everyone indiscriminately, but often with an afterthought. They are dangerous because of their restlessness and love of change.

K.V. Selchenok. Anatomy of fate. Interpretation of horoscopes.

They often contribute to the formation of arrogance and extreme egocentrism - such a person is inclined to think that he can do whatever he pleases. True, if he manages to establish a balance with generally accepted standards and clearly prioritizes goals and methods, he can achieve what he wants with determination and assertiveness. Often such people show unreasonable boundless optimism and a tendency to excessive enjoyment of food and sexual pleasures, as well as alcohol abuse. Often such people are sure that they belong to the category of unlucky people; often criminal and civil intrigues are woven around them (not without their participation - conscious or unconscious). They often suffer losses due to conflicts and quarrels, and often part with property due to ill-considered debts, so that their well-being and material wealth are constantly under threat.
Difficulties of an official nature are associated with excessive pride and arrogance, as well as with a tendency to overexertion, prejudice and excessive extravagance. Often the health of such people is poor, which is associated with impaired liver and cardiovascular system activity. Often such people turn out to be kind, but deeply unhappy; they are often sure that they are poor and deprived of fate. They usually have an exaggerated opinion of themselves.
There is a lack of self-discipline and patience, they are sometimes stupidly generous, immoderately generous, prone to committing rash acts and losing authority due to rash actions. They always want to achieve everything without bothering to think and without wanting to make efforts to self-discipline and streamline the situation. They often promise a lot Furthermore, which they are able to actually do, which to a large extent undermines their reputation.

Absalom the Underwater. Aspects of.

Square of the Sun: The mirror should not be blamed under any circumstances.
The square of the Sun puts the Planet under the attack of disharmonious impulses of human will and imperative external circumstances. At the same time, the person himself is not inclined, of course, to consider his expressions of will disharmonious, and at a low level he will not notice either his rudeness, rigidity, or incompetence, but he will very subtly sense the indicated qualities of the environment and other people when the principle of the Planet turns on. At the second or third levels of elaboration of the square, it will seem to a person that he has an external and internal enemies The planetary principle, the purpose of which is not to give, sometimes in the crudest form, the opportunity to manifest itself. For example, with the Sun square to the Moon, a person will from time to time, as if against his will, make gross mistakes and tactlessness in dealing with women and, perhaps, secretly fear and dislike them, at the same time experiencing a strong craving for them, because internal image the woman-mother will be significantly distorted and active in him. If the Sun is in Aries, aggression and harshness are likely, if in Pisces - false positions and false initiatives with unpleasant consequences, etc. Here the karmic program is that a person is prescribed strict restrictions in freedom of expression and initiative in areas governed by the Planet , but are required highest manifestations solar principle, i.e. constant impersonal attention to what is happening in the spheres of the Planet; external initiative is allowed only when forced by external circumstances, and then in a minimal amount, since, as a rule, it leads to disharmonious consequences. From point of view internal development this aspect is very promising in relation to the acquisition (in the sphere of influence of the Planet) of true power over oneself and the transition to serving a higher egregor, which means more creative and internal free life. With good energy, you can try to master the disharmonious external will and direct it past yourself to those around you - the aspect of black teachers, especially when the Sun’s square to higher planets. Elaboration gives the ability to work subtly, according to the barely audible instructions of a high egregor, to weave openwork threads of the finest karma, sometimes relating to the distant future.
Square Jupiter: True greatness needs not to be proven, but to be measured.
Jupiter's square promises the Planet a lot... unfortunately, most often it is limited to these promises. In the spheres governed by the Planet, a person feels his greatness, not only potential, but also actual, but those around him, as a rule, do not see the second or question it, and for some reason the first cannot be demonstrated. The Square of Jupiter gives the Planet an expansion, but something that is not what a person wants: either in the wrong direction, or in a style alien to it, or not at all; at least that's what it seems to a person. This square (it can be called the aspect of Lucifer) gives the temptation of pride, superficiality, too easy obtaining not quite what a person would like, and not at all what he needs for evolutionary development. In the spheres of the Planet, a person is characterized by a constant superficial interest in “higher matters”, philosophical generalizations and abstract religious approaches, but in this interest he tends to stop precisely at the point where something really important and interesting for him begins, but which is not in the form of a luxurious Jupiterian gift, and requiring minimal concentrated effort. For example, a square Venus - Jupiter with accentuated Jupiter can give a person who will attract a large number of love, will be at first glance beautiful, interesting and unusual, but in specific love relationships will be absolutely filled with himself, his beauty and general splendor, and completely unable (and unwilling) to cast even a fleeting glance at his partner, which as a result gives a feeling of complete loneliness and hopelessness in terms of social (not to mention emotional and sexual) contacts, but it doesn’t reduce self-esteem.
Karmically, this aspect means a requirement (in the spheres of the Planet) to learn to be very careful and careful about the gifts and opening doors of fate, to understand what they imply further work and are ultimately intended for the world, not the person himself. At a low level, a person in the relevant areas is inclined (if there is a minimal opportunity) to play the role of a generous benefactor, which he succeeds extremely poorly, since his self-interest and the inadequacy or unnecessaryness of benefits are transparently visible, and the general clumsiness in this case causes more irritation than pity or gratitude ( the latter will probably be of great concern to the person). Working through gives you the rare ability to karmically correctly manage your luck and, by refusing false opportunities and temptations, receive the priceless gift of true help for spiritual path, as well as vision similar problems others also have the ability (in the spheres of the Planet) to guide another on the true path, showing him the karmic role of his temptations and temptations, and especially personal arrogance and pride.

I worked in an appraisal company for more than a year, and I know firsthand how important a correct, adequate assessment of anything, including oneself, is, because this is the key to success. If the appraiser undervalued the property/car/business, he may have serious problems, but if, on the contrary, he overestimated the object of evaluation, believe me, there will be no less troubles. Everything requires balance and a golden mean. If we do not consider ourselves worthy of anything, then our immediate environment will think the same way. However, there are special individuals who clearly overestimate themselves and their strengths. Often in the natal charts of such people you can see a tense aspect between the daylight and Jupiter. Many of the owners of this aspect really achieve a lot in this life; luck and fortune favor them! But there are also those who, with their inflated self-esteem, are essentially nothing.

A tense aspect of the Sun and Jupiter indicates that a person strives to occupy as much space as possible in life. If the owner of the aspect is, say, CEO, then he definitely needs it in every city of ours vast homeland have a branch or representative office. If the square/opposition of the Sun and Jupiter is in the chart of an actor, then this person, in addition to acting, will also engage in singing, launch a clothing line under his own name, write a book, become a TV presenter, and so on.

Actually, why does this happen? Let's try to understand the interpretation of this aspect from the point of view of astrological symbolism. Jupiter is the most big planet solar system, she is responsible for increase, expansion, expansion. The sun is ours, roughly speaking, it is ourselves. Therefore, a person with such an aspect in natal chart, will definitely strive to expand the zone of its authority.

Despite the fact that tense aspects, as a rule, give little positive, squares and oppositions with the participation of Jupiter are not perceived so hard, both for the person himself and for the people around him. Jupiter is not an evil planet, its nature is beneficial, and therefore the owner of the aspect will not be a harsh, cold, domineering person, as, for example, in the case of an aspect between the Sun and Saturn. Maximum negative qualities that such an aspect will bring is excessive love to yourself, big ego, a tendency to indulge oneself in anything, lack of discipline and reluctance to take responsibility.

The owner of the aspect has a hard time enduring situations when he is not the center of attention. Especially if the Sun in his chart is in the signs of fire, because fire, in itself, always strives for expansion, expanding its influence. And when someone nearby “shines” and thereby eclipses the light and brightness of a person with the aspect of the Sun and Jupiter, the latter can experience this very hard.

The square or opposition of the Sun and Jupiter can sometimes incline a person to live on wide leg, and strengthens his love for luxury. The owner of the aspect also certainly has adventurism. I often notice that with this aspect, a person can easily overstep the law, but this should not be confused with specific crime and serious criminal offenses. And, of course, one should evaluate the strength and weakness of Jupiter in each chart. For example, my friends - "adventurists", let's call them delicately, had either Jupiter in Gemini or Jupiter in Capricorn, that is, a weak Jupiter. But, I have a man I know in whose chart Jupiter in Pisces forms a square to the Sun in Gemini. He not only does not break the law, but, on the contrary, helps to catch and put behind bars criminals, since he specializes in solving computer crimes.

Once, one of my clients expressed herself very interestingly about her tense aspect between the daylight and Jupiter. She wrote that she had a real “allergy to authority.” You can’t say it more precisely! Yes, indeed, it is very difficult for such a person to bear pressure on himself from other people. He will have a constant desire to break out from under someone else's oppression. Sometimes the owner of the aspect may come into conflict with teachers, teachers, lawyers, that is, representatives of Jupiterian professions. Conflicts are possible with any people who are endowed with power, authority, and authority. A person will always think that he is smarter than others.

The owner of the aspect, as a rule, approaches life with optimism and faith in the best. This is perhaps the best thing that the intense interaction of these planets can give. Another important advantage of these aspects is the ability to find opportunities for expansion. Probably the saying " negative result- also the result" was invented by the Jupiterians! They believe in their lucky star, in the fact that it is they, and not someone else, who will be lucky. The ability to see opportunities where others see a dead end is, however, not only characteristic of tense aspects the Sun and Jupiter, but also the trine/sextile, as well as the conjunction. By the way, the conjunction of the Sun and Jupiter is equated to harmonious aspect.

Of course, such a person will have a great love for teaching, or rather teaching others. This gives him special pleasure, because in moments of moralizing, he can show his authority, increase self-worth. Sometimes a tense aspect of these planets indicates that the father was experiencing such weakness. By the way, as for the father. As I already wrote, aspects to to the daylight, often give the key to understanding the character of the native’s parent.

The Sun in square or opposition to Jupiter may indicate a father - a lawyer, lecturer, translator, that is, the aspect may affect professional field. Also, the interaction of these planets may indicate that the parent lived in grand style, was a cheerful person, but with a tendency to command and show authority.

The Sun/Jupiter, of course, endows a person with religiosity, faith in the existence of something higher, and almost always this aspect indicates an interest in foreign countries and travel.


Sun square Jupiter: Jules Verne, Jack Nicholson, Frank Sinatra, Margaret Thatcher, Nicolas Cage, George Clooney, Gwyneth Paltrow, Snezhana Onopko, Dmitry Malikov, Sergei Bezrukov, Sergei Sosedov, Svetlana Khodchenkova, Andrei Panin, Andrei Grigoriev - Apollonov, Alla Pugacheva, Victoria Bonya , Glucose, Evelina Khromchenko.

Sun opposition Jupiter: Vladimir Nabokov, Larisa Guzeeva, Andrei Makarevich, Lera Kudryavtseva, Oksana Fedorova, Alexander Revva, Kristina Orbakaite.

With love,