Physical vacuum and torsion fields. Torsion fields and man

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In the late 90s, torsion fields (torsio - rotation) were called the most promising discovery of the 20th century. The scientists who discovered them stated that torsion fields are the basis of the universe and a person, having learned to control the fields, will know God and can do everything.

Torsion fields have become the basis for loud statements, heated discussions and, accordingly, mutual insults. In the end, official science called the “torsionists” swindlers, the disgraced scientists disappeared somewhere, and by the year 2000 everything calmed down.

We decided to find out how one of the most notorious “scientific scandals” of the last decade ended, but we did not find any new information about torsion fields and the fate of the “torsion bar scientists” themselves.

Of all those who, one way or another, were involved in such research, we were able to contact only Alexander Shpilman, a “private scientist,” as he calls himself. His name appears in the list of 11 “main swindlers from pseudoscience” published by the Russian Academy of Sciences.

Now Alexander Shpilman lives in Kazakhstan, continues experiments with “fields” and edits the online magazine “Free Search”.

— Alexander Alexandrovich, there is an opinion that torsion fields are the future, that having learned to control them, a person will be able to create anti-gravity and perpetual motion engines, devices for teleportation and the like. Is it so?

Akimov torsion generator.

First we need to decide what we mean. There are many known phenomena that are inexplicable to modern traditional science. My point of view: trying to explain these phenomena using the “torsion field” theory is the same as explaining using the concept of “God”. However, both the first and second options are now widely used...

— In 1996, scientists A. Akimov and G. Shipov made sensational statements about the practical application of the torsion fields they discovered. They said that a torsion field generator had been created, and that NPO Energia was preparing to test the first flying saucer. At the same time, reports appeared about successful experiments in instant transmission of information, about the creation of metals with unusual properties, about experimental thermal installations with an efficiency of 500%. In general, we were talking about new types of energy obtained from practically nothing. Now, after five years, what can you say about the application of the properties of torsion (axion) fields in practice?

The same as in 1996... No need for wishful thinking!

— Are developments currently underway on torsion fields? The latest information about them dates back, at best, to 2000. Maybe the research is classified?

Of course it's classified. Terribly classified. It's terribly classified. How could it be otherwise, they might find out that “the king is naked”!

— What is an axion field and how does it differ from a torsion field?

- “Torsion field” is a hypothetical torsion of space. But, despite all the “twisting” of mathematics, it is definitely not clear how this twisting of space can be obtained and how this twisting will act on matter. Perhaps the well-known ordinary magnetic field is a “torsion field”. For now, all this mathematics remains only a hypothesis, from which in no way follows what the “torsion bar scientists” promise.

If we orient all the magnetic moments in an object in one direction, then we will have a magnetic field in the surrounding space. If we orient all the electric dipoles in an object in one direction, then we will have an electric field in the surrounding space. By analogy, if we orient all the spins of electrons and atomic nuclei in an object in one direction, then perhaps we will have a spin or axion field in the surrounding space.

In reality, the situation turns out to be more complicated than expected. And the “axion field” turns out to be not a field, but modified matter. Matter in a special condition. For example, let's try to imagine that the table at which we are sitting has moved a few moments into the future or past. The table disappeared. It is not in front of us. But through this place in space where the table was, the “global line” of the table in space-time will continue to pass. A mirage of the table will remain. The table (a few moments in the future or past) will be in a space with different physical properties, so it will no longer be the same table. For example, the manifestation of the wave properties of the table matter will increase.

Matter, the maximum density of which is shifted to the future or past, we conventionally call DS-state matter. That is, matter with a Deformed Spectrum of the quantum mechanical wave function of matter in space-time. (Ugh...)

Probably, the manifestation of the DS-state state of matter is what causes the effects that torsionists are trying to attribute to the “torsion field”. DS-state matter has many different characteristics, however, just like our still quite “material” table.

— Your commercial proposal for the sale of a torsion field generator can still be found on the Internet. Could you tell us about the capabilities of this device, how many people have purchased it from you and what feedback you have received?

You are wrong. We do not offer “torsion field” generators. I have not yet been able to apply the theory of “torsion fields” to any newly designed generator. This theory is unworkable. I have to use my home-grown working theoretical models. We conventionally call our generators “axion (spin) field” generators. Although this name is also incorrect. But what is the correct name? It's not clear yet.

In 90-93 we called our fields “charge-vector”.

In 1993, we began writing applications for inventions and had to look for names that were more well-known in science. We chose the most acceptable theory and name for us. This was the "axion field" theory, although the most popular at that time was the "microleptonic field" theory.

I mentioned the torsion field only once in passing, for which “Professor Concrete” disliked me. However, in my correspondence I did not strongly reject the term “torsion field”. Why constantly try to convince people? It's a matter of faith.

You understand that such generators, the design of which is described in detail and which are available, are difficult to find. Therefore, there are no generators made by us except in Antarctica.

Mostly people are having fun. For example, they have fun making alcoholic water. But the funniest thing is that this pseudofield can be touched with your hands and seen with ordinary vision. This is an unforgettable experience for a person.

Torsion generator based on the spatial-geometric principle

— Having learned that with the help of your generators it is possible to make alcohol from water, readers will think that we are talking about a moonshine still...

In water irradiated according to the scheme that can be found on the Internet, you will not find a single molecule of alcohol. But the effect of drinking such water is similar to the effect of drinking alcoholic beverages. Similar, but not completely identical. Therefore, I do not recommend drinking such water in large quantities. Until rigorous medical testing is done.

The capabilities and purpose of the generator are to conduct research work. Having read the writings of “torsion bar specialists”, many people wave a generator and wait for a miracle...

The problem is that “axion fields” have a strong effect on highly organized animals and humans, a weak effect on plants and microorganisms, and a very weak effect on inanimate (dense) matter. To obtain noticeable physical effects, high-power generators and a high-density “axion field” are required. But this is very dangerous for human health, so one has to balance on the brink of the desired achievement of physical effects and the safety of the experimenter.

The COMFORT generator we offer is the embodiment of this compromise.

— In the late 90s, the Presidium of the Russian Academy of Sciences created a Commission to combat pseudoscience and falsification of scientific research. The RAS called on the media “not to create or disseminate pseudoscientific and ignorant programs and publications,” and the commission published a “list of the main scammers from pseudoscience” and your name is mentioned in this list. Is the confrontation between the “swindlers” and the Russian Academy of Sciences continuing? Do adherents of “traditional” science exert any pressure on you?

It's an honor to be on this list. But, alas, this list was compiled by an old Stalinist scoundrel nicknamed “Professor Concrete”. This sycophant doesn’t even have a higher education. The best place for him to have discussions is at the bazaar.

I don’t know all the details of the struggle for chairs at the Russian Academy of Sciences, but the effect is very significant. Now many, if not most, Russian scientists look like mental patients with persecution mania. Finding out their personal opinion from them is the same as finding out state secrets. And the reason is quite clear. They can be excommunicated from the church under the name “Science” and anathematized. And at the same time you can run into meanness.

For example, the Russian Academy of Sciences sends letters to the governments of different countries, in which apostates from the “true faith” are called spies, and only in order to exclude the cooperation of unreliable scientists with foreign research teams. “Confrontation between “scammers” and the Russian Academy of Sciences” - what is a swindler? Anyone who has worked at a research institute knows how many “particularly important” scientific works are gathering dust on the shelves. I think the defining principle for the Russian Academy of Sciences is: one’s own - not one’s own swindler.

About pressure? So I live in Kazakhstan. I am a private, independent researcher. What to put pressure on? And all the attempts of people like “Professor Concrete” are actually advertising for me.

— Do you keep in touch with other scientists whose names are also on this “black” list? Do you know what they are working on now?

I somehow had no desire to study this list. I'm not a recluse. I correspond with researchers from many countries. And I cannot disclose details without mutual consent.

— How do you think, when will traditional science recognize the existence of intangible forces surrounding a person?

Never! It is very difficult to study something that does not exist. “Subtle matter” is matter. And where there is matter, life can exist (“Subtle World”). Now this can already be studied. This is what we need to build on.

— Please tell us about your own research. What are you working on now? Do you have students, like-minded people, followers?

I have no aspiration to become a teacher. I somehow don’t really need followers or fans either. I would prefer an interesting life for my own pleasure, and many friends with a sound mind and an open mind.

— Are similar developments being carried out abroad?

It seems that for some reason “over the distant hill” they have fallen behind considerably. But how long this gap will persist is a difficult question.

— What do you think about the terrorist attacks in the USA? In your opinion, is there a mystical (inexplicable) component to this tragedy?

Let's assume that our descendants have mastered time travel. We studied the laws of the relationship between the past and the future. And they decided to optimize their past... Remember the events preceding and following the collapse of the Soviet Union... The terrorist attacks in the USA are the beginning of a new stage in the accelerated (optimal) transformation of earthly civilization.

— Have you tried to imagine a new model of the universe?

The world is much more complex than we think. Life is in full swing all around. And what we observe depends on the narrowness of our perception.

p style="text-align: right;"> Alexander Shpilman

The term “torsion fields” appeared in 1922 to designate a hypothetical physical field that is generated by the torsion of space. Any rotating objects: planet, solar system, galaxy, person, stone, tree - generate torsion fields, which, interacting with each other, create new torsion fields. So what are torsion fields?


In the general theory of relativity, one of the most significant physicists of the 20th century, Nobel Prize winner Albert Einstein, was the first to show the deep relationship between gravity and the curvature of space.

He also tried to prove that the electromagnetic field, like the gravitational field, also comes from special properties of the geometry of space. But Einstein failed. However, the curvature of space is not its only characteristic. The so-called torsion of space was noticed by Elie Joseph Cartan, a professor at the University of Paris, at the beginning of the 20th century (1913). He formulated in one phrase what later turned out to be a fundamental physical concept: in nature there must exist fields generated by the density of angular momentum of rotation.

By the 70s of the last century, a new field of physics had formed - the Einstein-Cartan theory (ECT), which became part of the theory of torsion fields. Until the early 80s, the manifestation of torsion fields was also observed in a number of experiments, which, however, were not aimed at studying torsion phenomena specifically. But with the creation of torsion generators, in which Academician Anatoly Akimov once played an important role, the situation has changed dramatically. An opportunity has arisen to conduct large-scale research in this area. In 1993, academician Gennady Shipov published the book “The Theory of Physical Vacuum”, in which he theoretically substantiated torsion fields.

It turns out like this: electromagnetic fields are generated by charge, gravitational fields by mass, and torsion fields are generated by spin or angular momentum of rotation. Just as any object with mass creates a gravitational field, so any rotating object, in turn, creates a torsion field.


Scientists called torsion fields that carry information in its pure form primary, and fields that carry information along with energy - secondary. There are also tertiary torsion fields, which, in turn, are divided into variable and static. Let us consider only some general properties of torsion fields.

Torsion fields are formed around rotating objects and represent a collection of microvortices in space. Since matter consists of atoms and molecules, and atoms and molecules have their own spin (moment of rotation), any substance always has a torsion field. Since different substances have different sets of chemical elements, all substances, therefore, have strictly individual torsion fields. In addition, torsion fields are always generated by electromagnetic fields. There are also variable and static torsion fields. Static torsion fields, in turn, are generated due to the special geometry of space (due to the “shape effect” of objects such as cones and pyramids).

Connection with physical vacuum. Physical vacuum is a special form of matter consisting of elements formed by pairs of particles and antiparticles. The directions of rotation of the particle and antiparticle are opposite and are initially compensated, so the vacuum does not manifest itself. Also, a system consisting of a particle and an antiparticle is truly electrically neutral. Due to the opposite spins and true electrical neutrality, such a system does not have a magnetic effect.

Properties of a magnet. Unlike electromagnetism, where like charges repel, torsion charges of the same sign (direction of rotation), on the contrary, attract, and opposite charges repel.

If the technology of the 20th century was created in the middle of the century, then the technological basis
The 21st century has already been born - this is torsion technology. Torsion technologies allow
find a way out of all the dead ends of the technocratic development of civilization.
Torsion technologies cover all spheres of human activity, all
branches of the economy, medicine, science, art, everyday life. The beginning of the third millennium will be
marked by the dominance of torsion technologies.
Anatoly Akimov, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Academician of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences

Property of memory. Any object creates in space (in a vacuum) a stable spin polarization (a kind of “phantom”), which remains in space after the object itself is removed. Everyone has seen or heard a lot about places on highways where accidents constantly occur almost in a straight line. After each accident, a point of generation of negative torsion fields remains in these places, and with each subsequent accident the total component increases.

The next property is the gradual accumulation and long-term (over hours and days) preservation of the effect of exposure. For example, household electrical appliances, even if they are turned off and no longer emit electromagnetic waves, manage to spin up a left-handed torsion field during operation, which will continue to exist for some time.

A person’s torsion field, which carries information about his spirituality, state of health,leaves a copy of itself (spin replica) both on clothing and in the surrounding spacephysical vacuum. Spin imprint of a torsion field on one person’s clothingturns out to be significant for another person if he wears these clothes.

Old signs about the undesirability of wearing clothes “from someone else’s shoulder”, it turns out,have a completely reasonable justification. These conclusions apply equally to otherthings: paintings, tools, relics, etc.

The speed of propagation of torsion fields is almost instantaneous from any point in the Universe to any other point in the Universe (the group speed of torsion waves exceeds the speed of light a billion times).

The intensity of torsion fields does not depend on the distance from the field sources, and torsion fields do not have energy losses. They, like gravity, are not weakened when passing through physical media, i.e. they cannot be shielded by natural materials. You can't hide from them.

There is no time limit for torsion fields. Torsion signals from an object can be perceived from the past, present and future of the object.

A person can directly perceive and transform torsion fields, because thought has a torsion nature.


Torsion waves can be used, for example, to transmit information. In April 1986, the first experiments on transmitting information using torsion signals were carried out.

The transmission was carried out from the first floor of a building, which was located in one of the districts of Moscow, and the reception of torsion signals was also carried out in Moscow, but 22 kilometers from the source. The signal source was separated from the receiver by a large number of buildings, and, in addition, there were uneven terrain between these points. As part of this experiment, the torsion signal had to travel exclusively in a straight line through buildings and through the thickness of the terrain. It is worth noting that even if there were no terrain, then taking into account the density of buildings in Moscow, no matter how hundreds of megawatts of radio communication (radio transmitter power) we have at our disposal, this signal would not be able to get to the receiving point, since it would be almost completely absorbed these reinforced concrete barriers.

The power used to transmit the torsion signal in this experiment was only 30 milliwatts, which is almost 10 times less than the power consumed by a flashlight bulb. Naturally, with such a low power, no signal transmission (in the traditional sense) over a distance of 22 kilometers is simply impossible, not to mention the obstacles in the form of buildings and terrain. But, in spite of everything, the signal, due to its high penetrating ability, was received stably - it was not absorbed by either reinforced concrete buildings or the terrain.

In the second part of the experiments, the signal transmitter was transported directly to the point of its reception. And again the transmission of the torsion signal was repeated. The result was the same. This confirmed the absence of energy losses in torsion signals, which allows them not to be weakened even when passing through some natural environments.


Let's talk about water. Water is one of the most mysterious substances on Earth. Scientists are discovering more and more of its properties. It is known that ordinary water has memory, and recorded information can be stored by its molecules for as long as desired. But how exactly does the conservation process work?

A whole quantum theory of water memory was created. Let's explain it simply: a molecule of a certain substance, falling into water, with its torsion field orients the spins of protons in the adjacent aqueous medium so that they begin to repeat the structure of the torsion field of the molecule of this substance.

This, for example, is the basis for the technique of rewriting medications using the Voll method. Two test tubes are taken, one with a solution of the drug, and the other with an aqueous distillate. Then one end of the copper wire is wrapped around one test tube in several turns, and the other end of the wire is also wrapped around the second one. After some time, water from a test tube with distillate (an imaginary solution) can have the same therapeutic effect as a true solution of the drug. It is worth paying attention to a number of important consequences of the drug rewrite effect. Medicines have a therapeutic effect through a biochemical mechanism, and an “imaginary” solution can have a therapeutic effect only through its field (torsion) properties. This allows us to eliminate the problem of drug toxicosis, since when treating with imaginary solutions, no “chemistry” enters the body.


The normal state of the torsion field of the human body suggests that it is in the most healthy state. And vice versa: destruction of the body’s torsion field leads to diseases of the body. It follows that without eliminating the cause of the deformation of a person’s torsion field, one can treat his body for as long as desired, but there will be no result. As soon as the therapeutic effect is removed, the disease will gradually return, that is, it will become chronic.

Man is a complex spin system. The complexity of his torsion field is determined by the huge range of chemicals in the body and, of course, the thoughts of the person himself! Each person can be considered as a source (generator) of a strictly individual torsion field. The overwhelming majority of people have a background right (positive) torsion field. It is extremely rare, in a ratio of about 1 in 106, to meet people with a background left (negative) torsion field.

Due to the factors described above, a person, with his background (natural) torsion field, carries out (in most cases involuntarily) spin polarization of the surrounding space in a certain finite radius (i.e., influences the surrounding space). A person’s torsion field, which carries information about his spirituality and state of health, leaves its copy (spin replica) both on clothes and in the adjacent space of the physical vacuum. The spin imprint of a torsion field on one person's clothing turns out to be significant for another person if he wears this clothing. The old admonitions about the undesirability of wearing clothes “from someone else’s shoulder”, it turns out, have a completely reasonable justification. These conclusions apply equally to other things: paintings, tools, relics, etc.

In addition to the fact that a person is a generator of torsion fields, he is also influenced by external torsion fields. Right-sided torsion fields are useful for him, they improve the fluidity of all environments - they increase the conductivity of cell membranes, improve metabolic processes and the condition of all human organs in general. Left-sided torsion fields negatively affect it. If a person finds himself in an environment where left (negative) torsion fields are present and they are greater than the right (positive) torsion field of the person himself, then at the subconscious level he experiences an unpleasant sensation of the presence of something bad. Almost all music and sound coming from our televisions and radios are emitters of a left-hand torsion field. A good tip is to avoid using radios and TVs to create background sound in a space. It is better to record the right-hand background on any storage medium and use it constantly - in this case, a positive result will be immediately noticeable, which will be felt at the subconscious level. Also, almost all household electrical appliances have a left-sided torsion field. Particular attention should be paid to the place where we sleep, where we usually stay for about 8 hours.

“The Future” (“Revelations to the People of the New Age”, Dictation dated 05/08/12).
"13. Believe Me, any human thought in the Dense plane is energy, it must and will be materialized! But if in the Manifested Plan a person is not always given the opportunity to immediately see the results of his thinking, then on the Subtle Plane this MENTAL energy (or Torsion fields) becomes a real reality, changing in one direction or another not only the aura of the person himself, but also the aura of the surrounding Space .
14. People live in the World of energy and information, which is woven from thought forms, from that psychic energy that has not yet been accurately measured by physical instruments, but these subtle Torsion fields not only exist, they can also significantly influence the Space of the Planetary level.”

The background static torsion field of a person, in principle, has a fairly stable value. However, at the same time, it was found that with one’s own right torsion field, holding one’s breath while exhaling even for 1 minute almost doubles the intensity of this field. When you hold your breath while inhaling, the sign of this field changes - the new torsion field becomes left.

In general, a person has freedom in the dynamics of torsion fields. In the process of thinking, it can become a source of one or another torsion field. For example, having good thoughts and saying kind words, he becomes a generator of right torsion fields. Getting irritated, shouting, swearing, swearing, thinking about bad things, he emits left torsion fields into space. Consequently, a person who wants to be healthy must generate only the right torsion field, and for this he must generate only positive thoughts.

However, he should be careful not only in his thoughts, but also in his words. The Russian language is the most powerful language in the world, the language of images. Each letter of the Russian alphabet has its own torsion field, and therefore direction and frequency. Hence the conclusion that words composed of these letters have their own common torsion field, composed of torsion fields of letters. Here is the answer to all the miracles that occur after prayers or conspiracies, which are passed down from generation to generation by kind healers and grandmothers.

You should always remember that only good deeds, thoughts, words, and actions contribute to the twisting of torsion fields in a positive direction. These fields become especially high-frequency and information-capacious when noble deeds are performed, compassion, mercy, generosity are manifested, when words of prayer and sincere love are spoken.

The discovery of torsion fields forever eliminated the far-fetched contradiction between matter and consciousness. Knowledge of this theory unites the human mind, armed with science, and a person’s faith in God.

Based on the theory of torsion fields, a person can change his worldview and see the path of correct movement forward. And as soon as he gets closer to this understanding, his life will become easier and more interesting, he will have a purpose in life, everything will fall into place, and in the depths of his consciousness he will feel that he is closer to the truth. Because the torsion field of such a person has entered into resonance with the torsion field of the Supreme Mind.

Prepared by: V. Minakovsky

Ecology of knowledge: It turned out that any object creates a “torsion portrait” around itself, which is a static (or dynamic) torsion field

Since ancient times, it has been observed that the shape of an object has a strong influence on its perception. This fact was attributed to the manifestation of one of the aspects of art in our lives, giving it the meaning of a subjective aesthetic vision of reality. However, it turned out that any object creates a “torsion portrait” around itself, which is a static (or dynamic) torsion field.

In order to verify the existence of the torsion field created by the cone, an experiment was conducted. In this experiment, a supersaturated KCl salt solution in a Petri dish was placed over the top of a cone. At the same time, the same solution was in a control cup, which was not exposed to the torsion field.

The salt crystals in the control sample are large and their sizes are different. In the middle of the irradiated sample, where the torsion radiation hits, the crystals are small and more homogeneous.

Currently, a device has been created for measuring static torsion fields of flat images: geometric shapes, letters, words and texts, as well as photographs of people. Results of measuring torsion contrast (TC) of flat geometric figures: equilateral triangle, reverse swastika, five-pointed star, square, square with loops, rectangle with golden aspect ratio (aspect ratio equal to D = 1.618), cross with golden ratio, six-pointed star, cross with fractals (i.e. with parts similar to the whole), a straight swastika and a circle are: -8, -6, -1, -1, -0.5, 0, 1, 3, 5, 6 and 7, respectively.
A special technique has been developed that makes it possible to determine the intensity and sign (left or right) of the torsion field of a figure.

Measurements were also taken of the torsion fields created by the letters of the Russian alphabet. It turned out that the letters C and O, which are most similar to a circle, create the maximum right torsion contrast, and the letters A and F the maximum left one. Shkatov’s device allows you to measure the torsion contrast of individual words, while the TC of a word is usually equal to the sum of the TC of the letters that make it up. In other words, the torsion field of a word is equal to the sum of the torsion fields of its constituent letters, although this statement is confirmed with an accuracy of 10-20%. For example, the TC of the word Christ is +19.

Impact of torsion fields on water and plants

One of the sources of static torsion field is a permanent magnet. Indeed, the own rotation of electrons inside a magnetized ferromagnet generates a total magnetic and torsion field of the magnet.

The connection between the magnetic moment of a ferromagnet and its mechanical moment was discovered by the American physicist S. Barnett in 1909. S. Barnett's reasoning was very simple. The electron is charged, therefore its own mechanical rotation creates a circular current. This current generates a magnetic field, which forms the magnetic moment of the electron. A change in the mechanical rotation of an electron should lead to a change in its magnetic moment. If we take a non-magnetized ferromagnet, then in it the electron spins are randomly oriented in space. Mechanical rotation of a piece of ferromagnet leads to the fact that the spins begin to be oriented along the direction of the rotation axis. As a result of this orientation, the magnetic moments of individual electrons are summed up, and the ferromagnet becomes a magnet.

Barnett's experiments on the mechanical rotation of ferromagnetic rods confirmed the correctness of the above reasoning and showed that as a result of the rotation of a ferromagnet, a magnetic field arises in it.

You can conduct the opposite experiment, namely, change the total magnetic moment of electrons in a ferromagnet, as a result of which the ferromagnet will begin to rotate mechanically. This experiment was successfully carried out by A. Einstein and de Haas in 1915.

Since the mechanical rotation of an electron generates its torsion field, any magnet is a source of a static torsion field. This statement can be verified by applying a magnet to water. Water is a dielectric, so the magnetic field of a magnet does not affect it.

Another thing is the torsion field. If you point the north pole of a magnet at a glass of water so that it is affected by a right-handed torsion field, then after some time the water receives a “torsion charge” and becomes right-handed. If you water plants with this water, their growth accelerates. It was also discovered (and even a patent was received) that seeds treated before sowing with the right torsion field of a magnet increase their germination. The opposite effect is caused by the action of the left torsion field. Seed germination after its exposure decreases compared to the control group. Further experiments showed that right-handed static torsion fields have a beneficial effect on biological objects, while left-handed fields have a depressing effect.
In 1984-85 Experiments were carried out in which the effect of radiation from a torsion generator on the stems and roots of various plants was studied: cotton, lupine, wheat, pepper, etc.

In the experiments, the torsion generator was installed at a distance of 5 meters from the plant. The radiation pattern simultaneously captured the stems and roots of the plant. The experimental results showed that under the influence of torsion radiation, the conductivity of plant tissues changes, and in the stem and root in different ways. In all cases, the plant was exposed to the right torsion field.

Anti-gravity wing

Anti-gravity wing - a body whose material points move in an ordered or chaotic manner along elliptical trajectories relative to a reference system not associated with this body with certain linear velocities, at which a sufficient change in the potentials of a field of gravitational nature is recorded in the reference systems associated with the material points composing the body at all its points to form a resultant force applied to the center of the body’s mass and directed from another body forming this field.

An anti-gravity wing can be a material body of any shape, rotating around its axis with a certain angular velocity, or a material body in which the movement of electrically charged particles is recorded.
The most acceptable form of anti-gravity wing for technical use is a disk or a system of disks (any elements of the disk) in any modification. Many researchers mistakenly mistake the simplest aerodynamic effects for antigravity

Recently, there have been reports in the press that the rotating disk “acquires antigravity properties” and loses part of its weight.

So what are we dealing with? Is it really with anti-gravity? The sensation of the century or another delusion?

First of all, let's ask ourselves: Does a rotating flywheel change its mass compared to a stationary one? Of course yes. It always increases due to the accumulation of energy, which, according to quantum mechanics, has mass M=E/c2, (where c is the speed of light in vacuum). True, even for the best modern superflywheels weighing 100 kg, the weight gain, perhaps, cannot be “caught” by any scale in the world; it is 0.001 mg!

But as for reducing the mass of a rotating disk, this effect is apparent. It is known that, while rotating, the flywheel, thanks to friction, “pumps” air from the center to the periphery, like a centrifugal pump. A vacuum appears along the radii. Below, in the gap between the stand and the flywheel, it only presses them together, and from above, where there are no surfaces, it “pulls” the flywheel up. The balance is disturbed and the scales will show a change in weight.

As we see, in this case, it is not antigravity that works, but ordinary aerodynamics. To make sure of this once again, hang the rotating flywheel by a long thread to the rocker arm of the scale - the balance is not disturbed. The vacuum at the top and bottom of the flywheel balances each other. Here's another example of aerodynamic effects. Let's make holes on the gyroscope body: on the top surface - closer to the center, on the bottom - further from it. By hanging it on a balance beam and making it rotate, we will see that the gyroscope has become lighter. But turn it over and it gets heavier.

The explanation is simple. In the center of the housing, the vacuum is greater than at the periphery (as in a centrifugal pump). Therefore, air is sucked in through holes located closer to it, and expelled through holes located further away. This creates an aerodynamic force that changes the scale readings. To eliminate the influence of aerodynamics, the gyroscope is placed in a sealed housing. But other effects may appear here. Let's say, we fix the body on the rocker and give the gyroscope rotation in the rolling plane. The position of the arrow will depend on which direction the rotation occurs. Why? The fact is that the flywheel electric motor creates a reactive torque on the body that acts on the rocker arm. When the flywheel accelerates, the body tends to turn in the direction opposite to its rotation, and pulls the rocker arm along with it.

This moment is sometimes so great that the gyroscope can become “weightless”. Which is probably what happens in many experiments. The rocker returns to its original position as soon as acceleration ends. And then, when the flywheel rotates freely, by inertia, moments of resistance act on the housing - friction in the bearings, on the air inside the housing. And the yoke of the scales turns in the other direction, that is, the flywheel seems to become heavier.

At first glance, this can be avoided by fixing the gyroscope on the scales so that the plane of its rotation is perpendicular to the rolling plane. However, in experiments at the Institute of Problems of Mechanics of the Russian Academy of Sciences, it was shown that, although insignificantly, by only 4 mg, the weight nevertheless decreases. The reason is that while rotating, The flywheel is never completely balanced, and no bearings are perfect.. In connection with this vibration always occurs - radial and axial. When the flywheel body goes down, it presses on the scale prisms not only with its weight, but with additional force arising from acceleration. And when moving upward, the pressure on the prisms decreases by the same amount.

"So what? - the reader will ask. “The total result should not change the balance.”. Not certainly in that way. After all, the heavier you weigh the load, the less sensitive the scales are. And vice versa, the lighter it is, the higher it is. Thus, in the described experiment, the scales record the “lightening” of the gyroscope with greater accuracy and its weighting with less accuracy. As a result, the rotating disk appears to have lost weight. There is another factor that can affect the scale readings when weighing a rotating flywheel - this is the magnetic field. If it is made of a ferromagnetic material, then during acceleration it spontaneously magnetizes (Barnett effect) and begins to interact with the Earth's magnetic field.

If the flywheel is non-ferromagnetic, rotating in an anisotropic magnetic field, it is pushed out of it due to the occurrence of Foucault currents. Let's remember the school experience, where a rotating brass top literally “shys away” from a magnet approaching it.
Changes in the structure of metals under the influence of torsion radiation.

After it was discovered that torsion fields can change the structure of crystals, experiments were carried out to change the crystal structure of metals. These results were first obtained by exposing molten metal to the dynamic radiation of a generator, which melted in the Tamman furnace.

The Tamman furnace is a vertically mounted cylinder made of special refractory steel. The top and bottom of the cylinder are closed with lids cooled by water. The 16.5 cm thick metal body of the cylinder is grounded, so no electromagnetic fields can penetrate inside the cylinder. Inside the furnace, metal is placed in a crucible and melted using a heating element, which was a graphite tube.

After the metal has melted, the heating element is turned off and the torsion bar generator, located at a distance of 40 cm from the cylinder axis, is turned on. The torsion generator irradiates the cylinder for 30 minutes, consuming a power of 30 mW. In 30 min. the metal was cooled from 1400° C to 800° C. Then it was removed from the furnace, cooled in air, after which the ingot was cut and its physicochemical analysis was carried out. The results of the analysis showed that the pitch of the crystal lattice of the metal irradiated by the torsion field changed or the metal had an amorphous structure throughout the entire volume of the ingot.

It is important to note the fact that the torsion radiation of the generator passed through a grounded metal wall 1.5 cm thick and affected the molten metal. This cannot be achieved by any electromagnetic fields.
The effect of torsion radiation on molten copper increases the strength and ductility of the metal.

Information and torsion interactions

Understanding Consciousness became possible only due to the fact that in the 90s science discovered the fifth fundamental interaction - information.
Professor V.N. Volchenko gives the following definition of information: “Contentively, this is the structural and semantic diversity of the world; metrically, it is a measure of this diversity, realized in manifested, unmanifested and displayed form.”

Information is one of the universal properties of objects, phenomena, processes of objective reality, which consists in the ability to perceive the internal state and influences of the environment, save the results of influence for a certain time, transform the received information and transfer the results of processing to other objects, phenomena, processes, etc. Information permeates all material objects and processes that are sources, carriers and consumers of information. All living beings, from the moment they are born until the end of their existence, reside in an “information field” that continuously, incessantly affects their senses. Life on Earth would be impossible if living beings did not capture information coming from the environment, were not able to process it and send it to other living beings.

The accumulation of ever new facts led to the fact that information gradually acquired the status of an independent and fundamental concept of natural science, ultimately expressing the inseparability of consciousness and matter. Being neither one nor the other, it turned out to be the missing link that made it possible to connect what is incompatible by definition - Spirit and matter, without falling into either religion or mysticism.

Until recently, the Subtle World was considered a field of metaphysics and esotericism, but since the beginning of the 90s, when reliable theories of the physical vacuum appeared, a material carrier of information in the Subtle World was found and well substantiated - torsion fields, or torsion fields, the study of the Subtle World was closely taken up by the theoretical physics.

Today, many scientists believe that the phenomenon of consciousness can be said to be associated with the ability to generate information in its pure form without its materialization. Before the emergence of consciousness, new information in inanimate and living nature arose, so to speak, spontaneously, that is, simultaneously with and adequate to the random complication of the material structure. From this follows an extremely slow pace of evolution of the unconscious nature. The work of consciousness with ideal structures did not require such material and time expenditures. It is not surprising that the emergence of consciousness, as a powerful generator of information, sharply accelerated the pace of the evolution of existence.”

Amit Goswami, a professor at the Institute of Theoretical Physics at the University of Oregon (USA), in his book “The Universe Creating Itself” with the subtitle “How Consciousness Creates the Material World” writes: “Consciousness is the fundamental principle on which everything that exists is based, and, consequently, the Universe we observe." In an effort to define consciousness precisely, Goswami identifies four circumstances:

1) there is a field of consciousness (or an all-encompassing ocean of consciousness), which is sometimes spoken of as a psychic field;

2) there are objects of consciousness, such as thoughts and feelings, that rise from this field and plunge into it;

3) there is a subject of consciousness - one who feels and/or is a witness;

4) consciousness is the basis of existence.

A similar point of view is shared by the famous physicist D. Bohm. The main and fundamental feature of Bohm's cosmology is the assertion that "the self-conscious Universe, perceived by us as integral and interconnected, represents a reality called the field of consciousness."

“The basis of the world is Consciousness, the carrier of which is spin-torsion fields.”
As a beautiful final chord in this matter, we use the work of the International Center for Vacuum Physics, carried out under the leadership of the Director of the Center, Academician of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences G. . He writes: “I assert: there is a new physical theory, created as a result of the development of A. Einstein’s ideas, in which a certain level of reality has appeared, synonymous in religion with God - a certain reality that has all the signs of the Divine... There is a certain Superconsciousness associated with Absolute Nothing, and this Nothing creates not matter, but plans and plans.” At the same time, G.I. Shipov emphasizes that “superconsciousness is part of the Divine presence.”
As a result of refinements carried out at the Center for Vacuum Physics in recent years, the structure of the Subtle World acquired the following form.

Everything is controlled by Absolute Nothing - God. The creator of cybernetics, Norbert Wiener, in his book “The Creator and the Robot” on p. 24 gives this definition of God: “God is information, separated from signals and existing on its own.” “I don’t know how this Deity works, but it really exists. It is impossible to know Him, to “study” Him with our methods.” published

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But then matter... simply ends! There is nothing more behind elementary particles. There is only a physical vacuum. So, in essence, when we stroke even a very beautiful woman, we are stroking emptiness.

The building of the world has no foundation! Where does matter come from?

There is an answer to this question. “And the earth was formless and void, and darkness was upon the face of the deep; and the Spirit of God hovered over the waters. And God said...”

Let us leave the avant-garde synonymy of earth, abyss and water to the conscience of the ancient popularizers of science. But now physics seems ready to complement Scripture. According to the director of the Scientific Center for Physical Vacuum of the named institute, academician of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences Gennady Shipov, matter is truly born by emptiness and indeed with the help of the Word. More precisely, information. Only this information “lives” in the so-called torsion field. And this is how it is formed. Atoms are like little solar systems: a nucleus around which electrons orbit. Electrons, like planets, rotate around their axis. But unlike planets, electrons can move from orbit to orbit, which we, in fact, owe to our current civilization. Because in this case electromagnetic waves are emitted - and as a result, there is light, radio and all that pop music that plays on TV.

But at the same time, according to Gennady Shipov, the electron during such a transition emits other waves - torsion waves. Those that are born of his own rotation. And they are nothing more than a kind of “memory” of the past rotation of the particle - something like inertia that forces a drunk driver to argue with the traffic inspector, although the license has long been taken away and it would be smarter to simply pay off.

The momentum of its own rotation is called epin. It can “break away” from the particle, the scientist claims. This proves the existence of such a particle as a neutrino. It was this that had to be first “invented” (and then discovered experimentally”) when it turned out that during the neutron decay reaction the conservation law was not observed: the sum of particle spins before the reaction was not equal to the sum after. The difference was carried away by neutrinos.

This “free” spin, this rotation separated from matter, is, according to the calculations of the staff of the Scientific Center for Physical Vacuum of the ITPF, the information that, without any force, determines many processes in the Universe. This is how we shoot from a gun - the energy of pressing a finger on the hook itself is small, but what is the energy of the shot!

Carrying away information, waves of free spins go into space. In ITPF, such radiation was called torsion. Secondary. But the most important thing is next. Where the primary begins.

The source of torsion fields is the rotation of matter, says Gennady Shipov. - But empty space-time itself also twists in a variety of ways. We cannot yet explain this property, but it exists, and many physicists consider it “responsible” for the eventual creation of matter. We simply tried to explain the mechanism of this. And it is that the twisting of space-time also gives rise to a torsion field! And according to the so-called “vacuum” equations. derived by Einstein himself, the structure of the vacuum represents a potential state of matter. And then information transferred by the torsion field is entered into this structure, and...

That is, in their language, scientists, God is called differently. But the meaning is the same. In the 8th world, there may be information that is not associated with a material carrier, but acts in such a way that it creates this very substance.

"...And the Word was with God, and the Word was God..."

A logical picture of the world emerges, continues Academician RAEN Shipov. - We can imagine our reality as seven levels. The first four - solids, liquids, gases, elementary particles - are known to modern science. The fourth level - the level of elementary particles, according to modern ideas, is born from the fifth - the level of physical vacuum, as a kind of potential state of all types of matter. But it turned out that this is not all - there are two more levels. The highest - the seventh - is an absolute something. It is described by the identity: 0 = 0. That is, we don’t know anything here. Nothing and nothing - it cannot be described in any way.

But the sixth level is very interesting. From absolute nothingness, primary torsion fields are born, which are explained by the torsion of space. These fields precede the creation of matter and are the instrument with the help of which matter is born from vacuum, from emptiness.

There are good reasons to assert, - the researcher adds casually, - that primary torsion fields are the carrier of consciousness... What are these reasons? This is what they look like, if we retell the scientists’ thoughts in our own words.

What are we? At the micro level, our body is a set of gyroscopes, tops in the form of elementary particles in different structures of vortices, rotating in the emptiness of atomic lumps. Our consciousness is ultimately also a system of spin oscillations of the particles that make up the brain. Ours. society, in turn, can be described as a set of individuals spinning around in search of a better life and a place in the sun. And the planet rotates below us. The planet revolves around the Sun. And the Solar System rotates in the Galaxy, and the Galaxy rotates around itself. And the Universe also rotates, and space itself, as it turns out, twists...

And everyone creates torsion fields.

And these fields of countless atoms, beings and stars merge in the Universe?

So what happens? We, with our elementary vortices in our heads, are not isolated systems of thoughts and images that will one day die and bequeath everything we lived to worms and beetles, but real receivers and transmitters of torsion interactions of the Universe.

And each brain is, thus, a part, a cell, a neuron of the World Mind. Where are all the creators and users! Isn't it he who twists space?

We, as humanity, seem to have not yet paid our subscription fee and are not truly connected to this vast “Internet”... but if someone is gifted with the ability to bring their brain into resonance with our Torsion Universe, then here you are brilliant insights, and extrasensory abilities, and the nature of many miracles and supernatural phenomena!

Let's say that any Castanedoism - in the event that it is not heavily involved charlatanism - receives a clear explanation. What did it sound like before? I caught an Indian drug addict, ate a couple of poisonous mushrooms with him, relaxed - and dived into the astral plane! And there are all sorts of inorganic creatures, a mass of wonderful worlds, a vision of one’s past and future... Now mushrooms and other psychedelic drugs, including dimethyltryptamine and inhibited Indians, become just tools for entering the Torsion Universe.

They're not the only ones. Many scientifically documented but never explained incidents become understandable. As, for example, with a certain Trevor McInnes, right in the middle of a party with friends, he flew to, as he said, “a rather strange place”, where “some bipeds were scurrying around, looking like l)ids” and “funny dwarfs like gnomes” , who “also fussed around some installations covered with sparkling crystals.” By the way, the case officially described by the American psychiatrist Rick Strasman And MahImnes, by the way, was not drunk.

Or take photographer Allan Richardson, who, having taken a fungus called teonanacatl with the same Indians, was transported to an unfamiliar photo studio, and a few weeks later found himself physically in it, looking at the premises rented based on an advertisement.

Or the anthropologist Kenneth Kensinger, who, after indulging in another natural hallucinogen, ayahuasca - with the Indians, of course - saw his grandfather dying, and after returning from Peru he learned that he had indeed died. All these cases - we repeat once again, scientifically documented - fit within the framework of torsion theory.

The absence of radio contacts with extraterrestrial civilizations, no matter how much we have been looking for them since 1960, also agrees with it. Our intelligent colleagues simply do not need to use low-speed, interference-prone electromagnetic waves that require gigantic energies if they already master torsion technologies. Most likely, they can simply connect directly to the torsion “Internet” - the fields of the minds of any creature in the Universe, forming that same collective Universal Mind.

Is it not he who meets us when, after death, judging by the testimonies of those who are clinically dying, we fly through the tunnel and dive into the endless radiance of Light and Good? Was it not his morality that Christ tried to bring to Earth? Only we weren’t ripe for the “Internet” back then...

And what, by the way, in the light of torsion theory is death? Connection of the personality with the Supermind? But also - dissolution in it, disintegration? Are we preserved as individuals, having fallen into the network of minds after death?..

Is prayer not an attempt to influence the thoughts and plans of the Universe by creating a directed torsion field? And since physics not only does not prohibit, but, in general, requires symmetry, and if our brains are in an albeit unconscious, but direct connection with the Universe, then the processes occurring in it must influence our human affairs. Yes, the Russian scientist Chizhevsky spoke about this, expressing the idea of ​​​​the direct influence of cosmic processes on humanity. Mo, perhaps the torsion theory reveals both a more subtle and deeper interaction? Not only storms on the Sun affect us, but also, say, the death of a distant civilization in a Supernova explosion, or the suffering of colliding galaxies, or the final horror of Comet Hoyle-Bopp. inevitably carried by cosmic forces to death in the predatory atmosphere of Jupiter...

The torsion field of the Universe must inevitably have access to that collective unconscious, which ultimately determines social processes and changes on our planet. Through messiahs, prophets, gurus and deputies of the State Duma. Isn’t this the process, for example, that took place when Moses, sitting for forty days on the mountain, wrote down the basic commandments under the dictation of Jehovah? Of course, we will leave to the conscience of the prophet detailed descriptions of how an altar should be made from shittim wood - God’s business! - and demands to kill the witches. In the end, Moses himself admitted to “unspokenness” and “tongue-tiedness.” But the recent sensation that the Pentateuch, supposedly dictated to him, contains in encrypted form a description of almost the entire future of humanity, looks in the light of the torsion theory no longer as mediocre as before. That is, God, during the time of the legendary pharaoh’s debauchery, when they lived with sisters, daughters and mothers, was hardly interested in the tricks of Monica Lewinsky with Bill Clinton. But it is possible that the Bible may contain a certain algorithm for searching for the necessary data in the universal torsion field.

In general, even if the torsion theory is not correct or is just another attempt at a conscientious search for God, purely philosophically it is productive enough to think before going to bed about the secrets of the world and the true relationship between the soul and God.

In any case, the ancients seemed to have mastered the torsion theory. The names, however, did not match. For some, there was “only eternal, boundless, dark Chaos,” which gave birth to Earth-Gaia, Abyss-Tartarus, Darkness-Erebus and Night-Nyukta.

For some, the Spirit of God tossed about over the water until it decided to speak out in favor of the creation of light. And for some, God Rod created the entire visible and invisible world, “gave birth” to Svarog-Heaven, so that he then created fire and Dazhdbog-Sun, while Rozhanitsy gave birth to animals, birds and fish...

Even if this is ordinary primitive logic, doesn’t its similarity indicate some kind of general acquaintance with a picture of the world common to everyone?

I can imagine how exciting it would be to discover similar myths on some Tau Ceti or the Sixty-First Cygnus! Find some kind of Indian to take there with the help of mushrooms?..

Whether the above theory is true or not, judging by the statements of the director of the Institute of Theoretical and Applied Physics, Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences Anatoly Akimov, they are already trying to use torsion fields.

Their discovery, by the way, is the discovery of a new type of communication. Torsion waves, like radio waves, can affect real objects. Only for them - neutrinos! - unlike radio, neither earth nor water layers interfere. This means that the problem of wireless communication is being solved, at least with the same miners cut off by the collapse. Or divers.

And according to Anatoly Akimov, the corresponding experiments have already begun in our laboratories. in the early 80s. And from 1989 to this day, work related to the transmission of information through torsion waves has been ongoing.

“This looks very promising,” continues Anatoly Akimov. - Torsion signals pass through absorbing materials without loss. There is no need for excess power since they have such high penetrating power. Plus: the torsion signal travels at infinite speed, which means it is absolutely necessary for long-distance space communications. And the simplicity of the principle is captivating - everything is quite comparable with traditional electromagnetic communication: it is enough to ensure the rotation of the corresponding elements of the transmitter to create a torsion field.

The problem is that no one knew how to contain neutrinos in some volume in order to form their radiation. However, a solution was found here too.

The first experiments with torsion bars were carried out by large government services. A signal was transmitted from the outskirts of Moscow, and it was caught in the center. The straight line distance was 22 km. Due to the abundance of buildings in the city, the signal had to pass through a total thickness of reinforced concrete...

But here, at the number indicating this thickness, the dictaphone recording turned into a dashing howl.

Or maybe the batteries are just dead?..

In essence, when stroking even a very beautiful woman, we are stroking emptiness...

What are human torsion fields and how can they be corrected?

From the point of view of physics, most physical bodies (torso - a static body) consist of elementary particles that have their own rotation. It was noted earlier that the rotation of gross matter is the source of secondary torsion fields. And therefore, all objects surrounding us, all living and non-living systems, have their own “torsion portrait”, created by the rotation of the particles from which they, in general, consist. Living systems have more complex torsion fields than non-living systems. The torsion field created by the human body is especially complex. Torsion fields are inherent in the cells and atoms of our body.

It is known that in some scientific laboratories there is data indicating that, along with the electromagnetic biophysical process in the cell and the body as a whole, there are as yet unknown information flows that are associated with torsion fields. After the emergence of a theoretical basis, medical scientists became interested in bioenergetic healing. Having seen the results of the doctor of sciences, we were very discouraged and amazed at the sight of what an influx of energy (positive) the hopeless patients received, literally blossoming before our eyes. The healer, as if possessing a standard of healthy rhythm of organs and tissues, establishes an actively regulating matrix on the patient’s body, and forces the patient’s body to work for healing.

Tibetan black monks could interact with people on an energetic level. They literally performed miracles: they interacted with the sick, at a distance, for example, cured madness. With the help of high spiritual practices of prayer and meditation, they were able to tremendously strengthen their own energy and correct the biofield of a sick person. In the mid-70s, Djuna Davitashvili began to successfully introduce a similar practice of working with patients. She is known to have treated senior government officials and their families, and they were pleased with the results

Some people have a heightened hearing threshold, others can see in almost complete darkness. This does not frighten us at all, like the skill of an outstanding artist or a skilled musician. Why would we reject the gift of people who are given the ability to use such a comprehensive, all-pervasive, although little studied phenomenon as the power of the torsion field? At the same time, the procedure for correcting the torsion field requires great care. Only a real healer who has a divine blessing and is initiated into the secrets of high energies has the right to carry it out, otherwise an intrusion into a person’s aura can have serious karmic consequences for both the sick person and the “unfortunate” healer. Time, and with it history, are silent judges and witnesses of treatment sessions.

I recently had a patient who used this very method to help and is helping people improve their health. Unfortunately, I didn’t ask her to talk in detail about her experience and how effective and what results her treatment methods give. Well, as I understand it, very wealthy people go to her, and these people, one might say, always know more and don’t waste their money.

How do you feel about such healers and whether you have met them, whether they helped you or vice versa, write in the comments. Personally, I think many readers of this site will be interested in hearing your opinions.

Actually, why I decided to write this post, just literally this week on NTV I saw a program about torsion fields, where they showed how one woman was cured of. And I need to tell my mom to throw away these carpets of hers (note why you should throw away carpets by watching this program here), which I constantly had to shake out as a child, I just hated them =), the “bee” vacuum cleaner made only a sound and nothing more. Okay, I'll wrap it up here and don't forget to subscribe to Rss updates.

A video about human information fields is also very interesting and educational, which also partially talks about acupuncture (acupuncture).