The energetic power of money. How to make friends with money

Remember how you felt the last time you were struggling with money? Perhaps depressed, even damaged. We were embarrassed to go into an expensive clothing or furniture store. They asked themselves: “Is all this for me? Do I meet the material level that this store is targeting? Won’t the sellers look at me askance, won’t they think that I’m idly wandering around without money?” You probably even thought that it would always be like this, that you are not the person to whom money sticks, that there is not enough money for everyone and there will not be enough for you...

Stop! How could you even let these colorful pieces of paper take over you? It turns out that with them you are smart, beautiful, interesting, but without them you suddenly become dull, stupid and of no interest to others? Why does money sometimes become the masters of your life and manipulate your character and behavior?

To put them in their place, or rather, to regain their rightfully worthy place, try to treat money lightly, but at the same time, do not hesitate to stand up for it. Be active in relation to money, make friends with it.

Don't be afraid to spend money for small joys, and there is no need to feel guilty when instead of the necessary thing you buy something not very important, but very pleasant! For example, you went to the store to buy a new tablecloth, but for some reason you turned into the perfume department and did not notice how the package contained soft lilac nail polish, mascara with a curling brush and roll-on deodorant. There wasn’t enough money for a tablecloth, and you tormented yourself with remorse. What for? Take everything easier, because this is not the last money in life! Buy a napkin today to cover the hole burned by a cigarette, and buy a tablecloth another time. Plus the new nail polish really looks cool! But if this is already the fifth trip for a tablecloth like this, and instead of it there are rows of lilac varnish growing on the dressing table, this advice is not for you.

Don’t be shy to defend your money when they weigh you down, shortchange you, or give you less change than you need. Don't be ashamed to show that you know how to count your money.

Do not store junk at home: old things, clothes, glasses, watches, hoping that someday you will need a glasses screw or an old-fashioned jacket. You need to prepare yourself not for the fact that it may come in handy in ten or twenty years, but for the fact that you can always buy yourself a new thing. There is no need to prepare for poverty in advance. It’s better to take clothes out of your closet that you will never wear again (and it’s a shame to throw them away, “after all, they’re almost new, only worn twice”). Find out the address of the organization that accepts things for orphanages and take everything there. These clothes will be worn with pleasure by teenage girls who not only have no parents, but also no good clothes and shoes. In addition, the closet will be half empty - there will be somewhere to hang new clothes!

Look like an expensive woman. Cheap clothes are constant stress. Firstly, you regularly come across women dressed in the exact same skirt or jacket, secondly, cheap clothes spoil faster, and thirdly and most importantly, in cheap clothes you yourself will feel unchic and self-confident a woman, but a girl from a poor family who only dreams of getting a rich husband. Let you have not five or six, but two blouses, not three or four, but two skirts and only one pair of shoes for the summer. Nobody will know about this. But the quality and style of your clothes will be visible a mile away, your back will straighten by itself and your mood will become like that of a woman dear in all respects. Isn't this what you wanted?!

And further. When you really need money, it appears. Suddenly a loved one got sick, and now you are borrowing money from friends, finding a part-time job, urgently selling an old refrigerator that has been sitting idle for a whole year, because you bought a new one instead and were simply too lazy to advertise the sale in the newspaper. You develop vigorous activity - and get money! And when everything in life is quiet and calm, there is little money, but it seems to be enough to survive, you just complain about your difficult fate. But maybe you don’t actually need a lot of money, since you are content with little and don’t take a single step towards money?

Here are simple and useful rules and various Simoron rituals that will help attract money and good luck to you.

So, to begin with:

  • Place money in your wallet as follows: person to person, house to house.
  • Household money is stored in a beautiful red box, and the “feather box” for money is the small change that remains from traveling. When money is taken out of the box, one is left to “swindle” the money)))
  • Lend only to your loved ones and only the amount that you are willing to give without mental suffering)))
  • When you take money from an ATM, always thank the machine: “thank you, dear, for giving me money and not eating the card.”
  • Make it a habit to repeat the saying every day: “One of my mutual loves is money. We love each other sincerely and tenderly, and we never cheat on each other.”

If you like animal piggy banks, remember their magical properties:

PIG is a symbol of ever-growing wealth;

DOG - not only stores money, but also protects it from thieves;

OWL - gives wisdom in managing wealth;

CAT - gives cunning and influential friends who will help you increase your income.

Money plants

Picture of peas brings good luck and success in business, and real peas are used in many money rituals;

Image of four leaf clover leaves worn as a protective amulet that protects against poverty and brings the wearer to money;

Mint leaf image(should be bright green) placed in your purse or wallet, or in the place where you once had money. Mint can help a merchant in attracting customers;

It has the same properties as mint in attracting customers. apple tree image, whose fruit is the Apple Computer logo;

Tea leaves drawing must be burned on a white candle to gain future wealth. For the same purpose, such a design is worn in an everyday bag;

There is no need to draw the plant you are interested in yourself. It is enough, for example, to cut out an image of a tea leaf from a pack of your favorite type of tea.

What money doesn't like:

Money doesn't like dirt. Make sure that your home does not accumulate garbage, dirty laundry, clutter in closets and confusion in the hallway.

Garbage must be taken out during the day (according to legend, in the evening all evil spirits cling to it). It is better to wash clothes every week. I'm constantly cleaning out the closets. disassemble one “sector” every day.

Money doesn't like an unpleasant smell. Be sure to keep the kitchen and bathroom clean! Be sure to clean your plumbing fixtures at least once a month and wash everything with Domestos.

Money doesn't like scandals! Try to avoid communicating with tense people. if you are called to a conflict, extinguish it at the root, either by moving the conversation in a different direction, or by laughing it off, or by fooling around and immediately running away from the brawler.

Money does not like gossip, condemnation and deception! If you have someone around you who loves to gossip and complain, break up with him immediately. such people pull creative energy from you, and it also pulls money with it (it has been noticed that such people love to make an appointment with you in a cafe, and then pitifully count the coins in front of you and.. ask you to pay the bill or try to borrow money. or you you yourself, having fallen into the hook of pity, pay the joint bill. A very nice “divorce”, right?) And in your conversations, avoid gossiping, complaining or judging others. talk only about good and positive things.

Imagine that you are money. Which person will you go to?

Here an unkempt, foul-smelling, unwashed, unkempt man in broken slippers and torn clothes invites you to his place. His house is a mess, it smells like a garbage dump, there is a mixture of crumbs, dust, garbage and cockroaches on the floor...

Will you go to this one? Or, nevertheless, to a healthy, well-groomed person, in clean clothes, with a pleasant, subtle smell of good perfume, smiling, rosy-cheeked, whose home is clean and tidy, and smells delicious of cinnamon buns and cocoa with cream...

Using these simple rules, you can make friends with money and invite them into your life forever

Many people have money problems, and sometimes it is difficult to create favorable conditions for creating income and growing a business. There are a lot of business opportunities right now. On the one hand, the Internet is replete with tempting offers to get rich and create your own online business. BUT, according to statistics, only 7% of people achieve success. The reason for failure is that a person does not have enough connection with the Earth, which means with the energy of money.

Money is the Earth, grounding, our foundation and root, solid ground under our feet. Connecting with the energy of the Earth is grounding, which gives us a stable connection with the Earth, with the material world, with money and position in society. When a person is not grounded, he is like a ball that dangles in the air and nothing works out for him. All efforts come to naught - this is the best case scenario.

Everything in life is vibration.

Every object in the Universe has vibrations. A lot in life depends on how vibrations influence a person’s life - the environment, the events received, financial well-being. The universe vibrates at a frequency of 7.8 Hz. (the so-called Schumann frequency). If a person’s vibrations are the same as those of the Universe, everything is fine in his life. Below 7.8 Hz. lie the so-called frequencies of losers. Above 7.8 Hz. lie the so-called frequencies of luck.

If a person has a low vibration frequency, then this will attract negative people with similar low vibrations - negative events (illnesses, injuries, accidents, problems at work and in the family). Human emotions such as anger, resentment, revenge, jealousy, boredom, depression, blame, envy, fear, complaints, greed, victim behavior, aimless life - have vibrations from 0.1 Hz. up to 4 Hz. By concentrating on these emotions, a person attracts negativity with similar low vibrations. Low vibrations are dangerous because they are contagious. If a person with high vibrations communicates with a person with low vibrations, he will simply lower his vibrations. The interesting thing is that after such communication, a person with low vibrations will have an increase in vibrations.

Human emotions such as forgiveness, gratitude, helping one’s neighbor, charity, and love can raise vibrations. The frequencies of these vibrations are high. By being constantly positive, you will have high vibrations. As a result of this, you will begin to attract good and positive people with similar vibrations, as well as good events. Success and luck are the result of being on high vibrations. The higher your vibration, the luckier you will be in life. The higher your vibrations, the better your environment, life events, and financial well-being.

Our planet has planetary rhythms that affect all creatures living on Earth, including humans. These rhythms are well known to scientists and researchers; they were discovered by Professor O. Schumann of the University of Munich and were named after him. The phenomenon of Schumann resonance has been the subject of many studies. The Earth and its ionosphere are a giant spherical resonator, the cavity of which is filled with a weakly electrically conductive medium. If the electromagnetic wave that arises in this environment after circling the globe again coincides with its own phase (enters resonance), then it can exist for a long time.

After numerous studies and double-checks, the frequency of the Schumann resonance was precisely determined - 7.83 Hz. It is precisely this frequency that is used in the program “Planetary Biorhythms of the Earth” as the general rhythm of the program. The first chakra, Muldahara, responds well to this frequency, it can cause a surge of energy in this area, this frequency also resonates well with the spine, during meditation you can feel the energy of the first chakra rising up the spine. That's why it's so important to tune in to these frequencies.

Question to Lenny Rossolowski, founder of the Institute for the Cultivation of Consciousness:

– Like everything in the world, money has a frequency. Having gone through many useful, but not always pleasant experiences on the topic in recent years and having attended various seminars, courses, communicating with smart people, I realized the simple truth that money is Frequency, vibration, energy…. And now my desire is to tune into this frequency. It's real? Create a meditation to tune into this money frequency?

Lenny Rossolowski: – Let’s try to understand this topic. Yes, money naturally has its own vibrations and frequencies. Usually these are the frequencies of the 1st chakra, that is, basic vibrations. But I don’t quite believe in all these programs for attracting money, since in reality everything is somewhat different. From my point of view, money is associated with the frequencies of interaction of society, and these are the frequencies of the theta range. That is, my advice will be fundamentally different from all those programs that you find on the Internet.

Tuning into the Schumann resonance - social interaction improves and, as a result, changes occur in the monetary sphere. It’s not that simple, however, this does not mean that by tuning into theta rhythms, you automatically solve your financial problems. Of course not. Here you need to make an effort, in other words, if you, for example, are engaged in any activity related to interaction with society (otherwise it is difficult to earn money) and tune in to theta rhythms, you become more attractive to your clients, since on a subconscious level they always go to this kind of vibration (and this is again very simple to explain: the higher the connection to the noosphere at the theta level, the more information you receive from the noosphere, the more valuable you become to other people who do not have this level connectivity).

This does not mean that you will literally get rich tomorrow or solve all your financial problems, everything is much more complicated. After all, money is nothing more than a “chip,” a “chip,” that represents a certain kind of energy, and how much of this energy you will receive is impossible to say directly. The secret is not to be the “end point” - as soon as you hit the accumulation, this energy will begin to be blocked, but to receive and necessarily give, turning into a kind of “pump”, then everything will work out much better.

There is no need to get hung up on money; as soon as you start putting it at the forefront, its flow immediately begins to weaken. You should take only the minimum for yourself and give the rest, then the flow will grow. These are the thoughts on this topic, whether they are correct or not, the future will show.

A program that will help you make friends with money is built on Schumann resonance frequencies - this is the program: “ Planetary biorhythms of the Earth (Symphony of the Earth)“. It can be found on the website of the Institute for the Improvement of Consciousness.

Money. They talk about them, think about them, lust after them. They quarrel and fight because of them. And, at the same time, they help to do good and give joy.

What is it - good or evil? The value of money, or rather, its influence on people, is hidden in the internal attitude of every person towards money. In addition to the conscious opinion, the subconscious belief, formed, sometimes by chance and in distant childhood, has a much greater influence on the personality. Our subconscious can play hide and seek with us and, sometimes, it’s not easy to catch the conviction that does not allow money into the business, into the house, into the wallet...

When the power of money becomes stronger than a person’s will, then the questions begin: “Why is there not enough money?” “How and where to earn more?” "How to become rich?" And dreams appear about an inheritance, about winning the lottery and other ways to easily get a large amount of money...

Sane people familiar with the theory of probability understand that the chances of winning the Jackpot are not very high. The desire to receive an inheritance entails the death of close relatives. We can agree that we do not feel unconditional love for all relatives, but there is no need to take a sin on our souls, even in our thoughts...

But you still want to be friends with money... In order for the financial situation to improve, you don’t always need to change 100 jobs or get 3 financier degrees. Although this may help someone. More often than not, something inside ourselves prevents us from having as much money as we need.

Aligning relationships with money occurs in several stages:

At the physical level, when with the improvement of our health and strengthening of physical strength in the body, the financial situation improves.

On an emotional level, when we consciously stop suffering due to lack of money, and focus on finding options for additional income in accordance with all the skills and knowledge we already have.

On a spiritual level, when we, knowing what we want, look for ways to get what we want. At the same time, strengthening faith in our strengths, we learn what will help us achieve our goals.

As famous mentors say, if you don’t have enough money, start running. Running will strengthen the body and free the brain from negative stress. And fresh ideas and clearer thoughts will come to the free space. If you don’t like running, then find another way to restore your physical strength.

Things don't always happen quickly. Not everyone finds it easy to give up old habits and form new ones. This requires will. Having the will, not everyone will be able to show perseverance to go through all these stages on their own, overcoming their own resistance. It’s good that there are now many books and other materials on this topic on the Internet.

A lot of useful information can be obtained for free. I will say from my own experience that when starting a business it is not easy to understand everything at once, but knowledge is needed. At first, the value of money in business increases. There are more expenses than income, and many will agree with this. Therefore, I began to study materials from successful businessmen who had already tested classical economic techniques in practice in the conditions of the domestic market. I read, listened and watched everything that was given as gifts, bonuses and free programs. Frankly speaking, with their help I made many discoveries for myself regarding building my financial strategy. All this helped me, both in developing my project and in personal finance.

You can also watch videos and read articles, and if you want, take part in free online seminars. Moreover, there is no risk. The worst that can happen is that you will learn the mechanisms of relationships with money and be able to put them into practice. What if this makes you more money...

P.S. A great addition to the article was a video featuring. Look at it, in my opinion, it’s right on point.

Real wealth is not savings, but the ability to attract money, create it by doing new things. A truly successful person does not depend on the “volume” of wealth. Measuring success with money is a habit that should be adopted. Anyone who is sure that only having a certain amount of money can bring him joy and will always be poor. A rich (in every sense) person does not measure happiness in rubles, dollars, etc.

To become rich, you need to do things you love. To hate an activity and not give it up is the lot of those who believe (albeit without realizing it) that they do not deserve more, who are set up for poverty and failure. At the same time, people who have “programmed” themselves for poverty feel sorry for themselves and believe that they are not destined to be rich. People stop developing, complaining about something to themselves and others and doing nothing. Justifying yourself (like, I could have done this if not for...) is the best way to forever stay in a low-paid job and “exist” and “survive” instead of living a rich, full, interesting life.

The habit that speaks of poverty - the habit of a loser - is comparing oneself with others and being angry towards those who are better. Why not strive for the top yourself? Another bad habit is constant whining. “Life is not a success”, “There are thieves all around”, “Everything is terrible”, “It’s hard to live in such conditions”, “The authorities are doing nothing”, “Everything is in the way” - any potential poor person agrees with this... And does nothing! While fighting negativity requires determination and creativity. Find your own opportunities with the vices of the world around you and win even in losing (at first glance) situations!

Poverty is caused by the choice of immediate gain, the desire to get everything at once, without planning for future achievements. This habit is accompanied by another – greed. A constant search for discounts and sales, a reluctance to invest money in education, the desire of subordinates to work as much as possible for a low price - in this case, the desire for global savings is not an indicator of wisdom, but a sign that you cannot deal with your own income and expenses. A person aimed at wealth is ready to pay the real price for everything and generously reward his assistants. He expects the same from those around him.

The habit of spending more money than a person can afford also hinders wealth. Due to the fault of loans, you can find yourself in a real debt hole! After all, a person who does not strive to earn money does not want to realize the difference between a useful loan taken to develop his own business and a harmful debt taken to buy something expensive - but which he can do without for now.