Energy information field of the earth. Energy of space

article one

Greetings, I am Kryon.

What do I want to tell you about now? I'm going to cover a topic that has already been raised in part by Lee Carroll, as well as other channelers who have spoken to me. However, this topic was not fully covered, since previously I touched on it only to explain some of the events taking place on Earth. It's about about the energy fields of the Earth, including the magnetic field of your planet, on which I have been especially actively working for several decades. I want to talk in detail not only about the magnetic field of the earth, but also about all other physical and energy fields, building a narrative about them in the form whole system. All these fields form a single whole, and each of them manifests the Earth’s information field in its own way.

The information field consists of the whole system fields, each of which performs a specific role. If you clarify the operating principle of each of them, you will gain an understanding of how the information field is structured and how it is possible to interact with it. Therefore, you and I together, having consistently examined each of them, each time we will come closer to understanding the form in which information is stored in the field of the planet, and how you can learn to receive it. I will try to make sure that each article contains not only theoretical considerations, but also practical basics so that every person can feel a connection with a particular field and learn to use it for their development.

I want to make this article introductory and talk in general about the structure of the earth’s fields and how they are connected with human consciousness. It will lay the foundation for the field system that I am going to talk about next.

It was no coincidence that in my previous messages I devoted this great attention namely the Earth's magnetic field. The magnetic field manifests many other fields; it can be compared to a screen on which changes occurring in all energy layers of the Earth are visible. This field is most noticeable to human perception, and modern scientists can easily register its subtlest fluctuations. By calling myself the coordinator of the magnetic service on Earth, I somewhat simplified my role for people’s perception, and spoke specifically about the electromagnetic field of the Earth, which can very easily be studied using physical instruments. At the same time, I myself and my assistants do not directly contact the electromagnetic field, because we are not materially manifested, and the electromagnetic field is part physical processes on your planet. We carry out work on a more subtle level, and then the fruits of our labors appear at the level of electromagnetic waves. These fields to which we make changes can be called information fields. There are no physical waves at this level, but it is here that any information about how this or that physical process works is born.

When the Archangels and angels told you about the structure of the Universe, they talked about proto-matter located in six-dimensional space. This substance is not a substance in the usual sense in which you are accustomed to perceive it. It does not consist of elementary particles, and therefore is not matter at all, but it is potential energy for the birth of any elementary particle. In physics it is believed that new elementary particles appear as if from a vacuum due to nuclear reactions, or due to nuclear transformations one particle to another. All these reactions are exchange reactions, when the energy of some particles is transferred to others and thanks to this the particles have the opportunity to carry out changes on themselves. But where did the primary energy that supports any quantum transformations throughout the universe come from? Many scientists believe that the main source of this energy is the Big Bang, which gave birth to the entire material universe that a person can see around him. This gigantic burst of energy created the first, largest accumulations of matter that became galaxies, and the transformation of matter inside them became a force that gives birth to all the elementary particles inside many stars, which are thermonuclear reactors. All this is certainly true, and the Big Bang started everything global processes, creating the material appearance of your universe. This most powerful impulse, unparalleled in strength, was launched by the Archangels and was also created on the basis of proto-matter. And I myself, as one of the Archangels of the Milky Way Galaxy, participated in this majestic project to launch the materialization of all the galaxies of your universe.

However, only part of the proto-matter was spent to launch all these universal processes, while the other part is used to support the operation of this entire energy mechanism. Our entire universe can be imagined as a huge furnace in which new portions of matter are constantly being melted. The Big Bang was the energy that lit the fire in the furnace, the rest of the proto-matter is the firewood needed to maintain the heat thanks to which all processes take place.

The energetic structure of our universe is supported by many Archangels and angels who create new processes, as well as complete those physical phenomena that have already begun. The proto-matter that they possess is the gunpowder, thanks to which they can create more and more new outbreaks of activity in different material worlds. Thanks to one of these impulses that occurred after Big Bang, the Solar System arose. It formed later than most others material worlds of our universe, it was a separate project that was implemented by some Archangels and angels, who later became the closest support of the Gods of the Earth, who created a plan for the development of your planet.

At the time when the Earth was being formed, I myself, as one of the Archangels who created its material shells, came into the field of the planet, and since then most of my consciousness is connected with her. My work on Earth began from the beginning of its origin, and when the planet was physically created, I stepped out of the game for billions of years and my attention was devoted to the creation of other material worlds. But several decades ago, when the time for the energy transition began to approach, I again actively became involved in earthly processes in order to prepare the necessary changes. I am still carrying out this activity, and although the basic preparations have been carried out successfully, much still needs to be done. The processes were carried out primarily on the subtle plane, but the main thing remains - to launch the processes so that people can receive support from the Earth’s energy field, the same as they felt in fabulous times.

Now people exist in their own space, and the energy field is separate from them, and this is the result of the upheavals that occurred at the end of a fabulous time on the planet. People weakened their abilities that helped them contact the earth's fields, and this was done on purpose, since an energy storm was happening around them at the energy level, the surrounding vibrations were very low and destructive. Now this storm has subsided, but during this time people's perceptions turned out to be connected with the vibrations of the social system, which replaced those natural energy fields, in which people previously existed. Currently, my efforts and the efforts of my assistants are aimed at ensuring that people who want to re-establish contact with the subtle fields of the Earth in which their ancient ancestors lived can do this.

The series of my articles is aimed at explaining the difference between different types of fields, and so that those who wish can establish contact with the vibrations that they need in each specific case. This article will be devoted to the differences characteristic of the two main types of energy fields - natural and social, and their characteristics of interaction with human consciousness.

All earth fields can be divided into two types - natural and social. By their physical nature, these fields are almost identical, and many of their components overlap each other. Both society and nature manifest themselves at the level of electromagnetic waves, and their vibrations add up. The electromagnetic field of the Earth that scientists study is the result of the superposition of natural and social fields, and at first glance it is impossible to separate them. For example, the structure of electro magnetic field reflects the seismic activity of the Earth, and this is known to scientists who study earthquakes. In the same way, these waves are superimposed on the electromagnetic noise of large cities, which is the result of the operation of many electrical appliances. When signals are recorded near the epicenter of an earthquake, it is possible to exclude the influence of social fields on those vibrations that are created by a natural phenomenon. And vice versa - in a metropolis, the influence of natural energy fields is negligible, and being in a production facility, engineers only observe the operation of their instruments, without thinking about how natural processes will deviate their readings. But any person living on the surface of the Earth is in an intermediate position; different moments life is influenced by both sources - natural and social, they overlap each other and it is even impossible to distinguish the vibrations that emanate from each of them.

Do people need to be able to distinguish vibrations coming from nature or society? Currently, most people do not know what the influence of the electromagnetic field is on their body, and therefore it is difficult to imagine what the interaction with each of these energy sources leads to. In subsequent articles I will touch on both social and natural processes presented in different energy fields, and then it will become clear how each source influences human consciousness.

Any electromagnetic fields, as the most manifest and tangible of all subtle energy fields, affect nervous activity every living creature living on the surface of the planet. It is known from biology that any nerve impulse arising in neurons is an electromagnetic signal, the strength of which can be measured using instruments. Each such impulse can be influenced by external fields, and each of them has an insignificant effect, but when added together, they leave their mark on any signal that one nerve cell transmits to others. The influence of external fields is realized in a change in intensity electromagnetic pulse neurons, these fields create the finest vibrations in nerve cells, which through these vibrations are transmitted to other neurons necessary information. The messages that the magnetic field transmits to a person are similar to Morse code signals, which neural cells sense and are able to decipher.

Each person exists simultaneously in a thousand different electromagnetic fields, which are created by everyone electrical appliances, other people, living organisms and natural phenomena. Every second, his nervous system deciphers all the signals that are transmitted by each of these fields separately, and usually those signals that have the greatest intensity receive the greatest significance.

For example, if a person is near a computer, then his consciousness will be most influenced by those subtle signals created by this device. If a person sits near a waterfall and his whole being is in contact with the streams of water falling down, then his consciousness is especially strongly connected with those electromagnetic vibrations that are created by moving water.

Not only those fields that manifest themselves especially intensely near a person are important. More big role plays a person’s attention, which is a tool for tuning into one or another external field. When you connect with one or another external object with your senses, it is its energy field that has the greatest influence on the subtle vibrations occurring in your nerve cells. If a person is compared to a radio receiver that receives external signals, then attention is a relay that switches perception to certain vibrations.

Moreover, if a regular radio receiver is tuned to a specific radio frequency, then attention acts more flexibly, it moves following the images that a person perceives.

There is no specific button in your body that allows you to change from one frequency to another and instantly raise the frequency of your vibrations. But you are able to select from the sea of ​​many signals exactly those that you need, tuning in to this or that phenomenon.

This attunement can occur physically when a person observes or senses an object, such as viewing a waterfall or hearing its water fall. In the same way, he can tune in to its electromagnetic vibrations from a distance, imagining in his imagination the waterfall he recently observed, and thus the energetic connection with its field will be restored again. But there are subtleties here that the Goddess Hecate has already touched on when speaking about astral realities. At the moment when a person imagines something in his imagination, but does not feel it physically, he creates astral realities, or connects to those that already existed before. Astral reality is a product of the social system, and not a natural phenomenon.

If a person sets a goal for himself to get in touch with natural vibrations, then he needs to be attentive to the sensations at the moment of using his imagination, when connecting to some external field at a distance.

How this can be done without hindrance will be discussed in my subsequent articles, and will also be discussed by other spiritual entities.

The main purpose for which I talk about the earth's fields is to support people in contact with more subtle information structures, to which their perception is usually not tuned. I would like to help those who wish to acquire a tool in order to harmoniously interact with natural fields and weed out the unwanted influence of social fields. Social vibrations, as a rule, turn out to be more intense and rough than natural ones, and therefore are easily capable of blocking those signals that come to people from nature.

For example, if a person is standing next to a beautiful waterfall and has a camera in his hands, then the first thought that often arises is to photograph this spectacle, and only then does the desire arise to simply admire this natural phenomenon, immersed in one’s feelings. This habit is a program which at first glance is insignificant, but there are many programs of this kind in the minds of people, and all of them are expressed in the fact that priority is given to social needs human, which prevail over natural, deeper ones.

All the deepest feelings and desires of a person are not directly related to society, and date back to fairy-tale times, when people’s consciousness was not included in social phenomena. Although within everyone there are control programs coming from society, it is possible to weaken their influence, allowing more deep feelings be embodied in consciousness. All this can be done through attention, learning to tune it to the subtle processes that happen around you. At the same time, the sensitivity of both social and natural phenomena will be heightened, and then it will be possible to choose the source of those signals that act on your consciousness and affect your mood and emotions.

Any human emotion embodied by a set of nerve impulses. In this case, usually an emotional experience, unlike simple impulses, is not a separate signal, but turns out to be a whole spectrum of the smallest electromagnetic oscillations that affect almost the entire branched network of neurons. This is the difference between a simple information signal and an emotional experience felt by a person - the information impulse is very concentrated and affects only one chain of neurons, personifying specific task. For example, a nerve impulse transmits a signal to the leg and causes it to move, or an order is transmitted to the vocal cords to pronounce the sound “a”. Emotional experience does not lead to specific actions, but is capable of feeding them and being their cause when a person just makes a decision to act. Emotional experiences can be created by both social fields and natural ones, but they are different. Social phenomena usually influence a person’s consciousness in a more directed and targeted manner, and those emotions that can arise in the human body due to the imposition of external social fields appear as if from nowhere, they can be quite strong and then disappear after they have led to actions. So often the impact of some social egregor on a person can be realized when suddenly a spontaneous desire fueled by an unexpected emotion, and from the outside it may seem strange and incomprehensible. But the person himself, feeling a strong experience within himself, is often provoked by such an emotion created from the outside, and can do something that he really does not want.

After the action is completed, the emotion disappears and the person wonders why just a minute ago he did this, because it goes against his usual desires and values. This is often felt by women who react spontaneously to the events of their lives; for example, they are able to get irritated by little things or do things that are unexpected for them. Women are more emotional than men, they have a lower sensitivity threshold, and when it occurs new emotion they are not used to waiting and looking new signal, it’s easier for them to start acting right away. Therefore, they are more likely than men to commit actions that are paradoxical for themselves, many of which turn out to be valuable for them if they come from their deepest feelings and allow them to overcome the influence social programs. But if the emotion is created from outside somehow social phenomenon, then a woman with special sensitivity and receptivity may begin to act unconsciously, and then become upset because of her hasty actions. Therefore, the special sensitivity that women have, on the one hand, has great benefits for them, and they are even more ready than men to tune in to subtle electromagnetic fields. But at the same time, it is important to be able to distinguish between those emotional signals that are created artificially, by external social fields, and those that resonate with more subtle vibrations in the human nervous system and support his deepest desires.

A person's true feelings, which follow from his inner desires, can also arise spontaneously and unexpectedly. For a long time such a desire can be in the subconscious, and manifest itself in life when a convenient opportunity presents itself. Such an emotion seems to float up from the deep layers of the subconscious and finds itself in the field of a person’s attention. However, such emotions are not completely new and unknown; they usually have their own backstory. A person feels his subconscious at any moment in his life, but usually his attention is concentrated on fleeting events in life and therefore this contact occurs only with the edge of his attention. Nevertheless, deep emotions are always felt by his perception and he is well acquainted with their vibrations. For example, such a desire may be an old dream that came to early childhood and which is on long years was forgotten. Then, when the opportunity arises for its implementation, these vibrations again emerge from the bottom of the subconscious and are embodied in the signals of many neurons.

All nervous system The human brain is a huge branched network of billions of axons - processes of neurons. At every moment of life, these axons are capable of expressing different human emotions, including deep ones contained in the subconscious.

At that moment when such true emotion intensifies in the human consciousness, its intensity increases and more and more axons begin to vibrate, as if echoing the music that had already sounded earlier and making it louder. This feeling rising from the depths of a person’s consciousness is very rich and is not a monosyllabic command transmitted for the sake of specific action, and thanks to this it can be distinguished from external influences.

In addition, such an emotion usually feels like something familiar and familiar, and although it can remind itself quite suddenly, in the past the person has most likely already had cases when he felt the arrival of this experience. Such a rich feeling is a deep motivation for bringing something into life, which is realized as inspiration that feeds those actions that lead a person to the goal.

Moreover, such an emotion usually does not overwhelm a person in a wave, leading to rash actions; the emotional energy of this desire flows more calmly and allows him to think about his decision. Therefore, if a person tunes in precisely to such waves existing in his consciousness, then he will gain the opportunity to act more consciously and at the same time his actions will lead to greater satisfaction, since they will support his true needs.

External social fields that provoke a person to a specific task are also capable of supporting him true desires, but are usually very inconsistent, since the social system does not take into account the individual needs of everyone. It is easier for her to create an impulse for the benefit of realizing her goals, to which many people react. For some of these people, these external signals are favorable and, as a result of their actions, they accomplish something of value to themselves. Nevertheless, most of the people participating in one or another social process are used and their energy goes to the needs of the system, and their true needs turn out to be unfulfilled.

If every person learns to respond precisely to those impulses that are useful to him, then he can become picky about external fields and reduce adverse influence. The most favorable energy fields are those that resonate with a person’s deepest feelings. It is not at all necessary that their source must be natural phenomena; they can also be those social processes which are truly capable of supporting a person's intentions.

But vibrations natural phenomena more subtle and rich, rather than the set of those waves that are generated by electrical appliances, and therefore they are in to a greater extent correspond to the deepest experiences of a person.

Natural energy fields can activate these deep feelings, so often in nature a person comes to valuable realizations that can affect his entire worldview. The energetic background of natural phenomena is more consistent with the deep layers of human consciousness and enhances them, and all superficial thoughts and emotions related to Everyday life calm down for a while.

Many people feel this when they are in meditation, practicing in nature when sensory perception comes into contact with natural fields. Meditation can also be effective within the city, when a person sifts out all unnecessary things with his attention and temporarily immerses himself in the deeper layers of his consciousness. This is especially good for those people whose attention has already been trained; it is able not to react to a significant part of the information noise created by society.

In further articles in this series, I will talk about how it is possible to use your attention to tune into your deepest emotions that are connected with true needs. These emotions have a connection with the natural fields of the Earth; when sensually attuned to these fields, they begin to nourish a person’s consciousness, supporting the possibility of realizing his purest and most desirable intentions.

Today we looked at how the electromagnetic field of the Earth is connected with human consciousness, what is physical nature influence of external fields on his actions. In future articles I will continue the story about the difference between social and natural fields, on specific examples I’ll tell you how you can tune in to them or, on the contrary, get out from under their influence. We will also look together at more subtle energy processes, at the level of which I myself have the opportunity to support electromagnetic processes on Earth. And then it will become clearer how the energetic contact of human consciousness with spiritual entities located in the Earth’s field occurs. This will also help those wishing to establish a connection with subtle realities on Earth, such as the fabulous and divine layers of the information field, located in the depths of our planet, on which fabulous creatures and Gods of the Earth exist.

With respect and love,

Kryon about the Earth's information field

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Development of clairvoyance.
Article from an online course on clairvoyance.

Since ancient times it has been known that there is a certain field in which all thought forms ever created are located. Now this field is called the energy information field of the Earth. This is a bottomless ocean of knowledge from which you can draw any information.

Academician Vernadsky believed that the energy information field is located in the Earth's noosphere.
If you remember from school course, the Earth has six shells. I will remind you of only three.
The biosphere is populated by living organisms, i.e. is the global ecosystem of the Earth.

Stratosphere - it is located in ozone layer. In the stratosphere, most of the short waves of ultraviolet radiation are retained and their energy is transformed. Under the influence of these rays, magnetic fields change, molecules disintegrate, and ionization occurs. Gases and other chemical compounds, as a result of which, we have the opportunity to observe some such processes in the form of lightning, northern lights and other glows.

And finally, the noosphere, which translated from Greek sounds like the sphere of the mind. This is the sphere of interaction between society and nature, where the main determining factor is intelligent activity person. According to Vernadsky: “In the biosphere there is a great geological, perhaps cosmic force, the planetary action of which is usually not taken into account in ideas about the cosmos. This force is the mind of man, his aspiring and organized will as a social being.”

In the noosphere there is the Earth’s energy-information field, which contains all the information that has ever existed on the planet, in its depths and around it.

I'll bring you interesting example from life, how the influence of the general energy-information field manifests itself.

In Europe, at the beginning of the century, milkmen went around houses in the morning and left bottles of milk at the doorstep. In the English city of Southampton, tits came up with the idea of ​​pecking the caps on bottles to enjoy milk. After some time, tits hundreds of kilometers from this city began to “do” the same thing. By the forties, all the birds in Europe also began to peck at the caps on milk bottles. Then, the war with Germany began, and the tradition of delivering milk to homes ended. There was hunger. For both people and birds. But about eight years after the end of the war, milkmen again resumed the tradition of delivering milk. And... the tits started pecking at the bottle caps again! Tits live on average three years. That is, this was a completely new generation of birds. How did they learn about the “science” of their ancestors? On their genetics, i.e. the transfer of skills by inheritance, the knowledge of ancestors, in such a short period, could hardly be reflected.

Rupert Sheldrake, a world-famous biologist, has conducted a number of experiments that prove the existence common field images that are the same for everyone. He noticed that a person assimilates knowledge better than more people know it.

One day, he suggested to a group of students English college learn three Japanese quatrains by heart. None of the students knew Japanese, so they were just supposed to memorize words and phrases, without understanding the meaning. One quatrain was simply a set of hieroglyphs, the second was a work unknown poet, and the third – a classic example Japanese poetry, known in Japan, as well as the most popular poems of A. Pushkin in Russia. The students learned it best! But let me remind you once again that none of them knew Japanese or even Japanese culture, and had no idea which of the poems was simply nonsense, which was by an unknown author, and which was a classic.

Such an experiment was carried out several times, after which Sheldrake suggested the existence of a certain field of images that can be expressed in any form: information, emotions, feelings, behavior patterns. The scientist called this field morphogenic, i.e. influencing the structure and shape of things.

So, clairvoyance (clairaudience, etc.) is one of the forms of entering the energy-information field of the Earth. The main key to enter this field is a question. You need to learn how to formulate questions correctly. They must be specific, clear and unambiguous.

When you enter the energy information field, you ask a question and your energy is directed to give an impulse. The more interested you are in getting an answer, the energetically stronger your impulse. Essentially, the more attention you pay to yourself or to other people for whom you want to know something, the better the quality of your question.

All human phenomena are based on an attentive (conscious) attitude towards people, oneself, and the world!

After asking a question, you need to stop the flow of your thoughts (create the effect of an “empty head”) for 5-20 seconds. At the same time, breathing also involuntarily stops.

I'll tell you an example from own practice what this might look like in practice.

One day, my eldest son couldn’t find his passport. And I have this habit, if I notice important thing“lying around,” that is, not in the place designated for it, I can automatically pick it up and “clean up” it where it needs to be. I helped my son look for a passport. But I didn’t remember at all whether I cleaned it up or not. We searched everywhere possible. I was worried, because this is a document! Then, I got tired of searching. She sat down in a chair and asked her subconscious: “Where is the passport?” She relaxed and concentrated her attention on the point between her eyebrows. I didn’t think about anything, didn’t expect anything. I just stared at the point for a few seconds. Then, I got up and went where I wanted to go. She went to the bookcase and began to sort through them, looking for a passport between them. Accidentally, my elbow hit a large thick book and it fell. I picked it up and put it in place. And she started looking through the books again. And then, this book again falls to the floor with a crash. I looked at its title and thought that I definitely hadn’t read this book, and therefore there was no way a passport could be in it. And she put it in her place. When I sorted through two shelves of books and was about to give up this “unlucky” business, the same book, I don’t know how, fell again, but now right on my foot! I picked her up, taking her by the Hard cover cover, and then... the passport fell out of it! How he ended up here, I couldn’t even imagine.

Like these ones funny stories can occur when you interact with the energy-information field. I asked the question to my subconscious, but it is with its help that we “get” into the general field. And if we really try to be precise, then the subconscious is an energy-information field, much more global than the energy-information field of the Earth and containing it, among other things. But in order to have access to the energy-information field of the Earth, it is enough to know that it is through the subconscious that this happens.

So you asked a question, stopped for a few seconds thinking process, having first relaxed your body as much as possible, and you get the answer.

The energy information field is a cellular structure. By sending your energy (attention) with information in the form of a question, you give this energy some quality (vibration) that is different from others. According to the law of “Like attracts like,” the question is attracted to exactly the cell that contains the answer, with a vibration of the same quality. Surely you have already heard this expression: “Every question already contains an answer.” That is why the vibration of your question impulse corresponds to the vibration of the answer received. If a failure occurs, it means that the question is formulated incorrectly or has an emotionally inappropriate characteristic. For example, you feel in danger. You “scream” inside yourself, being highly emotionally aroused, asking the question: “What should I do? How to avoid danger? But the feeling of danger is your subjective assessment of the event and quite possibly it does not correspond to the real state of affairs and is overestimated. Accordingly, the vibration of your message into the energy information field will not be correct. Your subconscious knows that the assessment of the event is incorrect and there is, in general, no danger as such, and therefore you may receive the same answer - not correct and not specifically answering your question. Only in a calm, unemotional state can you count on the answer you need.

If there really is a danger, then it may happen that your subconscious will assess the situation faster than your conscious mind and react independently, finding the desired answer (exit) from the situation. This happens, for example, when something happens to a person, and he is miraculously saved, without even having time to realize the full danger of the situation, which means he was in an emotionless state. In such cases they usually say “a man was born wearing a shirt.”

If, during a conscious exit into the information field of the Earth, you enter a state where you stop feeling your body, time, and lose orientation in space, this indicates good concentration, allowing you to receive information in full.

You, of course, know that there are absent-minded people. They are immersed in themselves and have an intense dialogue going on in their heads, essentially this self talk and is structured in the form of questions and answers. They ask, concerned about something, and get answers. This, in general, is also a way out into the energy-information field. So, be careful when plunging into such states. It is better to do this at home, sitting, relaxing, without rushing anywhere. Otherwise it will turn out like it once did for me. I was in such states very often, because due to the nature of my work, I had to take in huge amounts of information. And this could happen throughout the day and even days. This means not only when I was at home, sitting or lying down, but also on the road somewhere. And it so happened that I either got into the wrong vehicle and drove off to an unknown destination, then I passed my stop, and what’s even funnier, I could simply walk past my house without even realizing that I was walking. Therefore, “taught” by experience, I highly recommend that you be conscious when you perform any actions. And passive when receiving information. With time and practice, you will learn to combine both.

That the Earth Living being the ancients had no doubt about this fact there is plenty of evidence both in their doctrines and in the appeals of the Indian leaders to the so-called enlighteners, in which they directly point out this. Later, all esoteric schools and teachings believed and still believe the same.

Our planet as a living being is considered by Jose Arguelles in the book “The Mayan Factor”: “...Here we describe the structure of an intelligent planet, considered as a living organism. In doing so, we develop the "Gaia" hypothesis, the idea that the Earth is truly a conscious, evolving being."

A group led by Russian geophysicist and geologist I.N. Yanitsky especially emphasize the relationship of social cataclysms with natural disasters and catastrophes on Earth. For example, preceding the powerful devastating earthquake, conflict in Nagorno-Karabakh.

Accidents and disasters are preceded by a powerful destructive process, covering the earth's crust, hydrosphere, atmosphere - in a word, all environments and fields - gravitational, helium, etc. And what's most important this process applies not only to natural systems, but also for everything that has been created technical means, people. And having accumulated this destructive energy spills out in the form of natural disasters and catastrophes. Just like a disease in the human body.

And they immediately remember bible stories about the Lord's punishments for the actions of people, the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah, for example, and the like. And they don’t seem so supernatural and wonderful.

Scientists tried to find the source where this destructive process begins. And it turned out that it all starts from negative emotions people from whom the destructive process begins to spread in waves to everything around. It turned out that the Earth reacts sensitively and interacts with its surroundings outer space and beyond this with what happens on the surface, in particular the behavior of people.

What was surprising was that the planet’s response does not resemble a mechanical action based on the laws of physics, but resembles the action of an intelligent being. When analyzing disasters, researchers got the impression that the events preceding and following any of them were planned in advance by someone.

The earth as a living being was considered by a number of outstanding scientists V. Vernadsky, F. Shipunov, A. Chizhevsky and others. In their opinion, the Earth is an evolving organism in another developing organism - solar system, and that, in turn, in our galaxy Milky Way and so on. This organism is a complex self-regulating system. And all geological, geophysical, atmospheric and other processes are considered as aimed at general development planets - hers evolutionary development. A. Chizhevsky especially emphasized: “... astronomers studying phenomena in the Solar system discover phenomena in it that are similar to the functions of a living organism.”

"Breath" of the planet

Indirect confirmation of the then crazy hypothesis in the scientific community that the planet is a living organism was obtained back in the 80s. Professor Viktor Makarov, born in 1953, studying photographs of physical fields in areas of faults in the earth's crust from space, discovered evidence of regular changes in the magnitude of the magnetic field that occur over certain periods of time.

A little earlier, a group of scientists led by Russian geophysicist, geologist I.N. Yanitsky conducted field research and recorded the fact that the volume of deep gases located in the bowels of the Earth and emerging from cracks in the earth’s crust noticeably increases several times a day.

The results of these studies are consistent with the discovery of English researchers who studied the bioenergetic interaction of people with the outside world, Hartman and Curry. Scientists have discovered zones on the planet with an area of ​​​​up to four thousand kilometers, in which electromagnetic indicators change during the day, either “opening” or “closing” depending on the Moon and other planets, celestial bodies and cosmic factors. Subsequently, these zones were called the Hartmann and Curry grids in honor of the researchers.

Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor V.N. Lugovenko offered his own explanation for these phenomena, believing that the “Hartmann and Curry grids” indicate the breathing of the planet, which, through cracks in faults, “pumps” cosmic energy through the deep layers. It follows that one should not treat Mother Earth as if he were dead. cosmic body, but as a living organism with consciousness and will.

Doctor technical sciences, Professor Georgy Kuznetsov believes that the scientific community now uses an “anthropocentric view of things” to define an organism as living. This means that “living and intelligent” can only include those forms of organized matter whose properties correspond to the properties of animals and humans. And those forms that are strikingly different from those listed above in material composition, size, metabolic reactions, energy consumption, life span do not belong to intelligent matter, as is considered in orthodox science.

Comets and asteroids

Such egocentrism in understanding the surrounding world and nature will lead humanity to a dead end. After all, everyone already sees how humanity relates to the organs of the Earth, which are air, water, subsoil, plants, animal world, people also, in general, nature.

So the Earth is a living and intelligent organism! Hence the question: how did it appear? Astronomers believe that the planets were formed from a huge cloud of gas and dust billions of years ago through the collision of numerous asteroids, meteors, comets and other celestial bodies, which, under the influence of centrifugal forces, formed piles. And thus, over millions of years, these clusters gradually grew in size and finally became what we see them now. It follows from this that the Earth is a huge accumulation of small celestial bodies, mainly comets and asteroids.

IN Lately comets cause astronomers special interest. Their behavior reveals many incomprehensible things, namely, some comets have two tails, which completely contradicts the laws of celestial mechanics. Comet Arenda-Roland, discovered in 1956, has a second, anomalous tail that can suddenly disappear and then reappear, which astronomers cannot explain at the moment. Some comets independently and arbitrarily change their trajectories. And the incomprehensible radio emission emanating from these celestial bodies has given rise to some researchers to attribute them to reconnaissance probes of aliens. However, there is another version: to classify comets and asteroids as living beings of organosilicon nature.

These celestial objects are known to contain water in the form of ice and vapor. Brought to the planets, as well as to Earth, water plays without any doubt important role in the functioning of the organism of celestial bodies. The amazing properties of water are beginning to increasingly attract the attention of scientists.

Mind of the Earth

According to the results latest research we can say with confidence that water is the blood of the planets, without which their normal life activity is impossible. Moreover, the presence of water indicates not only blood circulation, but also intelligence. From this it can be argued that the Moon is also alive, in the region of the poles of which entire oceans have been found under a thin crust. And on Earth, water is present not only on the visible surface, but also in the form of vapor in deep layers, as well as in underground lakes and rivers.

Hence it turns out that the Earth is a union of celestial bodies, which are thinking beings that gave the planet not only physical body, but also the mind. Colliding with each other and combining into a pile in a gas and dust cloud, the comets did not die, but merged into a huge living and intelligent organism, which later became our Earth.

According to Professor Sydney Jackson from Great Britain, not only any living organism, but also any object, be it a stone, a table or any other object around us, has an energy-information field in the world around us. Only the energy information field of a living being is very different from the fields inanimate objects. And the human field is different from the animal field. However, in the world around us, only dolphins and the Earth itself have a field similar to the human one! Our planet consists not only of organic matter and minerals, but is an intelligent thinking being, part of the universal community.

In the light of these facts, it ceases to be a mystery for what reasons peculiar information radiations are periodically sent from the depths of the Earth at a subtle energy level into space.

The purpose of the planets and the role of humanity

Naturally, the Earth knows about our existence, moreover, it knows about the existence of every creature living on it, be it a person or an animal. All supernatural and unusual phenomena- levitation, dowsing, leaving the body, telepathy, poltergeist occur as a result of the interaction of the biofield of the planet and a person.

However, one should not think that the Earth is too loyal and friendly towards humanity. She treats us pragmatically, which means that when humanity behaves carefully towards the Earth as a whole and its resources, then the Earth will react accordingly, and if on the contrary, then the reaction will not take long to arrive, a cataclysm will immediately occur or a disease, war, etc. .P. There are a great many examples of this.

“When the human population increases beyond permissible norms, when entire regions of the planet, its atmosphere, vegetation and water resources she begins to get rid of, “clean up” from creatures dangerous to her, says Professor G. Kuznetsov. - She usually does this by natural disasters. Not so long ago, in its arsenal there was such a means as introducing into the subconscious of people an order for self-destruction, which led to wars. Now that a number of countries have nuclear weapon, the use of which could lead to catastrophic consequences not only for the human community, but also, apparently, for the Earth itself, she chose a different tactic. She gets rid of overly prolific people with the help of deadly viruses...”

However, without targeted efforts, the planet would hardly become possible occurrence life on it. The emergence of people, as well as all processes occurring in nature, have their own global common cosmic purpose. Development of the universal bioenergy system.

So, the purpose of the planets, also the Earth, is to create, maintain and saturate global bioenergy with astral beings (or bioenergetic substances), which only a rational being can provide. Such creatures can be people, dolphins, comets and, ultimately, the Earth itself.

Our planet is our mother’s womb, the cradle of childhood, from where, after parting with our mortal physical shell, after death, we enter into “adult”, cosmic life.

The ancients had no doubt that the Earth was a living being; there is a lot of evidence for this fact, both in their doctrines and in the appeals of Indian leaders to the so-called enlighteners, in which they directly point to this. Later, all esoteric schools and teachings believed and still believe the same.

Our planet as a living being is considered by Jose Arguelles in the book “The Mayan Factor”: “...Here we describe the structure of an intelligent planet, considered as a living organism. In doing so, we develop the "Gaia" hypothesis, the idea that the Earth is truly a conscious, evolving being."

A group led by Russian geophysicist and geologist I.N. Yanitsky especially emphasize the relationship of social cataclysms with natural disasters and catastrophes on Earth. For example, the conflict in Nagorno-Karabakh, which preceded a powerful destructive earthquake.

Accidents and catastrophes are preceded by a powerful destructive process that covers the earth's crust, hydrosphere, atmosphere - in short, all environments and fields - gravitational, helium, etc. And most importantly, this process applies not only to natural systems, but also to everything created by technical means and people. And having accumulated this destructive energy spills out in the form of natural disasters and catastrophes. Just like a disease in the human body.

And I immediately remember biblical stories about the Lord’s punishments for people’s actions, the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah, for example, and the like. And they don’t seem so supernatural and wonderful.

Scientists tried to find the source where this destructive process begins. And it turned out that everything starts from the negative emotions of people, from which the destructive process begins to spread in waves to everything around. It turned out that the Earth sensitively reacts and interacts with the surrounding outer space and, in addition, with what is happening on the surface, in particular the behavior of people.

What was surprising was that the planet’s response does not resemble a mechanical action based on the laws of physics, but resembles the action of an intelligent being. When analyzing disasters, researchers got the impression that the events preceding and following any of them were planned in advance by someone.

The earth as a living being was considered by a number of outstanding scientists V. Vernadsky, F. Shipunov, A. Chizhevsky and others. In their opinion, the Earth is an evolving organism in an evolving other organism - the Solar System, and that in turn in our Milky Way galaxy, and so on. This organism is a complex self-regulating system. And all geological, geophysical, atmospheric and other processes are considered as aimed at the overall development of the planet - its evolutionary development. A. Chizhevsky especially emphasized: “... astronomers studying phenomena in the Solar system discover phenomena in it that are similar to the functions of a living organism.”

"Breath" of the planet

Indirect confirmation of the then crazy hypothesis in the scientific community that the planet is a living organism was obtained back in the 80s. Professor Viktor Makarov, born in 1953, studying photographs of physical fields in areas of faults in the earth's crust from space, discovered evidence of regular changes in the magnitude of the magnetic field that occur over certain periods of time.

A little earlier, a group of scientists led by Russian geophysicist, geologist I.N. Yanitsky conducted field research and recorded the fact that the volume of deep gases located in the bowels of the Earth and emerging from cracks in the earth’s crust noticeably increases several times a day.

The results of these studies are consistent with the discovery of English researchers who studied the bioenergetic interaction of people with the outside world, Hartman and Curry. Scientists have discovered zones on the planet with an area of ​​up to four thousand kilometers in which electromagnetic indicators change throughout the day, either “opening” or “closing” depending on the Moon and other planets, celestial bodies and cosmic factors. Subsequently, these zones were called the Hartmann and Curry grids in honor of the researchers.

Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor V.N. Lugovenko offered his own explanation for these phenomena, believing that the “Hartmann and Curry grids” indicate the breathing of the planet, which, through cracks in faults, “pumps” cosmic energy through the deep layers. It follows from this that one must treat Mother Earth not as a dead cosmic body, but as a living organism with consciousness and will.

Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor Georgy Kuznetsov believes that the scientific community now uses an “anthropocentric view of things” to define an organism as living. This means that “living and intelligent” can only include those forms of organized matter whose properties correspond to the properties of animals and humans. And those forms that are strikingly different from those listed above in material composition, size, metabolic reactions, energy consumption, life span do not belong to intelligent matter, as is considered in orthodox science.

Comets and asteroids

Such egocentrism in understanding the surrounding world and nature will lead humanity to a dead end. After all, everyone already sees how humanity relates to the organs of the Earth, which are air, water, subsoil, plants, wildlife, people as well, and in general nature.

So the Earth is a living and intelligent organism! Hence the question: how did it appear? Astronomers believe that the planets were formed from a huge cloud of gas and dust billions of years ago through the collision of numerous asteroids, meteors, comets and other celestial bodies, which, under the influence of centrifugal forces, formed piles. And thus, over millions of years, these clusters gradually grew in size and finally became what we see them now. It follows from this that the Earth is a huge accumulation of small celestial bodies, mainly comets and asteroids.

Recently, comets have been of particular interest to astronomers. Their behavior reveals many incomprehensible things, namely, some comets have two tails, which completely contradicts the laws of celestial mechanics. Comet Arenda-Roland, discovered in 1956, has a second, anomalous tail that can suddenly disappear and then reappear, which astronomers cannot explain at the moment. Some comets independently and arbitrarily change their trajectories. And the incomprehensible radio emission emanating from these celestial bodies has given rise to some researchers to attribute them to reconnaissance probes of aliens. However, there is another version: to classify comets and asteroids as living beings of organosilicon nature.

These celestial objects are known to contain water in the form of ice and vapor. Brought to the planets, as well as to the Earth, water undoubtedly plays an important role in the functioning of the organism of celestial bodies. The amazing properties of water are beginning to increasingly attract the attention of scientists.

Mind of the Earth

According to the results of recent research, we can confidently say that water is the lifeblood of the planets, without which their normal life activity is impossible. Moreover, the presence of water indicates not only blood circulation, but also intelligence. From this it can be argued that the Moon is also alive, in the region of the poles of which entire oceans have been found under a thin crust. And on Earth, water is present not only on the visible surface, but also in the form of vapor in deep layers, as well as in underground lakes and rivers.

Hence it turns out that the Earth is a union of celestial bodies, which are thinking beings that gave the planet not only a physical body, but also a mind. Colliding with each other and combining into a pile in a gas and dust cloud, the comets did not die, but merged into a huge living and intelligent organism, which later became our Earth.

According to Professor Sydney Jackson from Great Britain, not only any living organism, but also any object, be it a stone, a table or any other object around us, has an energy-information field in the world around us. Only the energy-information field of a living being is very different from the fields of inanimate objects. And the human field is different from the animal field. However, in the world around us, only dolphins and the Earth itself have a field similar to the human one! Our planet consists not only of organic substances and minerals, but is an intelligent thinking being, part of the universal community.

In the light of these facts, it ceases to be a mystery for what reasons peculiar information radiations are periodically sent from the depths of the Earth at a subtle energy level into space.

The purpose of the planets and the role of humanity

Naturally, the Earth knows about our existence, moreover, it knows about the existence of every creature living on it, be it a person or an animal. All supernatural and unusual phenomena - levitation, dowsing, leaving the body, telepathy, poltergeist - occur as a result of the interaction of the biofield of the planet and man.

However, one should not think that the Earth is too loyal and friendly towards humanity. She treats us pragmatically, which means that when humanity behaves carefully towards the Earth as a whole and its resources, then the Earth will react accordingly, and if on the contrary, then the reaction will not take long to arrive, a cataclysm will immediately occur or a disease, war, etc. .P. There are a great many examples of this.

“When the human population increases beyond permissible norms, when entire regions of the planet, its atmosphere, vegetation and water resources are poisoned by waste products of people, it begins to get rid of, “cleanse itself” from creatures dangerous to it,” says Professor G. Kuznetsov. - She usually does this through natural disasters. Not so long ago, in its arsenal there was such a means as introducing into the subconscious of people an order for self-destruction, which led to wars. Now that a number of countries have acquired nuclear weapons, the use of which could lead to catastrophic consequences not only for the human community, but also, apparently, for the Earth itself, it has chosen a different tactic. She gets rid of overly prolific people with the help of deadly viruses...”

However, without the focused efforts of the planet, it would hardly have been possible for life to arise on it. The emergence of people, as well as all processes occurring in nature, have their own global common cosmic purpose. Development of the universal bioenergy system.

So, the purpose of the planets, also the Earth, is to create, maintain and saturate global bioenergy with astral beings (or bioenergetic substances), which only a rational being can provide. Such creatures can be people, dolphins, comets and, ultimately, the Earth itself.

Our planet is our mother’s womb, the cradle of childhood, from where, after parting with our mortal physical shell, after death, we enter into “adult”, cosmic life.

1950s Doctor of MedicineManfred Curry(Kurri), who headed the medical-biological institute in Bavaria, also came to the conclusion thatimportant role of geopathogenic zones in the occurrence cancer diseases in people. In his opinion, the factor that provokes cancer is “telluric radiation”, associated not only with groundwater, but with a special earthly energy grid, which was later called the “diagonal Kurri grid”. Manfred Curry, MD, wrote in an article that after surgery, cancer patients should sleep in a harmful radiation place.

1960s Doctor Dieter Aschoff systematically warned his patients so that they, with the help of dowsing specialists, check the places where they conduct greatest number time for availability negative influence land. Dieter Aschoff wrote in an article entitled “What questions exist regarding cancer and unfavorable zones?”, in which he reports: “ Despite many years of research by scientists, science still cannot determine the cause of cancer, with the exception of cancer formation as a result ionizing radiation such as X-rays, radium radiation, or other cancers caused by rays. However, the number of cancer cases to which the above causes can be attributed is actually relatively small, and scientists are still arguing about the causes of cancer. But terrestrial rays are also ionizing rays, and scientists must consider them as causes of cancer formation».

At a lecture in Dortmund on May 15, 1976, Dr. Aschoff reported that he had measured the sleeping areas of 30 patients using an ultrashort wave device and had not noted a single case where measurable areas were not involved. He further said: " In 1934, Dr. Rambo, President Medical Society in Marburg, published the results of measurements he carried out using instruments, and concluded that in All the cancer patients he examined slept above measured unfavorable zones. In those houses where no such radiation was found, people did not complain about their health ».

1984 Bahler Kathe,(Bachler Kaethe) Austrian researcher, Institute for Geopathology, a famous scientist in the field of bioenergy, for more than 20 years intensive work traveled to 14 countries in which she studied the influence of geopathogenic zones on humans. One of the most popular books on the problem of geopathogenic zones was her monograph “The Experience of a Dowser,” which was published in Austria in 1984 in its ninth edition. The book presents the results of surveys of 11 thousand people (more than 3 thousand residential places) located in geopathogenic zones. Among the people examined there were 6.5 thousand adults, 3 thousand adolescents and 1.5 thousand infants and toddlers. According to her, only 5% of those examined who were in geopathogenic zones were not susceptible to diseases. Pathology in people living for a long time in geopathogenic zones is very diverse: from the lungs mental disorders to cancer, heart attacks, strokes, multiple sclerosis and so on. Based on many years of work, it was shown that cancer, mental and various chronic diseases in children and adults are due to the fact that people’s sleeping places were in a geopathogenic zone, which weakened the body’s defenses. Recently a book by K. Bachler was published on English language in Manchester, which is an undoubted recognition of the merits of K. Bachler in the study of this complex problem and saving thousands of people from death. She leads a number of signs that a person’s bed is in a geopathogenic zone: “antipathy towards one’s sleeping place, taking a long time to fall asleep (for hours), poor sleep, anxiety, tiredness and exhaustion in the morning after waking up, moodiness, nervousness and depressive state, rapid heartbeat and leg cramps. In children, this is also accompanied by a feeling of fear, screams, grinding of teeth, chilliness in bed, a desire to leave bed, loss of appetite.”

She found that the intersection of lines, stripes, zones are distributed according to the degree of their pathogenicity in the following way: 1. K x K x B (69), 2. B x K (39), 3. K x K (13), 4. B (0), 5. K (0), 6. B x B ( 12), 7. B x B x K (10), 8. B x B x K x K (7) Designations: K-line of the Kurri grid, B-water vein, K x K-intersection of the Kurri grid lines, B x B-crossing of water veins. The numbers in brackets show the number of cases of cancer identified in the work of K. Bachler. From the data presented it is clear that the intersections formed by the lines grid Kurri and underground water streams(water veins) are the most dangerous to human health.

Materials on these issues and detailed description results are available in e-book Part 6 8-5 Geopathogenic zones. The book is on the website at

Chapter " Energy zones and fields of the Earth"

© N.A. Koltova, 2017 [email protected]

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