The earth has its own energy field.

The ancients had no doubt that the Earth was a living being; there is a lot of evidence for this fact, both in their doctrines and in the appeals of Indian leaders to the so-called enlighteners, in which they directly point to this. Later, all esoteric schools and teachings believed and still believe the same.

Our planet as a living being is considered by Jose Arguelles in the book “The Mayan Factor”: “...Here we describe the structure of an intelligent planet, considered as a living organism. In doing so, we develop the "Gaia" hypothesis, the idea that the Earth is truly a conscious, evolving being."

A group led by Russian geophysicist and geologist I.N. Yanitsky especially emphasize the relationship of social cataclysms with natural disasters and catastrophes on Earth. For example, the conflict in Nagorno-Karabakh, which preceded a powerful destructive earthquake.

Accidents and catastrophes are preceded by a powerful destructive process that covers the earth's crust, hydrosphere, atmosphere - in short, all environments and fields - gravitational, helium, etc. And most importantly, this process applies not only to natural systems, but also to everything created by technical means and people. And having accumulated this destructive energy spills out in the form of natural disasters and catastrophes. Just like a disease in the human body.

And I immediately remember biblical stories about the Lord’s punishments for people’s actions, the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah, for example, and the like. And they don’t seem so supernatural and wonderful.

Scientists tried to find the source where this destructive process begins. And it turned out that everything starts from the negative emotions of people, from which the destructive process begins to spread in waves to everything around. It turned out that the Earth sensitively reacts and interacts with the surrounding outer space and, in addition, with what is happening on the surface, in particular the behavior of people.

What was surprising was that the planet’s response does not resemble a mechanical action based on the laws of physics, but resembles the action of an intelligent being. When analyzing disasters, researchers got the impression that the events preceding and following any of them were planned in advance by someone.

The earth as a living being was considered by a number of outstanding scientists V. Vernadsky, F. Shipunov, A. Chizhevsky and others. In their opinion, the Earth is an evolving organism in an evolving other organism - the Solar System, and that in turn in our Milky Way galaxy, and so on. This organism is a complex self-regulating system. And all geological, geophysical, atmospheric and other processes are considered as aimed at the overall development of the planet - its evolutionary development. A. Chizhevsky especially emphasized: “... astronomers studying phenomena in the Solar system discover phenomena in it that are similar to the functions of a living organism.”

"Breath" of the planet

Indirect confirmation of the then crazy hypothesis in the scientific community that the planet is a living organism was obtained back in the 80s. Professor Viktor Makarov, born in 1953, studying photographs of physical fields in areas of faults in the earth's crust from space, discovered evidence of regular changes in the magnitude of the magnetic field that occur over certain periods of time.

A little earlier, a group of scientists led by Russian geophysicist, geologist I.N. Yanitsky conducted field research and recorded the fact that the volume of deep gases located in the bowels of the Earth and emerging from cracks in the earth’s crust noticeably increases several times a day.

The results of these studies are consistent with the discovery of English researchers who studied the bioenergetic interaction of people with the outside world, Hartman and Curry. Scientists have discovered zones on the planet with an area of ​​up to four thousand kilometers in which electromagnetic indicators change throughout the day, either “opening” or “closing” depending on the Moon and other planets, celestial bodies and cosmic factors. Subsequently, these zones were called the Hartmann and Curry grids in honor of the researchers.

Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor V.N. Lugovenko offered his own explanation for these phenomena, believing that the “Hartmann and Curry grids” indicate the breathing of the planet, which, through cracks in faults, “pumps” cosmic energy through the deep layers. It follows from this that one must treat Mother Earth not as a dead cosmic body, but as a living organism with consciousness and will.

Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor Georgy Kuznetsov believes that the scientific community now uses an “anthropocentric view of things” to define an organism as living. This means that “living and intelligent” can only include those forms of organized matter whose properties correspond to the properties of animals and humans. And those forms that are strikingly different from those listed above in material composition, size, metabolic reactions, energy consumption, life span do not belong to intelligent matter, as is considered in orthodox science.

Comets and asteroids

Such egocentrism in understanding the surrounding world and nature will lead humanity to a dead end. After all, everyone already sees how humanity relates to the organs of the Earth, which are air, water, subsoil, plants, wildlife, people as well, and in general nature.

So the Earth is a living and intelligent organism! Hence the question: how did it appear? Astronomers believe that the planets were formed from a huge cloud of gas and dust billions of years ago through the collision of numerous asteroids, meteors, comets and other celestial bodies, which, under the influence of centrifugal forces, formed piles. And thus, over millions of years, these clusters gradually grew in size and finally became what we see them now. It follows from this that the Earth is a huge accumulation of small celestial bodies, mainly comets and asteroids.

Recently, comets have been of particular interest to astronomers. Their behavior reveals many incomprehensible things, namely, some comets have two tails, which completely contradicts the laws of celestial mechanics. Comet Arenda-Roland, discovered in 1956, has a second, anomalous tail that can suddenly disappear and then reappear, which astronomers cannot explain at the moment. Some comets independently and arbitrarily change their trajectories. And the incomprehensible radio emission emanating from these celestial bodies has given rise to some researchers to attribute them to reconnaissance probes of aliens. However, there is another version: to classify comets and asteroids as living beings of organosilicon nature.

These celestial objects are known to contain water in the form of ice and vapor. Brought to the planets, as well as to the Earth, water undoubtedly plays an important role in the functioning of the organism of celestial bodies. The amazing properties of water are beginning to increasingly attract the attention of scientists.

Mind of the Earth

According to the results of recent research, we can confidently say that water is the lifeblood of the planets, without which their normal life activity is impossible. Moreover, the presence of water indicates not only blood circulation, but also intelligence. From this it can be argued that the Moon is also alive, in the region of the poles of which entire oceans have been found under a thin crust. And on Earth, water is present not only on the visible surface, but also in the form of steam in deep layers, as well as in underground lakes and rivers.

Hence it turns out that the Earth is a union of celestial bodies, which are thinking beings that gave the planet not only a physical body, but also a mind. Colliding with each other and combining into a pile in a gas and dust cloud, the comets did not die, but merged into a huge living and intelligent organism, which later became our Earth.

According to Professor Sydney Jackson from Great Britain, not only any living organism, but also any object, be it a stone, a table or any other object around us, has an energy-information field in the world around us. Only the energy-information field of a living being is very different from the fields of inanimate objects. And the human field is different from the animal field. However, in the world around us, only dolphins and the Earth itself have a field similar to the human one! Our planet consists not only of organic substances and minerals, but is an intelligent thinking being, part of the universal community.

In the light of these facts, it ceases to be a mystery for what reasons peculiar information radiations are periodically sent from the depths of the Earth at a subtle energy level into space.

The purpose of the planets and the role of humanity

Naturally, the Earth knows about our existence, moreover, it knows about the existence of every creature living on it, be it a person or an animal. All supernatural and unusual phenomena - levitation, dowsing, leaving the body, telepathy, poltergeist - occur as a result of the interaction of the biofield of the planet and man.

However, one should not think that the Earth is too loyal and friendly towards humanity. She treats us pragmatically, which means that when humanity behaves carefully towards the Earth as a whole and its resources, then the Earth will react accordingly, and if on the contrary, then the reaction will not take long to arrive, a cataclysm will immediately occur or a disease, war, etc. .P. There are a great many examples of this.

“When the human population increases beyond permissible norms, when entire regions of the planet, its atmosphere, vegetation and water resources are poisoned by waste products of people, it begins to get rid of, “cleanse itself” from creatures dangerous to it,” says Professor G. Kuznetsov. - She usually does this through natural disasters. Not so long ago, in its arsenal there was such a means as introducing into the subconscious of people an order for self-destruction, which led to wars. Now that a number of countries have acquired nuclear weapons, the use of which could lead to catastrophic consequences not only for the human community, but also, apparently, for the Earth itself, it has chosen a different tactic. She gets rid of overly prolific people with the help of deadly viruses...”

However, without the focused efforts of the planet, it would hardly have been possible for life to arise on it. The emergence of people, as well as all processes occurring in nature, have their own global common cosmic purpose. Development of the universal bioenergy system.

So, the purpose of the planets, also the Earth, is to create, maintain and saturate global bioenergy with astral beings (or bioenergetic substances), which only a rational being can provide. Such creatures can be people, dolphins, comets and, ultimately, the Earth itself.

Our planet is our mother’s womb, the cradle of childhood, from where, after parting with our mortal physical shell, after death, we enter into “adult”, cosmic life.

Having flown around the Earth in a satellite ship, I saw how beautiful our planet is.

People will preserve and increase this beauty, and not destroy it.

(Yuri Gagarin)

Aura of the earth

The Earth's aura demonstrates unique earthly patterns intertwined with the energy of mountains, forests, birds, seas, and humans. These energies are simple and majestic, close and far, understandable and mysterious. The aura of the Earth either powerfully pulsates in them like the heart of a great warrior, then sighs like a sleeping child, then smiles with a happy smile and flows into the energy-informational field of the earth and the Universe itself.

The energy information field of the Earth is closely connected with people. It is interesting that individual people: healthy, warm-hearted, grateful, loving and understanding, are capable of self-sacrifice. They are beautiful! But humanity as a whole is a deaf, evil and incomprehensible beast. The energy information field has no choice; it is filled with both the energy of the beast in the guise of humanity and the light power of people.

But what is the aura of the Earth? The earth's aura is an energy shell. It is filled with feelings, thoughts, experiences and various other states of all organisms on our planet. A huge number of different living creatures live on earth. Their biological nature merges around the earth into a single aura of life. In addition, planet Earth itself also has an aura.

The aura of life of countless creatures living on the planet merges in the aura of the Earth and constitutes the energy-information field of the Earth. The Earth's aura depends on many things: the energetic health of the planet, the emotional potential of all living things, the energy attacks of dark forces, the number of kind, cheerful people who love nature, the magnitude of floods, the state of forests, seas, rivers, streams, inanimate objects, including the number of beautiful , cozy, well-kept buildings, the state of spirits, the four main elements, spirits, etc.

Energy information field of the Earth and nature

The energy information field is an energy layer that carries a huge amount of different information about our entire planet.

The earth's energy information field permeates all layers of the Earth's atmosphere: the troposphere, stratosphere, mesosphere, thermosphere, exosphere and connects with the energy information field of the earth's natural satellite, the Moon. All life on earth makes a personal contribution to the energy information field of the Earth.

In science, it is customary to divide nature into living and nonliving. The living nature of the Earth is so diverse that it simply amazes and amazes anyone who encounters this diversity of living organisms. The living nature of the Earth includes not only animals and plants, birds and fish, arthropods and fungi, but also mold, viruses, and bacteria. Living nature: grows, lives, reproduces its own kind, changes, adapts to its environment, receives energy from the environment, dies.

The number of living organisms on Earth is countless. There are so many of them that no one has yet been able to name even an approximate number.

Today on our Earth there are more than 5 million species of animals alone, and about 600 million species of living beings have become extinct on Earth. The energy of every creature, both living today and once living on earth, has left information about itself in the energy-information field of the earth.

The properties of the energy information field depend on the properties and abilities of all exhibitors and a huge whale and a small worm and a bacteria and a virus. But it is not only living nature that fills the Earth’s Energy Information Field. Representatives of the non-living world also have their energy books there.

Inanimate bodies are everywhere. On the one hand, these are the stars, the sun, the moon, various planets, and on the other hand: light, wind, cyclones, mountains, seas, oceans, rivers, minerals, just stones. These objects do not feed, are not born, do not die and practically do not change. However, without inanimate nature, living life is impossible. If a living organism is deprived of air, heat, light, minerals, then it dies. Living organisms, in turn, create new minerals, soils, gases, change landscapes. The interconnection of all exhibitors of different species ensures the filling of the energy information field and the maintenance of living nature.

The energy information field of the earth receives various properties from the energy of everything that is on the earth today and has ever been there before. It experiences when something disappears, dies and rejoices when life is born and arises again. The person himself is very important in the energy information field.

Man is a thinking being. Man himself creates objects of inanimate nature, he stands: cities, castles, temples, museums, railways, ships, cars, etc. These and other objects created by people, as well as food, books, computers, paper, clothing, etc. constantly replenish the energy information field of the earth.

In the interests of the energy information field, the preservation of life on earth in different forms, and the increase in the mass of beautiful energies from inanimate nature. It is in her interests to develop people as intelligent and careful creators who, first of all, love the Earth as their home, as their mother and rejoice in everything that grows and lives on the earth as their children. It is in the interests of the energy information field of the earth that they have a good attitude towards everything that gives life: the sun, water, earth, mother, father, etc. Living by other rules means harming the Earth.

The energy information field of the Earth is a library

The Earth's energy information field is similar to. In Her are the books of life. Several volumes have been written on every living organism of a small mosquito. There are tens of thousands of books on inanimate objects.

In accordance with the energy-information field of the earth, the development of life on Earth takes place. Living organisms change and are born in accordance with the information that is recorded in the books of the Earth's field. Initially, information about the construction of life accumulated in the energy-information field of the Earth from contact with the cosmic environment of the Universe, and then using its information obtained thanks to the development of life on the planet.

So the Earth was able to create such creatures, whose main asset was their consciousness. Through the energy-information field of Mother Earth, all living beings of living nature and objects of inanimate nature arose.

The relationships of life in the energy-information field of the Earth

Information about the energy-information field of the earth is very ancient and comes from the ancestors of the Indo-European peoples. In Christian Rus', the image of Mother Earth is also revered. According to popular Slavic beliefs, the Mother of Cheese, the earth, has a feminine principle and is one of the main parts of the universe, which gave birth to all life on Earth from the composition of its particles.

Everything in the universe is woven from identical particles. A beautiful flower and a frog in a pond, a fluffy kitten, a person, and even planets in the universe have the same nature, but a different structure. So, for example, a flower does not have a nervous system and lungs as we know about them, but it still miraculously lives. A flower has its own radiation, what people call a biofield.

Every cell produces energy and leaves a huge amount of diverse information in the world. A doctor I know told me that six and a half trillion actions are performed by a human cell in just one second. In this case, the totality of energies from various organisms covers the earth with their radiations, forming an atmosphere about which we do not yet have scientific knowledge. If so, then most likely everything at the energy level mixes and interacts not only with the earth, its energy, but also with the entire galaxy; it, in turn, enters an even larger field of other worlds, planets, galaxies. Moreover, our energy information exchange is not one-way. We are not only sources of information that flies out of us into the universe. We receive the necessary energy data depending on our needs and actions, which form systems of cause and effect... To some extent, we receive what we order, what we need, which means the universe is our energetic continuation.

Science as it exists today is based on the physics of Newton born in the 17th century and the theories of Darwin. However, the last century revealed quantum physics to people and this is a revolution in scientific foundations. More and more scientists are turning to quantum field theory, elementary particle physics, neutrino physics, gravity, cosmology, and neutrino astrophysics. Today they are no longer talking about the molecule and not about the cell as such, but about the energy levels of the molecule and the energy levels of the cell. Quantum mechanics studies microparticles: electrons, protons and other elementary particles, atomic nuclei, atoms, molecules, etc.

Today scientists know that at the most elementary level, all living beings, absolutely any organism, consists of a set of quantum energies. These flows of energy exchange information with each other, they interact with the field of these energies emitted by everyone, a blade of grass and a seed in the ground, and of course a person in general and the brain in particular. All biological processes are directly related to quantum energies and this determines their existence. All life processes, including the work of RNA, DNA, all cell interactions, occur through the exchange of information at the quantum level.

A big discovery for scientists was that all human thought processes work according to the laws of the propagation of quantum energies. The perception of the world that a person sees, feels, hears is all the result of communication between quanta. Essentially, we live in clouds of quantum fields and interact at the quantum level not only with each other, but also with the energy-information field of the planet and the entire universe. This interaction is very fast.

The ancients had no doubt that the Earth was a living being; there is a lot of evidence for this fact, both in their doctrines and in the appeals of Indian leaders to the so-called enlighteners, in which they directly point to this. Later, all esoteric schools and teachings believed and still believe the same.

Our planet as a living being is considered by Jose Arguelles in the book “The Mayan Factor”: “...Here we describe the structure of an intelligent planet, considered as a living organism. In doing so, we develop the "Gaia" hypothesis, the idea that the Earth is truly a conscious, evolving being."

A group led by Russian geophysicist and geologist I.N. Yanitsky especially emphasize the relationship of social cataclysms with natural disasters and catastrophes on Earth. For example, the conflict in Nagorno-Karabakh, which preceded a powerful destructive earthquake.

Accidents and catastrophes are preceded by a powerful destructive process that covers the earth's crust, hydrosphere, atmosphere - in short, all environments and fields - gravitational, helium, etc. And most importantly, this process applies not only to natural systems, but also to everything created by technical means and people. And having accumulated this destructive energy spills out in the form of natural disasters and catastrophes. Just like a disease in the human body.

And I immediately remember biblical stories about the Lord’s punishments for people’s actions, the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah, for example, and the like. And they don’t seem so supernatural and wonderful.

Scientists tried to find the source where this destructive process begins. And it turned out that everything starts from the negative emotions of people, from which the destructive process begins to spread in waves to everything around. It turned out that the Earth sensitively reacts and interacts with the surrounding outer space and, in addition, with what is happening on the surface, in particular the behavior of people.

What was surprising was that the planet’s response does not resemble a mechanical action based on the laws of physics, but resembles the action of an intelligent being. When analyzing disasters, researchers got the impression that the events preceding and following any of them were planned in advance by someone.

The earth as a living being was considered by a number of outstanding scientists V. Vernadsky, F. Shipunov, A. Chizhevsky and others. In their opinion, the Earth is an evolving organism in an evolving other organism - the Solar System, and that in turn in our Milky Way galaxy, and so on. This organism is a complex self-regulating system. And all geological, geophysical, atmospheric and other processes are considered as aimed at the overall development of the planet - its evolutionary development. A. Chizhevsky especially emphasized: “... astronomers studying phenomena in the Solar system discover phenomena in it that are similar to the functions of a living organism.”

"Breath" of the planet

Indirect confirmation of the then crazy hypothesis in the scientific community that the planet is a living organism was obtained back in the 80s. Professor Viktor Makarov, born in 1953, studying photographs of physical fields in areas of faults in the earth's crust from space, discovered evidence of regular changes in the magnitude of the magnetic field that occur over certain periods of time.

A little earlier, a group of scientists led by Russian geophysicist, geologist I.N. Yanitsky conducted field research and recorded the fact that the volume of deep gases located in the bowels of the Earth and emerging from cracks in the earth’s crust noticeably increases several times a day.

The results of these studies are consistent with the discovery of English researchers who studied the bioenergetic interaction of people with the outside world, Hartman and Curry. Scientists have discovered zones on the planet with an area of ​​up to four thousand kilometers in which electromagnetic indicators change throughout the day, either “opening” or “closing” depending on the Moon and other planets, celestial bodies and cosmic factors. Subsequently, these zones were called the Hartmann and Curry grids in honor of the researchers.

Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor V.N. Lugovenko offered his own explanation for these phenomena, believing that the “Hartmann and Curry grids” indicate the breathing of the planet, which, through cracks in faults, “pumps” cosmic energy through the deep layers. It follows from this that one must treat Mother Earth not as a dead cosmic body, but as a living organism with consciousness and will.

Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor Georgy Kuznetsov believes that the scientific community now uses an “anthropocentric view of things” to define an organism as living. This means that “living and intelligent” can only include those forms of organized matter whose properties correspond to the properties of animals and humans. And those forms that are strikingly different from those listed above in material composition, size, metabolic reactions, energy consumption, life span do not belong to intelligent matter, as is considered in orthodox science.

Comets and asteroids

Such egocentrism in understanding the surrounding world and nature will lead humanity to a dead end. After all, everyone already sees how humanity relates to the organs of the Earth, which are air, water, subsoil, plants, wildlife, people as well, and in general nature.

So the Earth is a living and intelligent organism! Hence the question: how did it appear? Astronomers believe that the planets were formed from a huge cloud of gas and dust billions of years ago through the collision of numerous asteroids, meteors, comets and other celestial bodies, which, under the influence of centrifugal forces, formed piles. And thus, over millions of years, these clusters gradually grew in size and finally became what we see them now. It follows from this that the Earth is a huge accumulation of small celestial bodies, mainly comets and asteroids.

Recently, comets have been of particular interest to astronomers. Their behavior reveals many incomprehensible things, namely, some comets have two tails, which completely contradicts the laws of celestial mechanics. Comet Arenda-Roland, discovered in 1956, has a second, anomalous tail that can suddenly disappear and then reappear, which astronomers cannot explain at the moment. Some comets independently and arbitrarily change their trajectories. And the incomprehensible radio emission emanating from these celestial bodies has given rise to some researchers to attribute them to reconnaissance probes of aliens. However, there is another version: to classify comets and asteroids as living beings of organosilicon nature.

These celestial objects are known to contain water in the form of ice and vapor. Brought to the planets, as well as to the Earth, water undoubtedly plays an important role in the functioning of the organism of celestial bodies. The amazing properties of water are beginning to increasingly attract the attention of scientists.

Mind of the Earth

According to the results of recent research, we can confidently say that water is the lifeblood of the planets, without which their normal life activity is impossible. Moreover, the presence of water indicates not only blood circulation, but also intelligence. From this it can be argued that the Moon is also alive, in the region of the poles of which entire oceans have been found under a thin crust. And on Earth, water is present not only on the visible surface, but also in the form of steam in deep layers, as well as in underground lakes and rivers.

Hence it turns out that the Earth is a union of celestial bodies, which are thinking beings that gave the planet not only a physical body, but also a mind. Colliding with each other and combining into a pile in a gas and dust cloud, the comets did not die, but merged into a huge living and intelligent organism, which later became our Earth.

According to Professor Sydney Jackson from Great Britain, not only any living organism, but also any object, be it a stone, a table or any other object around us, has an energy-information field in the world around us. Only the energy-information field of a living being is very different from the fields of inanimate objects. And the human field is different from the animal field. However, in the world around us, only dolphins and the Earth itself have a field similar to the human one! Our planet consists not only of organic substances and minerals, but is an intelligent thinking being, part of the universal community.

In the light of these facts, it ceases to be a mystery for what reasons peculiar information radiations are periodically sent from the depths of the Earth at a subtle energy level into space.

The purpose of the planets and the role of humanity

Naturally, the Earth knows about our existence, moreover, it knows about the existence of every creature living on it, be it a person or an animal. All supernatural and unusual phenomena - levitation, dowsing, leaving the body, telepathy, poltergeist - occur as a result of the interaction of the biofield of the planet and man.

However, one should not think that the Earth is too loyal and friendly towards humanity. She treats us pragmatically, which means that when humanity behaves carefully towards the Earth as a whole and its resources, then the Earth will react accordingly, and if on the contrary, then the reaction will not take long to arrive, a cataclysm will immediately occur or a disease, war, etc. .P. There are a great many examples of this.

“When the human population increases beyond permissible norms, when entire regions of the planet, its atmosphere, vegetation and water resources are poisoned by waste products of people, it begins to get rid of, “cleanse itself” from creatures dangerous to it,” says Professor G. Kuznetsov. - She usually does this through natural disasters. Not so long ago, in its arsenal there was such a means as introducing into the subconscious of people an order for self-destruction, which led to wars. Now that a number of countries have acquired nuclear weapons, the use of which could lead to catastrophic consequences not only for the human community, but also, apparently, for the Earth itself, it has chosen a different tactic. She gets rid of overly prolific people with the help of deadly viruses...”

However, without the focused efforts of the planet, it would hardly have been possible for life to arise on it. The emergence of people, as well as all processes occurring in nature, have their own global common cosmic purpose. Development of the universal bioenergy system.

So, the purpose of the planets, also the Earth, is to create, maintain and saturate global bioenergy with astral beings (or bioenergetic substances), which only a rational being can provide. Such creatures can be people, dolphins, comets and, ultimately, the Earth itself.

Our planet is our mother’s womb, the cradle of childhood, from where, after parting with our mortal physical shell, after death, we enter into “adult”, cosmic life.

The human energy field is an integral part of the energy fields of space

The energy fields of living beings (biofields) have a complex composition. Almost all forms of energy known to physics are found in them.

The presence of energy fields around living organisms has been known since ancient times. The influence of these energy fields was used by priests of various religions, fakirs, shamans, and also yogis. Researchers of the Ancient East not only created the first coherent theories of bioenergy, but also substantiated them with the practical application of such systems as acupuncture, field types of karate, kung fu and others. Currently, Soviet scientists (V.P. Kaznacheev, E.E. Godik, Yu.V. Gulyaev) have made a worthy contribution to substantiating the existence of energy fields around living organisms.

The energy field of a living organism is not an isolated phenomenon inherent only to a living being, but an integral part of the energy field of the Earth and, naturally, the energy fields of the Universe. Every living creature is born not just at some point on the Earth, but is born in Space, filled with fields that have not yet been studied. We are all closely connected with them and initially have the gift of manipulating and controlling these cosmic energies to one degree or another.

The structure of the human biofield. Aura colors and their meaning

According to the yogic concept, a person consists of several bodies contained in one another. The main bodies are physical, etheric, astral, mental. Each of them has an energy field that occupies the space of the body and is expressed in the form of lines of force and radiation. That part of the energy field that extends beyond the physical body is called the aura. A person's energy field is the totality of the energy fields of all his bodies; accordingly, a person’s aura is the totality of the auras of all his bodies.

A person who, with the help of his energy field, can influence animate and inanimate objects (energy transfer, transmission and reading of information) is called a psychic, or sensitive. Some psychics see the aura of living and inanimate objects, and high-level psychics distinguish the auras of different human bodies. Ordinary people can see a person's aura using EBL photo (ELB-electrobioluminescent glow).

The physical and etheric bodies have the same energy field. The physical body is the body visible and felt by all physical senses.

The etheric body is an exact copy of the physical body, but consists of more subtle matter. On this basis, it is sometimes called the “etheric double.” The main purpose of the etheric body is to preserve the shape of the physical body; the main shade of the color of its radiation is lilac-gray.

The astral body consists of finer matter than the etheric; the main background of its emissions is bluish-gray. The color of the astral body changes according to a person’s experiences (this body of yoga is called the “body of emotions”). During life, the astral body can be separated from the physical body in a state of trance or sleep.

The mental body has an ovoid shape, consists of even finer matter than the astral body, and forms a light sparkling aura. Depending on the quality of thoughts, the aura of the mental body changes colors.

The size of the aura varies from person to person, but on average (for people who do not engage in yoga or special exercises to increase the aura) it extends beyond the physical shell at a distance of 70 to 100 cm.

The quality of the aura is visually determined by its density and color, or rather, by the color of the general background and various color shades on this background. It depends on the temperament, state of mind, and the degree of spiritual development of a person. The auras of a believer and an atheist are significantly different. In addition, the aura reflects changes in mood, a person’s inclination, his joy and sorrow.

In people who are calm, thoughtful, and balanced, their aura is pierced in certain places by color streams of green (or rather, its shades). In the unrestrained and restless, the aura is permeated with red-yellow streams. In people of low intelligence, most of the aura is permeated with red-yellow streams. As intelligence increases, the concentration of green in color streams increases. In selfless natures, blue tones appear against the general background of the aura; Similar shades of aura are also characteristic of people with a developed sense of compassion for their neighbors.

Color flows and shades have a certain shape. Low, animal passions are expressed in the aura in the form of irregular clouds that pass through it, and sublime feelings and thoughts are expressed in the form of rays spreading from within. An attack of fear permeates the aura from top to bottom in the form of wavy stripes of blue with a reddish tint. In persons tensely awaiting some event, you can see red and blue stripes in the form of radii, going from the inside to the outside. In the aura of people who experience strong excitement due to every significant external influence, small orange-yellow dots periodically flash. Absent-mindedness manifests itself in the form of bluish spots of variable shape.

High-level psychics are able to see individual auras in a person’s general aura. Such separate vision of auras allows the psychic to judge the degree of spiritual development of the observed person. If the observed person is completely given over to base passions and impulses, then sharp screaming tones are observed in the first aura (the aura of the physical and etheric body); in the second (aura of the astral body) there are scanty colorful formations, and in the third (aura of the mental body) sparkling sparks barely appear and disappear (the presence of these sparks indicates that the eternal “I” exists in a person). A person who knows how to suppress his animal passions has a developed second aura, and a highly spiritual person has a shining, sparkling third aura.

In the first aura of a person of a low level of development, one can observe all shades from red to blue; these shades have a muddy, dirty color. Obsessively red shades indicate sensual lusts, a thirst for pleasure of the body and stomach, green shades indicate fear of efforts to satisfy sensual lusts, brownish-green and yellowish-green indicate a lack of skills in achieving the desired base goals. Feelings of base egoism are expressed in dull yellow and brownish shades, and cowardice and fear are expressed in brownish-blue, gray-blue colors.

In the second aura, brownish and orange hues indicate a highly developed sense of selfishness, pride and ambition. Curiosity is emphasized by red and yellow spots. Light yellow reflects clear thinking and intelligence, while green-yellow reflects good memory. Blue color is a sign of piety; if piety approaches deep religiosity, then blue shades turn into purple.

In the third aura, the main colors are yellow, green and blue. Yellow color reflects thinking filled with high universal ideas; if thinking is cleared of sensory ideas, then this yellow color has a greenish tint. Green reflects love for all living things. Blue color expresses readiness for sacrificial self-denial in the name of other living beings; if this capacity for self-sacrifice is enhanced by social activities for the sake of peace on Earth, the blue color turns into light purple.

The relationship between the physical body and its energetic counterpart

“Seer” psychics perceive the energy field of the physical body as a fabric of light vibrations that are in constant motion. The energy field permeates the physical body and extends 3-5 cm beyond it. Inside the energy field, chakras are force vortexes that look like spiral cones. They differ in the number of smaller cones of energy whose apexes coincide with the apex of the main cone.

Energy in the form of vibrating flows moves to the main cones (vortexes) of energy - chakras. Muladharachakra is a cone of energy with four small cones (yogis depict this chakra as a lotus flower with four petals). Svadhishthanachakra is a cone of energy with six small cones (the image of the chakra is a lotus with six petals). Manipurachakra is a cone of energy with ten small cones of energy (the image of the chakra is a lotus with ten petals). Anahatachakra is a cone of energy with twelve small cones (the image of the chakra is a lotus with twelve petals). Vishudhachakra is a cone of energy with sixteen small cones (lotus with sixteen petals). Ajnachakra is a cone of energy with two small cones (lotus with two petals). Sahasrarachakra is a cone of energy with a thousand small cones (a lotus with a thousand petals). Thus, the main energy flows in the energy field, forming a chain of vortices, are grouped along the line of the spine (Muladharachakra is located in the spine, in the coccyx area; Svadhisthanachakra - in the spine, in the genital area; Manipurachakra - in the spine, in the solar plexus area; Anahatachakra - in the spine, in the area of ​​the heart; Vishudhachakra - in the area of ​​the thyroid gland; Ajnachakra - in the center of the brain; Sahasrarachakra - in the area of ​​the crown). Associated with this chain of vortices is a large vortex (also in the form of a cone), located on the left side, in the area of ​​the spleen and pancreas. Another vortex of energy, somewhat smaller in size than those described above, is located at the back of the head, near the longitudinal brain.

The state of the energy field is closely related to the state of the human physical body: by the state of the energy field one can determine a pathological or functional disorder of the organs of the physical body. Moreover, the disorder of the physical body is anticipated (as if reflected in advance) in its energy analogue. Therefore, based on the state of the energy field, it is possible not only to determine, but also to predict subsequent (after a certain time) disorders of the physical body.

The main criterion for the state of the energy field (and therefore the physical body) is the state of the above-described nine large vortexes (cones) of energy. These macrovortices reflect the present and future (within several years in advance) state of the adjacent areas of the physical body. The irregular movement (rotation) of the cones indicates a functional disorder of the organs of the physical body. The flow of energy at the central point (where the tops of small cones converge) or the dullness of the field (instead of brilliant shades), even gray, indicates serious pathological changes in the organs of the physical body, and emerging ruptures in the tissues of macrovortexes indicate future physical disorders. The time interval after which a physical breakdown occurs is determined by the state of the emerging rupture.

An additional indicator of a disorder in the physical body is also a disorder in the tissue (not in the macrovortices) of the energy field: confusion in the lines of force, tiny whirlpools of energy separated from the normal flow, energy leakage. In this case, the place of the field disorder corresponds to the place of the physical body disorder.

The human soul and its energy field

Radiating energy, the absolute power of which can vary depending on the state of health, emotional state, and spiritual development. The aura and its radiation bear the imprint of the individual’s individuality and a certain information load. Everything that a person does in this life, has done and will do in his other incarnations is deposited in the aura (in the form of certain vibration rhythms, field density, color shades). Therefore, the aura is the energetic expression of human karma.

At the same time, the energy field is the energetic expression of the human soul: according to the yogic definition, the human soul is a combination of four components - three types of mind (instinctive - subconscious, intellectual - consciousness, spiritual - superconscious) and one’s own “I”. In the total human energy field, these components are expressed through the fifth, sixth and seventh bodies and their corresponding energy fields. The first four human bodies (physical, etheric, astral and mental) exist during one incarnation. They decompose after the physical death of a person (the etheric body decomposes on the 9th day, and the astral body on the 40th day after the cessation of functioning of the physical body), and their energy fields disintegrate accordingly. The remaining bodies (and the fields corresponding to them) pass through all of a person’s incarnations, recording in the energy fields all his deeds and actions.