Hello. I want to share my problem and try to figure it out, please help! I've read similar stories here and encountered this among my friends, but the cases are all different. My situation has already broken my whole brain, because thoughts about this problem are with me almost constantly. I’ll try to explain everything... I’m 29 years old. My husband and I met on the Internet, corresponded for a long time, about two years, at that time we lived in different cities. We didn’t dare to meet because both he and I were in relationships. We corresponded simply as friends. Then he moved to another city. Two years ago we met him there, I arrived (to be honest, we were on each other’s nerves for a long time about our meeting, but that’s a different story). Then, a couple of months later, he himself came to visit me, and then we had our first intimacy. And our third meeting already looked like my thorough move to him and we began to live together. That is, we didn’t have a candy-bouquet period as such, we immediately began to live. We don't have children. We rented a house. We had active sex, everything was fine. But now, after a while, I think that I often gave in to him in sex, had sex with him without my special desire, as long as my husband felt good, now I think that this was my mistake. I always try to make him feel good, not only in sex, I love him too much... Then we bought our own home and moved. The problems started about a year ago, when the intimacy between us became less and less frequent. And refusals are always on his part. Either he was tired, or he drank beer, or he didn’t get enough sleep. As a result, sex is once a month. In general, women who have the same situation will understand me. It is very difficult to feel that your husband is not interested in you as a woman, as a sexual object. There was no betrayal, neither his nor mine. And we immediately agreed that everything would be fair between us. I am sure that he has no other women, and he spends all his free time with me. I don’t know how to get out of this dependent relationship, I’m very tired. Thoughts about my possible betrayal visit me very often. On the one hand, I’m tired of the lack of sex, on the other hand, I don’t want and can’t lie to my husband and cheat. I talked to him about this more than once, cried, was offended, but he answers like this - I won’t become like this and I won’t become anyone else, that’s the kind of person I am, not temperamental. But before, we had sex often, more than once a week, and he behaved completely differently. I asked him what I should do, how to change the situation, maybe I’m doing something wrong or behaving incorrectly in bed with him, to which he answers everything is fine, I feel good with you, but as often as you already need me (to I mean, he's 33 years old). Tell me what to do?