How multiple sclerosis changed my life. Diana McLaren's healing story

Having won incurable diseasemultiple sclerosis, Riville Kofman realized: she returned to this life to help others.

A psychologist by education and vocation, she opened a rehabilitation center for children with cancer in Kyiv. Fairytale World", where children are treated with magical toys, enchanted trees, fairy tale characters and even the wish-granting turtle Lolita.

So now Riville is a real sorceress! Every week she puts on a fairy outfit, picks up magic wand and comes to sick children to give hope for a miracle.

Ravil, how do you manage to use fairy tales to get children out of bed who have already been sentenced by doctors?

Children have not lost the ability to believe in miracles, and this is their strength! Therefore, they must be treated differently than adults: first of all, make them smile, return them to a good mood. Believe me, this is even more important than chemotherapy combined! That's why I tell them fairy tales, each with their own - the one that this particular child will believe in. He will believe and he will recover!

How should parents behave when their child is diagnosed with a terrible cancer?

First of all, pull yourself together, think about own mistakes and do everything to fix them. I have been communicating with cancer patients for fifteen years and I can say: children do not want to live if their parents do not have a relationship.

Sometimes mothers, while still bearing the fetus under their hearts, allow themselves to hate the father of the child. This is scary, because all the negativity is transmitted to the baby, penetrates into his cells... The mother needs to restore the relationship with the father, accept everything as it is, forget and let go of the grievances!

How to correctly explain to a child what is happening to him?

Parents very often make a serious mistake - they do not tell their child with cancer about his illness, they do not explain why he got sick. It is not right. You need to do the following.

Talk about the disease in his child’s language. Sometimes I say: “Some harmful and timid Barakabola has taken possession of you from another planet! He got inside and interfered! Why do you think he moved in? Were you greedy? Angry? Did you offend others? As a rule, children think about it, find a reason - and this only makes them feel better. Because now they know what needs to be changed.

Ask your child: why does he want to be cured? You need to communicate a lot with the child, talk about how many more things on Earth need to be redone so that there is no grief: homeless cats are walking around, hungry dogs, dolphins are dying, and trees... But he can help and save everyone - you just need to get better !

I give a sick child a task - to come up with 10 things that he must do - and the children come up with them very quickly!

It is very important that the child realizes that something is wrong with him, he needs to fight it, he needs to fix it - and this is in his own power.

The disease does not spare even infants...

Does official medicine recognize your method – fairy tale therapy?

The trouble is that children with cancer are often looked at as incurable, and the work of psychologists in cancer centers, as a rule, comes down to preparing parents for the death of their children... If a child suddenly pulls through, it is perceived as a miracle...

But there are many ways to activate the body’s internal reserves. My fairytale therapy is one of them. This, of course, is not an independent treatment - only a background against which traditional health care can triple the positive result.

I come to children with cancer and tell them, for example, what is actually flowing in this drip with “chemistry” living water… What's happening? The child’s faith in recovery “begs” this chemistry, structures it - and the “chemistry” helps...

Ecology of consumption. Health: Let's get acquainted today with another story of healing from absent-minded...

“My story began in 1982, when I ended up in the hospital with an unknown diagnosis.

The right side of my body was completely paralyzed - due to facial paralysis, I could not speak, the functions of the rectum and bladder were impaired, and I could hardly see in my right eye... Everything hurt.

My doctor was stumped.

So I found myself on the threshold great adventurethe path to health took me ten years– then I had no idea that I would spend so much time on it.

The doctors gave me a disappointing prognosis: recovery was only possible by 50-70%, the inability to have children, possible physical incompetence, disability, and so on were also mentioned.

In the first few years I experienced temporary improvements. The doctors told me that this is the course of the disease, you need to get used to it.

The last (and final) crisis happened to me in 1992, when for many weeks I was unable to drive a car, walk without holding onto walls, could not climb stairs, I could not even eat or dress on my own.

It was followed by long and painful months of treatment, when after a year of work there was still no noticeable improvement... So many times I wanted to just quit it all, give up... But I didn’t.

I was not even thirty, and doctors had already given 6 different terrible diagnoses - including multiple sclerosis, chronic fatigue, fibromalgia. Once I asked one specialist - “Could there be some connection between these six diseases - I just can’t believe that someone could be SO doomed...” - “No, there is no connection. Everything is as it is."

I've experienced everything it has to offer western medicine– medications, procedures, but none of the above worked long term results, and the side effects were bothering me.

I thought: “If doctors don’t know how to cure me, then how can I help myself? How can I be healed?

I began to look for alternative ways of recovery, and was rewarded.

Frustration and anger led me to Western philosophy, strategies healthy eating, dietary supplements, visualizations, working with your body and many others alternative paths therapy.

The more I immersed myself in the topic of psychosomatics, the more I realized how tightly connected my body and my thoughts are.

I told myself, “One day I will be cured.” I didn’t know when or how it would happen, I just believed. My only passionate desire was to be cured, to become healthy!

Thanks to my long and fruitful work with nutritionists, healers, herbalists, reflexologists, as well as my inner confidence and strong determination, I have been living without symptoms of multiple sclerosis for many years now.

The case of my healing is not luck - it is the fruit of my work on myself.

I used visualization method– I imagined how I would look and feel if I were healthy. I followed a diet, took special nutritional supplements, herbs.

I recognize mainstream medicine - it saves lives - but I also believe that in the treatment of multiple sclerosis It is necessary to support the body with natural remedies, and not just reactively eliminate symptoms.

…Today I play the piano, I have two absolutely healthy adult children, I travel a lot and own my own health center, where I help other people.

For 20 years I have not had a single relapse. Your body has the amazing ability to naturally rebuild and heal itself, just allow it to fully express this ability! "

So, key factors success in this case:

1. Taking responsibility for own life. Confidence in healing. The desire and desire to change oneself.

2. Trust your own intuition.

3. Change principles of nutrition, , reflexology, dietary supplements, nutraceuticals.

4. A deliberately chosen and appropriate treatment method for her, based on concentration and visualization, methods aimed at mobilizing internal capabilities body.

5. Change of worldview.

6. Finding the meaning of life in the spiritual space of goals. published


Multiple sclerosis sounds like a death sentence. Traditional treatment does not help, patients lose faith in medicine, they give up, and the disease progresses quickly. And yet, multiple sclerosis is not a death sentence. Some of our readers are successfully fighting it, winning back step by step " living space". To help them, we sought advice from a person whose practice includes cases of curing multiple sclerosis. The creator of the method of external pain and tension (EPV), the head of the "Scientific Treatment and Advisory Laboratory of Non-drug Therapy" answers the questions of "Treatment Letters" V. A. Kopylov.

- Vitaly Alexandrovich, how did it happen that you began to treat multiple sclerosis, and why aren’t you doing it today?

In 1982, I was offered help to a man with a severe form of multiple sclerosis. I agreed because I wanted to see if my method could solve this problem too. And indeed, after 5-6 procedures we saw a clear improvement, the patient began to walk. But then the unexpected happened. I knew that treatment occurs only through loads, through tension, and I did not object when the patient wanted to exercise on an exercise bike. It was a mistake. Firstly, an exercise bike always weakens the heart, and secondly, it trains the muscles that are needed not for walking, but for pedaling. The muscles needed for walking weakened, and in a few days our achievements disappeared. The patient stopped walking again, and it was impossible to carry out a second course due to circumstances beyond my control.

It was possible to cure several patients with multiple sclerosis in initial stage. But in 1984 I got a young patient in critical condition. I studied with her continuously for several months, and then took courses for another two years. It was the worst case, but it's over full recovery. This was described in detail in the 1992 article M. Dmitruk "Healing by pain"(it is on my website).

Currently, I am completely busy treating children and do not have the opportunity to deal with multiple sclerosis, since one such patient requires the same amount of time and labor as several dozen children.

- If multiple sclerosis is not treated, does the disease progress?

Very quickly if treated with traditional methods - hormones, injections. If you don’t do this, then the process, of course, also goes on, but more slowly. Why does this treatment fail? Because it - replacement therapy when they try to help from the outside, instead of forcing the body itself to strengthen and restore weakened function.

Traditional medicine works differently. The true reason for the effectiveness of any of its recipes or methods is that, like a trainer, it forces a weakened system or organ to tense up and strengthens it. Let's say we drink an infusion, its elements are carried by the blood throughout the body, find a weak organ and strain it. Having come into contact with the medicine, the organ must work and, as a result, strengthen. The same principle applies to homeopathy (creating an artificial disease in a diseased organ) and, in general, any effective method.

Turning to God is also tension, only spiritual, and true conversion is the highest tension! It is common knowledge: life requires movement. And I believe: life requires tension. Tension is life.

- What are the causes of multiple sclerosis?

I think the main reason is spiritual. According to my observations, among those who have developed multiple sclerosis, there are a lot of people suffering from pride and self-affirmation. They passionately indulge in something, throwing all their strength in one direction, but the unidirectionality of stress will sooner or later have an effect. Because where our tension is directed, the body directs energy and strength. But, straining some systems of the body, we leave others without stress. Tension never leads to pathology. Pathology develops only where there is not enough tension, since the body always redistributes energy in favor of the stressed organs. When energy deficiency becomes significant in some system or organ, the corresponding parts of the peripheral nervous system begin to degrade: the myelin sheaths are destroyed nerve fibers. That's what it is main feature multiple sclerosis. Understand the real reason its occurrence means to establish why this destruction of the shells occurred, what contributed to it. And then you can choose the paths (they exist!) of recovery.

- Do you think multiple sclerosis is associated with an imbalance in the energy balance in the body?

All ours Vital energy comes to us from the outside, from the “subtle world”, through the hypothalamus and the hormonal system as a whole. A certain energy balance, which we can either improve, that is, receive more energy, or worsen, that is, receive less. The general flow of energy is divided along the spine into “left” and “right” flows. The “left” flow mainly serves the cardiovascular system, lungs, thyroid gland and part of the pancreas, arms, psyche and intellect. The “right” flow feeds the other part of the pancreas, the organs abdominal cavity, pelvic organs (genitourinary system) and legs.

Since the cause of multiple sclerosis, in my opinion, is the unidirectionality of stress in the life of an ill person, I distinguish two types of the disease. For example, if we emotionally strain our heart, lungs, work with our hands, but there is not enough work for the digestive and genitourinary organs, then in this case multiple sclerosis will be “right-sided”. If we focus on the flesh, digestive and genitourinary systems, then the “left” side suffers more. Therefore, we must first of all evaluate which side and which energy flow"they don't get enough." If the “left” side is weakened, you should try to load your left hand more, left leg, invent different exercises specifically for the tension of the “left” side, and vice versa.

- If main reason Illness is spiritual, then what can be done?

The Holy Fathers said that health is a valuable gift of God, and illness is priceless. Illness is the process of restoration of the body, its work to move from the non-whole to the whole. A serious illness God sometimes allows the soul to change, cast aside pride and work out what it is supposed to do in order to become acceptable to God.

So, the first thing that illness requires of us is to change ourselves spiritually, to turn to God. I have heard about people who were even healed from multiple sclerosis only through pilgrimages, visits with faith to holy places and springs. After all, everything is possible with God. And secondly, direct all efforts to strengthening the most weakened systems and organs. And for this you need to look for methods, means and exercises of traditional medicine, which, believe me, is unusually rich.

- Which practical advice can it be given to patients?

The patient is first required to change his psychology. The patient I mentioned could no longer walk or stand. They brought her to me for treatment. But she was a 19-year-old beauty, tall, with with huge eyes. She behaved as if everyone was indebted to her, and carried her illness around like a crystal vase. I had to “hit” and the vase broke. I said: “It’s good that you’re sick!” She gasped. And I say: “If it weren’t for the illness, then with your beauty and your disgusting character you would have brought a lot of evil and pain to people.” Perhaps this played a role, the girl thought about it and radically changed herself.

There is a path to healing from multiple sclerosis, and people who are ready to work on themselves should not despair. You can choose for yourself effective techniques self-medication, training, nutrition, but the main thing, it seems to me, is to decide on the hierarchy of values. But you can’t tell everything in one article.

- And yet, at least a little about general methods. For example, what physical exercise most effective?

Of course, walking. Walking includes a powerful mode of blood circulation and heart function, and not only provides stress on the legs. Therefore, unlike cycling and running, it is very indicated for various heart ailments. Good results give static exercises.

- Please tell me more details.

The girl I was talking about just stood there, holding onto a ballet barre (her father made it from a coat hanger) or leaning against the wall, overcoming severe pain. At first I couldn’t stand it for even a minute, but after several painful sessions I stood for 10 minutes and then I believed that by working, I could get out of the disease.

There are many useful static exercises. For example, imagine that a wall is approaching you and wants to crush you. Stop it with the palms of your straight arms extended in front of you with maximum tension.

There are also effective exercises in yoga, but, I emphasize, only physical ones. Moreover, the main thing is not the ideal execution of the exercise, but your maximum effort, which will bring benefits.

- Are myelin fibers restored?

If a person who was repeatedly diagnosed with multiple sclerosis was already lying down, almost motionless, and then got up, began to walk and lead a normal life, then could this happen with destroyed myelin fibers?

- Does diet matter?

In theory, nutrition should be our medicine. When we please ourselves with food, we already violate this principle; pleasure cannot be a medicine. You need to eat a little! If there are health problems, then nutrition should be oriented towards eliminating them. For example, if your kidneys are not in order - you need watermelons, cranberries, lingonberries, viburnum, various green kidney mixtures, etc. The liver is “jamming” - yellow liver mixtures help.

Smart ways to cleanse the liver are also helpful. In a number of cases, the method of N.V. Shevchenko (a mixture of vodka with vegetable oil). This method strengthens the immune system well, and the first stage is through strengthening the liver by energizing it with oil. By working through the interaction with this mixture through tension, the liver, our main chemical and hormonal laboratory, quickly increases its potential. Against the backdrop of increasing immune system other organs are also strengthened.

- Can exercise in the pool help in any way?

Anything that helps you stress can help. There is little point in simply floundering. You need to exert yourself correctly in the pool. Swimming crawl is good for your legs, but can weaken an already weakened heart. But swimming breaststroke, and even “breaststroke on the back”, throwing both arms back, will strengthen chest, heart, lungs. This is especially useful for “left-sided” patients. But you always need to think, analyze and understand what is being done and why. This applies to everything, be it ethnoscience or static exercises. And if you think, fight and do not despair, trusting in God, multiple sclerosis can be overcome.

Interviewed by Alexander Hertz

Every person at least once in his life wakes up with the thought: “Enough! This cannot continue like this!” And something changes in the everyday flow of days. On that decisive morning, Kiev resident Rivil Kofman opened her eyes and realized that she practically couldn’t feel her legs. And she said: “Enough!” This was an ultimatum to all official medicine, which had been unsuccessfully treating her for multiple sclerosis for five years. According to the doctors' forecasts, in the near future their patient would experience blindness, muteness and complete immobility. One year has passed since then: today Riville is in excellent shape, she travels, builds a “Fairy Tale House” in the capital, stages performances in which children with cancer participate, and, by the way, recently got married.

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Photo gallery: Multiple sclerosis: alternative treatment

Why did this happen to me?

Riville is sure that doctors themselves do not fully know where diseases come from. And they don’t know how to treat multiple sclerosis; alternative treatment is needed for this. And the main thing is how to treat them. Thousands compiled medical reference books, medication regimens are prescribed, but each time, trusting the “white coats,” the patient agrees to experiment on himself.

At a carefree 34, Riville seemed the embodiment of carefree. A psychologist and journalist, she was an exemplary wife, wrote children's fairy tales, raised three children and was expecting the birth of a fourth - a son. Riville was scheduled for a cesarean section, but something went wrong during the operation, bleeding began, and the woman in labor lost a lot of blood. There was so much that the blood bank didn’t have enough of it, so I had to make a cry among the miners (this was in Donetsk) to donate blood for the young mother. The miners gave up. And, apparently, a neuroinfection entered the body along with someone else’s blood. Mom and son remained to live, but for Riville it was a completely different life with a diagnosis of multiple sclerosis and the first group of disability.

“At first it was a shock,” recalls Riville. “I couldn’t understand why this happened to me, who was so cheerful and positive. I looked for reasons, but did not find any for multiple sclerosis, and I could not find an alternative treatment. I analyzed all my thoughts and actions. I realized that by the age of 34 I had not realized my potential, I was dependent and did what others needed, not me. I was not loved or wanted. I came to the thought of my hard-heartedness - psychosomatic cause multiple sclerosis. I myself never loved my husband; rather, I was afraid of him. And with this she painted herself into a corner. The causes of almost any illness are deep grievances, lack of cheerfulness, hormones of happiness, and satisfaction. The disease has completely changed me."

Riville says
that respects his illness. It either kills a person or makes him unusually strong. The second scenario is probably an exception; multiple sclerosis is not curable and slowly but surely turns a person into a wreck. “With this illness, you walk as if on clouds,” my interlocutor continues. — Sclerotic plaques destroy the membranes of nerve fibers, as if they are exposed. A person becomes insensitive, does not see, does not hear. You want to walk, but your legs don’t know how. You want to take something, but your hands won’t take it. On that decisive morning, I could no longer hold a pen or a needle in my hands. My fingers didn’t obey me, and my legs refused to move.”

This condition was preceded by five years of classical hormonal treatment in hospitals for multiple sclerosis, alternative treatment. Riville's liver was already exfoliated from side effects prednisone and other heavy artillery of pharmacies. Her vision was failing, her speech was becoming slurred, and she moved mainly on crutches. “I am completely disillusioned with medicine. I realized that I couldn’t expect help from this side,” Riville shares with me. “I felt like they were experimenting on me.” 16 years have passed since then, but nothing has changed in the treatment of multiple sclerosis. I meet young people who turn to me for help - everything is the same: the same drugs and approaches. And the finale: a wheelchair, a bed, and - there is no person. I fell into medical bondage, and, realizing this, I began to look for another path.”

From point of view
Official medicine Riville took up nonsense. Every day she imagined a company of brave soldiers using special pumps to clean her liver, sucking out sclerotic plaques from it. I talked to my body, convinced sick cells (they are mad or mad) to live in unison with healthy ones. It was much more difficult than taking a pill. She imagined herself on the operating table in heaven. The council of angelic surgeons decided to change Riville’s liver not entirely, but in parts. And she fantasized about how the organ was restored, lobule by lobule. When a couple of years later she was sent for an ultrasound, the doctor could not believe his eyes: the liver was healthy. In her imagination, Riville bathed under the streams of a heavenly waterfall, washing away the disease from every cell. She fought multiple sclerosis with creative thinking.

Conversation with the barakabala

"I believed in my internal forces“, that my body is a beautiful car that is tired of filling up with bad gasoline,” explains Riville. “And I started working with my body myself. I always woke up in good mood, greeted all my organs, which, by the way, is what I do to this day. I did morning exercises your thoughts and organs. When you are sick, you need to think less about yourself, but at the same time love yourself. I started a diary of good deeds and began to look for those who are weaker than me, whom I can help. My fingers still didn’t obey me well, but I made the first two dolls and headed with them to the children’s oncology department in Kyiv. These visits were later entered into the system. She talked with the children, asked about their well-being, smiled, sang songs with them, showed performances, and composed fairy tales. One of them is about a rabid cancer cell, Barakabal, an alien from another planet, whom everyone is afraid of, but she is actually afraid of us. I helped myself by helping others.”

Riville didn't allow
loved ones felt sorry for themselves, stopped considering themselves a sick person. And this, according to her, accelerated the breakup with her husband. He did not tolerate what she had acquired inner freedom. They got divorced. For three years she took care of herself, but at the same time, it was as if she did not notice herself. “One day I realized that I could move without crutches,” recalls Riville. — I walked with sticks for a while, and then I felt that they were in the way. One woman caught my attention. He says: “You are so beautiful, young, why do you need sticks?” I thought: “And really, why?” My friends invited me to go on a hike, and even then I could walk normally, but without feeling any hardness in my feet. I was ashamed to admit that I couldn’t ride. They found a bicycle, I sat down, put my feet on the pedals and rode off. Soon feeling returned to my legs. Main principle victory over a disease - do not put it on the throne, otherwise it will conquer your entire territory and demand sacrifices and worship.”

The incentive that step by step moved Riville away from the diagnosis of multiple sclerosis was life itself, the desire to do something good and useful. She started with a puppet theater for children with cancer, who were its actors. Composed good fairy tales where are the main characters magically conquered their ailments, and then practiced them with young patients. The hospital life of children undergoing chemotherapy is not full of joyful events and variety. The good fairy Riville with her performances pulled children out of the oppressive atmosphere. She worked with everyone together and with everyone individually, and the results were amazing.

"I was studying
with a twelve-year-old girl who was operated on twice,” says my interlocutor. — She was diagnosed with a stem tumor in spinal cord. Abroad, such neoplasms are considered fatal and inoperable. The tumor grows until it eventually crushes the person. When I started working with my patient, she had already developed metastases to nearby organs. We worked in the bathroom, decorating it with decorations and placing candles. And with eyes closed visualized the tumor points and the fabulous snowplows that collected and carried them away. Then the shower was turned on, and the girl imagined how the fresh May rain would wash away all the remnants of the disease from her. When she said that she could smell the flowers in the garden, the water was turned off. After three months of training, control MRI images showed that the tumor had almost resolved. The doctors were shocked. Then this family emigrated to Canada. We haven't seen each other for five years. Recently they called - my patient is completely fine.”

Thirst for life

Riville argues that often people themselves do not want to recover. Ninety percent of seriously ill people like to live in the epicenter of pity for themselves. “Psychologically, it was very difficult for me to give up sticks,” recalls Riville. — When you are not like everyone else, you take advantage of the bonus of sympathy: you don’t stand in lines, people agree with you, they let you through everywhere. I had a man who, after several classes, refused to continue. He said: “I don’t know how I’ll live if I get better.” The first rule of recovery is to despise your diagnosis. They tell you: you have this and that, but you don’t believe it. If a person feels unwell and goes to the doctor, he inevitably becomes subordinate. Including in relation to your illness. And it is also very important to act, to strive for something, to have a goal in life. IN Western Ukraine There is a man who treats cancer with fear. Hopeless patients are brought to him. He sends the relatives, and he puts the patient on the back of a motorcycle and takes him to the forest for a ride.

At first they ride calmly, but at some point the motorcycle picks up breakneck speed and rushes into the abyss. The passenger understands that they are about to crash and clings to the driver (his ribs have broken more than once after the death grip of patients). A second before death, a person forgets about everything, and switches all his attention to his own life, realizing its value. Then it turns out that there is no cliff ahead, but the vision of the world changes in these few seconds. After all, the patient has no goal, he doesn’t want anything and dies from fatigue and emptiness. But at the moment of real contact with death, the thirst for life returns to him. This method helps almost everyone."

Last time
Rivil took tests ten years ago - since then she has not gone to hospitals. She's not interested. She looks great and says that her life after her illness has become much more interesting and happier. Still would! Just recently she met true love- her current husband Igor. Rivil's daughter, secretly from her mother, posted her profile on a dating site. At first, the list of applicants for acquaintance numbered 900, gradually the number of candidates was reduced to three. In the photo, Igor seemed too young to Rivil, but very positive. She decided to get to know him in order to forward him to her daughter. But, having met, they never parted. Igor opened the world of Ayurveda to Riville. She switched to a vegetarian diet, gave up tea and coffee, and became imbued with Eastern philosophy after traveling to India. Igor and Rivil are like-minded people. They work together on the “Fairy Tale House” project for children with cancer, do children’s theater together, enjoy life together and, with each other’s help, discover new facets of it.

“As a rule, when people get sick, they torment themselves with the question: why? - Riville argues. - But few people ask: why? I answered it for myself: if I had not been ill, the revolution in my thoughts would not have happened, and I would not have been able to help many people. Before her illness, she lived in a garage, and then ended up in a palace. I realized: the human body has enormous power, you just need to discover it within yourself.”

@ 08:53 pm : Riville Kofman - Pride of Ukraine

After her fourth birth, Riville Kofman fell ill with multiple sclerosis. She was unable to walk, and her vision and hearing began to decline. Doctors gave Riville a disability. The husband left. In order not to go crazy, she began to sew dolls and invent fairy tales.

Today she looks lively and bright: a small woman with baby bangs and quick hairstyles. brown eyes runs up stairs easily. It is impossible to believe that she has a disability of the first group.

Moreover, it is lifelong, confirms Riville. - This disease cannot be cured! Recently I came to the doctor, who saw me motionless, and asked to remove my disability. He crossed himself: “Miracles happen!”

It all started seven years ago, when a teacher long years suffering from multiple sclerosis and bedridden for more than a year, I saw a report on TV about children with leukemia. And their eyes... This is how a goal appeared in the life of a hopelessly ill person.

“They need to be made to smile!” Riville said to her daughter Yulia. “And I know how I will do it!”

And as if to give me a hint, the Discovery Channel showed a story about a little American who cured himself of cancer: he shot his tumor with an imaginary gun. And the remaining pieces, from which new tumors could grow, were sprinkled with magic powder and dissolved. I decided to follow the same path and imagined that I had launched into my body a team of rescuers who were eliminating the accident on the transmission line - restoring every nerve. I spent hours negotiating with my body so that it would listen to me again.

Riville sewed her first dolls - the resilient Abram and Sarah - while still in bed. First she learned to hold a needle, then to walk, and finally decided to test the power of the dolls’ charm on the audience.

I gathered a group of people: three wheelchair users and two on crutches, and took them to congratulate my unfortunate friend Sasha, who also suffers from multiple sclerosis, on his birthday. He lived on the ninth floor, and we planned to take the elevator to him. But to our horror, the elevator did not work. What to do? Give up? Go back? But Sasha was waiting and preparing so much! And then it dawned on me: I need to call the fire department! I called the fire department, told our story, and... they sent us three cars! Imagine the scene: on the ninth floor there is a knock on the window. Sasha’s mother, having already upset the birthday boy, mechanically pulled back the curtain, and outside the window the guests were in all their glory - with flowers and a huge cake!

There are many ways to help the body recover, Riville is convinced. “I have seen more than once how the same disease can both kill and transform a person. An illness is a sign that you need to change something in yourself, rethink your values. I walked for a long time, leaning on crutches. And suddenly I heard a whisper behind me: “ Beautiful woman, but a disabled person!" And I really wanted to become beautiful so much that I decided: I’ll die, but I’ll throw away my crutches! First I held on to the wall, then I leaned on a stick and finally I walked. And now I ride a bike and do aerobics.

Rivil did not come to the children's oncology center in Kyiv alone - she brought two circus performers with her: a clown and a trainer. The entire department gathered to watch the artists. One girl was so angry with Abram for insulting Sarah that she even threw a slipper at him.

A sick person needs a fighting spirit, says Riville. - There is no need to feel sorry for him, it relaxes him, on the contrary, we need to push him to fight the disease! My dolls tell children about that American boy who defeated cancer and teach them how to fight the disease. We close our eyes, launch cartoon rescuers armed with fire nozzles into the body, and irrigate the vessels with red blood cells. Children willingly play this game.

She gets calls often strangers and they invite her to visit a sick child with dolls, and she comes up with an individual “healing fairy tale” for each one. One of the grateful mothers, having learned that the storyteller dreamed of creating a children's puppet theater, brought her under the roof of the Brigantine club, where ten little artists who managed to overcome leukemia are now rehearsing performances. The theater came to 20-year-old Zhenya, who was sick with lymphogranulomatosis, for his birthday.

I felt very bad in those days,” says the handsome boy. - Friends have forgotten, my beloved girl has left, such melancholy, such apathy! And suddenly Riville with his dolls. When she invited me to play in the theater, it was as if I came to life. But first, Riville said, we will exercise our imagination. I closed my eyes and began to imagine how soldiers were running through my body and fighting with diseased cells. He built a whole plant in the spinal cord for the production of healthy cells and transported them by train throughout the body. To be honest, at first I thought it was nonsense. But after a week I became so interested in the game that I began to feel better. And three months later I took tests and couldn’t believe my eyes: things were getting better.

Doctors are skeptical about my method,” Riville sighs, “although they cannot argue with positive statistics.

We are going near Kyiv, to Petrovsk, to see Lena Sukhorebra, who has been suffering from multiple sclerosis since 1991. We are warmly greeted by the girl’s mother, Evgenia Arkadyevna.

We were desperate,” she says. - We tried everything: different medicines, and healers. And then I saw Riville on TV and found her phone number. She came to our house on December 26 and went to Petrovsk every day until spring. She gave Lenochka a massage and told fairy tales. After some time, the daughter began to get out of bed, and then she was able to get up and sit on a chair herself. Now she's walking!

In April 2007, Riville Kofman received the “Pride of Ukraine” award. “Now all that’s left to do to be completely happy is to get married!” - she joked.

And the next day, an impressive man came into 11 Dragomirova Street, where the puppet theater was rehearsing, with flowers.

“I’ll probably seem like a weirdo to you,” he said, “but I fell in love with you on TV!”

They recently got married. In his free time from business, Igor himself takes her to the sick.