Eastern parable “Small difference. The information is necessary and understandable

One eastern ruler had a terrible dream that all his teeth fell out one after another. In great excitement, he called the dream interpreter to him. He listened to him with concern and said:

Lord, I must tell you sad news. You will lose all your loved ones one by one.

These words aroused the anger of the ruler. He ordered the unfortunate man to be thrown into prison and to call another interpreter, who, after listening to the dream, said:

I am happy to tell you the good news - you will outlive all your relatives.

The ruler was delighted and generously rewarded him for this prediction. The courtiers were very surprised.

After all, you told him the same thing as your poor predecessor, so why was he punished and you rewarded? - they asked.

To which came the answer:

We both interpreted the dream in the same way. But it all depends on what to say, but How say.

For effective communication between teachers and parents, it is necessary to consciously use tactical techniques.

Correct handling.

First of all, it is necessary to choose the optimal form of address, since it is the beginning of the conversation that can affect the success of communication. Most likely, the teacher will greet the parents with the words “good afternoon”, “hello”, “glad to see you”, etc. Very often teachers, especially kindergarten teachers, ask if it is possible to call parents with whom they have a good relationship, no misters". And although there are no strict prohibitions in this regard, the ethics of pedagogical communication still prescribes certain restrictions. It is better to call parents, at least within the walls of a kindergarten or school, by their first name and patronymic (and not just by their first name) and by “you”, even if you know them well. The “you” form is more neutral, so using it will make it possible to be less dependent on the interlocutor and, if necessary, convey information that is not the most pleasant for him, without experiencing inconvenience.

If the teacher has difficulty remembering names, it is recommended to make a list of the names and patronymics of all parents and keep it in a visible place, for example, under glass on the desktop or on the door. In addition, there are special techniques for remembering first and last names. One of them is to try to repeat the name of the interlocutor in the very first minutes of communication (you can do it several times).

When preparing to speak to a group of parents, it is also important for the teacher to think through the form of address in advance. It would be inappropriate to call parents present at a parent-teacher meeting “friends” or “my dears.” And although this fact is known to everyone, often at parent-teacher meetings, at which, as a rule, only mothers are present, such addresses as “girls”, “mommies”, “ladies”, etc. are heard.

It is obvious that a teacher, when addressing parents of pupils, must show due respect and attention.

2. A bright start. In order to involve a communication partner in contact, it is necessary to make the very first minutes surprising, unexpected, bright. You shouldn’t start with comments or criticism - it’s better to create a positive emotional mood at first. It could be something from life, something unexpected, an interesting question. PR: through the mouth of a baby.

The information is necessary and understandable.

Of course, in order for the interlocutor to be interested in communicating with you, it is necessary to have the information he needs. But you also need to have a sufficient vocabulary, otherwise you risk simply being misunderstood. Moreover, the ability to use synonyms and antonyms in speech and the ability to construct sentences are of great importance. When talking with parents, you should not use professional words and expressions.. If you consider this necessary, then, pronouncing terms that may be unfamiliar to them, immediately, without pause, define the concept. This method will help your parents understand you accurately. In addition, such tactics help to increase the self-esteem of mothers and fathers (and especially older people, who sometimes find it difficult to keep abreast of modern changes in language), as well as to establish contact and equal communication.

Serious preparation is required - to know the material well.

Parable "A Piece of Clay"

God molded a man from clay, and he was left with only one unused piece.

What else should you make? - asked God.

Bring me happiness, the man asked.

God didn’t answer, he just put the remaining piece of clay in the man’s palm.


Parable "Small Difference"

One eastern ruler had a terrible dream that all his teeth fell out one after another. In great excitement, he called the dream interpreter to him. He listened to him with concern and said:

Lord, I must tell you the sad news: you will lose all your loved ones one by one.

These words aroused the anger of the ruler - he ordered the unfortunate man to be thrown into prison and to call another interpreter, who, after listening to the dream, said:

I am happy to tell you the good news: you will outlive all your relatives.

The ruler was delighted and generously rewarded him for this prediction. The courtiers were very surprised:

After all, you told him the same thing as your poor predecessor. So why is he punished and you are rewarded?

He replied:

We both interpreted the dream in the same way, but what matters is not what, but how to say it.


Parable “The Meaning of Life”

Once upon a time there lived a Chinese emperor. He ascended the throne not long ago, was young, educated and inquisitive. Seeing how many unread books were left in the palace library, he realized that he would not be able to read them all. Then he called the court sage and ordered him to write the entire history of mankind.

The sage worked for a long time. Years and decades passed... One day, the servants brought five hundred books into the emperor’s chambers, in which the entire history of mankind was described. Although the emperor was no longer young, the thirst for knowledge did not leave him, but he could not spend years reading these books and asked to shorten the narrative, leaving only the most important.

Again the sage worked for many years, and then the servants wheeled a cart with fifty books into the emperor’s chambers. The emperor was already quite old; he understood that he would not have time to read these books, and asked the sage to leave only the most important things.

The sage set to work again. After some time, he managed to fit the entire history of mankind into just one book, but when he brought it, the emperor was lying on his deathbed and was so weak that he could not even open this book. And then the emperor asked to express everything even more briefly right now, before he had time to go to another world.

The sage opened the book and wrote just one phrase on the last page: “Man is born, suffers and dies.”


Parable “Youth and Wisdom”

The old wise cat was lying on the grass and basking in the sun. A nimble kitten flashed nearby. He somersaulted past the cat, then jumped up briskly and began running in circles again.

What are you doing? - the cat asked lazily.

I'm trying to catch my tail! – out of breath, the kitten answered.

But why? - the cat laughed.

I was told that the tail is my happiness. If I catch my tail, then I will catch my happiness. So I’ve been chasing the tail for the third day now, but it keeps eluding me.

Yes,” the wise old cat smiled, “once upon a time, just like you, I ran after my happiness, but it always eluded me. I abandoned this idea. After a while, I realized that there is no point in chasing happiness: it always follows on my heels. Wherever I am, my happiness is always with me; you just need to remember this.

Pearls of wisdom: parables, stories, instructions Evtikhov Oleg Vladimirovich



Eastern parable

One eastern ruler had a terrible dream that all his teeth fell out one after another. In great excitement, he called to him a sage - an interpreter of dreams. He listened to him with concern and said:

- Lord, I must tell you sad news. You will lose all your loved ones one by one.

These words aroused the anger of the ruler. He ordered the unfortunate man to be thrown into prison and to call another interpreter, who, after listening to the dream, said:

- I am glad to tell you the good news - you will outlive all your relatives.

The ruler was delighted and rewarded him for this prediction. The courtiers were very surprised.

- After all, you told him the same thing as your poor predecessor, so why was he punished and you rewarded? - they asked.

“We both interpreted the dream in the same way,” answered the sage, “but everything depends not only on what to say, but no less on how to say it.”

From the book Osho Library: Parables of a Traveler author Rajneesh Bhagwan Shri

A slight difference One eastern ruler had a dream that all his teeth fell out one after another. Frightened, he summoned the court interpreter of dreams. He listened to him and said: “Lord!” The dream suggests that you will soon lose all your loved ones. Lord

From the book Pearls of Wisdom: parables, stories, instructions author Evtikhov Oleg Vladimirovich

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MORE EFFORTS Eastern parable A certain student attended the lectures of one teacher for several years without making any attempt to learn. Finally, the teacher invited him to a personal conversation. “For many years I have given you exercises and instructions, but I don’t see that

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EXTREME Eastern parable The elder reproached the young monk: “At your age, I worked ten hours a day, and spent another ten in prayer.” The young monk answered: “I admire your youthful zeal, father, but I admire your maturity even more, thanks to

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DESTINY Eastern parable Someone asked the Teacher what fate is. The teacher replied: “What you often call “fate” is actually a guess. You just assume that something good or bad is going to happen. But what happens in

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STRAIGHT LINE Eastern parable One day, King Akbar drew a straight line and asked his ministers: “How can I make this line shorter without touching it?” Birbal, considered the wisest man in the state, came and drew another line next to it, but a longer one,

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ADVICE OF THE WISE Eastern parable Many people came to one Teacher with books that they had read and wanted to receive a comment on them, or with books that they had written and would like to hear an opinion about them, or with books brought for some other reason.

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SEARCHING FOR A NEEDLE Eastern parable One evening, an old woman was looking for something on the street opposite her house. People gathered around her and asked what she was looking for. “I lost my needle,” the woman answered. Everyone started helping her look for the needle. “The street is so big, and the needle

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BEES AND FLIES Eastern parable Once a wise old man was asked: “Why are some people good and pious, while others are evil and immoral?” The sage replied: “I learned from experience that in this life there are two extreme categories of people. One category is like a fly.” The fly has

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THREE WAYS OF INSULT Eastern parable In the East there lived a sage who taught his students this way: “People insult in three ways.” They may say you are stupid, they may call you a slave, they may call you untalented. If this happens to you, remember a simple

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THE ART OF NOT ARGUE Eastern parable In one mountain village there lived a man known for the fact that he never argued with anyone. One day a correspondent came to him to interview him and write an article for the newspaper. The following conversation took place between them: “Tell me, is this

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BE IT YOUR WAY Eastern parable - Could you tell me what time it is? - It’s three o’clock now. - But now it can’t be more than half past two! - Well, be it

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THE DIFFERENCE IN THE BENEFITS OF CHICKEN AND PIG Eastern parable An old monk collected charity for the poor. He came to one rich man, but he wanted to get away with only a small donation. “Others, who are much poorer than you, gave much more,” he hinted

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GOLD IN THE GARDEN Eastern parable One miser hid gold under a tree in the garden. Every week he pulled out his treasure and spent hours admiring it. Soon the gold was stolen. When the owner did not find the gold, he began to scream loudly. Neighbors came running. When they found out what was going on, someone

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ANGER AND NAILS Eastern parable One emperor had a very hot-tempered and unrestrained son. Worried about how such an heir would be able to manage his domain in the future, he turned to a Zen teacher for help. The teacher took the young man to study, and after

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I WOULD CONTRAIN MYSELF Eastern parable The robber, confident that the whole world is a reflection of himself, decided to test the old monk and asked: “If the most beautiful of all harlots came here now, would you be able not to think about how good she is and seductive? – No. But I