Torsunov lecture video. Saturn's influence on health

A collection of audio lectures on the secrets of well-being found in the Vedas. You will learn about the hidden causes of human suffering, 6 internal enemies and ways to combat them. About reason and happiness. You will learn everything about stress - how it begins and how it ends, how to deal with it, about different types of stress from the point of view of the planets. About the patterns of degradation and their relationships among spouses in the family. About the Duality of Character Traits.
Learn about mutual influence on children. About Karmic relationships with past lives. About human sins and the anatomy of the body; about what features of body parts are associated with what sins in a past or present life. You will learn how to achieve success in purifying your consciousness, in study, management, business and family life.

1. Lalana Orekhova - Harmonious relationships - 24 kbps (141:54)
2. Narushevich - Secrets of well-being - 24 kbps (145:52)
3. Ruzov - Harmony of Relationships - 24 kbps (77:34)
4. Serebryakov - Criticism - 24 kbps (37:41)
5. Serebryakov - Help from deceased relatives - 24 kbps (97:15)
6. Serebryakov - Working on your character - 56 kbps (123:29)
7. Serebryakov - Success in mentoring - 56 kbps (119:49)
8. Serebryakov - Success in renunciation - 56 kbps (106:30)
9. Serebryakov - Success in purifying consciousness - 56 kbps (118:44)
10. Serebryakov - Success in work - 56 kbps (145:25)
11. Serebryakov - Success in studies - 56 kbps (111:42)
12. Serebryakov - Selfishness - 24 kbps (96:09)
13. Torsunov - Anatomy of sinful activity - 64 kbps (121:29)
14. Torsunov - Asceticism, donations and prayers - 96 kbps (97:32)
15. Torsunov - Fearlessness - 24 kbps (124:47)
16. Torsunov - Taste of Happiness - 24 kbps (142:01)
17. Torsunov - Nurturing good qualities - 64 kbps (111:26)
18. Torsunov - Enemy of Man1-Egoism - 64 kbps (140:40)
19. Torsunov - Enemy of Man2-Anger - 64 kbps (140:30)
20. Torsunov - Enemy of Man 3 - Greed - 64 kbps (150:05)
21. Torsunov - Enemy of Man4-Envy - 64 kbps (102:29)
22. Torsunov - Enemy of Man5-Illusion - 24 kbps (129:17)
23. Torsunov - Enemy of Man6 - Madness - 64 kbps (164:37)
24. Torsunov - Patterns of human degradation - 64 kbps (116:30)
25. Torsunov - Knowledge is Power - 64 kbps (156:22)
26. Torsunov - Study of spiritual literature - 64 kbps (145:14)
27. Torsunov - Simplicity - 24 kbps (52:15)
28. Torsunov - Psychology of stress 1 - 24 kbps (151:19)
29. Torsunov - Psychology of stress 2 - 24 kbps (155:00)
30. Torsunov - Psychology of stress 3 - 24 kbps (188:37)
31. Torsunov - Determination - 24 kbps (93:00)
32. Torsunov - Freedom from criticism - 56 kbps (116:05)
33. Torsunov - The Power of Knowledge - 64 kbps (147:15)
34. Torsunov - Hidden causes of suffering - 64 kbps (127:09)
35. Torsunov - Service to Truth - 64 kbps (141:05)
36. Torsunov - Happiness and consciousness - 24 kbps (135:57)
37. Torsunov - Hardness - 24 kbps (116:50)
38. Torsunov - Three types of happiness 1 - 24 kbps (171:46)
39. Torsunov - Three types of happiness 2 - 24 kbps (150:25)
40. Torsunov - Success in business - 64 kbps (159:49)
41. Torsunov - Success in mentoring - 64 kbps (141:18)
42. Torsunov - Success in renunciation - 64 kbps (132:42)
43. Torsunov - Success in purifying consciousness - 64 kbps (136:35)
44. Torsunov - Success in work - 64 kbps (135:09)
45. Torsunov - Success in management - 56 kbps (145:02)
46. ​​Torsunov - Success in studies - 64 kbps (100:57)
47. Torsunov - Determination - 24 kbps (92:45)
48. Torsunov - Six enemies of a happy life - 64 kbps (132:57)
49. Tushkin - Six internal enemies - 64 kbps (68:09)

07/14/2015 Rostov-on-Don Torsunov O.G. What is the passage of time, how does it change life?

07/15/2015 Rostov-on-Don Torsunov O.G. How to achieve peace in the heart and defeat fate?

Torsunov O.G. St. Petersburg The fate of the planet and my fate part 1 (06/01/2015)

Torsunov O.G. St. Petersburg The fate of the planet and my fate part 2 (06/01/2015)

A very strong video lecture by Oleg Gennadievich Torsunov about fate and the right approach to life. The lecture consists of two parts of 3 hours 30 minutes. The lecture examines in detail life's difficulties, working with motivation and setting the right mindset.
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06.2015 Festival P3000 Torsunov O.G. Crisis is a stepping stone to success 01

Torsunov video lecture in Volgograd: The nature of stress 01 (07/06/2015)

Video Lecture by Torsunov on stress. How to build your life in the modern world so that it is calm, harmonious and interesting. Oleg Gennadievich conveys all his knowledge on the basis of his personal experience, based on the Vedic knowledge of our ancestors. Video lectures give you the opportunity to immerse yourself in the atmosphere, find answers to your questions, and understand the difficulties of your life.

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Torsunov Oleg Gennadievich, a very famous doctor and psychologist who received a higher medical education. He graduated from the Samara Medical Institute, an internship in dermatovenerology, as well as Moscow University. Friendship of Peoples, specializing in corporal acupuncture. Torsunov O.G. lived for several years in India and independently studied ancient Indian medicine Ayurveda. Thus, Torsunov O.G. is a specialist in a wide field of medical sciences: Ayurveda, acupuncture, acupuncture, acupressure, herbal medicine, reflexology, lithotherapy and traditional medicine. Having been practicing medicine for many years in various areas of medicine, Torsunov O.G. developed his own methods of treating and diagnosing diseases. Currently conducts lectures and seminars in different cities.

Torsunov is a man who helped thousands of people find happiness and harmony. Dr. Torsunov’s lectures have been passed from hand to hand with gratitude and respect for more than ten years. At his seminars, he successfully combines the worldview of modern psychology and medicine with the philosophy of Vedic culture and the ancient knowledge of the Vedas. Dr. Torsunov's lectures are always an interesting immersion into the inner world of oneself, a study of one's true nature - the nature of the human soul and a look at the situation through the prism of the spirituality paradigm. Most often, people become acquainted with them in the context of attempts to understand the causes of psychological problems, resolve difficult conflict situations in family relationships, or improve their health, when classical medicine shrugs and is unable to help. Fortunately, in most cases, Oleg Gennadievich has answers to questions and ready-made solutions for all occasions.

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Interesting clips from lectures

A seminar on Jyotish Shastra will reveal for you the secrets of the ancient science of predicting the future from the stars.

Lectures on Vedic astrology by Oleg Gennadievich Torsunov are a fascinating journey into the world of ancient knowledge about space and the planets of the solar system. From time immemorial, people of the Earth have kept knowledge about the influence of stars on human destiny. Warlike, angry Mars, feminine Venus, enterprising Mercury - all these images are rooted in the deep past, when the profession of an astrologer was one of the most difficult, respected and truly great. From Vedic sources you will learn about the influence that certain planets have on us, changing our destiny either for the better or for the worse.

Total materials: 18 | Total size: 306MB | Total time: 1 day. 05:34:12

1. The influence of the Sun on character

What is the Sun from the point of view of the Vedas. Why do we get depressed? What is false ego? The influence of the Sun on spiritual development. The influence of the Sun on family life. Sun God - Surya. Causes of sun intolerance. The role of the Sun in healthy eating. The influence of the Sun on character traits. Energy of sun. How to achieve wealth, happiness, prosperity?

2. The influence of the Sun on health

The influence of the Sun on human destiny. The influence of the Sun on human health. The influence of the Sun on the hormonal system. The influence of the Sun on the mind. The influence of the Sun on the heart. Sun and eye diseases. What causes heat in the body? How does success in life depend on the Sun? Sun treatment. Why do people watch TV? Why is ghee beneficial? The sun in the zodiac signs. Questions - answers. How can you become happy with the help of the Sun? At what time of day should sun treatment be performed? What is faith for?

3. The influence of the Moon on character

The influence of the moon on the human psyche. The influence of the Moon on family relationships. Personality of the Moon demigod. What character qualities does the Moon give? What appearance does the Moon give? What is Ekadashi? What does the desire for pleasure lead to? Respect for women is the key to a harmonious society. What abilities does the Moon give? Questions - answers. What is the meaning of human life? The power of donations. "Flies" and "bees". Vedic concept of love.

4. The influence of the Moon on health

The influence of the moon on health. Causes of sleepwalking. Diseases arising under the influence of the Moon. The benefits of hatha yoga. Cause of rheumatism. Cause of tuberculosis. The influence of the Moon on the first years of a child’s life. How can you determine the strength of the Moon's influence? The influence of the moon on digestion. What is the most important purpose of life? The correct attitude towards the death of loved ones. A sense of duty in relationships with loved ones. How does the moon affect taste? Questions and answers. Causes of alcoholism and drug addiction. What is family help?

5. Mercury's influence on character

How to determine the influence of planets by the phalanges of the fingers? Why do body diseases occur? What is the influence of Mercury on a person? Three options for how you can get married. What is the power of Mercury? Why does bad memory occur? Why do most people degrade? The influence of Mercury on the focus of life. Observation and sensitivity are the qualities of Mercury. The influence of Mercury in ignorance. Character qualities with a good position of Mercury. Character qualities when Mercury is in a bad position. What appearance and what abilities does Mercury give? Appearance of the demigod Mercury. How to determine whether you are improving or standing still? What awaits the soul of a suicide? Why do we have nightmares? Why don't we remember our past lives?

6. Effect of Mercury on health

External and internal environment. Violations according to Mercury. Dangerous areas of activity. Family debt. The commandment "Thou shalt not kill." Sinfulness. Causes of stuttering. Poor memory. Reasons. Who is a materialist? Human stupidity. If they want to rob you, what should you do? The nature of a woman. Tension in life. Bad habits. Asceticism. Where to get strength from? The nature of irresponsibility. Slowness. Causes. Positive activity of the mind. Nervous activity. Peace in life. Vulnerability. Causes of diseases of the nervous system. Questions - answers. Astigmatism. A woman's happiness in family life. What are the Vedas? Vedas and fanaticism. About eating meat. Sacrifice. Law of Manu on the killing of animals.

7. The influence of Venus on character

How to work with love? The power of Venus. True love, what is it like? How to check whether he loves you or not? Striving for comfort. Character qualities from Venus. Professions from Venus. Venus and bliss. Meaning of life. Demigod Shukracharya. God in our lives. Questions - answers. Selflessness in life. The fruits of spiritual practice. How to become happy? Castes in Vedic culture. Clairvoyance.

8. The influence of Venus on health

Diseases from Venus. Family and Venus. Pleasure and Venus. Favourite buisness. Disturbances from Venus in the centers. Beauty from Venus. Reasons for her loss. Conceiving children. Holiness in life. Violence from Venus. The consequences of such violence. Hormonal disorders. Causes. Consequences of the desire to enjoy. Questions - answers. Clear mind. Call of Duty. Religions and love of God. Treason in family life. Spiritual progress.

9. Influence of Mars on character

Why do you always want to sleep? The influence of Mars on relationships. The influence of Mars on warriors. What areas of our lives are ruled by Mars? Sense of taste and Mars. Mars and weapons. How to increase the strength of Mars in the body? Character qualities from Mars. How to determine whether Mars is in passion or ignorance? High qualities from Mars. Power from Mars. Appearance from Mars. Questions - answers. Is the amount of money in life determined by fate? Why do you have nightmares? Is it possible for a child to watch films about war? Dog in the house.

10. The influence of Mars on health

Character qualities with a strong Mars in the horoscope. The desire to re-educate arises under the influence of Mars. Activities that attract under the influence of Mars. Secret knowledge. Diseases developing under the influence of Mars. Causes of blood pressure. Causes of hypertension (high blood pressure). Why does jaundice occur? Causes of childhood infectious diseases. A cure for laziness. Great power of patience. Why do mental illnesses develop under the influence of Mars? Causes of depression. What is a sense of life? Questions - answers. Why is trouble the best time in life? Causes of government corruption. Do stones have souls? Epochs of the Universe. Two paths of soul progress.

11. Influence of Jupiter on character

How to mitigate the influence of Mars on the body? What diseases does Mars give in each zodiac sign? Jupiter's influence on fate. Is it possible to change fate? How to find happiness? Why is knowledge the most valuable thing in the world? The relationship between greed and poverty. Demigod Brihaspati. Jupiter colors. What kind of appearance and what qualities does Jupiter give? How is the influence of Jupiter related to war? Character qualities with a good position of Jupiter. Character qualities with afflicted Jupiter. Activities from Jupiter. Control of senses of three types. What qualities should a husband have? The important role of self-awareness in life. How can you get rid of drug addiction? Products in goodness that restore connection with Jupiter. Who is closest to Jupiter?

12. The influence of Jupiter on health

Why do immune problems occur? What is so great about the idea of ​​service? Diseases associated with Jupiter. Purity of consciousness. How to achieve it? Why is eating meat unnatural? Why is a cow a good animal? What kind of nutrition should you have to cleanse your consciousness? How to deal with the duty to cook meat for your husband? The dangerous idea of ​​personalism. Causes of atherosclerosis. Why do mental illnesses occur? Causes of depression, disappointment and despair in life. What is tone strength and how to determine it? What is time? Organs of longevity in the body. Why does memory weaken? Signs of a weak Jupiter. Chanting the holy names of God is the best form of self-improvement. The structure of the soul. What diseases does Jupiter give in each zodiac sign?

13. Influence of Saturn on character

The nature of Saturn's influence. How to soften the influence of Saturn? Influence of place of birth. Prana and Saturn. The influence of Saturn on the attitude towards work. The need for self-awareness in life. The destructive power of Saturn. Reasons for isolation and pessimism in life. Appearance of the demigod Saturn. How to become happy and peaceful in old age? Saturn and the poor. How does the internal tension of Saturn’s influence manifest itself? How does lack of intelligence manifest itself? The influence of Saturn and the search for the meaning of life. Qualities from Saturn. Saturian laziness. Professions associated with Saturn. Questions - answers.

14. The influence of Saturn on health

Diseases developing under the influence of Saturn in ignorance. Saturn's influence on activity. Saturn is in passion. The influence of Saturn on intestinal function. The influence of Saturn on living conditions. Influence of Saturn on the fire of digestion. What organs are affected when Saturn is weak? How to correct a husband's bad attitude towards his wife? Influence of Saturn on teeth. Reasons for the hustle and bustle of life. Why did people become like ants? Causes of confusion and anxiety in life. Is the environment to blame for a person’s troubles? Laws of karma and cerebral palsy. The influence of Saturn on the nervous system. How to determine the dose of medication yourself? How does Saturn affect success in business? What is spiritual practice? Could the invention of the atomic bomb be an activity for God? How to dedicate your activities to God? How can a tax inspector dedicate his work to God? How can a doctor progress in his activity? How does spiritual life change a person’s karma? Causes of troubles in life. Why does a soul end up on hellish planets? Relatives are the heaviest karma. Choice of religion.

15. Influence of Rahu on character

The story of the demon Rahu. How does the power of Rahu’s influence on a person manifest itself? Character qualities developing under the influence of Rahu. Areas of activity under the influence of Rahu. Passion for extreme sports from Rahu. Why does the desire for destruction appear? Plants under the influence of Rahu. Animals under the influence of Rahu. How to weaken the influence of Rahu? External manifestations of Rahu's influence. Wealth or poverty, which is better? Are comments and criticism appropriate in relationships with people? Clairvoyance. Mysticism in life. Does the influence of Rahu on a person depend on his age and gender?

16. Effect of Rahu on health

What does drunkenness lead to? Types of death. Rahu's influence on financial activities. Why do epidemics occur? Why are diseases a good thing? Diseases developing under the influence of Rahu. Three types of diseases developing under the influence of karma. Why is suffering in this world fair? How does the soul work? Why is egoism dangerous? Spiritualism and reality. Who are the demigods? What is spiritual practice? Types of karma. What is Krishna Consciousness Society? What are the qualities of a holy person?

Should you trust an astrological horoscope? Depth and breadth of Vedic knowledge. Where does the word karma come from? Diseases associated with the influence of Ketu. How to deal with diseases developing under the influence of Ketu? Diseases of the nervous system that develop under the influence of Ketu. What is the desire to die? Organs that are responsible for longevity. How does the influence of time manifest itself through Ketu? How to prevent cancer? Why do liver diseases occur? About King Parikshit. Why do we need to remember death? What is the meaning of life according to Vedic scriptures? Does the soul meet deceased relatives after death? Can low vision be treated? Types of meditation.