The 7 tribes of the clan are responsible for what. Ancestral curse on the female line: generational conflict

Leo Tolstoy once very correctly noted that “all happy families are alike,” but “every unhappy family is unhappy in its own way.” Probably, every person at least once in his life has had the opportunity to see a family where fear and despair have long settled: people are trying with all their might to get out of a series of problems and misfortunes, but again and again they find themselves drawn into the abyss of troubles and adversity. In some families, children are not born, in others, handsome and young guys die, and in others, girls die, repeating the fate of their mothers and grandmothers, not knowing the joy of marriage.

How does the generational curse work?

According to many esoteric teachings, a person has six energy shells, one of them is called casual (or causal). According to mystics, this energy body bears the imprint of all mistakes, sins, as well as good deeds that were committed by the soul in the past and present life. The experience gained in previous incarnations, concentrated in the casual body of a person, can have a huge impact on the course of events that happen to him along the path of life. In addition, this energy body is closely connected with the casual shells of other people who are related and in close relationships with the person.

When one person curses another, his negative emotions and feelings are so strong that they can change the information field of the enemy’s casual shell. Energy and its charge change, thereby forming negative events occurring in the material world. The curse affects not only the victim herself, but also all people related to her. Therefore, even an innocent child born into the world already has a negative program in his casual shell, and will be forced to repeat the unhappy and difficult path of his ancestor. It is believed that the curse affects the family for seven generations, after which it loses its power, and all subsequent members of the family do not experience negative consequences.

How does the ancestral curse manifest itself?

In each individual case, the generational curse manifests itself differently. For example, there are curses aimed at exterminating the male line of the family. In this case, boys and men may die in the family. This type of curse does not reveal itself immediately, because decades can pass between deaths, but after a certain time, the picture begins to take shape, and people begin to understand that deaths occurring in the family are not at all accidental.

For example, the story of the French king Philip the Fair is known. This ruler is remembered in history for the fact that in 1307 he destroyed the Templar Order and then personally attended the execution of the Grand Master of the Order, Jacques de Molay. Eyewitnesses of the execution claimed that they heard how the old man, writhing from the flames that engulfed his body, cursed the king and his entire family, mentioning that in less than seven years all those responsible for his death would appear before the Court of God. At that time, few people believed in the evil prophecies of the old Master, but soon Philip the Handsome suffered a stroke and died in agony six months later. The king was left with three sons, each of whom, while on the throne for several years, died a painful and absurd death. None of the sons of Philip the Fair left a male heir, since all the boys died in infancy, thus ending the line of the ancient Capetian dynasty, and France itself, left without a clear successor to power, plunged into the horror of a hundred-year war with England, which laid claim to the French throne .

There are other types of curses, for example, the so-called “crown of celibacy,” when a young and beautiful woman either cannot find a lover and get married, or remains abandoned by her beloved several months after marriage. Even if this woman gives birth to a child, he repeats the unhappy fate of the mother.

Ancestral curses are very serious energetic changes within the genus; they cannot be removed on your own. According to practicing psychics, it is possible to get out of the vicious circle of a curse only if the person who cursed forgives and takes back his words. There is also the possibility of the curse ending naturally after seven generations in the family.

A scientific view on the problem of the generational curse.

Modern doctors and psychologists are skeptical about esoteric teachings and are in no hurry to believe in the power of the generational curse, and indeed, many strange and at first glance mystical phenomena occurring in cursed families can be explained from a medical point of view.

Thus, the phenomenon when, from time to time, sick boys appear in a family and die in infancy, can be explained by severe genetic diseases linked to male chromosomes. For example, there is the disease leukodystrophy, a degenerative disease in which in the child’s brain, due to the lack of special enzymes, neural connections are gradually destroyed, which leads to a rapid loss of skills, deterioration of well-being and ultimately death. Without modern diagnostics, it is simply impossible to identify such a disease, and from the outside, it looks like a healthy, rosy-cheeked child becomes weaker and weaker every month, and ultimately dies for no apparent reason.

It is known that many mental illnesses (for example, schizophrenia) are also inherited, so in each generation a person with mental disorders may be born. For people far from medicine, this misfortune can also be perceived as a generational curse.

Modern psychology is also able to explain the phenomena occurring in cursed families. For example, the “crown of celibacy” has completely rational reasons: girls growing up in single-parent families often take the model of family relationships from their childhood, and therefore do not know how to build strong alliances with the opposite sex. Seeing only one parent (mother) in front of them, they subconsciously perceive this family model as the norm, therefore, even sincerely dreaming of marriage and a full-fledged family, they are often left alone.

Whether to believe in family curses or not is up to the individual to decide. However, if complex illnesses occur in family members or a sharp deterioration in relations between relatives, it is better to first consult a doctor and a psychologist, because the truth most often lies on the surface.

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Social society is permeated with invisible energy threads that connect, first of all, relatives. They are as if entangled in a web, and any movement in the energy-information field generates responses between these people, even if they have never met.

“Tree of Life”, clan and ancestral karma... Consequences that may affect the children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren of a person who has committed unseemly acts. Let us remember the curses where the so-called “seventh generation” is mentioned. What is this strange effect that affects seven generations later? Similar beliefs occur in many countries, in different parts of the world.

– this is a general energy reserve and information background of a separate kind. The structure of ancestral karma affects the success and well-being of each subsequent descendant. A person with heavy family karma has to face countless difficulties: from social troubles to serious illnesses. Often such people secretly feel that they are attracting trouble to themselves.

Genus structure

The tree of life has its roots in the depths of history; we can say that ancestral karma is made up of many family egregors, but there is a special seal of seven generations, both on the paternal and maternal lines. In total, the “family seal” is 126 people.

1st generation – ourselves (1 person).
2nd generation – parents (mother and father, 2 people).
3rd generation – grandparents (4 people).
4th generation – 8 people
5th generation – 16 people.
6th generation – 32 people.
7th generation – 64 people.

Generations and their generic functions

From the point of view of teaching and karma and kind, second generation (parents) are responsible for the entry of the first generation (child) into society. Through this generation, the sphere of partner marriage relationships is also becoming clichéd. Obviously, this is why children often copy their parents in terms of building love relationships, approach to creating a family and behavior in the family. And they repeat the same mistakes in this area. Family problems pass from mothers to daughters, from fathers to sons. It is rare when talents and abilities are passed on through second generations, hence the expression: “nature rests on children.” Habits, inclinations and type of thinking are often passed on from the father, and psychology and energy are passed on from the mother.

Third generation (father's parents and mother's parents) carries a much more complex program, forming a “cross” or “magic square”, responsible for the intellectual and creative abilities of the grandchildren and their attitude to the outside world. Grandfathers influence men more, and grandmothers influence women more. The third generation forms rather strict milestones of fate, while little depends on genetics and methods of raising a child in the family. And all diseases, as a rule, are programmed.

The third generation is also called the “guardians of time,” symbolically associated with the four elements or primary elements.
Paternal grandfather is identified with the element of Fire, therefore, the grandson is the heir of the creative principle and its active manifestations, which are based on will and spirit. In terms of life events, Fire is the will to win, creative passion, development and promotion of ideas, initiative and all active endeavors. If the grandfather was an active, cheerful person, with a strong-willed core in his character, then the grandson will also take an active life position. Otherwise, the “fire” will be extinguished, and it will be difficult for the great-grandson to realize himself in life. There are also likely to be problems in choosing the type of activity (profession).

Paternal grandmother is identified with the element of the Earth, and its relationship to material values ​​and family foundations is very important. If she took care of her loved ones, was a good housewife, lived on her own and let others live, then such a “program” predicts a successful marriage for her granddaughter, both financially and personally. A girl (woman) can also become the mistress of a family hearth, about which one can say: “The house is a full cup.” An unlucky grandmother, whose character clearly showed negligence, greed, self-interest, squandering, envy, eternal discontent or indifference towards loved ones, is the cause of her granddaughter’s material and personal troubles. But the main problem often becomes the problem of starting a family.

Maternal grandfather represents the Air element. Responsible for intelligence, contacts and connections. It would be good if he was a sociable person, had many friends and could count on their help. The level of his education or, at least, awareness and ability to correctly express his thoughts is also important. The listed potential is passed on to the grandson, shaping his ability to perceive and process information, separating the wheat from the chaff, and helping to attract friends, partners and patrons. If the representative of the third generation was a closed, limited or scandalous person, then the grandson’s problems will be concentrated in this area. In his life there may be a series of loud quarrels, lies, deceptions, gossip and slander, betrayal of friends and relatives, as well as litigation and litigation over property or inheritance between spouses or relatives.

Maternal grandmother– the most mysterious link of the Family Tree. Associated with the element of Water, it conveys the level of intuition, secret abilities and capabilities, which are also called paranormal. It is no coincidence that “magic keys” are passed down along this family branch if the grandmother was a fortune teller, witch, healer, etc.
The maternal grandmother is also designated as the “guardian of the Family,” a symbol of the protective feminine principle. But the instinct of destruction also flows through it. The “inheritance” may include anxieties, fears and complexes... It is important that she is mentally and spiritually healthy and does not have any manias or vices.
Another function of this link is connection to home, homeland, place of residence. If the grandmother moved from place to place and felt restless everywhere, then her granddaughter may have similar problems.

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Caring for children is one of the incentives to stop sinning. In fact, if a sin I have committed affects my child, I would rather not commit it. There is an idea among believers that children can be punished to the seventh generation for the sins of their parents. Is it really?

“I am the Lord your God, a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers on the children to the third and fourth generation of those who hate Me, and showing mercy to a thousand generations of those who love Me and keep My commandments,” says the God of Israel to Moses, giving the Ten Commandments. The idea that children up to the third and fourth generation bear the burden of the guilt of their parents' sin is repeated four times in the first five books of the Bible. What is this: an objective law or a pedagogical technique, a way to force listeners to refrain from sin?

It follows from biblical teaching that this is rather a pedagogical technique, but based on an objective law. Scripture is clear that sin has fundamentally corrupted human nature. Adam and Eve were different people in many ways before the Fall. They did not know what illness and death were. They did not see each other as a threat to become an “object” of possession and therefore were not embarrassed by nudity. They could communicate with God directly. These were whole, truly free individuals who truly loved each other and God.

But sin ruined almost everything. Instead of wholeness, man became fragmented. The properties and powers of the human soul and mind fell into discord, and this was reflected in the body. Man has become mortal. Corruption entered his nature, and with it disease. Eastern Christianity views sin this way: it is not so much a guilt that God forgave man long ago, but rather a disease that neither man nor God himself can heal alone.

It is these two aspects - guilt and illness, or corruption of nature - that must be kept in mind whenever we talk about sin and its consequences. Children born of sinful parents bear the consequences of sin. Their nature is already damaged, there is already corruption in it, it is already subject to disease and death. This is what is sometimes called “original sin.”

But children do not bear the blame for their parents’, and especially their ancestors’, sins. Stalin's expression “the son is not responsible for the father” is actually biblical. Several centuries after Moses, the prophet Ezekiel, one of the great prophets of Israel, writes about this. His words are worth quoting at length:

“And the word of the Lord came to me: Why do you use this proverb in the land of Israel, saying: “The fathers ate sour grapes, but the teeth of the children are set on edge”? I live! - says the Lord God, - they will not speak this proverb in Israel. (...) You say: “Why does not the son bear the guilt of his father?” Because the son acts lawfully and righteously, keeps all My statutes and fulfills them; he will be alive. The soul that sins, it will die; the son will not bear the guilt of the father, and the father will not bear the guilt of the son; the righteousness of the righteous remains with him, and the iniquity of the wicked remains with him.”

The objective law is the transmission of the consequences of sin, this ulcer, damage, depravity of nature, because of which babies are born capable of getting sick and dying, and when they grow up, they can sin on their own. But God’s words to Moses about punishing children for the guilt of their fathers to the third and fourth generation are a pedagogical device, an educational tool that was suitable for the rude and “cruel-necked” people who came out of Egypt. Already during the time of the prophet Ezekiel, this educational method was abandoned. The people to whom the prophet addressed no longer needed crude means of persuasion.

Unfortunately, today in the post-Soviet space believers, or rather, those who consider themselves such, are in fact for the most part pagans. We are hardly any better than those people who came out of Egypt, crossed the Red Sea on dry land, and then, being left without Moses for several days, made themselves a golden calf. And therefore, the techniques of those ancient times “work” for us again. Therefore, from the lips of Christian pastors you can sometimes hear phrases about punishing children for the sins of their parents.

Yes, children are flesh and blood from the blood of their parents. If parents lead a life of sin, is it any wonder that their children will not know another way? The worst sin of modern parents is practical lies. You can say the right words to a child, but what good are they if the example of the life of a father and mother states the opposite? Drunkenness, divorce, fornication, and the cult of money have, alas, become the norm in modern society. I have not yet met parents who would like their child to drink, smoke, fornicate, squander money or leave the family. But how often do we allow ourselves to do this, which means we lie to our children. And then we are surprised that the child accepted not the words, but the values ​​by which we lived. For many parents, their children's mistakes in life are a real tragedy. If I had known that this would happen, I would not have done much. It's too late.

And so that it is not too late, Christianity calls for a change in life now. “Behold, now is the acceptable time, behold, now is the day of salvation,” writes the Apostle Paul to the Christians in Corinth. This “now” is a challenge for each of us. How long does it take for us to recognize ourselves as believers? A year, two, ten, twenty or more? Let's ask ourselves one simple question: How does my faith express itself in my daily life? After all, real faith is not the recognition that God exists (this is how demons “believe”), but trust in God and fulfillment of His commandments.

Everyday life. It is with this seemingly small, but in fact very large and difficult, that practical Christianity begins. Then - fasts and holidays, pilgrimages and theological literature. First you need to become honest with God, those around you, your children and yourself. When there are more such people in society than a certain “critical mass”, it will be possible to preach the words of Ezekiel. For now, Moses is more suitable for us.

Archpriest Andrei Dudchenko

Magazine "Home Child" N7, 2009

Do you know who your ancestors were? What were their names, what fate befell them? If I asked you to fill out a family tree right now, how many generations would you remember? Practice shows that 90% of people have difficulty remembering the names of their great-grandparents, and, alas, can say little about...

Do you know who your ancestors were? What were their names, what fate befell them? If I asked you to fill out a family tree right now, how many generations would you remember? Practice shows that 90% of people have difficulty remembering the names of their great-grandparents and, alas, can say little about their lives. But ideally, a person should know his ancestors up to the seventh generation! It’s not for nothing that the word “family” consists of two components: “Seven” and “I”. The tradition of knowing and honoring one's ancestors was well known to previous generations and has been completely forgotten in our time. We have lost our understanding of why this is needed and for what purpose, and therefore have completely ceased to be interested in our roots. But our lives depend on it!
It is not for nothing that the memory of the clan is included in the family tree. The trunk of the tree symbolizes ourselves, the leaves are our children, and the roots are our ancestors. Now imagine that you have raised large and healthy offspring and your tree looks strong and powerful. But you know almost nothing about your ancestors and have never been interested. What kind of roots will such a tree have? Weak, small, lifeless. In the event of a hurricane, they will not be able to keep the tree in the ground or protect it from bad weather. This is exactly what happens in life. If a person is not interested in the past and does not even understand why he needs to know his ancestors, then he is deprived of the help and support of his family, a force that sometimes saves entire lives!

But just knowing is not enough. If a person has bad relationships in life with his parents, grandparents, it is at this point that the flow of ancestral energy is blocked. Resentment, anger, hatred not only prevent the power of the family from being nourished, but also transforms this force into negative and destructive. Surely you have heard about generational curses? Therefore, it is so important to establish relationships with loved ones if they are still alive or to forgive them if they have died.
But this is not the only reason why you need to know your ancestors and maintain good relations with them (even if they died, thinking well of them, we establish a birth canal through which they feed us with energy). The seven generations of man symbolize his seven energy centers - chakras. Each generation shapes certain aspects in our lives:
1. First generation (me).
2. Second generation (parents – 2 people) – shape the body, health, pass on family scenarios.
3. Third generation (grandparents - 4 people) - responsible for intelligence, abilities, talents.
4. The fourth generation (great-grandparents - 8 people) - guardians of harmony, joy in life and material well-being.
5. The fifth generation (parents and great-grandfathers – 16 people) – are responsible for safety in life.
6. The sixth generation (grandfathers of great-grandfathers - 32 people) - provide a connection with traditions. The 32 people of the sixth generation symbolize 32 teeth, where each tooth is associated with each ancestor. If you have problem teeth, it is worth establishing relationships with your ancestors and praying for them.
7. The seventh generation (great-grandfathers of great-grandfathers - 64 people) - are responsible for the country, city, house in which we live. If you break down 64 people by numbers, this is what you get:
6+4 = 10 -˃ 1+0 = 1 – First generation again. Thus, the circle of the family of seven generations is closed.
In order to establish relationships with your family, first of all, you need to find out the name of each person, his life and destiny. And then you need to read prayers for each ancestor, pray for him before higher powers. It is in our hands to receive support of our kind, a blessing to fulfill our most cherished desires.
Yulia Kravchenko

A family curse is often caused by the fact that one of the ancestors has committed a number of very serious offenses. For this, he was cursed by the people affected by these actions directly through magical rites or the power of their own hatred. The ancestral curse passes from generation to generation, over many generations. In one case, the curse is fulfilled by all representatives of a given clan, in others, the curse is transmitted either through the male or female line.

In many cases, a family curse does not allow a person to realize himself in life: to make a brilliant career or open his own business. Does not allow you to get married; does not allow you to conceive or have a child; forces you to abuse alcohol; leads to health problems that are inexplicable from the point of view of conventional medicine; invariably turns away successful events in life, attracts troubles and misfortunes.

If there is a family curse in your family, then the most inexplicable things can happen in life. A series of similar events occur, repeating themselves in the same family from generation to generation. Usually these are diseases, early violent death, suicidal tendencies, conflicts between close relatives, early death.

Signs of a generational curse:

All these signs, unless of course this is an isolated case, indicate that not everything is in order in your family:

* there are patients in the family with mental disorders, neuroses, and inappropriate behavior
* no procreation in the female or male line
* failed lives of children, repeating the lives of their parents, as if written from the same script
* early deaths of children and men
* chronic female diseases, infertility, hereditary endocrine diseases
* at a certain age a person’s whole life begins to collapse, and he loses everything, starts all over again, and so on several times
* chronic alcoholism or drug addiction, serious illnesses
* enmity and conflicts between relatives, strong quarrels over trifles between close people

How to determine a generational curse?

The family curse is clearly visible on wax castings in the form of sharp corners.

The ancestral curse affects the main information layer of the karmic body, which contains information about the development and fate of a person.

The curse of the family is written into every cell of the body and, together with genetic information, passes from generation to generation. This leads to a negative curse program hanging over the members of this family. If someone in the family dies, then part of his curse is distributed among the living. Often, if a close relative dies, a person feels a rolling heaviness and this is not always a consequence of the misfortune experienced.

A curse is a well-oiled tool, a compact weapon that has no analogues in its power, and also excludes the possibility of any protection from it on the part of the one against whom it is directed.
The results of this destructive impact are passed on from generation to generation, at least up to the seventh generation, as a rule. Moreover, with each subsequent generation, the manifestation of the negative consequences of the curse becomes stronger. When it is laid, the curse program begins to work immediately in all spheres of life, starting from the spiritual (the level of a person’s spirituality falls with all the ensuing consequences, which invariably deprives him of the support of Higher powers and the last hope for a Miracle) and then gradually in all other levels, including the physical to the downfall of a person. However, when a person resists the curse and tries to correct all aspects of his Fate, his abilities and efforts can lead to the fact that part of the negative manifestations of the curse becomes compensated.
A curse is very similar to demonic possession in its consequences, but much more difficult to eradicate. From the energy-informational level, a curse is seen as a hole, a gap, a huge gap in the aura, through which the cursed person is literally sucked out by numerous entities of the astral world; the energy itself flows outward like a waterfall from this funnel.
The damned at the manifested level has a lot of different, always very difficult questions, and they always appear literally out of nowhere, and problems and negativity surround him from all sides in all possible manifestations. From the very first days there is a very rapid drop in human energy, security is radically weakened and karmic debts are sharply activated, quickly leading to serious illnesses and all kinds of accidents.
One of the frequent manifestations of a family curse in the female line will be negative relationships between blood relatives - mother and daughter, father and son. In these cases, there is a negative energy information program that sends the events of people’s lives in a circle - people cannot communicate calmly without insulting each other, but they are also unable to separate - the program keeps them firmly close to each other, creating a movement in a circle of scandals, threats, insults and misunderstandings.

In this case, not only the work of the Magician or Parapsychologist is shown, but also the own efforts of the people drawn into the program: the first step is to understand what is happening to the person, and then a series of steps are taken that reduce the effect of the curse, or destroy the curse completely.

Over the years of practice, I am convinced that it is necessary to remove and treat the negatives of the magical plane according to two rules

Remove like with like (if the curse is placed through a cemetery, then the negative should be removed there)

Determine what main helping forces will help lift the curse from a particular family. For example, the gypsy curse can be easily removed in church, with the help of certain spells, prayers and reprimands.

The curse of a blood relative is eliminated with blood. This must be done, since the carrier of the generational curse program is precisely the blood.

The causes of a generational curse, as a rule, are determined by a magician, but the person himself, using simple techniques, can try to determine where the negativity actually comes from.

Determining the culprit of the generational curse through the church

1. All blood relatives are listed, or in the case of a female lineage - all women whose names are known in a particular family up to 3-4 generations.

2. Names are written down in a certain order on a piece of paper

3. In the church, a memorial service is served for all family members; on the eve, in a certain order (as on a piece of paper), one candle is placed for each deceased relative of a given family.

4. The names of those whose candles will be heavily smoked on the eve are written down on a piece of paper. It is better to do this while the priest is reading a memorial service ordered for deceased relatives.

5. After the culprits of the negative are identified, let’s say these are 4 names, a funeral service for the deceased is ordered in their names, or what is better - an annual funeral service.

6. If the graves of cursed relatives are accessible, commemorations include: black bread, vodka, hard-boiled eggs. It says this:

“There is no bread for you (name), take your curse for yourself!”

If a curse from relatives is lifted, a person immediately feels great relief, things quickly improve, conflicts and quarrels go away.

Of course, not all curses can be removed in this way; this is more suitable for those who received the curse in the heat of the moment, in the words “Damn you!” Strong family curses made by a sorcerer can only be removed by a master, using generous payoffs and monetary donations.

In conclusion, I want to present here a good technique, the author of which is my colleague, Master from Ufa, Vedma. This technique makes it possible to free yourself from the manifestations of the ancestral curse, just when negativity manifests itself in conflicts between mother and daughter, granddaughter and grandmother. Technique for obtaining Strength from the foremother of your family

Your relationship with your mother affects your self-confidence and your relationships with men. They say that a woman chooses a husband who is similar to her mother, and everything that she did not accept in her mother, she also does not accept in a man and tries to get from him what she could not get from her mother once - unconditional love, support , attention, recognition. Your relationship with your mother also affects the difficulties in your life. The worse the relationship with your mother, the more difficulties. It is the maternal clan that fills you with basic self-confidence. When all the women of the clan support you, you feel their strength and power behind your back.
Our mothers do everything as they know how and understand. You need to be able to live through the insult without blaming or condemning. It's never too late to change everything here and now. It's never too late to have a happy childhood...

So: a journey to the first woman of her clan or a technique for changing the fate of herself, her daughters and the entire female line of her clan.

Remember your mother, what she is like now, what she says and what she looks like. Remember what she was like when she was young. Imagine her as a young woman giving birth to an adorable child - you. See her as a very young girl, full of hope and love for life. See her as a confused teenager. See her as a small little girl of about five, see her as a very small child taking her first steps. See her as a newborn, imagine her in her mother's tummy. Imagine her as a small cell and see how two lines are connected in this cell - the life line of her mother and the life line of her father.
Choose the life line of her mother and follow it into the past. See your grandmother carrying her child, see her as a young girl open to life, see her very young and follow the line of her life, see her at twelve years old, see her as a very little girl and see her as a newborn. And imagine her very tiny in her mother’s tummy, and imagine how the life lines of her father and her mother are connected in this cell and again choose the female line. Follow it through the centuries until you reach the first woman of your kind. Look what she is like, the first woman of your kind. Feel her strength, power and great love for you. Stand opposite her, accept her blessing and give her love and respect.
See how all the women of your kind stand to the right and left of her. Fill them with your love, your strength and accept their love and support. And when you are ready, go back along the line of female destiny, healing and straightening it, filling it with the light of your love and gratitude. And again see your grandmother in her mother's tummy, see her as a newborn smiling at the new day, see her as a tiny girl discovering the world, see her as a little girl dancing and spinning, see her as a teenage girl, laughing and mischievous. See her as a young girl, in love for the first time and on her first date. See her as a young woman waiting for her child.
And see your mother in her mother's tummy. And see your mother just born and see your mother as a little girl playing with dolls and a ten year old reading a book, see your mother as a young girl shyly smiling at her lover, see your mother waiting for her baby and see yourself in the tummy at your mother's, see yourself speaking your first words, see yourself at five years old receiving a birthday present. See yourself as a young girl going on a date for the first time. See yourself today. And after inhaling and exhaling, return to reality and open your eyes...

In conclusion.
Step-by-step elimination of the causes of grievances, strong negative emotions, and their manifestations in the form of showdowns and scandals, and other psychological negativity in all blood relatives drawn into the ancestral program of conflicts with the help of this technique at the everyday, human level will be effective. In addition, considerable restraint will be required from all family members; one should not allow the ancestral program, manifesting itself on the human plane, to destroy close family ties and create new grievances and claims against each other: a ancestral curse is a spiritual illness, and to the manifestations and symptoms of any illness You should treat it with patience, only then there is hope for recovery.