Anatoly Nekrasov read living thoughts. Anatoly Nekrasov - Living Thoughts

The novel "Education of Sentiments" tells the story of the life and experiences of the aristocratic young man Frederico Moro. The story is set against the backdrop of social unrest and the 1848 revolution in France.

Gustave Flaubert - one of the most significant writers in Europe of the 19th century, a prose writer and an unsurpassed stylist - began work on his brainchild in September 1864 and worked diligently on it until 1869.

The work is written in the genre of an educational novel, and is autobiographical in nature. Flaubert's book Education of feelings"is full of social problems and describes events in Europe in 1893.

The plot of the novel "Education of Sentiments", Flaubert Gustave

A gentle by nature, romantic and dreamy young man comes to Paris to study. All the benefits of high society are open to him. He searches for himself and dreams of great achievements, but he is haunted by failures one after another. Frederick refuses to admit his guilt in unfinished endeavors and justifies everything with unrequited love.

Here the reader gets acquainted with the antipode of the main character - his friend Charles Deslauriers. Charles is a practical, calculating and envious person. His goal is not moral goods, but the desire to rule. He manages to survive at the expense of the gentle and flexible Frederick, extracting money from him and living on his estate.

On the way to Paris, Frederic meets his first love, Maria Arnoux. She made a strong impression on him. And the guy could no longer get out of the love net. In real life, her prototype was Eliza Schlesinger, whom the author met in 1836, and the feeling of falling in love with whom Flaubert retained in his heart until the last days of his life. Madame Arnoux is the wife of a local antique dealer, she is far from young and has a son. Her husband constantly cheats on her, but Maria is forced to endure everything and remain faithful to him so as not to lose her livelihood.

Unable to establish a relationship with Maria, Frederick is forced to seek solace from other women. One of them is Rasonetta, an inhabitant of a brothel.

Both women have influence on the hero, both are significant to him. Gustave Flaubert in “Education of Feelings” compares two types of love: an example of a high and spiritual feeling - romantic love for Madame Arnoux, almost prayerful, and carnal love - an ardent and passionate feeling for Rosanette. In contrast to them comes a third feeling - prudence and selfishness, which the hero satisfies with Mrs. Damrez, who gives him weight in the highest circles of society.

The author emphasizes the emotional unrest of the heroes with the rebellious mood of society. And at the same time he compares them, like the souls of two creatures living and breathing the same air. On the day of his greatest love disappointment, Frederick learns of the king's flight and the proclamation of the republic. The news quickly brings him to his feet. He easily succumbs to the general mood of the enthusiastic crowd and finds refuge from problems in revolutionary concerns.

The example of people of different classes highlights the typicality of human behavior. The duality of the human soul and the baseness of morals. The opinions of the crowd quickly and prudently adapt to changing living conditions. And even the most convinced and principled people prove tomorrow that they always thought so, they just didn’t want to say it in order to avoid misunderstanding.

Famous quotes by Gustave Flaubert

Gustave Flaubert's novel "Education of Sentiments" tells the story of the life and formation, psychological, moral and social maturation of an individual and society as a whole. The hero never finds his calling in work, just as he cannot decide among the countless number of women. And at the end of his years, he is forced to admit that he lived his life in vain.

Education of feelings Gustave Flaubert

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Title: Education of feelings
Author: Gustave Flaubert
Year: 1869
Genre: Foreign classics, Foreign ancient literature, 19th century literature

About the book “Education of the Senses” by Gustave Flaubert

One of the outstanding French classics of the 19th century. is Gustave Flaubert (1821-1880). A native of Rouen, he tried to obtain a law degree, but was then forced to abandon his studies due to a nervous illness. Doctors recommended him a calmer lifestyle, without worries and shocks. Gustave combined writing his memoirs with caring for his elderly mother.

The first novel, Madame Bovary, was met with a storm of indignation from high society, and even led to a lawsuit. However, this did not stop Flaubert; After his acquittal, he continued to create, although his works were never properly recognized during his lifetime. Gustave Flaubert created Sentimental Education at the end of his career (1869). The impartial manner of presenting events became the main distinguishing feature of his novels.

The main character of the opus “Education of Sentiments” is a young playmaker, a real favorite of fate, Frederic Moreau. He finds it easy to study and doesn’t have to worry about his daily needs thanks to his mother’s generous financial support. All that remains is to find true love - and it overtakes him during a trip to Paris. True, Maria Arno is married to a calculating businessman much older than her, but how can this prevent Frederic from loving her secretly?

Upon arrival in the capital of France, Moreau begins to lead an idle, bohemian lifestyle, arousing the envy of his college colleague and friend Deslauriers. He has to make his way everywhere on his own, without counting on the help and support of loved ones. The behavior and goals of the two friends are opposite - one dreams of reciprocity, but does not dare to have a heart-to-heart talk with Maria, and the other dreams of a political career and a leadership position.

Gustave Flaubert's novel Sentimental Education is a morality tale told with true French charm. It tells how amorphousness, immaturity and inaction can destroy high aspirations and dreams. Throughout his youth, Moreau dreamed of Marie Arno. However, this did not prevent him from experiencing a passionate affair with a Parisian courtesan, which ended in the birth of a child, as well as an affair with a banker, and hastily getting engaged to the sweet provincial Louise, a rich heiress.

Frederico is by no means a notorious scoundrel, he is simply incapable of understanding his own feelings.

The truth of the novel Sentimental Education is revealed at the very end, when Moreau and his rival friend Deslauriers meet many years later. Much water has passed under the bridge since they were young and made ambitious, but mostly unrealistic, plans. Life for both of them did not turn out the way they wanted.

On our website about books, you can download the site for free without registration or read online the book “Education of the Senses” by Gustave Flaubert in epub, fb2, txt, rtf, pdf formats for iPad, iPhone, Android and Kindle. The book will give you a lot of pleasant moments and real pleasure from reading. You can buy the full version from our partner. Also, here you will find the latest news from the literary world, learn the biography of your favorite authors. For beginning writers, there is a separate section with useful tips and tricks, interesting articles, thanks to which you yourself can try your hand at literary crafts.

Quotes from the book “Education of the Sentiments” by Gustave Flaubert

It was drizzling, it was cold, there was no light in the pale sky, but there, behind the darkness, eyes shone that were worth the sun to him.

Yes! Little enemies are dangerous; low and blind anger can, over time, make life intolerable, which is now so calm and happy for me.

Love is food and, as it were, an atmosphere for talent. Extraordinary experiences give rise to sublime creations.

He thought that he had insulted them, for he did not know what a wide reserve of indifference the world possesses.

There are no upper classes; A person is elevated only by his heart.

We seek refuge in mediocrity, despairing of the beauty we dreamed of.

There is no greater humiliation than seeing a fool succeed where you fail.

Women's hearts are like chests with a secret, with many drawers inserted into one another.

Before parting, there is a moment when a loved one is no longer with us.

I don’t understand people who manage to live without being in a state of aesthetic fascination from morning to evening.

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Anatoly Nekrasov

Living thoughts. Human. How to be truly happy

The everyday and the experienced are the primary source of all knowledge.

Due to the nature of my work, I met a lot of people in everyday life, on numerous trips and trips around Russia and other countries. Now, realizing much more deeply my relationship with them and the reasons for many phenomena and situations in life, I realized how many mistakes I made consciously, and more often unconsciously.

I was mistaken and misled others, thereby bringing suffering to many. I was irritated, angry, offended, afraid, sending far from the best vibrations into the World. Now I understand that the World loved me, people loved me, and this was my salvation in many extreme situations.

And now, through this book, I ask forgiveness from everyone to whom I caused suffering, to whom I did not help in time, to whom I misled. In the book, I strive to express the experience of “working out” mistakes, to reveal their causes so that people who read it go through life with less suffering.

Suffering is not the best and, most importantly, not the only form of gaining experience.

Every person can live without suffering.

I propose to live in such a way that you don’t have problems, but only solve problems that you are aware of and the solution to which you can always find.

No one has the right to the ultimate truth - each person carries his own truth and can follow his own path, but much that needs to be understood on this path is common to everyone. Therefore, I am confident that everyone will benefit from reading this book.

If you disagree with something or don’t understand something, don’t rush to object, read the book to the end. “Living Ethics” says about this: “Do not disrupt the holiday of the spirit, even if its language is incomprehensible to you. What is unclear today will become clear tomorrow" And, if you still don’t find an answer to some of the answers, write to me, I’m ready to answer everyone. Perhaps thanks to this, together we will take another step towards the truth.

This book allows me to once again express my deep gratitude to all those whom I have met in life, thanks to whom, to one degree or another, I am, and there is my happiness! I don’t want to name anyone – this list of names would take up a whole volume. I am grateful to all those whom I do not know, but who, consciously or unconsciously, also took part in my destiny, being in different planes of existence.

But still, in my gratitude to everyone, I will single out the Woman! This Woman has many names - I can definitely name only the name of the first Woman in my life. It all started with the name Tatyana - this is my mother. And then the Woman under different names was and is with me almost every day, and I am grateful to Her for the fact that I live, love, and create. How many lives have been lived with Her and thanks to Her! This cannot be contained in any book... So I write and write... And each subsequent book is a new, even deeper gratitude to the Woman! Thank you! I love you!

With respect and love,

Anatoly Nekrasov


I came into this world -
has he become richer?
I'll leave, is it great?
will he suffer damage?
Oh, if only someone could help me
I explained, then I
Summoned from the dust, again
doomed to become one?

Omar Khayyam

Currently, many books have been written about spirituality, about the desire for a better life. Each author's experience is interesting in its own way. Some call for a spiritual movement, for God, believing that in real life everything will work out by itself. Others offer spiritual practices to achieve health and wealth.

This book invites you to create your own happy life, relying on spirituality as the deepest humanity, that is, on the unity of Spirit and Matter. And if this book came into your hands, it means there is something in it just for you! Goethe says in Faust:

Parchment does not quench thirst.
The key to wisdom is not on the pages of books.
Who strives for the secrets of life with every thought,
He finds their spring in his soul.

Yes, the living word and, most importantly, communication with oneself moves towards the truth. But today's people, raised for many generations on the printed word, perceive it as a necessary part of their life, and sometimes as the main source of knowledge. And how could we know about Goethe without having a book? The book will be the main source of knowledge of the World for a long time.

The key of wisdom is Love, and it is in the heart of a person, including the one writing a book. And the more love sounds in the author’s words, the greater the depth of the heart that resonates with the reader. Thus, the key of wisdom allows one to open door after door, the endless mystery of life.

What will be discussed in this work is not just the fruit of mental work. Each phrase, each statement was derived by the author and his associates from a large number of interactions from a spiritual position with subtle plans (spiritual practice), with various life situations, through personal experiences.

All words are passed through the heart and soul. Unlike many similar works, where, as Seneca said: “philosophers do not talk about how they themselves live, but how they should live,” on these pages it sounds that experienced by me, my family, many members of my family, my friends. We ourselves strive to live as it is written here and, thereby, help living thoughts grow!

This is what gives enormous energetic significance to what is written. Therefore, the book is not only educational, but also transformative. I already know many examples of beneficial changes in a person’s destiny and healing under the influence of these texts.

The book is intended for repeated and thoughtful reading - in this case the greatest effect will be observed. But a quick read will also have an impact and lay the seeds for future insights. Those who read it will be rewarded with serious positive changes in their destiny.

This book does not pursue goals aimed at achieving any narrow interest (anyone’s enrichment, glorification of anyone, agitation in favor of any religion or teaching, attracting followers and students to one’s side, manipulation of energy, etc. .d.). This work sets out only a certain worldview, offered (but not imposed) to the reader without any initiations, oaths, oaths, or obligations to keep secret...

The book was born as a result not only, and not so much, of traditional methods - intellectual generalizations, specially planned experiments and research - as it was dictated by a deep heartfelt understanding of the topics raised. Dictated by the voice of the heart, subtle sensations, intuition, in the best sense of the word, it does not impose or demand anything, and some categorical statements are explained, rather, by stylistic costs.

From the author

The everyday and the experienced are the primary source of all knowledge.

Due to the nature of my work, I met a lot of people in everyday life, on numerous trips and trips around Russia and other countries. Now, realizing much more deeply my relationship with them and the reasons for many phenomena and situations in life, I realized how many mistakes I made consciously, and more often unconsciously.

I was mistaken and misled others, thereby bringing suffering to many. I was irritated, angry, offended, afraid, sending far from the best vibrations into the World. Now I understand that the World loved me, people loved me, and this was my salvation in many extreme situations.

And now, through this book, I I'm sorry from everyone to whom he caused suffering, to whom he did not help in time, to whom he misled. In the book, I strive to express the experience of “working out” mistakes, to reveal their causes so that people who read it go through life with less suffering.

Suffering is not the best and, most importantly, not the only form of gaining experience. Every person can live without suffering. I propose to live in such a way that you don’t have problems, but only solve problems that you are aware of and the solution to which you can always find.

This is my first big book, in it I sort of put flags in the direction of my research. Each chapter, and sometimes even one paragraph in the future, can become the beginning of a larger topic. For example, the chapter “Love Triangle”, although presented in a large volume, is still far from revealing many facets.

But egregors are mentioned in several paragraphs, but enough material has already been accumulated. In the next book, I intend to fully cover this topic, since it is extremely important for the correct interaction of a person with the World.

No one has the right to the ultimate truth - each person carries his own truth and can follow his own path, but much that needs to be understood on this path is common to everyone. Therefore, I am confident that everyone will benefit from reading this book.

If you disagree with something or don’t understand something, don’t rush to object, read the book to the end. “Living Ethics” says about this: “Do not disturb the holiday of the spirit, even if its language is incomprehensible to you. What is unclear today will become clear tomorrow.” And if you still don’t find an answer to some of the answers, write to me, I’m ready to answer everyone. Perhaps thanks to this, together we will take another step towards the truth.

This book allows me to once again express my deep gratitude to all those whom I have met in life, thanks to whom, to one degree or another, I am and my happiness! I don’t want to name anyone – this list of names would take up a whole volume. I am grateful to all those whom I do not know, but who, consciously or unconsciously, also took part in my destiny, being in different planes of existence.

With respect and love,

Anatoly Nekrasov

Preface (to the second edition)

A year has passed since the publication of the first edition of the book “Living Thoughts”. I did not plan to reprint the book. It completed a certain stage of my life and worldview.

“Living Thoughts” has already produced a series of books: “Family is the beginning of wisdom” and “Egregors”. And I had no intention of returning to already published material.

The circulation sold out quickly, and requests for a new edition began to arrive. There were a lot of reader responses that made it clear that the book was needed and that it really helped. Marina from Novosibirsk Akademgorodok, PhD, wrote the following: “Thank you very much for “Living Thoughts.” This is a gift from you and the World. Your thoughts turned out to be so consonant with my soul, so clearly and simply presented that while reading, I repeatedly felt the joy that a truly wise book had finally appeared for me and for those five thousand lucky people whom it found.

The new “Outlook on the World”, I think, will help many people think about their lives, suffering and their causes and, by forming a new worldview, change their lives with Love for Happiness...”

Gennady from Tyumen, a businessman, sent the following message: “On Sunday I went to a book fair, and your book came into my sight. I somehow immediately felt that this was exactly what I was looking for, what I was so missing.

In your works I found a lot of useful things and a lot of similarities with my views on life. I read some chapters, and it was joyful in my soul that there were like-minded people in the world. The most important thing is that you, Anatoly, helped me dot the i's and put things in order in my head. Love gave me the book “Living Thoughts,” for which I am very grateful.”

Alena from Toronto, Canada, a psychotherapist, wrote: “I enjoyed reading your book “Living Thoughts,” in which I found confirmation of my whole life. I am a psychotherapist myself, naturally, I always have to communicate with people, analyze this or that life situation, because most people want someone to help them.

But everyone can find everything within themselves, you just need to pull the right thread. So thank you very much for your book. I think it is progressive and necessary. I am a practitioner myself and lecture on psychology at the Academy of Alternative Medicine in Toronto. The materials in the book helped me in my lectures and in my practice. I wish you creative success and more books like this that explain to people Who They Are.”

Messages like these convinced me that the book would still be useful. I didn’t just want to repeat the publication, but I don’t have time to seriously rework the material - new works are in the works. And here the Book itself helped me.

With her help, I met the amazing artist Alexander Lavrukhin. He is called the "master of visual poetry." The artist’s drawings created a wonderful graphic accompaniment to the text material. Now, when reading a book, the imagination begins to operate even more, which deepens perception and makes thoughts even more vivid.

A. Nekrasov


I came into this world, has it become richer?
If I leave, will he suffer great damage?
Oh, if only someone could explain to me why I
Called from the dust, doomed to become it again?
Omar Khayyam

Currently, many books have been written about spirituality, about the desire for a better life. Each author's experience is interesting in its own way. Some call for a spiritual movement, for God, believing that in real life everything will work out by itself. Others offer spiritual practices to achieve health and wealth.

This book invites you to create your own happy life, relying on spirituality as the deepest humanity, that is, on the unity of Spirit and Matter. And if this book came into your hands, it means there is something in it just for you! Goethe says in Faust:

Parchment does not quench thirst.
The key to wisdom is not on the pages of books.
Who strives for the secrets of life with every thought,
He finds their spring in his soul.

Yes, the living word and, most importantly, communication with oneself move towards the truth. But today's people, raised for many generations on the printed word, perceive it as a necessary part of their life, and sometimes as the main source of knowledge. And how could we know about Goethe without having a book? The book will be the main source of knowledge of the World for a long time.

The key of wisdom is Love, and it is in the heart of a person, including the one writing a book. And the more love sounds in the author’s words, the greater the depth of the heart that resonates with the reader. Thus, the key of wisdom allows one to open door after door, the endless mystery of life.

What will be discussed in this work is not just the fruit of mental work. Each phrase, each statement was derived by the author and his associates from a large number of interactions from a spiritual position with subtle plans (spiritual practice), with various life situations, through personal experiences.

All words are passed through the heart and soul. Unlike many similar works, where, as Seneca said, “philosophers do not talk about how they themselves live, but how they should live,” on these pages it sounds that experienced by me, my family, many members of my family, my friends. We ourselves strive to live as it is written here, and thereby help living thoughts grow!

We ourselves strive to live as it is written here, and thereby help living thoughts grow!

This is what gives enormous energetic significance to what is written. Therefore, the book is not only educational, but also transformative. I already know many examples of beneficial changes in a person’s destiny and healing under the influence of these texts.

The book is intended for repeated and thoughtful reading - in this case the greatest effect will be observed. But a quick read will also have an impact and lay the seeds for future insights. Those who read it will be rewarded with serious positive changes in their destiny.

This book does not haunt goals aimed at achieving any narrow interest (someone's enrichment, glorification of anyone, agitation in favor of any religion or teaching, attracting followers and students to one's side, manipulation of energy, etc.) . This work sets out only a certain worldview, offered (but not imposed) to the reader without any initiations, oaths, oaths, or obligations to keep secret...

The book was born as a result not only and not so much of traditional methods - intellectual generalizations, specially planned experiments and research - but as dictated by a deep heartfelt understanding of the topics raised. Dictated with the voice of the heart, subtle sensations, intuition, in the best sense of the word, it does not impose or demand anything, and some categorical statements are explained, rather, by stylistic costs.

There is no need to strictly follow every phrase of the text, thereby turning it into a dead dogma. The reader is invited to feel with his heart rather than understand with his mind the essence of what is written. Based on the proposed knowledge and sensations and existing personal experience, everyone can take new steps on the path to the Truth.

I believe that there is truth in everything—in some places there are individual grains, in others there are scatterings, and in others there are nuggets—you just need to find them.

When writing the book, various methods were used: scientific, based on relevant knowledge, experience, methods; extra-scientific, including religious and mystical experiences; esoteric and occult knowledge. The book combines mythology, theology, theosophy, philosophy, psychology and natural sciences. I believe that there is truth in everything - sometimes there are individual grains, sometimes there are scatterings, and sometimes there are nuggets - you just need to find them.

Hence the high degree of subjectivity of the presented material. If the reader disagrees with it, there is no need to challenge it. Having immersed himself in the world of images of a book, based on the knowledge available in it and in the person himself, he can easily reveal his own facet of truth, which will be of the greatest value to him.

Now it is fashionable to talk about spirituality. But what is spirituality? Without common criteria, people often find themselves on different sides of the barricade when preaching spirituality. Why do spiritual people often not understand each other? Is it spirituality when a person cannot achieve happiness on earth? Therefore, it is important to find criteria for spirituality that would be understandable to everyone and would help a person determine the truth of the path at any given time.

Each person has his own tasks in life, and failure to fulfill them leads to suffering. How to find these tasks and how to complete them? What to do when you have many years behind you, a whole bunch of illnesses, family problems or lack thereof? How can you become happy in this case? There is an expression: “Accept suffering joyfully!”

Is it necessary to suffer at all? Now the Bible, Koran and other holy books are in almost every home - but why doesn’t people’s happiness increase? And how can we combine the words “God is Love” with everything that we have now? Everyone felt the proximity of the Cosmos, there are contactees on every street - why is their work not visible, and why do they themselves live hard? How do we ourselves influence the Cosmos?

Lately they have been talking and writing a lot about damage, evil eyes, curses, and various methods of protection are given. How effective are they and, in general, are they needed? For many years now I have been actively interacting with a variety of people, with various energy-informational phenomena, and have never used any protection. A person himself has everything to prevent negative influences on himself.

Most people realize that family is the basis of life and the apotheosis of happiness occurs in the family.

There are families, they give life - but why are there so few happy families?

There are families, they give life - but why are there so few happy families? This means that something is wrong in the families themselves, in the very idea of ​​family and in the people who form families. How to combine the growing freedom of a person with family ties? The earth has entered a new millennium. What kind of family will there be, what will a person’s worldview be like in the new era? This and much more is discussed in this book.

The book consists of three parts. Each part and each chapter is complete and can be read separately, depending on the reader's interests. The reading order doesn't matter much either. But for greater depth of understanding, penetration and, most importantly, for the most effective application of this knowledge in life, it is advisable to read everything.

The first part is called "Man"

It examines the causes of various human suffering, issues of its improvement, as well as ideological issues, including the meaning of life. What is spirituality and humanity? Freedom and responsibility? This part talks about prayer and the subtle bodies of man. Methods of healing and forms of manifestation of love are listed. It is difficult to single out any of the chapters in this part - they are all important and together they will help change your life through the formation of a new worldview. I want a person to realize his enormous capabilities and use them in his life.

The second part is called "Relationships"

As the name suggests, issues of the relationship between man and the Cosmos, with Nature, with people, with “subtle plans” are discussed here. A large amount of material is devoted to the study of the languages ​​of human communication with the World. Including through dreams and fortune telling. To get rid of fears, and the fear of death is the greatest, you need to know as much as possible about life after death and how to behave for those remaining on earth. A large chapter is devoted to this serious issue. "Life after the death of a loved one".

A large volume is occupied by issues of relationships in the family, with the clan. Chapter "Paternity" will allow you to take a different look at the relationship between the father and the family. I would recommend everyone to study the chapter very seriously "Mother's love". I am sure that for many it will become a great revelation and will require them to reconsider a lot in life and will allow them to see the causes of today's problems.

Research has shown that many problems arise literally out of the blue - due to an incorrect value system. Chapter "Priorities of Love" allows you to correct errors of this kind. Chapter "Love triangle" occupies a large volume in the book, since almost every person, one way or another, encounters this question in life and makes a lot of mistakes. This material allows you to understand the reasons for the appearance of “triangles” and ways to solve complex problems that arise. At first, not everyone may agree with the conclusions, but everyone will undoubtedly benefit from reading the material.

For those who want to consider issues of politics, economics, and the future of Russia from a spiritual perspective, a chapter is offered "National Idea".

Part three is called “Learning to love”

In order for happiness to grow endlessly, it is necessary to include in the sphere of your happiness not only your family and clan, but also your people, humanity, and the Cosmos. Today's man is smart and reasonable. This disease manifested itself especially strongly among women. There are many smart women, but almost no wise ones. How can a woman become wise? How can a man become reasonable? For this it is necessary learn to love! I believe that the most important task now is to learn to love yourself, your loved ones, all people, your Motherland... It turns out that this can and must be learned. This part also includes spiritual practices, because they also teach how to love. Let's learn to do Deeds of Love and love - this is the truest path to happiness!

Have a nice journey with this book!

Part 1

Man was not born to suffer, not to endure. Man is born for happiness! It’s never too late to be happy and certainly not ashamed. Even if there is little joy and happiness around. It is necessary, relying on those grains of happiness that every person has, to cultivate great happiness for oneself, for one’s family, for one’s clan, for one’s people. Be happy here and now, without expecting that the promised land will give you another happiness beyond the horizon. I am convinced that the source of our freedom, joy and happiness is within us, which means it can be used.

And it depends only on the person himself!

River of Life

The River of Life begins its movement from the Primordial Chaos. Drops of life appear there, seep to the surface in the form of springs, gather into streams and give rise to the River of Life. And human life begins to move towards the Ocean. Having passed the entire Path, the soul acquires the entire experience of humanity, reveals itself in the fullness of love, and cognizes the Truth. If in the River of Life the true path is the aspiration to the Ocean, then in the Ocean itself any movement is Truth.

On the way to it and in the Ocean itself, under the influence of the sun's rays, the drops evaporate and rise to the top. That is, people die, and their souls, uniting with other souls, form clouds. The Wind of Fate carries these clouds to different directions of the Earth, where they are shed as the rain of Life. And again the drops begin to gather into streams and look for the Path to the River in order to begin a new movement towards the Ocean. This is how the Circulation of Life happens.

People floating on the River of Life

Not all souls reach the Great Ocean; many die on the way and go to Heaven, only to end up on Earth again, sometimes very far from the River. And the person starts all over again, spinning the Wheel of Fate. Souls from the Ocean can also get to Earth, but these souls are messiahs, they know and remember the Ocean, and not some frail stream. They are filled with the greatness of the Ocean, its wisdom, Great Love and carry the truth of the One Who Knows the Ocean! Such souls become true sages and the greatest prophets, awakening people, illuminating the sources where they fall.

There are many obstacles on a person’s path along the River of Life. There are rocks and rapids that cause suffering; there are creeks and pools that stop you on the Path. There are also more serious obstacles when misconceptions lead a person astray. And these are swamps and swamps. Once there, people can stop in their development and turn life-movement into existence-vegetation.

Sometimes entire nations and states go astray, trying with their minds to pave a new, shorter path to happiness. They build artificial canals, lay out new channels, carried away by bright ideas. People follow this path, showing heroism and self-sacrifice, dying for the sake of a bright future. But sooner or later it turns out that the constructed road leads either to a dead end or to the beginning of the River. And people, having gone through great suffering, disappear in the swamps or eventually reach the great water of Life.

Rapids and creeks

Movement along the main channel of Life is also not easy. It can be both fast and slow. Therefore, one life is often not enough to reach the Ocean. And then the soul may again find itself far from the place it has already reached. And we have to go through this Path again. You can simply float with the flow of the River of Life, without being active, without thinking about the meaning of life, or the purpose of the Path, and without being interested in the speed of movement. Many, having gone through a large number of circuits without reaching the Ocean, have already forgotten that they belong to Him.

And some consciously follow the philosophy of non-resistance, striving for absolute harmony. But such harmony can slow down the movement and even stop it, turning the stream into a backwater or swamp. Sometimes this is how souls live, remembering the greatness, tranquility and harmony of the Ocean. Having found themselves in the River of Life, they try to live in it according to the laws of the Ocean; aspiration, activity, and movement are needed here!

Many people deliberately strive to be in the very middle of the flow, where the speed of movement is greatest. They are constantly looking for something, rowing somewhere, scouring, making mistakes, making mistakes, but continue to search. These are the Entrepreneurs of Life, they awaken, excite the flow, accelerate the movement. In their search, they can fall into rapids and quickly reach the Ocean if they work not only with their heads, but also with their hearts.

These are lighthouse people who lead others. The more they rely on their mind, pushing their heart aside, the easier it is for them to be mistaken and find themselves in a hopeless situation. And then, crushed by hopelessness, they raise their hands to Heaven in despair. After such ordeals, some experience fear and behave quietly in the next round, while others, on the contrary, use negative experience for new searches.

There are many who consciously strive for Heaven, for Paradise. And there are many intermediaries calling for a happy life in heaven. But, having detached itself from the Earth, the soul becomes easily controlled by the forces to which people pray. Such methods are used by religions and various religious teachings. They are, as a rule, closer to the right bank of the River of Life. There is greater depth and cleaner water, but there are also a lot of stones that cause suffering.

Most religions have created huge backwaters where huge masses of people swirl in a slow whirlpool.

Most religions have created huge backwaters where huge masses of people swirl in a slow whirlpool. An artificial dam is created, fencing off part of the River - these are churches, temples, monasteries, ashrams... There is no forward movement, no development, there is only the desire to find consolation and help, to be cleansed of impurities and to be “saved,” that is, to go to Heaven.

Some souls who remember the Ocean, finding themselves in such backwaters, see their isolation from life, their delusions, and try to go out onto the rapids. They gather like-minded people around them and break out of this backwater. If the worldview is true, then they fall into rapids and quickly move towards the Ocean. And if they have not gotten rid of the basic misconceptions, then a new backwater, a new church, is created. This is how religions, confessions, sects are born...

Living thoughts. Anatoly Nekrasov
The book contains psychological and esoteric knowledge that every person can use for themselves. “Living Thoughts” will help you avoid many problems and find solutions to various life problems - in general, change your life and make it happier!

This book examines the problems of physical, mental and energy health, loneliness, family relationships, love triangle, relationships in society. The book is written on the basis of the author’s rich personal experience and extensive psychological practice.

Read book Living Thoughts online

Anatoly Nekrasov

Ordinary and experienced -

The primary source of all knowledge.

Due to the nature of my work, I met a lot of people in everyday life, on numerous trips and trips around Russia and other countries. Now, realizing much more deeply my relationship with them and the reasons for many phenomena and situations in life, I realized how many mistakes I made consciously, and more often unconsciously.

I was mistaken and misled others, thereby bringing suffering to many. I was irritated, angry, offended, afraid, sending far from the best vibrations into the World. Now I understand that the World loved me, people loved me, and this was my salvation in many extreme situations.

And now, through this book, I ask forgiveness from everyone to whom I caused suffering, to whom I did not help in time, to whom I misled. In the book, I strive to express the experience of “working out” mistakes, to reveal their causes so that people who read it will go through life with less suffering.

Suffering is not the best and, most importantly, not the only form of gaining experience. Every person can live without suffering. I propose to live in such a way that you don’t have problems, but only solve problems that you are aware of and the solution to which you can always find.

This is my first big book, in it I kind of put flags in the direction of my research. Each chapter, and sometimes one paragraph, can later become the beginning of a larger topic. For example, the chapter “Love Triangle”, although presented in a large volume, is still far from revealing many facets.

But egregors are mentioned in several paragraphs, but enough material has already been accumulated. In the next book, I intend to fully cover this topic, since it is extremely important for the correct interaction of a person with the World.

No one has the right to the ultimate truth - each person carries his own truth and can follow his own path, but much that needs to be understood on this path is common to everyone. Therefore, I am confident that everyone will benefit from reading this book.

If you disagree with something or don’t understand something, don’t rush to object, read the book to the end. “Living Ethics” says about this: “Do not disturb the holiday of the spirit, even if its language is incomprehensible to you. What is unclear today will become clear tomorrow.” And, if you still don’t find an answer to some of the answers, write to me, I’m ready to answer everyone. Perhaps thanks to this, together we will take another step towards the truth.

This book allows me to once again express my deep gratitude to all those with whom I have met in life, thanks to whom, to one degree or another, I am, and there is my happiness! I don't want to name anyone - this list of names would take up a whole volume. I am grateful to all those whom I do not know, but who, consciously or unconsciously, also took part in my destiny, being in different planes of existence.

I will still single out one person - my wife Elena. She is always by my side in the most difficult and greatest days of the Transformation. Only she knows what I have experienced over these years of the Path, because she has walked this entire path with me. Great love and gratitude to her...

With respect and love,

Anatoly Nekrasov


(To the second edition)

A year has passed since the publication of the first edition of the book “Living Thoughts”. I did not plan to reprint the book. It completed a certain stage of my life and worldview.

“Living Thoughts” has already produced a series of books: “Family is the beginning of wisdom” and “Egregors”. And I had no intention of returning to already published material.

The circulation sold out quickly, and requests for a new edition began to arrive. There were a lot of reader responses that made it clear that the book was needed and that it really helped. Marina from Novosibirsk Akademgorodok, Candidate of Sciences, wrote the following: “Thank you very much for “Living Thoughts.” This is a gift from you and the World. Your thoughts turned out to be so consonant with my soul, so clearly and simply presented that while reading, I repeatedly experienced the joy that finally a truly wise book had appeared for me and for those five thousand lucky ones whom it found.

The new “Outlook on the World,” I think, will help many people think about their lives, suffering and their causes and, forming a new worldview, change their lives with Love for Happiness...”

Gennady from Tyumen, a businessman, sent the following message: “On Sunday I went to a book fair, and your book came into my sight. I somehow immediately felt that this was exactly what I was looking for, what I was so missing.

In your works I found a lot of useful things and a lot of similarities with my views on life. I read some chapters, and it was joyful in my soul that there were like-minded people in the world. The most important thing is that you, Anatoly, helped me dot the i's and put things in order in my head. Love gave me the book “Living Thoughts,” for which I am very grateful.”

Alena from Toronto, Canada, a psychotherapist, wrote: “I enjoyed reading your book “Living Thoughts,” in which I found confirmation of my whole life. I am a psychotherapist myself, naturally, I always have to communicate with people, analyze this or that life situation, because most people want someone to help them.

But everyone can find everything within themselves, you just need to pull the right thread. Therefore, thank you very much for your book. I think it is progressive and necessary. I am a practitioner myself and lecture on psychology at the Academy of Alternative Medicine in Toronto. The materials in the book helped me in my lectures and in my practice. I wish you creative success and more books like this that explain to people Who They Are.”

Messages like these convinced me that the book would still be useful. I just didn’t want to repeat the edition, and I don’t have time to seriously rework the material - new works are in the works. And here the Book itself helped me.

With her help, I met the amazing artist Alexander Lavrukhin. He is called the "master of visual poetry." The artist’s drawings created a wonderful graphic accompaniment to the text material. Now, when reading a book, the imagination begins to operate even more, which deepens perception and makes thoughts even more vivid.

A. Nekrasov


I came into this world, has it become richer?

If I leave, will he suffer great damage?

Oh, if only someone could explain to me why I

Called from the dust, doomed to become it again?

Omar Khayyam

Currently, many books have been written about spirituality, about the desire for a better life. Each author's experience is interesting in its own way. Some call for a spiritual movement, for God, believing that in real life everything will work out by itself. Others offer spiritual practices to achieve health and wealth.

This book invites you to create your own happy life, relying on spirituality as the deepest humanity, that is, on the unity of Spirit and Matter. And if this book came into your hands, it means there is something in it just for you! Goethe says in Faust:

Parchment does not quench thirst.

The key to wisdom is not on the pages of books.

Who strives for the secrets of life with every thought,

He finds their spring in his soul.

Yes, the living word and, most importantly, communication with oneself moves towards the truth. But today's people, raised for many generations on the printed word, perceive it as a necessary part of their life, and sometimes as the main source of knowledge. And how could we know about Goethe without having a book? The book will be the main source of knowledge of the World for a long time.

The key of wisdom is Love, and it is in the heart of a person, including the one writing a book. And the more love sounds in the author’s words, the greater the depth of the heart that resonates with the reader. Thus, the key of wisdom allows one to open door after door, the endless mystery of life.

What will be discussed in this work is not just the fruit of mental work. Each phrase, each statement was derived by the author and his associates from a large number of interactions from a spiritual position with subtle plans (spiritual practice), with various life situations, through personal experiences.

All words are passed through the heart and soul. Unlike many similar works, where, as Seneca said: “philosophers do not talk about how they themselves live, but how they should live,” these pages contain what was experienced by me, my family, many members of my family, my friends. We ourselves strive to live as it is written here and, thereby, help living thoughts grow!

This is what gives enormous energetic significance to what is written. Therefore, the book is not only educational, but also transformative. I already know many examples of beneficial changes in a person’s destiny and healing under the influence of these texts.