Various educational courses in Thailand. Study in Thailand: secondary and higher education

Mild climate, good level medicine (combination of Western and traditional oriental medicine), affordable housing, a variety of products, including a huge number of fruits with a rich vitamin complex (carambola, guava, jackfruit, lychee, mangosteen, langsat, rambutan, and many others), as well as other factors make this country attractive for permanent residence with children. And, of course, parents cannot help but think about their children’s education.

Education in Thailand is compulsory for children from 6 to 15 years old. Visiting kindergartens and nurseries is optional, at the request of parents. Children live and study here different nationalities- Thais, English, Russians, Danes, Americans, Koreans and many others.

In Thailand, all educational institutions are divided into three types: public, bilingual (teaching is conducted in Thai and English) and international. IN public schools ah, education is free, but only for Thai children (if the child has a mother or father of Thai nationality, such a child also has the right to free education). International schools provide the most wide range educational services, however, education in such a school is very expensive.

Children begin to study in nurseries and kindergartens (up to 3 and up to 6 years old, respectively), but local kindergartens and nurseries are not very different from kindergartens and nurseries in other countries, for example, in Russia, Europe, the USA: bright design of playrooms , games on playgrounds, for older children - learning to read, write, count, drawing and music lessons. The main difference is that for naps, children are put to sleep not in cribs, but on special mattresses on the floor; for older children, homework and final tests are provided. Preparations for school begin in the garden. There are kindergartens with language and mathematical bias. The teachers are very gentle with the children, learning takes place in game form. Many nurseries and kindergartens have video cameras for parental control.

A child spends 12 years in school. From 6 to 8 years – First level schooling, from 9 to 11 years old - the second level, from 12 to 14 years old - the third level and the last, final level of compulsory secondary education - from 15 to 17 years old. In the last years of their studies, students choose an academic direction (for those who want to continue their studies at the university) or a professional direction (for those who, after goes to school work). And, of course, a child can go to school at the age of 5, if he is already ready for this, or he can graduate from school at the age of 18 or 19, if, upon completion of any level, the exam was passed unsatisfactorily, and the careless student was sent to repeating the course. The lesson lasts 40 minutes, classes from 8:00 in the morning and on average until 15:00 in the afternoon. However, children, as a rule, stay in school much longer, because schools offer a variety of courses and clubs: dancing (even ballet), sports (athletics, swimming, football and other sports), subject classes (mathematics, languages, literature, astronomy And so on).

The first and second level programs include Thai language, science, social science, physical education, mathematics, art, technology, foreign languages(English is required, one Asian language is often added - only native speakers teach!). At the third level, students can choose one or more courses of study, for example " Science course», « Math course", "Foreign language course", "General course".

Each school has an individual syllabus and schedule. Academic year is divided into two semesters: from May to October and from November to March, so the “first of September” in Thailand occurs in May. Enrollment is possible at the beginning of each semester. During the holidays, summer schools are organized for everyone.

Starting from kindergarten, the child becomes familiar with the school uniform, which in Thailand is strictly mandatory in all educational institutions. Even shoes and sportswear are only of the prescribed type!

In all schools, regardless of status, there is an unspoken rule: the child should be comfortable. An old Thai proverb says that any activity should bring pleasure, and if there is no pleasure, then such an activity is not worth pursuing. Since children are treated very leniently in Thailand and punishment is discouraged, teachers have to work hard to create a fun and interesting learning experience for their restless students. That's why children in Thailand love school.

The value of studying in Thailand is obvious: classes take place in an international and friendly environment, the child, in addition native language, begins to communicate fluently in Thai and English, and possibly in one of Asian languages, which means that in the future your child will face fewer language barriers than those who studied in a less linguistically diverse environment.

If you decide to study in Thailand, then you will find it useful to know about food in this country.

In connection with our move to Thailand, we were puzzled by finding a school for our daughter. She is 6.5 years old and according to Tai’s standards, she should already be gnawing on the granite of science. The fact is that from the age of six, Thai children already go to school. By the way, in Thailand, kindergartens are not separated from schools (they call this “first stage”). If a child is 1.5 years old and can walk and eat from a bottle, then he is accepted to the first stage. Already from a toddler age, children are taught counting and the alphabet through play. At the first stage, training lasts from 08:00 to 14:00, at the second stage (this is like our first grade) from 08:00 to 16:00.

Thais have two types of schools: Thai-English and English-Thai. In a Thai-English school, 70% of the material is taught in Thai, and in an English-Thai school, accordingly, in English. In this case, we are considering the option of the English-Thai school. The advantages of such schools are thorough teaching of two languages ​​at once, the most budget option and good attitude to a child (Thais by nature are very fond of children, and especially blonde girls!).

And I’ll immediately explain the price of the issue - the initial payment is on average 20,000 THB (in order to consider the application, insurance, etc., in Russia this is called payment for board of trustees) and THB 60,000 on average per year for two semesters. The down payment is not refundable under any circumstances!

It is also worth noting that students must wear a uniform. Each school has its own uniform. In some schools, uniforms and textbooks are paid; this point should be discussed in advance in order to avoid an unpleasant situation.

The academic year is divided into two semesters - from May to September, then holidays, and from November to February. After each semester, students take exams. By the way, subjects in these schools are taught only by native speakers, i.e. English - the British (in extreme cases, Filipinos), and not like in our Russian schools... Upon completion of training in schools, a Thai-style certificate is issued.

In general, in Pattaya itself there are 10 public schools (I mean those schools that are not geographically located in Chonburi, Rayong, but in Pattaya), so there is plenty to choose from! By location, it is mainly in the Naklua area. Personally, we have two schools in mind: AruNoTAI and BuraphaSchool. AruNoTAI is located in the Central Pattaya area, and BuraphaSchool is located in the NongPrue area.

About Russian schools

School "Knowledge" is located on Pra Tam Nak soi 6. Cost annual training about 200,000 THB and it depends on the class. Eg: " Primary School 1-4 grades - 12,000 THB per month (payment for the entire period of study) 9 - 108,000 THB academic year; 14,000 THB per month - (if paid by trimester) - 126,000 THB academic year; 16,000 THB - if paid monthly - 144,000 THB academic year,” this is their calculation). Getting a school certificate is difficult for them. According to rumors, the school is optional, but somehow miraculously helps children and parents with visas.

The Diplomat School is located on Naklua and positions itself as educating leaders. They claim to be related to the St. Petersburg private school, which has the same name, but a refutation is posted on the official website of the St. Petersburg school, which clearly and clearly states that the school in Pattaya has nothing to do with them. At the school itself, they try to avoid the issue of a license, but if they insist on showing the license, they show a photocopy of the license of the lyceum located in Leningrad region(unfortunately, I no longer remember the number of the lyceum). On the website of this lyceum we found exactly the same license that was shown to us at the Diplomat school in Pattaya. We conclude that they purchased the name from some, the license from others. Well, now about the main thing: the entrance fee is 15,000 THB, and the cost of training itself is 20,000 THB per month. Transfer to school and meals are paid separately.

Semitsvetik Primary School opens its doors only this year. For now, we can only draw conclusions based on the kindergarten. The kindergarten is located on Thap Phraya soi 15. The staff changes systematically, and many of the staff do not have a pedagogical education. The children in this kindergarten are not only Russian, there are Thais, Americans and children from mixed families. The food in the garden is European, but the parents bring breakfast themselves. Transfer to the kindergarten is paid separately - delivery of children to the center and back - 1500 THB per month, or 100 THB per day. Physical education classes are held in the pool, you can also order individual sessions in swimming.

Senior teacher Irina Novikova makes a very pleasant impression, but after talking with the kindergarten students and staff, I personally came to the conclusion that this institution is not suitable for us. I’ll explain why: I was alarmed by the fact that many children not only don’t know numbers and letters (at the age of 5-6 years), but even pronounce words poorly! Children are certainly looked after there, but the moment of learning and development is most likely missing.

The cost of services of this kindergarten: a monthly fixed fee for a child’s stay 5 days a week from Monday to Friday from 9 to 18 hours - 6,000 THB. The child's food costs 2000 THB per month at the rate of 100 THB per day. There is also the possibility of a child’s short-term stay in kindergarten and individual educational services - hourly payment will be 300 THB per hour of classes and classes are provided in clubs - 2000 THB per month based on 2 classes per week. New arrivals to child Center a one-time entrance fee (deposit) of 2000 THB is paid. Naturally, as elsewhere, in the event of unforeseen circumstances, the deposit is not refundable. This year there is a promotion - the deposit has been canceled.

So, everything seems to be clear with Russian schools. Let everyone draw their own conclusions. Personally, we made our own.

European schools

The first French school in line is French Language School Pattaya. Located at Chaiyaphruek soi4. Outwardly everything is beautiful, cute and neat. True, of the permanent staff there, only the director himself is of French origin (of course!) and two teachers are Thai (the school also has a kindergarten). This may be due to the fact that the director refuses to issue a work permit to his subordinates.

The teachers are all French and all subjects are taught exclusively in French. Tuition fee is 15,000 THB per month, transfer to school and meals are paid separately. Meals at school are served three times a day - at 10:00, 11:30 and 15:30. Classes take place from 08:00 to 16:00. Kindergarten cost: children from 1 year to three years- 5000 THB, from 3 to 7 years - 6000 THB. There is a swimming pool on the school grounds. It provides physical education classes and individual lessons for children. There are few French children at school, mostly Russians, Thais and, oddly enough, Germans.

Personally, we have a feeling about the school good impression, and we will consider it as a backup option. The advantages of this school - when communicating with the director, we noted for ourselves that he is a very good-natured person, always ready to put himself in your position; The school is staffed by native speakers of French and Thai (Thai is also one of the subjects taught) and the school itself is quite nice and civilized, and they don’t seem to be going anywhere. They've been working for quite a long time. True, even Google refuses to show this school on the map!

I wanted to write about German school Deutsche Schule in Pattaya, but at the time of writing this article, this school was deprived of its license and now it does not exist. But I think we've lost a little.

There are several in Pattaya English schools, but we will consider the school at example The Regent’s School, because in my opinion, the conditions for admission and education of children in these institutions are approximately the same. To begin with, the most interesting thing is the price tag: for consideration of an application for admission 5500 THB. This amount will not be refunded under any circumstances. Further, if the noble management of the school decides that your child fits their conditions, then you pay a registration fee of 50,000 THB. But if suddenly it turns out later that there was still no place for you at school, then this money can be returned to you. Then you pay the entrance fee of 75,000 THB and a place at the school is reserved for you. Well, after that, for each semester (and there are three of them), you will pay, depending on the age group, from 99,500 to 198,000 THB.

Surely you were interested - but why? The education system at this international school is traditional British, so its popularity among other schools in Pattaya is not surprising. Today, throughout the world, it is this education system that has almost the most high rating. This explains the high price of training. After ending The Regent's School child can enter not only a Thai university, but also any other higher educational institution on the planet, since all standards correspond to international ones. The teachers there are like wizards who will create a real genius out of your child. You can be sure of this.

Plus, the school has a boarding house where your child can live. Shuttle service available. Standard training hours are from 08:00 to 16:00. Closed - Saturday, Sunday. Twice a year children are taken to other countries (America, England, Australia) so that children learn to overcome the language barrier. It is also possible to send a child to another country for exchange.

I’ll be honest - if we had such a financial opportunity, we would happily send our girl to this school. But we don’t have that kind of money yet.

As you already understand, there are many schools, and your child will not remain uneducated. There is plenty to choose from, the main thing is that the choice is correct. Because school is the foundation that you lay for your child’s future. And don't forget to ask your child's opinion regarding this issue, because the process of learning and mastering the material will depend on how comfortable he will be in this school. Well, you don’t want to throw money away, do you?

It just so happens that there are a lot of Russian-speaking people in Thailand. These are not only Russians: Belarusians, Ukrainians, Kazakhs. All of them are temporary guests in this country. Few people dare to go through the long and tedious process of paperwork to obtain citizenship.

Some of our compatriots live in Thailand for six months, some for two years, and others for ten years. Some people move here with children, being a mature unit of society. Others give birth here. There are also enough Russian-speaking children in Thailand. They have to suffer, being dragged around by their crazy parents. South-East Asia. They change places of residence several times a year, and by the age of ten, unlike their parents, they are fluent in three languages ​​- Russian, English and Thai. Let's figure out how a Russian-speaking child feels in Thailand? What difficulties does he face? What are his chances of getting a good education and find a decent job?

Adaptation of a Russian-speaking child in Thailand

Many Russian-speaking families moving to the kingdom for permanent residence have minor children. And the first problem that parents face is the child’s adaptation to new conditions.

A big advantage of Thailand is that English is very popular here. Even education in many educational institutions is conducted in this language. If the child does not speak English, then you must first use the services of a tutor, the cost of which starts from 500 baht/hour (1 baht = 1.03 rubles). Once the language is mastered, subsequent adaptation will be easier.

As many Russians living in Thailand note, children easily find mutual language with peers. Thai children are not as cruel as many Russian ones, because this country has a different educational process, a different ideology, so they are friendly and sociable.

This creates everything favorable conditions for quick adaptation of Russian-speaking children in this exotic country.

Education system of the Kingdom of Thailand

Education in this country is given Special attention, what can we say if all reforms relating to the education system are supervised by the King of Thailand himself. The types of education in this country are no different from those in Russia. There are preschool, basic, vocational, and higher education. It is worth noting that about 75% of children aged 3-5 years receive preschool education.

Majority preschool institutions are public, but the government encourages the creation of private institutions.

School education is four-level. The first three years of school (Prathom 1-3) are for children aged 6-8 years. If you go to any Thai school, you will see cute kids in same shape who are drawing something while lying on the floor. Unlike Russia, they do not force children from the first grade to add in columns and learn spelling rules. Children are taught to fantasize and enjoy the process of learning. Let on initial stage Thai schoolchildren know less than Russians, but from the first grade they are instilled with a love of school, knowledge, and self-learning. It is very important. In addition, in Thailand, children are taught logic from the first grade. In Russia, this discipline is generally given undeservedly little attention, only one semester at the university, during which a strict lecturer with an indifferent face only has time to read the definitions from the reference book. In Thai schools and universities, no one has any indifferent faces. Although their education system lacks academic excellence and fundamentality, everyone is happy.

Second levels school education in the Kingdom is Prathom 4-6 – this is already age group 9-11 years old. Full completion of this level of training is mandatory for all Thais. This is where mathematics, grammar, vocabulary begins, the world, literature and history. In the Russian understanding, a Thai child begins to study normally only at the age of nine, before that there are all sorts of little things.

The poor and peasants usually stop at the second level. There is no need to go further. They can read, write and that’s okay. Driver license You can already acquire these skills, but who cares whether the taxi driver is familiar with logarithms or not.

For those who choose further education, there is a third level - Matthayom 1-3, intended for the age category of 12-14 years. Perhaps, in the Thai education system this is the most dense level, since specializations follow, and at the age of 12-14 the child is not yet afraid transitional age with all his troubles, and he actively listens to the teacher, without trying to assert himself in the team or enter into an argument with the teacher.
At the fourth level, Matthayom 4-6 (15-17 year old children), specialization already begins, but not the same as in our country: physics and humanities, children are divided into professional and academic streams. Future scientists, as well as potential specialists, get into the academic one. They are the ones who will continue their studies at universities. The professional stream is more focused on applied work, its students are simpler, and they subsequently occupy jobs in various industries.

There are schools in the country where education is conducted in English and Thai. In some cities you can also find Russian-language schools, which are created mainly for the wealthy Russian-speaking residents kingdoms, because The cost of a month's education for a child in such a school will cost parents an amount starting at $800. For example, in Pattaya there are Diplomat schools. Here children receive a Russian certificate. All teachers are Russian by nationality. The price of a month of education for children attending grades 1-7 is $900, but in grades 8-11 it increases slightly and is about $930. Also, the “Russian Language School” can be found at the Phuket International School. Training in others educational institutions, which have no connection to Russia, are much cheaper - for a child to attend a decent school, parents will have to pay about $400 a month.

IN regular schools Russian children study together with Thais. Lessons last 40 minutes. In order for a child to be able to enroll in such a school, it is necessary to collect a lot various documents. He is also required to pass an English language proficiency test. The delivery price is 500 baht. Classes in Thai schools last from 9.00 to 15.00. There is no need to worry about how your child will get to school. In order for a child to be picked up and dropped off by a bus every day, you need to pay $120 a month; by local standards this is expensive, but if you don’t want to see off and meet your child yourself, it’s quite tolerable.

According to Olga, who moved to Pattaya with her husband and seven-year-old son, education system the country is very developed. Near Satit Udomseuksa Academy, where her son went to study, there are no bars, eateries or other places typical of tourist cities. The school has a six-day course. The holidays last only two months. Mostly, educational process is taught in English, but classes are held twice a week in Thai. Olga’s child returns home after classes very cheerful and is looking forward to next day, when the yellow bus picks him up in the morning at the porch of the house.

According to many Russians who were involved in the education system in their homeland, this area is very well developed in Thailand, and sometimes “it’s a shame for the country” that in a country in southeast Asia school system education is better organized than in the once superpower that gave the world Korolev, Kapitsa, Sakharov, Alferov and other great scientists.

"We for a long time We were looking for a place to send our daughter to study. Still, I didn’t want her to be too separated from her homeland. There is no Russian-language school on Samui; enthusiasts tried to create one, but they did not get accreditation from the Russian consulate. Because of this, our Tanya lost a year, we waited and believed, and then we sent our daughter to local school. At first we thought it would be for a while, but now we don’t want to move here, just so as not to change the school. All their activities involve games, everything is fun and playful. One thing is frustrating - at school they speak English and Thai, she already knows them better than her native language,” says Evgeniy Karnaukhov, a poker player living with his family on Samui.

If everyone is praising it so much local system education, then let's figure out how she became herself. Unlike Russia, Thailand does not have its own Serdyukovs. After educational reform no one waved their fists and started a witch hunt, as they like to do in our country. Everything went quietly and peacefully. The end of the 20th century was a time of dramatic changes in the Thai higher education system. Many universities and academies were opened. It is worth noting that Thailand's level of education is much higher than other countries in Southeast Asia. Back in 2002, the Commission on Higher Education created a long-term plan for the development of the higher education system in the country. Since 2008, both public and private universities began using English during the learning process. Several programs have also been introduced under which students can take advanced training courses in English.

Obtaining higher education in Thailand for a Russian-speaking child will cost him from 2,000 to 4,000 dollars a year. The price tag is the same as in good Russian provincial universities. By paying this amount, students receive quality knowledge, which help to fully master the chosen profession. Diplomas from Thai universities and academies are quoted on the labor market, therefore, having received a higher education, a person can get a job Good work and will have good prospects career growth. All this gives an idea of ​​the Kingdom of Thailand as a country in which you can safely live, relax and study.

Thailand healthcare system

We have already seen that in Thailand there is a place for a child to study. Is there somewhere to get treatment? After all, kids often get sick. In total, there are about 400 clinics in the kingdom offering their patients high quality service. The state is home to the largest private clinic in all of Asia, as well as the first hospital to receive ISO 9001 certification. Therefore, the level of healthcare development is comparable to that of countries such as the USA or Germany.

According to Russian-speaking residents of Thailand, child care in clinics begins even before birth. Expectant mother there is no need to take her anywhere - you just need to call the doctors and they will come and pick her up. There is only one woman in labor in each separate ward at all times. The cost of childbirth in Thailand ranges from 25 to 40 thousand baht, which is not that a large amount. Also, some clinics give newborns gifts during discharge.

In August 2012, the state government took additional measures regarding free medical care. Now children under 6 years old can get vaccinated for free. Also, every citizen of the country can undergo a full medical examination four times a year, but for most Russians living in the Kingdom, this information is useless.

Mikhail, who lives in Pattaya, shared a story about how his son had a tooth filled at Bangkok Hospital. According to him, everything was done efficiently and painlessly. Putting a filling on a single-canal tooth cost 1,000 baht, the amount also included cleaning and filling the canal. In order not to worry about who, where and how you will be treated, all you need to do is take out insurance. This can be done right at the border, if you are a supporter of the border run, or at the consulate. The price of insurance must be clarified on the spot; it is quite variable.

In general, the level of medical care for both Thais and Russian-speaking citizens is very high. The country employs highly qualified doctors who are masters of their craft. In principle, none of the Russians who encountered people in Thailand who took the Hippocratic Oath were left in trouble. Everyone was helped, everyone was cured and put back on their feet.

*Escorts in Thailand are girls of dubious behavior who accompany, help and in every possible way entertain a foreigner who has paid money for them. In Russian, this profession would sound like “prostitute-tour guide.”

Education in Thailand is administered by the Ministry of Education. The Constitution guarantees local residents free twelve years of schooling; for foreigners it will be paid, but if the mother or father is Thai, then the child can also study for free. Preschool free education is not provided, so you can only send your child to a nursery or kindergarten for a fee. There are many private low-cost organizations in the country, where the cost varies from three to seven thousand baht monthly. The more expensive the kindergarten, the higher the status of the educational institution and the more classes the child receives there.

Education in Thailand begins from the nursery. Children under three years old are taught modeling, drawing, writing, and all this in a playful way. Then, up to 6 years of age, if desired, children can attend kindergarten, where classes will continue; in some kindergartens, children even learn English. In kindergarten, children are already given homework. Upon leaving kindergarten, the child will have to take a test. Classes start at eight in the morning and end at four in the afternoon. During this time, naps and four meals a day are included.

From the age of six, a child goes to school, where he will spend 12 years, nine of which are compulsory, and the rest are optional. The academic year consists of two semesters. Children go to school not in the fall, as is customary here, but in May and study until October. This is followed by a month of rest, and from November to March - a new semester. The longest holidays begin in spring, but during this period there are many clubs and courses that children can attend voluntarily. They are also called summer school. There are many schools in Thailand with the British education system, where three semesters of education are provided, and long two-month holidays fall in the summer.

There are several levels of education at the school: from 6 to 8 years old - primary, from 9 to 11 years old - second, from 12 to 14 - third (during this period children can choose special courses, the most popular are “mathematical”, “scientific”, “language”), from 15 to 17 years old - the last level of secondary education. The final level is not mandatory, but it provides many opportunities, as it is divided into two directions: academic - it is chosen by those who plan to enter a university and professional - for those who are thinking of going further to work. There are also many gymnasiums in the country that combine both directions. At the end of their studies, students take a national exam.

It should be noted that in an exotic country, all educational institutions are divided into three types: state, bilingual (teaching is conducted in Thai and English) and international. Foreigners more often send their children to international schools, in which education is considered better and leaving such a school gives more prospects in the future. After graduating from such a school, children receive American-style diplomas, but education here is quite expensive. The most budget option is bilingual schools. Here the child will master Thai and English, but upon completion will receive a Thai diploma. Local private schools where additional disciplines are taught are interesting. This could be Chinese or Japanese, and instead of physical education, martial arts, football or tennis.

Please note that in Thailand foreign languages ​​are taught only by native speakers, therefore language training turns out to be of high quality. Also in schools there is a rule expressed in an old Thai proverb - any action should bring pleasure. For this reason, teachers try their best to keep children interested in lessons so that they never get bored. Therefore, Thai children usually love to go to school. The school day lasts from eight in the morning until three hours day, one lesson takes 40 minutes. But even after school ends, many children remain additional mugs and classes.

Thai schools are well equipped, but rural schools are usually worse equipped than in cities. The standards of education there also suffer, especially with regard to the English language, so many schoolchildren prefer to travel 60-80 km to nearby cities to study. Also in Thailand there are over three hundred large schools. Earlier training they had some of the best in the country, but in last years they began to lose their positions.

Higher education is also developed in Thailand. There are more than 80 state universities in the country, and about seventy private higher education institutions. educational institutions. It is worth noting that there is no free higher education for anyone in the country. All universities are open to foreigners, more than four hundred are offered in total master's programs, created specifically for foreign students. Teaching takes place in English or Thai, so you should take this into account before enrolling. Your language level will be checked before admission. Every year, about 20 thousand foreigners enroll in local universities. Most often they study in the following areas: business administration, marketing and international Business. During the entrance exams, you will have to write an essay and solve tests in mathematics.

The first year takes place in the form of adaptation; in the second, professional subjects are introduced, and classes are taught by specialists from Canada, the USA, and Australia. The student evaluation system is based on points. All interested students can take a master's course after completing the main program.

Education received in Thailand is valued by most developed countries Moreover, it is relatively inexpensive. An annual course at a university will cost an average of two to four thousand dollars. Foreign students are provided with a dormitory. The bulk of popular universities are located in Bangkok, but there are well-known ones in Phuket.

Another feature of Thai education is the uniform. They begin to wear it from infancy until the end of training at any level. Already in kindergarten, little girls wear red skirts and white blouses, and boys wear red shorts and white shirts. School uniform not so bright: dark blue or black long shorts and pale shirts with short sleeves for boys and dark knee-length skirts with white blouses for girls. The outfit is completed with knee socks and black shoes. Boys are allowed to wear long trousers in high school. Universities have white up and black down. Girls are allowed to dress in blouses and pleated skirts, and boys are allowed to wear long trousers, long sleeve shirts and blue ties. Teachers also wear uniforms - often they resemble military style.

From all of the above, one valuable conclusion can be drawn that education received in Thailand opens up new opportunities and future prospects.

And fishing, elephant riding and rafting, temples and. And perhaps many will be surprised to learn that Thailand is an excellent choice for higher education.

Thai education is valued in most developed countries of the world; the state pays serious attention to its quality and development.

What and how they study in Thai universities

In all major universities in the country, teaching is conducted in Thai and English, in some - only in English. All teachers who speak English are from England, the USA, Canada and Australia. They come specifically to work in Thailand.

To any higher education program educational institution includes a course of Thai language and culture, which contributes to cultural development and broadening the horizons of foreign students, first of all. What's remarkable is most of Universities do not require preliminary training in English language courses. True, you will need knowledge of English to understand the program. You can take a year-long course in advance at one of the.

All interested students can take a master's course after completing the main program. The grading system is similar to the American model: when passing a certain course, you must achieve a set number of points. All classrooms are equipped with computers and a projector, each subject is accompanied by a website where you can find all the necessary mandatory and Additional information. Another distinctive feature of education in Thailand is the absence of bribes and intolerance of cheating: if you are misunderstood, you may be punished, including expulsion. And be prepared that all universities in the country have a uniform uniform for all students - white top and black bottom.

As for the areas that are represented at Thai universities, the choice is wide: both the tourism industry and international relationships, medicine, economics, and many other specialties.

Thai University for Foreigners

Graduates of Russian schools are accepted for general principles to Thai universities, but more chances for admission to those who already have a bachelor's degree (or at least one year of study after graduating from high school in Russian university). To get into a university in Thailand, you must provide a minimum secondary education certificate and confirm excellent knowledge English language(usually checked at interview). For admission foreign applicants take entrance exams, like local population, – the rules are the same for everyone.

A pleasant bonus of receiving higher education in the land of smiles is the relatively low cost of both tuition and living. So, average cost the annual course will be from $2000 to 4000, and accommodation will cost you about $600. foreign students most often in dormitories (the cost is already included in living expenses). The only thing is to add travel expenses. But even the total costs will be much less than in a number of European countries and the USA, and the quality of education in Thailand is worthy of respect.

The bulk of universities whose diplomas are recognized throughout the world are located in Bangkok, but if you want to get an education in Phuket , then here you will find an institution that has no less weight in the system international education, – Prince of Songkla University . The university includes 28 faculties located on 5 campuses in different parts southern Thailand, almost every possible area is covered. You can directly obtain education in the following specialties: tourism, international studies, security environment, engineering. The territory of the university in Phuket is an entire island with its own cafes, library, shops, volleyball, basketball and tennis fields, laundries and beauty salons.

By receiving higher education in Thailand, in particular in Phuket, you will undoubtedly appreciate the wide opportunities and prospects that open up.