Teachers of analytical chemistry. Analytical Chemistry Tutors

Analytical chemistry is a science that arose much earlier than man first entered space and discovered the atomic nucleus and synthetic substances. But it is the knowledge in this discipline that is most actively used in many related fields.

Food industry and polymer industry, agriculture and metallurgy, biology, medicine. It is quite difficult to name any area that is not in one way or another connected with the results of the work of professional analytical chemists.

Professionals in this field are indeed extremely in demand in the modern world. Having a solid knowledge of analytical chemistry, it is equally easy to find a job in many highly developed countries.

Our company will be happy to assist you in finding a good tutor.

Online teachers always:

  • explain complex topics simply and clearly;
  • will introduce you to the theoretical and practical aspects of this complex science;
  • will prepare you for any exam or test.
  • will help you understand methods of chemical analysis that are quite difficult to understand.

Using an individual approach to each student, online analytical chemistry tutors will be able to lay the foundation of solid knowledge that the student will be able to easily use in their practical activities in the future.

By studying with chemistry tutors via Skype, you can close all the gaps in your knowledge.

By using our service, you will take any test or exam without fear! We are more than confident that even the most pedantic professor or teacher of analytical chemistry will give your knowledge the highest rating and will not deny you your competence.

Numerous positive reviews from our former students give us the right to say that studying chemistry online is a truly working method!

Here are the arguments:

  • convenient learning - learning chemistry via Skype with tutors takes place in your usual environment, at home. There is no need to go anywhere. Just turn on your computer, launch the free Skype program and you can fully start studying!;
  • saving money - with us it is much cheaper to find a tutor in analytical chemistry online (via Skype) than, for example, to take advantage of face-to-face lessons from a tutor of the same profile in Moscow or St. Petersburg. In addition, the cost of such classes can be several times higher!;
  • Flexibility of the schedule - with us, a student has the right, having previously discussed the time and days with his teacher, to independently choose a lesson schedule that is convenient for himself. From now on, you no longer need to rush to any additional courses after lectures. You can simply come to your home and contact a tutor via the Internet at the agreed time.

History and general characteristics of the department.

A separate department of analytical chemistry was officially created at Omsk State University in 2003. However, effective training of analytical specialists has been going on since the creation of the university. This training was carried out by the Department of Inorganic Chemistry (1974-1992), then by the Department of Analytical Chemistry and Petroleum Chemistry, which was divided in 2003. Regardless of the name of the department, the training of analysts at the Faculty of Chemistry was led from the very beginning by Doctor of Chemical Sciences, Professor V.I. Vershinin, who now heads a separate department of analytical chemistry. In 2014, the department employs 9 teachers (2 doctors and 7 candidates of science) and 5 employees of the educational and research laboratory. The department currently has 5 full-time teachers. In the last 5 years, teachers and staff of the department have defended 1 doctoral and 2 candidate dissertations. Now all teachers of the department have academic degrees and titles (1 doctor and 9 candidates of science). They regularly improve their scientific qualifications through internships at leading universities and research centers in the country. The department has areas that are quite sufficient for conducting the educational process and scientific research. There are a number of spectrometers, chromatographs, a set of instruments for electrochemical analysis, modern analytical balances, computers, etc. The lack of some modern equipment is compensated by cooperation with an academic institute - the Institute of Hydrocarbon Processing Problems of the SB RAS, in whose laboratories some scientific research is carried out, including joint research, and some final qualifying work is also carried out.

Study work

Every year, teachers of the department carry out a teaching load with a total volume of about 5 thousand classroom hours. They train students studying in the bachelor's program "Chemistry", "Chemical Technology" and "Ecology and Environmental Management", as well as in the master's degree and (until 2015) - specialty.

Bachelor's degree.The Department of Analytical Chemistry provides training for future bachelor chemists in three general professional disciplines: “Analytical Chemistry”, “Physical Chemistry” and “Planning and Processing of Chemical Experiment Results”.

For undergraduate students who have chosen the “Analytical Chemistry” profile, teachers of the department give lectures and teach classes in several special disciplines, namely:

1. Spectrophotometric analysis (Associate Professor T.V. Antonova).

2. Analysis of environmental objects (Prof. I.V. Vlasova).

3. Metrology and organization of laboratory control (Prof. V.I. Vershinin).

4. Electrochemical methods of analysis (Associate Professor I.A. Nikiforova).

5. Work with literature (Associate Professor S.V. Usova).

In addition, the specialized chemical-analytical disciplines include the courses “Chromatographic Analysis”, “Spectral Analysis”, “Methods of Analysis and Research of Petroleum Products”. And for future ecologists, teachers of the department not only teach basic courses in analytical and physical chemistry, but also teach how to prepare solutions, prepare samples, work with instruments and utensils, and much more that can be useful not only for an ecologist, but also for a chemical analysis laboratory assistant (additional qualification ).

Master's degree.Bachelor's degree graduates from Omsk State University can enroll in a master's program in the field of Chemistry. Every year, 5 people enter the educational program “Analytical Chemistry” (the head of the master’s program is Prof. V.I. Vershinin). For undergraduates, teachers of the department give lectures and conduct classes in more than ten academic disciplines. Among them: “History and methodology of analytical chemistry” (V.I. Vershinin), “Chemical metrology” (V.I. Vershinin), “Analysis of medicinal and vitamin preparations” (I.V. Vlasova), “Chemometric algorithms in chemical analysis (A.S. Kazachenko), “Methods of analysis of catalysts” (V.A. Drozdov) and a number of other courses. But the main attention is paid to the management of scientific research of master's students, the results of which are summarized in the form of scientific articles and a master's thesis.

Methodical work. All the main academic disciplines of the department are provided with original methodological developments, which include textbooks, numerous teaching aids, workshops and problem books, methodological instructions, visual aids, etc. A number of textbooks and teaching aids created at the department have received a recommendation stamp from the relevant all-Russian educational and methodological associations and are widely used not only by Omsk State University students, but also in other universities.

Scientific research

The department conducts scientific research in three main areas:

Development of new methods for determining organic substances in unseparated mixtures using chemometric algorithms and integral indicators. Within the framework of this direction, new methods for the spectrometric determination of medicinal substances in pharmaceuticals have been created; phenols and hydrocarbons in natural and waste waters; flocculants in drinking water, etc. Relevant certificates and patents have been obtained. A number of express and precise methods have been introduced into the practice of control and analytical laboratories, in particular at the Omsk oil refinery.

- Modeling the processes used in the analysis. This area includes computer modeling of titration curves and chromatograms, which makes it possible to identify new promising reagents and optimize analysis conditions. Much attention was paid to modeling plasma microdischarges at the interface (T.A. Kalinina, A.V. Syryeva). Currently, special attention is paid to modeling systematic errors that arise during the spectrometric analysis of complex mixtures. On this basis, the theory of computer identification of organic compounds and the theory of integral indicators of chemical composition are being successfully developed. The research results are summarized in the monograph by V.I. Vershinin and co-authors “Computer Identification of Organic Compounds” (M.: Akademkniga, 2002) and in the doctoral dissertation of I.V. Vlasova (2011). A monograph on integral indicators is being prepared.

- History and methodology of analytical chemistry, as well as methods of teaching it in higher education. The results of these studies are reflected in the monograph by V. I. Vershinin and Yu. A. Zolotov “History and Methodology of Analytical Chemistry” (M.: Academy, 2007 and 2008), as well as in the textbook on analytical chemistry (M.: Academy, 2011), which received recommendation marks from a number of UMO. Within the framework of this direction, new standard programs of academic disciplines are being developed, computer programs for educational purposes are being created, methodological materials are being published for teaching analytical and physical chemistry in universities, etc. The problems associated with the training of analysts within the framework of a multi-level system of higher education are promptly explored.

The department carries out joint research with institutes of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences and enterprises in Omsk; has stable scientific connections with specialists from the SB RAS, Moscow, Tomsk, Kuban and Saratov universities, as well as some foreign universities. In the above areas, up to 10 articles are published annually in the central scientific press, including in journals included in international databases. Members of the department annually make 10-15 reports at prestigious scientific conferences. Examples include the Euroanalysis conference (2009, Austria), conference on metrology of chemical analysis (2003, Israel), international congresses on analytical chemistry (Moscow, 2006, Kyoto, 2013), conferences of analysts in Kazakhstan and Ukraine, Mendeleev Congresses on Chemistry ( Moscow, 2008; Volgograd, 2011) and others. Just on II C At the Congress of Russian Analysts (Moscow, 2013), employees and graduate students of the department made 9 reports and held a special seminar on the use of chemometrics in chemical analysis.

The Department of Analytical Chemistry participates in the implementation of a number of targeted scientific programs. In 2009-2011 an all-Russian competition was won and a large government contract related to the development of new methods of environmental monitoring was successfully completed. The research team of the department has repeatedly received grants from the Russian Foundation for Basic Research and other funds. V.I. Vershinin, I.V. Vlasova, T.V. Antonova and S.V. Usova manage state budget and contractual research projects with a total funding of 1-2 million rubles per year. This allows the department to gradually replenish its fleet of scientific equipment. Students specializing in the department take an active part in conducting research; they annually present 10-15 scientific reports and are co-authors of scientific publications. Relevant research leads to successful defense of theses and master's theses. The Department of Analytical Chemistry trains postgraduate students, mainly in the specialty “Analytical Chemistry”. Currently (2015) there are 2 graduate students studying at the department. In recent years, former graduate students of the department have defended 4 candidate dissertations.

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Find a tutor

This year I took the Unified State Exam in chemistry, fortunately, they found a tutor like Elena Ignatievna. She gave me a lot of necessary information for the exam, during the classes I managed to solve a large number of tasks and learn a lot of theory. For 7 months, Elena Ignatievna perfectly prepared me for the Unified State Exam, and I went to the exam with confidence that I could write well (fortunately, it turned out that way: 92 points thanks to Elena Ignatievna) I would like to express my deep gratitude for your patience, for the comfortable atmosphere in class and for rigor.

Sasha Ivashchenkova 06/14/2019

I passed the Unified State Exam in Chemistry, on the one hand I feel a sense of relief, but on the other hand I am very sad to part with my beloved teacher, Elena Ignatievna. I will really miss our classes, my 98 points are entirely the merit of Elena Ignatievna, she is not just a very good tutor, she is a wonderful person, very attentive and tactful, always on topic, always in touch, very concerned about the results of her students. In our family, she instilled a love of chemistry in me and my sister, who graduated from the third year of medical university and still remembers Elena Ignatievna with gratitude and warmth. Thanks again!!

Maria Karpova 06/14/2019

Thanks to classes with Elena Ignatievna, I got the best result on the exam - I scored 100 points! She is an amazing tutor! Elena Ignatievna and I studied remotely for two years, I can say that she was moderately demanding, she asked quite a lot of homework, but I wanted to prepare, and therefore I did all the work. She is moderately strict, but if something happened, Elena Ignatievna tried to help, if problems or questions arose, she dwelled on this topic and explained everything until it became clear. In general, this is surprising: she has “everything in order,” and she tries to lay everything out for the student in the same way. When I came to the exam and saw the tasks, I realized that they were familiar to me, we practiced all this in class. Thank you very much for such preparation, I am very glad!

Rita 06/14/2019

Thank you very much for the selected chemistry tutor. My daughter studied with Elena Ignatievna to enter the profession. Lyceum majoring in chemistry. The teacher is wonderful and the fact that my daughter received a “5” in the exam is the merit of the tutor, and the result speaks for itself. Thank you very much, Elena Ignatievna, good students to you.

Galina 06/07/2019

I am very grateful to the dist-tutor company for the opportunity to study with Elena Ignatievna. The tutor helps to organize knowledge in studying chemistry. Thanks to classes with a teacher, I already understand the subject better. I am very pleased with the work of the tutor, we continue the lessons.

Lizaveta 05/30/2019

I would like to thank Elena Ignatievna for helping me with the school chemistry curriculum. She and I quickly found contact, and the tutor was able to interest me and captivate me with the subject. I like it, I look forward to classes with pleasure. And I think that we will continue classes in the coming years. Competent teaching, structured material, good and clear explanations make every lesson productive and exciting. Thank you very much from me.

Katya Kashitsyna 04/27/2019

Elena Ignatievna taught her daughter, a ninth-grade student, in chemistry; she provided her with intensive assistance during the week by early agreement. Our daughter is studying in special education. class with a chemical profile, and we will still turn to Elena Ignatievna for help as needed, because we consider her a very competent chemistry teacher. In the meantime, we thank her very much for her help.

Natalya Vladimirovna 18.03.2019

Elena Ignatievna is a wonderful teacher. My son likes the teacher, the lessons are easy. The teacher makes you feel comfortable. Elena Ignatievna teaches chemistry with us, and we plan to study with her in preparation for the Unified State Exam. The teacher has teaching experience and she presents the material very well. The teacher is friendly and results-oriented, very conscientious, and there is a sense of professionalism. Elena Ignatievna can concentrate on the main things, she teaches theory in the form of lectures, and uses a lot of other materials. An excellent teacher all around!

Natalya 03/10/2019

We really like Elena Ignatievna, our chemistry tutor! Elena Ignatievna prepares her daughter for the Unified State Exam in chemistry and helps to tighten up the gaps. The tutor explains very sensibly and clearly, uses manuals and materials. Explains to the end until it becomes clear. She is polite and punctual, a pleasant person. With such a tutor, we believe in better results!) Only good words addressed to Elena Ignatievna, thank you very much!

Olga 02/21/2019

Shavrak Elena Ignatievna is a teacher provided to us by the company. A highly educated teacher who knows how to convey her thoughts and knowledge to the student, she is punctual and polite. Classes are held in a warm environment with great impact. Thank you very much!

Yulia 09.12.2018

I WANT TO SAY A BIG THANK YOU TO ELENA IGNATIEVNA, TO EXPRESS MY GRATITUDE! They expected to increase their knowledge, skills and abilities in the subject, to receive a good grade on the OGE. RESULT: THE CHILD PASSED THE OGE EXCELLENTLY. Elena Ignatievna-Teacher with a capital T

Tatyana 08/05/2018

100 Unified State Exam points, that says it all) Many thanks to the tutor. In 8 months, we structured all the knowledge and eliminated the gaps.

Galina 06/16/2018

A wonderful teacher. A teacher with a capital T! The material is presented in a clear, punctual and professional manner that is accessible, understandable to children!

Tatyana 04/30/2018

At the end of the training, the desired result was achieved.

Yana 03/29/2018

The tutor is very strong, my daughter really enjoys studying with her! He and the teacher work via Skype, lessons are always held strictly according to schedule and start on time. They study with additional materials and prepare for the Olympiads. My daughter already had an A in chemistry, but, in her words, she began to know more about the subject and participated in the Olympiad.

Irina 12/05/2017

According to the client: “We are happy with everything. Our results were the highest. Despite the fact that at the very last moment you helped us with a tutor. We didn’t have much time left. As a teacher and teacher, we can give 200%” .

Vera 11/24/2017

A very competent specialist, very good presentation, visible experience in teaching. He explains everything in an accessible way, even though the classes take place remotely, there is no feeling of understatement, everything is fine. It’s too early to talk about the results, because we are catching up, but the child has already gained confidence

Larisa 11/13/2017

Highly qualified teacher. In an extremely short time, he helped my daughter prepare to take an exam in physical chemistry (at the end of the second academic year at the university) in an accessible form for understanding the voluminous material. Ethics, responsibility, efficiency - the virtues that the teacher showed in her work. My best recommendations!!!

Julia 10.10.2017

She explained to me what I asked. I passed chemistry satisfactorily, there were only 2-3 classes

Ilya 10/06/2017

We had 1 lesson, everything was great. I really liked everything, I hope to use it again, but I can’t give a rating based on 1 lesson. I had a question that needed to be discussed with a competent person

Yana 09.18.2017

Thank you very much for recommending this teacher. Agasik liked her, my son really likes the teacher. She is such a good woman, she explains things so well. We liked everything. We will continue to study with her until the exam. We'll give the teacher an A+.

Alla 08/30/2017

Elena Ignatievna is a wonderful teacher - kind, responsible, competent! We are very glad that we worked with her! We rate Elena Ignatievna’s work with the highest score!

Svetlana 08/26/2017

I liked it, a very good teacher with a very good level. The classes are going great, the child is happy. The tutor knows a lot, she has a lot of methodological material, which she shows, demonstrates, sends, and recommends literature. everything is very well organized, we are very pleased. Excellent attitude towards the child.

Marina Vladimirovna 25.08.2017

What I immediately liked about Elena Ignatievna is that she is a very demanding teacher. The child will not immediately transfer her to the category of his friends. Elena Ignatievna is exactly the tutor we need. Despite the fact that she is no longer a young girl who is just starting her professional career and is still trying very hard, Elena Ignatievna also makes every effort both emotionally and in terms of presenting the material. She does everything in her power to achieve results. It's summer now, but my son continues to study with her. We are satisfied with the distance learning format in all respects. Thank you very much to the tutor for your work. I like such teachers - persistent, persistent, sincerely wanting to teach a child.

Tatiana 07/19/2017

Elena Ignatievna is a wonderful teacher, she explains the topic consistently and clearly, and repeatedly returns to the material covered so that the student does not forget it. Based on the results of the classes, my son independently solves tasks for the Unified State Exam, which were analyzed with Elena Ignatievna.

Tatyana 04/04/2017

My child is very happy: they are doing well in their classes. What they wanted to achieve, and we need preparation for passing the Unified State Exam in Chemistry, that’s what they do. There is nothing superfluous; they specifically solve the necessary test tasks. And everything is accessible, explained competently, everything is to the point, and they found a common language, everything is clear to the student. She has an electronic board, I know about that. It is important that the child is provided with lessons via Skype. If something is wrong, they call, write off and resolve all issues without any problems. Thank you for your help. We have already contacted you a couple of times, and so far we are satisfied with your work.

Natalia 03/07/2017

I like that the child is passionate about the work and the subject - everything suits me. The chemistry tutor is a competent person and knows how to work with children. I don’t touch on their activities, I know everything only from the child’s words, but seeing what emotions she has associated with the subject, how her eyes light up, it’s worth a lot. She has already taken part in the Olympiad, and she has first place in Russia. The daughter’s plans are growing, dreams have appeared, she started talking, maybe she should become a scientist. I like that they study remotely: the girl does not have to be taken somewhere, then picked up, wasted time, looking for this time - she sits at home. Children love the Internet, but she has not gone online, but is busy with business. I am glad that the child is developing in the right direction. That's why I had the idea to find a tutor for my youngest son. Maybe it’s wrong that we help him, like our parents helped us when we were studying, let a specialist teach him to study and do his homework on his own.

Elena 02/21/2017

Everything is good, high-quality explanation of the material. We are following the school curriculum, my performance has improved, I moved to a solid 4, bordering on 5

Yuri 02/08/2017

Shavrak Elena Ignatievna is an experienced and competent teacher. I easily found a common language with the child. Explains school material clearly. We are satisfied. Classes have been temporarily suspended on our initiative.

Marina 11/25/2016

We are very pleased, our performance in chemistry has increased. Thank you very much to Elena Ignatievna, a very patient, tactful, persistent teacher! Now we are still thinking about what to choose for the Unified State Exam; if we choose chemistry, we will again turn to Elena Ignatievna for help.

IRINA 06/30/2016

Thank you very much to Elena Ignatievna! She is a true professional, a wonderful teacher and a pleasant person to talk to. My daughter has become much more confident in her knowledge of chemistry, and this is very important in our case for further education.

Natalya 03/11/2016

We are very pleased with the teacher. There would be more of these. Thank you very much for finding us such a teacher. Preparation for the Unified State Exam is going well and all tasks at school are being completed successfully. We give the teacher two excellent ratings.

Nadezhda Karpova 01/12/2016

Excellent tutor, good contact with the student. Explains clearly, gives a lot of information, the child gets results

Natalya Ivanovna 18.11.2015

Elena Ignatievna studies physical and colloid chemistry via Skype with her student son. He explains, according to his son, in a clear and accessible way. There are difficulties in the operation of Skype, but these are questions for the provider.

Olga Gennadievna 06.11.2015

I had 1 lesson with the tutor, a normal teacher, explains clearly, no comments, she answered all questions

Evgeniya 09/28/2015

I was trained in:

MITHT"81, Moscow State Academy of Fine Chemical Technology named after M.V. Lomonosov, specialty: Chemical technology of synthetic biological active substances. (1981)


Preparation for the State Examination in Chemistry

Shortly about myself:

I was born into a family of hereditary teachers. In 1981 she graduated from the Moscow Institute of Fine Chemical Technology. In 2004 she defended her PhD thesis in the specialty “Technology of Inorganic Substances”. She completed her doctoral studies in hydrochemistry. I've been doing it for about 30 years...

5 or more hours of classes per week

For orphans

Mikhail Alexandrovich is an excellent tutor, competent and with extensive experience. My daughter is studying biology with him in the 10th grade. He easily found a common language with his daughter, the classes are interesting and accessible. The teacher explains everything you need in an interesting and concise manner; he has a good command of his subject. He is a responsible, demanding teacher, and it is very pleasant to communicate with him. The highest ratings and reviews for the tutor. Thank you.

Maria 04/23/2019

Mikhail Alexandrovich is studying chemistry with our daughter, a 10th grade student. My daughter began to feel more confident in her lessons at school, her attitude towards the subject improved, and as a result, the time spent doing homework was significantly reduced. My daughter enjoys communicating with the teacher during classes. The teacher is calm, confident, and friendly. We plan to continue classes.

Maria 04/23/2019

Mikhail Alexandrovich is a GREAT biology tutor, a competent and knowledgeable teacher! I am preparing for the Unified State Exam with Mikhail Alexandrovich. He is very familiar with the structure of preparation for the Unified State Exam, he knows what tests to give me in order to control my knowledge. I really like the way the classes are held, the teaching style, Mikhail Alexandrovich explains very well and clearly! I am very glad that I study with such a tutor! We continue our classes. Thank you!

Lana Bazaeva 04/10/2019

When I had a question about preparing for the Unified State Exam in chemistry in 10th grade, I used the services of your website. My choice was Mikhail Alexandrovich Kasyanov, and I didn’t regret it for a second. Mikhail Alexandrovich is a professional in his field, and I understood this from the first lessons with him. The teacher is very punctual, attentive and responsible. We easily found an approach to each other. I am very grateful to him for his work and patience. We continue our classes, I rate the work as excellent! And I recommend it to my friends and everyone who wants excellent results in passing exams and simply improving their knowledge.

Lana Bazaeva 04/10/2019

I don’t know, maybe I’ll repeat myself because I recently gave feedback on chemistry, and now on biology, but I want to add one thing, that Mikhail Alexandrovich knows his stuff. He is a very good specialist, responsible and disciplined. Anything positive that can be said can be said about him. Well done! My daughter really enjoys classes with the teacher. The material being studied is presented systematically and consistently, in an accessible form. The teacher is always friendly, polite, and tactful. The level of knowledge has increased significantly and tangible results have been achieved. Classes always start on time, lessons are not rescheduled. We are very pleased with the work of the teacher. Continue preparing for the exam.

Irina Yurievna 03/26/2019

This is my first time meeting such a comprehensively competent teacher. Mikhail Aleksandrovich is a teacher above all praise, a very competent, responsible, attentive, responsive, interesting, sensitive and at the same time demanding teacher. My daughter, a 10th grade student, is going to dedicate her future to medicine and therefore wants to start preparing to successfully pass the Unified State Exam now. Thanks to Skype lessons with Mikhail Alexandrovich, he gives us hope that our dreams will come true. His ability to interest the student and provide the necessary knowledge, instill confidence in his abilities. We thank him for the knowledge he brings to his students. We look forward to further cooperation. Thank you very much!

Irina Yurievna 03/26/2019

I really like the tutor, my daughter is delighted with him because... There are no such teachers at school. My daughter graduated from 9th grade and wants to study chemistry and biology with a further focus on studying to become a veterinarian. Together with the teacher, we purposefully prepare for the subjects and the results are already visible. The teacher teaches the child very well in the subjects; the daughter says that she has never heard such good explanations. The teacher is always prepared, he has his own materials. We are very pleased that we work with such a specialist and evaluate his work as excellent.

Marina Vladimirovna 06.03.2019

We only had two lessons with Mikhail Aleksandrovich, but I had a good impression of the teacher. He is truly a high-class specialist and knows his business. Presents information in an accessible manner. We rate the tutor's work as a "5". We stopped the classes because our daughter found it difficult to take classes via Skype.

Anna Rybalchenko 09.01.2019

An excellent teacher, a creative person in his work, learning from him is a great pleasure and interesting. Although I haven’t taken the Unified State Exam yet, I’m sure I’ll succeed now!

Ulyana 12/24/2018

I entered a German university. At the institute, a new subject in German immediately appeared for me. It was very difficult for me to understand this subject; it was very difficult for me. The teacher helped me understand the basics of inorganic chemistry and explained the fundamentals.

Sofia 12/15/2018

We needed a tutor for our daughter; she is preparing for the Unified State Exam in chemistry and biology with the goal of entering a medical university. We recommended Mikhail Alexandrovich Kasyanov. My daughter liked the classes, the tutor was very strong and competent, the classes were productive. Now, due to my daughter’s departure, I had to take a break, we hope to continue classes after her return.

Oleg 12/12/2018

We started chemistry classes with Mikhail Aleksandrovich in August and immediately realized that they had chosen a very experienced teacher for us. Mikhail Alexandrovich has all the best qualities of a tutor: literate, punctual, polite. He follows his own program and finds an approach to each student. Thank you.

Antonina 12/05/2018

I use the services of a tutor, Mikhail Alexandrovich Kasyanov. He helps me prepare for the OGE in chemistry. The teacher is very competent, explains well, and the classes are very fruitful. He is never late for classes, very punctual and polite. The teacher conducts classes according to an individual program for each student. I continue to study with him and am thinking of working with him until the Unified State Examination. Thank you.

Matvey 12/03/2018

We turned to the teacher in order to more effectively prepare for the Unified State Exam in biology, which the school teacher could not provide. Classes are held in a combination of theory and practice, constantly practicing the material covered. As a result of the fact that the material is absorbed in a complex manner, the classes are very effective. My daughter really likes the teacher because he found an approach to her. We are very pleased with the teacher. The teacher is punctual and gives good knowledge.

Elena Vyacheslavov 01.12.2018

With Mikhail Alexandrovich, our daughter, a 10th grade student, is studying biology and chemistry. The teacher is very strong, and his explanations reach the student well; there is no need to repeat them. Punctual, competent and polite in communication. classes continue. Thanks to such a good teacher!

Antonina 11/30/2018

I am studying at a technical university in Germany, and I needed to prepare for a course in physical and general chemistry. The managers recommended Mikhail Alexandrovich Kasyanov to me for classes. And I am very pleased with this recommendation. I really liked Mikhail Alexandrovich. He has knowledge beyond school knowledge. Doesn't waste time and sometimes even takes longer than he should. Always prepares for classes and sometimes answers difficult questions posed without preparation. Explains well. The goals that I set have been achieved. Very punctual. Friendly and always speaks to the point! The price of the services is completely justified!

Elizaveta 10/27/2018

Hello! M.A. Kasyanov helped me with advice on which graphics tablet was best to buy and helped me connect it to my computer. I hesitated, but he patiently explained everything to me. Happened! Wonderful teacher. I dream of taking his “chemistry in English” course, but that will be in a year or two. I'm glad I met him. I am glad that we have such high professionals in Russia. Thanks to Mikhail and the DisTTutor website!

Svetlana Yurievna Tovstenko 09.08.2018

Mikhail Alexandrovich is a teacher with a capital letter. I study at the university at the Faculty of Biology, I need to prepare for a test in a short time. The teacher managed to give me the necessary material in a short time, and I passed it successfully. Mikhail Aleksandrovich is a virtuoso in his field, he knows everything, he has answers to everything, there are few such teachers. Thanks a lot.

Alla Mendeleva 07/31/2018

Everything is fine. The Unified State Examination is positive, we are pleased with the result. We quickly found a common language with our daughter. Mikhail Alexandrovich explained everything clearly and gave enough material. I liked that for each lesson the tutor selected a fairly voluminous material and they sorted it out. We passed many tests, the teacher systematized all the knowledge, everything was fine. Thank you.

Vladimir 07/12/2018

Mikhail Alexandrovich is a good teacher, we prepared for the Unified State Exam in biology via Skype. We completed many tests and discussed problems. The teacher gives homework, if something is not clear, we begin the next lesson by analyzing what I did not understand. All questions that remain, all misunderstandings are eliminated. I am satisfied with the results of the Unified State Exam. The tutor is five. I thought that via Skype it would be difficult, but it turned out to be the opposite. Thank you.

Seville 07/12/2018

I am preparing for the Unified State Exam in biology and I believe that Mikhail Alexandrovich, although a strict and demanding teacher, will bring me to my highest score in the exam. I feel that I began to know more about biology, which makes me happy. Thanks to Mikhail Alexandrovich, he is a strong biologist, we hope that I will not let you down!

Zarina 05/19/2018

Many thanks to Mikhail Alexandrovich for preparing for the Unified State Exam in chemistry. The classes were held via Skype. I am delighted with the lessons with the teacher! We were very pleased with the classes; we completed many tests and assignments. Chemistry became my favorite subject. The child studied with pleasure and great desire. Mikhail Alexandrovich is always polite, delicate, punctual. He instills confidence, I like her presentation of the material, professionalism and kind attitude towards the student. We rate the teacher's work as excellent. And many thanks to the company for the excellent selection of teachers.

Vasiliev Daniil 05/16/2018

Excellent impression of the teacher. The man knows his stuff. He is a very good specialist in his field, responsible and disciplined. Anything positive that can be said can be said about him. In a short period of time, academic performance has improved. He quickly tested the child, identified weak points, and coped with the task assigned to him. Well done!

Airat 03/07/2018

This is a very lively teacher. He immediately aroused a love for biology in the child. Our goal is to pass the Unified State Exam and it seems to us that we are already close to our goal. The teacher works with an electronic board and lectures. We are satisfied.

Khuraman 03/01/2018

Mikhail is not only a talented chemist, a teacher who is demanding of himself and his students, but also literate in other areas of knowledge, he is always ready to help and help, a rare person, thank you

Tatiana Wilson 02/26/2018

With Mikhail Alexandrovich, my daughter is preparing for the Unified State Exam in biology. The girl likes it. The classes are not boring, the material is presented in an accessible way. We will talk about the results after passing the exam.

Anna 02/09/2018

Mikhail Alexandrovich is simply super! He managed to make the child think, fully involving him in the learning process. Moderately demanding, moderately loyal, but most importantly - an excellent specialist!

Olga 12/26/2017

We have 98 points in the Unified State Exam in Chemistry! I strongly recommend Mikhail Alexandrovich as a very competent, worthy and obliging teacher. If the child does everything that Mikhail Alexandrovich says, you will achieve success! Good luck and many thanks to Mikhail Alexandrovich Kasyanov!

Egnara Vladimirovna 01.07.2017

We have 98 points in the Unified State Exam in Chemistry! I strongly recommend Mikhail Alexandrovich as a very competent, worthy and obliging teacher. If the child does everything that Mikhail Alexandrovich says, you will achieve success! Good luck and many thanks to Mikhail Alexandrovich Kasyanov!

Egnara Vladimirovna 01.07.2017

Egnara Vladimirovna 25.06.2017

Mikhail Aleksandrovich Kasyanov is an excellent teacher! My son studied biology and chemistry with him. The lessons were very intensive and effective. The tutor is a very responsible and committed person, I can guarantee the quality of the lessons with peace of mind. We passed the Unified State Exam in biology with 90 points. I’ll write more about the results of the chemistry. Thank you, Mikhail Alexandrovich!

Egnara Vladimirovna 24.06.2017

Karina 06/07/2017

Thank you very much to Mikhail Alexandrovich! Excellent tutor. Gives a lot of knowledge and explains clearly. The material is always useful and interesting, and most importantly understandable. Prepared me for the OGE perfectly!

Karina 06/07/2017

theme of spendthrifts 02/17/2017

Explains the lesson material well and helps solve gaps. In general, a good teacher.

theme of spendthrifts 02/17/2017

I would like to say a huge thank you to Mikhail Aleksandrovich Kasyanov for hosting the webinar on chemistry! Three hours flew by completely unnoticed. I was very pleased with the preparation and communication. I learned a lot of useful things. I believe that such webinars are very necessary. It's just a pity that there were so few teachers. I hope that at the next webinar, which I look forward to, our chemistry teachers will be more active. Thank you very much again, Mikhail Alexandrovich!

Vera Vasilievna Bystritskaya 13.07.2016

I had a very good impression from the teacher! Mikhail Alexandrovich organized the work perfectly, his son passed the Unified State Exam with 100 points! Thank him very much!

Asadullah 07/05/2016

Mikhail Aleksandrovich is a wonderful teacher; when he started studying with him, his knowledge of chemistry was almost zero, but after several lessons I realized that chemistry is a very interesting subject! Mikhail Aleksandrovich explains very clearly, everything is very clear and without “water”. The classes are prepared very clearly, it is a pleasure to study with such a teacher!!!

Omelchuk Ilya 04/05/2016

Mikhail Alexandrovich is an excellent teacher, wonderful presentation of the material, everything is clear and accessible.

Venus 11/10/2015

Everything is fine, Mikhail Alexandrovich explains everything quite clearly, I have no complaints. I would rate his work at 4.

Maria 10/09/2015

We liked everything, Mikhail Aleksandrovich is a good teacher, he very quickly understood the essence of our problem, and explains clearly. If necessary, we will continue to contact him in the future. We rate the teacher's work as excellent.

Elena Yurievna 09/30/2015

The girl fell in love with chemistry after 3 classes; she didn’t expect the subject to be so interesting. Delighted with the way the material is presented, from a teacher who is so passionate about the subject, rating 5

Natalia 09/14/2015

Everything was fine, classes started on time, explanations were clear. Overall, the teacher helped me.

Airita Belevtsova 30.08.2015

We are very pleased with the level of teaching. Mikhail Aleksandrovich can explain complex things clearly and simply, and always achieves complete understanding. I needed a teacher with knowledge of English, everything is also very good with this. I'm very happy with everything!

Elena kondryukova 08/10/2015

I am very pleased with the classes, I liked everything, the explanations were clear, the classes were not canceled due to the fault of the teacher, I am happy with the result.

Natalya 08/01/2015

Hello! I would like to thank Mikhail Alexandrovich for such cool and very versatile lessons! I am now already a student at Charles University (Czech Republic) and all thanks to the enormous work done by Mikhail Alexandrovich and me! the lessons were on completely non-standard topics for Russian education and touched on much broader topics, and the most important discovery for me was that my teacher not only knows biochemistry very well, but also English, which is the language I study in at the university! thank you very much to your site for the opportunities

Victoria Sergeevna Ermina 15.07.2015

Wonderful teacher! The main thing is that he managed to interest my son in chemistry, if before I had not seen him with a chemistry textbook, then after classes with Mikhail Aleksandrovich, my son could study chemistry on his own for another hour and a half. We passed the exam well.

Irina 07/08/2015

Good afternoon Thanks to Mikhail Alexandrovich’s knowledge, high professionalism, and competent approach to helping me study the material, I was able to achieve high results in chemistry and biology! At the time of the start of our classes, my knowledge was at a very low level. Over the course of a year, Mikhail Alexandrovich helped me achieve high results in the courses taught subjects. In biology my score was 93 points, in chemistry 73, but these results are slightly underestimated due to a computer error, now my work is being reviewed by the conflict commission, I am sure that in chemistry I have at least 80 points! When I started training, I couldn’t believe that it was possible to achieve such high results. Many thanks to Mikhail Alexandrovich, he is not only an excellent teacher who gives himself completely to ensure that his students receive as much knowledge as possible, but also a very good person! I recommend Mikhail Alexandrovich to everyone.

Valery Lebedev 06/25/2015

Good afternoon I would like to express my gratitude to Mikhail Alexandrovich Kasyanov for his professionalism, patience and ability to convey information to the minds of those in need. I would like to note that I started my chemistry studies from scratch (as I now understand), all doubts were dispelled today after I saw my Unified State Exam scores. The training is easy and the methodology is interesting. He is truly a professional and a very pleasant, personable person. So, if anyone needs knowledge in chemistry, you will not regret contacting Mikhail Alexandrovich.

Tatiana Bryukhovetskaya 18.06.2015

I have been studying chemistry and biology with Mikhail Aleksandrovich for several years now and I want to say that I have not noticed any shortcomings or oversights, everything that is written in the “about myself” column is the absolute truth, during all this time my level of knowledge in chemistry has risen from zero to the highest level of school education, now I know absolutely everything that is needed to pass the Unified State Exam perfectly. By the way, about the Unified State Exam, 2 days before the exam, Mikhail Alexandrovich held a consultation on chemistry with all his students, at which we discussed the issues that concern us. Mikhail Alexandrovich found an approach to each student and tried to answer all questions verbatim and carefully (and there were quite a few of them). This consultation was absolutely free, for which we are all very grateful to him. And finally, if you want to pass the exam well, contact Mikhail Alexandrovich! They won’t teach you this at school, but you have to pass the Unified State Exam somehow)

Alexey Kuznetsov 06.06.2015

Mikhail Alexandrovich is a competent teacher. When preparing for the Unified State Exam, I benefited from our joint studies. Thanks a lot. I rate the teacher’s work at 5.

Ksenia Balaenkova 06.04.2015

Mikhail Alexandrovich is a competent, competent teacher. Timur is studying and receiving all the necessary help in full, so we plan not to interrupt the learning process. We take this opportunity, of course, to evaluate the teacher’s work as excellent.

Timur 03/11/2015

Mikhail Alexandrovich is a competent, highly professional teacher who will never refuse help. Always reasonable and tactful. The teacher has a high level of theoretical knowledge and techniques. In just a month, we covered a huge amount of chemistry with him, for which I am grateful; the knowledge gained through distance education with Mikhail Alexandrovich really helped. Thank you for that! Great teacher!

Pavel Sychev 01/31/2015

Liliya Uralovna, I liked the webinar, everything was clear, accessible and productive. The tutor's work is rated 5.

Liliya Uralovna Khafizova 21.10.2014

Mikhail Alexandrovich is, first of all, a kind and decent person, an excellent teacher and pedagogue! Having turned to him for help, I prepared for the Unified State Exam in Chemistry in a very short time. Mikhail Alexandrovich, THANK YOU SO MUCH!

Victoria Poglazova 10.06.2014

Many thanks to Mikhail Alexandrovich for his help in preparing for the Unified State Exam in chemistry and biology. A high level of professionalism and the ability to explain complex things simply are the main distinguishing feature of this teacher. Thank you! Best regards, Lena and Danila

Elena Maidurova 06/07/2014

Mikhail Alexandrovich is a very good teacher. I studied chemistry and biology with him for a year. Despite the fact that I didn’t know biology from grades 6-9, Mikhail Aleksandrovich was able to prepare me for the State Examination in this subject within a year. All explanations of the material are accessible and understandable. The main thing for me is that the lessons are very interesting and not boring. It's a pleasure to work out. The result is great! Next year I am going to continue classes with this wonderful teacher. Thank you!

Anastasia Khmyz 05/28/2014

Mikhail Alexandrovich is a wonderful teacher! I am preparing for the Unified State Exam in biology with him. All explanations are very structured, clear, understandable, and visual. During the lesson he manages to present quite a voluminous material, but at the same time, without haste + manages to tell additional facts, it is very interesting to listen. He provided me with good literature and advised me to read an entertaining article :) A very convenient distance learning system, all notes can be easily saved. The result is visible and you can feel it; the topics covered in the tests are going great! I hope you do well on the exam! Thanks a lot! :)

Polina Koseva 04/19/2014

I am very glad that on my way I met such a wonderful teacher as Mikhail Alexandrovich. He explains everything very clearly and competently, if something is unclear, he will explain it again and again, in a very short time I catch up on all my chemistry classes and thanks to Mikhail Alexandrovich, everything works out for me!

Veronica Petrova 20.03.2014

Competent, calm and understandable teacher. With almost complete absence of school biology from my son, he is successfully preparing him for the State Examination. Proficient in modern distance learning techniques. Polite and decent. I recommend working together.

Konstantin Potapov 12.03.2014

Completed in 1 month: Biology course for 1 semester. Chemistry course for 1.5 grades. Both items are 5.

Trunov Ivan 12/04/2013

Thank you very much to Mikhail Alexandrovich, biology teacher. You helped me prepare for the Unified State Exam in a short time - 11 days!!! with such a difficult subject, which was difficult for me to understand (mitosis, meiosis), but still I managed. Thank you for YOUR WORK!!! P.s. student Gundyuz Olga Gennadievna.

Unregistered user 15.07.2013

Mikhail Alexandrovich is a wonderful teacher. He helped me understand issues that were not clear to me before the class. Mikhail Aleksandrovich manages to teach a large amount of material in one lesson, and explains at an accessible pace. Thanks to classes with him, chemistry became more understandable and interesting for me. Marina

Marina 05/24/2013

Thank you very much to Mikhail Alexandrovich! He is a great tutor! The State Examination Tests were written well. I hope for even better results in the future. I began to understand biology and especially chemistry better!

Nadezhda Laryushina 16.04.2013

I express my deep gratitude to Mikhail Alexandrovich for the classes. In just a few lessons, he helped me understand the basics of organic chemistry and improve the school course of the subject to a good level. I am very pleased with the progress of the classes. All explanations are succinct, specific, visual and clearly formulated. A wonderful teacher. Thank you very much!

Ilya Ponomarenko 23.03.2013

A subject like chemistry has become much more interesting and understandable. He teaches very interestingly, a lot of additional information. Everything is accessible and clear, helping to fill in the gaps. Thank you very much to the distutor site! We will continue to try.

Renata Stupina 02/24/2013

Mikhail Alexandrovich Kasyanov is an excellent teacher. Skype lessons with my daughter - this is 5th grade in chemistry at school. And this is 10th grade. Presents educational material well. Analyzes examples with detailed explanations. I prepared my daughter for the city Olympics, where she took a prize. Responsible and punctual. Thank you, we look forward to further cooperation! Ukhalova Elvira, Kogalym

Ukhalova Elvira 01/24/2013

Honestly, I always thought that online tutoring was very inconvenient, and generally somehow scary. But in fact, everything turned out to be quite simple and interesting. I really like the tutor Mikhail Alexandrovich. It is immediately obvious that he is a wonderful and professional teacher who clearly knows his business. He always explains clearly and in detail, without missing any details. He tries to convey all the complex information of subjects in a simpler form, which is very pleasing. And most importantly, you can always ask again or ask to explain this or that topic again. It should also be noted that Mikhail Alexandrovich provides a lot of additional material to test your own knowledge. I am very grateful to him for his patience, as well as for the knowledge gained and, of course, amazing progress. I am sure that thanks to you I will be able to pass the exam with flying colors)

Vera 01/18/2013

We are very pleased with our choice of tutor. Mikhail Aleksandrovich is an excellent teacher, very obliging, punctual, demanding, which is not unimportant. My teenage son does all his homework and prepares for classes. We haven’t been doing it for long, but the results are already there. And the biggest result is that the child fell in love with the subject. Thanks a lot! We hope for an excellent result in the State Examination Test! I recommend it to those who want to achieve results.

In connection with the reform of higher education, on August 13, 1929, a resolution was adopted by the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR on the reorganization of chemical departments of physics and mathematics faculties of universities into independent chemical faculties. In fact, the Faculty of Chemistry was established in 1930 and among the first five departments it included the Department of Analytical Chemistry. The head of the department was prof. A.E. Uspensky, who headed the department until 1931. Within the framework of the department, a laboratory of analytical chemistry was formed, the head of which was Associate Professor E.S. Przhevalsky.

Many outstanding scientists worked at the Department of Analytical Chemistry. Professor K.L. Malyarov, who was engaged in microanalysis during the restoration period and in the first years of industrialization. Microanalysis was also carried out by E.S. Przhevalsky and V.M. Peshkova. Since 1934, Peshkova began research on the use of new organic reagents in analytical practice (in particular, she developed a method for the quantitative determination of nickel by reaction with dimethylglyoxime). Z.F. Shakhova expanded research on the use of complex compounds in chemical analysis. V.M. Shalfeev conducted research on electrical analysis.

Educational and scientific work at the department began in full after moving to a new building in 1953. I.P. was invited to head the department. Alimarin. Since 1989, Yu.A. became the head of the department. Zolotov. Yu.A. Zolotov is a recognized specialist in the field of analytical chemistry and metal extraction. He introduced (1977) the concept of hybrid methods of analysis. In 1972, the State Prize was awarded for the development of the theory and new physical and chemical methods for the analysis of high-purity metals, semiconductor materials and chemical reagents. He was the first in the country in the 1980s to develop work on ion chromatography (the most important result is the use of amphoteric amino acids as eluents (1985) and the reduction of the detection limit through the use of
conductometric detector).

Heads of the department:
1929-1931 – prof. A.E. Uspensky
1933-1953 – prof. E.S. Przhevalsky
1953-1989 – academician I.P. Alimarin
since 1989 – academician Yu.A. Zolotov

Department laboratories:

Concentration laboratory
academician, prof. Yu.A. Zolotov

V.R.S. group G.I. Cizina
group of prof. E.I. Morosanova
group of prof. S.G. Dmitrienko
V.R.S. group I.V. Pletneva

Chromatography Laboratory
corresponding member RAS, prof. O.A. Shpigun

group of assistant professor E.N. Shapovalova
V.R.S. group A.V. Pirogov
V.R.S. group A.V. Smolenkova
educational work of the chromatography laboratory

Laboratory of Spectroscopic Analysis Methods
Doctor of Chemical Sciences, Prof. M.A. Proskurnin

group of assistant professor A.G. Borzenko
group of prof. V.M. Ivanova
group senior researcher N.V. Alova
group of prof. M.A. Proskurnina
group of assistant professor A.V. Garmash

Laboratory of Electrochemical Methods
Doctor of Chemical Sciences, Prof. A.A. Karyakin

group of prof. A.A. Karjakin
group of assistant professor A.I. Kameneva
group of assistant professor N.V. Swedes

Laboratory of Kinetic Analysis Methods
Doctor of Chemical Sciences, Prof. T.N. Shekhovtsova

group of prof. T.N. Shekhovtsova
V.R.S. group M.K. Beklemisheva

Currently, the department employs 9 teaching staff, including 3 associate professors (V.P. Zaitsev, A.B. Dmitriev, L.S. Ushakova), 1 senior teacher (T.D. Mezenova) and 5 teachers (I.P. Krat, N.A. Tukhovskaya, K.S. Larskaya, V.N. Leonova, D.S. Zolotykh). All teachers have a basic chemical or pharmaceutical education, of which 3 are candidates of chemical sciences and 5 candidates of pharmaceutical sciences.

Educational and support staff includes 5 specialists in educational and methodological support of the educational process: 4 teaching masters of the first category (O.Yu. Yurchenko, E.V. Stoyanova, I.G. Palovnikova, N.N. Papikyan), 2 TSO technicians (L.N. Dudko, A.M. Korytny).

Vladimir Pavlovich Zaitsev

Head of Department, Candidate of Chemical Sciences



V.P. Zaitsev is an associate professor, graduated from the Moscow Institute of Fine Chemical Technology in 1974. He defended his thesis, candidate of chemical sciences. He has been working at the department since 1981. Author of more than 50 scientific, scientific-methodological and educational works. He has been the head of the Department of Analytical Chemistry since November 16, 2011.

Alexander Borisovich Dmitriev

Associate Professor of the Department of Analytical Chemistry, Candidate of Chemical Sciences



A.B. Dmitriev - Associate Professor of the Department of Analytical Chemistry, Candidate of Chemical Sciences. Graduated from the Faculty of Chemistry of Moscow State University. M.V. Lomonosov in 1973. He has been working at the Department of Analytical Chemistry since 1973. Completed postgraduate studies at the PFI in 1974-1977. In 1983 he defended his PhD thesis on the topic “Polarographic study of flavonoids.” The main direction of scientific research is the determination of biologically active compounds in plant objects by electrochemical and chromatographic methods. Co-author of more than 100 scientific, scientific-methodological and educational works, 3 patents. Responsible for computer support of the educational process at the department.

Lyubov Semyonovna Ushakova

Associate Professor of the Department of Analytical Chemistry, Candidate of Pharmaceutical Sciences



L.S. Ushakova - Associate Professor of the Department of Analytical Chemistry, Candidate of Pharmaceutical Sciences. Graduated from PFI in 1973. Since 1976 he has been working at the Department of Analytical Chemistry. She defended her dissertation on the topic “Preparation, research and use of inclusion complexes of cortisone acetate, dexamethasone and sinaflan with cyclodextrins.” The main direction of scientific research is the determination of biologically active compounds in plant objects and peloids of Lake Tambukan. Co-author of a monograph, more than 150 scientific, scientific-methodological and educational works, 5 patents, 1 certificate of authorship. Participated in the review of 8 pharmaceutical articles for the GFXII. Responsible for the methodological work of the department.

Tatyana Dmitrievna Mezenova

Senior, Candidate of Pharmaceutical Sciences



T.D. Mezenova - senior lecturer at the Department of Analytical Chemistry, Candidate of Pharmaceutical Sciences. Since 1977 he has been working at the Department of Analytical Chemistry. In 1986 she defended her dissertation on the topic “The hypolipidemic effect of some natural flavonoids and triterpenoids and their preparations from licorice” in the specialty 14.00.25 - “Pharmacology”. The main direction of scientific research is the quantitative determination of biologically active compounds in plants and other objects using planar chromatography. Co-author of more than 50 scientific, scientific-methodological and educational works. Responsible for the scientific work of the department.

Nina Aleksandrovna Tukhovskaya

Lecturer of the department, candidate of chemical sciences



ON THE. Tukhovskaya - teacher of the department, candidate of chemical sciences. In 1975 she graduated from the Kazan Chemical-Technological Institute named after. CM. Kirov. Upon completion of graduate school in February 1979, she defended her thesis on the topic: “Study of the patterns of electrochemical processes in drum electrolyzers” in specialty 02.00.05 - electrochemistry. Since November 1981 he has been working at the Department of Analytical Chemistry of the Pyatigorsk State Pharmaceutical Academy. The main direction of scientific research is the study of the physicochemical properties of various groups of substances contained in medicinal plants. He is a co-author of more than 50 scientific, scientific-methodological and educational works, 1 patent. Responsible for organizing the work of the student scientific society, is the secretary of the department of analytical chemistry and the curator of the student group.

Irina Petrovna Krat

Lecturer at the Department of Analytical Chemistry



I.P. Krat is a lecturer at the Department of Analytical Chemistry. In 1978 she graduated from the Moscow Institute of Fine Chemical Technology. He has been working at the Department of Analytical Chemistry since 1990 (as a teacher). Completed graduate school in 1994-1998. The main directions of her scientific research: complex-forming ability of beet pectin; the use of certain metal pectinates as detoxifiers; the use of surfactants for the quantitative determination of certain organic acids insoluble in water. He is a co-author of more than 30 scientific, scientific, methodological and educational works. Responsible for the educational part of the department's work.

Denis Sergeevich Zolotykh

Lecturer at the Department of Analytical Chemistry



D.S. Zolotykh is a lecturer at the Department of Analytical Chemistry. In 2008 he graduated from the Pyatigorsk State Pharmaceutical Academy. He has been working at the department since 2009. In 2011 he defended his thesis on the topic: " Synthesis and study of the structure-activity relationship of 1,3-diazinon-4 derivatives containing amino acid and dipeptide residues." The main direction of scientific research is molecular modeling, synthesis and prediction of the biological activity of new 1,3-diazinon-4 derivatives. He is a co-author of 11 scientific papers. Responsible for organizing scientific conferences on analytical chemistry, updating information about the department on the department’s website. Since 2013 he has been deputy dean.

Leonova Victoria Nodarevna

Lecturer at the Department of Analytical Chemistry, Candidate of Pharmaceutical Sciences



In 2004 she graduated with honors from the Pyatigorsk State Pharmaceutical Academy. From 2005 to 2009 Studied in graduate school at the Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry. In June 2009, she defended her PhD thesis on the topic: “Substantiation of the composition and standardization of a medicinal product containing ketoprofen and glucosamine sulfate.” From September 2007 to January 2012 she worked as a teacher at the Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry. In March 2007, she improved her qualifications at the State Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education, Moscow Medical Academy named after. THEM. Sechenov Roszdrav (exit course, Pyatigorsk) on the topic: “Ensuring the organization of production and quality control of medicines in accordance with GMP rules.” In October 2011, she completed short-term training at the North Caucasus Academy of Innovative Technologies in Education and Science under the program of additional professional education “Higher School Teacher”.

Since February 2012 he has been working at the Department of Analytical Chemistry as a teacher. He is a co-author of 20 scientific, scientific-methodological and educational works. Responsible for educational work at the department, is the secretary of department and methodological meetings.

Alexander Maksimovich Korytny

TSO technician



A.M. Korytny is a TSO technician. In 1963 he graduated from the Pyatigorsk Pharmaceutical Institute. Since 1977, he worked at the Academy: as a senior methodologist in the scientific and organizational department of the PFI, since 1979 as a teacher in the department of analytical chemistry, and since 2007 as a TSO technician.

Irina Grigorievna Polovnikova



I.G. Polovnikova - training master of the 1st category. In 1979 she graduated from the Grozny Oil Institute with a degree in chemical process engineer. In February 2003, she completed courses at the 25th State Research Institute of the Moscow Region on the topic “Application and control of fuels and lubricants.” Since 2006 he has been working at the Department of Analytical Chemistry.

Natalya Nikolaevna Papikyan



N.N. Papikyan is a training master of the 1st category. In 1967 she graduated from the Pyatigorsk Pharmaceutical Institute. She worked at the academy from 1978 to 1991. and from 2000 to the present.

Oksana Yurievna Yurchenko



O.Yu. Yurchenko is a training master of the 1st category. In 1997 she graduated from the Faculty of Chemistry of Kabardino-Balkarian State University. In 1997-2001 studied at the graduate school of the Institute of Petrochemical Synthesis named after. A.V. Topchiev RAS in Moscow. Since 1999 - junior researcher, from 2001 to 2009. - Researcher. Since 2009 he has been working at the Department of Analytical Chemistry. He is a co-author of 10 scientific publications on the topic of the dissertation, 1 patent.

Lyudmila Nikolaevna Dudko

TSO Technician



L.N. Dudko is a TSO technician. Since 1991 he has been working at the Department of Analytical Chemistry. In 1995 she completed computer courses. Serves as technical secretary of the department and Academic Council.

Scientific work

The main direction of the department’s research is carried out on the planned topic: “Study of the behavior of acidic substances and their derivatives included in drugs and medicinal raw materials in various environments and the development of identification and quantification methods.”

Employees of the department take part in conducting comprehensive scientific research with scientists from other departments: pharmacognosy, pharmaceutical and toxicological chemistry, inorganic, physical and colloidal chemistry, organic chemistry, drug technology. Work is being carried out in various areas - chemical, chromatographic, electrochemical, optical research methods.

In order to develop quality standards for plant raw materials and regulatory documentation for medicinal products, methods are being developed to study the chemical composition of plant raw materials, antioxidant activity, and sorption activity of biologically active substances.

Based on the results of research over the past 5 years, scientists of the department have published 75 scientific and scientific-methodological works, of which 30 in journals recommended by the Higher Attestation Commission.

Educational and methodological work

The main directions of educational and methodological work are:

  • studying the theoretical foundations of analytical chemistry;
  • students mastering practical skills in conducting qualitative and quantitative analyzes using chemical and physicochemical methods.

The staff of the department published two textbooks and a workshop. Associate Professor L.I. Ivanova took part in the development of 3 standard programs in analytical chemistry.

Study guides have been prepared for full-time and part-time students in the discipline sections: “Quantitative Analysis”, “Physical and Chemical Methods of Analysis”.

Workbooks have been developed and introduced into the educational process for full-time and part-time students in the sections: “Qualitative analysis”, “Quantitative analysis”, “Physico-chemical methods of analysis”.

New versions of guidelines for performing independent extracurricular work by full-time students are regularly updated and developed.

The revision and preparation for the intra-university publication of the “Workshop on Analytical Chemistry” is being completed.

History of the department

The department was founded in 1943 simultaneously with the founding of the institute. The first head of the department was D.N. Monastic. Subsequently the department was headed by: G.P. Vishnyakov, M.I. Tarasenko, THEM. Dedyulin, Professor L.I. Golamov, assistant professor I.L. Orestov.

The professor made a significant contribution to the development of the department Veniamin Danilovich Ponomarev, who headed the department from 1973 to 1981. In 2010, V.D. Ponomarev would have turned 80 years old. 29 years have passed since the untimely death of V.D. Ponomarev, but the memory of him is alive.

Veniamin Danilovich Ponomarev

Professor, headed the department from 1973 to 1981.

In 1952 V.D. Ponomarev graduated from the Pyatigorsk Pharmaceutical Institute, and since 1956 his career has been associated with our university. At first he acted as acting scientific assistant of the department of drug technology, and since 1960 became a graduate student of this department.

Upon completion of postgraduate studies and defense of a candidate's dissertation - assistant, senior lecturer, associate professor. From 1964 to 1979 - Vice-Rector for Research. After defending his doctoral dissertation, since 1973 - head of the department of analytical chemistry, professor.

V.D. Ponomarev carried out extensive scientific and social work. He is the author of textbooks for pharmaceutical schools and universities on analytical chemistry, a practical guide to analytical chemistry, a new program on analytical chemistry, a pharmacist model, and three monographs. At the competition among the best scientific works of the All-Union Scientific Society of Pharmacists for 1984, the monograph “Mathematical Methods in Pharmacy” (ed. 1983) was awarded 1st prize. The textbook on analytical chemistry for students of pharmaceutical universities (M.: Vysshaya Shkola, 1982) was awarded a diploma of honor at the regional exhibition of scientific and educational literature of the North Caucasus Scientific Center of Higher Education, and the “Workshop on Analytical Chemistry” (M.: Vysshaya Shkola, 1983) awarded a third degree diploma (jointly with L.I. Ivanova).

V.D. Ponomarev is the author of 4 inventions, 5 patents (USA, England, Germany, France, Sweden), 2 drugs - glycyram and glycyrrhenate, 6 copyright certificates, published over 150 articles. During his work, he wrote and published the textbook “Analytical Chemistry” for pharmaceutical universities in Russia in 2 parts, “Workshop on Analytical Chemistry” together with Associate Professor L.I. Ivanova.

His work was continued by associate professor Lyudmila Ivanovna Ivanova, who headed the department from 1981 to 2010.

Lyudmila Ivanovna Ivanova

L.I. Ivanova - Associate Professor of the Department of Analytical Chemistry. Received a chemical education at the universities of Baku and Moscow (MSU). Candidate of Chemical Sciences, specializing in analytical chemistry, associate professor in the department of general, physical and analytical chemistry. He has been working at the Academy of Pharmacy since 1976 as an associate professor and head of the department of analytical chemistry (from 1982 to 2010). Ivanova L.I. prepared and published “Workshop on Analytical Chemistry” in co-authorship. She took part in the development of 3 standard “Analytical Chemistry” programs. He has more than 200 publications of a scientific, scientific-methodological and educational nature.

L.I. Ivanova was the scientific secretary of the Academic Council of the Academy for more than 20 years.

Currently, the head of the department is Associate Professor Vladimir Pavlovich Zaitsev.