Annual report of the teacher on teaching the Tatar language. “Interaction between a teacher in teaching children the Tatar language and kindergarten teachers on the implementation of teaching materials

“The interaction of the teacher in teaching children Tatar language with teachers kindergarten on the implementation of teaching materials"

We began work on teaching materials in February 2012, when educational and methodological kits and audio-video materials arrived.

To organize the work, I gave a presentation of this work (on training two official languages) before kindergarten teachers and its implementation and implementation began. In order to involve teachers and parents in the learning process, it is recommended to watch a television program on Sundays at 9.30 on the TNV channel “Akiyat Ilendi” - “In the Land of Fairy Tales”, where the material learned in kindergarten is consolidated, since the plot of each program is created based on the teaching materials . Parents of each group are informed about the day and time of the children's broadcast transfers. Parents and teachers have the opportunity to observe and enjoy the success of their children not only open events, but also in Everyday life kindergarten.

89% of Russian-speaking teachers of our educational institution have completed courses on teaching Russian-speaking teachers the Tatar language, and 11% (1 – young specialist) will study in this academic year online according to the Ana tele course. Every week, I conduct mini-courses with educators, taking into account the idea embedded in the educational complex. In these classes, I introduce teachers to methodological techniques, teaching aids, visual and handout materials, aids and equipment used, which help create and maintain the developmental and educational nature of the Tatar language environment in the group. The language development environment includes both the language environment and the subject environment. The subject environment attracts the child and arouses his interest in language. The child knows that he can come up, look, pick up what he needs, and arouses his interest. In this regard, it is stimulated real communication in Tatar language within subject environment. This environment is interactive in nature. Our preschool educational institution has a specialized classroom for teaching children the Tatar language.

Each group has visual material for the parents of our students to consolidate their knowledge of the Tatar language at home. Preschool teachers purposefully and consistently create positive motivation for the pleasure of communication and co-creation with adults and children for each child throughout the entire educational process, organize situations that create a need for communication, taking into account the age of the children and their speech experience using a variety of methods and techniques that are attractive to the child (game, surprise, problem-search), creative tasks, stimulating speech activity and promoting the development of initiative speech, creative speech skills.

1. Documents guaranteeing the equal functioning of the Tatar and Russian languages ​​as state languages:
a) Law of the Republic of Tatarstan “On the languages ​​of the peoples of the Republic of Tatarstan”
b) Law of the Russian Federation “On Education”
c) Standard provision on preschool educational institutions
d) The concept of children's rights.

2. Document regulating the number of classes in teaching the Tatar language in kindergarten:
a) Program for teaching the Tatar language (authors: R.A. Burganova, F.F. Yusupov)
b) Order of the Ministry of Defense of the Republic of Tajikistan (For No. 463 dated June 29, 2001) “On measures to improve the study of the native, Tatar, Russian languages ​​in preschool educational institutions”
c) Law of the Republic of Tajikistan “On Education”
d) “Program for the preservation, study and development of languages ​​of peoples living in the Republic of Tatarstan”
d) all answers are correct.

3. Comprehensive program continuing education:
a) “From childhood to adolescence”
b) “Program of education and training in kindergarten”
c) “Childhood”
d) “I, you, we”
d) "Harmony".

4. The main task of teaching the Tatar language in a Russian-speaking audience:
a) Teach to use the Tatar language within installed by the program minimum vocabulary and grammar
b) develop speech understanding skills
c) learn to use the most common ones Tatar words
d) all answers are correct
d) all answers are incorrect.

5. Basic and leading place in the system of teaching the Tatar language in a Russian-speaking classroom takes:
a) introducing children to folklore works
b) learning poems by heart
c) formation and development of skills oral speech
d) all answers are correct
d) all answers are incorrect.

6. Effective techniques organizing second language teaching classes:
A) word games, game situations
b) use of clarity

d) use of folklore
d) all answers are correct.

7. By didactic purposes The following types of classes in the native language can be distinguished:
a) classes on communicating new material
b) consolidation of knowledge, skills and abilities
c) generalization and systematization of knowledge
d) combined (mixed, integrated)
d) all answers are correct
e) correct: a, c.

8. The process of mastering language material is:
a) perception, understanding, comprehension
b) memorization
c) imagination
d) statement.

9. The principle of developmental education (according to A.A. Leontiev):
a) scientific approach to teaching
b) educational training
c) awareness of the learning process
d) a holistic view of the world.

10. He was a supporter of the comparative study of the Tatar and Russian languages, and emphasized: “It will be very difficult for someone who does not speak their native language to master another language”:
a) M.Sh. Salikhov
b) M.Kh.Yunusov
c) K. Nasyri
d) M.G.Makhmudov
d) all answers are incorrect.

11. Teaching Tatar speech in a Russian-speaking audience should begin with:
a) assimilation dialogical speech
b) mastering monologue speech
c) composing coherent statements
d) mastering lexical and grammatical material
e) reading texts of average difficulty.

12. The main purpose of teaching a second language is:
a) development of the child’s language abilities
b) familiarization with another language as a means of communication
c) familiarization with the culture and traditions of another people who use this language
d) all answers are correct
d) correct: a, b.

14. The methodology of teaching a second language is based on the principles:
A) repetition and playing out the moments being studied
b) games, fairy tales
c) comparisons
d) connecting an action with a word
d) all answers are correct
e) all answers are incorrect.

15. In classes on teaching a second language, the order of introducing new words and structures must be followed:
a) a new word is introduced into a familiar construction
b) a new word is introduced into a new construction
c) familiar words are introduced into a new construction
d) all answers are correct
d) correct: a, c.

16. Types of speech activity:
a) listening
b) speaking
c) letter
d) reading
d) all answers are correct.

17. Listening is:
a) listening to spoken speech
b) memorizing spoken speech
c) the process of perception and understanding of spoken speech
d) assimilation individual words the language being studied.

18. The most common techniques for teaching listening:
a) listening to the teacher’s speech
b) students’ execution of orders, orders and commands in the Tatar language
c) use didactic games
d) listening to music
d) all answers are correct
e) correct: a, b.

19. The formation of conversational (dialogical) speech is the ability of children to:
a) listen and understand speech addressed to them
b) keep up the conversation
c) answer questions and ask
d) develop the interlocutor’s thoughts
d) all answers are correct
e) correct: a, c.

20. Methods of teaching monologue speech are:
a) retelling
b) composing (children inventing stories, fairy tales)
c) conversation-conversation
d) all answers are correct
d) correct: a, b.

21. The “conversation-conversation” method is appropriate for:
a) teaching children creative storytelling
b) activation of children’s speech reserve
c) development of new, more complex speech skills in children
d) enrichment with new components of the language (vocabulary, grammar, intonation).

22. Deliberate, repeated use of the same element (sound, word, phrase) for the purpose of memorizing it:
a) explanation
b) repetition
c) verbal exercise
d) speech sample.

23. Techniques for teaching consonant articulation:
a) imitation of the sounds of insects, birds, animals, etc.
b) breathing exercises
c) the use of didactic games based on pure tongue twisters (tongue twisters)
d) all answers are correct
d) correct: a, c.

24. Methods of familiarization with works of fiction:
a) reading by the teacher (literal transmission of the text)
b) telling
c) learning by heart
d) didactic games based on familiar works, literary quizzes
d) all answers are correct
e) correct: a, b.

25. The purpose of looking at pictures and illustrations in a book:
a) teach children to correctly perceive speech
b) invite children to talk
c) develop children's memory skills
d) introduce children to linguistic features building a story.

26. “Showing pictures and telling stories based on them - the best means bringing the mentor closer to the children,” wrote K.D. Ushinsky, emphasizing the exceptional role ... in teaching oral foreign language communication:
a) games
b) visibility
c) conversations
d) folklore.

27. When introducing children to the culture of other peoples, it is advisable to proceed from:
A) national composition countries
b) the national composition of the group of preschool children
c) the diversity of peoples on our planet
d) place of residence.

28. Propaganda among parents on issues speech development children are provided by the teacher:
a) in conversations, consultations, meetings
b) visual propaganda
c) giving lectures with the involvement of specialists (speech therapists, etc.)
d) organizing exhibitions of teaching aids
d) all answers are correct.

Job description


1. General provisions

1.2 Educator (on teaching children the Tatar language) must have : higher professional education or secondary vocational education in the field of training "Education and Pedagogy" without presenting requirements for work experience, or higher vocational education or secondary vocational education and additional vocational education in the field of study " Preschool pedagogy and psychology" without presenting requirements for work experience.

1.3. Educator(on teaching children the Tatar language)reports directly to the senior teacherand the head of the preschool educational institution.

1.4. In its activities it is guided :

- Federal law dated December 29, 2012 N 273-FZ (as amended on July 23, 2013) “On education in Russian Federation»;

By Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated August 30, 2013 N 1014 “On approval of the Procedure for organizing and implementing educational activities for basic general education programs - educational programs preschool education»;

Federal Law of July 24, 1998 No. 124 - Federal Law (as amended on November 25, 2013) “On the basic guarantees of a child in the Russian Federation”;

By order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated October 17, 2013 “On approval of the federal state educational standard preschool education"";

Resolution of the Chief State Sanitary Doctor of the Russian Federation dated May 15, 2013 N 26 “On approval of SanPiN “Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for the design, maintenance and organization of the operating mode of preschool educational organizations"(together with "SanPiN Sanitary and epidemiological rules and regulations...";

By order of the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Russian Federation dated October 18, 2013 No. 544n “On approval professional standards teacher";

Charter of the preschool educational institution.

1.5. Must know:

Priority directions development of the educational system of the Russian Federation; laws and other normative legal acts regulating educational activities; Convention on the Rights of the Child; pedagogy, children's, age and social psychology; psychology of relationships, individual and age characteristics of children, age physiology, preschool hygiene; methods and forms of monitoring the activities of pupils; pedagogical ethics; theory and methodology educational work, organization of free time for pupils; management methods educational systems; modern educational technologies productive, differentiated, developmental training, implementation of a competency-based approach; methods of persuasion, argumentation of one’s position, establishing contacts with students of different ages, their parents (persons replacing them), work colleagues; cause diagnostic technologies conflict situations, their prevention and resolution; fundamentals of ecology, economics, sociology; labor legislation; basics of working with text editors, spreadsheets, by email and browsers multimedia equipment; internal labor regulations of an educational institution; labor protection and fire safety rules.

1.6. Educator (on teaching children the Tatar language) must:

Demonstrate knowledge of the training program.

Be able to plan, conduct educational activities, analyze their effectiveness (self-analysis OD).

Master forms and methods of teaching that go beyond the scope of OD: additional educational services and so on.

Develop (master) and apply modern psychological and pedagogical technologies based on knowledge of the laws of personality development and behavior in real and virtual environments.

Use and test specific teaching approaches for inclusion in educational process all students, including special needs in education: students who have demonstrated outstanding abilities; students for whom Russian is not their native language; students from disabilities health.

Manage study groups in order to involve students in the process of learning and education, motivating their educational cognitive activity.

Find the value aspect of educational activities, ensure that students understand and experience it.

Be able to design and create situations and events that develop the child’s emotional and value sphere (culture of experiences and value orientations child).

Build educational activities taking into account cultural differences children, gender, age and individual characteristics.
- Apply tools and methods for diagnosing and assessing indicators of the level and dynamics of child development.

Interact with other specialists within the framework of the psychological, medical and pedagogical consultation.

Possess standardized methods of psychodiagnostics personal characteristics And age characteristics pupils.

Master and apply psychological and pedagogical technologies (including inclusive ones) necessary for targeted work with various groups of pupils: gifted children, socially vulnerable children, children in difficult situations life situations, migrant children, orphans, children with special needs educational needs(autism, children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, etc.), children with disabilities, children with behavioral deviations, children with addiction.

Evaluate educational results children's mastery of basic general education program, and also carry out (together with a psychologist) monitoring of personal characteristics.

2.Qualification requirements and

required level of knowledge.

2.1. The teacher (teaching children the Tatar language) must have a specialized higher pedagogical or secondary specialized education Teacher Education(subject to further study at a university in the field) and speak literary Tatar and Russian languages.

Allowed to work after undergoing a mandatory medical examination and obtaining a work permit.

2.2. A teacher (teaching children the Tatar language) must know:

    Federal Law “On Education in the Russian Federation”;

    Law of the Republic of Tatarstan “On the state languages ​​of the Republic of Tatarstan and other languages ​​in the Republic of Tatarstan”;


    Directive and informative documents on the problems of preschool education;

    Convention on the Rights of the Child;

    Charter of the preschool educational institution;

    Methods of teaching the Tatar language;

    Preschool pedagogy and psychology;

    Basics of pre-hospital medical care;

    Rules and regulations on safety, health and safety, protection of life and health of children, protection of the rights and interests of minors, protection of consumer rights.

H. Main responsibilities.

3.1. Educator (on teaching children the Tatar language)compiles a working educational

program for the academic year.

3.2. Plans and carries out work to develop integrative qualities in children, prepares them for school in accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard.

3.3. Carries out organized educational activities (OD) and creates a language environment in two state languages ​​of the Republic of Tatarstan for children to master educational materials.

3.4.Planning and implementation of educational work in
in accordance with the program implemented in a single educational space DOW.

3.5. The teacher (for teaching children the Tatar language) teaches children the Tatar language inhigh professional level and ensures the creation of conditions for the life of children, their social and psychological adaptation.

3.6. Conducts OD with children in subgroups.

OD duration:

Preparatory group - 25-30 minutes;

Senior group - 25 minutes;

Middle group 20 minutes.

3.7. Organizes OD into subgroups, based on the level of children’s language proficiency and theirnationality.

3.8. Fosters children's interest in learning the Tatar language.

3.9. In accordance with the order of the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Tatarstan No. 463 dated June 29, 2001 “On measures to improve the study of the native Tatar-Russian languages ​​in preschool educational institutions”, teaching the native language is carried out starting fromIyounger group (only with children of Tatar nationality), and Tatar and Russian languages ​​- with middle group.

3.10. Conducts OD on teaching native, Tatar, Russian languages ​​three times a week at the expense of the following OD:

    IN I younger group: speech development, familiarization with fiction and design;

    In IIyounger group: familiarization with fiction, design, modeling;

    IN senior group: familiarization with fiction, modeling, drawing;

    In the preparatory group for school: speech development, familiarization with fiction, drawing.

3.11. The inclusion of OD for teaching native, Tatar, Russian languages ​​should notexceed the total number of educational activities provided for by the "Program of education and training in kindergarten" M., Prosveshchenie, 2005 G.

3.12. When conducting OD for teaching the native language, the teacher uses “Balalar bakchasynda tәrbiyaһәм belem birү programs" Kazan, 2006 ate, Educational and methodologicalth set"Tugan teld ә soylәshәbez» ( Khazratova F.V., Zaripova Z. M., Kazan, 2012 ate) , Reader“Balachak Alany” (Kazan, 2011).

3.13. When teaching the Tatar language, the teacher uses the “Program for teaching the Tatar language in kindergarten”, “Programat To educational and methodologicalset"Tatarcha with Oylәshәbez"(Zaripova Z.M., Kidryacheva R. G.Kazan, RIC School, 2013), Educational and methodologicalthset"T atarcha soylәshәbez»

(Zaripova Z. M., Kidryacheva R. G. Kazan, 2012 ate) .

3.14. In addition to basic OD, the teacher is obliged to conduct group and individual work with kids.

3.15. Weekly load teacher (teaching children the Tatar language) is 36 hours in 6 groups(1 bet).

3.16. Provides assistance and advises teachers on educational issuesstate languages Republic of Tatarstan.

3.17. Draws up OD plans and ensures their implementation.

3.18. Takes part in the work of the teachers' council. Draws up a report on his work with a presentation of learning resultsstate languages Republic of Tatarstan, conductsopen demonstrativeEvents For teachers and parents.

3.19. Develops equipment plans study room on teaching children the Tatar language andreplenishing it with modern equipment and teaching material.

3.20. Complies with labor safety standards, rules and regulations.

3.21. Organizes work with parents on issues of teaching the Tatar language in preschool educational institutions and families.

3.22. Conducts initial and final diagnostics on teaching Russian-speaking children the Tatar language, Tatar children their native language (starting from the middle group). Participates in monitoring children’s mastery of general education preschool educational programs and drawing up individual educational routes.

3.23. Provides the creation of conditions for the life of children, their socio-psychological adaptation, social and labor adaptation.

3.24. Provides sanitary, hygienic and safe conditions in accordance with SanPiN

3.25. Together with medical workers ensures the preservation and strengthening of the health of each child.

3.26. Regularly informs heads of preschool educational institutions and medical personnel about the health status of children. Organizes the implementation of the daily routine established for children.

3.27. Provides education, training, and proper care for children in accordance with the Children's Charter preschool and Law on Education No. 273-FZ of December 29, 2012

3.28. Participates in parent meetings, conferences, seminars, etc. to promote the need to master the Tatar language. Prepares visual propaganda for parents.

3.29. Constantly improves his skills. Implements innovative technologies and advanced teaching experience working with children.

3.30. Provides continuity in work with the school.

3.31. Correctly applies collective and individual means protection.

3.32. Immediately informs his immediate supervisor about any accident that occurs in the preschool educational institution, about signs of an occupational disease, as well as about a situation that will pose a threat to the life and health of people.

4. Rights

Educator (on teaching children the Tatar language)DOW has the right:

4.1. Make proposals for improving the educational process, introduce the most effective forms and methods, technical means training.

4.2. Take part in managing the affairs of the team, teachers’ council, methodological associations, seminars, consultations.

4.3. Increase your qualification level.

5. Responsibility

Educator (on teaching children the Tatar language)The preschool educational institution is responsible for:

5.1. Life and health of children.

5.2. Strict compliance with the Rules internal regulations DOW.

5.3. Correct maintenance of regulatory documentation.

5.4. Performance discipline.

Familiarized: _______

Date of: ___________.

In preschool educational institutions, in September 2012, the introduction of new educational and methodological kits on teaching children their native, Tatar and Russian languages.

On September 1, 2013, we began working on the implementation of these educational and methodological kits.

The main task educational and methodological kits - the formation of initial skills and practical knowledge of the Tatar language in oral form.

The game is effective and accessible form activities in teaching Russian children Tatar oral speech. Children don’t even think that they are learning, without noticing it, they learn Tatar words, phrases, sentences much better and on this basis they practice correct pronunciation specific Tatar sounds.

I carry out my educational activities with the help of following methods and techniques:

1. To increase the efficiency of the educational process, I use information- communication technologies . For example, using a computer, I give children new information(slides), I consolidate the material covered with the help of various didactic games. For example, “Who is missing”, “Guess and name”, “Who is extra?”, “Count up”, “Treat the hares”, “Make a salad” and many others. Using a tape recorder, children, for example, listen to an audio recording and sing along:

Kisher, kisher

Tamle kisher.

Zur kisher,

Kisher points.

The computer helps improve the level of teaching, providing visibility, control, a large amount of information, and being a stimulus in learning. Development computer technology allows you to really individualize the educational process, strengthen positive motivation for learning, intensify cognitive activity, and enhance the creative component of the work of both the child and the teacher. The computer also helps me organize watching cartoons.

2. In classes, to develop full-fledged gaming communication, I use game situations, which the character falls into (Akbay, Miyau). Through the game plot, you can play out the process of a character’s acquaintance with a new object, examine it in detail, study it, and examine it. The game character provides the teacher with the opportunity to put the child in the position of the subject cognitive activity. For older adults, game problem situations are most effective. In these situations, the adult attracts the child’s attention to his emotional state and the condition of other characters. By actively participating in problem situations, the child finds a way out for his feelings and experiences, learns to recognize and accept them.

To achieve effectiveness in communicating with children in the Tatar language, I made didactic material. Since all classes are held in the form of a game, the best way to reinforce topics is this didactic games. Didactic games I made - “Nәrsә artyk?”, “Who is yuk?”, “Bu narsә, nichә?”, “Dores sana”, “Kunak syylau”, “Uenchyk sorap al”, “Ber-kүp”, “What color no?”, “Bear Gifts”, “Find a Pair”, “Magic Bag”, “Show It Correctly” and others.

The purpose of these didactic games: development sound culture speech, activation and enrichment vocabulary children, coordination of parts of speech, development fine motor skills hands

In order to develop and strengthen memory I use word games, such as “Who is there, who is not?”, “Take a vegetable”, “Call the cat”, “Deaf telephone”, “What, which, how much?” and others.

On the development of fine motor skills I conduct finger games . For example,

Bu barmak - babai,

Bu barmak - әbi,

Bu barmak – әti,

Bu barmak – әni,

Bu barmak – malay (kyz)

In order to develop imagination, thinking, creativity, I use educational games. For example, “Name how many” or the game “What was I thinking?”

In my work I also use outdoor games, relay games and many others.

3. I also use it in class visual methods . These include:


Examination of paintings, natural objects;

Showing cartoons such as “Three Bears”, “Funny Toys”, “Who Loves What”.

I also use visual methods for secondary acquaintance with the object, consolidation of knowledge acquired during observations, and the formation of coherent speech. For this purpose I use methods such as:

Looking at pictures with content familiar to children;

Looking at toys

4. I pay a huge role in classes articulation method. It is very important that the child pronounces sounds and words correctly. For example,

Bu kurchak kechkenә.


Bir matur shakmak.

Children also complete tasks in workbooks.

The workbook is one of the main components of the educational complex “Speaking Tatar. A creative notebook helps the child learn the vocabulary of the Tatar language, consolidate speech material, attract parents to actively participate in the development process of their baby. IN workbook tasks are given for naming, generalizing and comparing objects to determine their size, size, quantity. For example, “Offer dishes to the bears”, “Find a pair of tea”, “Color the clothes” and others.

In my work I actively use folklore. Through folk nursery rhymes, songs, fairy tales, finger games, I quickly manage to achieve contact with children in order to more successfully instill in them skills and organize play activities more interestingly.

Implementation in educational process health-saving technologies make it possible to achieve positive changes in the health of children. I spend physical education, active and educational games with them. Carrying out such games helps improve the health of children. The rhymes of the song with the movements are interesting. Quatrains about animals, nature, and children are easy to remember and make physical education lessons fun and useful. The texts read during physical education sessions are accompanied by movements of the arms and torso. I also do eye exercises.

For convenient use, I have prepared the CMD for work in the following way: laminated, distributed games, demonstration and Handout on envelopes, files, folders, indicating the name and purpose, placing them in tight boxes.

Thus, the educational complex ensures the unity of educational, training and development goals and objectives in the process of children’s education preschool age. It is built on age-appropriate activities and forms of working with children. It is also aimed at mutual understanding with the family in order to implement the speech development of children. In this training kit widely used gaming, informational, conversational technology and technology problem-based learning. The use of non-standard methodological techniques contributes to the development of curiosity, activity and creative abilities of each child. Audio and video applications, aesthetically designed visual demonstrations and handouts provide maximum variety of children's activities.

Conference: Modern kindergarten

Organization: MADOU No. 401

Locality: Republic of Tatarstan, Kazan

The language that has survived to our times is an endlessly valuable treasure, which for thousands of years has absorbed the wisdom of the people, its traditions, all its spiritual wealth. For every people native language- the most precious and sacred wealth. It is everyone’s duty to preserve and pass on this wealth to their children.

Creation of a language development environment. The role of the teacher and his colleagues,

acts as the main means of creating a language environment).

The teacher is a role model and model speech behavior children and adults.

One of the most important forms learning is a game. Play is the leading activity of preschool children. It is also a method of teaching the Tatar language. During the game, children, without noticing it, acquire certain vocabulary, master language skills, speech skills, and thus the children develop the basics communicative competence. They learn the correct pronunciation of words and the construction of their speech. The game is an effective and accessible form of activity in teaching Russian children Tatar oral speech. Children don’t even think that they are learning, without noticing it, they learn Tatar words, phrases, sentences much better and on this basis they practice the correct pronunciation of specific Tatar sounds, coherent statements, consolidate and activate Tatar vocabulary

To increase the efficiency of the educational process, information and communication technologies are used, that is, the use of a computer, the Internet, television, video, DVD, CD, multimedia, audiovisual equipment, that is, everything that can provide ample opportunities for communication. For example, with the help of a computer, children are given information (slides, consolidation of the covered material using various didactic games. For example, “Who is missing”, “Guess and name”, “Who is extra?”, “Count”, “Treat the hares”, “ Make a salad" and many others.

The computer helps improve the level of teaching, providing visibility, control, a large amount of information, and being a stimulus in learning. Mastering computer technologies allows you to really individualize the educational process, strengthen positive motivation for learning, intensify cognitive activity, and enhance the creative component of the work of both the child and the teacher. The computer also helps organize the viewing of cartoons.

The teacher’s questions to the child are of great importance in teaching a child a language. When the teacher poses a question, the child thinks, understands and selects the right word from your vocabulary. Thus,

We train the child to master the language. Experience shows that skillfully and on time questions asked change abruptly in better side child's language: choice the right word, logic of speech.

As stated earlier, language teaching methods are varied. The teacher should use their diversity in order to solve the tasks in the most accessible and interesting way for the child. The choice of methods is determined by the age of the children and the tasks set to be solved. It is necessary to structure teaching the Tatar language in such a way as to train children in speech skills and abilities in order to form their first basic knowledge about the environment.

Thus, EMC ensures the unity of educational, training and developmental goals and objectives in the process of education of preschool children. It is built on age-appropriate activities and forms of working with children. It is also aimed at mutual understanding with the family in order to implement the speech development of children. The use of non-standard methodological techniques contributes to the development of curiosity, activity and creative abilities of each child. Audio and video applications, aesthetically designed visual demonstrations and handouts provide maximum variety of children's activities.

In order for the formation of speech skills to occur faster and more efficiently, it is necessary to properly organize the learning environment. It is under these conditions that speech skills and abilities become stronger and more flexible.

Based on the goals of teaching children the Tatar language, it is necessary to take into account that the language environment should be primarily developmental in nature, i.e. it is necessary to create a developing language environment. All methodological techniques, teaching aids, visual and handout material, aids and equipment used must create and support the developmental and educational nature of the foreign language environment.

The language development environment includes both the language environment and the subject environment. The subject environment attracts the child and arouses his interest in language. The role of the subject environment in preschool educational institutions is very large, because the child is in constant contact with her. The child knows that he can come up, look, pick up what he needs, and arouses his interest. Such communication becomes significant for both the learner and the teacher. This environment is interactive in nature. Nice to have Board games, lotto, dominoes, thematic tables, algorithms, toys, toys-heroes of the Tatar literary works, photographs, postcards depicting the main attractions of Kazan and other cities of Tatarstan.

A toy, and, most often, a doll becomes an active participant in communication in the Tatar language in our classes, in regime moments, and the teacher communicates with children using a doll (character), which allows you to control communication and the language environment. A doll or character allows for introduction, training lexical units, provide the volume of language material.

The use of the doll provides strong motivation using the Tatar language also creates a special friendly atmosphere in the classroom. In this case, it is necessary to comply with the condition that the character present at the lesson must be permanent, with his own character, habits, etc. For example, the Alsou doll who comes to our lessons is very kind, friendly, cheerful, loves to sing songs and play outdoor games.

The role of the educator acts as the main means of creating a language environment. She is a role model and model of children's speech behavior. In order to increase the educational impact of speech, certain conditions must be met:

1. accessibility of speech

2. avoiding complex sentences

3. use of repetitions, paraphrasing speech

* usage visual aids;

* description of the situation;

* use of sign language.

These methodological principles help to properly organize the process of communication in the Tatar language and create a language environment for children.

Literature: Zaripova Z.M.. Kidryacheva R.G., “We speak Tatar”

Zakirova K.V. “In the clearing of childhood”…….