What should be written on price tags? Preparation of price tags for food products

The price tag (price label) can be interpreted as a means by which the seller informs the consumer about the product available for sale and its retail price.

Price tags are used only in retail trade. But at enterprises Catering The function of informing visitors about the establishment’s products and their prices is performed by the menu (price lists for purchased goods). They notify about individual goods that are on sale at a certain moment, and menus and price lists inform about the list of products (dishes, culinary products) and purchased goods that, in principle, can be ordered at a catering establishment (that is, at a specific moment of any item there may not be one from it).

Informing the consumer about the retail price of a product is an essential condition for its sale.

The value of the price tag is essential for organizing the retail trade process, since this document serves as the only means available to the consumer to independently obtain information about the price of a specific product.

Price is one of the determining factors when making a purchase decision. Especially the presence of a price tag helps the consumer in resolving a dispute about the selling price of a product, for example, in cases when at the checkout he is presented with a price that is higher than that indicated on the price tag on the sales floor.

Requirements for the procedure for issuing price tags for goods sold in retail establishments are provided for in the Sales Rules individual species goods approved by Government decree Russian Federation dated January 19, 1998 No. 55.

These Rules regulate the sale of all groups of food and most types of non-food products and occupy one of the leading positions in the number of cases of detection of facts of their violation.

Typical violations identified during compliance checks include: Sales rules, refers to a violation of the requirements of paragraph 19, dedicated to the procedure for issuing price tags for goods sold.

Since January 2, 2016, the requirements for the procedure for issuing price tags have changed slightly. From the number mandatory requirements The presence of the signature of the financially responsible person or the seal of the organization, as well as the date of registration of the price tag, is excluded.

The following requirements remain mandatory:

to registration of the price tag– uniformity and clarity.

In addition, a rule has been introduced that allows price tags to be issued on paper and on other media visually accessible to buyers, including with electronic display of information, using slate boards, stands, and light displays.

However, the use of any, including alternative way registration of the price tag should provide the consumer with accessibility and clarity of relevant information about the price of the product.

According to the changes made to the design of product price tags, they should become more convenient for buyers in terms of information content and reliability of the specified data.

Changes in the design of price tags

After amendments were made to the rules for the formation of product price tags, which were adopted on December 23, 2016 and came into force on January 2, 2017, the use of handwritten and printed stickers is simultaneously prohibited. In accordance with the changes made, information stickers must be of the same format and have the following designations:

  • name of the product being sold;
  • if there are different varieties or types of goods, you must indicate their variety;
  • the price of a product for a certain volume or weight. For example, 100 rubles/100 grams or 1000 rubles. /1 kg.
  • For merchants who sell takeaway goods, you need to have a price list with you. The price list should contain the following information:

  • price and name of the product;
  • a list of all services provided;
  • the document must be signed and certified with the wet seal of the manager.
  • Positive aspects of the changes

    The accepted requirements for price tags will affect both wholesale and retail trade industries, ranging from small stalls and shops to large companies and hypermarkets.

    The main positive requirement for price tags, of course, is same shape stickers and their contents. The stamp and signature of the person in charge is removed from the price tags, thereby simplifying the replacement procedure when the price changes.

    In addition to printed ones, you can also use electronic price tags or tables, and making changes to the price becomes much easier and faster. Thanks to electronic displays, the buyer always sees the current price for a particular product.

    For entrepreneurs, the costs of paper used to make stickers will be significantly reduced, and the time for replacement will also be reduced.

    Interesting to know! According to experts, in the average supermarket it takes about 5 work shifts per month to completely replace all price tags.

    Negative aspects of changes

    In addition to the positive aspects of the changes, there are also negative ones, but they mainly concern entrepreneurs and have nothing to do with consumers.

    The main disadvantage is complete replacement and standardization of price tags. That is, they must have the same type and contain full information according to the entered requirements.

    The requirements for the design of price tags apply not only to large stores and hypermarkets, but also to small shops and street kiosks. If earlier in kiosks the price of a product was indicated on ordinary pieces of paper or even directly on the packaging, now such groups of entrepreneurs are required to hang up special stickers or electronic price tags.

    If an entrepreneur nevertheless decides to switch to more convenient and informative price tags, namely electronic ones, then he may have to face a problem additional training employees for the correct and, most importantly, quick change prices.

    Electronic price tags - the future has already arrived

    After changes were made to the law on the design of product stickers, all groups entrepreneurial activity Those engaged in wholesale or retail trade are allowed to install electronic price tags or displays. But it should be taken into account that such information media must have a uniform appearance.

    Permission to introduce electronic media into trade has many advantages, the main ones being:

  • electronic price tags are very convenient and easy to use, because you can always correct information on a product in the shortest possible time;
  • information content for clients. For example, when using electronic signs, you can indicate information on all similar products. In this case, the buyer will easily be able to choose a product according to purchasing power;
  • since price tags are interconnected with management programs financial statements, then the costs of product accounting are significantly reduced. Also, electronic trading significantly reduces the possibility of errors.
  • But there is also a negative side of electronic price tags, which includes high price scoreboard and software to him. Therefore, setting such price tags will not be feasible for every entrepreneur, and you should not expect electronic media to appear in small shops or stalls. In addition, the amount spent on installing electronic price tags will be added to the cost of goods, which obviously will not be to the liking of customers.

    What penalties apply for incorrect registration of price tags?

    Monitors the legislative side of the process of issuing price tags government structure, namely Rospotrebnadzor. Employees of this organization constantly monitor compliance with all trade rules, and if incorrect registration of price tags is detected, the entrepreneur is fined in the following amounts:

  • for entrepreneurs on an individual basis, fines in the amount of 300 - 1,500 rubles have been established;
  • owners of large stores may receive a fine of 1-3 thousand rubles;
  • organizations on a legal basis receive penalties in the amount of 10-30 thousand rubles.
  • The changes made to the design of price tags for goods came into force, but they did not bring significant changes, because no one canceled paper price tags. The main condition for an entrepreneur not to receive penalties from regulatory structures is to follow the requirements specified in the rules, namely to create uniform stickers and indicate complete information on the product. Therefore, have time to conduct an audit in your store before Rospotrebnadzor employees carry it out.

    Rospotrebnadzor told how to draw up price tags in retail trade

    At the end of last year, changes were made to the rules for issuing price tags for goods sold in retail trade. As before, price tags must be uniform and clearly designed; they must indicate the name of the product and its grade (if available), price per weight or unit of product. At the same time, retail received some freedom in choosing the order of registration. In particular, you can use not only paper price tags, but also electronic displays, slates, stands and other information media that are visually accessible to buyers and clause 19 of the Rules, approved. Government Decree No. 55 dated January 19, 1998 (hereinafter referred to as the Rules).


    For incorrect registration of price tags may be punished in amounts under Art. 14.15 Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation:

    • from 1 to 3 thousand rubles. - director or individual entrepreneur;
    • from 10 to 30 thousand rubles. - company.
    • The period for bringing to responsibility is 1 year from the date of commission of the violation of Part 1 of Art. 4.5 Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation.

      Issuing price tags is a serious matter; violations can result in an administrative fine.

      Therefore, companies and individual entrepreneurs have many questions: how should the amendments be interpreted? Rospotrebnadzor decided to come to their aid by issuing the following clarifications.

      The procedure for providing information about the price can be established by the seller for each individual case, taking into account the features of the display, placement of goods on the sales floor, the conditions of their sale, etc. The main thing is that the consumer can in a visual form obtain reliable information about the price of the product and the terms of sale.

      If, during a sale or other marketing campaign, dissimilar goods laid out together (in a basket, on a cart, etc.) are sold at the same price, then you can issue one common price tag for them.

      When selling goods light industry(for example, clothes, underwear, shoes, hats) it is permissible to indicate the price either on labels or on price tags. There is no need to duplicate it here and there.

      The following are no longer required on the price tag:

    • signature of the financially responsible person;
    • organization seal;
    • date of issue of the price tag.
    • But if these details (all or part) are present on your price tags, this is not a violation, but simply an indication additional information. You can put them further if you want. The seal is no longer needed on the price list, which is drawn up for carrying out retail trade and clause 19 of the Rules, approved. Government Decree No. 55 dated January 19, 1998 (hereinafter referred to as the Rules).

      But for indicating on the price tags at the same time the prices on the card (discount) large print and prices without a card (higher) small print may be punished because such design misleads the buyer. This no longer follows from the explanations of Rospotrebnadzor, but from the Resolution Supreme Court, adopted last year by Supreme Court Resolution No. 307-AD15-7060 dated July 10, 2015. In general, fantasize about indicating the price, but do not forget that all information should be clear and accessible to the consumer. 11, 16 Rules.

      All stores in the country must comply with the Price Tag Rules. In our material we will consider what requirements are imposed on price tags in 2018.

      Rules for issuing price tags in 2018

      The current price tag rules came into force in 2017. According to them, there is no need to put the date of registration of the price tag on each price tag and seal it with a company seal (IP) or signature.

      To illustrate the changes in the rules for issuing price tags, let’s present them in a table: what was, what remains, and what appeared.

      Registration of the price tag

      Old edition

      until 2016

      New rules


      Uniformity and clear design

      Name of the product being sold

      Variety, type of product

      Price per unit (per piece, per kg, per 100 g, per bottle, etc.)

      Date the price tag was issued

      Signature of the financially responsible person

      Seal of an organization or individual entrepreneur (instead of a signature)

      Price tag information carrier:

      The rules for issuing price tags are quite simple. There is no need to stamp and sign every price tag in stores: this is quite difficult, the range of goods even in a small store includes hundreds of items, and in supermarkets there are thousands.

      When the draft of these changes was just being submitted to the Government, the developers wrote in the explanatory note: the old rules “appear archaic and not in keeping with the spirit of the times,” and the new ones “will make it possible to bring them into a modern form.”

      Therefore, the new rules specifically highlight that price tags can be issued, including using an electronic display.

      Registration of price tags in peddling trade

      It is necessary to certify price tags with a signature only in one case - in peddling trade. This is the sale of goods, for example, from trays - on the beach, in markets, at fairs. The seller must have a printed (handwritten) price list with him. It must indicate:

      The price list must be signed by the person responsible for its preparation. This could be an individual entrepreneur, a store director or a merchandiser.

      Uniform design of price tags

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      Price tags must be clearly written, that is, the buyer, after reading the price tag, must receive all the necessary information about the product. In general, when they were just talking about simplifying the rules for drawing up price tags, they also wanted to remove the mention of uniformity from the Rules, but then they left it.

      Uniformity means that all price tags in the store should have the same:

    • Material on which price tags are made: if on paper, then all price tags are only on paper. If on slate board (black plates on which they write with chalk. They are usually used in small shops, micro-cafes, etc.), then all price tags are only on such a board. If on electronic scoreboard , then for all goods in the store without exception.
    • Method of applying information. If information is printed on paper price tags, then this should be done for all price tags. If you decide to draw up a paper price tag manually using a regular fountain pen or marker, then you will have to draw up each price tag manually.
    • Price tag design.
    • Color solution. If a store has yellow price tags, then they should all be yellow. If they are red, then all are red. And so on.
    • If the store is running some kind of promotion in which discounts are set for some products, then all the same, all price tags without exception must be designed in the same style and in the same color.

      You can add the word “Promotion” or “Discounts” to such price tags and indicate the size of the discount to inform the buyer and stimulate sales. These additional words are optional, but additional informational.

      Entrepreneurs should keep in mind that the rules for issuing price tags do not contain a specific and clear interpretation of the concept of “Uniform design of price tags.” Therefore in this material this concept is interpreted as logic dictates.

      It is necessary to take into account that the right to interpretation will most likely remain with Rospotrebnadzor; in extreme cases, the truth will have to be sought even in court. Therefore, if in doubt, the most the right way– obtain clarification from Rospotrebnadzor itself by sending a written request there.

      Mandatory and additional information on price tags

      Mandatory information. The name of the product (good or service) that is being sold and its price per unit must be written on the price tag - for 1 piece, for 1 kilogram, for 100 grams, for 1 bottle, etc.

      If the same product has different varieties and types, then each variety and type must have its own price tag in the format “Name - Variety - Unit Price”. For example, if a store sells different types of sausage (“Doctorskaya”, “Moskovskaya”, “Krakovskaya”, etc.), then each type should have its own separate price tag.

      Additional Information. According to the consumer protection law, the seller is obliged to provide the buyer various kinds information:

    • About yourself: the exact name and address of the company (IP).
    • About the manufacturer of the product.
    • About the characteristics of the purchased product – technical and other. For example, if genetically modified entities (GMOs) were used in the manufacture of a product, then the buyer must be told about this.
    • About how to use the product correctly, how and for how long it can be stored.
    • About the terms of the guarantee.
    • If a product or store activity is licensed, then it’s all about the license.
    • By law, this information must be provided to the buyer in an accessible and complete form. Typically the seller provides it in the following three ways:

    • On a separate stand in the store.
    • With the help of sales consultants, when the buyer asks the seller any clarifying questions that arise.
    • On the price tag.
    • Let's take a sales stall as an example. mobile phones. Next to each device there is a price tag, on which, in addition to the mandatory information (name of the phone, its model and price), there is all kinds of Additional Information: Manufacturer country, specifications, warranty, store name (IP) and other information.

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      In addition to this information - mandatory and additional - the entrepreneur can indicate on the price tags any other information about the product being sold that he considers necessary and which, in his opinion, will be useful to the buyer. The most important thing is that when issuing price tags, the main conditions are observed: mandatory information (name, grade, price) and uniformity (see above).

      Price lists for some types of goods

      The rules for issuing price tags discussed above, subject to changes, are general and apply, perhaps, to most goods and services that sellers and buyers encounter on a daily basis. But for some categories of goods, the requirements for the design of price tags differ from general rules.

      Clothes, shoes, hats, underwear. They have labels on them (in general, the same as price tags), which must include the following information: name, article, price per piece, size, height (for clothes), type of fur and its color (for fur products – fur coats, hats, etc.).

      Jewelry. They must also have sealed labels, which indicate: the name of the product, the manufacturer, what it is made of (gold, silver, etc.), article number, standard, weight, what kind of stone inserts there are, price per 1 gram without inserts.

      Weapons and ammunition. These products must also have labels indicating: name, brand, model, price, and necessarily short description characteristics of weapons and ammunition.

      Non-periodical publications - books, brochures, albums, calendars, booklets, etc. There is no need to put price tags on them at all. Instead, write its price on each copy. For example, this is usually done in bookstores: on the second (back) cover a sticker with a price is glued or on the flyleaf the price is simply written in pencil.

      Fines for violation of registration of price tags

      The rules by which price tags must be drawn up are simple, but for violating them there are quite serious fines:

    • Individual entrepreneur – 300-1500 rubles.
    • Store directors - 1000-3000 rubles.
    • Legal entities 10,000-30,000 rubles.
    • Rospotrebnadzor is responsible for supervision in this area.

      Read articles about price tags in the store:

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    • How to draw up price tags correctly?

      The price tag for any product is what first of all helps the buyer navigate and decide on the choice of the right drug. Of course there are General requirements to the design of price tags, which any pharmacy is obliged to comply with.

      These requirements are established by paragraph 19 of the Government of the Russian Federation of January 19, 1998 No. 55 (as amended on December 23, 2016) “On approval of the rules for the sale of certain types of goods...” According to this document price tags must be of a single standard - indicating the name of the product, grade (if available), price per weight or unit
      What did the 2016 edition change in the rules?
      Previously, the price tag must have included the seal of the organization or the signature of the financially responsible person and the date of its issuance. Since 2016, this requirement has been abolished. All subsequent changes in the design of product price tags made them more convenient for buyers in terms of information and
      the accuracy and reliability of the specified data.
      For example, price tags are now allowed to be drawn up in any form that will be visually accessible to customers: not only on paper, but also on a slate board, light board, electronic board or stand. It should be kept in mind that, despite this variability, keyword here – “availability”, so that the buyer does not have difficulty making a choice.
      Another document that should be followed when issuing price tags, including in pharmacies, can be called Federal Law No. 2300-1 “On the Protection of Consumer Rights”, which establishes the need to provide reliable information about the product, including medicines Oh.
      On March 1, 2017, Order of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation dated August 31, 2016 No. 647n “On approval of the Rules for Good Pharmacy Practice of Medicines for medical use", which regulates the rules for issuing price tags for medications.
      According to paragraph 35 of these rules, information about over-the-counter drugs can be placed on the shelf in the form of a poster, wobbler and other information media in order to provide the buyer with the opportunity to make conscious choice pharmaceutical products, obtain information about the manufacturer, method of use and in order to preserve the appearance of the product. Also, in a convenient place for viewing, a price tag should be placed indicating the name, dosage, number of doses in the package, country of origin, expiration date (if available). Obviously, this requirement does not contradict the rules of the above rules for the sale of certain types of goods, but only complements it.
      We note, however, that from the text of paragraph 35 of the “Rules of Good Pharmacy Practice for Medicinal Products for Medical Use” it can be concluded that the requirement to place price tags applies only to over-the-counter drugs.
      Neither the Federal Law “On the Protection of Consumer Rights”, nor the “Rules for the Sale of Certain Types of Goods...”, nor any other regulatory documents require the seller to indicate the price on each unit of goods - with the exception of specific cases, directly provided for by the “Rules for the sale of certain types of goods” (packaged goods, textiles and knitwear, precious products), which do not relate to the sale of medicines.
      Thus, the sale of medicinal products is not included in the list of types of trade regulated by law, in which the inclusion of a price on the packaging is mandatory. For each name of a product sold in a pharmacy, including medications, there must be one price tag. Price tags are not required for all medications located on the shelves and racks of the pharmacy sales area.
      Like many stores, when issuing price tags, pharmacies make a number of mistakes that can lead to the loss of a buyer, or even a fine from the inspection body.
      The most common mistakes include:
      incorrect filling order;
      illegible font;
      a wealth of information on a small price tag;
      failure to comply with spelling and punctuation rules.
      The legislation does not establish clear regulations regarding the placement of price tags on goods, but over the years of practice, merchandisers have developed several general rules:
      Each label must correspond to the product and be positioned so that the buyer does not confuse its purpose.
      When positioning, it is necessary to take into account the point of view of the pharmacy visitor.
      The style of the price tag should be the same throughout the pharmacy. It is possible to change its color or size in case of attracting the attention of a pharmacy visitor to any individual drugs or products (discounts, promotions).
      Rospotrebnadzor employees constantly monitor compliance with all trade rules, and if incorrect registration of price tags is detected, fines are imposed on the entrepreneur.
      If during the inspection it is discovered that price tags are missing or it turns out that they are incorrectly issued, the pharmacy may be fined on the basis of Art. 14.15 of the Code of the Russian Federation on Administrative Violations. An administrative fine may be imposed on civilian– in the amount of 300 to 1500 rubles; for an official – from 1000 to 3000 rubles, for entity– from 10,000 to 30,000 rubles.
      Permission to implement into electronic trade storage media gives many advantages:
      Electronic price tags are very convenient and simple in circulation, because you can always correctprovide product information as quickly as possible lines.
      Information content for clients: e.g. when using electronic displays on them you can indicate information about all similar goods. In this case, the buyer can easily will be able to select a product based on your needsPatel ability.
      Since price tags are linked to programs for maintaining accounting records, then the costs for product accounting significantly are being reduced. Also electronic trackingbeef significantly reduces the possibility of occurrence errors.

      The procedure for issuing price tags for goods according to the law

      The manufacturer is obliged to provide with his product necessary information, which confirm the availability of products, quality, type, cost and other characteristics in accordance with the law. This data is regulated Federal Law“On the protection of consumer rights.”

      New requirements for product price tags

      In 2017, new requirements for product price tags appeared. Product data can be placed on an electronic stand, display or board, subject to uniform design for the entire range (Article No. 10 of the Federal Law on price tags). The seller is obliged to provide the buyer with all necessary information about the product and its availability.

      Products must be registered on printed form or by hand before they go on sale. If the manufacturer is engaged in retail trade, the buyer must have a price list or price list with the amount and characteristics of the product in sight.

      Information for food products must contain the following items:

    • name and amount to be paid for 100 grams and 1 kilogram;
    • for products sold by weight, the unit of measurement, name, grade and cost must be indicated;
    • For individual products, weight and name are provided.
    • On the rest of the product, it is required to indicate the grade if the amount, unit of measurement and characteristics depend on it.

      In accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, the buyer at any time has the right to demand a certificate of authenticity of the goods.

      At the time of markdown or sale, it is permissible to cross out the price tag or stick a new one on top. Special signs warn the buyer about promotions. If a product is discounted due to loss of quality, the warning letter “P” must be indicated on the card.

      What must be indicated on the price tag by law?

      The price tag is information about the product. According to the requirements of 2017, information about the product must be clearly presented, always in Russian. The information should contain:

    • Name of product;
    • variety;
    • weight of goods or product;
    • information about the presence of GMOs;
    • a country;
    • manufacturer;
    • owner's signature;
    • date of writing the price tag;
    • date of manufacture of the goods;
    • shelf life of products.
    • On the label you can provide the parameters or characteristics of the product, at the request of the company.

      Information about the supplier or manufacturer is indicated in demanding cases. For additional information, the seller must have a price list with him, which is certified by the company and signed by the responsible person.

      According to the legislation of 2017, information about the amount of goods and its characteristics must be formatted uniformly. Material, color, method of application, identical presentation of content throughout the shopping center.

      What can you leave out?

      Price tags for knitwear, shoes and clothes can be displayed as a single price list with mandatory information about the manufacturer and country of manufacture. It is unacceptable to correct the label by crossing out the price. According to the law on price tags for goods, the following violations are detected:

    • the price does not correspond to the real value;
    • small illegible font, unreadable information;
    • manual label design;
    • lack of a uniform price list image;
    • abbreviations of characteristics that are unacceptable by law.
    • For non-compliance, the organization may be fined. Administrative responsibility lies with the seller or legal entity, whose responsibilities include monitoring compliance with trade rules. Last changes were entered on December 23, 2017. For non-compliance of the product card with the relevant rules, legal entities are punished with a fine of up to 10 thousand rubles, individuals– from 1 thousand rubles.

      Responsibility for incorrect registration of price tags

      Fines for price tags are provided for by the Federal Law of the Russian Federation, the Law “On the Protection of Consumer Rights”. The seller or store is responsible for failure to comply with trade rules. If the price at the checkout differs from that indicated on the label, the buyer has the right to demand a refund of the difference paid. To do this, you need a written application presented to the company or store administrator. In the future, the demand can be submitted to the court with a corresponding complaint. For violation, a legal entity will be subject to administrative liability with a fine.

      According to trade rules, the price indicated on the label must correspond actual price. They are required to sell goods at this rate.

    Since 2016, price tags must be drawn up in the same style and, in addition to the price, must contain the name of the product, grade, weight, information about the country of the manufacturer, the manufacturer itself and additional information depending on the type of product. For violation of registration rules and unreliable information, individuals and officials face a fine of up to 20 thousand rubles, legal entities up to 500 thousand rubles. Rospotrebnadzor is in charge of this issue.

    Requirements for price tags for goods are established by the Rules for the sale of certain types of goods, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 55 of January 19, 1998 (in particular, as amended on December 23, 2015). Also this question falls within the scope of influence of the Law “On Protection of Consumer Rights”. New requirements for the design of price tags require, in addition to price, to provide the buyer with complete and reliable information about the main characteristics of the product and adherence to a uniform style. The same requirements apply in 2018.

    Requirements for registration of price tags

    Sellers are obliged to inform the buyer about the properties of the purchased products. At the same time, there are no strict limits regarding the method of information: both paper labels and electronic tickers, and even slate boards with chalk inscriptions are allowed. The main thing is that the information is available to the buyer.

    Where should labels be placed?

    The issue of placement of product labels is regulated not by law, but by the rules of product placement. First of all, the visual accessibility of information must be maintained, and there should be no confusion. Therefore, it is better to place the price tag in close proximity from the product. Depending on the layout method, it can be located lower, higher or nearby.

    Note: If during a sale different products are placed in one basket, it is permissible to issue a common price tag for them.

    What information must be included?

    Depending on the type of product, the label must indicate:

    Table 1. List of required information on the label

    Source: Rules No. 55 as amended on December 23, 2015.

    Important: When marking down or discounting, you cannot cross out the old price and write a new one. The old price tag must be covered with a new one.

    What additional information can be included on the label?

    The seller can expand the list of information about the product. This could be the following information:

    • seller's name;
    • manufacturer's name;
    • specifications;
    • GMO content;
    • shelf life;
    • terms of warranty.

    If it is not possible to inform buyers about this using separate stands or consultants, this information should be placed on the label.

    Features of label design for retail distribution

    When retailing from trays (fairs, markets), there is no need to issue separate labels for each type of product. This same category is also exempt from application. The seller must have a signed price list indicating the name and price. It is not necessary to certify with a seal.

    Sample of a correctly formatted price tag

    Minimum required information indicated on the label:

    Price tags issued In a similar way, do not comply with the requirements of the law:

    Who controls the correctness of the design?

    What should the buyer do if he notices violations in appearance labels? Is it possible to try to resolve the issue on the spot or file a complaint with a regulatory agency?

    Which organization is in charge of this issue?

    The function of monitoring compliance with sales rules is assigned to Rospotrebnadzor. When applying, you must provide confirmation of the identified violations (video, photo), upon which an order will be issued to organize an inspection.

    The manufacturer is obliged to provide the necessary information for his product that confirms the availability of the product, quality, type, cost and other characteristics in accordance with the law. This data is regulated by the Federal Law “On Protection of Consumer Rights”.

    In 2017, new requirements for product price tags appeared. Product data can be placed on an electronic stand, display or board, subject to uniform design for the entire range (Article No. 10 of the Federal Law on price tags). The seller is obliged to provide the buyer with all necessary information about the product and its availability.

    Products must be registered on printed form or by hand before they go on sale. If the manufacturer is engaged in retail trade, the buyer must have a price list or price list with the amount and characteristics of the product in sight.

    Information for food products must contain the following items:

    • name and amount to be paid for 100 grams and 1 kilogram;
    • for products sold by weight, the unit of measurement, name, grade and cost must be indicated;
    • For individual products, weight and name are provided.

    On the rest of the product, it is required to indicate the grade if the amount, unit of measurement and characteristics depend on it.

    In accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, the buyer at any time has the right to demand a certificate of authenticity of the goods.

    At the time of markdown or sale, it is permissible to cross out the price tag or stick a new one on top. Special signs warn the buyer about promotions. If a product is discounted due to loss of quality, the warning letter “P” must be indicated on the card.

    What must be indicated on the price tag by law?

    The price tag is information about the product. According to the requirements of 2017, information about the product must be clearly presented, always in Russian. The information should contain:

    • Name of product;
    • variety;
    • weight of goods or product;
    • information about the presence of GMOs;
    • a country;
    • manufacturer;
    • owner's signature;
    • date of writing the price tag;
    • date of manufacture of the goods;
    • shelf life of products.

    On the label you can provide the parameters or characteristics of the product, at the request of the company.

    Information about the supplier or manufacturer is indicated in demanding cases. For additional information, the seller must have a price list with him, which is certified by the company and signed by the responsible person.

    According to the legislation of 2017, information about the amount of goods and its characteristics must be formatted uniformly. Material, color, method of application, identical presentation of content throughout the shopping center.

    What can you leave out?

    Price tags for knitwear, shoes and clothes can be displayed as a single price list with mandatory information about the manufacturer and country of manufacture. It is unacceptable to correct the label by crossing out the price. According to the law on price tags for goods, the following violations are detected:

    • the price does not correspond to the real value;
    • small illegible font, unreadable information;
    • manual label design;
    • lack of a uniform price list image;
    • abbreviations of characteristics that are unacceptable by law.

    For non-compliance, the organization may be fined. Administrative responsibility lies with the seller or legal entity, whose responsibilities include monitoring compliance with trade rules. The last changes were made on December 23, 2017. For non-compliance of the product card with the relevant rules, legal entities are punished with a fine of up to 10 thousand rubles, individuals - from 1 thousand rubles.

    Responsibility for incorrect registration of price tags

    Fines for price tags are provided for by the Federal Law of the Russian Federation, the Law “On the Protection of Consumer Rights”. The seller or store is responsible for failure to comply with trade rules. If the price at the checkout differs from that indicated on the label, the buyer has the right to demand a refund of the difference paid. To do this, you need a written application presented to the company or store administrator. In the future, the demand can be submitted to the court with a corresponding complaint. For violation, a legal entity will be subject to administrative liability with a fine.

    According to trade rules, the price indicated on the label must correspond to the actual price. They are required to sell goods at this rate.


    The price tag is a carrier of information about the product unit and the price for this unit in the retail sale of goods.

    The rules for the sale of certain types of goods (clause 19) provide for the mandatory presence of uniform and clearly written price tags for goods sold, indicating the name of the product, its grade, price per weight or unit of goods, the signature of the financially responsible person or the seal of the organization, and the date the price tag was issued.

    In accordance with the letter of Roskomtorg dated March 13, 1995 No. 1-304/32-2, the minimum necessary details when issuing price tags for food goods are: for weight goods - name of the goods, grade (for goods with a grade), price per kilogram or one hundred grams; for goods sold by the glass - the name of the product, the price per unit of container or plumb line; for piece goods and drinks packaged by manufacturers in bottles, cans, boxes, bags, etc. - name of the product, capacity or weight, price for packaging.

    For goods packaged directly in retail establishments, the name of the product, weight and price for packaging must be indicated on the insert or packaging.

    For non-food products indicates: name of the product, grade (for graded goods), price per kilogram, liter or piece; and for small piece goods (perfumes, haberdashery, etc.) - the name of the product and the price.

    The rules for the sale of certain types of goods establish that the packaged goods indicate their name, weight, price per kilogram, cost of the plumb line, packing date, expiration date, number or surname of the packer.

    It should be taken into account that there are peculiarities in the details of price tags for some types of goods: jewelry, samples of radio and electrical household goods, etc. For example, products from precious metals and precious stones put up for sale must have sealed labels indicating the name of the product, manufacturer, article number, sample, weight and price per 1 gram of the product, type of inserts, their characteristics, weight and retail price of the product. Labels for samples of radio and electrical household goods must have the name of the product, its brand, article number and price, as well as a brief annotation containing the main technical characteristics of the products.

    Price tags for goods are drawn up indicating the name of the trading enterprise and its legal form. On price tags, all data must be written clearly, legibly, without corrections of the indicated details, using ink (stamp), ink or paste.

    According to regulatory requirements, price tags for goods sold must comply with documents confirming the announced prices and tariffs. Additional information contained on the price tag depends primarily on the specifics of the information that should be provided to customers in relation to a particular product, since according to the Law of the Russian Federation “On the Protection of Consumer Rights”, the seller is obliged to promptly provide the consumer with the necessary and reliable information about the goods, ensuring the possibility of their correct choice.

    Requirements for registration of individual details of product price tags are presented in Table 1.

    Table 1



    Price tag details

    Registration requirements

    Name of product

    The name must be indicated in Russian and correspond to the name in the invoice for this product. It is not allowed to indicate “in assortment” on the price tag, except in cases of a similar indication in the invoice, since it is impossible to change the name of goods against that indicated in the receipt documents (this can be regarded as a distortion of information about the product and as an attempt to replace the product when selling it - that is, undocumented product). If a product of one name in the assortment arrives, it is advisable to issue separate price tags for all varieties (for example, Pickwick tea has arrived in 5 varieties: wild berry, tropical fruit, strawberry, cherry, blackberry, and 5 price tags should be issued for it - “PICKWICK Tea” “wild berry”, “PICKWICK cherry tea”, etc.). It is also allowed in these cases to issue a single price tag for a given product item indicating a list of varieties, if they came from the same supplier, according to the same product document, and have the same units of measurement and price. However, when goods of a particular variety are fully sold, this position cannot be crossed out on the price tag, and then the consumer may be provided with incomplete information, which is a negative point in the activities of a trading enterprise.

    Unit price

    The unit of measurement for which the indicated price is set must correspond to the units of measurement specified in the receipt documents. Prices for goods must correspond to the approved price list or be otherwise documented, depending on the specifics of the organization of document flow of a trading enterprise

    Date the price tag was issued

    The date of registration of the price tag is usually indicated on the front side of the price tag. In the event that the date of registration of the invoice for the goods, the date of posting and the date of registration of the price tag do not coincide, the fact of receipt of goods at the enterprise must be reflected in accordance with the document flow of the enterprise (for example, an entry was made in the goods report about the receipt of goods indicating the reasons for the impossibility of it receipt on the day of receipt; it is also advisable, when accepting goods, to indicate the actual date of receipt in the accompanying documents) With full consideration of all the requirements of regulatory documents, price tags must be issued for each batch of incoming goods (even, for example, from one supplier at a constant price) indicating the corresponding date.

    Signature of the financially responsible person

    The price tag must be certified by the signature of the financially responsible person. The presence of a liability agreement is mandatory and may be subject to verification, as well as a sample signature of the employee. Responsibilities related to the preparation of price tags for goods sold must be enshrined in job descriptions.

    Company seal

    According to the Sales Rules, when issuing price tags, the presence of a company seal is not a strictly required requisite. However, in the practice of trading enterprises, the price tag is certified by both the signature of the financially responsible person and the seal, especially if instead of a round seal, a rectangular stamp of the enterprise is used.

    Country of origin

    Information about the country of origin is indicated in the accompanying documents for the goods. In this case, information about the country of origin indicated in the delivery note, invoice, certificate, on the product labeling and on the price tag must be the same. Depending on the characteristics of the product, the name of the product manufacturer may be indicated (for example, for sausages or confectionery products)

    Number and date of the invoice for the goods

    The number and date of the invoice according to which the goods arrived at the trading enterprise is indicated on back side price tag. These details allow you to more accurately identify the goods in accordance with the documents.

    Product expiration date

    This requirement may be presented on the basis of the Law of the Russian Federation “On the Protection of Consumer Rights” and a number of regulatory documents, according to which this information must be brought to the attention of buyers. Mandatory information about expiration dates on the price tag is established at the level of the federal subject. The requirement to indicate the expiration date may also be imposed, for example, when certain features marking of the product item and the method of sale, when the buyer, in the process of familiarization and selection of goods, receives necessary information may be difficult (selling dairy products over the counter).

    Certificate number (quality certificate)

    This requirement may be made on the basis of the Law of the Russian Federation “On the Protection of Consumer Rights” and the Sales Rules, according to which the buyer has the right to familiarize himself with documents confirming the quality of the product and information on certification