Cherepovets State University: structure, faculties, rector. Cherepovets State University, ChSU

Cherepovets State University
International name Cherepovets State University
Motto Docendo discimus (By teaching, we learn ourselves)
Year of foundation
Type State
Rector Dmitry Vladimirovich Afanasyev
Students 6500
Postgraduate studies 300
The doctors 86
Location Russia Russia, Cherepovets
Campus Sovetsky Ave., 8, Sovetsky Ave., 10, Sovetsky Ave., 25, Pobedy Ave., 12, st. Dzerzhinsky, 30, st. M. Gorky, 12, st. M. Gorky, 14, st. Mira, 7, st. M. Gorky, 42, st. Pionerskaya, 14
Legal address 162600, Cherepovets, ave. Lunacharsky, 5,

Cherepovets State University (CSU)- the leading and largest university in Cherepovets and the Vologda region. Created in 1996 on the initiative of Russian President Boris Yeltsin as a result of the merger of the Cherepovets State Industrial Institute and the Cherepovets State Pedagogical Institute.

Teaching at the university is conducted in more than 50 specialties and areas of training. More than 6,500 undergraduate and graduate students receive education at ChSU. From 1996 to 2014 Cherepovets University has trained 25,000 qualified specialists. Classes are taught by almost 500 teachers, of whom more than eighty doctors and three hundred candidates of science.

Every year, the university enrolls about 1,500 students in more than 50 areas of study and specialties of higher education, as well as in more than 20 master's programs.

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    The university consists of five institutes:

    • Institute of Information Technologies
      • Department of Automation and Control
      • Department of Infocommunication Technologies and Security
      • Department of Mathematical and Computer Software
      • Department of Mathematics and Informatics
      • Department of Physics
    • Humanitarian Institute
      • Department of Germanic Philology and Intercultural Communications
      • Department of History and Philosophy
      • Department of Foreign Languages
      • Department of Russian Philology and Applied Communications
      • Department of Public Relations, Journalism and Advertising
      • Department of Sociology and Social Technologies
    • Engineering and Technical Institute
      • Department of Architectural Environment Design
      • Department of Metallurgy, Mechanical Engineering and Process Equipment
      • Department of Construction
      • Department of Thermal Power Engineering and Heat Engineering
      • Department of Vehicles and Technosphere Safety
      • Department of Electrical Power Engineering and Electrical Engineering
      • Department of Chemical Technologies
    • Institute of Pedagogy and Psychology
      • Department of defectological education
      • Department of Preschool Education
      • Department of Primary Education, General and Social Pedagogy
      • Department of Psychology
      • Department of Vocational and Technological Education
    • Business school (institute)
      • Department of Economics and Management

    One faculty:

    • Faculty of Biology and Human Health;
      • Department of Biology
      • Department of Theory and Methodology of Physical Culture and Sports
      • Department of Physical Culture

    Student organizations

    University status

    The university successfully passed three comprehensive performance assessments: February 2001, February 2006 and February 2011. For the success achieved in the formation of the university structure for training specialists, on February 21, 2002, the university was approved as a full member of the Eurasian Association of Universities. In September 2005, he was awarded a diploma from the Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs “For his contribution to the training of a new generation of professionals and effective partnership in business.” According to employers' estimates, among classical universities in Russia, ChSU ranks 53rd among 120 leading universities in Russia (the ranking of demand was considered, about 600 employers participated in the survey). In 2008, ChSU received its first quality certificate. The QMS certificate confirms that the quality management system of ChSU is recognized as complying with the ISO 9001:2000 standard in relation to the design, development and implementation of educational activities in the field of higher professional education (regardless of the form of study and the conditions for mastering educational programs, in accordance with the scope of licensing and state accreditation) .

    Every year, Cherepovets State University is recognized as effective according to the results of monitoring of universities conducted by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation.

    Cherepovets State University

    Cherepovets State University
    International name

    Cherepovets State University


    Docendo discimus (By teaching, we learn ourselves)

    Year of foundation



    Dmitry Vladimirovich Afanasyev

    Postgraduate studies
    The doctors

    Sovetsky Ave., 8, Sovetsky Ave., 10, Sovetsky Ave., 25, Pobeda Ave., 12, st. Dzerzhinsky, 30, st. M. Gorky, 12, st. M. Gorky, 14, st. Mira, 7, st. M. Gorky, 42, st. Pionerskaya, 14

    Legal address

    162600, Cherepovets, ave. Lunacharsky, 5,


    Cherepovets State University (CSU)- the leading and largest university in Cherepovets and the Vologda region. Created in 1996 on the initiative of Russian President Boris Yeltsin as a result of the merger of the Cherepovets State Industrial Institute and the Cherepovets State Pedagogical Institute.

    Teaching at the university is conducted in more than 50 specialties and areas of training. More than 6,500 undergraduate and graduate students receive education at ChSU. From 1996 to 2012 Cherepovets University has trained 23,000 qualified specialists. Classes are taught by almost 500 teachers, of whom more than eighty doctors and three hundred candidates of science.

    In 2011, preparations began at ChSU for the opening of the Faculty of Medicine.

    “The region is in great need of specialists with higher medical education, and there is not a single educational institution that provides such education in the region. Now a joint working group of ChSU and the city mayor’s office is considering the requirements of medical training standards. This is a rather difficult task, although very interesting.", - Rector of ChSU Dmitry Afanasyev.

    University structure

    The university consists of six institutes:

    • Institute of Information Technologies
      • Department of Mathematical and Computer Software
      • Department of Automation and Control
      • Department of Information Security
    • humanitarian Institute
      • Department of Germanic Philology and Intercultural Communications
      • Department of History
      • Department of Russian Philology and Applied Communications
      • Department of Public Relations, Journalism and Advertising
      • Department of Sociology and Social Technologies
    • engineering and technical institute
      • Department of Thermal Power Engineering and Heat Engineering
      • Department of Vehicles
      • Department of Technosphere Safety
      • Department of Electrical Power Engineering and Electrical Engineering
      • Department of Metallurgy, Mechanical Engineering and Process Equipment
    • Institute of Pedagogy and Psychology
      • Department of defectological education
      • Department of General and Social Pedagogy
      • Department of Preschool Education
      • Department of Primary Education
      • Department of Psychology
      • Department of Art Education
      • Department of Vocational and Technological Education
    • Institute of Engineering and Economics
      • Department of Architectural Environment Design
      • Department of Management
      • Department of Resource-Saving and Chemical Technologies
      • Department of Building Structures and Architecture
      • Department of Construction Technologies and Real Estate Expertise
      • Department of Economics
    • Institute of Innovation and Continuing Education

    Three faculties:

    • Faculty of Biology and Physical Culture;
      • Department of Biology
      • Department of Theory and Methodology of Physical Culture and Sports
      • Department of Physical Culture
    • Faculty of General Humanitarian and Socio-Economic Disciplines;
      • Department of Foreign Languages
      • Department of Philosophy
      • Department of Socio-Economic Disciplines
    • Faculty of General Mathematical and Natural Sciences
      • Department of Math
      • Department of Natural Sciences
      • Department of General Physics
      • Department of Computer Science

    Student organizations

    University status

    The university successfully passed three comprehensive performance assessments: February 2001, February 2006 and February 2011. For the success achieved in the formation of the university structure for training specialists, on February 21, 2002, the university was approved as a full member of the Eurasian Association of Universities. In September 2005, he was awarded a diploma from the Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs “For his contribution to the training of a new generation of professionals and effective partnership in business.” According to employers' estimates, among classical universities in Russia, ChSU ranks 53rd among 120 leading universities in Russia (the ranking of demand was considered, about 600 employers participated in the survey). In 2008, ChSU received its first quality certificate. The QMS certificate confirms that the quality management system of ChSU is recognized as complying with the ISO 9001:2000 standard in relation to the design, development and implementation of educational activities in the field of higher professional education (regardless of the form of study and the conditions for mastering educational programs, in accordance with the scope of licensing and state accreditation) .

    Famous graduates



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    Cherepovets State University (Cherepovets State University)- the largest university in Cherepovets and the Vologda region. Cherepovets State University was founded in accordance with the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation B.N. Yeltsin of June 3, 1996 and Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 742 of June 24, 1996 “by merging...Cherepovets State Industrial Institute and Cherepovets State Pedagogical Institute.” From these dates begins the history of classical university education in the city of Cherepovets.

    Currently, the university has six institutes:

    • information technologies,
    • humanitarian,
    • engineering and technical,
    • pedagogy and psychology,
    • engineering and economics,
    • innovation and continuous education,

    and three faculties:

    • general humanitarian and socio-economic disciplines,
    • metallurgical,
    • general mathematical and natural science disciplines

    Five institutes provide specialized training to students. The Institute of Innovation and Continuing Education was created in 2006 and provides training in shortened programs, retraining and advanced training programs for scientific, pedagogical, engineering and technical personnel in the region, and pre-university training. The structure of the university has two faculties that organize the educational process in the first years - the faculty of general mathematical and natural science disciplines and the general humanitarian and socio-economic disciplines. The Metallurgical Faculty was created in 2007 as a center for training highly qualified specialists in the metallurgical industry. Mutual interest in the professional training of specialists and early inclusion in the practical activities of ChSU and OJSC Severstal led to the emergence of a new faculty coordinating metallurgical specialties.