How is distance learning conducted? Studying at a university remotely

Distance education Moscow today

Distance learning is an increasingly popular form of higher education. It involves remote interaction between the student and the university. On this page we will consider in detail this form of acquiring knowledge, which is no longer new, but is only now gaining popularity.

1) Distance education is a second-rate education that is not valued anywhere.

It is not the diploma paper that is valued, but the knowledge in your head. If you entered in order to study, then there will be no problems with finding a job. A number of universities that teach distance learning organize student employment.

2) You won’t get the knowledge that full-time students receive remotely.

The amount of information that full-time and distance learning students receive is no different. The environment in which they receive it differs. Some sit in classrooms and wake up at 7 am, others put on dressing gowns, take tea and sit down at the computer. You can also have a dialogue with the teachers, and you will also be asked questions. However, there are also pitfalls here. About them below.

3) After training, a non-state-issued diploma is issued.

People who say this do not know what kind of diploma is issued after distance learning. After you receive distance education at a university that has the right to issue state diplomas. sample, you receive a GOS diploma. SAMPLE. Distance education is the same, they issue the same diplomas as full-time education.

To enroll in distance learning, you must provide a set of documents to the admissions committee of the selected university. Set includes:

  • passport
  • photos
  • education documents
  • certificate of USE results
  • application for admission
  • application form for admission to distance learning
  • certificate of marriage (divorce) (if the surname in the identity and citizenship document does not match the surname in the education document)

All the necessary documents are usually available on the university websites. Then you will be sent a contract and a receipt for payment. After payment and signing of the contract, data for access to the student’s personal account is sent by email and training begins.

1) After admission, you are given a login/password for the student’s personal account. There you will find the curriculum, schedule of classes, homework, tests.

2) Classes take place at a certain time. The teacher, using university software, creates a virtual class and, like in the classroom, stands next to an analogue board, tells the topic, asks, answers questions. This process may vary from university to university. Somewhere you study pre-recorded materials, books. Classes are being held somewhere. You need to check with the interested institute.

3) How are sessions conducted during distance learning? Typically, students are given test materials to solve. At the same time, Internet access is blocked and you have to rely only on yourself. In some universities you have to come for sessions and a diploma. Please check upon admission.

4) On-the-job training is available during distance learning. It happens that the university itself finds an enterprise. Sometimes, because the student is remote, he has to find it himself. But universities usually help.

How important is it to receive higher education remotely at a state university?

In principle, this is not the first criterion. It is important that the university is reliable. The task of determining the level of reliability lies with you. I already wrote about it here.

Do they provide a deferment from the army for distance learning?

What distance education technologies are used today?

Technologies are developing. Today we use: special software for advanced online lessons, programs for passing exams, intermediate tests and much more.


The very name “distance learning” means that learning takes place at a distance. Often, students have a desire to study at a prestigious Moscow university, but they cannot come to the capital for a long period of time, and they are not able to study. Then distance learning comes to the rescue, which has features of both full-time and distance learning. For such studies, a student will only need a laptop or tablet, as well as a great desire to learn.

Distance learning begins with the submission of an application and the necessary copies of documents certified by a notary. If a student who wants to enroll in distance learning lives in another city, he sends documents by mail. Then an agreement is concluded with him and after paying for the tuition, the student is enrolled in the university.

Distance learning is especially common among those who want to receive a second higher education, enroll in advanced training courses or MBA programs. Thus, such training is most suitable for adults and busy people who do not have time to attend lectures in person, but still want to be able to listen to the material from the lecturer and discuss problematic issues with him directly, and not with the help of textbooks, as is the case with distance learning. However, a similar form of training can be chosen as the first higher education.

Learning in a remote format takes place according to a schedule using materials on the university website, recordings, live communication in the form of conferences, as well as communication with the student using email, icq, or Skype. Distance learning students, like all other students, are enrolled in certain groups, they are given a class schedule and a password to access their personal account on the website. In this personal account, students can find study materials available to them - lecture notes, notes, textbooks, tests and other testing materials. There they are given assignments for the week or for the semester. All these materials can also be sent to the student’s email.

With such training, the student does not have an individual schedule; he must obey a certain schedule, which is planned at the university. And yet, he does not have to spend most of his day at the monitor, because only seminars or colloquiums are held in the format of live communication, which requires the mandatory presence of the student. The student can study all other materials when it is convenient for him. However, distance learning requires a lot of discipline, perseverance and willpower from the student. No one will force you to study here, but you will still have to take all tests, tests, exams and coursework at the end of the semester.

Each student is assigned a curator who will help him in his studies and answer questions about organizing the entire process. Teachers usually also set aside time at least once a month for consultations on the subject. You can come to the city where the university is located for face-to-face consultations, but this is not necessary. The student's mandatory presence is usually required at the university only during state exams and thesis defense.

It is difficult to imagine the modern education system without various forms of distance learning, which are carried out using the latest technologies or the traditional correspondent method.

Distance learning (DL) is a set of technologies that deliver the bulk of material to students for study and testing. It arose in Europe at the end of the 18th century, with the advent of regular postal service and “correspondent training”. However, quite modern universities still practice it today, along with the use of the latest information technologies.

It is worth noting that many use different definitions of distance learning and education, such as “open”, “virtual”, “electronic”, “online”. Back in 1969, the world's first distance education university, the Open University, was founded in Great Britain.

Today, various DL technologies are used, the scope of which depends on the information support tools used, methods of managing the cognitive activity of students, methods of monitoring and self-monitoring of knowledge. Different forms of DL have their own ways of assessing knowledge and their own required level of teacher training.

Optimization of additional education at the current stage of development of the educational system makes it possible to structure the educational process depending on the means of delivery of training courses. This, in turn, determines the ways of interaction between teachers and students.

Currently, the most promising is interactive interaction in the DL process via the Internet (chat classes, webinars, web conferences). In 2003, the development of a unified standard for interactive training, SCORM, began, which will gradually lead to an expansion of the list of requirements for the content of courses and the software used.

Thus, the use of DL technologies allows, firstly, to reduce the cost of training, secondly, to simultaneously train a large number of people and, thirdly, to create a unified educational environment (which is especially important for corporate training). In addition, the quality level of additional education is constantly improving through the use of modern communications, electronic libraries, and the latest software.

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In the modern world, it is possible to obtain higher education without attending an educational institution every day. This opportunity is provided by distance learning, which is carried out thanks to information and educational technologies and communication systems.

This type of training provides enormous opportunities for obtaining the desired education for people who, for a number of reasons, cannot attend an educational institution full-time or are unable to study in another city (country). Distance learning provides a comfortable acquisition of knowledge due to the fact that the student is at home, in his usual environment for him, he chooses the timing and pace of receiving education. At the same time, despite independently acquiring knowledge, the student can at any moment count on the help of the teacher, which is provided via the Internet. A feature of distance learning is the possibility of acquiring knowledge in a mode where the teacher and student communicate directly, using the Internet as a means of communication (on help comes from systems such as web chat, IRC, ICQ, TV, web telephony, Telnet). In addition, there is an asynchronous way of transferring knowledge to students, which consists of independently completing assignments and studying material provided in printed form, on floppy disks, CDs, and cassettes, on web forums and web pages, in guest and Usenet newsgroups. Modern technologies through distance education, people with disabilities, for example, deaf, blind, or patients with musculoskeletal diseases, can obtain diplomas. Distance learning is used not only for students to receive education. This method of acquiring knowledge is very convenient to use for schoolchildren who, due to illness, cannot attend school for a long time or are forced to receive education at home. In addition, with the help of distance learning, employees of various corporations are retrained and their skills are improved. The difference between distance learning and correspondence learning is that in the latter case there is a common lesson plan for all students, a deadline for passing exams and receiving a diploma, i.e. there is no individual approach. However, not all professions and knowledge can be acquired remotely. For example, it is almost impossible to learn some types of creative activities on your own, in the absence of direct contact between the student and the teacher. This applies to learning to play musical instruments, singing, painting, and dancing.

Along with full-time, evening and correspondence forms of education, today a system of distance education is actively developing, accessible to almost anyone. This type of training has no age, professional, or territorial restrictions, and it is successfully used by people who are unable to attend classes in person or frequently travel to sessions due to work commitments, health conditions, remoteness of the university, or caring for small children.

Distance learning is carried out using the university’s educational portal. When enrolling, a student login to access the educational and methodological materials of the course: texts of textbooks, assignments for independent work and tests and recommendations for their implementation, a schedule for studying the material, etc. For convenience, some of the manuals can be duplicated in paper form or on CDs.

The sequence of studying subjects and the pace of learning are determined individually, so the total duration of the educational process depends on each individual student, his capabilities and wishes. You can complete the entire course in the traditional 5-6 years, or in a shorter period if you study intensively, or, taking into account life circumstances, study for a longer period of time.

Teachers, methodologists and technical support specialists, through telephone or video communication, as well as email and communication on the university forum, provide students with regular advice on issues arising during the educational process. At the same time, remote learning does not exclude personal communication. As a rule, once a year students must attend sessions during which they attend lectures, seminars, do laboratory work, take tests and exams. In addition, they can appear at the university more often if there is such a need.

In those educational institutions where personal presence at the exam is not required, testing of mastery of material in academic disciplines is carried out in an automated system, which provides detailed and constant control and makes it independent of the teacher, which in turn allows you to obtain an objective assessment of knowledge. However, in such cases there is a problem of identifying the person performing the tasks, so such forms of control are not used everywhere.

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Everyone understands that in the modern world education is necessary for everyone. Today it is very difficult or even impossible to live and work without any specific applied skills and abilities. The demand for quality education is increasing every day, and studying at a university remotely allows you to satisfy the growing demand.

Higher distance learning

Today, higher distance learning is available to anyone with a computer, access to the Internet and a desire to learn. It doesn’t matter at all where you live, what you do and how old you are. The Institute of Distance Learning allows you to study any specialty you choose, while the university issues a state diploma, which is equivalent to regular full-time or part-time diplomas, which significantly increases the applicant’s chances of finding a job.

The most popular area that offers distance learning is higher education. Most often, people who are already employed and feel the need to obtain a particular specialty related to their main field of activity receive a second higher education remotely. It must be said that you should not be afraid to get your first higher education using distance learning. Course programs are written by the same teachers who give lectures and conduct practical classes at the university, and in addition, a distance learning student has free access to the university’s information resources, its libraries, repositories of scientific journals and other specialized literature. In addition, a distance student has the opportunity, if he successfully passes the exams and there are available places, to transfer to full-time budget education. This usually happens at the end of the first year.

Distance learning linked to a university today offers a fairly large selection of specialties. As a rule, with the help of distance education they comprehend exact sciences and technical disciplines. With such training, a teacher or a specially developed program only checks completed assignments and writes an individual lesson plan, while well-designed courses allow the student to understand the chosen discipline on their own. In addition, there are effective distance education systems in the humanities, such as economics, law and sociology.

When receiving your first or even second education via distance learning, choosing the right educational institution is very important. The quality of your future education directly depends on it. Admission conditions correspond to the conditions for admission to full-time or part-time studies. Distance education is distinguished by the fact that training programs are built and controlled using specially written programs, the functions of which are reduced to:

  • formation of individual educational plans and schedules;
  • providing students with access to classes and libraries;
  • providing access to certifications and keeping records of all types of classes and their results;
  • grading;
  • formation of student performance ratings;
  • transferring students to the next semester or course.

In fact, the computer performs most of the functions of the teacher and dean. There is nothing complicated or abstruse about this, but by choosing an unscrupulous university, you are risking your own education, and with it, your future. Therefore, when choosing a distance education university, pay attention to the following points:

  1. Does the educational institution you have chosen have state accreditation? This affects the type of your future diploma; most employers prefer state-issued diplomas rather than diplomas from private universities.
  2. What educational, informational and technical materials will be available to the student?
  3. Is it possible at the chosen university to take an academic leave, study externally, retake exams and transfer to another educational institution?

Be prepared for the fact that, despite the fact that you will study remotely, you will still have to attend a university. At least 1 – 2 times a year – in order to pass the exam. Usually a couple of days are enough for this, so this should not cause any difficulties for you. The duration of training is the same as for full-time and part-time studies: 4.5 years - bachelor's degree, 1.5 years - master's degree and 2 - 4 years - second higher education. Documents for distance education must be submitted within the same time frame as for full-time education; for admission to a bachelor's degree, you must pass entrance exams; for a master's degree, you must provide a supplement to your bachelor's diploma; for a second education, you must pass a professional interview.

Distance learning in Moscow

Distance learning is best developed in our country in Moscow. Most universities in the capital offer distance learning in many specialties. Distance learning in Moscow is well organized at the Modern Humanitarian Academy. This is one of the very first educational institutions in Russia that began to develop and implement distance learning technology. Today the university has about 1,000 access points throughout the country, and every student can receive a high-quality metropolitan education while living in any corner of Russia.

There is also a high-quality distance learning center at the Moscow Institute of Economics, Politics and Law. At this university you can study law, management, economics, psychology, state and municipal administration, using distance education technologies, and as a result of training receive a state diploma. The number of universities offering distance education to applicants is huge, so choose the university that suits you best and success in your student career!

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Distance learning(DO) - interaction between a teacher and students at a distance, reflecting all the components inherent in the educational process (goals, content, methods, organizational forms, teaching aids) and implemented by specific means of Internet technologies or other means that provide interactivity.

Distance learning is an independent form of learning; information technology in distance learning is the leading means.

Modern distance learning is based on the use of the following basic elements:

  • information transmission media (mail, television, radio, information communication networks),
  • methods dependent on the technical environment of information exchange.

Currently, interactive interaction with students through information communication networks is promising, from which the environment of Internet users stands out en masse. In 2003, the ADL initiative group began developing the standard for distance interactive learning SCORM, which involves the widespread use of Internet technologies. The introduction of standards contributes to both deepening the requirements for the composition of distance learning and the requirements for software. Currently, there are domestic software developments that are quite widely used by both domestic and foreign organizations providing distance learning services.

Distance learning allows you to:

  • reduce the cost of training (there are no costs for renting premises, traveling to the place of study for both students and teachers, etc.);
  • conduct training for a large number of people;
  • improve the quality of education through the use of modern tools, large electronic libraries, etc.
  • create a unified educational environment (especially important for corporate training).

Distance learning is playing an increasingly important role in the modernization of education. According to Order 137 of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated May 6, 2005 “On the use of distance educational technologies,” final control when learning using DET (distance educational technologies) can be carried out both face-to-face and remotely. The State Duma of the Russian Federation is considering draft amendments to the law on education related to distance learning.

Forms of organizing distance learning

Chat classes- training sessions carried out using chat technologies. Chat classes are conducted synchronously, meaning all participants have simultaneous access to the chat. Many distance learning institutions operate a chat school, in which the activities of distance teachers and students are organized using chat rooms.

In Russia, the date of official development of distance learning can be considered May 30, 1997, when Order No. 1050 of the Russian Ministry of Education was issued, allowing for the experiment of distance learning in the field of education.

In the 21st century, the availability of computers and the Internet makes the spread of distance learning even easier and faster. The Internet has been a huge breakthrough, much greater than radio and television. There is an opportunity to communicate and receive feedback from any student, no matter where he is. The spread of “fast Internet” has made it possible to use “online” seminars (webinars) for training.

From the experience of integrating preschool education and other forms of education

As a rule, during distance learning at a university, students are not required to be in the classroom all the time. Most programs and courses offered by distance learning institutions still offer face-to-face classes in the evenings or weekends. These classes are not required to attend, but are generally extremely useful for developing students' practical skills. Also, a number of educational institutions use short (one or two-day) away schools, which allow students to gather on the weekend for group work.

During distance learning, various methods of delivering educational information can be used. Several generations of technologies used have already changed - from traditional printed publications to the most modern computer technologies (radio, television, audio/video broadcasts, audio/video conferences, E-learning/online Learning, Internet conferences, Internet broadcasts).

However, in many cases, despite the emergence of technological innovations, preference is still given to simpler methods. For example, in India, the use of radio for distance learning is very popular, due to its accessibility to the majority of the population and the absence of the need for additional infrastructure, which makes learning truly open and accessible to a wide range of the population.

Many large companies create distance learning centers within their structure in order to standardize, reduce the cost and improve the quality of training of their personnel. Practically, not a single modern company can live without it. Or, for example, Microsoft has created a large training portal to train its employees, users or buyers of its products, and software developers. However, some courses are provided free of charge or bundled with purchased software.

One of the unique, but actively developing forms of distance learning in recent years are online simulators and management games. These include simulators for driving various vehicles, games simulating management processes in various industries and businesses, global multiplayer economic games and business simulators that teach users the basics of management and provide basic management skills for both a small company and a transnational corporation.

Any implementation is a complex process. The introduction of distance education is doubly difficult because it is necessary: ​​A) to mentally prepare the teaching staff for the introduction of new technologies B) to train representatives of teaching staff who do not have computer literacy in new information technologies (MS Word, PP, Excel, IE) C) to develop a database of intra-university normative, legal and regulating the implementation and conduct of educational training) acquire a distance learning system and solve the problem of acquiring or developing electronic courses on which training will be conducted.

see also


Publications on distance learning and other sources

  • Andreev A.A. Introduction to distance learning: educational and methodological manual. - M.: VU, 1997.
  • Akhayan A.A. Virtual pedagogical university. Theory of formation. - St. Petersburg: Corypheus, 2001. - 170 p.
  • Zaichenko T.P. Fundamentals of distance learning: theoretical and practical basis: textbook. - St. Petersburg: Publishing house of the Russian State Pedagogical University named after. A.I. Herzen, 2004. - 167 p.
  • Zaichenko T.P. Invariant organizational and didactic system of distance learning: monograph. - St. Petersburg: Asterion, 2004. - 188 p.
  • Ivanchenko D.A. System analysis of distance learning: monograph. - M.: Soyuz, 2005. - 192 p.
  • Malitikov E.M. Current problems of the development of distance education in the Russian Federation and the CIS countries / E.M. Malitikov, M.P. Karpenko, V.P. Kolmogorov // Law and Education. – 2000. – No. 1(2). – P.42–54.
  • Polat E.S. Pedagogical technologies of distance learning / E.S. Polat, M.V. Moiseeva, A.E. Petrov; edited by E.S. Polat. - M.: Academy, 2006.
  • Theory and practice of distance learning / ed. E.S. Polat. - M.: Academy, 2004.
  • Khutorskoy A.V. Distance learning and its technologies // Computerra. – 2002. - No. 36. – P. 26-30.
  • Khutorskoy A.V. Scientific and practical prerequisites for distance pedagogy // Open Education. – 2001. - No. 2. – P.30-35.
  • Khutorskoy A.V. Ways to develop distance education in Russian schools // All-Russian Scientific Conference Relarn. Abstracts of reports. - M., 2000.
  • Advantages and disadvantages of distance learning // Education: the path to success. - Ufa, 2010.


  • Distance learning in the Open Directory Project link directory (dmoz).

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

See what “Distance learning” is in other dictionaries:

    distance learning- Training, which is carried out using information network tools. Distance learning is a very convenient form of acquiring knowledge. Initially, television was used for distance learning, broadcasting lectures given on... ... Technical Translator's Guide

    DISTANCE LEARNING- DISTANCE LEARNING. Same as distance learning. A form of education (on a par with full-time, part-time, part-time and external studies), in which traditional and specific methods, means and forms are used in the educational process... ... New dictionary of methodological terms and concepts (theory and practice of language teaching)

    Distance learning- technology of purposeful and methodically organized management of educational and cognitive activities of students (regardless of the level of education they receive) living at a distance from the educational center. Before. carried out... ... Pedagogical terminological dictionary

    distance learning- nuotolinis mokymas statusas T sritis švietimas apibrėžtis Kurios nors mokymo institucijos dalykų mokymasis ne toje mokykloje, bet mokinio gyvenamojoje vietoje paštu, telefonu, per televizijos laidas, elektroniniu paštu, internetu. atitikmenys:… … Enciklopedinis edukologijos žodynas

    distance learning- a training system using a computer as a means of storing and delivering a package of educational information to the user in independent access mode via telecommunication networks. Method of interaction: trained computer (human machine) (without... ... Explanatory translation dictionary

    DISTANCE LEARNING, LEARNING AT A DISTANCE- a learning process that occurs without constant direct contact between the teacher and the subject of educational activity. Training is guided through introductory lectures and through specially prepared instructional materials, and... ... Professional education. Dictionary

Today, high-tech distance education is gaining well-deserved popularity and trust on the part of applicants, who are offered additional opportunities thanks to this form of education. Indeed, today it is rare that a student can afford full-time study, being forced to combine work and university, and moving to the capital for those who want to receive a prestigious diploma is often an unaffordable pleasure. Studying during maternity leave is another very common situation. Electronic education is a way out for many who want to study at a university and receive a diploma, regardless of their life circumstances.

In the realities of today, many are wondering what does distance learning mean? Having created a revolution in the education system, learning using Internet technologies has become a relevant alternative and challenge to the traditional education paradigm, when knowledge and skills are transferred to the student directly from the teacher. It turned out that training in an individual format, remotely, combining self-education and the usual forms of presenting knowledge with the help of high technologies (electronic libraries, audio and video lectures, online trainings and seminars, etc.) is not much different from the education that to which we are accustomed; Moreover, it hides unique opportunities and benefits. And today it is already possible to sum up the first results and obtain reliable information about how to study through distance learning, as well as how distance learning is conducted and to what extent it provides the proper level of training.

How do you pass exams in distance learning?

One of the most common questions from those who are thinking about enrolling in distance learning is how the exams are taken and is the student required to attend in person? Everything is quite simple: verification tests (usually testing), just like the actual process of acquiring knowledge, are carried out electronically, online. After mastering the topic, you get access to exam materials, which are usually given a strictly defined time to complete in order to eliminate the possibility of cheating or other dishonest options for passing the screening test.

What is written in a diploma for distance learning?

Many students are concerned about whether the distance learning form is written on the diploma, and are alarmed by the thought that their treasured diploma will indicate the “distance” form of learning. However, these fears are completely unjustified by practice. In fact, after completing remote training, each graduate of Synergy University receives a standard diploma, which does not indicate the form of training. In accordance with the order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated 02/13/2014 N 112 (as amended on 05/16/2014) “On approval of the Procedure for filling out, recording and issuing documents on higher education and qualifications and their duplicates”, the format of the completed training is indicated only in agreement with the graduate . And the supplement to your diploma itself will contain only a list of disciplines completed during the study period, as well as the standard number of hours spent on it.

So we can admit: today, distance learning is not only an accessible and modern way of obtaining a full-fledged education, but also has great prospects in the future, and perhaps you will be the one who will experience all its advantages!