Below are excerpts from various documents.

School stage

7th grade

2017-2018 academic year

Time to complete tasks is 60 minutes. The total score is 54.

Exercise 1. Choose the correct answer.

1.1. Read a fragment of a historical source and indicate the name of the prince missing from it.

“The Drevlyans, having heard that<…>comes again, so they thought with their prince Mal: ​​“If a wolf gets into the habit of the sheep, then he will carry away the whole flock, if they don’t kill him, so will this one: if we don’t kill him, then he will destroy us all.” And they sent [ambassadors] to him, saying: “Why are you going again? You took tribute.” And didn't listen to them<…>. And leaving [their] city of Iskorosten, the Drevlyans killed<…>because there were few of them."

1) Oleg the Prophet 2) Igor Rurikovich 3) Svyatoslav Igorevich 4) Vladimir Svyatoslavich

1.2. Read a fragment of a historical source and indicate the century when the events described in it took place.

“[Prince] Yaroslav [in Kyiv] founded a great city with the Golden Gate and the Metropolitan Church of St. Sofia, and after that the church on the Golden Gate of St. Our Lady of the Annunciation, then the monasteries of St. George and St. Irene, and with them the Christian faith began to multiply and expand, and the monks [monks] began to multiply and monasteries began to be built..."

1) 9th century 2) X century. 3) XI century. 4) XII century.

1.3. Read a fragment of a historical source and indicate the ancient Russian city whose inhabitants wrote this message.

“We don’t want to marry the Grand Duke of Moscow, we don’t want to be called his patrimony, we are free people, we don’t want to endure insults from Moscow. We want for the King of Poland and Grand Duke of Lithuania Casimir.”

Vladimir 2) Novgorod 3) Suzdal 4) Ryazan

Task 2. "Yes or no"? If you agree with the statement, write “Yes”; if you disagree, write “No”.

2.1. The main rival of the Moscow Principality in the struggle for supremacy in North-Eastern Rus' was the Tver Principality.

2.2 . Afanasy Nikitin wrote a work about the reasonable organization of a household.

2.3. The white stone Kremlin was erected in Moscow during the reign of Dmitry Donskoy.

Task 3. Below are excerpts from documents, memoirs, letters, and literary works related to two events (processes) in Russian history. Determine what event unites each group of documents. Specify event (process ), date(s) of event(s) And the names of at least three historical figures with whom this event is associated.

3.1.1. « He sent envoys, trying to get food and horses. The princes and people, not bothering to find out who they were dealing with, said: “When we are gone, then everything will be yours.” And so it happened.”

3.1.2 . “And Evpatiy gathered a small squad - one thousand seven hundred people, whom God kept outside the city. And they chased after the godless king, and barely caught up with him... and suddenly attacked the camps... And they began to flog without mercy, and all the enemy regiments were mixed up.”

3.1.3 . The slaves fulfilled the will of the lord,

The poor city was razed to the ground,

And the evil city for the tenacity of the struggle

From then on it was called.

3.2.1. " Born and raised as a tributary of the steppe Horde, he became one of the most famous sovereigns in Europe; ...guided only by natural intelligence, by force and cunning, restoring the freedom and integrity of Russia, destroying the kingdom of Baty, oppressing Lithuania, crushing Novgorod freedom, seizing inheritances, expanding Moscow possessions.”

3.2.2. “The norms of Russian Pravda, customary law, judicial practice and Lithuanian legislation were applied here. The main goals of this set of laws were: to extend the jurisdiction of the Grand Duke to the entire territory of the centralized state, to eliminate the legal sovereignty of individual lands."

3.3.3. “And the Tatars came and started shooting, and ours started shooting at them... And they advanced for many days, fighting, and did not prevail, they waited until the river became dry. There were severe frosts then, and the river began to freeze. And there was fear on both sides - some were afraid of the other.”

Task 4. Name the reforms and events related to the reign of Ivan the Terrible

1) creation of the Streltsy army

2) cancellation of feedings

3) defeat of church heresies in Moscow and Novgorod

4) annexation of the Crimean Khanate

5) annexation of Tver

6) convening of the Zemsky Sobor

Task 5. Determine the positions characterizing the position of the prince in the Novgorod land

1) in case of war, he brought his squad and commanded the Novgorod army

2) was the head of the Council of Three Hundred Gold Belts

3 ) had supreme judicial power

4) removed by his own will officials of Veliky Novgorod

5) there was a tribute to the city in his name

Task 6. Arrange events in chronological order :

1. The adoption of Christianity in Ancient Rus'.

2. Congress of princes in Lyubech, affirmation of the principle “everyone holds his own Fatherland.”

3. Introduction of “lessons and churchyards”.

4. Creation of Yaroslav's Truth.

Task 7 . A historian must correctly write historical concepts and terms. Write the letters in the blanks.

4.1. A...s...lutism

4.2. D...ting...c

4.3. M...n...texture

4.4. K...rmlen...e

4.5. F...f...loe

Task 8. Imagine that you are leading a tour of an exhibition of Russian historical painting. It is necessary to explain to the listeners what kind of subjects are depicted in the paintings. To do this, you need to answer 3 questions for each of the presented paintings.

a) What event in Russian history is reflected in the picture?

b) Where did this event take place?

c) Indicate the date of the event.


All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren in history

School stage

8th grade

2017-2018 academic year

Time to complete tasks is 60 minutes. Total points – 54

Exercise 1. Indicate what or who is odd in each row. Explain your answer.

    1. Establishment of the College of Economy, opening of the Free Economic Society, opening of Moscow University, convening of the Statutory Commission

      Semyon Gordy, Semyon Dezhnev, Ermak Timofeevich, Erofey Khabarov.

      Narva, Kolberg, Noteburg, Lesnaya

Task 2. The list below presents events associated with the eras of three Russian rulers. Group these events according to this criterion and write down the name of the ruler and the serial numbers of the corresponding events.

1) establishment of the first estate representative body in Russia

2) establishment of provinces in Russia

3) creation of a semi-regular streltsy army

4) the creation of regular troops, regiments of “foreign order”

5) introduction of recruitment kits

6) introduction of a new alphabet based on the civil script

7) carrying out church ritual reform, correcting icons and liturgical books according to Greek models

8) establishment of a collegial body for the leadership of the Russian Orthodox Church

9) recognition of all locally revered cults as all-Russian ones.

Task 3. Read the statements and answer yes or no.

3.1. The Russian army played a decisive role in the defeat of Napoleon at Waterloo.

3.2. Introduced in the last quarter of the 17th century, the household tax lasted until the end of the 18th century.

3.3. The consequence of the economic policy of Peter I was the formation of a free labor market.

3.4. The cross-kissing record that Vasily Shuisky gave when ascending the throne was called the condition.

3.5. Leader of the Peasant War of 1773-1775 in Russia he called himself Tsar Peter Fedorovich.

Task 4 . Name the women who served as regents for young sons in Russian history

1) Elena Glinskaya

2) Sofia Paleolog

3) Anna Ioannovna

4) Solomonia Saburova

5) Anna Leopoldovna

Task 5. Insert the words into the text and write down the numbers under which they are indicated

The first prince of the Old Russian state -(A) gradually joined(B) most of the East Slavic lands. The path was under his power"(IN)". IN(G) year the prince made a campaign against the capital of Byzantium(D). It involved 2 thousand ships, which housed 80 thousand soldiers. The Byzantines, having learned about the approach of the Russian army, closed the harbor with a chain and took refuge behind the walls of the city.

Then the Russian prince ordered to pull the ships ashore and put them on(E). A fair wind drove the Russian sailing ships towards the walls of the Byzantine capital. The frightened Greeks asked for peace. The prince nailed it to the city gates as a sign of victory(AND). The result of the campaign was a trade agreement with Byzantium, which was concluded in(W) year.

1) it, 3) Novgorod, ide _r. _______ numbers Rurik, 2) Shield, 3) Novgorod, 4) “from the Varangians to the Greeks”, 5) Oleg, 6) Kyiv,

7) 907, 8) “from the Baltic Sea to the river. Neva", 9) 911, 10) Tsargrad,

11) 862, 12) Sword, 13) Skids, 14) Pereyaslavets, 15) Wheels.

Task 6. Carefully look at the pictured medal and complete the tasks

4.1. Indicate the events of which war this medal is associated with.

4.2. Name the dates of the indicated war.

4.3. Name two participants in this war.

Task 7. Andrei stood taller than Catherine, who was older than Vladimir, he was older than Alexander and Anna. What “important persons” for the Russian state are we talking about?

All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren in history

School stage

9th grade

2017-2018 academic year

Time to complete tasks is 60 minutes. Total points – 64

Task 1. On what principle are the rows formed? Give a short answer.

    1. 1393, 1478, 1485, 1514, 1521___________

      Grain, niello, filigree, filigree _________

      Krusenstern I.F., Yu.F. Lisyansky, F.F. Bellingshausen, M.P. Lazarev______

Task 2. What or who is odd in the series? Give a brief explanation.

2.1. I.I. Polzunov, I.P. Kulibin, E.A. Cherepanov and M.E. Cherepanov, F. Horse _____

2.2. The uprising led by I.I. Bolotnikov, siege of the Trinity-Sergius Monastery, zemshchina, intervention of Poland and Lithuania ______

2.3. The battle for Shevardino, the battle near the village of Lesnaya, the battle near Krasnoye, the battle near Maloyaroslavets _____

Task 3. Establish a correspondence between government officials and their transformations (projects).

A) IvanIII1) monetary reform

B) Ordin-Nashchokin A.L. 2) a project to create a representative body in Russia.

B) Kankrin E.F. 3) the first set of laws of a single state

D) Milyutin D.A. 4) military reforms

D) Speransky M.M. 5) New trading charter

Task 4. What historical events are described below? Name at least two historical figures with whom they are associated.

4.1. This is one of the most dramatic pages of Russian history. The severity of religious disputes and confrontations then acquired extraordinary strength. For the first time, Russian society was clearly split along religious lines. Along with supporters of the official church, Old Believers appeared, rejecting all ritual innovations and religious books corrected according to modern Greek models.

One of the scenes of the event is captured in the famous painting by V.I. Surikova: the unsubdued noblewoman, shackled in iron, and the people - sympathetic, indifferent, surprised... _______

4.2. “... August 27, at 10 pm. The troops defended the city to the extreme, but it was impossible to hold out any longer from the hellish fire to which it was exposed. The troops moved to the Northern side, finally repulsing on August 7 six of the seven attacks carried out by the enemy on the Western and Korabelnaya sides; only from one Kornilov bastion was it not possible to knock him out. Enemies will find only bloody ruins in the city.” ______

Task 5. Fill in the gaps in the text.

" (1) __ - This is the oldest monument of Slavic law. In all its editions and lists...this is a document of great historical significance. For several centuries... served as the main guide in legal proceedings. In one form or another, it became part of or served as one of the sources of later judicial charters: the Pskov judicial charter, the Dvina charter charter, Casimir's Sudebnik of 1468, Sudebnikov(2) __G. And(3)__ g., even some articles(4)___ 1649." (M.N. Tikhomirov)

Task 6. Replace the fragment in italics with a historical term

6.1. Form of economic organization in ancient Rus' -land ownership transmitted by inheritance in boyar families -

6.2. First in Russiaall-class local government bodies that resolved economic, cultural and social issues

Task 7. Answer “Yes” or “No”

    The Varangians called the lands of the Russians “Gardarika”.

    The first chronicle mention of Moscow dates back to 1147.

    For the victory over the Livonian knights in the Battle of the Ice, the people nicknamed Prince Alexander Yaroslavovich “Nevsky”

    The first Russian tsar elected to the throne by the Zemsky Sobor was Mikhail Fedorovich.

    The Decembrist movement marked the beginning of the struggle to overthrow the monarchy in Russia.

Task 8.

1) 2) 3) 4)



8.3. Name two events in this war in which the person depicted played a key role.

All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren in history

School stage

Grade 10

2017-2018 academic year

Time to complete tasks is 60 minutes. Total points – 60

Task 1. Choose the correct answer

    1. Which of the following refers to the features of the Russian public administration system at the endXV– startedXVIcenturies:

    practice of collecting polyudya

    custom of localism

    presence of a developed order system

    functioning of estate representative bodies

    1. Which of the famous Russian historical figures could be the author of this letter:“To the colonels and all the knighthood... who sit in the Kremlin. We know that you, being in a city under siege, endure immense hunger and endure great need, expecting your death from day to day, ... send to us without delay, keep your heads and your bellies intact, and I will ask all the military people: Which of you want to go to your land, we will release them without any clue, and those who want to serve the Moscow sovereign, we will reward them according to their dignity?

    M..I. Kutuzov

    HELL. Menshikov

    A.L. Ordin-Nashchokin

    D.M. Pozharsky

    1. What lands were annexed to Russia in the first halfXIXV.?

    Bessarabia, Finland, part of the Duchy of Warsaw

    Bessarabia, Finland, Western Ukraine

    Western Ukraine, Grand Duchy of Lithuania, Finland

    Crimean Peninsula, Finland, Kazakhstan

    1. Which of the following became a manifestation of the Cold War during the period of N.S.’s leadership of the country? Khrushchev?

    holding a festival of youth and students in Moscow

    construction of the Berlin Wall

    implementation of the Soyuz-Apollo program

    refusal of Eastern European countries to participate in the Marshall Plan

Task 2. On what principle are the rows formed? Give a brief explanation

2.1. 1708, 1709, 1714, 1720 _____

2.2. A.N. Benoit, K.A. Somov, L.S. Bakst,

2.3. Rehabilitation, economic councils, thaw, peaceful coexistence__

Task 3. What or who is odd in the series. Give a short answer.

3.1. Cossacks, burghers, peasants, proletariat, nobles ___

3.2. A. Adashev, A. Basmanov, A. Kurbsky, I. Viskovaty __

Task 4. Arrange the events in chronological order

    battle on the river Kalka

    organization of military settlements

    transfer of peasants to compulsory land purchase

    convening of the Statutory Commission

    annexation of Novgorod to the Moscow Principality

    creation of boards

    crowning of Ivan the Terrible

Task 5. Give the answer “YES” or “NO”

    1. The New Trade Charter abolished the privileges of foreign merchants in Russia.

      The position of Chief Prosecutor of the Synod was called “The Eye of the Sovereign.”

      According to N. Muravyov’s project, Russia was supposed to become a democratic republic.

      The uprising of peasants in the Tambov province against Soviet power in 1920-1921 was called “Makhnovshchina”

      The Victory Parade on Red Square in June 1945 was hosted by G.K. Zhukov.

Task 6. What Are historical events reflected in the passages? Name two historical figures who took part in each event.

6.1. “The printing of church, liturgical and other soul-saving books began in Rus'. In the written books there were many typos, inaccuracies, and discrepancies: in one book about Jesus Christ - “begotten, uncreated,” and in the other - “born, A not created." Some accepted it, while others rejected it... The printing press, which operated for almost a century, was supposed to eliminate these disputes: the press intends to stick to one thing - and it found this way. People who are accustomed to hear from their font in the symbol of faith thisaz , rebelled against him."

6.2. " At court they said with ridicule: the princess had an assembly with the Preobrazhenskys. This great empress herself went to the barracks of this regiment and gathered there those who were betrayed, with the words: “My children, you know whose daughter it is, come with me.”

Task 7. Fill in the gaps in the text using the suggested words.

Barclay de Tolly began his service as a non-commissioned officer at the age of fifteen. In 1778 he was promoted to cornet and only eight years later to the next officer rank_(1)_. The absence of influential relatives affected the service. Moved forwardBarclay de Tolly during the war of 1805-1807. against Napoleonic France. During Russian-(2)- wars of 1808-1809 he commanded one of the corps, then was appointed commander-in-chief.

In January 1810, Barclay was appointed Minister of War. In the spring of 1812, he became commander-in-chief of the 1st Western Army. At the beginning of the Patriotic War, the main burden of responsibility for the success of military operations fell on him. His position was complicated by his presence in the army–(3)- with numerous court advisors. Only after the 1st Army retreated to the east did the Tsar leave and Barclay gain freedom of action.

Skillfully managing the withdrawal of troops, Barclay led them to–(4)-, where two days later the army arrived from the south–(5)-, took command of Barclay.

For the Battle of Borodino he was awarded the Order-(6)- 2nd degree. In St. Petersburg, in the park in front of–(7)- cathedral, there are monuments–(8)- and Barclay de Tolly.

1) general, 2) Turkish, 3) Nikolai I , 4) Raevsky, 5) lieutenant, 6) Swedish,

7) Alexander I , 8) Tarutino, 9) St. George, 10) Smolensk,

11) Bagration 12) Andrew the First-Called, 13) Isaac, 14) Kutuzov,

15) Kazansky

Task 8. Determine what events the images are dedicated to. Please provide event dates.



All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren in history

School stage

Grade 11

2017-2018 academic year

Time to complete tasks is 60 minutes. Total points – 70

Task 1. What (who) is odd in the series? Indicate the extra word and explain .

1.1 Peasants, merchants, proletarians, philistines.

1.2 V.L. Borovikovsky, D.G. Levitsky, F.S. Rokotov, V.I. Bazhenov.

1.3 . « Kutuzov", "Concert", "Uranus", "Bagration".

1.4. “Bogatyrs”, “Religious procession in the Kursk province”, “Ivan the Terrible and his son Ivan”, “Cossacks write a letter to the Turkish Sultan”.

1.5. K.V. Nesselrode, P.D. Kiselev, A.M. Gorchakov, N.K. Gears.

Task 2. Read these definitions (characteristics) of historical concepts and write the corresponding terms.

2.1. A special organization of troops in the Russian Empire in 1810-57 in order to reduce military expenses.

2.2. Direct tax in Russia, which replaced household taxation in 1724.

2.3. An official in Russia during the period of the peasant reform of 1861. Appointed from among the nobles to approve charter documents and resolve disputes between peasants and landowners.

2.4. In Kievan Rus, the prince and his squad traveled around the subject lands to collect tribute.

2.5. Payments imposed on the defeated state in favor of the victorious state. Prohibited by modern international law.

2.6. The ideology and movement of the various intelligentsia, which dominated in Russia duringIIhalfXIXcenturies and reflecting the interests of peasant democracy. Representatives of this movement simultaneously opposed both the remnants of serfdom and the bourgeois development of the country.

Task 3. Arrange in chronological order ,

3.1. 1 . Battle of the village of Molodi

2 . Standing on the Ugra

3 . Battle of Lesnoy village

4. Chigirin campaigns

3.2. 1 . S.Yu. Witte

2. A.Kh. Benckendorff

3. G.A. Potemkin

4. N.A. Bulganin

3.3. 1. "Philosophical Letters"

2 . novel "Demons"

3. novel "The Young Guard"

4. "Domostroy"

Task 4. Who owns the following statements?

    1. The revolution is on the threshold of Russia, but I swear it will not penetrate it as long as the breath of life remains in me.

      Save the bullet for three days, and sometimes for an entire campaign when there is nowhere to get it! Shoot rarely, but shoot accurately. If you stick it firmly with a bayonet, the bullet will be damaged, but the bayonet will not be damaged. The bullet is stupid, the bayonet is great. If once, throw the infidel with a bayonet: he is dead on the bayonet, scratching his neck with a saber.

      You can't understand Russia with your mind,

The general arshin cannot be measured:

She will become special -

You can only believe in Russia.

    1. Today, at 4 o'clock in the morning, without making any claims against the Soviet Union, without declaring war, German troops attacked our country, attacked our borders in many places and bombed our cities from their planes... The government calls on you, citizens and citizens Soviet Union, to unite our ranks even more closely around our glorious Bolshevik Party... Our cause is just. The enemy will be defeated. Victory will be ours.

      Comrades! The 20th Congress of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union demonstrated with renewed vigor the indestructible unity of our party, its cohesion around its Central Committee, its determination to fulfill the great tasks of communist construction. (Stormy applause.) And the fact that we are now raising fundamental questions in all breadth about overcoming the cult of personality, which is alien to Marxism-Leninism, and about eliminating the dire consequences caused by it, speaks of the great moral and political strength of our party.

Task 5. Insert in place of the gaps the serial numbers of the corresponding words from the list below.

November 18, 1853 Russian squadron under the command of Vice Admiral-(A)- destroyed the best part of the Turkish fleet in Sinop Bay. The defeat of Turkey accelerated the intervention of England and France, whose ships already entered the Black Sea in December 1853. A few months later, England and France officially declared war on Russia.

The plans of the allied command included the capture-(B)- naval base of the Black Sea Fleet in Crimea. September 2 under-(IN)- The landing of the Anglo-French-Turkish army began. Russian army under the command-(G) -tried to stop the enemy on September 8 in an unsuccessful battle on the river.–(D)-, after which it retreated to Bakhchisarai.

The city began preparations for defense from land. A fortification system of 7 bastions connected by trenches, with numerous redoubts and batteries was urgently created. On September 2 (14), several old ships were sunk in the bay, which blocked access for enemy ships. Much of the credit for creating the city’s fortifications belonged to the military engineer-(E)-.

In October 1854, Allied troops approached the city and a heroic 349-day defense began. Already on October 5, the Allies launched their first bombardment of the city. The Russian army, which was under attack in the fall, tried to provide assistance to the besieged.-(AND)- and Inkerman attacked enemy positions, and although success was not achieved in these battles, they diverted attention for some time. The attack on Yevpatoria did not bring the expected effect. Later, in August 1855, the army under the command of the new commander-in-chief–(Z)- took part in the battle on the Black River, but failed and was forced to retreat. Thus, the field army was unable to provide significant assistance to the besieged city.

    1. E.I. Totleben

      A.S. Menshikov





      P.S. Nakhimov







Task 6. Determine which historical figures we are talking about

    1. Russian scientist (specialist in the field of mechanics) and statesman. The founder of the theory of automatic regulation, an honorary member of the St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences, in addition, in 1888-1892 - Minister of Finance of Russia.

      Participant in the Patriotic War of 1812. In 1816, he presented the tsar with a note on the gradual liberation of peasants from serfdom. He was close to members of the Southern Decembrist Society, especially with P.I. Pestel, but did not know about the existence of the society. Since 1835, a permanent member of all secret committees on peasant affairs. Since 1837, Minister of State Property; in 1837-41 carried out a reform of the management of state peasants.

      All-powerful temporary worker under Alexander I. Since 1808, Minister of War, since 1810, chairman of the Department of Military Affairs of the State Council. In the second half of the reign of Alexander I, he enjoyed unlimited power and influence on all state affairs, acting in the spirit of extreme reaction. He left behind the saddest memory, especially with his merciless cruelty in establishing military settlements and pacifying frequent military riots.

      Count Rymniksky, Prince of Italy, Russian commander and military theorist, generalissimo.

      Russian statesman and military leader, count, His Serene Highness Prince (since 1707), generalissimo. The son of a court groom. He was accused of high treason and theft of the treasury and exiled with his family to Berezov.

Task 7.

1) 2) 3) 4)

7.1. Determine who is depicted in the portraits

7.2. Indicate the serial number of the person depicted, whose activities are connected with the events of the war, the map of which is placed below.

7.3. Name two events in this war in which the person depicted played a key role.


BY HISTORY 2011/2012


1. Choose 1 correct answer in each task.

1.1. Which document first prohibited the transfer of peasants from one owner to another?

a) Code of Law of 1550 b) Decree on “prescribed years” c) Code of Law of 1497 d) Decree on “reserved years”

1.2. Read an excerpt from the work of a 17th century publicist. G. Kotoshikhina and determine which government body we are talking about.

“...and in it sits the Duma clerk, and two clerks, 14 clerks. And in that order the affairs of all the surrounding states are known, interpreters are sitting, receiving foreigners; in the same way, Russian envoys and messengers are sent to whichever state arrives..."

a) Order of secret affairs b) Petition order c) Ambassadorial order d) Local order

1.3. Indicate the name of the Russian patriarch - an active opponent of the Polish intervention:

a) Nikon b) Filaret c) Hermogenes d) Job

1.4. On the reasons for the schism of the Russian Church in the 17th century. NOT APPLICABLE:

a) the irreconcilable position of opponents of church reforms

b) Nikon’s powerful, ambitious aspirations

c) preservation of numerous church holidays

d) the need to correct church texts

2. Choose several correct answers in each task:

2.1 . The causes of the Time of Troubles in Russia are:

a) lack of unity among the feudal nobility

b) an increase in the production of copper money, which led to its depreciation in comparison with silver

c) dynastic crisis

d) the final enslavement of the peasants

e) the devastating consequences of the feudal war

f) a sharp deterioration in living conditions due to natural disasters and crop failures

2.2. Note with whom the Grand Duchy of Moscow fought in 1481-1533.

a) Golden Horde; b) Lithuania; c) Kazan Khanate;

d) Livonian Order; e) Crimean Khanate; f) Siberian Khanate.

2.3. What events and phenomena in the history of Russian education and science date back to the 17th century?

a) a decrease in the proportion of literate people; b) the appearance of primers and textbooks;

c) opening of the first universities; d) the emergence of printing;

e) development of geography and cartography; f) interest in learning foreign languages.

3. What unites the concepts, events, names that form each of the presented series? Give a short answer.

3.1. Convocation of the first Zemsky Sobor, convocation of the Stoglavy Sobor, abolition of the feeding system, creation of the Streltsy army, Code of Service

3.2. Obtaining the right to independently collect tribute from Russian lands in favor of the khan, receiving a label for the great reign of Vladimir, construction of the first stone structures in Moscow.



4. Indicate what is extra in each row. Explain your answer.

4.1. , -Shuisky

4.2. Archangel Cathedral, Annunciation Cathedral, Cathedral of the Intercession of the Virgin Mary on the Moat, Church of the Deposition of the Robe


4.3. Fresco, mosaic, parsuna, icon painting


5. Make matches. Write down the selected numbers in the table under the corresponding letters.

5.1. Match the event and date.

5.2. Match the event with its contemporary:

5.3. Match the statements with the circumstances under which they were uttered

“You, prince, are looking for someone else’s land, but have left your own.”

In connection with the baptism of the population of Novgorod

“The veche and the bell will not exist in our fatherland. There will be no mayor."

Kievans to Prince Svyatoslav after the Pechenegs' raid on Kyiv

“Here’s to you, traitor, for the salt!”

Dmitry Donskoy on the eve of the Battle of Kulikovo

“I baptized Putyata with a sword, and Dobrynya with fire”

Ivan III after the annexation of Novgorod

“Give me, father, two warriors from your brotherhood - Peresvet Alexander and his brother Oslyaba, then you yourself will help us.”

When concluding an agreement after the Russian campaign against Constantinople

Revolting Muscovites during the Salt Riot in Moscow

6. Place in chronological order: A. events; B. historical terms in the order of their appearance in the history of Russia. Enter the letter designations of the events in chronological order in the table below.

A. a) Salt riot; b) annexation of the Astrakhan Khanate; c) the annexation of Novgorod to Moscow; d) construction of the Tithe Church in Kyiv; e) duel between Peresvet and Chelubey; f) the campaign of the Novgorod-Seversk prince Igor Svyatoslavich against the Polovtsians

B. a) Baskaks; b) “reserved summers”; c) orders; d) polyudye; e) seven-boyars; e) manufacture

7. Fill in the numbered blanks in the text. Enter the inserted concepts (names, dates, terms) into the table under the corresponding serial numbers. Please note that some words may be repeated.

In 1584, after the death of ___ 1 __ his son sat on the royal throne. Most historians believe that he was incapable of government activities, took little part in governing the state, being under the tutelage first of a council of nobles, then of his brother-in-law __ 2 ___. One of the most important events during his reign was the establishment of ___ in 1589 3 __ in Russia. The first to be ordained to this highest church rank was the Metropolitan of Moscow __ 4_ __.

May 15 __ 5 __ year, alarming news came from Uglich about the death of Tsarevich __ 6 ___. His mother, __ 7 ____, claimed that the eight-year-old prince was killed by people sent from Moscow. Popular rumor soon attributed the murder of the prince to __ 8 ___.

In January 1598, the childless king __ died 9 __ and with his death the dynasty ended __ 10 ___, who ruled Rus' since __ 11 ____ of the year. This event became one of the reasons for the severe crisis in the Russian state, which went down in history as ___ 12 ____.



8. From the given words, make up definitions of historical concepts. Name these concepts. Words cannot be used twice. Words can be changed according to numbers and cases.

8.1. In, Orthodox, family, society, person, behavior, by, leadership, etc.

8.2. Wet, applied, painting, plaster, on, execution, wall, paint, which, at.


8.3. Gender, correspondence, occupation, with, position, nobility, in, order


9. Below are excerpts from various documents, memoirs, letters, literary works related to one historical plot from Russian history. Determine what event unites each group of documents. Write the date of the event and the names of at least three historical figures with whom the event is associated. Enter your answer into the table.

9.1. 1. “Then they brought me to Bratsk prison and threw me into prison and gave me straws. And he sat in the freezing tower until the Filippov fast; Winter lives there in those days, but God warmed us even without a dress! And my wife and children were exiled from me about twenty miles away. He spent the winter in Yeniseisk and then, after the summer passed, he spent the winter in Tobolsk. And throughout all the cities and villages, in churches and at auctions, he shouted, preaching the word of God, and teaching, and denouncing godless flattery.”

2. “Russian society was divided into two camps, into admirers of native antiquity and adherents of novelty, that is, foreign, Western. The leading classes of society, remaining within the fence of the Orthodox Church, began to become imbued with indifference to their native antiquity, in the name of which opponents of reforms fought, and the more easily they surrendered to foreign influence.”

3. Double-fingered fold

My cross has risen

Grief in Pustozersk,

Shining around.

I am famous everywhere

Branded everywhere

An old legend

Confirmed in our hearts. (V. Shalamov)

9.2. 1. « Born and raised as a tributary of the steppe Horde, he became one of the most famous sovereigns in Europe; ...guided only by natural intelligence, by force and cunning, restoring the freedom and integrity of Russia, destroying the kingdom of Baty, oppressing Lithuania, crushing Novgorod freedom, seizing inheritances, expanding Moscow possessions.”

2. “The norms of Russian Pravda, customary law, judicial practice and Lithuanian legislation were applied here. The main goals of this set of laws were: to extend the jurisdiction of the Grand Duke to the entire territory of the centralized state, to eliminate the legal sovereignty of individual lands."

3. “And the Tatars came, began to shoot, and ours started shooting at them... And they advanced for many days, fighting, and did not prevail, they waited until the river stopped. There were severe frosts then, and the river began to freeze. And there was fear on both sides - some were afraid of the other.”

10. Here is an excerpt from the most famous Russian medieval work. Read it and complete the suggested tasks. Write your answers on the lines provided.

“When was it destined, according to God’s destiny, for our mother, the pious Queen Helena (1) , to move from the earthly kingdom to the heavenly, my brother George and I were left orphans... I was eight years old at that time; and so our subjects achieved the fulfillment of their desires - they received a kingdom without a ruler, but they did not show any concern for us, their sovereigns, while they themselves rushed to wealth and glory and quarreled with each other.

My brother and I began to be raised as strangers or the last poor... How can I count the countless sufferings I endured in my youth? How many times I was not given food on time. What can I say about the parental treasury that I inherited? Everything was stolen in an insidious manner...

When we began to govern our kingdom ourselves, thank God, our management began successfully. But it happened for our sins, due to God's wrath, there was a fire in the reigning city of Moscow (b) , and our traitor-boyars, as if seizing a favorable time for their betrayal, convinced the feeble-minded people that it was as if our mother’s mother, Princess Anna, with her people and servants, took out human hearts and burned Moscow with such witchcraft and that we knew about this plan. We lived then in our village of Vorobyovo, and the same traitors persuaded the people to kill us because we were supposedly hiding Princess Anna from them. How can one not laugh at such an invention?

There was a dog in our yard at that time Alexey Adashev (2) , your boss, even in the days of our youth, I don’t understand how, rose from the bodyguards; We, seeing all these betrayals of the nobles, took him from the dung and equalized him with the nobles, hoping for his faithful service. What honors and riches did we not honor him with, and not only him, but also his family! Then, for advice in spiritual matters and the salvation of my soul, I took priest Sylvester.

Sylvester became friends with Alexei, and they began to consult secretly from us, considering us unreasonable: and so, instead of spiritual matters, they began to discuss worldly affairs, little by little they began to subordinate you, the boyars, to their will, taking you out from under our power, they taught you to contradict You were almost equal to us in honor, and the small children of the boyars were likened to you in honor.

This strong instruction was given in Moscow, the reigning Orthodox city of all Russia, in the year 7072 from the creation of the world, on the 5th day of July.”

10.1. Determine: a) the date the document was written, b) its author. Make a guess c) to whom the author is addressing.


10.2. Indicate who the people were whose names are italicized and numbered in the text.


10.3. Indicate in which years the events that are highlighted in the text in italics and indicated by letters occurred.

__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________10.4. What name in historical science was given to the group of statesmen that emerged during the period when they “undertook to govern their kingdom themselves”?


11. Solve the crossword puzzle.

1. Government body

2. Icon painter

3. Tribute Collector

4. Nickname of the king

5. Grand Duke of Kyiv

6. Nickname of the prince

7. Grand Duke of Kyiv,

led the campaigns

8. The name of the Russian leader

9. River, place of battle

10. Service man

12. Here are fragments from guidebooks to Moscow. Fill in the missing names and titles. Enter your answer in the table under the appropriate serial numbers.

A.“The legend connects the construction of the temple ___1___ in the palace village ___ 2 __with birth ___ 3 __, the long-awaited heir of Grand Duke Vasily Ivanovich. It became the first stone tented church in Russia.”

B.“The chronicle of 1556 says that “the king of the English in Moscow granted a court,” giving them a building that previously belonged to a Moscow guest nicknamed Yushka. The building was advantageously located next to the main shopping area on __ street 4 __, one of the three main streets ___ 5 ___, the construction of the walls of which was led by the Italian Petrok Maly.”

IN. «____ 6 ____monastery is considered the oldest monastery on the Moscow River. It was founded at the end of the 13th century by the founder of the dynasty of Moscow princes ____ 7 ___the youngest son of Prince Alexander Nevsky in honor of his heavenly patron. Before his death, the prince took monastic vows and was buried in the monastery he founded.”

G. " This is one of the most ancient streets in Moscow. Even XII-XIII centuries. part of the road from Kyiv to Rostov Veliky, Suzdal and Kostroma passed here. The name of the street is associated with the events of 1395, when the Central Asian conqueror ____ came to Russian lands 8 ____. Grand Duke of Moscow, eighteen years old ____ 9 ___ stood with the army on the path of the khan on the banks of the Oka River outside Kolomna, ready to give him battle. And to instill confidence in the warriors in victory, the prince asked Metropolitan Cyprian to bring the Vladimir Icon of the Mother of God from Vladimir to Moscow. On August 26, Muscovites solemnly greeted the icon on Kuchkovo Field, and on the same day the Khan gave the order to his huge army to move beyond the Russian possessions. In honor of the deliverance of Moscow, the Grand Duke decided to build a monastery at the meeting place of the icon of the Vladimir Mother of God to glorify its miraculous power. And in memory of this event and after the name of the founded monastery, the street began to be called ______ 10 _____».

D. " In 1514, after a great military victory - the capture of __ 11 ___ - Grand Duke Vasily III vowed to build a monastery in memory of this event. Since its inception ___ 12 ____monastery took one of the primary places among other Moscow monasteries. The Moscow sovereigns honored and decorated it. From the very first days, the new monastery occupied a special position: representatives of noble boyar and princely families, relatives and wives of Russian tsars took monastic vows here (and not always voluntarily).

In tasks 1–3, give one correct answer. Enter your answer into the table.

1. Read an excerpt from the work of the Roman historian Pliny the Elder. Determine which city is being discussed in the text.

“The kings, as if in competition, made pillars from syenite, calling them obelisks. The first of all to introduce this was Mesfres, who reigned in the City of the Sun, having received such a command in a dream.”

  1. Memphis
  2. Alexandria
  3. Heliopolis

2. Read an excerpt from the work of a modern historian. Indicate the title of the document missing from the text.

“On June 15, John arrived at the baron’s camp on the banks of the Thames near Windsor and signed a treaty on Ronnymede Meadow, later known as ___________________. For several centuries, this document became the basis of the rights of the English people and the basic law of government.”

  1. Salic truth
  2. Magna Carta
  3. Code of Justinian
  4. Habeas corpus

3. Read an excerpt from the spiritual letter of the Moscow prince and indicate his name.

“And what I am I gave to my son Semyon a herd, and another to Ivan; and my sons and my princesses will share my flocks with others.”

  1. Yuri Danilovich
  2. Ivan Kalita
  3. Dmitry Donskoy
  4. Vasily III

Answer :

1 2 3
4 2 2

By 2 points for each correct answer to tasks 1–3.

Total for tasks 6 points.

In tasks 4–6, choose several correct answers from those proposed. Enter your answers into the table.

4. Which of the states below were located in the valley of the Tigris and Euphrates rivers?

  1. Sumer
  2. Macedonia
  3. Dacia
  4. Babylonia
  5. Urartu
  6. Assyria

5. Which of the historical terms presented below refer to the court ranks of the Moscow principality?

  1. steward
  2. kravchiy
  3. bed keeper
  4. voivode
  5. fireman

6. Which of the cities presented below were the capitals of the Russian principalities during the period of political fragmentation?

  1. Mozhaisk
  2. Novgorod-Seversky
  3. Izborsk
  4. Lyubech
  5. Moore
  6. Iskorosten

Answer :

4 5 6
146 134 125

3 points for a completely correct answer; 1 point for an answer with one error (one of the correct answers is not indicated or, along with all the correct answers indicated, one incorrect answer is given).

Total for tasks 9 points.

Task 7

From a historical point of view, what unites the elements listed in the series? Give the most accurate answer possible.

  • 7.1. 1097, 1100, 1102, 1103
  • 7.2. Enamel, granulation, niello, filigree.

Answer :

  • 7.1. Congresses of princes in Ancient Rus'.
  • 7.2. Jewelry techniques in Ancient Rus'.

By 3 points for every correct answer.

Total per task 6 points.

Task 8

Give a brief justification for the series (what unites the listed elements from a historical point of view) and indicate which of the elements is superfluous on this basis.

  • 8.1. 964‒972, 1015‒1019, 1093‒1113, 1125‒1132
  • 8.2. 1346, 1356, 1380, 1415

Answer :

  • 8.1. Years of the reign of Russian princes. Extra 1015‒1019 ‒ years of internecine wars between the sons of Vladimir I.
  • 8.2. Dates of battles of the Hundred Years' War. 1380 – year of the Battle of Kulikovo.

By 3 points for every correct answer.

Total per task 6 points.

Task 9

Place in chronological order:

  • A) Battle of the Kalka River
  • B) Nevryueva’s army’s campaign against Rus'
  • B) the baptism of Rus'
  • D) the split of the Christian Church into Roman Catholic and Orthodox
  • D) the beginning of the “Black Death”
  • E) uprising of the Drevlyans

Answer :


6 points for a completely correct sequence. 3 points for a sequence with one error (i.e., the correct sequence is restored by rearranging any two characters). 0 points if more than one error is made.

Total per task 6 points.

Task 10

Identify titles, words, names, dates, indicated by serial numbers, missing in the text. If necessary, with serial numbers, explanations are given about the nature of the required insertion. Write the required inserts next to the corresponding numbers in the table below.

“His historical nickname “Martell” was Charles Pepin, from the family ( 1 ), received after his victory over the Arab army. Martell is a hammer that mercilessly strikes the enemy.

By the beginning of his actual reign ( 2 – name) the state consisted of three long-separated parts: Neustria, Austrasia and Burgundy. Royal power was purely nominal. The enemies were not slow to take advantage of this. The Saxons invaded the Rhineland, the Avars invaded Bavaria, and through ( 3 – name of the mountain system) Arab conquerors were moving towards the Laura River. Charles Martell became famous primarily for his victory over them. In spring ( 4 – year) Wali Abd ar-Rahman with a significant army invaded the territory of Gaul. The Arab army managed to defeat Aquitaine, and Ed the Great, Duke of Aquitaine, hurried for help to ( 5 – city). The troops of Charles Martell and Abd ar-Rahman met at ( 6 – city). Victory in this battle stopped the Arab advance in ( 7 direction name) Europe.

However ( 8 – job title) Charles Martell is famous not only for his battles. He patronized the spread of Christianity among pagan tribes. However, the clergy in his state did not like the king, since in order to strengthen the country, Charles Martel confiscated part of the church lands and distributed them to the Frankish nobility in ( 9 – term) – for lifelong use under the conditions of compulsory royal military service.

Charles Martel significantly strengthened the kingdom's military power. However, he stood only on the threshold of the true historical greatness of the state. His grandson ( 10 – name) reached his greatest power, becoming emperor.

Answer :

By 1 point for each correct insertion.

Total per task 10 points.

Task 11

Look at the diagram and complete the tasks.

  1. Name the battle, the diagram of which is presented above. Write the year this battle took place.
  2. Name three members of the Russian army who became heroes of the battle shown in the diagram.
  3. Name the capital of the state whose troops are indicated on the diagram by white rectangles and ellipses.
  4. Name any diplomatic event held during the reign of a figure who exercised overall command of the troops indicated in the diagram by black arrows.

Answer :

  1. Battle of the Neva. 1240 ( 2 points for a complete correct answer. 1 point for specifying without a year.)
  2. Can be named: Ratmir, Gavrilo Aleksich (Oleksich), Sbyslav Yakunovich, Yakov Polochanin, youth Savva, Novgorodian Misha. ( 2 points for each name correctly named. Total 6 points.)
  3. Stockholm. ( 2 points)
  4. Establishment of the diocese of the Orthodox Church in Sarai (1261); negotiations with Norway (1251); an agreement with Khan Berke to pay tribute in exchange for military assistance against Lithuania and the Livonian Order (1256); getting a shortcut.

Both specific events and general directions of Alexander Nevsky’s diplomacy can be accepted as the correct answer. ( 3 points)

Total per task 13 points.

Task 12

Here are images of famous monuments of Russian architecture until the end of the 17th century. Fill out the table: in the second column of the table write down the name of the depicted architectural monument, in the third column of the table write down the name of the ruler (prince, king) under whom the corresponding monument was created.

Answer :

By 2 points for each correct element of the answer.

Total per task 20 points.

Task 13

The following are excerpts from historical sources that tell or are directly related to two famous historical events. Determine what events they are talking about. Indicate the year(s) in which each event occurred and the parties involved. Name the winning side in each conflict you indicated. Enter your answer into the table.

A.“You Englishmen, who have not the slightest right to the French kingdom, through me, Joan of the Virgin, the Lord of Heaven declares and orders you to leave your bastiles and return to your homeland. If you do not obey, I will arrange for you such a defeat that they will remember forever. What am I writing to you about for the third and last time and I don’t intend to write more.

Therefore I sign: Jesus, Mary, Joan the Virgin.

Previously, I addressed you in the most courteous manner, but in response you forcibly retained my heralds, you retained my herald of Guyensky. Please send him back to me, and in return I will send to you several of your people we took in the Bastille of Saint-Loup, for not all of them are dead.”

B.“The next day, the twenty-fourth day of the same month of October, the British stormed Tournelles, located at the base of the bridge, due to the fact that they were completely destroyed and defeated by the fire from the cannons and heavy artillery that was fired against them. That’s why it became impossible to defend them, because because of the fire it became impossible to stay there.”

A.“The Polovtsian prince Kobyak, deciding that this was the entire Russian army, returned and began to pursue him. When the Polovtsians, in pursuit, saw the Russian regiments, they began to shoot across the river and tried to get around each other, and this continued for a considerable time. Having learned about this, Svyatoslav and Rurik sent their main forces to help them, and they themselves hastily followed. When the Polovtsians saw the regiments that had come to the rescue, they decided that Svyatoslav and Rurik were with them, and immediately turned back. The Russians, strengthened by God's help, broke through their formation and began to flog and capture them. And so the Lord showed his mercy to Christians, on that day God exalted Svyatoslav and Rurik for their piety.”

B.“Right off the bat, they trampled the filthy Polovtsian regiments and, drying themselves with arrows across the field, rushed the red Polovtsian girls, and with them gold, and pavoloks, and precious oxamites. Ortmas, and Japanese women, and casings began to build bridges through swamps and muddy places - and all sorts of Polovtsian patterns. Black banner, white khirugov, black scarf, silver shavings - to the brave


A good-natured nest is dozing in the Olgovo field. It has flown far! It was not an insult generated either by the falcon, or by the gyrfalcon, or by you, black raven, vile halfling! Gzak runs like a gray wolf, Konchak follows him to rule to the great Don.”

Answer :

By 3 points for every correct answer.

Total per task 24 points.

Maximum for work 100 points.