School at the Dental Institute on Novoslobodskaya. Classes with in-depth study of chemistry and biology, mathematics and physics

Why Moscow schoolchildren choose medical classes
school number 1253?

1. Successful work early profiling classes. In biological and chemical classes 8–9, students have the opportunity to:

  • get deep, solid knowledge in biology and chemistry;
  • adapt to potential study load and the system of work of specialized classes;
  • make your choice more consciously future profession. There are cases when it is at the stage of early profiling that a student realizes what he has done incorrect choice and changes the scope of his professional interests.

2. Long-term cooperation in preparing applicants with the First Moscow State University medical university them. I. M. Sechenov. The school is an official partner of the university and is part of the school-university complex. In this system, 10–11 specialized medical and biological classes are trained.

3. High performance (see the results of the Unified State Exam and State Examination and the results of the Olympiads).

4. Admission to universities. Over the years of the existence of the medical and biological profile, more than 500 graduates have become students at leading medical universities in Russia and the largest universities in the world.

5. Teaching staff. Teachers of higher education work in medical and biological classes qualification category with extensive experience in the natural sciences.

6. In-depth study of the English language:

  • the school provides a unique opportunity for students of English special schools or those with necessary preparation in English not only in profile level study subjects natural science cycle, but also to support and develop high level English language proficiency;
  • excellent command of English allows school graduates to go on internships and participate in international scientific conferences, study at leading medical universities in the world.

7. Convenient location of the school:

  • the school is located within walking distance from the Park Kultury metro station, ring;
  • the school building is modern, beautiful, comfortable;
  • The school has well-equipped classrooms and gyms.

For those high school students in Moscow who plan to enter a medical university, they came up with the project “Medical class in a Moscow school.” This is not just a specialized class in which the main subject is biology. The project is supported by the University. THEM. Sechenov, Department of Education of Moscow, Department of Health of the capital.

For those preparing for the main school exam

How to get into medical class

You can become a participant in the “Medical class in a Moscow school” project from the 8th grade. The decision on enrollment is made based on the results of the entrance test. The sooner a student decides to acquire in-depth knowledge and practice, the more chances dial extra points by the time of submitting documents for admission to Sechenov University. The main tests took place in the spring, but those who have decided to devote themselves to medicine now can still have time to submit an application and become students in a specialized class in the coming academic year.

Features of training

There are several educational programs within the project; each school chooses a program at its own discretion. Prev specialized classes- 8-9, profile - 10-11. Main academic subjects there will be biology and chemistry.

These lessons are held five times a week, and schools also have elective courses: basics of medical knowledge, workshop on microbiology, basics of physiology and anatomy, functional systems person, first aid. Classes are taught there school teachers, university teachers and practicing doctors. The practice of future doctors takes place in a special laboratory where there are medical simulators, measuring instruments, models of organs, first aid equipment. Mannequins become the first patients; schoolchildren learn from them to give injections or take blood from a vein.

Every year, students of medical classes take entrance and final testing within the walls of Sechenov University, maximum number The points you can get are 100.

Motivation and capabilities of students in specialized classes

An applicant who enters Sechenov University after a regular class provides Unified State Exam results in specialized subjects. Participants in the “Medical Class at a Moscow School” project have several opportunities to provide additional credits.

Every spring, the university holds a conference “Start into Medicine” for students in grades 8-11. Those wishing to take part in it submit an application in the fall and prepare projects that are sent for absentee viewing. If the project is approved, the students will perform at an in-person event. If the study is returned after the correspondence stage, you will have to try your hand at next year. All works are entered into a special database of the university, so it will not be possible to present the same project twice.

Winners and runners-up of “Start into Medicine” receive five additional points in the entrance examination. Points do not expire, but they are not cumulative. As practice shows, the victory of at least one student in the conference greatly motivates the rest of the children from the specialized class to get cherished points next year.

At the end of 11th grade, before the start final exams, medical school students are required to take a pre-profile exam at the university. It consists of theoretical and practical parts. The latter includes the results of work in the laboratory. Successfully passing the exam allows you to receive additional points upon admission, which are added to the five winning points of the “Start into Medicine” conference.

The annual Sechenov Olympiad in Chemistry and Biology invites students from specialized classes throughout the country. The competition is serious, participation is mandatory for all project participants, and only the winners receive serious preferences upon admission.

Also, additional points for admission to Moscow State Medical University named after. Sechenov can be awarded upon presentation of a gold TRP badge. The Romanov School is still open for applications for admission to the medical class - we are waiting for future doctors!

For schoolchildren who want to become microbiologists or bioengineers, standard biology lessons with memorizing paragraphs from a textbook are not enough. They need expeditions to biological stations, their own scientific projects and practicing teachers. Using user ratings of the "" service, we selected five best schools Moscow with in-depth study of chemistry and biology, where all this is possible.

For those preparing for the main school exam


Educational process

The school specializes in working with gifted children. For students of the biology class there are extra hours biology, chemistry and mathematics, participation in biological workshops at school and at the faculties of Moscow State University, trips to biological stations. For example, this summer high school biology students completed an internship at Lake Baikal. The school is equipped with modern laboratory rooms for chemistry, physics and biology. The division into profiles begins in ninth grade.

Evening classes are open at school No. 57 biological school for eighth graders who are seriously interested in biology. They pass there free classes in biology, chemistry and mathematics. Lectures on various sections of biology - biotechnology, medicine, bioengineering - are given by employees of the Faculty of Bioinformatics and Bioengineering of Moscow State University and other research institutes. The course includes workshops with mathematical and physical components. If at the end of training schoolchildren successfully pass exams in subjects, they receive a certificate, and the results are counted towards entrance exams to ninth grade.

Cooperation with universities

The biological class is a joint project of the 57th school and the Faculty of Bioinformatics and Bioengineering of Moscow State University. The training is aimed at schoolchildren who want to enter the Faculty of Bioengineering and Bioinformatics, Biology, Faculty fundamental medicine Moscow State University named after Lomonosov or First Honey (First Moscow State Medical University named after I.M. Sechenov).

How to proceed

Admission is open to 1st, 5th, 8th and 9th grades. The division into profiles starts from the ninth.

Students are admitted to the ninth biology class based on the results of entrance tests. Applicants take written work in mathematics, biology and chemistry, then pass oral interview in biology. Final decision admission is accepted after an administrative interview. Winners and runners-up regional olympiads in mathematics, chemistry and biology are exempt from written works in relevant subjects.

School teachers and teachers from the Faculty of Bioinformatics and Bioengineering at Moscow State University take part in the interviews.

“A place where you are respected as a person. There are no classes here, everyone is one big family!”

Alexandra, graduate

“Wonderful attitude towards children, respectful, friendly. The child’s personality is not suppressed, and a high level of education is maintained.”

Anna, parent of a fifth grader


  • User rating: 4.8
  • Number of ratings: 20

The Intellectual school was created as a special educational environment for gifted children. Here they are helped to develop socially and intellectually, while maintaining their individuality, which is highly valued at school. Students from the Moscow region or distant areas of Moscow can live in a boarding school at the school. In the afternoon, the school runs clubs, clubs and studios that are open to everyone.

  • biological-chemical
  • chemical-physical

Educational process

Individual study plans are drawn up for students. Typically, items remain within the selected profile, but if desired, you can combine items from different areas. For example, study literature and physics in depth.

In high school, each student must complete a project: put scientific problem, do research work and report the results. For a chemistry project, for example, they offer the following topics: “Creating a photo album of crystalline substances” or “Making candles using various techniques" for fifth graders, "Creation of chemical meteorological instruments" for eighth graders.

In biology classes, each class is divided into two or three groups. different levels: from “basic” to “most advanced”. The latter classes are taught by professional biologists. Thus, the 9th grade specialized group is led by molecular biologist, professional in the field cell biology and genetics.

Cooperation with universities

In specialized grades 10 and 11, excursion workshops are held at the chemical and biological faculties of Moscow State University. Since 2011, excursions to the Institute of Oil and Gas named after. Gubkin and the Kurchatov Institute.

How to proceed

For the 2017-2018 school year, the school will enroll children in grades 5, 7, 8 and 10.

In secondary schools, admission is carried out in three rounds. The first round is a written general education test testing basic knowledge. The second round is creative. It takes the form of an interview on the topic of research work, which the applicant must independently complete in the chosen subject. The third round is a “trial study” for five days.

Before entering the tenth grade, you need to choose a profile. Then the students will have interviews with the class teacher, the head of the profile and a psychologist. Those who successfully pass this stage will undergo admission tests in specialized subjects and testing in English and a second foreign language. Students also provide OGE results and information about participation in the final stages of Olympiads and conferences.

“Learning at our school is incredibly difficult and exciting at the same time. Lessons, clubs, special courses, and extra classes last until the evening and many children stay overnight in the boarding school. In such conditions, the child becomes less dependent on parents, and the connection with friends and classmates becomes almost family.”

Svetlana, 2008 graduate

“You can take advanced courses in any subject and participate in clubs. Do as many different things as the student wants and can handle.”

Parent of a tenth grader


  • User rating: 4.7
  • Number of ratings: 72

Multidisciplinary gymnasium with evening school, founded in 1975. Took 10th place in the ranking of the 500 best schools in Russia in 2015.

Areas of training with in-depth study of chemistry and biology

  • biological
  • physico-chemical

Educational process

Schoolchildren from grades 5-11 study at the gymnasium. From the eighth grade, specialization in profiles begins. In the biological direction, as stated on the website of gymnasium No. 1543, they educate “people capable of creative scientific work who have a broad outlook not only in biology, but also in related fields Sciences".

Field practices are regularly conducted for students in biology classes. They travel to the Moscow region, Tver region, to the White and Black Seas. As an optional activity, schoolchildren study animal behavior.

A free evening biology school is open for seventh-graders. You can start training any day without an appointment.

Cooperation with universities

Evening school classes are taught by employees of Moscow State University and research institutes. Most of the graduates of the biology class of 2016 entered the biology department of Moscow State University. The rest study at the N. I. Pirogov Russian National Research Medical University, at the Faculty of Bioinformatics and Bioengineering of Moscow State University and at the Faculty of Chemical Technology of MITHT.

How to proceed

Entrance exams for the eighth grade biology profile include a written exam in mathematics, Russian and biology, as well as an interview in biology. The final stage of selection is a three-day field trip to the Moscow region with field classes and a test in botany.

“When we needed an elective in advanced chemistry, they organized it for us within a week.”

Natalya, graduate (2010)

“Teachers are so individual approach to every child that when you graduate it feels like you are leaving your home.”

Georgy, graduate (2015)


  • User rating: 4.7
  • Number of ratings: 9

Multidisciplinary technical lyceum at MSTU "Stankin" and MADI. The lyceum building was built taking into account the latest trends in education and architecture. There are physical and chemical laboratories, computer classes, language labs, an office computer graphics, art studio and photo studio.

Areas of training with in-depth study of chemistry and biology

  • chemical-ecological

Educational process

The division into profiles begins in the eighth grade. For senior classes, there is the concept of “core discipline” - compulsory subject optional, for which two hours are allocated per week. There are several of them for each area of ​​training. Students in the chemical-ecological class can choose between the course “Qualitative, quantitative and experimental chemistry" and "Impact of changing conditions environment on the sustainability of the biosphere." In the eleventh grade, schoolchildren defend projects in specialized disciplines at scientific and practical conferences.

Cooperation with universities

The lyceum cooperates with MSTU "Stankin" and MADI. Most graduates enter Stankin, MADI or Baumanka.

How to proceed

The lyceum annually enrolls students in grades 7-10. During admission, the educational achievements of schoolchildren are taken into account: the results of Olympiads and independent monitoring in specialized subjects, for ninth-grade schoolchildren - the results of the Unified State Examination.

They work at the lyceum training courses. Course participants are admitted to the lyceum based on the results of final tests.

“Amazing teachers. They find an approach to everyone. The knowledge is also presented in an interesting and original way. Always ready to help and explain everything.”

Graduate of 2014

“The child has been in school since the 9th grade. Great teachers with respect for students. Free preparation for the Unified State Exam and Unified State Exam. Comfortable environment."

Parent of an eleventh grader


  • User rating: 4.6
  • Number of ratings: 44

School of biology and chemistry, founded in 1960. Classes with in-depth study of chemistry were created with the participation of Nobel laureate Nikolai Semenov, who is considered one of the founders of chemical physics.

Areas of training with in-depth study of chemistry and biology

  • biological-chemical profile
  • physico-chemical profile
  • medical profile

Educational process

Teaching in classes with a chemical bias is based on a lecture-seminar system. During lectures, teachers explain theory and conduct demonstration experiments. At seminars, students reinforce the material by solving problems and doing laboratory work. Our lectures and seminars are taught by different teachers. At the end of each semester, students take oral exam in chemistry. Failure to pass the exam may be grounds for expulsion from the lyceum class.

Cooperation with universities

Lyceum classes collaborate with the Faculty of Biology and Chemistry of Moscow State University and the Department of Chemistry and Materials Sciences of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Students are studying research work in the laboratories of the institutes of the Russian Academy of Sciences and Moscow State University.

How to proceed

The school enrolls children in specialized classes 7-10. Students must pass written test in mathematics and Russian, as well as oral interviews in chemistry and biology. Those entering the seventh grade take a science exam instead of chemistry and biology.

Winners and prize-winners of regional and final stage All-Russian Olympiad Schoolchildren in chemistry are admitted to school without entrance examinations.

"We have a strong enough specialized training, and the base class gets better education, than in regular school. But if you don’t want to study, then it’s better not to come to us. They approach a hardworking student halfway, try to help and explain, but no one will force you. The school fosters independence, this is its advantage.”

Anastasia, eighth grade student

“The school has a very friendly and informal atmosphere. There are a lot of strong teachers."

Parent of an 8th grader

“This school turned my world upside down. There is no stereotypical hostility between classes, the teachers teach lessons in an interesting way, and any junior or senior student is your friend. They don’t force you to study here, you learn on your own, of your own free will, because it’s interesting and fun!”

Marina, seventh grade student

If you think your school deserves more high place in the rating - go to her page on “Mela Schools”, rate her, and tell her about your impressions of studying in the comments.