How can you learn to sing well? Vocal lessons for beginners: free videos to practice at home

Many people dream of learning to sing beautifully. But is this activity suitable for everyone, or is it a science for the elite? For most singers, the melody of their voice sounds light and free, but it’s not all that simple.

When singing, speech position, correct body position, sense of rhythm, and emotional state are important. In addition, your breathing, diction, and articulation will affect the purity of intonation of sounds. To develop each skill, appropriate exercises are required.

Let's start with breathing and correct body position when singing. In the question “how to learn to sing beautifully,” it is the aspect of body position that is of primary importance. Dropped shoulders without lifting when making sounds, feet shoulder-width apart, a straight back, support on the heels - all this is very, very important.

Breathing should be abdominal or mixed, that is, you need to breathe with your stomach. And only to them, without raised shoulders, and without drawing air into the chest. Practice has formed the basic rules for creating the right one:

  • inhale quickly, lightly and imperceptibly (without raising your shoulders);
  • after inhaling, you need to hold your breath for a short time;
  • exhale – evenly and gradually, as if you are blowing on a lit candle.

Exercise to develop diaphragmatic breathing: place your hands on your ribs and breathe so that the ribs and abdominal cavity expand, without moving your shoulders. More exercises:

If you don’t know how to learn to sing beautifully, start by training proper breathing. Next – diction and articulatory apparatus. Do the following exercises to develop them:

  1. Learn to pronounce tongue twisters clearly.
  2. “Bra-bra-bri-bro-bru” on one note at a fast tempo, pronounce the letter “r” well.
  3. Moo with your mouth closed. The benefits will only come when the correct resonator sensations appear during the exercise; you should be able to feel the vibration of the tissues of the nose well. Keeping your mouth closed is very important at the beginning.
  4. “Ne-na-no-nu”, “da-de-di-do-du”, “mi-me-ma-mo-mu” - we sing on one note.
  5. There should be a kind of “dome” in the mouth, an apple, everything should be relaxed and free in the oral cavity.
  6. It is useful to make various grimaces, imitate animals, convey emotions; this relaxes the jaw well and removes all tightness.

Your emotional state can also control the ligaments. Your future success is how much you can get rid of voice compressions and incorrect sound flow. Try to let the sound come out of the diaphragm easily and freely, do not raise or lower your chin.

Setting the soft palate to the “yawn” position will create the conditions for the formation of vowels; it affects their rounding, timbre, high position and color. If you sing high notes, you need to raise the soft palate more, creating a high “dome”. Then sound production will be simple.

Are you looking for information online on the query “how to learn to sing beautifully”? It is important to polish different forms of singing. Singing on staccato is a sharp, clear, sharp sound. Stacatto activates the work of the ligaments well, it is very useful for sluggish tone of the vocal muscles, with a hoarse sound. When singing staccato, lean on the diaphragm.

Singing in legato produces a cantelian, melodious, smooth sound. To practice smooth singing, you need to sing any phrases smoothly, melodiously, in one breath.

To learn to sing beautifully, many things are important: the desire to develop, determination, patience, putting your soul and emotions into your own songs. Hearing can be gradually developed and sound deficiencies can be corrected. Be interested in singers too.

We completed all the necessary exercises given in the lessons (don’t forget to do them periodically). Now you know more and are ready to develop your voice yourself at home.

Here you will need any sound recording program, for example, Audacity, a fairly easy program in Russian, download Audacity. The essence of the method is that you and I will record our voice and then analyze it. Because we want learn to sing at home independently, without a teacher. What a vocal teacher essentially does: in a broad sense, he evaluates our vocals, analyzes it and makes recommendations - what to fix, what needs to be worked on. But, having learned a lot of new things from these lessons, you and I will be able to analyze and evaluate our vocals ourselves. But remember: You must become a critical listener and agree with all the mistakes you hear.

Method "How to learn to sing at home?"

Choose any song from your favorite artist (as long as it’s not too difficult to sing). Paste it into the Audacity sound editor. By pressing the "record" button, sing the song along with your favorite artist, singing along with him. The main thing is that when recording you hear the original, it will be easier for you at first, you will feel supported in the role of your idol.

Save the recording (both your vocals and the original, that is, two tracks into one Mp3 file).

Now step away from the computer, you can lie down. Turn on your recording, maybe with headphones, and start listening. But not just listen, but analyze. Analyze your voice and look for errors, and compare your voice with the original, which sounds parallel.

If you don’t like some part of the song you sang, somewhere you missed the note, or gave a rooster, watch how the performer sang in this place, what technique he used, and next time try to do the same.

Note: At first you may not like your voice; it may seem “foreign”. Remember, in the lesson “Structure of the vocal apparatus” I talked about why when we talk we hear our voice differently than others hear it. You may be unhappy with your vocals. But please, don’t scold yourself, much less give up singing. You are only on the way to achieving your goal! Many great vocalists started out the same way as you. Move towards your goal and don't stop!

So let's go back. We listened, analyzed, compared - let's go correct the mistakes. We record the song again, but this time trying to avoid previous mistakes. Recorded and saved. And analyze again.

Repeat this practice and sing at home constantly, change performers and songs. When you already gain experience, you can sing without the support of your favorite performer. You can sing, for example, with a guitar ("Guitar Lessons for Beginners"). Take a look at the section "Texts of songs with chords", there you will find many songs with guitar that you can practice on.


Using the method described above, you will not only learn to sing at home, but also learn to listen, which will to some extent help you develop an ear for music.

Friends, practice, sing more at home, sing better, don’t be shy and don’t be afraid to do it. You will find a video about how not to be afraid of your neighbors while singing on the “Freeing your voice” page.

Now look and read interesting articles on vocals that will help you learn to sing better at home. Go towards your goal and never stop halfway - “The one who will master the road is the one who does not turn off halfway!”. Good luck to you!

A person today can do what he loves only because he has the desire and time for it. Thanks to modern technologies, classes and techniques, anything is possible - even learning to sing. How to do this if by nature you have neither hearing nor a voice, we will tell you in this article.

Of course, you will not learn to sing “Carmen’s Aria” in one day, but with regular training you will achieve excellent results and will be able to sing well among your acquaintances and friends. And this is already quite a lot.

Well, are you ready to learn to sing? Then we will be happy to reveal to you the secrets of preparation, tell you about the exercises, chants and special methods of real singers. So, let's go!

How to learn to sing on your own at home?

There are many reasons to learn vocals. This could be a desire to give a song to a loved one or to sing at a party. And even if the phrase “You have no voice at all” has been ringing in your head since childhood, just forget it - the time has come to learn to sing. This is your life, this is your time. Everything depends on you!

If you start such activities on your own, remember that they must be systematic. Like any other creative activity, singing requires some effort. Experts often say: success is only 10% of talent and 90% of hard work. Get ready to work on yourself, study video lessons, talk to vocalists you know, they will definitely tell you where to start. And they won’t be wrong if they recommend starting with physical exercise and breathing. Are you surprised?

How to learn to sing if you have no voice? First of all, take care of your own body, ligaments and breathing. Of course, being in the mood for a good result won’t hurt here either. Just forget that you have no hearing or voice, replace it with perseverance and desire.

Find yourself a source of inspiration - your favorite song, or compositions performed by your favorite artist. While listening to music, you will learn to sing yourself, imitating the voice of your idol. If he himself has a voice.

It's all about adjusting the sound and training the vocal cords. Now let’s begin the exercises that will help you learn to sing if you still think that you definitely don’t have a voice.

Voice training exercises

Let's start with the simplest thing: training the respiratory system, as this has a good effect on voice production. Be sure to take on special classes and don’t forget to do them.

  • Tilts. Your starting position: in a standing position, your arms hang along your body, your legs are shoulder-width apart. We lean forward, lowering our hands down, almost to the floor. We control our breathing. Tilt - quickly inhale through the nose, starting position - exhale through the mouth. Take your time and watch your own feelings. Repeat the bends eight times, and then do twelve more approaches.
  • Breath. Before you learn to sing on your own, you still need to listen to various recommendations from experts. And this is what they report. The so-called abdominal breathing will help you sing beautifully. With this method, your chest and shoulders remain still while your diaphragm works to create sound. In order to learn to breathe with the diaphragm, you need to take a lying position, straighten up, and put your hands on your stomach. Breathe by raising your belly as you inhale and slowly lowering it as you exhale. See how your hand moves? Now try repeating the same breathing, but in a standing position. It will be more difficult. However, you need to constantly practice and soon you will be able to hit high notes easily without worrying about running out of air.
  • Tongue Twisters. Practice your diction regularly. This will help develop your speech apparatus and quickly memorize song lyrics.

Chants to improve your voice

Probably all artists know well that the path to the big stage always begins with singing. It doesn’t matter at all whether you sing with friends with a guitar or want to teach your child to sing. You need to be able to sing in order for your voice to flow without obstacles.

In order to learn to sing well at home, you need:

  • Sing various vowel sounds. Vowel sounds are called that because they can always be sung. Each individual sound has its own articulation characteristics. The student must stand in front of the mirror and watch his own face. To form the sound “a” we open our mouth wide, as if we are stretching our chin to our chest. We try to sing the sounds “e” and “e”, like real opera singers, opening our mouths in a half-smile. “And” - we smile and gradually move our mouths to our ears. “Oh,” we pressed the bagel between our lips. “Y” - we want to put on lipstick and smile a little. By repeating such exercises in front of a mirror, you will be able to remember the position of your mouth and lips in just one day.
  • Warm up the ligaments. We quickly remember all the chants that are familiar to us from music lessons at school. True, the teacher did not tell you that you had no voice or hearing - everyone sang with her.
  • Don't overdo it. Don't try to sing too high or loud. Watch the film “Come Tomorrow” by Evgeny Tashkov. He talks about the aspiring singer Frosa Burlakova. We are sure that you will learn a lot from it that is interesting and useful for yourself and your own voice.
  • Take care of your voice. It is better not to sing on the street, and also do not drink hot chocolate/coffee or cold drinks before singing.

How to learn to sing beautifully?

Sometimes thoughts come to us that it would be very good not just to be able to sing, but to sing beautifully. But you just need to prepare yourself and your own voice for a full-fledged public speaking. Listen to the composition in the recording: and at this moment sketch the graphs of the movement of the melody. After all, everyone knows that notes can be low and high, short and long. Study the song, note when the melody went down and when it went up. Control your own voice according to this schedule. How long it will take you to learn to sing beautifully using this method depends only on you. Perhaps in a week you will be able to train so much that the owners of the karaoke bar will not want to let you go at all.

Don’t forget one more very important nuance, if you don’t know how to learn to sing if you don’t have a voice - always choose a song that is familiar to you in your key. Otherwise, you run a high risk of finding yourself in a very unpleasant situation. And most importantly, do not stop in your own achievements. After all, your desire, as well as hard training, will help you unlock your potential, as well as develop your own natural voice.

Video lessons: How to learn to sing if you don’t have a voice?

Remember the main thing - everything is in your hands and depends only on you!

Most people mistakenly assume that if they don't naturally have singing talent, then they don't need to try to learn. But, fortunately, there are people who, despite everything, realized that with training and practice you can achieve great results. Not only have they figured it out, but they are sharing their discoveries. Therefore, now there are many effective methods to create a pretty good voice from almost nothing. The question of how to learn to sing at home if you don’t have a voice is getting more and more good answers. So what can you do to improve your vocal skills? How to defeat a bear that stepped on your ear?

Voice training with exercises

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The very first and most important thing is voice production. Because if nature has not rewarded you with singing beauty, then it needs to be created and honed, at least at the initial stage. We are talking about special exercises that many vocalists, both little-known and very famous, do. After all, many people understand that even the stars of world show business sometimes made their way into the music world far from talent. A whole crowd of modern singers and singers came to the stage completely without a voice, but through the right approach to the voice and constant efforts they learned to sing well.

So, exercises are the easiest way to learn to sing at home if you don’t have a voice. Many may remember how in school, during physical education lessons, they stood in a pose where their legs were placed shoulder-width apart and their arms were held along the body. If you smoothly lean forward from this position, pointing your arms straight down, almost reaching the floor with your fingertips, you can perfectly develop your respiratory system. And this is the main criterion in voice production. Just remember that when you bend over, you must take an active breath through your nose, and when you straighten up, silently, passively exhale through your mouth. This exercise not only helps to improve your voice, but also to overcome pain in the liver and heart, as well as asthma attacks. Many vocalists do such exercises even when they have a natural talent for singing. The speed of bending and straightening should be the same as the speed of the marching step. It is necessary to do 12 approaches of 8 inclinations.

There is another cool exercise, the essence of which is to hug your own shoulders. Only the arms should be parallel to each other, they should not be crossed under any circumstances. And with every sharp hug, you should take the same sharp breath through your nose. Exhalation, of course, is done along with throwing your arms to the sides. If you do these exercises correctly, without changing the order of your hands, you will be able to achieve amazing tone in all organs that take part in the formation of sounds. Of course, each activity has its limitations, and if it is difficult for you to do it, or it causes pain, it is better to find an alternative.

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After you have prepared your body for singing, you can begin chanting. Now there are many different tips, but it is better to study according to the old “old-fashioned” method, which you can try to learn from old music teachers. Well, or you can try to remember from elementary school. In general, to learn how to sing at home, if you don’t have a voice, hum the sounds O, E, U, I, combining them with different vowels.

The best options that help clear and maximize your voice:

  • ri-ru-re-ro;
  • gi-gu-ge-go;
  • kri-kru-kre-kro;
  • shi-shu-she-sho;
  • li-lu-le-lo.

But you shouldn’t stop at just these options. A couple of lessons and these chants will become a habit. Try to make some changes in the sound and delivery of your voice, change the timbre, and then the exercises will be beneficial.

The right choice of training method is the key to success

After your steps in developing and staging your voice, which you can do on your own, we advise you to turn to various techniques. Of course, you don’t have to study with a teacher or attend music courses, because everything you might need is available on the Internet. In most methods developed by eminent experts in the field of vocals and music, there are exercises called “eights”. Its essence is that you need to count out loud to eight 10-15 times, and before that hold your breath. If you find this exercise in a singing training course, then this course is most likely adequate and effective. This means you can learn to sing from it.

Naturally, it is better to work with a professional. He won’t miss anything, he will be able to get at least some semblance of vocal abilities out of a person. And especially if the student really wants to sing. But since most people are shy, they need to study alone. And with due effort, this almost always works out. And if you want to know more information on this topic, you can read the article:. You can also do a lot of other things at home, for example, or

Video lessons

Have you dreamed of learning to sing since childhood?


Do you write your own songs and want to perform them live cleanly and beautifully?


Do you feel the talent and ability to “light up” stadiums with your singing?


Or maybe you just want to impress a girl or guy with a soulful song accompanied by a guitar?


Sometimes sing karaoke with friends?

Or you are a musician, you sing in a group, but you feel something is wrong (you don’t always hit the notes, there is not enough emotion in your voice, there is a small range, your voice does not listen to you)



You naturally have a magnificent VOICE and an ear for music!

Every person from birth has a strong mindset voice! Remember any baby! You, too, were once a small and vocal child!

And a bear that steps on other people’s ears was shot dead in the last century!

World practice shows that everyone can learn to sing beautifully, regardless of their current abilities!

It's easier and faster than learning to swim, drive a car or learn a foreign language!

Look, this is what a person who wants to sing usually thinks:

  • I have no hearing - I don't hit the notes
  • I have a weak voice - it’s unpleasant to listen to me
  • I have a small range - I can’t sing high or, conversely, low
  • I have no emotion in my voice - I sing monotonously and boringly

I had exactly the same thoughts myself. Moreover, I really had all of the above problems.

Listen to this piece:

I won't torture you for long. :) In general, there was not a single person who could like my singing, including myself.

I was always embarrassed to sing in company and even for myself, because I heard that I couldn’t do it at all.

When I later took up vocals, I still couldn’t solve all my problems related to singing there. I felt the clamps and didn't know how to get rid of them!

Then I decided that I simply did not have the talent and musical data.

It’s good that I didn’t give up at all and had the persistence to move on.

Now I understand what the mistake was. The point is that on vocal lessons most often practice voice training. But for singing– first of all, it is necessary to develop your musical EARNING! It is he who controls your voice when you sing!

And to develop an ear for music, there are completely DIFFERENT exercises that are NOT given in vocal lessons!

Thus, if you want learn to sing from scratch, You need to look not for vocal lessons, but singing lessons! These are different things!

And, of course, it is very desirable to know the basic laws of music, the language of music. After all, singing is speaking the language of music!

And today, you can study the laws of music, develop your ear for music and tune your voice, learn to sing at home, using the Internet!

This was made possible thanks to the technologies invented in “!

At the “School of Natural Voice” you receive assignments by email, watch video examples of exercises and communicate with the teacher through the personal account of the “School of Natural Voice” cadet.

Thus, you can study anywhere, at any time convenient for you, even from a tablet or smartphone, and receive the support of a professional teacher!

Now you don’t need to waste time in traffic jams and be tied to your class schedule. And most importantly, you will not mark time, practicing vocals, instead of learn to sing!

You can learn to sing at home in 4-6 months!

  • - for voice settings
  • - for adjusting musical hearing and coordination with voice