It is better to receive additional education in the summer. Summer education or how to spend time usefully

Do you need to study but are you wasting your time? Are you sure that if you worked harder, you would get good grades? Don't worry, you're not the only one, most people have learning difficulties. Read our article to stop wasting time and start studying seriously!


Overcoming resistance

    Whatever you are doing, stop and start studying immediately. The easiest way is to reassure yourself that you will get down to serious business “in an hour.” A whole day can be wasted on such promises. If you want to study seriously, there is no need to delay. Stop what you are doing, grab your study supplies, go to a quiet place and safe place and get busy studying. Don’t harm yourself by reassuring yourself with words like: “I’ll pass one more level, and then I’ll get back to school,” or: “One more episode and that’s it.” The sooner you start studying, the sooner you will finish, which means you will have more free time.

    • The hardest thing is to start. Once you cross the line of resistance, you will realize that everything is not so difficult.
  1. Force yourself to take notes and sketch. Sketching is not only fun, but also useful. For example, you need to remember some events of the Great Patriotic War- draw them! The first minutes are the most important; at the beginning you can easily get distracted and move on to another activity. To prevent this from happening, start writing notes, even if they are not entirely interesting to you. As you study, you will find yourself not going to be distracted by anything else.

    • If the notes later seem useless, you can always rewrite them.
  2. Tune in. State of mind plays important role in achieving academic success. Collect yourself physically and mentally, remain in this state from the beginning to the end of classes. Below are some ideas for motivation, use them if you are sure they will help you:

    • listen to uplifting music - any music you listen to before the start of a sports game will do;
    • move around, walk, jump or hit a punching bag;
    • create an inspirational speech;
    • If possible, change your place of study more often - the main thing is that workplace you're not bored.
  3. Give yourself some encouragement. It's easier to learn when you know that hard work will lead to rewards. For example, if you have a sweet tooth, take time after a successful workout to go to the store and buy ice cream.

    Tell us about your educational plans. If all else fails, shame yourself! Tell your friends that you are going to study to get good mark on the exam. After such an announcement, you will be ashamed to fail the exam and this feeling will put pressure on you to study harder.

    • Better yet, tell your friends that you are going to study with them. In this case, you will have to either study (with friends, who will be a kind of motivation) or cancel such classes. Whatever action you choose, your friends will know about it.

    Getting rid of distractions

    1. Make time to study. When studying, it is important to fully concentrate on your studies. If you are distracted by something else while studying, be it a TV show, a game, or another task, you will not be able to remember much information (if you can remember anything at all). Set aside for activities and only There is enough time for classes.

      • Depending on the volume of tasks, allocate time for a one-time lesson or for regular lessons. The latter is preferable, as over time you will get used to this schedule.
    2. Choose a place where you will not be distracted. Unfortunately, many people manage to devote a sufficient amount of time to study, but spend it on unimportant things. Therefore, when choosing a place to study, exclude everything that can distract you. This place should be quiet, where there are no video games, computer, TV, friends, etc.

      • If you need the Internet during class, but are worried that you will be distracted by different games, social media or anything else, use a special free browser extension that temporarily blocks some sites.
    3. Use music or white noise. Some people are able to be distracted by complete silence. If you are one of these people, try playing music or white noise while you study. Music has a positive effect on some people, encouraging them to exercise. Others find it better to practice while listening to the sounds of nature, such as rain or waves. White noise calms you down, helps you concentrate and prevents distractions. The main thing is that the music itself does not distract you. If you find yourself starting to sing along, turn it off. When we're talking about about music, it is better to listen to the one without words, for example, classical.

      Eliminate the reason that forces you to postpone classes. As a last resort, you can simply temporarily (or permanently) get rid of distracting things. For example, if you're putting off studying because you play video games, give them to a friend to keep for a week. If that doesn't help, sell them. No matter how difficult it may be to get rid of them, you will realize later that it was worth it.

    4. Learn the basics well. Ask yourself questions and try to answer them correctly. Studying is not a goal, but a process.
    5. Keep your desk tidy. When everything is at hand and in its place, there will be no place for stress and worry.
    6. Reward yourself for doing it complex tasks.
    7. Always keep extra pens, pencils and other study supplies with you.
    8. Buy special manuals, they are quite cheap. Such manuals contain the main points, the subject is explained briefly and in simple language. These books make it easier to study.
    9. Many schools conduct additional classes By different subjects. Visit them if you are having difficulty with a particular subject. Classroom learning is more interesting and rewarding.
    10. Ask your parents to listen to you as you explain to them what you have learned. By retelling what you have learned, you will be able to repeat it and understand it better.
    11. The sooner you start tasks, the better. Studying at night is not beneficial.

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All children are different, and everyone’s thinking, memory, and attention work differently, so there is no definite answer as to whether all children need to study in the summer.

Each parent makes the decision to start school in August independently, taking into account the interests of the child and the characteristics of his health.

But there can be no talk of additional classes if there is fatigue from the main one. school curriculum, which sometimes drives children to neuroses.

Rules for summer classes for schoolchildren:

1. Voluntary basis and interest

If a child doesn’t want to study in the summer, it’s almost impossible to force him: “I’m on vacation!” It is important not to put pressure, but to try to interest them so as not to discourage them from going to school in the first place. Let the child take part in choosing a tutor and drawing up a lesson schedule.

Advice: good argument for persuasion - “You will be the first in the class to learn about fractions! Can you imagine how great it is to learn English with a real American!”

2. Interested discussion of class results, praise, encouragement

Any encouragement from parents is a signal that they see and appreciate the efforts of their children. It's also a great motivation.

Advice: try to find a connection between your activities and life, for example: “How quickly you figured out the topic “Inertia”! On Sunday we’ll go roller skating and see what it looks like in practice.”

Already in September, future graduates will face pressure from teachers and parents about the upcoming exams. I recommend thinking through a strategy for psychological preparation for the Unified State Exam and the Unified State Exam in advance.

3. Learning with passion

Agree with the tutor that the lessons are different from school, interesting and varied. Otherwise, the child will quickly get bored with classes, he will learn the material worse and get tired faster.

Advice: The multiplication table can be studied and repeated using a board/computer game or a colorful manual, and history can be studied while visiting museums or watching historical films.

4. Hobbies benefit learning

Parents of younger schoolchildren should choose additional activities that will help their child cope with the main difficulties at school.

Advice: if a child has poor handwriting, he needs to draw and sculpt more - this is much more interesting and productive than developing beautiful handwriting with boring exercises.

5. Time for business, time for fun

Plan the day with your children: the routine will keep them on their toes, and adaptation to school after the summer will be easier. In August, you can do things that you don’t have time for during the school year, for example, short language classes, attending a programming school or intensive classes with a tutor. The brain, like muscles, needs to be trained constantly. But don't overload your child! Ask your teacher to change the activity if junior schoolboy rubs his eyes, and the eldest has difficulty concentrating.

Advice: To make your studies more effective, you can suggest conducting 2-3 short lessons (30 minutes) a day - in different subjects.

6. Don't forget about books

What can you learn in 90 days? To begin with, it is worth assessing yourself summer time. It's warm, the sun, Fresh air. You shouldn’t lock yourself within four walls unless it’s necessary or due to circumstances. It is better to pay attention to active activities, things that require you to leave the house, communicate with people, and so on. Being open to the whole world is not so easy at first, but then it’s exciting to the end.

TOP 10 summer activities

From all the activities for the summer, in the course of long thinking, shrugging, wrinkling the forehead and making a smart face, a small list of the ten most interesting positions was obtained. So first place

The TOP 10 presented is just a small part of what you can do, from collecting stamps to cycling

Skateboarding – Suitable for ages teen to moderately average. Requires large space, takes place in the fresh air, promotes health and communication with people.

Game – have you been planning for a long time and never got around to it? It's time to take the instrument out of the dusty closet and remember the first ones. In three months, with proper practice, you can learn to play very well.

It is unlikely that you will be able to learn a language - Japanese or Chinese - during this time, but English is quite possible. Alternatively, you can take up Esperanto. It is believed that it is very easy for those who already know the basics of other languages.

Books – read everything you’ve been putting off for a long time. How about fresh air? No problem, do it at the dacha on a swing or on a playground, on a park bench - everything is at your service!

Touch typing is a very useful skill that requires a lot of time. This is useful for your future if it is related to typing.

Photography – don’t forget that in summer it is very beautiful, especially outside the city. Arm yourself with a camera, even if it’s not necessarily a professional one, and go towards unexpected shots. There will be something to remember in winter.

Dancing and dancing again - if you are young at heart and your body needs a warm-up after a long winter, an incendiary samba, an elegant rumba or a passionate paso doble will do.

Modeling - pottery perfectly calms, tunes into harmony with the surrounding world. You will have a great time and make new acquaintances in the class group. And perhaps you will find yourself an antidepressant on cold winter evenings.

To engage in potato fighting - this will require a special air gun and a group of like-minded people. A great alternative to computer games!

Think about your health and quit some. You will not be distracted by work, no stress, communication with nature - parting with, for example, will be painless for you and those around you.

Don't waste a minute!

Time flies, flies, hurries very quickly.

Most main secret Don’t put off any successful business!

And the seemingly long 90 days ahead will pass very quickly. Start planning your vacation or vacation now so that you don’t regret a wasted summer in winter.

There is a widespread belief that summer is not the most suitable period for receiving additional education. They say that this is the holiday season, when you can forget about all your worries, which means that studying at this time of year will be ineffective. However, we dare to assure you that this opinion is wrong. According to experts, receiving additional education is most enjoyable and useful during the warm period of the year.

To keep up with modern trends and improve their knowledge, a person needs to regularly study, broaden his horizons and master new skills that help increase the level of demand and career advancement. Additional education is one of the most effective tools on the path to advanced training, mastery new profession or obtaining information that will be useful in everyday life.

Moreover, today there are many on the market educational centers and courses that allow you to engage in self-development - their doors are open to everyone all year round. It is the opportunity to undergo training at any time of the year that makes additional education even more attractive. After all, unlike school or university education, where there is a strict schedule of classes, you can attend courses both during the day and in the evening, both in winter and in summer.

Note that there is a widespread opinion that summer is not the most suitable period for receiving additional education. They say that this is the holiday season, when you can forget about all your worries, which means that studying at this time of year will be ineffective. However, we dare to assure you that this opinion is wrong. According to experts, receiving additional education is most enjoyable and useful during the warm season.

Summer education or how to spend time usefully

The assertion that you need to study anytime, just not in the summer, is increasingly being questioned. People aimed at self-development and self-realization are sure that vacations and holidays are not a time for idleness, but an opportunity to gain new knowledge. Psychologists say that a person who has started summer training, goes beyond the usual perception and becomes much closer to achieving your goal. Anyone who strives for success must constantly work on himself, so vacation planning must necessarily include self-development activities.

There are many reasons why you shouldn’t postpone your studies until the fall, including:

  • More free time. In the summer, many people go on vacation, work pressure subsides, and children begin their holidays, which means no homework and, possibly, a trip to their grandmother’s dacha. Reducing the number of tasks helps to accumulate energy, which can be directed to mastering new knowledge and developing plans to achieve new goals.
  • Profitable offer educational centers. The summer lull also affects institutions offering additional education. Lack of demand for educational services forces them to take measures aimed at attracting attention by offering discounts. Thus, by starting studies in June-July, a person can save significantly, since at the end of the season many promotions end and the cost of training increases several times.
  • Sun and warmth bring joy. Unlike the cold months, when people have to eat artificially grown fruits/vegetables, in the summer the situation changes dramatically. The amount of fresh vegetables and fruits consumed provides the body with the necessary vitamins, which increase tone and promote brain activity, and exposure to the sun helps to increase the level of vitamin D, which improves memory. At the same time, thanks to the long daylight hours, a person begins to actively produce serotonin, which is responsible for good mood. Maintaining normal levels of this hormone allows you to stay focused and follow your goal.
  • Preservation work uniform. A pleasant holiday is always followed by a beginning active work, which often leads to stress and depression. Studying is the best way avoid strong contrast and be ready to work.

How to get ready to study?

It is well known that to move to active actions one desire to learn not enough. The habit laid down from childhood to relax in the summer (at first school break, then the summer holiday season) acts on a subconscious level, and it is often very difficult to get in the mood for studying. Fighting with yourself is the basis of success, so it is necessary to take appropriate measures to “step over” yourself and spend your free time from work not only pleasantly, but also usefully for career growth.

Correct task setting is one of the key stages on the way to achieving the goal. Walkthrough of everything training course may seem like too long and difficult, which negatively affects the desire to learn. Therefore, along with long term goals, you should learn to set yourself short-term goals that will facilitate the whole process. Correctly formulated tasks should:

  • contain a clear answer to the question “What needs to be done”;
  • start with an action verb indefinite form what needs to be done first;
  • do not require lengthy deliberation;
  • be achievable in short time(for example, “You need to complete the course in a maximum of half an hour”).

Internal confrontation often becomes the reason for deviation from the set goal. During long periods of thought, it is common for a person to weigh the pros and cons, coming up with all sorts of excuses that will allow him to postpone completing a task. To achieve what you want, you need to act quickly and without thinking.

One of the best incentives that will allow you to achieve stunning success in studies, is the spirit of competition inherent in everyone. Therefore, studying in pairs with a colleague or friend will allow you not only to study more, but also to do it more diligently. In addition, the opportunity to discuss the material you have just learned with someone will allow you to learn it better and make studying more interesting.

The "carrot and stick" method is also great way improve learning efficiency. When performing difficult tasks, a person may have a desire to quit everything and switch to something else. But, if in the future he can count on a reward for achieving certain results, he will try better. Therefore, developing a system of rewards for small achievements will not allow you to give up without a fight. In cases where the desire postpone studies begins to prevail, the time comes to use the whip - a certain punishment. A task not completed on time should not go unnoticed, so the punishment system is as important as the reward system.

Who said that you have to study at home? If you have a laptop, you can study, for example, in the park. Fresh and warm summer air will activate brain activity and increase the effectiveness of learning, and a change of environment will give you the opportunity to relax and not perceive studying as hard work.

The main thing in learning process never forget about the end result, because the reason for learning is not the goal itself. If you constantly visualize and think about future prospects after receiving additional education, the effect will not be long in coming.

Proposals for the development of children's intelligence, mathematics abilities, and learning foreign languages V summer period meet at every step. Parents are offered various forms training: specialized summer camp for children, shortened summer courses for schoolchildren. School system education is so imperfect that mothers and fathers seize on any opportunity to expand the child’s horizons, create whole plan training events on summer holidays. Is this really necessary? Is it really necessary to burden children with studying in the summer?

What to do with a child in the summer? Summer intensive in Soroban®

In most cases, schoolchildren do so little mental work during vacation that they even lose some of their acquired knowledge and cognitive skills. Because of this, in the new academic year The teacher is forced not to give new topics right away, but to spend a good one or two months repeating the program. Summer developmental courses for children perform several functions:

  • do not allow to a child's mind to be lazy, provide him with regular intense exercise;
  • develop new cognitive and cognitive abilities;
  • fill out free time little schoolboy, making his vacation bright, interesting and useful.

Program summer courses mental mathematics is contained in one month of classes. Since schoolchildren have more free time in the summer, the school mental counting Soroban® increased the intensity of lessons and homework during the holidays:

  • Classroom lessons – 2 times a week;
  • daily home workouts are designed for 30-45 minutes.

Thanks to a rich program, students of the summer intensive course at Soroban®, in one month of training, complete the first topic in mental arithmetic, which students full courses it takes two months.

Soroban® method of mental counting: benefits for children of primary school age

Children learn in express courses quick counting in the mind. But not this the main task summer training at Soroban®. For a month of training mental arithmetic great results are achieved:

  • development of logic;
  • development visual memory and the ability to quickly absorb information by ear;
  • development of imagination, imaginative thinking;
  • synchronization of the work of the hemispheres, thanks to the creation of conditions for their equal development.

Logical thinking, good memory and other cognitive abilities - powerful tool in teaching for schoolchildren. Therefore, classes at the mental arithmetic school serve as good preparation for school in the summer.

To quickly adapt to studying in the new academic year, it is also important psychological preparation. If in the summer a child lived outside the regime, if he did not attend developmental classes and did not study at home, then within three months the level of his internal discipline and ability to concentrate to solve a problem sharply decreases. Soroban® solves this problem too. Mental arithmetic develops concentration and perseverance, and regular training does not allow the student to lose the habit of responsibility and the need for self-organization.

Summer intensive in Soroban®. Benefits of studying in the summer

Summer courses for schoolchildren differ from regular developmental courses for children only in duration and scale ultimate goal. Otherwise, the approach to children, methods and means are not much different. These are games, a relaxed atmosphere, attention to each student, encouraging children's curiosity...

The benefits of studying in the summer are:

  • supporting the student’s intellectual activity at a high level;
  • development of intelligence, new cognitive abilities;
  • organization of high-quality, useful recreation within the framework of a city children's summer camp;
  • comprehensive preparation for school.

And the advantage of studying at Soroban is that the school mental arithmetic provides its students with a choice: Let's sing the anthem and count quickly in our heads!

Let's count and eat!