How to learn English in Canada. What documents will be required

Studying in Canada attracts students from all over the world. Every year about 200,000 applicants come here to study. Moreover, this figure is constantly growing. Why is this country so attractive to foreigners?

Why is it worth getting an education in Canada?

  1. The country's leadership is pursuing a policy focused on education and improving the literacy of citizens. Canada is first on the OECD list for per capita spending in this area. The country's Ministry of Education has developed a strategic plan to attract foreign students. The main goal of the document is to double the number of foreign students by 2022.
  2. Canada offers world-class language training. The country has two official languages: English and French, so local teachers have extensive experience teaching them. Institutions are considered experts in linguistic training.
  3. One of the leading education systems in the world. She consistently demonstrates high academic achievement throughout her high school years. The International Program for the Assessment of Student Educational Achievements conducted monitoring. According to it, Canadian schoolchildren demonstrate a high level of preparation. In 2012, the country ranked 13th in the world, 6th in Europe.
  4. Canada occupies a leading position in the use of IT technologies. It became the first state in the world to connect its educational institutions and cultural and educational institutions to the Internet. All schools and universities have computer classes. Distance learning and the iClicker interactive testing platform for students have become widespread.
  5. The cost of education in Canada is lower than in the neighboring US and UK. Living in the country is also more economical. Toronto is recognized as the most expensive city in the country. However, even there it is on average 20-25% cheaper to live than in London or New York. Education in higher education institutions will also cost less than in American and English universities and colleges.
  6. Simplified immigration system. After you graduate, you will be given the opportunity to work in the country for several years. During this time you can obtain a permanent residence permit. This is much easier to do than in other states.
  7. Canada is one of the best countries in the world to live. According to UN monitoring, it has a very high human development index. This is an aggregate indicator that includes data on the standard of living, health care, literacy and economic development of the country. In 2014, The Economist conducted a survey of the world's most livable cities. The TOP 5 ranking includes three Canadian metropolises - Vancouver, Toronto and Calgary.
  8. Studying in Canada is not limited to the educational process. An exciting life awaits students outside the university. The state is the second largest in the world. The nature of the country is striking in its picturesqueness and diversity. Are you planning to study in Canada? You will have the opportunity to master winter sports, swim in the waters of the Atlantic, visit the Prairies, enjoy the views of Niagara Falls and Hudson Bay, and see the Northern Lights.

Study programs in Canada for Russian schoolchildren and students

Language classes:

  1. For adults.
    • ILAC (International Language Academy of Canada). The school has campuses in Toronto and Vancouver. The training program is designed for students over 16 years of age. The institution offers intensive and super-intensive foreign language courses. This training format is suitable for those who already have a basic level of English. Convenient accommodation will help you immerse yourself in the language environment and get additional practice: ILAC students live in families;
    • University of Toronto. You can come to study at any time of the year. The university offers general, conversational and academic foreign language programs, as well as business English. This is the best place if you want to prepare for TOEFL, IELTS, FCE, CAE.
  2. For children.
    organized on the basis of higher and secondary educational institutions. Students take general and intensive English courses. It is possible to study in programs with additional leisure time. Thanks to them, the child will be able to engage in sports, art and favorite hobbies in his free time. Preparation courses for international exams are popular: IELTS, TOEFL. Full-time education with English is also possible. After this, the child will receive a certificate of secondary education. We cooperate with the European Language Centre, ILAC school, and the University of Toronto.

Secondary education in private schools

Canadian boarding schools accept children from 12 to 18 years old. Applicants can enroll in middle and high school. Advanced Placement, International Baccalaureate and ESL programs are available. Studying in Canada lasts from 6 months to 3 years. You can send your child to study in a boarding school for girls or boys, or in a mixed school.

Preparation for admission to higher education institutions

Are you planning to enroll in an English-speaking university? You will need a high level of language and academic knowledge in specialized subjects. The “Chancellor” will help you choose a preparatory program for future students. Courses are provided by: ILAC School, University of Toronto and Seneca College of Applied Arts and Technology.

Estimated cost of studying in Canada

Travel costs directly depend on the chosen program, region and accommodation option.

Cost of living and related expenses

As a rule, the price of a study program in Canada already includes accommodation. If the cost of the course you choose does not include these costs, then you should additionally budget for the following expenses:

Average monthly expenses for students vary greatly from city to city. Staying in megacities such as Ottawa and Toronto a priori cannot be cheap - on average, about 500-700 C1 per week is required. Accommodation in Windsor or Newmarket is usually less expensive - around 400-600 C1.

It is difficult to name the exact amount - it all depends solely on the needs and financial capabilities of a particular student.

What documents will be needed

A visa is required to legally enter the country. The type of document depends on the duration of the selected program. Students who plan to study for a program lasting no more than 3 months are issued a guest visa. As a rule, it is easy to obtain, but it does not allow for the possibility of extension. If the course takes more than 3 months or short-term academic or professional programs are selected, you must apply for a student visa. To obtain it you will need the following documents:

  1. Questionnaire. It must be completed in English or French. Be sure to include the date and signature.
  2. Valid foreign passport. It must be valid for at least six months after the end of the trip.
  3. Original acceptance letter from the educational institution. Both electronic and postal options are suitable.
  4. Receipt of payment of the consular fee.
  5. Photos in 3 copies.
  6. Bank account statement with balance and cash flows for the last six months. The student must have at least C$10,000 available to cover living expenses.
  7. For minors, copies of birth certificates and parent/guardian passports will be required. They also need to provide consent to travel from both parents or the parent who is not accompanying the child on the trip (the document must be certified by a notary).
  8. Medical examination results (for programs lasting more than 6 months).
  9. Certificate from place of work or study.

Students traveling to Canada for programs lasting more than six months are required, in addition to a visa, to obtain a Study permit. This procedure can take 6-8 weeks, so it is best to start collecting documents at least six months before departure.

Prospects and employment opportunities

Graduates of schools and preparatory courses can enter universities in Canada or the USA, since the education systems of these countries are very similar. Diplomas from educational institutions of both countries are highly rated among employers all over the world, which means that in the future it will not be difficult to find a decent job. In addition, specialists who have received higher education in Canada are given permission to stay in the country after graduation. The period of legal stay ranges from 1 to 3 years. Once this period expires, the person immediately receives a residence permit. However, there are a number of conditions for this: no problems with the police and the presence of an extended contract.

Your benefits from cooperation with the Chancellor company in Moscow

Our managers will provide professional advice, select a program in accordance with your goals, take care of all organizational issues, including those related to paperwork and obtaining a visa, and help with resolving issues that arise during the period of studying abroad. We supervise “our” clients throughout the entire duration of the contract.

Good day, dear readers! Naturally, it is better to learn English using the method of complete immersion in the language environment. The ideal option is to study English abroad, where you can spend some time in the country, language, dialect, variant of the language that you want to learn. You can go to work, study, or simply take language courses in an English-speaking country.

Studying English in Canada can be done not only by those who intend to live there permanently or live there for some time, but also by those who simply want to learn the language, since studying in Canada has a number of advantages. Today we will find out exactly what language courses are available in Canada.

Canada is a very friendly country to all visitors, because the residents of this state come from all over the world. Therefore, when you are studying in one of the Canadian cities, do not be surprised if complete strangers start talking to you on public transport. Even the largest metropolises are home to very friendly and welcoming people.

Teaching English in Canadian language courses gives students the opportunity to see this country from the inside with their own eyes. Students can admire wildlife, stunning scenery, skiing, hiking, and visiting a national park. Some students even said that they learned to sail a canoe there, and some simply loved watching the huge flows of people in big cities.

It’s not uncommon in these parts to see wild elk grazing in plain sight. And listening close to the sounds of Niagara Falls of indescribable beauty, you can get wet through with water dust. Canada is an amazing country in North America, where you can find a lot of interesting adventures. But this is not all the advantages of studying in this country.

Benefits of learning English in Canada


Studying in Canada is not just a good way to immerse yourself in the culture of the country and the English language, but also an opportunity to master speech patterns in their natural situations of use. Why you should choose English courses in this country:

  • Studying and living in Canada itself is cheaper than in England or the USA
  • The education received at Canadian courses is recognized as very high quality and prestigious in all countries of the world
  • A student visa allows students to legally work part-time after studying
  • Wide selection of language schools and English courses
  • The kindness and friendliness of the local people
  • Highly qualified teachers with extensive experience
  • If you wish, you can obtain citizenship relatively easily
  • Magnificent landscapes and nature
  • Endless opportunities for healthy leisure activities

If you decide to study in Toronto or Vancouver, you will never regret your choice. But you must choose the right courses or school yourself, depending on your preferences and financial capabilities.

English courses and schools in Canada

In Canada there are many schools and courses for teaching English of different locations, quality and price categories. I will tell you about the most popular ones, and you choose the option that you like or suits.

Choose any of the options or suggest your own!

The main thing is that when you spend money on a trip, try to make the most of your time. Study actively, complete all homework, attend all lectures and be active in class - ask questions, look for answers, use your brain at full capacity.

In your free time, go on excursions, walk around the city, visit museums, communicate with native speakers and foreigners. Make the most of yourself and all the opportunities and chances that come your way. And you will rest and rest at home.

Good luck and have a great trip!

How to go to study a language in Canada

It is no secret that in today's world a person cannot be considered sufficiently educated without a strong knowledge of the English language. Go to any recruiting site in your city, you will probably notice that all interesting vacancies contain an English requirement. And if you are interested in studying or working abroad in the future, then fluent English (or French) is a must for you.

Canada is a very good place to learn a language. Firstly, English and French are her native languages, which means that you are guaranteed almost one hundred percent immersion in the language environment. Secondly, there is a wide selection of language schools to suit every taste, where real native speakers will teach you the language. Thirdly, Canada is rightfully considered one of the safest countries in the world. Fourthly, this country is very tolerant of any nationalities, and indeed of visitors in general. You will quickly begin to feel like a real Canadian! And fifthly, the prices will pleasantly surprise you. Of course, learning a language costs money (from about 300 Canadian dollars per week), but if you compare this price with the cost of language schools in the US or UK, you will love Canada even more.

Main types of language programs in Canada.

There is quite a lot of competition among language schools in Canada, so they try to offer their students the highest possible service. And first of all, this is a wide variety of different training programs, such as:

Main language- a program in which you alternate studying language grammar with conversation practice. Usually, on the first day of training you will be asked to take a language test, with the help of which the school will determine your current level and offer you appropriate classes of study. The intensity of such programs can vary to suit your goals - from 2.5 hours a day to super-intensive.

Family programs- programs for those who like to travel with their families. They allow parents and children (older and younger sisters/brothers) to learn the language at the same time. This does not always happen within the same school, because not all schools have classes for young children, for example. However, if we are talking about teenagers and their parents, then the chances of sitting at a desk in the same educational institution are very high.

Business programs- programs with in-depth study of English for business. As a rule, they already assume some language base, but if you don’t have it, it doesn’t matter. First, you can take the basic language, and then, when the required level is reached, switch to business.

Group programs- created for groups of students (from five people) with common learning goals. In this case, the school can create special classes for the specific needs of the group.

Language test preparation programs- if you have to take a language test (IELTS, TOEFL), then one of these programs can seriously help you in your preparation. Typically, such programs are aimed at intensive practice of test tasks (listening, speaking, writing and reading) and their subsequent analysis. Of course, in such programs they do not spend time learning the basics of the language, so if you do not yet have a sufficient level, you will be offered to first take regular language classes in sufficient quantities.

Pre-university programs (pathways)- many colleges and universities in Canada work with certain language schools and count the completion of pre-university programs in them for admission. In fact, this is some kind of agreement between a higher education institution and a language school in which the school promises that upon successful completion of a certain language program, the student will meet the minimum language requirements of the main program of study and will not have to confirm the language through IELTS or TOEFL. This is an excellent option for those who are serious about receiving a Canadian education, but do not yet have a sufficient language level to study. Such options help to improve your language skills and enroll in the main program without a lottery with a language test. The main thing is to find the right school with an existing pathway with the educational institution you are interested in (but we are there for that, if that happens).

The duration of language training can be from one week to infinity. Most schools also offer various accommodation options for students and all sorts of activities after classes, which allow you not only to study well, but also to have fun.

Studying at a Canadian language school will not only allow you to improve your language, but will also give you the opportunity to get to know Canada better and make new friends around the world.

CanadaMania Ltd officially cooperates with the best Canadian language schools, but we never impose them. Tell metell us about your requirements, and we will definitely select the best school specifically for you!

Today, Canada has one of the most loyal migration policies in the world, which makes this country attractive both for education and for the relocation of accomplished qualified specialists. A high standard of living, safety and excellent ecology - this is all about the country of the maple leaf. Language courses in Canada are the best way to learn “pure” English, get to know the country, or prepare for moving.


Studying at language schools in Canada is an opportunity to study two foreign languages ​​at a high level. Most Canadians speak English, but in some provinces the main language is French. Thus, among the offerings of Canadian language schools there are both languages, and sometimes combined programs. You can find French language courses in Canada in almost any major city, but it is better to choose a school in a French-speaking province - Quebec or New Brunswick - to fully immerse yourself in the language environment. Of course, the most such offers are in Montreal, which is the largest French-speaking city outside of France. When choosing an English language course, everything is simpler: it is spoken everywhere.


Courses at language schools in Canada are offered in a variety of formats - there is something for vacationers, applicants, and potential migrants.

If you or your child are planning to receive higher education in Canada, then pay attention to specialized courses for preparing for the IELTS and TOEFL language exams. Also, some schools offer Pre-Degree programs, where the main emphasis is on improving presentation skills, academic writing and critical work with texts. Such courses are very important for graduates of Russian schools and universities, as they help them adapt to the realities and practices of Western education.

Another popular area among language courses in Canada are business intensives. Canada is relatively easy to immigrate to, and taking a course in Business English or French is not only a step towards improving your skills, but also the easiest way to look around and get to know the country. Some schools offer specialized courses for certain professions, such as medicine or law.

Of course, all schools also offer general English or French courses. Such programs are more aimed at those who prefer to combine business with pleasure on vacation. In addition to direct language classes, students will enjoy a varied leisure program. The signature offering of Canadian language schools is “English + Hockey”. And those who prefer not to play but to watch can “time their visit” around the NHL season and attend a match with the participation of the best athletes in the world.


The cost of studying at language schools in Canada will pleasantly surprise you. Studying here is cheaper than in Britain or the USA. Two weeks of English language courses with accommodation will cost you from 1,500 CAD. French and bilingual courses are usually even cheaper - from 1000 CAD. Schools offer a choice of accommodation in a residence, hotel or family.

Ideal place to study

At the moment, Canada has two official languages ​​- English and French, each of which is taught at a professionally high level in language schools. In most cases, it is this factor that determines the increased interest of foreign citizens in courses in Canada, in which you can quickly learn English and discover new opportunities in this country.

If you set out to pass language courses in Canada, then this will be the right decision.

In parallel with your studies, you will be able to experience Canada in all its glory. Landscapes of amazing beauty will appear before you. By the way, Canadians manage to preserve their nature even in large industrial cities. All the riot of colors of nature is not limited to landscapes alone.

You have a direct opportunity to go to the national park and go canoeing. Extreme lovers can go to the mountains and ski. Admire the famous Niagara Falls and the Pacific Ocean, caressing your eyes with their beauty. Getting to know all of Canada will help you learn English faster and easier.

To learn English and strengthen your skills, you can choose any of the private or public schools in Canada, which are located in the most famous cities of the country.

But why language courses in Canada will give the best result?

Make yourself at home!

For many years now, Canada has been accepting a fairly large number of talented people - coming with immigrant status, they manage to become part of this country. Therefore, much attention is paid to language learning - this will help you adapt and get acquainted with cultural, political and social life.

In connection with this factor, there is another positive point - it concerns prices for courses in Canada, which pleasantly please students and their parents - they are much cheaper than in many other English-speaking countries.

On language courses in Canada You can choose the most interesting direction:

  • general or business English
  • business English
  • professional programs
  • specialized programs that are created to meet specific student requirements

It is worth noting that language schools have extensive experience in teaching the English for Academic Purposes (EAP) course.

Make a choice - get results

Another amazing opportunity is to go courses in Canada to study a foreign language at a particular university, because upon completion you will be able to become a student of this university.

Each university or college has its own individual community program. Private schools accept applications for courses at any time of the year convenient for you.

If you want to improve your knowledge of French as a foreign language (French as a Second Language, FSL), then it is better to take courses in Quebec.

New prospects are already waiting for you

As you have already noticed, Canadian higher education institutions are extremely interested in quality education, as well as a comfortable stay for foreign students in the country during their studies. That is why they are provided with not only high quality education, but also decent living conditions, which will maximally help the visiting student adapt to new conditions.

All language courses in Canada can be called an example of highly professional training - they are known for their modern educational programs. It is important that in each school the interests of even one student are taken into account. Thus, the educational course can be adapted to the requirements and capabilities of an individual.

After completing the courses, those interested can continue their studies or begin building their professional career.