Teaching English in Canada. Work while studying at language courses in Canada

ESL courses –Englishasasecondlanguage
Studying English in Canada in courses for children and schoolchildren under this educational program is offered at almost every university in the country, as they allow foreign applicants to prepare for admission; Canadian language schools also offer a wide range of ESL programs. All of them are united by the flexibility of training conditions and schedules.

FSL courses –Frenchasasecondlanguage(language as a second language)
FSL programs are offered by private and public institutions, and the majority of French schools and language courses in Canada are located in Quebec. FSL operates all year round, foreign students can start their studies at any time: they choose the duration and intensity of the program independently, in accordance with their capabilities, academic needs and goals.

One way or another, now you can start choosing an educational institution to study English in Canada on courses, and the above list of language schools will help you with this. If you have any questions about studying English in Canada at language courses, be sure to submit a request for a free consultation on our website. Our experts will contact you at a time convenient for you and tell you in more detail about everything that is left beyond the scope of this article.

Types of English language courses in Canada

International students can choose between short-term and long-term study programs. A trip to language courses in Canada lasting less than 6 months does not require obtaining a Study Permit (study permit), this applies to both and, which will be discussed in more detail below.

It must be emphasized that Canada is a bilingual country: part of its population speaks English, and in certain provinces French is the official language. Accordingly, there are two types of language schools and centers in the country: ESL and FSL, they offer programs for studying one of two options. Language courses in English, as well as French, in Canada enjoy constant success, largely due to the bilingual nature of the country: both English and French can be studied here at an equally high level.

Various formats of English language courses are available in the country's institutions: standard, intensive (with a large number of academic hours of classes), in-depth (with an emphasis on one or another aspect of the English language), specialized programs. The first ones are recommended for beginning students and those wishing to combine their studies with tourist trips around the country. The intensive format allows you to achieve rapid progress in a short time, and

Ideal place to study

At the moment, Canada has two official languages ​​- English and French, each of which is taught at a professionally high level in language schools. In most cases, it is this factor that determines the increased interest of foreign citizens in courses in Canada, in which you can quickly learn English and discover new opportunities in this country.

If you set out to pass language courses in Canada, then this will be the right decision.

In parallel with your studies, you will be able to experience Canada in all its glory. Landscapes of amazing beauty will appear before you. By the way, Canadians manage to preserve their nature even in large industrial cities. All the riot of colors of nature is not limited to landscapes alone.

You have a direct opportunity to go to the national park and go canoeing. Extreme lovers can go to the mountains and ski. Admire the famous Niagara Falls and the Pacific Ocean, caressing your eyes with their beauty. Getting to know all of Canada will help you learn English faster and easier.

To learn English and strengthen your skills, you can choose any of the private or public schools in Canada, which are located in the most famous cities of the country.

But why language courses in Canada will give the best result?

Make yourself at home!

For many years now, Canada has been accepting a fairly large number of talented people - coming with immigrant status, they manage to become part of this country. Therefore, much attention is paid to language learning - this will help you adapt and get acquainted with cultural, political and social life.

In connection with this factor, there is another positive point - it concerns prices for courses in Canada, which pleasantly please students and their parents - they are much cheaper than in many other English-speaking countries.

On language courses in Canada You can choose the most interesting direction:

  • general or business English
  • business English
  • professional programs
  • specialized programs that are created to meet specific student requirements

It is worth noting that language schools have extensive experience in teaching the English for Academic Purposes (EAP) course.

Make a choice - get results

Another amazing opportunity is to go courses in Canada to study a foreign language at a particular university, because upon completion you will be able to become a student of this university.

Each university or college has its own individual community program. Private schools accept applications for courses at any time of the year convenient for you.

If you want to improve your knowledge of French as a foreign language (French as a Second Language, FSL), then it is better to take courses in Quebec.

New prospects are already waiting for you

As you have already noticed, Canadian higher education institutions are extremely interested in quality education, as well as a comfortable stay for foreign students in the country during their studies. That is why they are provided with not only high quality education, but also decent living conditions, which will maximally help the visiting student adapt to new conditions.

All language courses in Canada can be called an example of highly professional training - they are known for their modern educational programs. It is important that in each school the interests of even one student are taken into account. Thus, the educational course can be adapted to the requirements and capabilities of an individual.

After completing the courses, those interested can continue their studies or begin building their professional career.

It's no secret that learning English from textbooks in most cases gives a very weak effect when it comes to practice. It is often difficult for a person to maintain even a basic dialogue with a native speaker, even with a large vocabulary and excellent knowledge of the rules of grammar.

The thing is that the spoken language of native English speakers is difficult to understand by ear in the absence of communication skills. And therefore, the best way to learn English is to completely immerse yourself in the language environment. To do this, you need to choose a language school in an English-speaking country.

English language courses in Canada are very popular among Russian-speaking students. This is one of the fastest and most effective ways to master the English language and gain practical communication skills. English is one of the official languages ​​in this country and is taught at a high level. And thanks to the multicultural policy, Canadians are friendly towards foreigners.

Teaching English at language schools in Canada will be useful for everyone who:

  • plans to enter a university with English as the language of instruction;
  • wants to make a career in a foreign company or abroad;
  • regularly communicates with foreign partners;
  • is going to emigrate to an English-speaking country;
  • wishes to improve his command of the English language.

English courses in Canada: main advantages

  • High standards of international language educational institutions and a large selection of programs. You can choose an accredited language school in Toronto, Vancouver or Montreal.
  • Learning English in Canada is carried out using advanced techniques that are aimed at developing all four language skills - reading, writing, speaking and listening. A well-organized educational process gives quick results even with minimal initial preparation.
  • The cost of language training programs in Canada is 20-30% cheaper than in the UK and USA.
  • Canadian English is close to classic British English and has few dialectal expressions. Therefore, it is easily perceived by Russian speakers.
  • English language courses in Canada are a great opportunity to see this amazing country with your own eyes and discover its hospitality. You can visit picturesque nature reserves, museums, galleries and other attractions.
  • Studying at a language school in Canada gives you the opportunity to make new friends and acquaintances from all over the world.

Learning English in Canada: language programs for children and adults

A variety of summer and winter language camps are offered for children and teenagers. During the holidays, children can not only take an intensive English course, but also relax. Programs include a variety of excursions, recreational activities, sports and creativity.

For adult students, English language schools in Canada offer a huge number of educational programs designed for different language learning purposes. Among the most popular are short-term intensive courses, English for business, exam preparation courses, and academic courses for university admission. The duration of the programs varies from 1-3 weeks to 12 months or more.

Short-term English courses in Canada are popular among those students who want to improve their level of spoken language. You will master conversational speech and expand your vocabulary, learn to communicate with native speakers.

If you need English for work, then you should choose one of the specialized programs for professionals. Upon completion of this course, you will be proficient in English terminology for your chosen specialization and will be able to engage in scientific or entrepreneurial activities.

Are you planning to study at an English-speaking university? Then preparation courses for taking the international exams IELTS or TOEFL, or one of the programs for future applicants to English-speaking universities, will suit you.

English language instruction in Canada is available throughout the year, so you can start learning the language when it is most convenient for you. Depending on the program and length of stay, various accommodation options are possible - in the residence of the educational institution, in apartments, in a host family. You can also combine learning English with sports and cultural and entertainment programs.

Any English teaching program in Canada involves complete immersion in the language environment. In their free time from classes, students communicate with each other and with native speakers, which guarantees maximum knowledge and communication skills.

How to choose a language school in Canada?

Understanding on your own the variety of language schools in Canada and the nuances of educational programs is not easy. You will have to analyze a huge amount of information, comparing course content, cost, accommodation options and other parameters. After this, you will need to contact representatives of the selected educational institution to agree on details, transfer documents and pay for tuition.

Another difficulty is collecting documents to obtain a visa. The package of documents is quite voluminous; if you do not have the necessary certificate or fill out the documents incorrectly, you risk being denied a visa.

Experts from Insight-Lingua will help you get rid of all the hassle associated with choosing a language school and organizing a trip. We work directly with the best English language schools in Canada and will select the best option for you in accordance with your goals and financial capabilities. Our employees will also take care of collecting documents, obtaining visas, and medical assistance. insurance, purchasing air tickets.

A countryCitySchool/programAge, yearsEnglish coursesPrice,
2 weeks,
CanadaToronto, VancouverInternational Language Academy of Canada (ILAC)from 17
in summer - from 14
  • intensive (30 English lessons/week)
  • super intensive (38 lessons/week)
  • preparing for the TOEFL exam
  • summer youth
  • Pre-Degree Certificate (8-16 weeks)
  • Program High School Yea (40 weeks)
from 1110€
CanadaToronto, Vancouver, MontrealInternational Language Schools of Canada (ILSC)from 16
  • basic (24 English lessons/week)
  • intensive (30 lessons/week)
  • Executive Business Program (English / French)
  • UPath course - preparation for entering a Canadian university/college
  • medical English
from 1140€
CanadaToronto, Vancouver, Montreal 9-15 summer language campfrom 3190€/3 weeks.

The country has two official languages: English and French, so you can get an education through their comprehensive study.

Thanks to a large selection of linguistic centers, you can find a school not only in a large city, but also in a small town.

Studying English at a Canadian institution costs 20% less than studying at a British or American institution.

This country is multicultural. Most citizens are first or second generation immigrants, so visitors from other parts of the world are very warmly treated here.

You can apply for a visa online or by sending documents by courier, which is very convenient.

Features of the country

The state is divided into provinces, which in turn are divided into French- and English-speaking. Therefore, before choosing a school in any city, you need to make sure that it meets your language requirements.

Getting a visa is quite difficult. The process takes a long time, but it's worth it.

The flight takes a long time, and ticket prices are high. From Russia you can get to this country only with transfers.

Admission to a Canadian school and learning features

To enroll in English courses in Canada, you must collect a package of documents, which includes an application form, copies of student ID cards, a receipt for course payment and a receipt for the registration fee.

After this, the language school sends the future student an invitation, which automatically enrolls him in the educational institution. This document is one of the grounds for entering the country, so it must be presented at the embassy and at the border.

Canada has a large selection of language courses. They vary in duration, intensity, theme and complexity. Applicants are assigned to classes based on the results of testing, which reveals the level of language proficiency of students.

In almost all linguistic centers of the country, classes are held with a strong emphasis on the development of oral speech. Studying English in Canada covers all aspects of learning: students learn to write, read, pronounce words correctly and perceive the speech of their interlocutors. Training takes place in a warm, friendly atmosphere, this helps to achieve better results.

Accommodation options

Requirements and documents for obtaining a visa

In order to enroll in a linguistic school in Canada and study English, the main point for foreigners is to obtain a visa. There are several types depending on the purpose and time of stay in the country. For those enrolling in short-term courses, a tourist visa is sufficient, which is valid for up to six months. The application is processed in about 10-15 working days.

Students enrolling for one academic year or a full course of English language study in Canada that lasts a year or more require a study visa.

To get a visa you need:

  • international passport;
  • have a certificate stating that the student does not have serious diseases (tuberculosis, HIV, various dangerous viruses);
  • not be convicted or expelled from any country for violations;
  • have close connections in Russia and intend to return to their homeland immediately after completing their studies;
  • present a bank statement proving that the student (his representatives) are financially secure to stay in Canada.

To obtain a visa you will need the following documents:

  • receipt for payment of the consular fee;
  • international passport;
  • two photos 3.5x4.5 cm with the student’s name and date of birth on the back;
  • statement of solvency from the bank;
  • receipt for full or partial payment of tuition;
  • invitation from a language school in Canada;
  • letter from the employer granting leave during training.

Types of courses

Studying in Canada provides an opportunity to obtain higher or secondary education, as well as improve your English language skills in schools, children's camps, colleges and universities, many of which occupy leading positions in world rankings. Training will allow you to improve your knowledge of English or French and receive a quality education. Classes in educational institutions in Canada are held in English or French (depending on the province of the state). The cost of studying at universities in Canada is much lower than in the UK and the USA, but the quality of education is in no way inferior to education in the best European universities.

Canada is one of the largest countries in terms of area on the planet. This state, once founded by representatives of France, has a centuries-old history that began even before the discovery of the North American continent. Nature, rich in its diversity, makes Canada attractive for recreation, education and learning English and French.

Canada's climatic conditions and topography make it possible to travel to several climate zones without leaving Canadian borders. This opportunity is also used by ski lovers who want to conquer the slopes of the local mountains. Part of those who enjoy an active lifestyle are visiting students and schoolchildren. They are attracted by the opportunity to study in the best educational institutions and receive a quality education, as well as language schools and camps located in Canada. Despite the fact that a significant part of students and tourists are from the United States, you can meet many representatives of other countries here, including from Russia and other CIS countries.

Residents of Canada speak two official languages ​​- English and French. Such bilingualism was enshrined in law only in the last century, and still certain groups of the population prefer to communicate in one of them. This feature allows visiting schoolchildren to study two languages ​​at the same time, receiving a decent education.

Education in Canada

The Canadian education system is in some respects similar to the Russian one, but still has its own national characteristics, which should be known to those who plan to study in this country. We provide the opportunity to learn English and assistance in obtaining higher education in Canada. We have a large selection of schools and children's camps, a convenient selection of language courses, fast enrollment in an educational institution and paperwork. Canada does not have a unified education system: according to the constitution, each province has its own Ministry of Education, which controls the field of education.

Features of studying in Canada:

Levels of the education system in Canada

Features of the education system in Canada

Primary education in Canada

from 6 to 11 years

Students are educated in public and private schools. The purpose of primary education is to give children basic knowledge. The curriculum includes general education subjects, physical education, as well as music and art classes.

Secondary education in Canada

high school

from 12 to 15 years

Secondary education in Canada involves a wider range of disciplines: the course of study includes humanities, exact, social and applied sciences, languages, music, and physical education.

graduate School

from 15 to 18 (sometimes 20) years

Students independently choose from 8 to 10 disciplines to study. Compulsory education lasts until the age of 16-17, but those students who want to continue their education study until the age of 18-20.

Higher education in Canada

The higher education system in Canada is represented by colleges and universities and consists of 3 levels: the first 3-4 years, students study in the bachelor's program, the next 1-2 years study in the Postgraduate program with a master's degree, after which you can continue your studies and get a degree Doctor of Philosophy after 3 years of study in the PhD program.

Study in Canada

Studying in Canada provides an opportunity to obtain a diploma from one of the prestigious universities and improve knowledge of the English language, which opens up wide opportunities for graduates in various fields. Studying in this country will be a confident step towards a successful career and professional self-realization. The prospect of getting an education in Canada attracts thousands of students from all over the world to this country every year for a number of reasons.

The main advantages of studying in Canada:

Canada is one of the countries with the highest standards of living and safety, and is also known as an environmentally friendly and economically developed country.

The education system in Canada is recognized as one of the best in the world, and diplomas from local universities are recognized in all countries of the world. Local educational institutions meet the most modern standards and are equipped with advanced equipment.

Unlike many other countries, in Canada, students have the right to legally work part-time while studying, which allows them to reduce their education costs. Moreover, after studying in some programs, graduates may remain in Canada to work for a certain period.

In Canada, two official languages ​​are recognized - English and French, respectively, education here is conducted in both of them. The undoubted advantage of education in Canada will be powerful language practice and rapid overcoming of the language barrier.

Canadians are known for their friendliness and tolerance towards foreigners, so students from Russia who want to study in Canada will feel comfortable and safe here.

Schools in Canada

There are 3 types of schools in Canada: public/government, Catholic and private. Education in public and Catholic schools is funded by the state, so education is free for Canadian students. Education in private schools is free and parents pay for their children’s education themselves. Schools in Canada are divided into day schools and boarding schools, where students study and live during the school year and return home only for the holidays. Such schools are of greater interest to foreign students whose parents want their children to receive an education in a comfortable and safe environment on the school grounds.

Separately, it is worth highlighting language schools in Canada, which provide English and French courses for children and adults from different parts of the world. Studying in courses in Canada is completely immersive, and therefore gives many times better results than studying English in courses in Russia.

Language courses in Canada

If you or your child wants to improve their English skills or plans to study in an English-language educational institution, language courses in Canada will be an excellent choice. There are many modern English teaching centers where there is an individual selection of study programs.

Language courses in Canada by type and areas:

Short-term language courses in Canada

General English course

Standard or intensive English course

Business English course

Exam preparation course

Long-term language courses in Canada for academic preparation for higher education

University preparation course for students who plan to study in Canada

Combined English Plus course for those who want to combine an English course with other academic subjects, sports or arts.

Education centers across Canada also provide English courses for young students and families. These courses are conducted on an all-inclusive basis, with accommodation, meals and entertainment included.

Course students are accommodated in such a way that they can get used to their new surroundings as quickly as possible. Studying here is stress-free, despite the fact that students are in an unfamiliar country. The adaptation process can take from several days to one week - all this time, children establish communication with peers and camp workers, and adapt to the established rhythm of classes and recreation.

At English courses in Canada, you can take part in outdoor games with other vacationers and see local attractions. Language schools located in different parts of the country provide the opportunity to see colorful nature and get acquainted with the most famous cities in Canada. Most English courses for children in Canada include a rich program of activities and excursions, which are supervised by school staff. Therefore, studying courses in Canada is not similar to English courses in the traditional sense, but rather resembles an exciting vacation. Studying children at a summer language camp will be remembered for a lifetime, and Canadian education will open up a lot of promising opportunities.

To study in Canada, citizens of Russia and the CIS must obtain a Canadian visa. Our specialists will be happy to advise you on all issues of organizing education and training in Canada.