The norms of behavior of people accepted in society are called. Norms of human behavior in society

They install samples according to which people interact with each other. Social norms indicate what human actions should or can be.

2. Social norms are general rules of behavior

This means that the requirements of social norms are not designed for individual person, such as individual rules, but for all people living in society.

Moreover, the rules apply constantly, continuously, in a relationship all cases, which are provided for by the rule.

In short, social norms establish a constant, general criterion against which people's behavior must be measured.

3. Social norms are mandatory rules of behavior

Since norms are designed to streamline social relations and harmonize the interests of people, the requirements of the norms are protected by the power of public opinion, and, if particularly necessary, by state coercion.

Thus, social norms - This general rules behavior that continuously operates over time in relation to an indefinite number of persons and an unlimited number of cases.

Types of social norms

All existing social norms can be classified according to three bases:

1. In terms of regulation social relations social norms are divided into:

- rules of law- general mandatory rules human behavior established and protected by the state;

- moral standards- rules of behavior that are established in society in accordance with people’s moral ideas about good and evil, justice and injustice, duty, honor, and dignity. They are protected by the power of public opinion and (or) a person’s inner convictions;

- norms of customs- these are rules of behavior that have developed as a result of long-term repetition of certain actions by people, entrenched as stable norms;

A special role in primitive society belonged to such a variety of customs as rituals. A ritual is a rule of behavior in which the most important thing is the strictly predetermined form of its execution. The content of the ritual itself is not so important - it is its form that matters most. Rituals accompanied many events in the life of primitive people. We know about the existence of rituals for seeing off fellow tribesmen on a hunt, taking office as a leader, presenting gifts to leaders, etc.

Somewhat later, in ritual actions they began to distinguish rituals. Rituals were rules of conduct that consisted of performing certain symbolic actions. Unlike rituals, they pursued certain ideological (educational) goals and had a more serious impact on the human psyche.

- norms of traditions- these are historically established and passed down from generation to generation generalized rules related to the maintenance of family, national and other foundations;

- political norms- these are general rules of behavior that regulate relations between classes and social groups related to the exercise of state power, the method of organization and activity of the state.

- economic norms- represent rules of conduct that regulate social relations related to the production, distribution and consumption of material goods.

- norms of public organizations(corporate norms) are rules of conduct that regulate social relations within various public organizations between their members. These norms are established by public organizations themselves and are protected through measures provided for by the charters of these organizations.

-religious norms as a type of social norms arise in the primitive era. Primitive man, aware of his weakness before the forces of nature, attributed divine power to the latter. Initially, the object of religious worship was a really existing object - a fetish. Then man began to worship some animal or plant - a totem, seeing in the latter his ancestor and protector. Then totemism gave way to animism (from lat. “anima” - soul), that is, faith in spirits, soul or the universal spirituality of nature. Many scientists believe that it was animism that became the basis for the emergence of modern religions: over time, among supernatural beings, people identified several special ones - gods. This is how the first polytheistic (pagan) and then monotheistic religions appeared;

2. By method of education social norms are divided into spontaneously formed(norms of rituals, traditions, morals) and norms, formed as a result of conscious human activity(rules of law).

3. According to the method of fastening social rules of behavior are divided into written and oral. Norms of morality, customs, traditions, as a rule orally are passed on from generation to generation. In contrast, legal norms acquire a mandatory nature and state protection only after they have been written confirmation and publication in special acts (laws, regulations, decrees, etc.).

In modern society there are two main types of social norms (rules of behavior): socio-technical And actually social. Rules are used to regulate human behavior in his relations with nature, technology, or in the sphere of public relations. The variety of human activities in society leads to a variety of rules of behavior, the totality of which ensures the regulation of relationships.

Social norms can emerge spontaneously or be created; consolidated and expressed orally or in writing.

The relationship between law and morality includes four components: 1) unity, 2) difference, 3) interaction, 4) contradiction.

1. The unity of law and morality is expressed in the following features:

Varieties of social norms, i.e. they have the same normative basis;

They pursue the same goals and objectives: socialization of society;

They have the same object of regulation - social relations; the requirements of law and morality for social relations coincide. However, law and morality regulate social relations to varying degrees;

Determine the boundaries of proper and possible actions of subjects of social relations;

They represent superstructural phenomena, which makes them socially similar in a given society;

Both law and morality act as fundamental historical values, indicators of social and cultural progress of society. In general, law is morality elevated to law.

2. The difference between law and morality consists of the following characteristics:

Various ways of establishing, shaping. Legal norms are created or sanctioned, repealed, amended or supplemented only by the state, since law expresses the state will of society. Moral norms, in turn, arise and develop spontaneously, in the process of practical activity of people. At the same time, morality is of an unofficial (non-state) nature;

Law and morality have different methods of ensuring them. Behind legal norms there is an apparatus of state coercion, potential and possible. At the same time, the legal norms enshrined in laws are generally binding. Morality rests on the strength of public opinion. Violation of moral standards does not entail the intervention of punitive government agencies;

Various forms of external expression, fixation. Legal norms are enshrined in legal acts of the state, they are grouped and systematized. Moral norms, in turn, do not have such clear forms of expression, are not taken into account, are not processed, but arise and exist in the minds of people;

Different nature and way of their influence on the consciousness and behavior of people. Law regulates relationships between subjects in terms of their legal rights and obligations, and morality approaches human actions from the standpoint of moral values;

Different nature and order of responsibility for violation of legal and moral norms, respectively. Illegal actions entail legal liability, which is procedural in nature. Responsibility measures in the form of social influence are applied to the violator of moral norms.

    Concept and types of legal relations.

BY– general relations, regulated rules of law*, participants cat have subjective rights and legal rights. responsibilities. Software allows you to “translate” abstract legal entities. norms in the plane of personalized connections, i.e. to the level of subjective rights and legal responsibilities for these entities.

* it comes from the state andprotected by hima generally binding formally defined instruction, expressed in the form of a rule of behavior or a starting establishment and representingebeing a state regulator of general relations

The software has a complex composition structure:

1) subject POs are participants in legal relations who have corresponding subjective rights and legal obligations. The attribute is legal personality (legally secured opportunity to have P. and O., independently implement them, and also be responsible for the results of one’s behavior). Legal personality = legal capacity + capacity.

2) object PO – 2 points of view: 1) this is what the rights and obligations of PO subjects are aimed at, about which they enter into a legal entity. connections (the benefits themselves); 2) what this software is aimed at is the behavior of the subjects of this software, aimed at various kinds of material and intangible benefits (and not the benefits themselves).

3) legal content Software is subjective law and legal. duty. (+ there is an opinion that the content of software is actual behavior aimed at realizing subordinate rights and obligations).

Legal duty- legal measure proper behavior established to satisfy the interests of an authorized person (+ (VN) the need to perform certain actions or refrain from performing them; the need for a legally obligated person to respond to pro-authority demands addressed to him; unwillingness to bear responsibility for non-fulfillment of a requirement) .

Subjective law (Konopch) -

    Composition and content of legal relations.

Legal duty- legal measure proper behavior established to satisfy the interests of an authorized person (+ (VN) the need to perform certain actions or refrain from performing them; the need for a legally obligated person to respond to legitimate demands addressed to him; unwillingness to bear responsibility for non-fulfillment of a requirement) .

Subjective law (Konopch)- this is a type and measure of possible behavior of an authorized person guaranteed by law. legal norm, which consists of 3 powers (- the right to one’s own actions (inaction) / - the right to demand the commission of an action (inaction) from another person / - the right to protection - the opportunity to resort to the state. coercion) and follows from objective law.

Material content(actual) (definition of actions in which the rights and obligations of the parties are realized).

+ ??Volitional content(state will, embodied in the legal norm and arising on the basis of legal relations, as well as volitional acts of its members).

    The concept and types of subjects of legal relations.

Subjects- these are participants in legal relations who have corresponding subjective rights and legal obligations. The attribute is legal personality (legally secured opportunity to have P. and O., independently implement them, and also be responsible for the results of one’s behavior). Legal personality = legal capacity + capacity.

The following types of subjects of legal relations are distinguished: individual and collective.

1 TO individual subjects(individuals) include: 1) citizens; 2) persons with dual citizenship; 3) stateless persons; 4) foreigners.

Stateless persons and foreigners can enter into the same legal relations on the territory of Russia as citizens of the Russian Federation, subject to a number of restrictions established by law: they cannot elect and be elected to representative bodies of power in Russia, or hold certain positions in government. apparatus, serve in the Armed Forces, etc.

2)K collective subjects relate: 1) the state as a whole (when, for example, it enters into international legal relations with other states, constitutional and legal relations with the subjects of the federation, civil legal relations with regard to federal state property, etc.); 2) government organizations; 3) non-state organizations (private firms, commercial banks, public associations, etc.).

Collective subjects have the qualities of a legal entity in private legal relations. According to Part 1 of Art. 48 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation “a legal entity is an organization that has ownership, economic management or operational management separate property and is liable for its obligations with this property, can, in its own name, acquire and exercise property and personal non-property rights, bear responsibilities, be a plaintiff and defendant in court"

    The concept of legal personality.

Subject of law - This is a software participant who has the corresponding subjective rights and legal responsibilities.

Legal personality legal the assigned ability of a person to have rights and responsibilities, to independently implement them within the framework of specific software, and also to be responsible for the results of his behavior. Legal subject = legal capacity + legal capacity.

Legal personality includes:

1)Legal capacity– this is a potential ability persons act as bearers of subjective rights and obligations.

In subjects-individuals: arises from birth and ends with death; occurs immediately in full; restriction is not allowed.

For collective entities: begins from the moment of their official recognition (registration).

-general- this is the ability of any person or organization to be a subject of law as such, in general.

-industry– legal the ability of a legal entity or organization to be a subject of a particular branch of law. In each industry, the timing of its occurrence may be are not the same (Marchenko).

-special – the ability to be a participant in software arising in connection with the occupation of a certain position (president, judge, member of parliament) or the person’s belonging to certain categories of legal entities (employees of a number of Vehicle, law enforcement organs, etc.).

2)Capacity– the actual ability of a person, through his conscious volitional actions, to acquire and exercise rights, create responsibilities for himself and fulfill them (+ in Romashov: ..and also bear responsibility).

Capacity is associated with the mental and age properties of a person and depends on them.

*Types of individual legal capacity by scope:

1) full from the age of 18 (from the age of 16 - marriage, emancipation in the civil society) - can exercise basic rights and responsibilities.

2) incomplete:

Partial (from 14 to 18 years old) - independently can realize only part of their potential P. and O. This is due to objective circumstances.

Limited – associated with the forced restriction of a previously fully capable individual (either a measure of responsibility (N: deprivation of a driver’s license), or a measure of preventive or legal enforcement (N: restriction in the capacity of an alcoholic)

*Types of individual capacity by nature:

General (implement basic P. and O.)

Special (due to special legal status and depends on many factors (occupation, citizenship..)

The legal capacity of collective entities arises simultaneously with the law at the time of registration. Types: general, special.

*Art. 27 of the Civil Code (emancipation): A minor who has reached the age of sixteen may be declared fully capable if he works under an employment contract, including a contract, or with the consent of his parents, adoptive parents or trustee is engaged in entrepreneurial activity.

    Object of legal relationship: concept and types.

Software object- this is what the rights and responsibilities of software subjects are aimed at, for which they enter into a legal entity. communications.

People always participate in software to satisfy their interests. This goal is achieved through rights and obligations that ensure the receipt of certain benefits ( what provides wealth, satisfies needs)

There are 2 approaches to understanding this category:

1) the behavior of the subjects of this software, aimed at various kinds of material and intangible benefits (and not the benefits themselves).

2) according to the second approach, objects may:

a) material goods, objects of the material world - things;

b) results of spiritual, intellectual. creativity (art or documentaries, scientific and artistic books, etc.)

c) people’s behavior - their certain actions or inactions, as well as the consequences, results of this or that behavior;

d) personal indigents. and other social good luck, cat. serve to meet the needs of the participants in the software and regarding the issue, the parties have legal issues. obligations and subjective rights. (honor, dignity)

Central Bank and documents (money, shares, diplomas, certificates).

    Concept and classification of legal facts. Actual composition.

YurFakt– specific life circumstances with which the law connects the emergence, change and termination of legal relations. YurFakt- these are specific life circumstances, with a cat. the law binds the onset of various legal entities. consequences.

On legal the fact is indicated by the hypothesis of the rule of law.

In modern society, it is important to have good manners and be able to behave correctly in different life situations. Etiquette has many features and is a complex science. The main subtlety is that there are no clearly defined norms of behavior; everything depends on the circumstances, time and place. The rules of etiquette between a man and a girl will make communication more pleasant, and good manners will help psychological impact on a partner.

What are the rules of etiquette

The concept comes from French word“etiquette”, which means a set of generally accepted rules of behavior, knowledge of the basics of politeness. There are several main types of etiquette:

  • the ability to present oneself: building a wardrobe, caring for one’s appearance, physical form, gestures, postures, posture;
  • speech form: ability to give compliments, greetings, gratitude, manner of speech;
  • table etiquette: ability to eat, knowledge of serving standards, table manners;
  • behavior in society: how to behave in an office, store, exhibition, museum, restaurant, theater, court;
  • business etiquette: relationships with superiors, colleagues, business negotiations.

Rules of good manners for men

If a representative of the stronger sex values ​​his reputation in society, he will always observe moderation in clothing. Shorts and T-shirts are appropriate for a family dinner or during a country vacation. For an informal setting, sports or classic clothes are suitable, and for business meetings a tie and jacket are required. As for good manners, it will not be difficult for a well-mannered man to politely nod in response to a greeting even from a stranger. How to communicate with a woman, superiors, and relatives will be discussed below.

Modern etiquette for women

The first rule for a woman is tact in all situations. Etiquette lessons involve behaving respectfully with everyone, be it your neighbor, your business partner, or your front door cleaner. If a woman likes to joke, then she should clearly determine in what situation you can allow a joke, and with whom you need to be serious. It is necessary to observe a culture of communication with the opposite sex. You should not flirt, make advances or make eyes at men you don’t know or know – this is a violation of etiquette. Politeness presupposes simple communication without intrigue, gossip and rumors.

Etiquette standards for children

Rules of behavior in society also exist for children. Future success, career, and environment will depend on the knowledge that a child receives in childhood. The simplest methods for mastering the rules of etiquette are reading fairy tales, watching cartoons, using board games on a given topic, and humming songs. The basic rule of politeness for a child is respect for all adults, children, and animals without exception. Everything else flows smoothly from this.

How to behave in society

Basic set of etiquette rules for men and women:

  1. Don't come to visit without calling. Only if you are visited without warning can you afford to meet a person in home clothes.
  2. Do not place your bag on a chair or on your lap. A bulky backpack can be hung on the back of a chair. A purse or small handbag is placed on the table, and if a man carries a briefcase, then it should be left on the floor.
  3. When meeting someone, say your name first if you are going to communicate with a group of people. Should only be served right hand.
  4. The passenger must sit in the back seat of the car. The most prestigious seat is the one located behind the driver.

In communication with people

A typical day for a modern person includes many situations in which culture of behavior and demeanor are tested: communication in stores, on public transport, meeting colleagues, rules of speech etiquette at official receptions, etc. As for the first meeting with a person, the impression is created on how well the interlocutor knows how to introduce himself. IN everyday etiquette Younger people or men get to know each other first. To make a good impression, you should always start your conversation with a smile.

How a girl should behave with a guy

Modern etiquette for girls requires knowledge of the basic rules of behavior with the opposite sex. When meeting a man for the first time, you should not throw yourself on his neck; it would be appropriate to simply extend your hand. On a date, you need to behave lightly and naturally, joke and smile, but not be offended. You can’t help but tell a man about your shortcomings or unsuccessful relationship experiences at the first meeting. There is no need to shout about the advantages either; you can mention them, but in passing.

Basic Etiquette

The rules of cultural behavior are simple: culture of speech, which has a stylistic and grammatical orientation, well-groomed appearance, attentiveness towards the interlocutor, the ability to provide a service to those in need, and listen to the speaker. The norm of acquaintance and subsequent communication is conditional, therefore it has the nature of an unwritten agreement about what is generally accepted and what is not. Every cultured person must know and follow the rules of etiquette, understanding their necessity for society.

Good manners

A well-mannered person is immediately distinguished from the crowd. He is distinguished by knowledge of etiquette and a certain manner of behavior: voice intonation, expressions used in speech, gait, facial expressions, gestures. This is restraint, modesty, the ability to control emotions, actions, words. To correspond to the concept of a secular, educated person, you need to know and follow certain rules that are considered mandatory in a decent society:

  • when greeting, the woman is the first to offer her hand to the man;
  • men greet everyone without exception while standing;
  • when introducing a guest to other people (during acquaintance), they call his name, surname, patronymic (during business communication - profession);
  • they don't bring you to visit bad mood, and if negative emotions are present, then the visit should be abandoned;
  • Children should not be allowed to interfere in the conversation of adults, interrupt elders, or whisper in the ear;
  • No comments are made to other people's children in the presence of their parents;
  • When giving gifts to people, you should be tactful, taking into account gender, age, and profession.

Dressing skills

The rules of etiquette oblige you not only to know the correct manner of greeting acquaintances and strangers, to be able to maintain small talk and adhere to decorum in behavior, but also to wear clothes appropriate for the occasion. Nothing catches the eye like colorful things. Things that are inappropriate for a man include embroidered shirts, vulgar suits, and too bright ties. Business clothes should be moderately fashionable. In the morning you are allowed to wear a jacket, frock coat or suit jacket. The color should correspond to the season: light in summer, dark in winter.

The ability to dress tastefully is the first sign of a woman’s upbringing. The Encyclopedia of Etiquette contains a range of rules related to clothing, the observance of which distinguishes a real lady. Women's clothing should be appropriate to the nature of the work. An image that is acceptable in a model house will not be acceptable in a brokerage office. For a business lady, a too short skirt or a low-necked blouse will not suit a business lunch or conference. If the meeting is at a resort hotel or club, you need to take several outfits that will be suitable for different situations.

How to present yourself correctly

A few more generally accepted norms of etiquette:

  • you need to walk with a straight posture, toned belly and straightened shoulders;
  • Communication norms regarding greetings include polite words, but they are not always correct, for example, “good afternoon” should not be said to a person with an upset face;
  • even unfamiliar men should help ladies enter the premises by holding the front door;
  • the word “please” should be used with any request;
  • Before saying goodbye to your interlocutor, you should first prepare for this: “Unfortunately, it’s too late,” and then say words of gratitude or a compliment (if it’s a woman).

Rules of etiquette when communicating

The rules of etiquette must be observed when communicating between women and men. The male representative should follow to the left of the companion and be the first to enter the restaurant. If a lady greets acquaintances, the gentleman should also greet them, even if the people are strangers to him. Without a woman's approval, a man has no right to touch her. Allowed only in moments of assistance (getting into a car, crossing the road). Smoking in the presence of another person, regardless of gender, is possible only with the permission of the interlocutor.

There are certain rules of speech behavior. So, if you are insulted in the presence of other people, you should not succumb to provocations. Get up and leave the scene. You cannot ask your interlocutor for information about his material well-being, love affairs and other personal things. If you invite a business partner to a meeting, do not forget about punctuality. Particular respect should be shown to people who showed generosity or came to your aid in difficult times - they were not obliged to do so.

Conversational etiquette

Rules of politeness exist in any conversation. Speech behavior is divided into written and oral forms, with the former having more strict rules. There are several types of conversations: business, official, informal. Oral form has simpler rules, for example, instead of a verbal greeting, you can get by with a nod of the head. The ability to speak politely is to tell your interlocutor only those things that you yourself would like to hear. Basic principles conversation - correctness, brevity, accuracy, appropriateness.

How to communicate with someone on the phone

Compliance with the rules of netiquette should also be observed when communicating on the phone. During the conversation, you need to carefully monitor your intonation, since the interlocutor does not see your face and may misunderstand the meaning of the message. Don't keep the caller waiting maximum time Picking up the handset reaches six rings. There is no need to rush to the phone either - it is better to answer after the third ring. It is customary to call the interlocutor by name if he is familiar. If not, then it is advisable to introduce yourself first.

Good manners and business etiquette

The basic norms of behavior include the rules of business communication. But not only the speech component is important when contacting partners, body language also plays an important role. For example, when talking, you should not spread your legs wide, keep your hands in your pockets, or hunch over. Excessive gestures are also not encouraged - in order not to embarrass the interlocutor, gestures should be restrained. Pay attention to the person’s personal space – the distance should be no less than arm’s length.

Household etiquette rules

Family members should be especially polite to each other. To save warm relations, you need to constantly monitor psychological climate, sincerely rejoice in the successes of loved ones, do not resort to insults during quarrels, use the words “sorry”, “thank you”, “good morning” and others to communicate. It is necessary to respect the older generation and not read the personal notes of your children without permission.

How to behave at the table

The main rule of behavior at the table is that you cannot chew with your mouth open. Talking is also undesirable, especially when chewing food. Before you put some of the common dish on your plate, you must first offer it to the rest of those present. You should not serve your own plate first, but give the opportunity to guests or older family members to do so. When setting the table, common cutlery is placed next to each dish. The soup must be served in special bowls from the person sitting to the right.

Etiquette at a party

Receive friends and visit them - good practice etiquette form of dating. Dinner is considered the best time for a reception, but people should be invited in advance so that they can adjust their plans. The dress code may be informal. According to etiquette, an unfamiliar guest is called everyone present by name only after his own introduction. In a friendly company, you can skip serving the main course, but during a business dinner this is unacceptable. It is important to know how to use cutlery different types, even if the owners of other national traditions.


Introduction 3

1. Norms of behavior in society 4

2. Culture of marital relations 6

3. Greeting 7

4. Rules of conversation 8

5. Etiquette observed in writing 10
6. How to behave at table 12

7. Giving gifts 12

8. In the theater, museum and restaurant 13

9. Etiquette on the road 14

10. International etiquette 15

11. Rules of business etiquette 16

12. Clothing and appearance 17

13. What is tolerance? 18

14. Netiquette rules 18

15. Ethics in using mobile communications 21

Conclusion 22

List of used literature 23

Etiquette (from the French "etiquette") is a word that means a manner of behavior, that is, the rules of courtesy, politeness and tolerance that are accepted in society.
These moral standards were formed over a long period of formation of relationships between people. Political, economic, and cultural relations are based on these norms of behavior, because existence without compliance certain rules impossible.
Modern etiquette has inherited all the customs and experiences of all peoples of the world from ancient times to the present. Cultural behavior should be universal and should not be adhered to individuals, and the whole society as a whole. In each country, people make their own corrections and additions to etiquette, which is predetermined by social, political, social life and specifics historical development country, origin, traditions and customs of the people.
Etiquette norms are “unwritten”, that is, they have the character of a certain kind of agreement between people regarding compliance with certain standards of behavior. Every cultured person should not only know and adhere to the basic norms of etiquette, but also understand the need for the existence of certain rules and relationships between people. A person's manners are an indicator of the wealth of a person's inner world; they reflect moral and intellectual development.
IN modern world cultural behavior is very important: it helps to establish contacts between people, communicate and create lasting relationships.

1. Norms of behavior in society
Since man is a social being, his full life outside the life of society is simply impossible. A person must take into account the norms and forms of behavior that are established in society as a whole and in specific situations or in a particular society. Often what is unacceptable in one society can be tolerated in another situation. But still, each person must form for himself fundamental principles of behavior that will determine his life norm and line of behavior and thus shape his relationships with other people, and hence his success in life. Norms of human behavior in society and in dealing with other people have been formed over the centuries. But these norms were not always the same. The social system, social and class division of the population changed, the customs in the society of the aristocracy, townspeople, clergy, workers, peasants, intelligentsia, and military were different. At the same time, the behavior of young people and adults differed, and the national and social traditions on which these norms of behavior were based were different. For representatives highest state, the aristocracy had established firm rules of behavior, ignorance or violation of which was considered a lack of education. Also, often the norms of behavior of the corresponding state of society at different times were assessed differently: at the time of their formation they were appropriate, but in another period of the development of society they were already considered inappropriate, indicating a person’s low culture. When communicating, people tend to gather together. Or in a smaller way, or in larger society and these meetings of more people are mainly caused by something. The reason may be some personal or family event (birthday, angel day, weddings, anniversaries) or public (state and local holidays, celebrations of some kind) historical event etc). The participants in such meetings are, as a rule, people who know each other well. But when a stranger first enters such a society, he must first introduce himself so that those present know about this person. Therefore, most often such a person is accompanied and recommended to the society by the owner of the house or a person who knows the society well. If there is no such person, then the stranger introduces himself: Dear ones, allow me to introduce myself. My name is (you should give your first name, patronymic or last name), my specialty is... (here you can indicate either a profession, or a position, etc.). Before entering a room, they usually take off outerwear and hats in the dressing room, and women do not have to take off their hats. It is not considered necessary to kick off your shoes; instead, you should dry them well on the mat.
what to do when you are late for a party where many acquaintances and strangers have already gathered? Then you should approach the owners and say hello, and nod politely to the others.
When a woman older than you offers her hand in greeting, you should politely bend over slightly and kiss her hand. Moreover, this symbolic kiss should fall on the back of the fingers; a kiss on the palm or wrist will have a completely different meaning - this is most likely evidence of low culture or a frank desire for intimate relationships. As a rule, young girls' hands are not kissed. In large society, hugging and kissing are also unacceptable.
The habit of introducing oneself has become increasingly widespread in our time. This makes it possible, immediately from the moment of meeting, to get to know a person from the perspective of what or whom he represents, and also to imagine common topics or a range of interests that could bring you together, on the basis of which to start a conversation.
Typically, the basis of behavior in the company of acquaintances or strangers should be a polite attitude towards others. An intelligent person always knows how to carry on a conversation on any topic, listen and turn to someone. Therefore, one should not be closed in society, because this is where we find our chances and opportunities for self-expression, self-development and self-improvement. Society, in turn, also helps us in the formation and implementation of our ideas and plans. The idea heard in society is very important, because this is how other people will perceive your already implemented idea, and your success in life as a whole will depend on it.
The good tradition of old times emphasized politeness and intelligence in communication in the family, in society, and among young people. The guys were “gentlemen”, the girls were “young ladies”. This did not allow shamelessness and rudeness into communication between young people and emphasized appropriate manners and status. Students who completed their studies at universities and were looking for a decent job and position, respectively, were called “academicians”; the primary task for them was to “get firmly on their feet” in this life and find themselves a wife-couple in accordance with their condition and status (best of all a young lady who will have an appropriate upbringing and an appropriate “dowry” to start her own household and raise his children with dignity). Girls cared less about higher education, since they did not have such a good chance of getting a decent job. To some extent, this remains today, although signs of emancipation indicate that guys who are not active, do not have a clearly defined goal in life, and are waiting for a “gift” of fate regarding work or personal life are very quickly thrown into the background by society and are replaced by representatives of the “weaker” sex, who have an active
a life position, beautiful manners, sufficient knowledge and desire to achieve a goal, which is currently considered not just fashionable, but an absolutely real necessity of life. Modern pace life leaves no chance for inert people; the future belongs to the brave and knowledgeable, which in turn is also a sign of good tone. Young people, when communicating with each other, usually address themselves as "you", showing the simplicity of communication itself and friendly relations. We usually use “you” to address people who are senior to us, people who are unknown or little known to us, who represent the relevant authorities or some organizations, and the like. In some families, the tradition of addressing parents as “you” has remained. This emphasizes special respect for parents and courtesy, parenting style. After all, it is the father and mother who are the highest authority and the highest power for the child. Such treatment also creates a “barrier” to “simple” communication with elders and does not allow so-called youth slang, which is not necessarily the best choice, to communicate with parents. The use of slang words in any case does not make a person “your guy” in any society, but it gives rise to a person’s bad habit of using not always the most nice words, which can, under certain conditions, manifest itself in an inappropriate society or at home and completely change the opinion of this person as a polite and well-mannered person. The fourth commandment of God should be fundamental in the relationship between children and parents: “Respect your father and your mother, so that it will be good for you and that you may live long on earth!” Love is combined with a feeling of respect for a person. We can love those we respect. Therefore, a courteous person will always be grateful to his parents for bringing him into this world, teaching him to love life, giving him the opportunity to study, get a profession, and always helping and supporting him with the right advice. With this in mind, you should support your parents, who often need support and care as they age. After all, for parents, there is nothing more dear and dearer in the world than their children. Along with parents, a significant place in a person’s life is occupied by an educator, a teacher, a lecturer - people who tried to pass on knowledge, raise a real person and guide them in life. These people should also be given tribute and memory.

2. Culture of marital relations
Married relationships can be filled with both happiness and continuous difficulties, disappointments and resentments. Often at home we allow ourselves to be gloomy, dissatisfied with something, and this negatively affects the atmosphere in the relationship. How can I change this? First of all, you need to adhere to the well-known rule: “behave the way you want to be treated.” If we transfer this rule to the relationship between spouses, it will mean that it is imperative to respect the interests of your half, as well as be interested in her affairs. Understanding within the family is very important. There is no need to prove that you are right to the point of a quarrel - you need to make concessions to each other. Don't constantly meticulously ask what your couple did at every second of time without you. This only leads to mutual reproaches and mutual insults. Also, you should not discuss all the details of your life with your girlfriend, boyfriend or other people. This behavior can make your partner feel uncomfortable. It’s not for nothing that there is a saying: “Don’t wash your dirty linen in public.” If there is a need to discuss something, then it should be done on " family council". Don't expect a crisis in your relationship. Start changing your family life from gray and mundane to happy. Remember: harmoniously built relationships are the main key to a successful family life.

3. Greeting
All over the world, when meeting, people greet each other, thus expressing sympathy. Greetings are often followed by conversation. When we meet someone, we say hello, but we hardly think about whether we are doing it correctly. First of all, it must be said that not saying hello to someone you know is unacceptable - it will be perceived as an insult. In addition, you should adhere to the order of greetings. The man should greet the woman first. In addition, the junior should be the first to greet the senior, as well as the subordinate to the leader. In a handshake, the opposite is true: a senior or leader shakes his hand to a junior or subordinate. When greeting, we say the appropriate words: " Good morning", "Good afternoon/evening", "hello", "greetings". When formally addressed, the person's name follows, for example: "Good afternoon, Ivan Petrovich". It is also customary to make eye contact when greeting. The greeting is said in a friendly tone and with a smile . However, if when meeting someone avoids your gaze or does not notice you, then you should not greet. Likewise, if you notice someone too late. If you are not walking alone, and your traveler greets someone, then you It’s also worth doing this, even if the person is a stranger to you. Saying hello to a person means showing respect to him. And following simple rules of greeting will allow you to avoid many misunderstandings.
4. Rules of conversation
Do you know the situation when we meet beautiful young people and are fascinated by them until the moment they start talking? This situation can, unfortunately, be observed every day both in public transport and on the street, and the like. This happens because young people do not know how or do not want to communicate well. Therefore it is suitable short text: "Speak so that I can see you." The author of "The Little Prince", the famous French writer and pilot, and simply a well-mannered and intelligent person, Antoine de Saint-Exupéry accurately noted that the greatest luxury is the luxury of human communication. A lot in our lives depends on the ability to communicate. Communication is a bridge to making real friends, getting what you want, a job, a career, achieving a goal. Ultimately, your ability to communicate determines whether you will be interesting to people at all, and therefore whether you will be able to win their respect and authority. Therefore, it is not in vain that they say that communication is an entire art. Communication begins with an appeal. It is very unpleasant when a stranger addresses us on a first name basis. This not only indicates bad manners, but also causes us ourselves to immediately disdain this person and reluctance to communicate with him. As a rule, relatives, friends, colleagues, friends, and children address each other using “you.” Before switching to “you” in communication, you should ask what kind of person this is and whether this “bridge” will be in your favor. The proposal to switch to “you” should come from an older, more respectable person, or a person who occupies a senior official position. Younger people may ask to be addressed as "you", although they themselves continue to be addressed as "you". Women are allowed to refuse to be on first-name terms with a man, without any explanation. The art of communication also lies in general intelligence, education, and hence the choice and support of the topic of conversation and the correct tone of the conversation. You should not shout, chatter, or abuse the attention of another polite person. And sometimes an even greater art than the art of communication is the art of remaining silent at the appropriate moment. When you are talking to someone socially, it is important to focus on the topic of the conversation, participate in it, support them and contribute something to them. interesting point so that you, as an interlocutor, will be remembered by others. This will be a kind of “green light” to further maintain relationships with these people. The conversation should be unobtrusive and relaxed. When telling some jokes or stories, think about whether they will offend any of your interlocutors, directly or indirectly.

It is considered bad manners not to answer questions put to you. This is only allowed if the question, in your opinion, was incorrect or inappropriate. In this case, you should ignore it and try to move the conversation in a different direction. When different points of view or views are expressed in a conversation, you should listen and participate in the conversation when you know what you are talking about. It looks stupid to defend your point of view without being completely sure of the correctness of the thought. In communication, one should not allow disputes in which, as a rule, no one wins and which occur simply for the sake of argument. In this case, the interlocutors no longer hear and do not want to hear each other, they allow themselves harsh statements and displays of disdain, which is unacceptable for well-mannered people. You should not be intrusive in a conversation, but should adhere to the principle of taking turns in speaking. You should not interrupt your interlocutor, but wait until he finishes his thought and you can convey your point of view to him. If you did not hear the address to yourself well, then you should ask again, and not try to answer something. Because this may be regarded as your inattention or even neglect. Try to express yourself in complete sentences rather than fragments of one or more short words. If someone else joins you during the conversation, you should briefly explain to him what exactly the conversation was about. If this does not concern him at all, then we can say that the topic was private, family, and the like. But a courteous person who wishes to join a conversation will first consider whether his participation in this conversation is appropriate. Since ancient times, the basis of communication between people has been such universal moral and ethical values ​​as benevolence, love, meekness, friendliness, honor, and good manners. In fact, our people have long been famous for these virtues. This was always noted by travelers, travellers, and officials who visited our region.

It is language etiquette that shows the full range of politeness and good manners in communication: these are words of greeting, farewell, address, gratitude, congratulations, apologies, wishes, invitations, praise and the like. Politeness is considered the basis of communication. And the origin of this word, its primitive meaning, is not strange. Polite is the one who looks exactly into the eyes. And the mentality of the people is precisely the expression of their etiquette signs - peacefulness, lack of hostility, aggressiveness. After all, the eyes are the mirror of the soul. Therefore, when communicating, the interlocutors look into each other's eyes. Only those who tell lies or try to hide something or are dishonest turn away their eyes. Over time, the adjective “polite” was rethought and acquired a figurative meaning: “one who adheres to the rules of decency, shows attentiveness and courtesy.” The highest manifestation of politeness is good manners and courtesy. Well-mannered - “respectfully polite in dealing with people.”
Unfortunately, today we are increasingly faced with youth slang in communication, which is interspersed with words imposed on us from other languages, uncivil, often even in rude words of foreign origin, which are used directly or figuratively, a fusion of words foreign to our linguistic tradition and communication. For some reason, some young people consider such communication fashionable or modern, at a time when conscious young people who have national consciousness and dignity and value it, reviving the national and ethnic-linguistic traditions of the people, try to communicate politely and behave courteously, which causes significant self-liking. Therefore, our duty at the present time is to revive what has been lost in the communication of people, to establish the half-forgotten, to discard communication that is unusual for our culture, forcefully imposed on our people or thoughtlessly copied someone else’s, rude. After all, over the centuries-old history, our people have developed their own system of speech etiquette, which is a kind of phenomenon and reflection of the general culture of the people. In ancient times, on our territory there were different traditions regarding appeals and even various studies were written on this topic. However, today this issue has already been resolved in society. The type of treatment is usually determined by the relationship between people, their proximity or official position. If you are still not sure how you should address this or that person, then you should resolve this issue directly with him or avoid direct contact. When to switch to “you” depends only on you and your interlocutor; there are no exact rules regarding this. However, this should be done carefully so as not to put your interlocutor in an uncomfortable position. Nowadays, a common practice is to switch to “you” after drinking glasses together. This is wrong, since conversion does not depend on the alcohol consumed, but on human feelings, sincerity and intimacy.

5. Etiquette observed in writing
With the advent of the Internet, writing mail letters has faded into the background. After all, prompt transmission of information is much more convenient, and sometimes it is simply a vital necessity. However, we should not forget that a handwritten letter is a kind of description of a person, his handwriting, his character, a reflection of his life style and tastes. According to the content of the letters, there are: business, friendly, love, response letters, greeting letters, sympathy letters... The style and form of writing each letter must be polite, attest to our personal culture and honor to the addressee. When we write letters by hand, we should take neat, clean paper, it can be special lettering paper. Even if it is a piece of paper from a notebook, it must be neatly cut and even. The date the letter was written should be written at the top. Next comes the address to the addressee and the actual content of the letter itself. You need to write according to spelling, clearly and competently. Unclear or illiterate writing indicates ignorance of the person writing it. Writing is a reflection of the intelligence of a person. When starting a letter, you should retreat 2-3 cm from the date, leaving a paragraph on the left. The address indicates the attitude towards the person - respect, love, official dependence or officiality. Examples of the beginning of a letter could be the following:
Honorable Mr. Consul! Dear Mr. Professor! Most Reverend Father! Dear Editor! Dear friend Andrey! My dear parents! Dear mom! My dear sister! My unforgettable Friend! After this, you should touch on the reason that prompted you to write the letter. If this is a response letter, then you should definitely thank them for the letter, and only after that give an answer. You need to remember that in letters you need to write with capital letters all personal and possessive pronouns that relate to the person of the addressee, therefore, the words You, You, Thee, Thee, You, You, Yours, Yours, with You and the like, as well as nouns that are the names of the addressee’s immediate family: “Your Mom ", "How is your wife's health?"... If you are delayed in responding, you should definitely apologize, perhaps explaining the reason for the delay, and only after that proceed to the main content of the letter. If this is a letter to well-known friends, comrades, then first of all we ask about the affairs of the addressee, we are interested in his health, the health of his closest relatives, his work and successes, and then we inform about ourselves with proper modesty, not forgetting to also emphasize our merits and achievements . You should also think about what exactly would be interesting and what the recipient needs to know from what you can tell. A letter is a reflection of an attitude towards a person, therefore letters to elders - parents, teachers, mentors - should be imbued with deep respect, love and gratitude. In any case, familiarity cannot be allowed here. After all, the word has extreme power. Business letters are letters sent primarily to certain institutions, organizations, representative offices, government bodies, and the like. They must be specific, concise, expressing as clearly as possible the essence of the matter and the essence of the reason for writing (petition, request, etc.). As for letters to loved ones, here are large space For best words, fantasies and wishes. Your whole life can depend on one phrase in such a letter. These letters are a manifestation of very personal feelings, so you should remember that they should fall into the hands into which you sent them. A beautifully written letter is a manifestation general level education and culture of the person who wrote it. Replies to letters must be given immediately, or within a maximum of two weeks.

6. How to behave at the table
You should come to visit at the time appointed by the owners. Well-mannered people They may be 15-20 minutes late. This is not considered a violation of etiquette. When guests sit down at the table, first of all you should take care of your lady: provide a chair and help her get comfortable. Hosts invite guests, often designating seats for the most important or distinguished guests. It is good to arrange the guests according to their degree of familiarity or interests: then they will have the opportunity to start or support one or another topic of conversation and the party will not be boring. Older people, as a rule, are seated together; younger ones are also chosen appropriate places so that they can get started. interesting conversation. At the table you should sit straight, but relaxed, leaning lightly on the back of the chair. The hosts try to find topics for communication so that the guests will be interested. They, in turn, try to maintain a conversation, avoiding gestures, raised voices, shouting, and the like. The conversation should be general. When older parents are having a conversation, younger parents should not interrupt them; it is better to maintain the topic. It is rude to start eating until the hosts have offered a treat to all the guests. It is not recommended to place your elbows on the table while eating. Women can afford this only in some cases. Gentlemen usually take food from the table, first offering it to the women and then to others who are sitting nearby. Each salad or dish is served with a spoon or fork; you should not scoop up the food with your own spoon or fork. It’s not nice to stretch across the table trying to thread a tasty morsel. Well-mannered people ask those who are sitting not far from the food to give them a plate of food.

7. Giving gifts
Every time we go to visit someone for a birthday, name day or some other holiday, the question of a gift arises. It is much easier when the owner of the holiday asks for some specific thing. But this situation is not always possible. Then you need to show your imagination and find the thing that the owner will need. It is not without reason that they say that both giving and receiving gifts is an art. Therefore, both giving and receiving gifts has a number of nuances. The choice of gift depends on the circumstances and the holiday to which you were invited. But you should not look for and buy a gift at the last moment - such behavior usually does not lead to anything good. A gift is chosen depending on who it is intended for. Equally important is how you give it: this way, even a modest gift will leave a pleasant impression. If you are not able to personally deliver the gift, then you need to add a congratulation to it and send it by mail or through an intermediary. But it is very undesirable for him to arrive late. Usually the gift is wrapped in gift paper. They also sometimes give flowers in addition. During the personal presentation, it is necessary to say a few wishes. It is completely unacceptable at this moment to remember its price. You also need to accept gifts correctly. First of all, you need to look at what they gave you (and not put it aside!) and thank you. At the same time, showing your dissatisfaction is absolutely unacceptable. The only one possible reaction- this is joy. Whatever the gift, you should treat everyone equally cordially. It is impolite to refuse a gift. However, if there are compelling reasons, then this must be done tactfully, everything must be explained and mutual understanding must be reached with the person giving the gift. Remember: the person who comes to you and gives you a gift probably wants to bring you joy, so in return he expects at least your sincere smile and friendly attitude.

8. In the theater, museum and restaurant
If you are going to the theater, it is best to dress in classic clothes in calm colors (for men, for example, this is a dark suit); clothes that are too bright and original are not recommended. It is unacceptable to be late for the start of the performance; you must arrive early in order to have time to hand over your outerwear to the cloakroom and find your seats in the hall. A man should be the first to enter the hall and in a row; it is customary to walk in a row facing the audience and with his back to the stage. In any case, try not to disturb other spectators; it is not recommended to clap loudly or shout “bravo”. It is unacceptable to speak, rustle or knock during the performance (women - be careful with heels), or eat. Mobile phones must be turned off during the performance. It is also worth going to the museum in advance to have time to view all the exhibits. Arriving 10 minutes before closing and trying to quickly look through all the museum exhibits is unsightly. In order to better navigate the exhibition, it is worth buying a special catalog guide, which is sold at the entrance to the museum. It is forbidden to talk or shout loudly in the museum, or to criticize the exhibits on display. In addition, the exhibits should not be touched with hands, as this may damage them. If you have agreed to meet in a restaurant, especially with a woman, then you must get there first. It is customary to take off outerwear and hats and leave them in the wardrobe or take them with you. The restaurant requires an appropriate style of clothing - it can be classic or festive, but in no case sportswear. The higher the rank of the restaurant, the more refined your behavior in it should be. A man should give a chair to a lady, and only then sit down himself. Also, drinks and food are served first to the lady. You should eat in a restaurant slowly, but rather enjoying the food. Communication is also one of the basic manners of behavior in a restaurant. After all, people come here to have a nice time or evening, listen to music, eat delicious food, chat, or dance. If you liked the service, then it would be polite to leave a “tip” to the waiter who served you, the size of which is respectively 7-10% of total amount accounts, if this is not already provided for them. When leaving the restaurant, you can thank the staff for the pleasant service and delicious cuisine.

9. Etiquette on the road
In the modern world, many types of transport have appeared that were unavailable to our ancestors, but in general they can be divided into 2 groups: urban transport and intercity transport. City transport includes minibuses, trams and trolleybuses. When entering and exiting these types of transport, it is customary to let elderly people, disabled people, women and children go ahead, and also to help if they need help. The seats in the cabin should also first of all be occupied by the above groups of people, so if you are sitting, but notice, for example, an old grandmother, then you definitely need to free up a seat and politely offer it to her. Intercity transport includes buses, trains and planes. First of all, you need to arrive for such types of transport on time, or preferably in advance. By being late, you will not only create inconvenience for passengers, but you may not even make it on time. Usually, in intercity transport, seats are assigned for tickets; otherwise, you need to adhere to the priority rules described above. The trip will go faster if you keep yourself busy talking with your fellow travelers, but if they have no desire to talk, then don’t bother them with your conversations on the road. On the plane, you must adhere to all safety rules, such as the ban on smoking or the use of mobile phones. Listen to all the advice of the crew and do not violate etiquette. Try to avoid disturbing the peace of other passengers, because, for example, singing or scandal are unacceptable. After the flight, it is polite to thank the crew seeing you off for a successful flight. A special category of etiquette rules on the road are the rules of etiquette while driving. Today it is difficult to imagine our life without cars; they are used as a means of transportation in the city and on long trips outside the city. But imagine what would happen if all these cars drove without any rules. Therefore, first of all, you need to adhere to the rules traffic. If you want order on the roads, then you should start with yourself. Be sure to give way to cars with special signals; every second of their delay can cost someone their life. Help other road users. If you see that someone cannot get out of a turn, a parking lot, or make another difficult maneuver, then slow down, flash your headlights and make a hand gesture. You can also find yourself in such a situation, so if someone helped you, thank him with an alarm or a grateful hand gesture.

10. International etiquette
Visiting different countries You can immediately understand that they all differ at the cultural level: in their customs, traditions, of course, etiquette and rules of behavior. Therefore, when arriving in a foreign country, first of all, you need to remember to respect these differences. When preparing for a trip, it is worth finding enough information about the peculiarities of behavior abroad. However, you can remember some universal tips. Abroad, for local residents, you are a certain embodiment of your country, so behave carefully and decently. You should not make noise, shout, or loudly express your disagreement or dissatisfaction with something. Don't dress loudly - dress modestly and in accordance with generally accepted standards. Try to explain yourself in simple phrases so that foreigners can understand you. This is quite important because often certain phrases have double meanings. There is no need to try to teach someone about something - show delicacy and tact. Sometimes different situations are possible, but you should never forget about tolerance. Respect for foreign culture is the basis of international etiquette.

11. Rules of business etiquette
IN modern business Compliance with the rules of etiquette plays an important role. It is unacceptable to violate them, since in commercial activities it is unacceptable not to pay attention to economic indicators and the basic provisions of entrepreneurship. Compliance with the rules of business etiquette reflects your professionalism and serious approach to business, and failure to comply with them indicates that it is better not to do business with you. Etiquette is one of the components of your business image, and experienced business partners also pay attention to this aspect of your behavior. Let's consider the basic rules of business etiquette: The first rule is to be punctual. It is very important in business to properly organize and calculate time. Planning and punctually completing all planned tasks is the key to success. Being late is incorrect in relation to the person who was expecting you. And even the most sincere apologies and assurances about the impossibility of coming on time are unable to completely make amends, since even at the subconscious level a certain bad aftertaste, which will mean somewhat negative treatment towards you. The second rule is don’t say too much to others. Every millionaire has certain secrets for achieving success, but none will tell you them. You should not talk about affairs in your own business, because sometimes even the smallest hint can affect the activities of a competitor. The third rule is don't be selfish. It is impossible to conduct business successfully without taking into account the thoughts and interests of partners, clients, and customers. Often it is selfishness that prevents success. It is very important to be tolerant of your opponent or partner, learn to listen and explain your point of view. The fourth rule is to dress according to social norms.
Clothing is a demonstration of your taste and status in society. This rule should not be taken lightly. Appearance is the first aspect that a person pays attention to and this immediately sets him in the appropriate mood. The fifth rule is to keep your speech clean. Everything you say and write must be stated beautiful language, Right. The ability to communicate, competently conduct a discussion and convince an opponent is very important for negotiating. Watch your pronunciation, diction and intonation. Never use obscene language and offensive language. However, do not forget that the ability to listen to your interlocutor is an equally important aspect of communication.

12. Clothing and appearance
Everybody knows famous proverb : “They greet you by their clothes, but they send you away by their intelligence.” Although the mind is considered much more important, clothing still determines the impression you make on another person. Appearance reflects personality, reflects the essence and inner world of a person, with all his habits and inclinations. The culture of clothing is no less important than the culture of behavior. When dressing, you need to consider color, line, texture and style. Clothing is also predetermined by the position, style, tastes and material condition of a person. The basic rule is that clothes should not be dirty, sloppy or torn. This indicates the negligence of its owner, disrespect for people and, first of all, for himself. Clothing should be comfortable and not contrary to generally accepted requirements of decency. Fashion is a significant influence on clothing. To adhere to it to a greater or lesser extent is up to the individual to decide. A man’s clothing influences his success in business circles and contributes to the creation of an appropriate image. A businessman's suit should be quite conservative, of any dull color, monochrome. The vest and jacket should cover the top of the trousers, and the sleeves of the coat should cover the sleeves of the jacket. A tie is the main indicator of a man’s taste and status, therefore it is necessary that when tied it reaches the belt buckle, and the width must correspond to the width of the lapels of the jacket. The pants should barely go down to the boots in front, and reach the heel in the back. Socks should match the suit, but their color should be a little darker, preferably black, but in no case white. The color of the shoes should be identical to the color of the belt and watch band. In an official setting (when entering an office, speaking, sitting on the podium), the jacket should be buttoned. You can unfasten it while sitting on a chair (for example, at a table). Women have more freedom in choosing clothes, their style, color and fabric. Women's clothing, more than men's clothing, reflects its individual style and personal character. It is important to choose a suit that suits the situation. A beautiful suit with a skirt emphasizes the authority of a woman. The skirt should be a dark color and the suit a lighter color. It is not customary to wear luxurious dresses. Hair, makeup and jewelry should complement the business suit. Makeup should not be provocative or too noticeable, there should be as little jewelry as possible, but it should be expensive and in harmony with the costume itself. Perfume should only be felt at close range. And remember: “There are no ugly women, there are women who don’t know how to make themselves beautiful! ".

13. What is tolerance?
Tolerance is the ability to accept without aggression the thoughts, behavior, forms of self-expression and lifestyle of another person that differ from one’s own. Tolerance has arisen in Western civilization on a religious level. The emergence of this concept is associated with the signing of the Edict of Nantes. First of all, tolerance means a friendly and tolerant attitude towards something. The basis of tolerance is openness of thought and communication, personal freedom of the individual and appreciation of human rights and freedoms. Tolerance means active position person, and not a passively tolerant attitude towards surrounding events, that is, a tolerant person should not be tolerant of everything, for example, violation of human rights or manipulation and speculation. What violates universal morality should not be tolerated. Therefore, one should distinguish between tolerant behavior and slavish tolerance, which does not lead to anything good. It is necessary to carefully distinguish between these concepts, because manipulators (including most politicians) call for false tolerance, since people who are loyal to everything are easier to manage. Consequently, tolerance is a rather subtle category that must certainly be adhered to, since it determines the moral, social and democratic development of society.

14. Netiquette rules
Etiquette is the order of behavior accepted in certain social groups. On the Internet, which is also public group, have also formed their own generally accepted rules, on the basis of which online communication is built. When communicating online, do not forget that you are dealing with real people. Rules of good manners for ordinary world and for the virtual are the same. Don't write or do anything you didn't want to hear or see yourself. Learn to prove your position without humiliating your opponent. Remember, the person you are communicating with via the keyboard does not see your emotions or hear your voice. Try to imagine yourself in this person’s place and formulate your thoughts correctly in order to avoid misinterpretation of your opinion. There is another reason why you should carefully monitor what you write online. “The word is not a sparrow, if it flies out, you won’t catch it” - this saying is especially true for cyberspace, because everything you write is saved in network storage, which means it can come up in the future and cause a lot of trouble. Summarizing all of the above, we can say that the main and fundamental principle Netiquette is treating virtual opponents as if they were real people. Don't do anything that you wouldn't do in real life, where we all, consciously or not, obey unspoken rules. In a network society, it is relatively difficult to hold people accountable for their actions. Therefore, people feel impunity and behave inappropriately, justifying themselves by saying that the network is “not at all like in life.” No matter how people try to justify themselves, it will be wrong in any case. Standards of behavior vary more or less, but in general they are more lenient than in ordinary life. Try to maintain communication ethics at the proper level, ignoring the opinions of those who claim “there is freedom here - whoever wants, says what.” Don't believe it. If you happen to be in a difficult ethical situation, then put yourself in this place in real life and you will quickly find the right solution. Another important point of netiquette. If you are not using free software- pay for it, your contribution will contribute to the development of the software market. Violators of the laws of virtual space usually violate them in real life. Do not forget that you are in a virtual information space and the norms of behavior accepted on one site may differ from the norms of another. For example, if on one forum it is customary to deviate sharply from the main topic of discussion and this is normal, then on another it will be perceived as bad form. To avoid unpleasant situations Before entering into a discussion, I recommend taking a closer look at the rules and procedures. After this you can communicate. Respect the time and capabilities of others, because not all Internet users have high-speed data transfer channels. For a person who has connected to the network using a modem connection, it will be very difficult to upload your letter with an attached photo (of your favorite cat) of 20 megabytes in size. By reducing the size of the photo, you will save the other person time. On the Internet, if you choose to remain anonymous, no one will know your age, skin color, manner of speaking, family details and other personal things. Therefore, your online interlocutors will form an opinion about you only on the basis of the manner in which you express your thoughts. Be careful what you write and how you write. Don't let spelling errors, because for most people, spelling rules play an important role. Netizens can only think negatively about a person who chronically makes mistakes - a stupid teenager. Incorrectly presented, false information in advance can cause a flurry of emotions from your interlocutors. If this is repeated more than once, then a situation like in the game “damaged phone” may occur - your words will be distorted beyond recognition, and your reputation will suffer forever. Pay attention to the content of your messages. They must be logical, consistent and consistent. You can write a page of text, but understanding any of it will be very difficult. This often happens when a person, without much understanding of the topic, wants to convince his interlocutor and uses polysyllabic terminology for this, in which he himself is weak. Never offend virtual opponents, be patient and polite, do not use profanity and do not start conflicts without justification.

Help people in those matters in which you are competent enough. If you pose a question yourself, make it as meaningful and correct as possible. This way you will get the correct answer faster. Thanks to your answers and the answers of other people, the amount of knowledge on the Internet increases, which is useful to many other people.
If you receive information from another person through the system short messages containing a large number of small replicas, summarize the received data and send them to the forum - the information will be prepared for perception in a convenient form. Sharing knowledge is what global network was created, do not deviate from these traditions, exchange information.
If you have interesting information, which may be of interest to other people, send it to the conference. By doing this you will make your contribution to the global information space. Do not get involved in conflicts and prevent them. Flaming is emotions expressed in text, which are done without taking into account the opinions of other participants in the conversation. Is flame prohibited by netiquette? Yes and no. Flame refers to ancient network traditions. When done well, it can bring pleasant emotions to all participants in the conversation. But flames, which escalate into numerous malicious messages that are usually exchanged between several people, are prohibited by netiquette. Such "outbursts" can overwhelm the entire conversation and drown useful information in the trash, destroying all the positive atmosphere.

Respect the human right to personal information. Don't abuse your capabilities. Thanks to the skills acquired in the professional field, some people gain a significant advantage over other Internet users. There are many examples of this - system administrators, programmers, information coding specialists.
With their extensive knowledge, they can gain an advantage and use it against you. For example, read your personal correspondence. But this shouldn't happen! Don't abuse your capabilities!
Forgive other people's mistakes. And help correct them, because you, too, were once a beginner. If you see someone making trivial mistakes, for example, asking stupid questions or constructing their answers incorrectly, be tolerant of him. But when helping a person, you don’t have to behave arrogantly. Modesty is decorative. Tell us about the error not in front of everyone, but in private communication.

15.Ethics in using mobile communications

Knowledge and observance of the rules of mobile etiquette are a criterion of good education and culture of a mobile subscriber.
If on airplanes, in medical institutions or in other places there is a warning “Please turn off your mobile phone”, then try to follow this instruction and turn off your mobile phone. Do not forget that you should switch your mobile phone to silent mode or use the Voicemail service in cinemas, museums, theaters, and exhibitions. By following these rules, the unexpected ringing of your mobile phone will not disrupt the performance with an unexpected loud signal (ringtone).
When choosing ringtones, be guided by your taste, but do not forget that they should not disturb the people around you. When driving, keep your phone volume low and avoid distractions from calls or conversations to make your ride safer. If you have the opportunity to use the hands free function, then do not neglect it when talking while driving - it will greatly facilitate negotiations.
During business meetings and negotiations, always remember to put your mobile phone on silent mode or use the Voicemail service unless otherwise agreed. If necessary, write text message in a library or theater, turn off the keyboard beeps first. If you work in an office, then do not forget to take your mobile phone with you, even if you leave your workplace for a short time. In order not to distract others with your conversations on the phone, while in public places: transport, elevators, shops, etc., try to speak as quietly and briefly as possible. In the library, in order not to distract readers, switch your mobile phone to silent mode, and if you need to answer, talk quietly and to the point. In order not to embarrass others, do not set ringtones on your mobile phone that contain obscene statements, rude language or unpleasant sounds.
It is tactless of you to use other people's mobile phones in personal purposes and give their mobile numbers to strangers without permission. You should check your phone for ringtone volume at home, but not in public places.
Respect the privacy of others by using the video feature and taking photos. Before filming or filming, be sure to ask permission from the person you want to photograph or videotape. It would also be appropriate for you to educate your friends about mobile etiquette. Following the rules of mobile etiquette can say a lot about you to your interlocutor and the people around you.

Intelligence is not only about knowledge, but also about the ability to understand another person. It manifests itself in a thousand and a thousand little things: in the ability to argue respectfully, to behave modestly at the table, in the ability to quietly help another person, to take care of nature, not to litter around oneself - not to litter with cigarette butts or swearing, bad ideas.
Intelligence is a tolerant attitude towards the world and people.
At the heart of all good manners is the concern that one does not interfere with another, so that everyone feels good together. We must be able to not interfere with each other. You need to cultivate in yourself not so much manners as what is expressed in manners, careful attitude to the world, to society, to nature, to your past.
There is no need to memorize hundreds of rules, but remember one thing - the need to respect others.

"Etiquette of a business person" E. Ya. Soloviev
"Business protocol and etiquette" N. V. Demidov
"Rules social life and etiquette" Yuryev and Vladimirsky

etiquette, norms of behavior, human interaction, competent socio-cultural space


One of the basic principles of life in a modern secular society is maintaining normal relationships between people and striving to avoid conflicts. In turn, respect and attention can only be earned by maintaining politeness and restraint. But in life you often have to deal with rudeness, harshness, and disrespect for another person. The reason for this is that very often the basics of etiquette culture are ignored, which is part of the general secular culture, the foundations of which are attention and respect for others.

Article text:

Throughout his life, a person is in a sociocultural space where rules of behavior play one of the main roles. These rules are called etiquette.

Etiquette (French - etiquette) is a set of rules of behavior accepted in society, establishing the order of secular behavior, which allows people to use already ready-made forms decent behavior and generally accepted politeness for cultural communication among themselves at various levels of the structure of society, in the world, while in the process of communication it is worthy to take into account the interests of others in their behavior.

The word etiquette itself has been used since the time of Louis XIV, at whose receptions guests were given cards listing the rules of behavior required of them. These cards are “labels” and give the etiquette its name. In French this word has two meanings: a label and a set of rules, a conventional order of behavior.

Understanding etiquette as a system of established mutual expectations, approved “models” and rules of social communication between people, it should be recognized, however, that real standards of behavior and ideas about “how one should act” change significantly over time. What was previously considered indecent may become generally accepted, and vice versa. Behavior that is unacceptable in one place and under some circumstances may be appropriate in another place and under other circumstances.

Of course various peoples make their own amendments and additions to etiquette, due to the specifics of the historical development of their culture. Therefore, etiquette also reflects a specific system of national signs-symbols of communication, positive traditions, customs, rites, and rituals that correspond to the historically determined conditions of life and the moral and aesthetic needs of people.

It is not possible to consider all aspects of etiquette, since etiquette passes through all spheres of a person’s public and personal life. In turn, we will focus on its most important norms such as tact, politeness, and sensitivity. Let's touch on such a concept as “inequality”. Let's analyze the levels of behavior, internal and external culture of a person. Let's highlight the rules of telephone communication. The last position was not chosen by chance, since the telephone currently occupies a leading place in communication, sometimes replacing interpersonal and sometimes even intergroup communication.

One of the basic principles of life in a modern secular society is maintaining normal relationships between people and striving to avoid conflicts. In turn, respect and attention can only be earned by maintaining politeness and restraint. But in life you often have to deal with rudeness, harshness, and disrespect for another person. The reason for this is that very often the basics of etiquette culture are ignored, which is part of the general secular culture, the foundations of which are attention and respect for others.

In this regard, one of the most necessary norms and foundations of etiquette is politeness, which is manifested in many specific rules of behavior: in greeting, in addressing a person, in the ability to remember his name and patronymic, important dates his life. True politeness is certainly benevolent, since it is one of the manifestations of sincere, disinterested benevolence towards the people with whom one has to communicate.

Other important human qualities on which the rules of etiquette are based are tact and sensitivity. They imply attention, deep respect for those with whom we communicate, the desire and ability to understand them, to feel what can give them pleasure, joy, or, conversely, cause irritation, annoyance, and resentment. Tactfulness and sensitivity are manifested in a sense of proportion that should be observed in conversation, in personal and work relationships, in the ability to sense the boundary beyond which words and actions can cause a person undeserved offense, grief, and pain.

In addition to the basic principles of etiquette: politeness, tact, modesty, there are also general rules of social behavior. These include, for example, the “inequality” of people in the field of etiquette, expressed, in particular, in the form of advantages that have:

  • women before men,
  • elders before younger ones,
  • the sick before the healthy,
  • boss before subordinates.

The norms of etiquette - in contrast to the norms of morality - are conditional; they have the character of an unwritten agreement about what is generally accepted in people's behavior and what is not. The conventions of etiquette in each specific case can be explained. Aimed at uniting people, it offers generally accepted forms, stereotypes of behavior, symbols of the manifestation of thoughts and feelings that make it easier for people to understand each other.

At the same time, etiquette can also be considered as an aesthetic form of manifestation of moral, secular culture, since it is at the same time directly related to morality, to moral character of a person and to the aesthetic aspects of his behavior. Beautiful manners, beautiful behavior, beautiful gestures, poses, facial expressions, smile, gaze, i.e. what speaks about a person, his feelings and thoughts without words; speech addressed to elders, peers, younger ones at meeting and farewell, in anger and joy; the manner of moving, eating, wearing clothes and jewelry, celebrating sad and joyful events, receiving guests - to all these types of communication a person must give not only a moral, but also an aesthetic character.

In any case, etiquette is an integral fragmentary part of the structure of the sociocultural matrix and represents significant part modern secular behavior, although, of course, not all human behavior in general. In fact, it implies only generally accepted rules and manners of human behavior in society in designated places, where one can observe outside actions of individuals, in which they manifest themselves like a peculiar, pre-learned game of intelligence.

Based on the established lifestyle of a modern person, his social connections and activities, it is not difficult to list all those conventions of secular behavior that are initially associated with generally accepted etiquette and determine its corresponding ethical and aesthetic norms. All of them must be studied and repeated, and be well known to all citizens of the country. These norms apply to almost all aspects of life and everyday life, as well as spheres of human social activity, determining his behavior in the family, at a party, at school, at work, and in public places, on the roads, when he is a pedestrian and when he is a driver, in hotels, in parks, on the beach, on a plane, at the airport, in a public toilet, etc. and so on.

It should be borne in mind that in most public places, citizens only need a simple knowledge of good manners and the ability to behave with restraint, culture and politeness, without attracting the attention of other people and thereby not interfering with their presence in your company.

At the same time, there are also such public places, where knowledge of etiquette alone is not enough for citizens. There, to one degree or another, other basic fragments of the sociocultural matrix that we discussed above (ethical, aesthetic, civil, value, environmental, etc.) must be used, as well as the ability to feel the system of balancing interests and, above all, have the ability to take into account the interests of others , put them above your own.

For this purpose, more serious norms and laws of behavior are applied, arising from the rights, responsibilities and interests of citizens, civil servants, and entrepreneurs. Without knowledge of the relevant fragments of the sociocultural matrix, individuals cannot be named, status certified or admitted to the corresponding cells of social activity or government positions. And the higher the social place of an individual’s activity in the structure of social relations, the greater the demands, in addition to knowledge of etiquette, should be placed on his behavior, the more his behavior should be determined by the responsibilities of this individual to other members of society, society in understanding their specific interests, the interests of society as a whole – national interests.

Based on this, it can be argued that the culture of human behavior consists of two parts: internal and external.

Internal culture is the knowledge, skills, feelings and abilities that underlie the fundamental fragments of a person’s individual sociocultural matrix, acquired through his upbringing, education, development of consciousness and intellect, professional training, signs of good results of which should be his virtue, knowledge of the interests of others, hard work and high morality.

External culture is a lifestyle and behavior that manifests itself in everyday life and in social activities during direct contacts and communication with other people and objects. environment. External culture, as a rule, is a direct product of a person’s internal culture and is closely related to it, although there are some nuances.

Thus, individual manifestations of external culture may not reflect the internal culture of an individual or even contradict it. This happens in cases of painful manifestations of the psyche, as well as in cases of behavioral “mimicry”, when an ill-mannered individual tries to pass himself off as a well-bred one. However, with longer observation of him, these contradictions are easily detected. Therefore, a truly cultured and efficient person can only be such thanks to his diligent upbringing. And, on the contrary, external manifestations of an individual’s bad manners indicate his internal emptiness, and therefore immorality, the complete absence of elementary internal culture.

External culture is not always completely dependent on internal culture and sometimes for some time can hide the lack of the latter. Good knowledge rules of etiquette and their observance can mitigate the lack of high internal culture, developed consciousness and intelligence, although not for long.

External culture is called differently: culture of behavior, etiquette, good manners, rules of good manners, good manners, culture... This suggests that, depending on specific task people focus on one aspect of external culture: most often, either on knowledge of the rules of behavior and their observance, or on the degree of taste, tact, and skill in mastering external culture.

External culture consists of two “parts”: that which comes from the elements of public sociocultural matrices (various instructions, regulations, generally accepted rules, decency, etiquette) and that which comes from good manners and enlightenment socialite(manners, delicacy, tact, taste, sense of humor, conscientiousness, etc.).

There are rules of behavior different levels and contents:
1) the level of universal rules adopted in modern secular society, incl. among well-bred people - the intelligentsia;
2) the level of national rules or rules adopted in a given country;
3) the level of rules adopted in a given area (village, city, region);
4) the level of rules adopted in one or another non-secular social stratum (among ordinary people, among adherents of one or another religious denomination or sect, among corrupt high-ranking officials, among the elite, among oligarchs and other individuals with extremely high incomes, etc. .).
5) the level of secular rules adopted in a particular professional community or public organization (medical workers, lawyers, police officers, military, among actors, civil servants, members of a particular party...)
6) the level of secular rules adopted in a particular institution (educational, medical, government, commercial...)

Speaking about the external manifestations of ethical or aesthetic fragments of the sociocultural matrix of individuals, it should be noted that here, too, one can observe a wide variety of types of behavior: delicacy and rudeness, and good and bad manners, and good and bad taste.

In situations where a person does not know certain rules of behavior accepted in a given society, but he has certain upbringing skills and knowledge of the basics of etiquette, he can to some extent compensate for his ignorance with instinct, intuition, based on innate or acquired delicacy, tact, taste.

Between rules and internal regulators of behavior there are very difficult relationships. They are opposites - internal and external, typical and individual, although at the same time they can “work” in the same direction. Normal relationships between people are generally a delicate matter that easily breaks if people treat each other rudely, especially now in an age of constant stress and increased mental stress.

The ability to listen to your interlocutor is an indispensable requirement of speech etiquette. This, of course, does not mean that you need to sit silently. But it is tactless to interrupt another. When talking together, you also need to be able to listen. It happens that you have to remain silent when you feel that your words can inflame passions. You should not start a heated argument in defense of your opinion. Such arguments spoil the mood of those present.

If a person wants to improve, to be better, to be worthy of love, kindness, wants to be respected, then he must take care of himself, his words and actions, cleanse himself, and not give himself peace in this. After all, it is known that good manners exist external expression inner delicacy of the soul, consisting in general benevolence and attention to all people.

Politeness does not necessarily mean truly treating a person with respect, just as rudeness does not necessarily mean truly treating a person with disrespect. A person can be rude due to the fact that he moved in a rude environment and did not see other patterns of behavior.

So politeness is moral quality, characterizing the behavior of a person for whom respect for people has become a daily norm of behavior and a habitual way of treating others.

An important aspect of etiquette is the concept of good manners, which requires study and practice; it must, so to speak, become second nature to us. True, much that is called good form and refined taste is innate delicacy, and therefore the statement is true that a person can assimilate and learn everything, but not delicacy. But delicacy is not everything, and innate taste requires improvement. Good examples and your own efforts contribute to this.

In addition, in etiquette there is such a thing as decency. This is the least noticeable of all etiquette concepts, but the most revered.

So, only those who embarrass the least number of people have good manners. After all, every person, as a rule, lives in society, i.e. among other people. Therefore, his every action, every desire, every statement is reflected on these people. For this reason, there must be a boundary between what he wants to say or do, and what is possible, what will be pleasant or unpleasant to others. In this regard, he needs to make a self-assessment every time to see if any of his statements or actions will cause harm, or cause inconvenience or trouble. Every time he must act in such a way that the people around him feel good.

The basics of etiquette, known to everyone since childhood, are three magic words: please, thank you, excuse me (sorry).

Every request must be accompanied by the word “please”.

For any service or help you need to thank, say “thank you.”

For any trouble caused to another, you need to apologize or ask for forgiveness.

You need to learn to say these magic words without thinking, automatically. The absence of these words in appropriate situations or their non-automatic, unnatural use means either impoliteness, rudeness, or an announcement and demonstration of hostility.

There are no “little things” in etiquette; more precisely, it all consists of “little things” strung on a single core of politeness and attention to people. Etiquette begins with a certain order and rules of greetings, addresses, introductions and acquaintances.

Considering the “inequality” in etiquette, it should be borne in mind that the young are obliged to greet the elders first, those entering - those present, those who are late - those waiting, etc. At official receptions, the hostess and host are greeted first, followed by the ladies, first the older ones, then the younger ones, then the older and senior men, and then the rest of the guests. The lady of the house must shake hands with all invited guests.

It should be remembered that the handshake that is customary here and in the West when meeting and introducing a man and a woman in Muslim countries completely inappropriate: Islam does not accept even simple contact between people of different sexes who are not related by blood. It is not customary for the peoples of Southeast Asia to shake hands either.

Demeanor is of great importance when greeting. You should look directly at the person you are greeting with a smile. When addressing a stranger, unfamiliar person or official, you should always say “You”. The form of address “you” expresses a closer relationship with a person. When addressed as “you,” many formalities that indicate an external, detached form of politeness disappear.

No less complex are etiquette rules dating The first step to making connections is introduction. When introducing yourself or introducing someone, you usually give your last name, first name, patronymic, and sometimes your position or title. If you are visiting an institution or official on official or personal business, then before you begin business conversation, you should introduce yourself and, if available, present your “business card.” An introduction is also necessary if you are addressing a stranger on any issue.

An integral attribute of modern etiquette is the ethics of telephone conversations. Its most important points include the following:
1) You should always introduce yourself when you call if you are unfamiliar or unfamiliar with the recipient or if you rarely call this recipient. It should also be taken into account that telephone communication may be poor, i.e. your voice is barely audible or distorted, and therefore even a good friend may not immediately understand who he is talking to.
2) You almost always need to ask whether a person is busy or not and how much time he has for a telephone conversation. The behavior of a caller who immediately begins to conduct this conversation without the necessary clarification of the boundaries of the conversation is unceremonious.
3) If you get a call and you are very busy and cannot talk, then, as a rule, the burden of calling back is not on the person who called, but on you. There may be two exceptions here:
- if the caller does not have a telephone;
- if for some reason it is difficult to call the person who called you. It is impolite to force the caller to call you back again because you are busy. When you do this, you involuntarily make it clear that you value and respect him less than yourself.
4) When they call on the phone and ask not you, but another person, it is impolite to ask “who is this?” or “Who’s speaking?” Firstly, it is indecent to answer a question with a question. Secondly, with your question you can put the one asking in an awkward position. The questioner is not always inclined to introduce himself to a stranger who picks up the phone. His right is to remain incognito to outsiders. Asking “who speaks?” willingly or unwillingly “gets into the soul” of the caller. On the other hand, asking “who is speaking?” voluntarily or involuntarily, it “gets into the soul” of the person who is being called directly, since the addressee may also want to keep the secret of his relationship with the caller. (Parents sometimes do this in their desire to control every step of their adult children, thereby limiting their right to personal life. Excessive control and excessive guardianship on the part of parents lead to the fact that adult children either remain infantile, dependent, or are alienated from their parents.) In If the addressee is absent, you need to ask not “who is speaking?”, but “what should I convey to the addressee?”
5) In a telephone conversation, business or telegraphic style should prevail, with rare exceptions. Talking around the bush is inappropriate. If possible, you should immediately formulate the questions for which you are calling, and do not hesitate to ask the interlocutor about the same if he is “carried away” by the conversation on unrelated topics. You need to tactfully ask your interlocutor to move on to the subject of the telephone conversation, without rudely interrupting his speech. In principle, non-business conversations on the phone are also acceptable, but only after it becomes clear that both parties have the desire and time to conduct such conversations.
6) It must be borne in mind that telephone communication is not as complete as face-to-face communication. Therefore, the requirements for conversation in general are more stringent, i.e. you need to behave more carefully, prudently. A word spoken over the phone and a word spoken face to face can be evaluated differently and even in opposite ways.

In a telephone conversation, you need to speak less emotionally, joke more carefully, and try to avoid harsh words and expressions.

Two more etiquette concepts that cannot be ignored are commitment and precision. An unobligatory person is very inconvenient for others, although he can be nice, courteous, etc. You cannot rely on such a person, you cannot count on him. Let him not be offended if they stop respecting him and avoid communicating with him. “Precision is the courtesy of kings,” says the saying. He is not a king who is not obligated, who behaves carelessly in relation to his own obligation.

“Nothing comes cheap or is valued as much as politeness.”


It is a well-known fact that a person is not capable long time to be alone. Therefore, in order to once and for all forget about what lies behind the word “loneliness”, people simply must learn to communicate correctly with each other.

Not every person is lucky enough to receive a good upbringing in childhood and learn the rules of behavior that are instilled in the family and continue to be supplemented and improved in the future. kindergarten, at school, and throughout life. The rules of behavior accepted in society will help you communicate with people at ease and be a pleasant conversationalist.

Men and women have different vital functions and, therefore, different rules behavior in society. It is generally accepted that a man should be a breadwinner and protector, that is, resourceful and courageous. Women are physically weaker, they are the custodians of the home and need protection. Based on this, the rules of conduct for men and women are appropriate.

However, there are rules that are equally fair for both men and women, so we will look at them today. So what should a polite person be like?


In order to learn to be a polite person, it will take a lot of effort, perseverance and a lot of work on yourself, and the first thing you need to do is give an objective assessment of your behavior at the moment. An outside perspective is very helpful in such a situation. This will help you understand and analyze all your mistakes, existing bad habits, wrong actions committed and your behavior in general. After which you can safely start “working on mistakes.”

Etiquette is universal human moral standards, a set of rules of behavior in society: addresses, greetings, manners, clothing. Manners are forms of human behavior. The essence of etiquette is respect for other people.

Once upon a time, the rules of good manners in communication or the rules of etiquette were one of the subjects of the educational program at school. Children were taught this science and strictly controlled how well they learned it; tutors were responsible for raising children. Currently there are no tutors or corresponding subjects in school curriculum, and the need for teaching basic politeness is still high.

Let's try to figure out what the rules of good manners are and let's strictly follow them.


One of the basic rules of good manners in ordinary, everyday life is courtesy in relationships, the ability to greet people without unnecessary demonstrations, the ability to congratulate on a holiday, express sympathy or wish good health, as well as the ability to thank for the service provided to you.

In addition, the concept of courtesy presupposes that the person entering lets the person leaving, who, in turn, holds the door if necessary; the man walking next to the girl always lets her go ahead, with the exception of going down the stairs, exiting the elevator and public transport.

Despite the fact that some prim manners have long since become obsolete, for example, closing the car door behind a girl before getting behind the wheel, it still doesn’t hurt to help ladies get out of the car.


Correctly addressing another person, whether familiar or not, is an important part of the rules of behavior. Thus, the rules of behavior accepted in society state that you can only address children under 18 years of age, close friends and relatives. All other strangers, even if they are younger than you or your peers, should only be addressed as “you.”

In addition, it is customary to switch to “you” when strangers appear and call a relative or friend by name and patronymic, including when it is inappropriate to demonstrate familiar or family relationships in society. The transition from “you” to “you” should be appropriate and tactful; as a rule, it is initiated by a woman, a person senior in age or position.

If absent people are mentioned in a conversation, you cannot talk about them in the third person - “they” or “she”, even if they are close relatives, you must call them by name or by name and patronymic.

There are three types of address that are used in different situations:

  • official - citizen, sir, madam, and the titles and titles of the represented people are also used;
  • informal - by name, using “you”, brother, dear friend, girlfriend;
  • impersonal - used in cases where you need to address a stranger. In these cases, the phrases “sorry”, “excuse me”, “excuse me”, “tell me”, and so on are used.

It is unacceptable to address a person by gender, occupation or age: woman, man, plumber, salesman, child, etc.


The rules of human behavior in society require maintaining the correct distance between interlocutors. There are the following generally accepted distances in communication:

  • public distance – when communicating with large groups of people, is more than 3.5 meters;
  • social distance - when communicating between strangers, between people with different social statuses, at receptions, banquets, etc. from 3.6 to 1.2 meters;
  • personal or personal distance – for everyday communication between familiar people, ranges from 1.2 to 0.5 meters;
  • intimate or sensory distance – for communication between very close people, entry into this zone is allowed only to a select few, it is less than 0.5 meters.

At the same time, it is important that each of the interlocutors always has the opportunity to freely exit the conversation; holding a person’s hand or the lapel of a jacket, or blocking the passage during a conversation is considered unacceptable.

In addition, it is important to choose suitable topics for conversation; they should be interesting and pleasant to both interlocutors and should not affect personal matters. It is considered unacceptable to interrupt the interlocutor, correct his speech or make comments. It is also indecent to watch and stare at your interlocutor for a long time, especially if he is eating.

I bring to your attention a video about the rules of human behavior in society: