VI. Materials for checking work by the teacher


  • control of the formation of spelling and punctuation skills and skills, mastery of norms literary language and grammatical structure of speech;
  • development of logical skills: analyze, classify, systematize and generalize language material;
  • nurturing the desire for systematic knowledge of the Russian language and self-control.

Methods: on the degree of independence of students when working with educational material: problematic, partially search; on the use of logical operations: inductive-deductive, traductive; by source of knowledge: practical.

Equipment: a file for each student with a test task according to options (Options I and II) and the student’s answer form, a key to checking work, a test analysis form.


I. Organizational moment(1 min.)

Determining readiness for the lesson, greeting, marking absences in the class register.

II. Setting the topic and objectives of the lesson (0.5 min)

III. Student motivation (1 min.)

Test tasks are designed to test the knowledge of 7th grade students in all sections and topics of the program. In accordance with the mandatory minimum educational content, the following knowledge is tested:

a) spelling of verifiable, unverifiable, alternating vowels,
b) spelling letters O /e , as well as letters b after the hissing and ts ,
c) spelling of real and real suffixes passive participles,
d) spelling of particles Not And neither with different parts of speech and as part of a sentence,
e) spelling -n- And -nn- in full and short forms adjectives and participles, as well as in derived nouns and adverbs,
e) merged, separate, hyphenated spelling various parts speeches,
g) delimitation and spelling of prepositions, conjunctions and particles correlated with other parts of speech,

Tasks control testing aimed at preventing grammatical errors:

  • in coordination and management,
  • in education grammatical forms,
  • in the use of participial and participial phrases.

Test tasks with multiple choice answers are compiled according to options (options I and II). Each student is offered a test task according to the option and a student answer form, on which he, in the line with the task number, puts a “cross” in the box whose number (letter) corresponds to the answer he has chosen.

Student answer sheet.

Last name, first name _________________________________________________

Class ________ Option___________________________

IV. Independent work students

Performing test tasks.

Test tasks.

Option I.

1. Find a sentence with a participial phrase.

A. The tide was roaring, crashing waves were slowly rushing in.
B. A seagull flew by in the thick evening air.
Q. The sea is smoothly forged from blue metal.
D. Brown pines dropped their needles onto the damp sand.

a) hear – heard;
b) shoot – shot;
c) understand – understood;
d) sow – sown;
d) solder - sealed.

5. N or nn

6. What needs to be inserted: n or nn in the words of sentences?

1. We liked the wicker chair made of straw.
2. I was sitting in a wicker straw chair. Choose the correct answer.

A. In both cases you need to insert nn .
B. In both cases you need to insert n .
B. In the 1st case you need to insert n , in the 2nd – nn .
D. In the 1st case you need to insert nn , in the 2nd – n .

7. Name a word consisting of a prefix, a root, and two suffixes:

a) pre-spring,
b) distributed,
c) closing your eyes.

9.-nn- is written in all words of the series:

a) wet apple, lessons not learned,
b) time-tested, slow speed,
c) an unknown path, a linen towel.

10. In both cases it is written e :

b) careful, careful,
c) red..., abstract..

11. Where is the mistake made in sentences with participial phrase?

A. Approaching the station, my hat fell off.
B. He was horrified after listening to me.
B. Approaching the grove, she walked more quietly.

a) (not) transparent blizzard, (not) easier,
b) (not) seeing anyone, (not) woolly,
c) (not) feeling, (not) noticing.

A. Speak a little slower.
B. Write more legibly.
V. You answered best of all.

14. In what sentence Not is it a particle?

A. He (not) retreated after them.
B. You showed up (not) on time.
V. It was far (not) calm in the house.

15. Written with a hyphen:

a) someday
b) exactly (c) exactly,
c) (to) the top,
d) (light) green,
d) (some) where,
e) (for) reason.

16. Where is it needed? b ? Task similar to task 2:

A) b) V) G)
married.. b b
wide open.. b b
cut...those b b
take care.. b b b

17. Indicate phrases in which errors were made in the use of prepositions and cases of nouns:

a) discussed about work;
b) leave the factory;
c) pay for travel;
d) review of the story;
d) return from Moscow.


A. Everyone left thanks to hostess for the holiday.
B. The guys didn’t go into the forest in view of bad weather.
B. The earth rotates around sun.
G. Despite Because of the rain, we went hiking.
D. Ahead the detachment commander was walking.

would written separately:

A. He was thinking about what to draw for him.
B. We did everything to make the holiday memorable.
B. So that the child would not cry, he was given a toy.

22. Indicate sentences in which the highlighted words are conjunctions and are written together.

A. His young sons Same) looked around themselves.
B. I thanked my friend but) that he helped me.
B. It was cold at(that) and the clouds appeared.
D. He found out the time That's why) how the sun moved.

would – particle.

A. Whatever you do, you will remember me.
B. What could it be?
Q. In order to perform the dance well, the guys rehearsed a lot.
D. It took effort to reconcile them.

24. Where Not , Where neither ?

What n..(1) say, but from n..(2)th n..(3) it was n..(4) hearing n..(5) spirit.

Choose the correct answer:

A) Not – 1, 2, 3; neither – 4, 5;
b) Not – 2, 3; neither – 1, 4, 5;
V) Not – 2, 3, 4, 5; neither – 1;
G) Not – 1, 2, 3, 4, 5.

25. In what sentences Not – particle?

A. A (not) large bird was looking into the (not) open windows.
B. He (had) nothing to come for.
B. The dog howled and, (un)consciously, rushed across the road.
D. During the exam it was necessary to translate the text (without) looking in the dictionary.

26. What is That in these sentences: a pronoun, conjunction, particle or suffix?

  1. It was the same movie.
  2. Someone came.
  3. It was either cramped or cozy.
  4. Reveal the secret(s).

Choose the correct answer:

a) 1 – local, 2 – suf., 3 – conjunction, 4 – partial;
b) 1, 2 – local, 3 – union, 4 – suf.;
c) 1, 4 – part, 2, 3 – suf;
d) 1, 3 – conjunction, 2, 4 – part.

27. Choose the grammatically correct continuation of the sentence.

Playing chess...

a) ...I was interested.
b) ...thinking develops.
c) ...I get great pleasure.
d) ...attention is required.

28. In what order should the sentences appear to form a text?

A. Every language develops, and its norms change along with it.
B. As is known, language norm is a regulator of the correctness of the literary language and a condition for its sustainability and stability.
Q. No, there are no unshakable norms.
G. But does this mean that the linguistic norm is constant, unchanging, unshakable?

a) D, B, A, C;
b) A, B, C, D;
c) B, C, A, D;
d) B, D, C, A.

a) language develops.
b) the norm is constant, unchangeable.
c) the norm is a regulator.

30. Choose the correct answer.

Option II

1. Indicate the sentences where participial not separated by a comma (no punctuation marks).

A. The people of the Urals, cut off from the whole world, withstood the siege with honor.
B. A cloud hanging over high peaks The poplars were already falling with rain. B. The earth, warmed by the sun, dries up.
D. Archaeologists worked in a town famous for its ancient times.

2. Choose the correct answer. Indicate the column: a), b), c) or d), in which the consecutive letters correspond to the letters missing in these words:

3. Choose the correct answer. Task similar to task 2:

4. Indicate errors in the formation of passive past participles:

a) take – taken;
b) understand – understood;
c) knead – kneaded;
d) lose – lost.

5. N or nn ? Task similar to task 2:

6. What should be inserted: n or nn in these sentences?

1. Purchased newspaper.
2. Tangled plot. Choose the correct answer.

A. In both cases you need to insert nn.
B. In both cases you need to insert n.
B. In the 1st case you need to insert n, in the 2nd case - nn.
D. In the 1st case you need to insert nn, in the 2nd case - n.

7. Name a word consisting of a prefix, root, suffix and ending.

a) gutted
b) jumping up
c) piled up
d) high-rise.

8. Choose the correct answer. Task similar to task 2:

A) b) V) G)
delayed e A e A
viewed... And e e e
memorized A A e e
ridiculed I I e I

9. -nn- written in both cases:

a) beautiful..y, nightingale..yy,
b) unexpected, captivating,
c) not planted..s, horseshoe..s.

10. In both cases it is written e :

a) surrounded, canvas,
b) guarded, illuminated,
c) stove..nka, hare..nock.

11. Indicate sentences in which there are errors in punctuation marks.

A. She sat with her eyes closed.
B. He screamed without taking a breath.
Q. It has been raining since morning.
G. He took the ball and, burning with curiosity, looked at Tom.

12. In which rows is it not written separately?

a) not yet (not) traveled, (not) been,
b) (not) always, (not) in a friendly way,
c) (not) from, (not) everyone,
d) (not) loud, (not) in a hurry.

13. Where was the mistake made in the use of the adverb?

A. He listened more attentively in class.
B. He did the best job.
Q. I try to write more beautifully.
D. My friend is the most attentive in the class.

14. Indicate which adverbs are written with Not together:

a) (un)comradely;
b) (not) stupid;
c) (not) above;
d) (not) convincing.

15. Written with a hyphen:

a) (c) I’ll run,
b) (in) a friendly way,
c) as (as if)
d) somewhere (somewhere),
d) something (or something),
e) (truly)

16. Where is it needed? b ? Task similar to task 2:

17. Which sentences contain grammatical errors?

A. The thirst for glory tormented, tormented and burned him.
B. Work is being carried out according to schedule.
B. He came home from school.
D. We met upon the arrival of the train.
D. He entered college after finishing school.

18. In which sentences are the highlighted words – prepositions?

A. Around it was quiet.
B. I passed by schools.
B. They went out towards friends.
G. Shel, (despite under your feet.
D. Subsequently he read the novel.

19. Which letter should be inserted? Task similar to task 2:

20. Which letter should be inserted? Task similar to task 2:

21. Name a sentence in which same – particle.

A. I also wrote an essay.
B. I wrote the same essay as you.

22. Indicate sentences in which the highlighted words are unions .

A. And also) the moon shone motionlessly.
B. To) should I do it?
V. We are late, but) watched a new film.
G. We did everything to) the holiday was memorable.

23. Indicate in which sentences would – particle.

A. To shorten the path, we went to the river.
B. Difficulties exist in order to overcome them.
Q. What should I tell my father?
G. Do it at all costs.

24. Where Not , Where neither ?

What n..(1) say, he n..(2) could n..(3) know about it, but he behaved like n..(4) what n..(5) had happened.

Choose the correct answer:

a) in all cases – Not ;
b) Not – 2, 3, 5; neither – 1, 4;
c) in all cases – neither .
G) Not – 1, 3, 4, neither – 2, 5.

25. In what sentences Not – particle?

A. He remained (im)movable for a minute.
B. The father (did not) have any position.
V. At the threshold stood a grandmother (not) noticed by anyone.
G. The drawing seemed very (careless) to me.

26. Determine in which sentence that is a particle.

A. Something is about to happen.
B. The boats in the waves (then) will appear, (then) hide.
B. Hide behind (that) tree.
G. “And how big he has grown!” - Mom exclaimed.

27. Choose the correct answer. Task similar to task 2:

28. In what order should the sentences appear to form a text?

A. It is easy to mine, breaking off either large or small pieces, and is also easy to process.
B. In a word, this stone is often used in Rus' as an excellent building material.
V. And at the same time, white stone is strong and reliable, buildings built from it last for centuries.
D. Builders in Rus' have long called limestone white stone - a soft rock, deposits of which are found in the Volga-Oka interfluve.

a) D, B, A, C;
b) G, A, B, C;
c) A, B, B, D;
d) D, A, C, B.

29. What is the grammatical basis in one of the sentences?

a) extract and process it;
b) limestone – soft rock;
c) the builders called.

30. Choose the grammatically correct continuation of the sentence.

While reading a book, ...

a) ...I was interested.
b) ...sometimes notes are made in the margins.
c) ...don’t get carried away only by the plot.
d) ...good lighting is necessary.

V. Lesson summary

VI. Materials for checking work by the teacher

Answer key.

Option I

Analysis of a control test in the Russian language.

Date of conduct:


  • determining the level and quality of formation of spelling, punctuation, speech skills,
  • identifying the dynamics of students’ learning skills.

Test performance:



number of students

completed 100%

academic performance %

quality %

Monitoring errors made by students while taking the test.

Types of errors



I. Grammatical errors:

– in coordination and management
– in the formation of grammatical forms
– when using participial and participial phrases

II. Spelling mistakes:

– spelling of particles Not And neither with different parts of speech and as part of a sentence
– suffixes of active and passive participles
– continuous, separate, hyphenated writing of various parts of speech
– spelling of prepositions, conjunctions and particles correlated with other parts of speech
– spelling -n- And -nn- V full forms adjectives and participles, as well as in derived nouns, in adverbs
– spelling of verifiable, unverifiable, alternating vowels
– spelling -O- /-e- , as well as letters b after the hissing and ts

III. Punctuation errors:

– when separating participial and participial phrases

Final test tests in OGE form in Russian for grades 5-8.

These tests were compiled to conduct final tests in the Russian language for students in grades 5-8.

The tasks test a set of skills that determine the level of language and linguistic competence of students. All tasks have practical orientation, because linguistic phenomena, tested by them, constitute the necessary linguistic basis for proficiency in spelling, punctuation and speech norms.

The peculiarity of these tests is that for each class texts about the Great Patriotic War, since saving historical memoryimportant aspect education of the younger generation.


1) control of the formation of spelling and punctuation skills, mastery of the norms of the literary language and grammatical structure speeches;

2) development of logical skills: analyze, classify, systematize and generalize language material;

3) fostering a desire for systematic knowledge of the Russian language and self-control.

Methods: according to the degree of independence of students when working with educational material: problem-based, partially search-based; by source of knowledge: practical.

Equipment: a file for each student with a test task and the student’s answer form, a key to checking work, a test analysis form.

Test tasks are designed to test the knowledge of students in grades 5-8 in all sections and topics of the program. The peculiarity of these tests is that texts about the Great Patriotic War were selected for each class, since the preservation of historical memory is an important aspect of educating the younger generation. When compiling test tasks, excerpts from the works of Mikhail Sholokhov “The Fate of a Man”, Boris Polevoy “The Tale of a Real Man”, Sergei Alekseev “Stories about War for Children” were used.

This work proposes test tasks, as well as the correct answers.

5th grade

Read the text by S. Alekseev “Titaev” and complete the tasks for it.

(1)November. (2) It started to get windy. (3) It snowed.
(4) An unenviable life for signalmen. (5) Snow, bad weather, mud, planes are bombing from the sky, shells are raising the ground, bullets are spreading death - be ready for the campaign, signalman. (6) The wiring was damaged by a bomb, the wire was torn off by a shell, the fascist intelligence officer destroyed the connection - get ready, soldier, to hit the road.
(7) In November, battles for Mamayev Kurgan began again. (8) In the midst of the battle, telephone communication with the division command post was interrupted. (9)C command post It was the artillerymen who were given orders to fire at targets. (10) Now the commands are broken. (11) The artillery fire stopped.
(12) Signalman Titaev came out to fix the damage.
(13) Titaev crawls along the wire, looking for where the break occurred. (14) Low clouds are hanging over Titaev. (15) Snow is blowing. (16) On the left are the enemy trenches. (17) Mortars are hitting. (18) Machine guns are scribbling. (19) The battle rumbles. (S. Alekseev)

Test tasks.

Part 1. Choose one correct answer.

A1.Find incorrect statement. In a word low (sentence 14):

A) 7 sounds;

B) the letter “z” means the sound [s];

B) the letter e means two sounds;

D) all consonants are voiceless.

A2. The grammatical basis is highlighted correctly:

A) raise the ground (sentence 5);

B) gather soldiers (sentence 6);

C) the clouds are hanging (sentence 14);

D)beat (sentence 17).

A3.Indicate the word without ending:

A) left;

B) crawls;

B) automatic machines;

D) signalman.

A4.Indicate the verb I conjugation:

A) crawls;

B) stopped;

B) destroyed;

D) they spread it.

A5.Indicate the word with an unstressed vowel being tested at the root:

A) wiring;

B) projectile;

B) fascist;

D) signalman.

Part 2. Complete the tasks by writing down the answer to the question posed.

1.From sentences 1-6, write down a word with an alternating vowel in the root.

2.From sentences 6-10, write down given name noun.

3. Write out appeals from sentences 3-9.

4.From sentence 5, write out the nouns of the 3rd declension.

5.From sentence 7, write down the grammatical basis.

6.Among sentences 3-8, find unextended proposal. Write down his number.

7. Write down the quantity in numbers grammar basics in sentence 13.

8.From sentence 8, write down the noun in the instrumental case.

9.From sentences 12-18, write down the word with a soft separator.

10.From sentences 13-19, write down the verbs of the second conjugation.

6th grade

(1) On the morning of June twenty-ninth, my major orders him to be taken out of town, in the direction of Trosnitsa. (2) There he supervised the construction of fortifications. (3) We left. (4) The major is quietly dozing in the back seat, and my heart is almost jumping out of my chest. (5) I was driving fast, but outside the city I slowed down the gas, then I stopped the car, got out, and looked around: far behind me there were two trucks pulling. (6) I took out the weight and opened the door wider. (7) The fat man leaned back in his seat, snoring as if he had his wife at his side. (8) Well, I hit him in the left temple with a weight. (9) He dropped his head too. (10) To be sure, I hit him again, but I didn’t want to kill him to death. (11) I had to deliver him alive, he owed ours a lot

tell me something. (12) I took the Parabellum out of his holster, put it in my pocket, drove the crowbar behind the back of the back seat, threw the telephone wire around the major’s neck and tied it with a blind knot on the crowbar. (13) This is so that it does not fall on its side or fall when driving fast. (14) He quickly put on his uniform and cap, and drove the car straight to where the earth was humming, where the battle was going on.

(15) The German front line slipped between two bunkers. (16) The machine gunners jumped out of the dugout, and I deliberately slowed down so that they could see that the major was coming. (17) But they started shouting, waving their arms, saying it’s impossible to go there, but I didn’t seem to understand, I threw on the gas and went at full eighty. (18) Until they came to their senses and began firing machine guns at the car, and I was already in no man’s land between the craters, dodging as well as a hare.

(19) Here the Germans are hitting me from behind, and here their outlines are firing towards me from machine guns. (20) The windshield was pierced in four places, the radiator was pierced by bullets... (21) But now there was a forest above the lake, our people were running to the car, and I jumped into this forest, opened the door, fell to the ground and kissed it, and breathe I have nothing... (Mikhail Sholokhov “The Fate of Man”)

Test tasks.

1.From sentences 1-7, write down the numerals.

2.From sentences 3-6, write down the word(s) with a diminutive suffix.

3.From sentences 8-13, write down the indefinite pronoun.

4.From sentences 1-4, write down words with deafening of the consonant sound at the root.

5.From sentences 11-12, write down a word whose spelling corresponds to the rule: “At the end of the prefix it is written with, if the root begins with a voiceless consonant.”

6.From sentences 14-17, write down the reflexive pronoun.

7.From sentence 16, write down the personal pronouns.

8.Indicate the number of grammatical bases in sentence 18. Write the answer in numbers.

9. Write down the grammatical basis from sentence 13.

10.Indicate the category of the adjective in the phrasetelephone wire.

11.From sentences 15-18, write down the negative pronoun.

12.From sentences 21, write down the personal pronoun that appears in singular, dative case.

13.Replace the word poked (sentence 8) a stylistically neutral synonym. Write down this synonym.

14.From sentences 17-21, write down words with a soft separator.

15.From sentences 18-21, write down the word formed addition

7th grade

Read an excerpt from B. Polevoy’s work “The Tale of a Real Man” and complete the tasks for it.

(1) Alexey quietly stood up from the bear carcass. (2) The same sharp pain that arose in his feet pierced his body from bottom to top. (3) He screamed. (4) I had to sit down again. (5) Tried to throw off the unt. (6) The boots did not come off, and every jerk made me moan. (7) Then Alexei clenched his teeth, closed his eyes, pulled the boots with all his might with both hands - and immediately lost consciousness. (8) Having woken up, he carefully unfolded the flannel wrap. (9) The whole foot was swollen and looked like a solid gray bruise. (10) It burned and ached in every joint. (11) Alexey put his foot on the snow - the pain became weaker. (12) With the same desperate jerk, as if he was pulling out his own tooth, he took off the second boot.

(13) Both legs were no good. (14) Apparently, when the plane’s impact on the tops of the pine trees threw him out of the cockpit, something pinched his feet and

crushed small bones of the metatarsus and fingers. (15) Of course, in normal conditions he wouldn't even think of getting up on those broken, swollen legs. (16) But he was alone in the thicket of the forest, behind enemy lines, where meeting a man promised not relief, but death. (17) And he decided to go, go east, go through the forest, not trying to look for convenient roads and residential places, go, no matter what it costs.

(18) He resolutely jumped up from the bear’s carcass, groaned, gritted his teeth and took the first step. (19) He stood there, pulled his other leg out of the snow, took another step. (20) There was a noise in his head, the forest and clearing swayed and floated to the side. (Boris Polevoy “The Tale of a Real Man”).

Test tasks.

1. From sentences 1-4, write down a word whose spelling corresponds to the rule: “At the end of the prefix it is written with, if the root begins with a voiceless consonant.”

2. From sentences 1-8, write down a word whose spelling corresponds to the rule: “In adverbs with a prefix with at the end, a is written if it is formed from an unprefixed adjective.”

3.From sentences 8-11, write down the adjective in the comparative degree.

4.From sentences 12-15, write down a negative adverb.

5.From sentence 2, write down a word formed in a prefix-suffix way.

6.From sentence 18, write down the grammatical basis.

7. Write out the particles from sentence 15.

8.Indicate the number of grammatical bases in sentence 20. Write the answer in numbers.

9. Among sentences 15-20, find a sentence with an adverbial phrase. Write down his number.

10.From sentence 17, write down the prepositions.

11.Among sentences 1-9, find a sentence with single gerundial participle. Write down his number.

12.From sentences 1-8, write down a word whose spelling corresponds to the rule: “A prefix is ​​added if it denotes an incomplete action.”

13.From sentence 14, write down the conjunctions.

14.From sentences 1-5, write out the participial phrase with the word being defined.

15.Replace the word promised (sentence 16) a stylistically neutral synonym. Write down this synonym.

8th grade

Read an excerpt from M. Sholokhov’s work “The Fate of Man” and complete the tasks for it.

(1) The boy ran up to his father, positioned himself on the right and, holding onto the floor

father's quilted jacket, trotted next to the man who was striding widely.

(2) Two orphaned people, two grains of sand, thrown into foreign lands by a military hurricane of unprecedented force... (3) What awaits them ahead? (4) And I would like to think that this Russian man, a man of unbending will, will endure and grow up next to his father’s shoulder, one who, having matured, will be able to endure everything, overcome everything on his way, if his Motherland calls him to this.

(5) I looked after them with heavy sadness... (6) Maybe everything would have turned out well if we parted, but Vanyushka, taking a few steps away and braiding his scanty legs, turned to face me as he walked, waving his pink little hand. (7) And suddenly, as if a soft but clawed paw squeezed my heart, I hastily turned away. (8) No, it’s not only in their sleep that elderly men, who have turned gray during the war years, cry. (9) They cry in reality. (10) The main thing here is to be able to turn away in time. (11) The most important thing here is not to hurt the child’s heart, so that he doesn’t see a burning and stingy man’s tear running down your cheek... (Mikhail Sholokhov “The Fate of a Man”).

Test tasks.

1.Replace the phrase"man's tear" (sentence 11), built on the basis of agreement, a synonymous phrase with the connection management. Write the resulting phrase.

2. Determine the number of grammatical bases in sentence 6. Write the answer in numbers.

3. Among sentences 1-7, find one that has an introductory word. Write down the offer number.

4. Among sentences 1-5, find a sentence with a separate agreed definition. Write down his number.

5.From sentence 10, write down the grammatical basis.

6.From sentences 3-7, write down a word with an alternating vowel in the root.

7. Replace the word withstand (sentence 4) a stylistically neutral synonym.

8.From sentences 1-5, write down isolated circumstance with a defined word.

9.From sentence 5, write down a phrase with the connection adjacency.

10.What figurative and expressive means does the author use in the phrase"stingy tear"?

11.From sentence 6, write down words with a diminutive suffix.

12. Among sentences 1-6, find one, one of the parts of which is an impersonal sentence.

13. In the sentence below from the text read, all commas are numbered. Write down the number(s) indicating the comma(s) that separate the parts of the complex sentence.

Maybe (1) everything would have turned out well if we parted, (2) but Vanyushka, (3) walking away a few steps and braiding his scanty legs, (4) turned to face me as he walked, (5) waved his pink little hand.

14.Among sentences 1-7, find denomination sentence. Write down his number.

15. Determine the number of grammatical bases in sentence 11. Write the answer in numbers.


5th grade

Job number


Get ready

Mamaev kurgan

Soldier, signalman

Dirt, death

The fighting started


They beat

Hanging, building

6th grade

Job number


Twenty nine, two

Weight, door


Drive, city

Tell me about it


Me, them

He didn't fall, he didn't fall



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Instructions for performing the work

For execution test work Russian language is given 20 minutes. The work consists of 3 parts.

Part 1 includes 6 tasks (A1-A6). For tasks A1, A2, A3, A5, A6, 4 answer options are given, of which only one is correct. In task A4 it is necessary to establish correspondences between words from the left and right columns.

Part 2 consists of 1 task (B1). You must formulate the answer to this task yourself.

Part 3 consists of 1 task (C1) and includes questions on the text. You must formulate the answers to this task yourself by reading the text given in the task.

We advise you to complete the tasks in the order in which they are given. To save time, skip a task that you cannot complete immediately and move on to the next one. If you have time left after completing all the work, you can return to the missed tasks.

The correct answer, depending on the complexity of each task, is awarded one or more points. The points you receive for all completed tasks are summed up. Try to complete as much as possible more tasks and score as many points as possible.

Evaluation criteria:

for each correct answer in tasks 1-7 – 1 point; behind correct execution 8 tasks - 3 points.

Total: 10 points

10-9 points – “5”, 8-7 points – “4”, 6-5 points – “3”, 4 points and less – “2”

We wish you success!

Part 1.

A1. Phonetics.Indicate a word that has fewer sounds than letters:

congress apple tree mole

A2. Vocabulary.Which section of vocabulary does the word belong to: TSAR ?

dialectisms jargonisms historicisms professionalisms

A3. Morphemics. Word formation.How is the word formed? BEAUTIFUL?

Prefix-suffix fusion of stems suffixless

A4. Morphology.Match words and parts of speech: (draw a line)

cheerful pronoun

something adjective

repair verb

under the pretext

because participle

dreaming union

A5. Syntax.Specify a complicated sentence introductory words(no punctuation marks):

Vova, go to the store. Beautiful fluffy clouds running quickly across the sky.

There is no doubt that the summer will be hot. I like to walk listening to music.

A6. Punctuation.Indicate the answer option where the punctuation marks are placed correctly in the gaps: If you think about (1) why we love sweets (2) then the answer is obvious (3) cookies (4) cakes (5) and ice cream lift our spirits (6) and they are also very tasty.

1,2,3,4,5,6 1,4,5,6 1,3,4,5 1,2,3,4,6

Part 2.

IN 1. Phraseology.Explain how you understand the following phraseological phrase? Walks with his nose in the air . (Give an example by making a sentence with this phraseological unit )


Part 3.

S.1. Read the text and complete the tasks.

(1) There lived in our house a huge fat cat - Ivanovich. (2) We all loved him for his good disposition. (3) As soon as he sees us in the morning, he will immediately run up, start purring, and rub against our legs. (4) It even seemed to us that in character and intelligence the cat was more like a dog. (5) He ran after us like a dog: we went to the garden - and he followed, mother to the store - and he followed her. (6) And we return from the river in the evening - Ivanovich is already sitting on a bench near the house, as if he was waiting for us.

(7) We lived in the old house for several years, then we moved to another. (8) When we moved, we were very afraid that Ivanovich would not get along in new apartment and will run away to the old place. (9) But our fears turned out to be completely in vain.

(10) Finding himself in an unfamiliar room, Ivanovich began to examine and sniff everything, until he finally reached his mother’s bed. (11) At this point he felt that everything was all right, he jumped onto the bed and lay down. (12) At lunch, the cat immediately rushed to the table and sat down, as usual, next to his mother. (13) That same day he looked around the new yard, sat on a bench in front of the house, but old apartment didn't leave. (14) This means that it is not always true when they say that a dog is faithful to people, and a cat is faithful to its home: for Ivanovich it turned out quite the opposite.


1. Decide on a topic and main idea text (indicate proposal number)__________________


2. Determine your speaking style. Give reasons for your answer_______________________________________________




Option 1.

    bun 2) low 3) laughs 4) skirt

    governor 3) constable

    policeman 4)kaftan

    fast – slow 3) loud – deafening

    build – destroy 4) polite – rude

    We couldn't untangle this knot on the rope, we had to cut it.

    Labels were stuck on the sewn products.

    He put his hand into the bag and pulled out the little bunny.

    The highlight of the program was the performance of a famous actor.

    (not) fall in loveNot written separately with the verb

    pr...stop – the prefix denotes an incomplete action, it is writtenat- - at the end it is writtene , because this is a 1st conjugation verb

    then...l -l- the same vowel is written as in the indefinite form -then I t

A. fuck..sleep B. C. sort out D. spend..sti

1) A, B 2) B, C 3) A, D 4) B, D

E ?

And I hate...l, worry...t, about the visit..., lecture..., on the occasion...

B. on a long…th business trip…, dance…val, looking…t, with name…m

V. plane...k, hear...t, feel...l, offended...l, hung...l

G. dozing...t, hanging...t, (bread), be melting...t

1) A, B 2) B, C 3) B, D 4) C, D

A. calculate B. breathe

B. burned (my hand) D. idealess

1) B, C 2) C, D 3) A, D 4) A, B, D

A. belted..., January..., jammed..., under construction...

B. eat.., sit.. those, speech.., in the fox.. hole

V. smear..smear, fake.., think.., bearish..and paws

G. crackling.., ivy.., chasing.., bending..

1) B, D 2) B, C 3) A, B 4) A, D


A. acquire, be present, to greet..

B. pr..get ready, pr..rush, pr..darling

V. pr..sit down, pr..chain,

G. pr..measured,, pr..looks good

1) A, B 2) B, D 3) A, D 4) B, C

A 11. In which word does the stress fall on the second syllable?

    Catalog 2) call 3) quarter 4) facilitate

A 12. Find the mistake.

    in both books 3) I'm sad for you

    with eight hundred rubles 4) lie down

A 13. The structure of which word corresponds to the diagram:

prefix + root + suffix + suffix + ending?

    sort out 2) flare up 3) think through 4) get sick

A 14. Which answer option contains all the words where two letters are written?N ?

A. sheep.., near, windless..

B. vitamin.., pocket.., silver..

V. mental.., outlandish.., bottomless abyss..on

G. old.., equal.., dress is long.. but

1) A, B 2) B, D 3) A, C, D 4) C, D

A 15. Which version contains all the words that are written withhyphen ?

A. (north) east, someone (that), bright (red)

B. some (whom), middle (European), (railway) road

V. (East) European, (West) Siberian, (someone) with (whom)

G. someone's (someone), with someone (someone), bitter (salty)

1) A, B 2) B, C 3) A, D 4) C, D

A 16. Find an offerwithout grammatical error.

    Last year the weather was cooler.

    The hall is filled with seven hundred and fifty spectators.

    Baikal is the deepest freshwater lake.

    Today's lunch was tastier than yesterday.

E ?

    Wipe your hands: they are wet.

    When dry, hang the towel to dry.

    Be sure to ventilate the classroom during recess.

    Get out of the forest and you will see a beautiful landscape.

NOT is it written smoothly?

    (Not) high mountains; (not) a big house, but a small house

    (not) wide, but deep river; (not) hates lies

    (not) careless recording; (not) wanted to go

    obvious (not) plaster; (not) decisiveness, but timidity

    Common squirrel food is seeds of coniferous trees.

    The tree seemed to nod and poured a handful of clean water down my collar.

    The first rays of the sun touched the tops of the trees, and they illuminated the entire surrounding area.

    A little bunny is sleeping under the tree and he becomes scared from the rustling sounds of the forest.

    And– union

    (With) tomorrow (day) – adjective, quality, birth. pad., singular, male genus

    it got dark - verb, initial form– get dark, impersonal, owl. view, intrans., 1st conjugation, in express. incl., units, past. vr., wed. R.

    cook – verb, initial form – prepare, owl. view, transition, 2nd conjugation, express. inc., unit, future vr., 2nd person

1) so many – index 3)someone – indefinite

2) every – definitive 4)this - determinative

    add six to four hundred and fifty five

    subtract sixteen from three hundred twenty-five

    add eleven to five hundred and fifty eight

    in one thousand eight hundred and twenty-five

A 23. In which word is a letter written in place of the gap?E ?

    bag..k 2) fir tree..k 3) lamb...k 4) pocket..k

1. The Russian language is rich in “snow words”. 2. If snowflakes stick together as they fly, we say “flakes.” 3. If hard white balls hurt your cheeks painfully, we say “grits.” 4. Fresh snow that has just powdered the ground is called “powder”. 5. The wind blew, and the snow moved, came to life, streamed, flowed along the ground. 6. A snowstorm begins - “drift snow”. 7. If the wind is circling, snow is blowing in the air - this is a “blizzard”. 8. And in the steppe, a real snow storm – a “buran” – can break out.

9. " Snow words"was invented by the people, and they are popular marks.

IN 1. Determine the type of speech.

AT 2. Determine your speaking style.

    scientific 2) artistic 3) official business

AT 3. Which sentence option more accurately defines the main idea of ​​the text?

    The Russian language is rich in snowy words."

    “Snow words” were invented by the people.

    Powder, blizzard, blizzard are synonyms.

    Snow can be different.

AT 4. What means of expressive language is not used in the text?

    words with figurative meaning

    homogeneous sentence members connected by enumerative intonation to convey rapidly changing pictures


AT 5. Find the error in the characterization of the fifth sentence.



    consists of two sentences connected using the conjunction AND

    grammatical basics –wind started to blow And the snow began to stir

C 1. Write a coherent text (7-10 sentences) on the topic “In the forest in summer.”

Final test in Russian language in 6th grade

Option 2.

A1. Which word does not have the same number of letters and sounds?

    trees 2) foliage 3) skirt 4) beat

A2. Which of outdated words“began its second life” in modern Russian?

    boots 2) lyceum 3) svetlitsa 4) peddler

A3. Which of these words are not antonyms?

    positive – negative 3) serious – frivolous

    encouragement - punish 4) natural - artificial

A4. Find a sentence that contains a phraseological unit.

    The medicine should be taken an hour after meals, one teaspoon at a time.

    Suddenly a flock of swallows flew between heaven and earth.

    This news made him feel in seventh heaven.

    The first violin that my parents gave me as a child. Brought him so much joy.

A5. In what case does an incorrect explanation of a spelling lead to a spelling error?

    deep – an adjective formed from a noun using a suffix-in- written with one letterN

    They praise..t – at the end of the verb 2 conjugations are written-yat

    pr..beat – console at- stands for "joining"

    sealed..l – in the past tense of the verb before the suffix-l- the same vowel is written as in the indefinite form -seal

A6. In which words is the spelling of the vowel in the root checked by stress?

A. teacher B. r..asthenia C. D. touch..sane

1) A, B 2) C, D 3) A, C 4) B, D

A7. Which answer option contains all the words where a letter is missing?E ?

A. moan..t, at the exhibition..., in the muse..,, plush..vy

B., looked..shaft, from time to time.., depended..l,

V.,,,, offend..l

G. in a review.. about the work.., polka dot..k, in a prickly..m look..

1) A, B 2) A, C 3) B, D 4) C, D

A8. What words were misspelled?

A. January B. future

B. climber D. overcome

1) A, B 2) B, C 3) A, C, D 4) A, B, C

A9. Which answer option contains all the words that are missing? soft sign?

A. filthy..those, smelly.., college.., rabbit's tail

B. cut..those, watch...,, tremble...

V. found..those, viscous.., near the dachas.., powerful..

G. smeared..sya, wore..shik, bunny..e family,

1) A,B 2) B,C 3) B,D 4) A,C

A 10. Which answer option contains all the words where a letter is missing?AND ?

A., pr..dear, pr..overcome

B. impenetrable, pr..Volzhsky, pr..draw

V.,, pr..reason

G. pr..obstruction, pr..lie down, pr..glue

1) A, B 2) B, C 3) C, D 4) A, G

A 11. In which word does the stress fall on the fourth syllable?

    provision 2) tongue (sausage) 3) owners 4) oil pipeline

A 12. In what exampleNo errors in word usage?

    souvenir 3) play meaning

    put on 4) the artist painted his self-portrait

A 13. What word structureNot corresponds to the diagram:

prefix + root + suffix + ending ?

    dial 2) re-read 3) seaside 4) shut up

A 14. Which answer option contains all the words where one letter is written?N ?

A. oil..paint,, crimson..

B. bee..ny, hurricane..ny, vital..ny

V. icy..noy, book interesting..on, poplar..ny

G. remarkable.., high-quality.., long..

1) B, C 2) C, D 3) A, B 4) B, D

A 15. Which answer option contains all the words that are written throughhyphen ?

A. something, (green) eyed, (middle) century

B. (something) something, (pale) blue, than (either)

V. purple (red), (red) nosed, (ancient) Roman

G. (south) eastern, (Russian) French, about (something)

1) A, B 2) B, D 3) C, D 4) A, D

A 16. Find an offerwithout grammatical error.

    Lunch was less delicious than yesterday.

    The paintings were removed from both walls.

    In the village, Pavel missed his parents.

    The entire report can be summarized in two hundred pages.

A 17. In which sentence is a letter written in place of the gap?E ?

    Take the extra chairs out of the classroom.

    When you've got it out, we'll start studying.

    Send my book by parcel.

    Choose a topic for your essay.

A18. With all the words of which seriesNOT is it written separately?

    (not) afraid; (not) large gaps

    (not) acquaintance; (not) mobile water

    (not) the truth, but a lie; not at all a difficult task

    (not) to be confused; obvious (dis)like

A 19. Find the sentence with a punctuation error.

    The language of the people is their mind and wisdom.

    He spoke fascinatingly about the emergence and disappearance big cities Asia.

    The steep bank ran back, and the mountains seemed to be moving towards us.

    The sun sank lower and lower towards the horizon and the forest became dark.

A20. Find the error in the specification morphological features these words.

    (V) autumn (bad weather) – adj., initial form – autumn, relative.,

wine pad., singular, female R.

    it was getting dark – verb, indefinite. form – dusk, impersonal, nonsense. view, transition, 2nd conjugation, in express. incl., units, past. vr., wed. R.

    grandmother's (stories) – adj., initial form – grandmother’s, possessive, gender. fallen, plural

    under- pretext

A 21. Find the error in determining the rank of the pronoun.

1) such – index 3)nothing – negative

2) any – definitive 4)these - determinative

A 22. In which series was there an error in the use of numerals?

    add forty-five to eight hundred sixty-seven

    from six hundred fifty two subtract thirty

    seven hundred and forty added to two hundred and five

    subtract twenty-five from four hundred eighty

A 23. In which word is the suffix written?-schik-?

    re..ik 2) different..k 3) sm..ik 4) polish..ik

1. I sat next to my dad and looked carefully at the floats. 2.They lay quietly on the surface of the water. 3. Some midges cheerfully crowded in the air above the floats, sat down on them, and flew away again.

4. The float of my fishing rod seemed to come to life. 5. He moved slightly, making circles in the water around him, and began to slowly sink into the water. 6.I pulled the rod with all my might. 7. There was a crash, and I was left with the broken end of the fishing rod in my hands. 8. The other end rushed like an arrow through the water away from the shore and soon disappeared from view.

IN 1. Determine the type of speech.

    narration 2) description 3) reasoning

AT 2. Determine your speaking style.

1) scientific 2) artistic 3) official business

AT 3. What means of expressive language is not used in the text?

    words with figurative meaning


    homogeneous members of the sentence


AT 4. Find the error in the characterization of the fifth sentence.




    grammatical basis -the end has come

AT 5. Please enter your number complex sentence

    3 2) 7 3) 8 4) 1

C 1. Write a coherent text (7-10 sentences) on the topic “Fishing.”

Final test in the Russian language on the topic: “Verb”.

Option 1

For each task 1-20 there are four possible answers, of which only one is correct. Circle the number of this answer.

A1. Is there 1 conjugation verb used in each sentence?
1) He always behaves very confidently.
2) And the wind dries up the garden.
3) Shy White birch green...t.
4) He values ​​every hour.

A2. Does each sentence use a verb of 2 conjugations?
1) Tolya won’t talk much.
2) He will have time to stand at the machine.
3) Valya wipes each leaf.
4) Andrey is building new houses.

A3. In which example is the letter e missing from the verb?
1) We are getting ready for the gala meeting.
2) Alexey is laying out a brick wall.
3) A truck is delivering boards.
4) We are approaching the plasterer.

A4. In which example is the letter and missing from the verb?
1) We are still fighting for victory.
2) Nowhere can one breathe more freely than one’s native fields.
3) It will be dark soon...i.e.
4) It smells like spring.

A5. Which phrase is not written together?
1) the meeting (not) ended.
2) did not complete the work.
3) (didn’t) notice anyone.
4) I (not) feel well.

A6. Which phrase is not written separately?
1) (not) fell in love with the neighbor.
2) (not) to hate for betrayal.
3) (not) mowed the grass.
4) seemed to (not) understand.

A7. In which example is the sign written in a verb?
1) With an ax you can walk the whole world... .
2) The wolf strives for prey.
3) Oak is not suitable for housing.
4) He works conscientiously.

A8. In which example is the sign not written in the verb?
1) Everyone must work. 3) The proverb never breaks.
2) I promise to work hard. 4) What is written with a pen cannot be cut out... with an ax

A9. Indicate the sentence in which it is used mixed verb.
1) The girl saw only the steppe everywhere.
2) I want to enter the circus.
3) Bear cubs were one of the landowner’s amusement.
4) We were asked not to be late.

A10. Indicate the sentence in the verb of which the suffix is ​​written - ova - (- eva -).
1) Ovsyannikov adhered to ancient customs.
2) I admired the picture of the hunt.
3) The waves crash against the rocks with a roar.
4) You listen to the roar of the surf.

A11. In which sentence is the verb used? imperative mood?
1) They call me a craftswoman.
2) Do you know him?
3) Remove excess furniture from the classroom.
4) Pigeons must be protected.

A12. In which sentence is the verb used in the conditional mood?
1) Check in on the appearance sheet.
2) I would go on an excursion with you.
3) You will definitely hear birds singing.
4) Remember this rule.

A13. In which sentence is the verb used? indicative mood?
1) Lie on your back in the water.
2) We would have a friendly class.
3) Yesterday we went to the museum.
4) We would not have found our way back.

A14. In what phrase is it used? transitive verb?
1) admire the scenery
2) cross the road
3) fight the enemy
4) was happy to meet

A15. In what phrase is it used? intransitive verb?
1) make a mistake
2) take out the trash
3) found mushrooms
4) don't quarrel with friends

A16. In what phrase is it used? impersonal verb?
1) I don’t believe it
2) hope for the best
3) dress warmly
4) the meeting will take place

A17. In which example is the sign written?
1) near the groves… . 3) take care... .
2) powerful… . 4) brick… .

A18. Indicate the error in the use of the verb.
1) wear a dress 3) drive a car
2) lie down more comfortably 4) go there in the summer

A19. In which word is the letter denoting the stressed vowel sound incorrectly highlighted?
1) copy 3) reward
2) arrived 4) form

A20. Specify superfluous word, given the verb suffix.
1) ta…l. 3) ve…l.
2) build…l. 4) ch…l.

Part 2
Read the text and complete tasks 21-28. Write down your answers in words or numbers.

(1) It is possible and easier to catch crayfish in the river, but not at every time of the year. (2) In the summer you climb into the water and walk along the steep shady shore. (3) You try to stay against the current so that the turbidity will be carried away. (4) You search all the passing snags, stones, roots - the cancer loves to hide there. (5) Old, unusable nets are also suitable for fishing. (6)
If you spread them along the bottom with a bait tied to them, the crayfish will sense something edible, crowd in here and get entangled in the thin thread cells.

B1. Which statement does not correspond to the content of the text? Write his number.
1) Crayfish love to be near stones and driftwood;
2) Crayfish can be caught in nets with baits tied to them.
3) Crayfish are caught near steep banks.
4) You need to follow the flow of the river.

Answer: _____________________

B2. From sentences 1,2, write down the 2nd conjugation verb.
Answer: _____________________

B3. From sentences 3, 4, write down the impersonal verb.
Answer: _____________________

B4. From sentence 6, write down the verb in the 2nd person.
Answer: _____________________

B5. Write the mood of the verb are suitable (sentence 5)
Answer: _____________________

B6. From sentences 1 and 2, write down the verb in indefinite form.
Answer: _____________________

B7. From sentences 2-5, write down a verb with an alternating vowel in the root.
Answer: _____________________

B8. From sentences 4-6, choose the sentence with homogeneous predicates. Write his number.
Answer: _____________________

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