Indicate words with an unstressed vowel a. Choose the wrong statement

Final test in Russian language grade 2 with answers. The test consists of 2 options, each option has 13 tasks.

1 option

1. Indicate the text-reasoning.

1) Lynx is one of the most graceful predators of the cat family. This graceful animal has luxurious fur, tufted ears, a short, stump-like tail, and deadly claws.
2) Why is the lynx considered one of the most dangerous predators of the cat family? This animal has deadly claws that can firmly hold even large prey. Wide paws help to move quickly and silently in the snow.
3) Have you seen how a lynx hunts? A lynx can sit in ambush for a long time, waiting for prey. She is excellent at climbing trees and rocks. Having ambushed its prey, the lynx makes a leap of up to four meters in length and digs firmly into it with its claws.
4) Lynxes live in coniferous forests. Spruce, pine, cedar are coniferous plants. The pine forest breathes well. “Morning in a Pine Forest” is one of the famous works of I. Shishkin.

2. Indicate the option where the incentive sentence is written.

3. Give a pretext.

1) they
2) one hundred
3) smoke
4) under

4. Give the inanimate noun its plural form.

1) students
2) cornflower
3) sugar
4) scissors

5. Indicate the option where only verbs are written.

1) think, task
2) draw, cheerful
3) flies, looked
4) black, turns black


1) burn, mountain, mountainous
2) peace, idol, peaceful
3) story, tale, retold
4) floor, underground, field


In the middle of nowhere a lynx is howling.

1) e, a, i, c
2) e, a, s, f
3) and, I, and, in
4) and, a, and, in

8. What sound does this characteristic refer to: “Consonant, paired deaf, hard”?

1) [h’]
2) [uh]
3) [p]
4) [f]


1) oregano
2) blacksmith
3) native
4) boat

10. pointer.

1) indicate
2) pointers
3) pointer
4) decree


1) ash
2) sings
3) coal

a) 5 sounds, 4 letters
b) 5 sounds, 5 letters
c) 4 sounds, 5 letters


What? what did you do? How?

13. Match the word sadness

Option 2

1. Provide descriptive text.

1) Yesterday I was at the circus and saw tigers there. What graceful and beautiful animals these are! Their skin is bright and striped. The gait is strong and proud. The paws are powerful and elastic. The eyes burn with bright green fire.
2) Yesterday I was at the circus and saw tigers there. Why do these strong animals obey their trainer? People have been taking care of them since childhood and taming them. And in the cage the trainer shows that he is in charge here.
3) Yesterday I was at the circus and saw tigers there. The animals jumped from pedestal to pedestal and walked along a thin pole. And what struck me most was the tigers jumping through the burning ring.
4) Yesterday I was at the circus and saw tigers there. Trained dogs danced around. Polka is a couples dance. My brother went to Poland.

2. Indicate the option where the declarative sentence is written.

1) Sounding streams ran along the slopes of hills and ravines.
2) Let's launch paper boats!
3) Why do streams run to the river in the spring?
4) Have you ever listened to talkative spring streams?

3. Please indicate your pronoun.

1) they
2) one hundred
3) smoke
4) under

4. Give the animate noun in singular form.

1) students
2) cornflower
3) magpie
4) boys

5. Indicate the option where only adjectives are written.

1) sick, hardworking
2) holiday, frost
3) cleaning, wintering
4) lazy, spend the winter

6. Indicate the option where all words have the same root.

1) mountain, mountainous, burn
2) summer, summer, fly
3) order, pointer, showed
4) field, field, polar

7. Indicate the letters that need to be inserted instead of spaces in the words of this sentence.

On the top..not from..dreams the hawk..made a

1) s, o, b, e
2) i, a, b, f
3) u, o, p, and
4) i, o, b, e

8. What sound does this characteristic refer to: “Consonant, paired voiced, soft”?

1) [h’]
2) [and]
3) [in’]
4) [f]

9. Indicate a word in which the letter denoting the unstressed vowel sound in the root must be checked.

1) rainy
2) streams
3) mouse
4) fairy tale

10. Indicate the word that is a test for the paired consonant sound in the word in terms of deafness and voicedness story.

1) fairy tale
2) narrator
3) tell
4) saying

11. Determine which word corresponds to the specified number of sounds and letters.

a) 6 sounds, 6 letters
b) 4 sounds, 5 letters
c) 7 sounds, 5 letters

12. Make up a sentence according to the diagram, underline the main parts.

What did you do? Which? What?

13. Match the word funny synonym and antonym. Write them down.

Answers to the final test in Russian language grade 2
1 option
1) b
2) a
3) in
12. Car moved slowly*.
13. Sadness, joy
Option 2
1) b
2) in
3) a
12. Cheerful murmured trickle*.
13. Joyful, sad

Russian language tests. 2nd grade. At 2 o'clock. To the textbook by Kanakina V.P., Goretsky V.G. - Tikhomirova E.M.

6th ed., revised. and additional - M.: 2014. - Part 1 - 80 p., Part 2 - 80 p.

This collection of tests is intended for thematic and final control of students' knowledge in the main sections of the textbook "Russian language. 2nd grade" (authors V.P. Kanakina, V.G. Goretsky). It can be used by teachers working with other kits, since the main topics of the courses are the same. The tests will help students study the main topics of the Russian language course, and the teacher will be provided with systematic testing material.

Part 1.

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Part 2.

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Part 1.
Preface 5
Types of speech. Dialogue and monologue
Option 1 7
Option 2 12
Text. Parts of text
Option 1 17
Option 2 22
Offer. Members of the sentence
Option 1 28
Option 2 32
The word and its meaning. Synonyms and antonyms
Option 1 36
Option 2 39
Option 1 42
Option 2 45
Syllable. Emphasis. Word wrap
Option 1 48
Option 2 51
Sounds and letters. Russian alphabet, or ABC
Option 1 54
Option 2 57
Vowel sounds
Option 1 60
Option 2 63
Option 1 66
Option 2 69
Soft sign
Option 1 72
Option 2 75
Check yourself 78

Part 2.
Preface 5
Spelling letter combinations with hissing sounds
Option 1 7
Option 2 11
Voiced and voiceless consonants
Option 1 14
Option 2 18
Separating soft character(s)
Option 1 22
Option 2 26
Option 1 30
Option 2 34
Option 1 38
Option 2 42
Option 1 46
Option 2 50
Option 1 54
Option 2 58
Option 1 62
Option 2 66
Option 1 69
Option 2 73
Check yourself 77

In the learning process, systematic consideration of knowledge, skills and abilities is important. It allows the teacher to monitor children's progress in learning on a daily basis, promptly detect and eliminate gaps in the knowledge of individual students and the entire class.
The proposed test works are intended for thematic and final control of students’ knowledge in the main sections of the textbook “Russian Language” (grade 2) by authors V.P. Kanakina and V.G. Goretsky. They can be used by teachers working with other manuals, since the main topics of the courses are the same.
The presented tests allow the teacher to identify the knowledge of second-graders in the main sections of the program. They are compiled according to traditional rules: children must choose the correct one from three proposed answer options. Since the test has 10 questions, the test results are easy to calculate. To get a “satisfactory” grade, a second grader must answer 6 questions correctly; to get a “good” grade, you need to give 8 correct answers; and to get an “excellent” grade, you need to give 10 correct answers. The teacher can exclude some questions at his own discretion. Then adjustments are made to the assessment standards.
Tests are convenient because they make it possible to quickly survey a large number of students. But it should be remembered that with their help, children’s theoretical knowledge is mainly revealed. A complete picture of the assimilation of the studied material is given by a combination of tests and written tests, during which students demonstrate the ability to use the acquired knowledge in practice. 10-15 minutes of the lesson are allotted for testing.
This collection can be useful not only for teachers, but also for parents who want to monitor the progress of their children. The Test Yourself section allows them to quickly check their work.
If a teacher distributes the proposed manual to second-graders at school during a lesson, then the pages of the “Test Yourself” section can be carefully removed to be confident in independently answering the questions.

A) 7 B) 5 C) 2 D) 1

2. In which word are all consonants soft?

A) ear B) pencil case C) day D) small

3. In which word are all consonants unvoiced?

A) scarf B) ice C) step D) walk

4. Which word has 3 vowel sounds?

A) coat B) day C) seagull D) car

5. How many syllables are in the word BERRY?

A) 5 B) 2 C) 3 D) 1

6. What word cannot be hyphenated?

A) hole B) hole C) berry D) watering can

7. Which word was misspelled?

A) mice B) animal C) sorrel D) chud

8 . Which word should you write the letter O in?

A) s...sleep B) p...lto C) D) gr...chi

9 . Which word can't be checked?

A) cold B) crow C) night D) mushrooms

10. In which word should you write the letter P?

A) B) C) D)

11. In which word should b be written?

A) koch...ka B) C) powerful...d) trail...Inca

12. What word is in the sentence M AMA BOUGHT A BEAUTIFUL DOLL is the subject?

A) a doll B) bought C) mother D) beautiful

13. Which word should be capitalized?

A) city B) Maria C) dog D) great


Test No. 2

1. How many sounds are in the word APPLE?

1)6 2)7 3)8 4)9

2. In which word is everything consonants soft?

1) summer 2) winter 3) spring 4) autumn

3. In which word are all consonants voiceless?

1) jacket 2) jacket 3) sweater 4) scarf

4. Which word does not should I write the letter B?

1) button..ka 2) pro..ka 3) ger.. 4) snowdrift..

5. Which word contains sounds? more than letters?

1) clear 2) summer 3) anchor 4) hot

1) in...south 2) under...dark 3) 4) koch...ka


New Year's Eve has arrived.


8 . Which word has unpronounceable consonant?

1) red 2) wonderful.. 3) dangerous 4) so..sunt

9. In which word should the letter I be inserted?

1) p.. grater 2) s.. grater 3) s.. grater 4) d.. tyatka

A) 5 b) 3 c) 4 d) 2

11.Which word is written with a small letter?

12. What word is written wrong ?


Test No. 3

1. How many sounds are in the word YOLKA?

1)6 2)5 3)3 4) 4

2. In which word is everything consonants hard?

1) summer 2) paint 3) spring 4) summer

3. Which word has all consonants? voiced?

1) bird 2) animal 3) butterfly 4) insect

4. In what word should I write the letter Z?

1) moro... 2) mor... 3) la...ka 4) plya...ka

5. Which word contains sounds? more than letters?

1) stump 2) summer 3) hedgehog 4) hot

6. In which word should b be written?

1) daughter... 2) driveway 3) sparrow...and 4) autumn...

7. What part of the sentence is the word? ARRIVED in a sentence GRANDMOTHER CAME TO US ?

1) subject 2) predicate 3) definition 4) addition

8 . Which word has unpronounceable consonant?

1) red 2) wonderful.. 3) dangerous 4) joyful

9. In which word should the letter I be inserted?

1) l...tyat 2) 3) b...gut 4) holy...tit

10 . How many sentences are there in the text?

The frosty winter has arrived; it’s snowing outside, all the trees are standing, white children are playing snowballs; it’s good in winter.

A) 5 b) 3 c) 4 d) 2

11.Which word is written with a capital letter?

A) city b) person c) Irina d) last name

12. What word is written wrong ?

A) rose hips b) teapot c) skis d) thicket


Test No. 4

  1. What is text?

A) a few words c) several paragraphs

B) several phrases d) several sentences related between

Yourself in meaning

2. How many sentences are there in the text?

Night has fallen, the nightingale is pouring in the bushes, bats are rushing silently, the forest streams are barely audible.

A) 5 b) 3 c) 4 d) 2

3.Which word is written with a small letter?

A) Street b) Sorokin c) Moscow d) Anna

4. In what pair of words Not cognates

A) fairy tale, fabulous c) water, driver

B) playful, naughty d) gold, gilds

5. What word is written wrong ?

A) rose hips b) teapot c) skis d) thicket

6. What is this proposal - People, plant trees

A) interrogative c) motivating

B) narrative d) exclamatory

7. Where are the main parts of the sentence correctly emphasized?

A) Flashed over the forest bright lightning. IN) Fresh flashed by wind.

B) Hiding poisonous in the grass snakes. D) It was pouring rain.

8. What is a phrase?

B) to school d) dancing and singing

9. What is a phrase?

A) a word with a preposition c) half a sentence

B) two words d) two words related in meaning

10. Where is the console located?

A) after the root c) after the suffix

B) before the root d) after the end

11 Which word matches the pattern ¬∩^?

A) copse c) sick

B) old man d) replacement

12. In what word is it written? voiced consonant?

A) shala... (w/f) c) sha...ka (p/b)

B) buke...(d/t) d) bere...ka (z/s)

Here are online Russian language tests for grade 2 on spelling, grammar, and parts of speech. The tests are compiled taking into account the Russian language school curriculum for grade 2, based on what a child at this age should know and be able to do. Namely:

Spelling. Words. Syllable. Emphasis. Word wrap. Verbal and logical stress. Transferring words into syllables. Memorizing vocabulary words.

Sounds and letters. Russian alphabet, or ABC. Vowel sounds. Spelling words with an unstressed vowel sound at the root of the word. Consonant sounds. Consonant sound [th] and the letter “and short”. Words with double consonants. Hard and soft consonant sounds and letters to denote them. Soft sign(s). Spelling letter combinations with hissing sounds. Voiced and voiceless consonants. Spelling of words with paired voiced-voiced consonants at the end of the word and before the consonant. Separating soft character (ь).

Parts of speech. Noun, verb, adjective, preposition, conjunction, adverb, particle. Nouns in the nominative plural form in gi, ki, hi (books, students); nouns and adjectives in the instrumental plural form (in student notebooks); individual forms of verbs - run, go, give, play, etc.; past tense forms of the verbs take, take, understand, etc.; prepositions with spatial meaning: at, in, under, above, to, from, from, with, by; conjunctions - if, that, etc.; adverbs very, here, there, left, right, up, etc.; particles - now, already, only, really.

Offer. Members of the sentence(subject, predicate, definition...). Connection of words in a sentence. During this period, a child must be able to correlate a word and an image of an object, action, or sign; put questions to the words: who? What? Which? what is he doing? How many? How? Where? Where? and etc.;

Grammar. Synonyms. Antonyms. Similar words. Related words. Generalization of words into groups.

Offer. Sentences containing a message, question, request, or encouragement to action.


In this test you need to insert the required letter “a” or “o” into the root of the word. To complete this task, you need to be able to select test words, with emphasis on the missing letter.

In this test you need to insert the required letter “e” or “i” into the root of the word. To complete this task, you need to be able to select test words, with emphasis on the missing letter.

In this test you need to insert the desired consonant letter (voiced or unvoiced) into the root of the word. To complete this task you need to be able to select test words.

In this test you need to insert the desired consonant letter (voiced or unvoiced) into the root of the word. To complete this task you need to be able to select test words.

In this test you need to choose a noun (answers the question “who? what?”) from several options.

In this test you need to choose an adjective (answers the question “which? Which? Which?”) from several options.

In this test you need to choose a verb (answers the question “what to do? what to do? and denotes the action of an object”) from several options.

In this test, you need to choose an adjective for a noun so that the resulting phrase has grammatical meaning.