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It is located in the eastern part of its basin. The island is long and narrow strip divides the expanses of water, forming the Cretan Sea in the northern part, and the Libyan Sea in the southern part. From the west the island is washed by the Ionian Sea. Thus, Crete is washed by three seas.

Sometimes called part of the Aegean, but most geographers separate it. In the north, the sea is limited by the Cyclades islands, in the west by the eastern coast of the Peloponnese and mainland Greece, in the east by Rhodes and the shores of Turkey. And in the south it is separated from the rest Mediterranean Sea long strip of the island of Crete.

The Cretan Sea is the warmest in Greece. Water temperature at northern shores island reaches 26 degrees in summer months. The coast of this sea of ​​Crete is flat, mostly sandy, the water is very clean and clear, so tourists prefer to relax in the north of the island. Most of the beaches of the Cretan Sea are proudly decorated with the Blue Flag due to their ideal cleanliness.

The Cretan Sea also has its drawbacks. It is quite unpredictable even in summer: after a long calm, a north wind can suddenly arise, driving up strong waves. But the sea calms down just as quickly as it gets rough. Therefore, it will not spoil your vacation, but will only add variety.

washes the western tip of the island. It is a large, deep sea without many islands. The Ionian Sea is slightly colder than the Cretan Sea - in August it heats up to 25 degrees. Only those tourists who choose Chania as their holiday destination can swim in its waters and go to the very western point Krita. Here is Balos Bay, the confluence of the three seas of Crete: the Cretan, Ionian and Libyan. Water different shades mixes along the sandy shores of the bay, forming a beautiful picture.

on modern maps No. This is the old name for that part of the Mediterranean basin that lies between Crete and North Africa. However, in the tourism industry this name is often found, and in the list of seas of the island of Crete it is indicated.

The Libyan Sea washes the southern shores of Crete, and it can be assumed that the water there is warmer than that off the northern coast of the island. In fact, the opposite is true - the Libyan Sea is a couple of degrees colder, at least off the coast of Crete. Scientists explain this fact by the fact that cold springs flowing into the sea off the coast of the island, originating in the mountains of Crete.

The Libyan Sea in Crete is a calm sea; there is complete calm here for almost the entire summer: the mountains of Crete protect the southern coast of the island from the northern winds that agitate the waters of the Cretan Sea. The beaches of the Libyan Sea are mostly pebble, but there are also sandy coasts. The shores of the northern part of Crete are more rocky and wild, less populated, making them look more picturesque. They are heavily indented with capes, bays, and ledges, so it is often difficult to get to the desired beach. Several beaches of the Libyan Sea are covered with black sand.

Some people are already accustomed to their favorite beaches, others need something new, then why not go to the island one day and see for yourself what the sea is like on Crete.

What do we know about this island?
Not every tourist has any idea where Crete is located and what sea washes it, which is undoubtedly very undeserved. This is one of the resort islands of Greece, with which many myths are associated. On Crete, Zeus was born in one of the caves, and there are still a great many of them on the island.

The coastline of the island is more than 1046 km, there are several bays and bays. For those who want to go to one of the resort towns of the island, the question arises where to relax in Crete and what to prefer: the south of the island or the north?

What seas is Crete washed by?

Almost no one can answer the question of what sea Crete is washed by.

The island is located in the Mediterranean Sea, which consists of seven other seas.
Crete is washed by the Aegean and Ionian Seas, but some sources speak of the Cretan and Libyan Seas. Let's put it this way: the Cretan Sea is part of the Aegean Sea, and the Libyan Sea is part of the Ionian and Mediterranean Seas.

When choosing, it is necessary to take into account its climatic zones:

  • The northern coast of the island is the Mediterranean zone. Characterized by temperature fluctuations during the summer from +20ºC to +30ºC;

  • In the south of the island the temperature is higher, since the southern coast belongs to the North African zone. If you want to look at undersea world islands, or go diving, would be better suited the southern coast, here you will see how clear the sea is and how it is inhabited by marine animals. Crabs, urchins, turtles, starfish, orange worms - you won't see them near the hotel beaches in Crete, they live in small coves.

In what sea do vacationers swim in Crete?

Crete is a popular tourist island, visited by up to 3 million people a year. The subtropical climate, warm sea and excellent service attract vacationers. The sea in Crete has always played key role, thanks to him in ancient times the island became a civilized country. And nowadays tourists come here to enjoy the sea, beaches and legends.

What is the sea like on the northern coast of Crete?

The northern coast of Crete is very popular among tourists. The coast of the northern part of the island is washed by the Cretan Sea, although most tourists believe that while on holiday in Crete they swim in the Aegean Sea. This is where the famous sandy beaches of Crete are located, which are well equipped. Water temperature in summer is from +20ºC to +25ºC. But on this coast, when the north winds come, strong waves arise.

What is the sea like on the southern coast of Crete?

Oddly enough, the sea water temperature in the south of the island is lower than in the north. South coast refers to the Libyan Sea. Sandy beaches few, but what a multitude of amazingly beautiful secluded bays. Here is the calmest sea in Crete, there are no winds in the south, the coast is protected by mountains.

What is the sea on the west coast of Crete?

On west coast, washed by the Ionian Sea, is the most beautiful lagoon of Balos. A look at it will satisfy the imagination of any artist. Looking at the beauty of Balos, you will definitely be able to answer the question: which sea is the most beautiful? It is shallow here, the water is warm - a great place in Crete for a family holiday. But that’s not all that the sea in Crete can surprise us with. What color do you think the sands of the world famous Elafonisi beach are? White? No, you didn't guess. The most pink shade. If desired, this island can be reached by fording. You can swim here even in a storm, since the waves do not reach here and the sea is shallow.

The sea on the island is different, you can choose the one that is more attractive. And what difference does it make what name the sea in Crete bears when you are enveloped by its warm and gentle waves.

Judging by the number of questions received, many cannot figure out which seas wash Crete.

There are two most common versions. First - Crete is washed by three seas. Second - Crete is washed by four seas. The most interesting thing is that there are five names. Namely: Mediterranean, Aegean, Ionian, Cretan and Libyan.

So, let's get down to business!

How many seas are there in Crete?

All of the seas listed (we’ll look at each separately a little later) belong to the Mediterranean basin. So it would not be a mistake to say that the islands of Crete are washed by one single sea.

The Aegean Sea, being part of the Mediterranean, actually reaches the northern coast of Crete. And this is certain.

But the statement that with west side The island is located in the Ionian Sea, very doubtful. Still, it is located quite far to the northwest. But since there are no official boundaries of the seas, this statement can be accepted.

The Libyan and Cretan seas are historical names that are not officially recognized. But, nevertheless, used, therefore, this can be accepted.

Geographically, the Cretan Sea is located close to North coast Crete is part of the Aegean and, accordingly, the Mediterranean. And Libyan is located with south side islands, in practice also being the Mediterranean Sea.

So it turns out that vacationers on the northern coast of the island swim in three seas at once, and guests on the southern coast only in two. Joke.

In the end it turns out that everyone is right. And those who talk about three seas, and those who talk about four. However, those who say about one or two will also not be mistaken. Question of wording.

About the confluence of the three seas of Crete they love to write in prospectuses describing the famous Ballos Bay. Indeed, from the top of the mountain there is a stunning view of the snow-white beach and the water shimmering in all shades of azure. Indeed, it seems that it is in this extraordinary place that three the most beautiful seas Krita.