What to do if there is a white coating on your tongue. What to do if a white coating appears on the tongue? Plaque of different shades

In a healthy person, the tongue has a soft consistency, its color is pale pink, and there is a groove in the middle that divides it into two halves. Normally, the tongue has a coating on the tongue that is clear and odorless. If disruptions occur in the body in the smooth functioning of internal organs, a pathological plaque appears, the color and structure of the tongue changes. With such changes, a visit to the doctor is necessary, because this is the first signal about the onset of the disease.

Signs of pathological plaque


The initial stages of the disease are usually indicated by a thin plaque; it is also a consequence of acute respiratory diseases or a viral infection. A thick coating makes it difficult to determine the color of the tongue. It occurs in chronic forms of diseases, and is a consequence of some infectious process.


Plaque on the tongue can have various shades, namely:

  • white
  • grey
  • yellow
  • green
  • brown
  • orange
  • blue
  • black.


  • Wet
  • Dry
  • Curdled
  • Fatty


Location. It can cover the entire area of ​​the tongue - diffuse, or on its individual parts, in small areas - local.

Is it easy to remove from the tongue:

  • Dense coating– difficult to remove, the surface bleeds after removal.
  • Soft coating- Easy to remove, sometimes it slides off the tongue in spots.

Plaque color and causes of its occurrence

Plaque colorCauses
White The most harmless one. It can appear in the morning and is also easy to clean during hygiene procedures.
What does a thick layer of white coating mean? Possible problems with immunity.
If it has a cheesy structure, a clear sign of fungal infection is candidiasis.
Grey It is more serious and appears due to non-treatment of the reasons for which the white plaque occurred.
Also, with long-term use of antibiotics, the tongue becomes covered with a gray coating.
Also, with long-term use of antibiotics, the tongue becomes covered with a gray coating.
Yellow Acute viral infection, which is accompanied by fever. Disorders of the digestive tract: accumulation of waste and toxins. If there is a bitter taste in the mouth, there is a problem with the liver.
Green A rare event. With constant abuse in large quantities, fatty and fried foods, a green coating will become a signal that the liver is not coping.
Brown Occurs when the gallbladder malfunctions.
If there is a disturbance in the functioning of the digestive system (accompanied by abdominal pain and upset stool).
In alcoholics, very often the entire tongue is coated with a brown coating. Also, sometimes, the cause may be the abuse of brown foods (coffee, black tea, chocolate)
Orange It is formed when stomach acid enters the oral cavity - gastritis.
Blue As a result of a lack of ferrum, folic acid, Vit B12, Vit C.
Malfunctions of the cardiovascular system.
Problems with the kidneys.
Poisoning with heavy metals, mercury.
Black This is a dangerous sign. Appears when bile stagnates (liver dysfunction). Lead poisoning causes black dots to appear on the surface.
Possible development of Crohn's disease.


Plaque on the tongue in children

During the initial examination, the doctor determines the shade of the tongue, the location and thickness of plaque on it, the relief of the organ, and motor functions. It is very important to identify additional diseases in the oral cavity.

Laboratory research methods

  • it is necessary to take a general blood test. The level of leukocytes may be increased, the erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR) may increase, this indicates an inflammatory reaction in the body.
  • sowing on flora from the surface of the tongue. The presence of the infectious agent and its sensitivity to antibacterial drugs are determined.
  • To rule out a gastric ulcer, it is necessary to donate blood to determine antibodies to Helicobacter pylori - a spiral-shaped bacterium that lives in the pyloric section of the stomach and can be the root cause of diseases of the digestive system.
  • conduct a biochemical blood test (to assess liver functions: ALT, ACaT, GGT, blood albumin, bilirubin fractions).
  • scatological examination (for inflammatory diseases of the digestive system).

Instrumental research methods

  • Ultrasound of internal organs;
  • Fibrogastroduodenoscopy (to exclude diseases of the digestive system).


The main rule is treatment of the underlying disease!

If there is a yellow coating on the tongue, the patient is prescribed:

  • Drugs that increase the flow of bile;
  • Drugs that restore kidney structure;
  • Antifungal agents;
  • Vitamin complexes.
  • Change your diet;
  • Use antifungal agents;
  • Drug therapy with drugs that contain B vitamins.
  • Regular hygiene procedures in the oral cavity;
  • Eliminate the consumption of dyes or limit their intake into the body;
  • Increase the amount of water consumed.

To get rid of gray plaque you need to:

  • Antibacterial therapy;
  • Take antiviral drugs
  • Limit salt intake.

Herbal medicine is used to treat plaque on the tongue:

  • They use decoctions of plantain (leaves), yarrow, oregano herb, and linden. Prepare according to this recipe: brew a tablespoon in a glass of hot water, leave for 2.5 hours. Take 125 ml a couple of times a day (but no more than three).
  • Flax seeds will be an excellent helper. A decoction of them stabilizes the digestive system. It is recommended to take in the morning, on an empty stomach.
  • It is recommended to rinse your mouth several times a day with the following combination of plants: mix mint, sage, strawberries, chamomile, one spoon at a time, pour boiling water (250 ml), let sit for half an hour, then strain.
  • Thanks to its healing effects, oak bark also works well: 15 gr. (a tablespoon) pour boiling water (250 ml), cool and rinse your mouth.

It is necessary to establish the reasons why the plaque appeared if it persists on the tongue for a long time. The color of plaque changes when drinking too much tea or coffee or smoking, so the oral cavity must be examined in the morning, before eating. Self-medication is dangerous, because plaque on the tongue may be the result of a serious illness that requires specific treatment under the supervision of specialists


Prevention methods

  • after brushing your teeth, brush your tongue regularly;
  • use mouth rinses regularly;
  • use toothpaste with an antibacterial effect;
  • keep your teeth and mouth fresh.

Since ancient times, doctors in different countries have diagnosed various diseases based on the state of the tongue. In some situations, this symptom may appear even before the onset of pain and other clinical manifestations of the pathology. Previously, it was generally accepted that a person had not yet been cured if his tongue did not acquire a healthy appearance. When faced with white plaque for the first time, many people are in no hurry to visit a doctor, considering it a temporary phenomenon. But what to do if this symptom does not go away over time? During an examination, a doctor will be able to understand the reasons for its formation, diagnose the primary disease and select the correct treatment.

What does a white coating on the tongue in adults mean?

Normally, the human tongue should be moderately moist, have a pale pink tint, a transparent whitish coating is allowed, which can be easily removed with a toothbrush or a special scraper. However, under certain conditions in the body and diseases, a strong white coating may appear. It develops due to various disturbances in the processes of keratinization of the surface cells of the papillae of the tongue. In this situation, it is quite difficult to eliminate such a problem, and the plaque appears again as soon as possible.

Patients may put off going to the doctor for a long time because they no longer see any other unpleasant symptoms. However, it is important to understand that white plaque is sometimes an indication of the development of serious pathologies for which it is necessary to begin treatment immediately. In most cases, the cause of this symptom is all sorts of problems in the gastrointestinal tract, infection with various infectious pathogens, poor hygiene and taking certain medications.

Video about the appearance of a white coating on the tongue in Elena Malysheva’s program “Live Healthy!”

Types of white coating on the tongue

There are many varieties of white plaque based on its color shade, location on the tongue and accompanying symptoms. Each of these signs is very important in diagnosing diseases and allows us to reduce the list of possible pathologies in a patient.

Features that white plaque may have:

  • does not go away within 24 hours;
  • occurs in the morning after sleep;
  • has a bad smell.

Associated symptoms:

  • an unpleasant bitter or sour taste appears in the mouth;
  • there is an unpleasant odor from the mouth;
  • the tongue changes its size, swells and swells, teeth marks are imprinted on it;
  • viscous saliva is secreted;
  • the surface of the tongue becomes rough, loose, or cracks form on it;
  • the tongue becomes painful, stings, burns, and sometimes even goes numb;
  • taste sensitivity is impaired;
  • dryness appears in the mouth and on the surface of the tongue.

Also, sometimes various formations may appear on the tongue:

  • pimples;
  • sores;
  • blisters;
  • red spots;
  • red dots, pimples.

The location of plaque on the tongue is also an important diagnostic sign, as it may indicate pathology of a specific internal organ.

  • if plaque appears in the central part of the tongue, then this may indicate stomach diseases;
  • at the very base of the tongue - intestinal diseases;
  • plaque on the tip of the tongue is associated with heart disease;
  • the edges of the tongue indicate diseases of the liver and spleen;
  • plaque on the back of the tongue may be a symptom of problems with the pancreas;
  • a white coating on the palate may appear due to candidiasis;
  • on the tongue and tonsils, near the throat - with sore throat.

The coating on the tongue is not always pure white; sometimes it takes on a slightly different color:

  • white-yellow;
  • white-brown;
  • white-gray;
  • white-green.

Sometimes the tongue can take on various shades, including white and yellow.

Based on saturation, the following types of plaque can be distinguished:

  • light, small, easily removable;
  • dense and thick;
  • unevenly distributed;
  • curdled.

Why is the tongue covered with a white coating, what is the reason for this?

White coating on the tongue is not always associated with diseases. Sometimes this can be a temporary phenomenon that goes away in a few hours or days. However, in some situations, various diseases may be detected during diagnosis.

Many doctors begin examining the body when white plaque appears on the gastrointestinal tract. In most cases, detected diseases are accompanied by a pronounced clinical picture.

  1. Acute gastritis is a very common type of gastrointestinal disease and is diagnosed in people of all ages. The pathology is sometimes accompanied by heartburn, acute pain in the stomach, and nausea. Patients are concerned about dry mouth and tongue. A coating with a grayish tint forms, although the tongue usually remains clean on the sides and at the very end. A common symptom of gastritis is bad breath.
  2. Chronic gastritis occurs in a more smoothed form, pain may be less pronounced. Many patients note heaviness in the abdomen after eating and frequent belching. The tongue is coated with a white-yellow or grayish coating, and the taste buds may be enlarged. Also, sometimes red spots on the mucous membrane stand out clearly.
  3. Stomach and intestinal ulcers are serious diseases that can lead to various complications. Patients note acute pain that may go away after eating, and sometimes bleeding occurs. The coating on the tongue is located at the root, has a whitish-gray color and a dense consistency. It is quite difficult to remove it, since it is tightly attached to the taste buds.
  4. Acute pancreatitis occurs when the pancreas becomes inflamed. Taste sensitivity is impaired, and a white-yellow coating is found on the tongue. Patients suffer from dry mouth and severe pain in the left hypochondrium.
  5. Chronic pancreatitis has less pronounced symptoms, and a white coating forms on the tongue due to candidiasis, which develops against the background of metabolic disorders and lack of vitamins.
  6. Malignant formations in the stomach are accompanied by general weakness, weight loss, lack of appetite and severe pain in the abdominal area. A dense white coating appears on the tongue due to the large number of leukocytes.
  7. Dysbacteriosis can also cause plaque to appear. It is usually pure white, but in severe forms a yellow tint may appear. This coating is easily removed, but soon it appears again, sometimes even with greater force. Most often found on the left side of the tongue. Sometimes the plaque forms such a thick layer that it is impossible to see the color of the taste buds underneath.
  8. Poisoning is accompanied by vomiting, nausea and severe digestive upset. Also, sometimes the temperature rises and severe sharp pains in the abdominal area are tormented. A white coating with an unpleasant odor may appear. If poisoning occurs due to various toxic substances, then the surface of the tongue becomes covered with ulcers and erosions with a large number of dead cells.

In addition to gastrointestinal diseases, the cause of white plaque can be other pathologies that appear due to various pathogens.

There are other reasons for the appearance of plaque:

  1. A white coating on the tongue may appear after eating various fermented milk products, such as cottage cheese, kefir, yogurt, and cheese.
  2. Sweet food is a favorable environment for the proliferation of various bacteria, which leads to the appearance of white plaque. This phenomenon is temporary and can be easily eliminated after rinsing the mouth or brushing the tongue.
  3. Individual intolerance to toothpaste or mouth rinse. This happens quite rarely, but for some people, frequent contact with these products causes unpleasant chemical and allergic reactions, which can subsequently cause a white coating on the tongue.
  4. Violation of hygiene rules, in which teeth and tongue are rarely brushed, and food debris and various bacteria accumulate on them every day.
  5. Bad habits are a common cause of the problem. Abuse of alcohol and cigarettes negatively affects the condition of the entire body. When smoking, the tongue is exposed to high temperatures and harmful chemicals, and its mucous membrane is damaged. After alcohol abuse, the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract is disrupted, and dehydration occurs. Very often, after drinking drinks, the next morning people suffer from dry mouth, unpleasant odor and a coating on the tongue.
  6. Taking antibiotics seriously affects the balance of microflora in the human body. There is also an increased load on the liver, which sometimes cannot cope with the amount of harmful substances received. In these situations, either white or white-yellow coating may appear on the tongue.

In some cases, the cause of the appearance of white plaque may be a violation of the division of tongue cells. Various hereditary and systemic diseases can lead to this.

  1. Leukoplakia is common in people who smoke. Plaque is formed as a result of the death of cells that die due to tobacco smoke. The disease can affect the mucous membrane of the mouth, respiratory tract and other organs. It is most often found in people aged 30–40 years.
  2. Lichen pilaris is a skin disease that can also affect the mucous membranes. With the erosive form, an inflammatory process begins in the oral cavity, grayish plaques and ulcers appear. The top of the tongue is covered with a white coating, and if you try to remove it, bleeding may begin due to open wounds.
  3. Brunauer syndrome is a serious disease that is inherited. With it, hyperhidrosis (increased sweating) and keratoderma (impaired keratinization processes) are observed. A very common sign of this disease is a white coating on the tongue.
  4. Christ-Siemens-Touraine syndrome is an extremely rare genetic pathology in which atrophy or congenital cutaneous hypoplasia is detected; the skin of patients is very smooth, fragile, and practically hairless. One of the symptoms of this syndrome is also a white coating on the tongue.

Video: 5 problems your tongue will tell you about

Diagnosis and differential diagnosis of possible diseases associated with the appearance of white plaque on the tongue

If a white coating appears on the tongue, you should consult a dentist or gastroenterologist. The first specialist conducts a thorough examination of the oral cavity, the condition of the teeth, and palpates the lymph nodes. A gastroenterologist can refer you for an ultrasound of the abdominal organs or gastroduodenoscopy. It is also necessary to take a general blood, urine and stool test. In some cases, an examination by an infectious disease specialist and an endocrinologist may be necessary. The coating on the tongue must be submitted for bacteriological culture, and tests for HIV, hepatitis, syphilis, and gonorrhea must also be done. This will help clarify the diagnosis and prescribe the correct treatment to the patient.

How to get rid of the problem

First of all, it is necessary to find the primary disease that led to the appearance of a white coating on the tongue. Depending on the diagnosis established for the patient, the doctor prescribes an individual course of treatment. This can be either taking medications, following a strict diet and using traditional methods, or special preventive measures that will help get rid of the unpleasant manifestation. It is necessary to sanitize the oral cavity at the dentist, eliminate all carious formations, and get rid of tartar.

It is very important to properly clean the surface of the tongue. It would be best to purchase a special brush or scraper that is designed specifically for these purposes. You should not use iron spoons or any other objects, as they can damage the already inflamed surface of the tongue. You can take regular toothpaste and squeeze a small amount onto your brush. It is better to start cleansing from the root, gradually moving to the tip with slow and gentle movements. After completing the procedure, you can rinse your mouth using special means.

Video about the treatment of oral thrush in the program of Dr. Komarovsky

Drug therapy

Medicines are prescribed based on the primary disease that was detected in a person.

  1. Antifungal drugs are necessary if candidiasis is present (Amphotericin B, Fluconazole, Diflucan). Nystatin and Decamine ointments are suitable for topical use.
  2. Eubiotics with live lactic acid bacteria are necessary to normalize microflora and improve intestinal function (Bifiform).
  3. Prebiotics are needed to restore microflora after the use of antibiotics (Linex, Bifiform, Hilak-Forte).
  4. A solution of 3% sodium and potassium iodide is suitable for the prevention of fungal diseases.
  5. Multivitamin complexes are prescribed to improve the overall health of the patient.
  6. Antiseptic agents are necessary for treating the surface of the tongue (Chlorhexidine, Corsodil).
  7. Local non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are necessary for the treatment of sore throat and other similar diseases (Tantum Verde Forte).
  8. Kalgel is suitable for numbing the surface of the tongue. It can be used even by children.
  9. Antimicrobial anti-inflammatory drugs are used for inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract and infectious diseases affecting the mucous membranes (Romazulan).
  10. Enzyme medications are necessary to improve digestion (Festal, Penzital, Pancreatin).
  11. Sorbents are needed to cleanse the body of toxins (activated carbon, Smecta, Enterosgel).
  12. Laxatives will be needed for periodic bowel cleansing (Dulcolax, Regulax).
  13. Anti-inflammatory drugs are prescribed for various respiratory diseases (Ibuprofen, Imet, Ketorol).
  14. Antibiotics are needed for sore throat (Amoxicillin, Flemoxin, Amotit).
  15. Hepatoprotectors are prescribed to support the liver under heavy loads (Heptral, Phosphogliv, Essentiale Forte).

Medications - photo gallery

Heptral is a hepatoprotective agent, has a positive effect on the liver
Diflucan is an antifungal drug. Dulcolax is a drug that has a laxative effect.
Ibuprofen is a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug. Kalgel is a combined drug with antimicrobial and local anesthetic effects. Romazulan is an antimicrobial anti-inflammatory drug of plant origin for local, external and systemic use.
Tantum Verde - non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug for topical use Festal - digestive enzyme agent Flemoxin is a broad-spectrum antibiotic from the group of semisynthetic penicillins.
Hilak Forte - a drug for intestinal dysbiosis Chlorhexidine - a local therapeutic and prophylactic broad-spectrum antiseptic and disinfectant Enterosgel - a medicinal product, an enterosorbent, used to remove harmful substances from the body


Since most cases of white coating on the tongue occur due to problems with the gastrointestinal tract, many patients need to reconsider their diet and give up harmful foods. The following dishes should be excluded:

  • smoked, fried, spicy and canned food;
  • sweets, chocolate;
  • pastries, white bread;
  • alcoholic drinks;
  • carbonated drinks;
  • products with artificial food additives;
  • fast food.

Eating plenty of fresh vegetables and fruits promotes good health

For diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, it is necessary to diversify your diet with low-fat meat and vegetable broths, cereals with milk or water. Eating fermented milk products will also be beneficial, and raw solid vegetables and fruits will help mechanically cleanse the surface of the skin of the tongue.

Traditional methods of treatment

There are many folk recipes that can help in the fight against white coating on the tongue. However, it is worth remembering that before using any product, you must first consult a doctor, as there are contraindications and individual intolerance is possible.

Flax seed decoction

With daily use of this recipe, you can significantly improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, improve intestinal motility and eliminate constipation. When cooked, flax seeds release a special mucus that has enveloping and antiseptic properties.

  1. Take three tablespoons of seeds.
  2. Pour in 250 ml of clean water.
  3. Bring to a boil and then simmer over low heat for ten minutes.
  4. Remove from heat and cool the resulting mixture for twenty minutes.
  5. Then strain the broth and drink half a glass twice a day before meals.

Rinse with medicinal herbs

Many herbal remedies are known for their antiseptic properties. Also, using them can significantly improve the smell of your mouth and make your breath fresher.

  1. Take strawberry, mint, sage and chamomile leaves.
  2. Dry them in a dark place for a week, placing them on paper or gauze in a dark room.
  3. Once the plants are completely dry and brittle to the touch, puree them in a blender until smooth.
  4. Take two tablespoons of the mixture, pour them into a thermos, add 250 ml of boiling water and let it brew for one hour.
  5. Strain the resulting product and rinse your mouth with it every time after eating for three minutes.

Mint and sage mouthwash promotes fresh breath

Baking soda solution

This recipe is especially suitable for inflammatory processes in the oral cavity and diseases such as sore throat. Take a glass of warm, but not hot, boiled water, add 30–40 grams of baking soda. Rinse your mouth with the resulting solution up to four times a day. After the procedure, it is necessary to rinse the mucous membrane with clean drinking water.

Oil rinses

Oil has special binding properties; it is able to “collect” food debris and bacteria. You can use olive, sunflower, grape or any other oil. For twenty minutes, you must continuously rinse your mouth with the chosen product. If after this the oil becomes cloudy and has a whitish tint, this indicates that the procedure was carried out correctly and the oral mucosa is cleansed.

When rinsing, the oil absorbs food debris and accumulated plaque.

You can also treat the surface of the tongue using the following means:

  • rosehip oil;
  • sea ​​buckthorn oil;
  • aloe juice;
  • tea tree oil.

Treatment prognosis and possible complications

The prognosis for treatment of white plaque on the tongue very much depends on the primary disease. In most situations, it can go away on its own with normalization of nutrition and daily hygiene procedures. If serious diseases are detected, the treatment prognosis is determined individually, depending on the severity of the pathology and the patient’s health status. If you have gastritis or a stomach ulcer, then with proper therapy, most people experience a significant improvement in their condition. In the case of such a serious infectious disease as HIV, the treatment prognosis is unfavorable; it is only possible to temporarily support the human body.


In some cases, it is impossible to predict the appearance of a white coating on the tongue. However, there are general recommendations that will help reduce the likelihood of its formation:

  • First of all, get rid of bad habits. It is very important to give up cigarettes and alcohol consumption;
  • drink about two liters of clean drinking water every day. This will help improve your health and quickly eliminate toxins and waste accumulated in the body;
  • undergo preventive examinations at the dentist, monitor the condition of your teeth;
  • after eating food, use a mouthwash and clean your tongue with a toothbrush or scraper;
  • carry out timely treatment of the gastrointestinal tract, undergo examinations by a gastroenterologist;
  • watch your diet, try to reduce your consumption of sweet, fatty and other unhealthy foods;
  • Brush your teeth thoroughly at least twice a day. Find a toothpaste and mouthwash that's right for you.

Video on how to properly clean the surface of your tongue

Features of plaque in older people

In older people, the appearance of a white coating on the tongue is often associated with the presence of dentures. They often develop stomatitis, which is a provoking factor. The thing is that a foreign object in the oral cavity promotes the rapid proliferation of bacteria. Also, some older people become unable to fully maintain personal hygiene. Among other things, older people are more likely than usual to experience all sorts of diseases and reduced immunity.

Features of plaque in children

Children may also develop a white coating on the tongue. In infancy, such a symptom may be an indicator of thrush. This fungal disease occurs quite often due to breastfeeding, premature birth, hypothermia and poor hygiene. At the same time, the baby may cry and refuse to eat. This occurs due to a burning sensation on the tongue that constantly worries the child. The mother's consumption of sweet foods may also be a contributing factor.

In infants, a white coating on the tongue is usually a consequence of breastfeeding.

The tongue is a very important organ of the human body. It has many functions necessary for normal communication, digestion and the sense of taste. In a calm state, it takes on a spatulate shape and fills the entire oral cavity. Its tip is in contact with the back surface of the upper incisors. Language can tell a lot about the state of the human body. The reasons why the tongue is covered with a white coating are varied and may depend on many factors.

What is a raid?

Most often, a coated tongue can be observed in the morning. This is due to the fact that at night it is in a motionless state and particles of eaten food, epithelium, bacteria and fungi accumulate on it; after sleep, this feature is most noticeable. When the plaque is permanent, difficult to separate and has a large thickness, this indicates the presence of a disease.

What does a healthy tongue look like? The physiological norm is a light pink tint with visualized papillae. Plaque can appear as a result of many chronic and acute diseases. On a healthy tongue, the plaque is light in color, small in thickness and unevenly distributed. In addition, it should be easy to separate and not cause discomfort in the oral cavity.

Healthy tongue

Main reasons

By examining the tongue, you can suspect the presence of health problems. A certain localization of plaque suggests the development of a particular pathology. Disease of the internal organs is expressed in various ways, so examination is an integral part of any initial examination by a doctor. When the correct treatment is prescribed, it is possible to get rid of the pathological plaque and return the tongue to its natural color. Localization of changes depending on diseases:

  • Pathology of the cardiovascular system is characterized by its location in the tip area. This localization is also characteristic of problems with the respiratory system.
  • The longitudinal fold is a projection of the spinal column, therefore, if plaque is located in this area and if there is constant pain in the spine, it is recommended to consult a vertebrologist.
  • The posterior surface of the anterior third of the tongue is the projection of the organs responsible for the production and secretion of bile. If there is persistent plaque in this area, it is necessary to suspect the development of pathology in the area of ​​the liver and gallbladder.
  • The middle third of the tongue can be used to judge the condition of the stomach and spleen. Changes localized to this area suggest gastritis, ulcers, or hepatosplenomegaly.
  • The root of the tongue becomes covered with plaque in the event of persistent pathology of the underlying parts of the digestive tract.

Projections of internal organs on the tongue

Diseases that cause white plaque

Why is my tongue covered with a white coating? There are a number of pathologies that contribute to the formation of changes on the surface of the tongue. They are mainly associated with improper functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. Various infectious diseases also make a significant contribution to the development of this symptom. Plaque can be caused by excessive bacterial, viral and fungal activity.

Pathology of the digestive tract

is a disease caused by inflammation of the mucous layer of the stomach. The pathology is characterized by a long course, accompanied by dystrophic changes in the wall of the stomach. As a result of these processes, the glandular structures of the stomach are replaced by fibrous tissue. The diagnosis is made based on histological examination of the mucous membrane. The disease may be asymptomatic and not cause any discomfort.

The tongue with gastritis will be covered with a grayish coating, of high density, located in the middle and posterior third (except for the lateral sections). If, then an unpleasant aftertaste is added to the symptoms, and the plaque becomes pale yellow. The density of changes in the tongue depends on the severity of the disease. In addition, when the gastric mucosa is inflamed, a white coating is combined with a dry tongue. It acquires a grayish tint when gastritis is accompanied by low acidity. If inflammation of the mucous membrane is complicated by the appearance of an ulcer, then the changes will be denser in consistency and located closer to the root.

With gastric carcinoma, the plaque will be dense, thick and evenly distributed over the entire surface of the tongue. If such changes are accompanied by a sweetish-metallic odor from the oral cavity, then the development of gastric bleeding can be assumed.

If the papillae atrophy and the tongue becomes dry and white with plaque, then these signs indicate. In addition, it has been recorded that a yellowish coating on the tongue may precede acute inflammation of the pancreas. Intestinal inflammation, as well as prolonged congestion in the digestive tract, are accompanied by an unpleasant odor and a light coating on the tongue. Young children are characterized by the appearance of plaque on the tongue during prolonged diarrhea, accompanied by a decrease in the total amount of circulating fluid in the body.

Diseases of the liver and gall bladder are characterized by a change in plaque color from pale white to yellow-green. Similar changes are characteristic of obstructive jaundice and hepatitis.

Other diseases

Other causes of plaque on the tongue are infectious diseases. For example, with scarlet fever, a pale gray film appears on the tongue, on which teeth prints are visualized. With the development of dysentery, the plaque will be thick, difficult to remove, with the subsequent formation of small ulcers at the site of the former localization.

In addition to all the above-mentioned diseases, the tongue can be covered with a white coating even with a normal increase in temperature. Fever is often accompanied by changes in the oral cavity. However, all symptoms begin to quickly subside as soon as adequate treatment is prescribed.

Damage to the oral mucosa by a fungus from the genus Candida is manifested by the formation of ulcers and the formation of a white film that is unevenly distributed over the surface of the tongue. It is not uncommon for the tongue and membranes of the mouth to become inflamed during candidiasis, while patients also complain of severe itching. There is a risk group for candidiasis, which includes:

  • HIV-infected;
  • Pregnant;
  • Newborns;
  • Elderly people.


Treatment of plaque on the tongue can be etiological or local. For local processing, you only need a small spatula, which is convenient for removing the film from the tongue. Dentists recommend performing this procedure twice a day. It is also necessary to brush your teeth and treat the oral cavity with special disinfectant solutions after each meal. Such actions will reduce the number of pathogenic microorganisms involved in the formation of annoying plaque.

Tongue cleaning spatula

It must be remembered that for a complete recovery, you need to focus your energy on fighting the underlying disease. With the development of hyperacid gastritis, drugs that reduce gastric acidity are prescribed (famotidine, etc.). In case of hepatitis, interferon therapy comes to the fore. Obstructive jaundice is not treated conservatively. As a rule, this disease occurs due to a violation of the outflow of bile due to a stone stuck in the bile duct. The patient requires treatment in a surgical hospital.

The information presented in the article is not a guide to action. To receive quality medical care, you must seek advice from a specialist.

What should the tongue look like for a person in excellent health? Soft; pale pink color; with an even groove that visually divides it into two halves. It should not cause unpleasant sensations to its owner when moving it. This small and inconspicuous organ is a very important determinant of the condition of the human body. How litmus paper in chemistry lessons reacted to different components, changing color. This is how the tongue reacts to problems in the body and changes its color.

Even a healthy person has tongue plaque. It is transparent and odorless, easy to clean. If the internal organs of the human body begin to work with deviations from the norm, this will become noticeable in the condition of the tongue surface. Why does plaque appear on the tongue? It may be surprising to some, but a certain part of the tongue is responsible for some internal organ. And if changes in color and structure occur on this part; a burning sensation, spots or plaque appears, which is not easy to get rid of, you need to sound the alarm. This means that there has been a malfunction in the functioning of a certain organ, it’s time to go to the doctor and put your body in order. This may be an important signal of a dangerous disease.

What to do if a plaque appears on your tongue?

Now a little about which part of the tongue surface is responsible for what in the body:

  • the tip is responsible for the intestines and rectum;
  • the middle is responsible for the stomach;
  • a groove in the middle will signal diseases of the spine;
  • the left side is the area of ​​the spleen;
  • the right side has an invisible connection with the liver.

It is also worth taking a closer look at the thickness of the plaque. If it can be easily cleaned off, then this indicates a primary or initial stage of the disease. A thick coating on the tongue and bad breath indicate a chronic disease or the onset of severe infectious processes in the body.

The consistency of the layering also differs. It can be curdled or fatty, dry or wet.

The color of plaque on the tongue and the reasons for its occurrence

It’s worth making a reservation right away. We are not talking about plaque that appears as a result of eating berries (blueberries, serviceberries, blackberries, black currants or mulberries) or food with dyes (chocolate, candies, sweet colored sodas, chewing gum).

In the morning, the man walked up to the mirror, opened his mouth and noted with horror that his tongue had changed color. Shades can be different - white, gray, yellow, green, brown, orange, blue, black.

Plaque on the tongue - how to get rid of it

Why is there a coating on the tongue? What does each of these shades say? What disease is behind this? Here are the answers to all your questions.

White coating

This is the most harmless color. Often in the morning people find that the tongue plate is covered with a thin white film. It is enough to clean it during morning hygiene procedures with a toothbrush or spoon.

If the layer is thicker, this is a signal of problems with the immune system. When a person’s immunity is weak, many bacteria multiply in the mouth and settle throughout the oral cavity. Also, white deposits are a frequent accompaniment of sore throat (they can persist for a long time, even when the disease has completely passed).

Sometimes the cheesy structure has a white coating on the tongue. This is a clear sign of a fungal disease (candidiasis or thrush).

What to do if a coating appears on the tongue

White layer at the base of the tongue - it is worth observing the work of the kidneys. The tip is covered with white - this is a problem with the respiratory system; such a coating is often found in heavy smokers.

When small cracks appear on the white surface of the tongue, this indicates an early stage of gastritis. You need to immediately pay attention to your diet and make an appointment with a gastroenterologist for diagnostics.

Gray plaque

Why is there a gray coating on my tongue? It can be called a more serious manifestation of white. That is, the causes of gray deposits are similar to those discussed above, only in more advanced stages. For example, a person caught an acute infection, a white coating appeared, the patient did not go to a medical facility, ignored treatment, and then over time the layer becomes dirty white and then gray.

Taking antibiotics for a very long time can also cause a gray coating on the tongue.

Yellow plaque

The layering of this color is caused by four main reasons:

  1. Acute respiratory viral infection. In this case, the plaque will be accompanied by an increased temperature.
  2. If the yellow color is accompanied by a bitter taste in the mouth, it means that there are problems with the liver.
  3. Disorders of the digestive tract. A thin yellowish coating signals the accumulation of waste and toxins in the body. The layer is dense and has a bad odor, indicating serious diseases of the digestive system. A yellow, permanent coating on the tongue due to gastritis (photo. 4) should hurry a person to see a doctor.
  4. A yellow layer can occur after long-term use of vitamins and antibiotics. This is a normal phenomenon, in this case the plaque cannot be treated in any way, over time it will go away on its own.

There are cases when the bottom of the tongue is covered with yellow, which indicates an early stage of jaundice.

Causes of plaque on the tongue

Green plaque

Green color on the lingual surface is extremely rare (photo 5). Nevertheless, it happens.

There is a certain type of fungal disease that can provoke such a plaque.

Often, green deposits indicate liver suffering from too much fried and fatty food. The liver is no joke. You must immediately completely review your daily diet and consult a specialist doctor to examine this organ and treat it.

Very rarely, but a green coating may occur after long-term use of antibiotics.

Brown plaque

What does a brown coating on the tongue mean? There are three most common reasons:

  1. Malfunction of the gallbladder.
  2. The functioning of the digestive tract is disrupted (in this case, the brown surface of the tongue will be accompanied by diarrhea and sharp pain in the abdominal area).
  3. Very often the entire tongue is covered with a brown coating in alcoholics. It is clear here that these are advanced liver diseases, since this organ and alcohol are directly related.

Sometimes a brown color of the tongue plate can appear in a person who consumes too much foods and drinks of a similar color (black tea, cocoa, coffee, chocolate). This is not a disease. But it is advisable to reduce the amount of brown foods you eat. Everything should be in moderation.

What to do if a coating appears on the tongue?

Orange coating

If a person finds a strong orange coating on the tongue, there can only be one reason - stomach acid has entered the oral cavity. This occurs during exacerbation of gastritis.

Blue Plaque

What does a blue coating on a tongue mean? Blue coloring may be a sign of anemia. This is the case when the body does not have enough folic acid, iron and vitamin B12.

Blue tongue can also be observed in long-term smokers. The back of the organ thickens and turns blue. This disease is called rhomboid glossitis.

Black plaque

Black color in itself does not promise much good. If your tongue is covered with a coating of this color, it is already dangerous.

One of the common reasons is improper functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, general slagging of the body.

Dark coating on the tongue

If the black plaque is covered with cracks or spots, this indicates stagnation of bile (the functioning of the liver and pancreas is disrupted). At the same time, there will still be a feeling of constant bitterness in the mouth.

When the tongue becomes covered with black dots, this indicates lead poisoning (the so-called Remak syndrome).

It happens that along with the tongue plate, tooth enamel begins to darken. This is a clear sign of a chromogenic fungus in the mouth.

And the last thing that a black coating on the tongue can tell you about (photo.9). The cause is rare, but insidious - Crohn's disease. If you do not recognize it in time and do not begin treatment, there may be serious complications (inflammation of the peritoneum, peritonitis, which can lead to death).

Plaque on a child's tongue

When the child is very small, it is difficult to establish the correct diagnosis of the disease. The patient cannot yet clearly explain what and how it hurts. Parents should be extremely attentive to their children, regularly examine their babies and be sure to pay attention to the tongue. If you find a coating on your tongue, what should you do? Go to your pediatrician immediately.

A white coating that covers not only the tongue, but also the inside of the cheeks and the gums indicates stomatitis or thrush.

If a white coating is accompanied by high fever, general weakness and lethargy of the child, most likely it is a sore throat, flu or scarlet fever. In this case, in addition to the uvula, plaque can also cover the tonsils.

Plaque on the tongue - what to do?

Dysbacteriosis, gastritis and other gastrointestinal diseases also appear in babies as a white layer. In this case, there will also be vomiting, diarrhea, and abdominal pain.

Perhaps for some reason the child was prescribed a course of antibiotics. After taking medications, the tongue often becomes gray, yellow or greenish in color. The raid will pass over time. But only a qualified doctor can make such a conclusion.

Tongue hygiene and prevention of bad breath

There is too close a connection between tongue coating and bad breath. The oral cavity is a very favorable environment for the development of all kinds of microbes and bacteria. So they develop there, multiply and thereby create colored layers and a bad smell. How to treat plaque on the tongue with an unpleasant odor?

  1. First of all, brush your tongue every morning and evening along with brushing your teeth.
  2. After every meal, you must rinse your mouth. To do this, you can use homemade decoctions of herbs and medicinal plants. Chamomile, oak bark, sage and mint will not only freshen your breath, but also help strengthen your gums and clear plaque from your tonsils. It is advisable to use special refreshing mouth rinses; there is now a huge selection of them in supermarkets and pharmacies.
  3. It is better to choose toothpaste with antibacterial agents.
  4. If you need to get rid of bad breath instantly, then there are a lot of chewing gums, lollipops, and aerosol fresheners. In the end, you can gnaw on an apple or carrot, chew coffee beans or parsley root.

It is necessary to regularly monitor the freshness of your breath, teeth, oral cavity, and especially the surface of the tongue. It would seem such a small and inconspicuous organ. But as one of the doctors exactly said about him: “The tongue is a geographical map of the human body and health.”

The appearance of plaque on the tongue

The appearance of the tongue is a direct reflection of the correct functioning of human organs and systems.

The appearance of cracks, an increase in size and coating with plaque of different colors indicates the presence of a certain disease even before its symptoms appear.

A thick, thick white coating covering the entire surface of the tongue is a sign of a certain pathology.

Once detected, it is not enough to simply fight it through oral hygiene. First, you need to figure out what exactly caused this plaque and direct efforts to eliminate the disease.

One of the main reasons for the appearance of white plaque is problems in the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. Depending on the specific pathology, the localization and appearance of the layers may differ:

  • Chronic gastritis characterized by the presence of white-yellowish or white-gray deposits on the tongue and enlarged papillae. This plaque is usually localized in the center of the tongue. In addition to external manifestations, chronic gastritis is accompanied by a feeling of heaviness in the stomach and frequent belching.
  • About availability acute gastritis symbolizes a dense white-gray coating located in the central part of the tongue. The tip and side surfaces remain clean. People often experience increased dry mouth. The stomach is characterized by acute pain, nausea, and heartburn.
  • Stomach ulcer manifests itself in the formation of a tightly attached white-gray plaque on the root of the tongue. A severe form of the disease is characterized by the appearance of a putrid odor from the oral cavity. The ulcer is accompanied by heartburn, nausea and vomiting, severe stomach pain that stops during meals.
  • Stomach cancer is accompanied by the formation of a dense white coating that has a specific odor, which is explained by a large number of pathogenic microorganisms and leukocytes.

If the described plaque and characteristic pain in the epigastric region are present, it is necessary to be examined by a gastroenterologist and, if the disease is detected, to begin treatment.

Diseases of internal organs

Damage to various internal organs can be expressed by the formation of a persistent white coating on the surface of the tongue. Such symptoms are secondary in nature, therefore, to identify a specific pathology, it is necessary to undergo a medical examination.

White coating on the tongue is characteristic of the following pathologies of internal organs:

  • heart disease characterized by layers of whitish tint in the front of the tongue;
  • lung pathologies accompanied by the formation of plaque on the lateral part of the anterior region of the muscular organ;
  • liver failure determined by multiple white deposits, a characteristic ammonia odor and increased dryness of the oral cavity;
  • chronic kidney damage the formation of a white-yellowish coating on the lateral surface of the basal region of the tongue is characteristic;
  • acute pancreatitis accompanied by layers of a whitish-yellow hue, a feeling of excessive dryness in the mouth and decreased sensitivity to tastes;
  • chronic pancreatitis accompanied by the appearance of a white color of the tongue, formed as a result of vitamin deficiency and metabolic disorders;
  • immune system diseases characterized by the appearance of plaque, the cause of which is immunodeficiency;
  • pathologies in functioning salivary glands expressed by dry mouth, the appearance of an unpleasant odor and white deposits on the entire surface of the tongue;
  • diseases from endocrine system can be suspected due to the complete or partial covering of the tongue with a white coating, the formation of ulcers and erosions under it, and dry mouth.


Candidiasis of the surface of the tongue occurs in both adults and children. The disease is caused by yeast-like fungi. In childhood, the cause of its occurrence is unformed immunity in combination with insufficiently thorough hygiene.

In adults, candidiasis can develop as a result of long-term use of antibiotics, certain medications, oral contraceptives, low immunity and some common diseases.

The development of candidiasis may be accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • small white grains that form on the tongue gradually increase in size, acquiring a cheesy consistency;
  • when the plaque is removed, an inflamed red mucous membrane is found underneath it;
  • localization of cheesy deposits is the central part of the tongue; plaque can also form on the gums and mucous membrane of the cheeks;
  • Candidiasis is often accompanied by a burning sensation on the surface of the tongue.

When treating thrush, certain antibiotics and drugs for local treatment are used.

Diseases of the organ itself

Often the appearance of plaque is associated with diseases of the tongue itself. The following pathologies are distinguished, accompanied by the formation of white deposits:

  • Desquamitic (geographic) glossitis accompanied by the appearance of areas covered with red spots and a white coating. The tongue acquires signs of swelling, a feeling of pain and burning occurs.

    In the initial stage, the disease is characterized by mild symptoms, but after some time the affected area increases and the disease progresses to the chronic stage. Often the cause of desquamite glossitis is dysbacteriosis or systemic diseases of the body.

  • Catarrhal glossitis characterized by enlargement and swelling of the tongue, layers of grayish-white color, which then acquires a reddish color.

    Whitish deposits can be located in a small area of ​​the organ or spread over its entire surface. The cause of catarrhal glossitis is most often damage to the mucous membrane and the presence of infection.

  • Ulcerative glossitis often develops as a result of untreated catarrhal disease. The plaque becomes more pronounced, complemented by the appearance of bleeding ulcers, swelling and pain.
  • Galvanic stomatitis– a disease caused by the presence of dentures made of metal in the oral cavity. Symptoms characteristic of this stomatitis are a whitish coating, spots in the form of pimples, a burning sensation. In severe cases, erosion may occur.

In some cases, tongue damage can be caused by improperly selected oral hygiene products. In this case, you should consult your dentist and change the medications you are using.

Infectious diseases

Infectious diseases accompanied by the appearance of whitish deposits include diphtheria, dysentery, tonsillitis, scarlet fever, HIV infection and gonorrhea. Layering on the tongue in this case is a secondary symptom of the disease.

Infectious diseases are most often accompanied by inflammation of the mucous membranes and an increase in body temperature, after which the tongue becomes covered with a dense, light-colored coating. You can observe pinpoint rashes and reddened areas, also covered with plaque. When thick layers are removed, areas with erosion often form underneath.

Hereditary and systemic diseases

The cause of plaque formation can be some systemic and hereditary diseases:

  • Lichen planus accompanied by white deposits that are almost impossible to clean from the tongue, since they are areas of keratinized cells covering the oral mucosa.
  • For scleroderma– a systemic disease that affects small vessels, white deposits are accompanied by the formation of ulcers, coarsening of the mucous membrane and poor mobility of the organ.
  • Leukoplakia characterized by keratinization of the mucous membrane of the tongue, covering it with a white coating. Often there is no pain or discomfort, and the disease is chronic. Most often, leukoplakia is observed in middle and old age.

White coating on the tongue can also be observed with hereditary diseases such as Siemens and Brunauer syndrome.

Other reasons

In addition to various diseases, white coating on the tongue can be caused by the following reasons:

The following video contains the main reasons for the formation of white plaque on the tongue:

The child has

Newborn babies often have a white tongue. This is often due to the fact that milk is the basis of the baby’s nutrition. Its particles remain between the papillae, giving the tongue a whitish tint. This plaque can be washed off using a syringe or syringe. It is not a pathology.

When white deposits spread to the mucous membranes of the child’s gums and cheeks, candidiasis is most often diagnosed. It can occur as a result of the development of fungal bacteria in the oral cavity. It is recommended to rinse the child’s mouth thoroughly, and if the phenomenon becomes prolonged, you should consult a doctor.

In children older than one year, a slight coating through which the natural color of the tongue is visible is the norm. It does not cause discomfort and is easily washed off.

If plaque is present not only in the morning, but also persists throughout the day, one of the following diseases can be suspected in the child:

  • Stomatitis. It is characterized by various inclusions of deposits that are difficult to remove from the tongue and can bleed. To treat the disease, you must consult a dentist.
  • Flu and ARVI often accompanied by small layers of a whitish tint, disappearing when the disease is cured.
  • Dysbacteriosis or gastritis will be accompanied by a characteristic feeling of heaviness and discomfort in the stomach.
  • Gallbladder diseases accompanied by the appearance of a yellowish coating. In some cases, there may be a feeling of bitterness in the mouth.