Business conversation. Basic requirements for a business conversation

The process of exchanging information is communication. Culture refers to the norms and rules that are inherent in every society. Business culture is a necessary means of business relationships. is based on established principles and national traditions.

In commercial, entrepreneurial, political and other areas of activity, business meetings and negotiations have an important function, therefore the culture of speech in business communication is of no small importance. The psychology and ethics of negotiation processes are studied not only by individual citizens, but also by organizations, and negotiation technology is taught during the training of specialists. Business meetings and negotiations are carried out verbally, i.e. orally, verbally, therefore obliges the participants in communication to be not only literate, but also to know the ethics of verbal communication. Of no small importance are gestures and facial expressions that accompany speech, i.e. non-verbal communication. It is extremely important to know and follow the non-verbal aspects of communication when negotiating with foreign partners who represent other

Speech culture in business communication is considered not only as a special form of behavior and sign systems. Business conversation includes logical, verbal, nonverbal, as well as psychological culture. The basis of a culture of communication is mutual respect and goodwill; the result of the negotiations largely depends on these qualities.

A business conversation is an exchange of information and opinions that does not imply the conclusion of an agreement or contract, and also does not imply the adoption of decisions necessary for execution. It can precede negotiations.

Negotiations are a more formal procedure that is specific in nature. The result of negotiations, as a rule, comes down to the signing of documents and the determination of mutual obligations. When preparing for negotiations, it is important to determine their subject, find partners to implement them, understand the interests of partners and your own, develop a plan for negotiations, select specialists for the delegation, resolve organizational issues and prepare the necessary materials. The flow of negotiations, as a rule, follows the following pattern: beginning of communication - exchange of information - argumentation, counter-argumentation - development and agreement of decisions - completion of the negotiation process.

The culture of speech in business communication provides the opportunity to conclude serious transactions and increase equity capital. Anyone who wants to improve in this area has ample opportunities, since many books have been written on it, and there are also trainings and courses that teach aspiring businessmen. in business negotiations, they are armed not only with theoretical knowledge, but also with the practical skills necessary in the field of business communication, revealing the specificity of human interaction through the use of language. Language, in turn, is not only a means of human communication, but also acts as a tool of knowledge and a tool of thinking. Therefore, verbal communications in business negotiations between people are the main mechanism for achieving goals, implying a psychologically favorable attitude. Effective communication with a partner must ensure a positive state and create opportunities for continued cooperation, therefore the ability of interlocutors to remove negative emotions and master the skills of psychological solutions is extremely important. The skills of conflict-free conversations, leading, as a result, to mutually beneficial results, are the highest school of business communication.

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"Business conversation"

“Speech culture of business conversation”

Chelyabinsk 2011


Culture in the general philosophical understanding of this word is a historically determined level of development of society, creative powers and abilities of a person, expressed in the types and forms of organization of people’s life activities, as well as in the material and spiritual values ​​they create. Every time speaking in front of an audience is an atypical situation. However, how you speak and what you say can make a big difference in your life. Your speech during business communication can become a milestone in your career, and life in general. And an unconscious fear of speaking or the inability to speak correctly and beautifully, for various reasons, can become a cause of professional failure. The ability to speak is the calling card of every leader for intra- and inter-company use. The culture of business conversation, and even more so of business dispute, is a great business art, because each party wants to prove its truth, defend its opinion, and your success in business communication depends on how competently and beautifully you do this.

1. Requirements for a business conversation

A business conversation is subject to the requirements of correctness, accuracy, brevity and accessibility of speech. Let's consider each of them separately.

The first and indispensable requirement for a business conversation is the correct speech of the speakers. Although the standards of oral business speech are not as strict as those of its written form, speakers are obliged to strive for the correctness of their language. The need to comply with this requirement is dictated by the fact that most participants in a business conversation, who themselves make speech errors, will not miss the opportunity to point out the most obvious errors in the speech of the partner talking to them. In addition, until you firmly know that your speech from the point of view of its lexical and stylistic norms is correct, you will not get rid of the feeling of uncertainty. Only complete confidence in this regard makes it possible to focus not on words, but on deeds.

For speech to be correct, words must be used in strict accordance with their meaning. Using words without taking into account their semantics often changes the meaning of a statement.

A careless attitude towards language can cause speech insufficiency - the omission of words necessary for the precise expression of thoughts. Speech impairment usually occurs when the speaker is in a hurry and does not monitor the correctness of the statement, which causes serious damage to the semantic side of speech.

In some cases, missing words can completely distort the idea: “To speed up the loading of goods, it is necessary to unite all port services” (it is necessary: ​​to unite the efforts of all port services).

The cause of stylistic errors is very often an unsuccessful choice of synonym. If the speaker finds it difficult to give an exact definition of a particular concept, an unjustified stringing of synonyms may arise that express the idea approximately, giving rise to speech redundancy. Very often in a business conversation there is a confusion of paronyms - words that are similar in morphological composition and, therefore, in sound, but differ in meaning, which leads to gross lexical errors.

For the correct use of words in speech, it is not enough to know their exact meaning; it is also necessary to take into account the lexical compatibility of words, i.e. their ability to connect with each other. Involuntary violation of lexical compatibility is a very common defect in oral speech. Thus, they often say: the meeting is convened, the conversation is read, the obligations are completed, the attention is increased, the horizons are broadened.

You cannot combine colloquial words with book ones or combine high, solemn phrases with ordinary, neutral ones.

It is very important not only to choose the words correctly, but also to construct sentences from them. Meanwhile, in business conversations very often they do not pay attention to the correct construction of statements. Errors arise when speakers unjustifiably use prepositional combinations instead of prepositional constructions.

Often there is an incorrect choice of preposition or its inappropriate use, for example: “The management indicated that...” (necessary: ​​indicated that...). “The supplier company insists that...” (necessary: ​​insists that...).

Especially often in business conversations the preposition “by” is used without proper reason. For example: “The briefing was conducted on the same topic” (instead of: on the same topic).

As already indicated, a characteristic feature of the language of business people is the widespread use of verbal nouns. However, inept use of this lexical category gives rise to stylistic inferiority, and therefore incorrect business speech. A large number of verbal nouns weighs down the syllable, making it dry and difficult to digest.

In business conversation, various types of complex sentences are used. But at the same time, speakers do not always comply with the norms of their construction.

Accuracy and clarity of speech are the most important requirements for any business conversation. The accuracy of business speech refers to the correspondence of statements to the thoughts of the speaker. In order for a business person’s speech to be accurate, it is necessary to use words in accordance with the meanings assigned to them. Accuracy and clarity of statements are interrelated. Precision gives them clarity, and clarity of statements follows from their accuracy.

Meanwhile, in a business conversation, accuracy of word usage is not always achieved. The bad habit of flaunting sophisticated book vocabulary prevents you from speaking simply and clearly. The abuse of foreign words is especially harmful to the clarity and accuracy of statements. Often this is accompanied by a basic ignorance of the meaning of the word.

Very often in oral business speech its accuracy is violated as a result of synonymy of terms. There should not be synonymous terms in one statement!

It’s bad when the speaker says either “vacuum”, then “vacuum”, then “water turbine”, then “hydraulic turbine”, or when in one case he uses the word “tomatoes”, and in another - “tomatoes”.

It is also impossible to recognize as legitimate the replacement of familiar terms that have entered the language with new ones formed in a foreign manner.

In business speech there are often words that have not become commonly used, but are actively used in the business sphere. These are the so-called professionalisms, which serve to designate various production processes, production tools, raw materials, resulting products, etc. Unlike terms that are official scientific names of special concepts, professionalisms are perceived as “semi-official” words that do not have a strictly scientific character.

The advantage of professionalisms over their commonly used equivalents is that they serve to distinguish between closely related concepts, which for a non-specialist have one common name. Thanks to this, special vocabulary for people of the same profession is a means of precise and concise expression of thoughts. However, the information value of professionalisms is lost if a non-specialist encounters them. Therefore, the use of professionalism in the speech of businessmen is undesirable, and it should be classified as a shortcoming of word usage.

There should be pauses between sentences and groups of words expressing a complete thought. There is no need to fill them with anything. In addition, by continuously uttering any sounds, you deprive yourself of those unoccupied moments during which you can calmly think about what to say to your interlocutor.

A certain proportion of errors associated with inaccurate speech arises from the fact that many domestic businessmen do not have proper education and have little understanding of special terminology. Therefore, they often replace a word they do not understand with one that is familiar or similar in sound. The accuracy of the reported information is reduced by the penetration into the speech of business people of colloquial and slang words of industry use, which are used instead of the corresponding terms.

The accuracy and clarity of oral business speech is determined not only by the targeted choice of words and expressions. No less important is the choice of grammatical constructions, which presupposes strict adherence to the norms of connection of words in a phrase.

Brevity is the most important requirement for any form of business speech, since such speech is characterized by a purely applied nature in the presentation of the information being reported. This means that the speaker does not abuse the listener's time and patience, avoiding unnecessary repetition, unnecessary detail and verbal garbage. Every word and expression serves a purpose here, which can be formulated as follows: to present the essence of the matter to the listeners as accurately and concisely as possible. Therefore, words and phrases that do not carry any semantic load should be completely excluded from business speech.

Verbosity, or speech redundancy, most often manifests itself in the use of unnecessary words, which indicate not only stylistic negligence, they also indicate the vagueness and uncertainty of the speaker’s ideas about the subject of speech, which often comes at the expense of information content, obscuring the main idea of ​​the statement.

Verbosity comes in various forms. Thus, very often participants in business conversations obsessively explain well-known truths to everyone or repeatedly repeat the same thoughts, thereby unintentionally prolonging the business conversation.

Speech redundancy can take the form of pleonasm, which means the simultaneous use of words that are close in meaning and therefore superfluous. A type of pleonasm is tautology, that is, repetition of the same thing in other words. Everyday conversations of business people are literally filled with repetitions of the same or similar words.

Tautology can arise when repeating words with the same root, as well as when combining a Russian and a foreign word that duplicates its meaning.

However, individual combinations of this type have become so entrenched in speech that they can no longer be classified as speech defects.

Incorrect or parallel use of foreign language vocabulary leads, as a rule, to unnecessary repetitions, for example: “industrial industry” (the word “industry” already contains the concept “industrial”), “to speed up construction at an accelerated pace” (“to force” means “to carry out at an accelerated pace” pace"), "to suffer a complete fiasco" ("fiasco" is a complete defeat).

It is known that “everyone hears what he understands.” Therefore, you should take maximum care about the accessibility of speech, especially during a business conversation, when you need to express your thoughts as simply and intelligibly as possible.

In order to achieve this goal, the famous American scientist P. Soper recommends using auxiliary speech material: definitions, comparisons, examples.

Definitions are needed for words whose meaning the interlocutors do not know, and for terms used by the speaker in a special sense. Usually the most expressive way to define a concept is to say, “Let me give you an example of what I mean,” and then give a specific case that typifies that concept.

Comparisons are very important in speech. The mental process of comparison is an essential factor in cognition. Until we know what a thing is like and how it differs from other things, we cannot understand it. Comparisons serve one purpose - to make clearer and more convincing those expressed thoughts to which they are directly related.

Comparisons can be very different. A figure of speech that contains a hidden similarity, a figurative convergence of words based on their figurative meaning, is called a metaphor. When making comparisons, the expression “just like...” is often used. A more extensive form of comparison - analogy - is an inference: if two objects are similar in one respect, then they are similar in others.

Analogies can be figurative and literal. With a figurative analogy, two phenomena from different areas of different order are compared. They have only a symbolic connection. In analogy, two phenomena from the same area, of the same order are literally compared. An analogy in the literal sense has greater significance as evidence in a dispute; figurative analogy usually stimulates the imagination.

An example is the most effective and intelligible method of speech. With its help, it is possible, as it were, to bring the subject closer to the listener. The essential quality of an example is specificity. Examples can be brief or more detailed, factual or speculative, humorous or serious.

Brief examples are indispensable when you have to explain numerous details under limited time.

Conjectural examples do not make statements of actual fact, but they can be useful when abstract or general ideas need to be brought into focus. All other things being equal, a factual example is more impressive than a hypothetical one. The listener usually becomes interested already at the words: “Now let me tell you about one case that actually took place...” In addition, only examples-facts can be used as evidence or justification.

2. Rhetoric and its tools. Rhetoric inbusiness speech

Rhetoric - originally the science of oratory, was later sometimes understood more broadly as the theory of prose or the theory of argumentation in general. Rhetoric is a scientific discipline that studies the patterns of generation, transmission and perception of good speech and quality text. Rhetoric in the broad sense of the word is a certain type of philological worldview, which forms part of the spiritual culture of human civilization. Rhetoric is the cultural basis of knowledge and social activity; it allows a person to be a citizen of a legal society and determine the form of thoughts and directions of action in the future. At the same time, it connects humanity with cultural history. The speaker creates his image through speech, therefore, if he is absolutely sincere, then, as a rule, he loses: his speech leads to disorganization of the audience. The image of the speaker, like any author's image, depends on:

1) audience;

2) the subject of speech;

3) type of speech.

Divisions of rhetoric.

Traditionally, there is a distinction between general and specific rhetoric. General rhetoric is the science of universal principles and rules for constructing good speech, independent of the specific sphere of speech communication. Private rhetoric examines the characteristics of certain types of speech communication in connection with the conditions of communication, the functions of speech and areas of human activity. In modern rhetoric, the term “general rhetoric” also has a second meaning - one of the areas of new rhetoric. The use of this term began with the publication of J. Dubois’s book “General Rhetoric.” Sometimes "general rhetoric" is used as a synonym for "non-rhetoric".

In ancient textbooks of rhetoric, three functional types of speech were distinguished: deliberative (inclining or rejecting), judicial (accusatory or defensive) and solemn, ceremonial or demonstrative (praising or blaming) speech. Deliberative speech was used in political eloquence. It had to be based on the value categories of useful and harmful. Judicial speech was based on the categories of just and unjust, and ceremonial speech was based on the categories of good and bad. In the Middle Ages, the predominant type of eloquence was church eloquence, based on the categories of what was pleasing and displeasing to God.

In modern times, the status of various spheres of social communication has become relatively equal. To the traditional types of eloquence - political, judicial, solemn and theological - new ones were added - academic, business and journalistic eloquence.

Nowadays it is possible to distinguish as many private rhetorics as there are spheres of communication, functional varieties of language, and in some cases smaller functional divisions (for example, the rhetoric of a television speech is a subsection of journalistic rhetoric).

The dominant types of speech communication have the greatest impact on public consciousness in every era. Therefore, the rhetorical disciplines that study them attract the greatest interest. Currently, this is the rhetoric of the media, political and business (commercial) rhetoric.

Other divisions of rhetoric include the division into theoretical, applied and thematic rhetoric. Theoretical rhetoric deals with the scientific study of the rules for constructing high-quality speech, and applied rhetoric uses the rules and patterns found, as well as the best examples of the most successful speeches, in the practice of teaching literature. Theoretical and applied rhetoric are identical to scientific and educational rhetoric. Thematic rhetoric considers the unification of different types of literature around one important topic, for example, presidential elections. It became widespread in the USA.

3. Rhetorical tools for business speech

For business communication to be successful, it is not enough to know the specifics of business speech, its vocabulary, grammar and style. You must learn to use your speech in such a way as to interest your interlocutor, influence him, win him over to your side, speak successfully with those who sympathize with you and with those who are against you, participate in a conversation in a narrow circle and speak to the general public.

There are probably no professions or specialties where the art of speaking is not useful. But in some areas of human activity, which, in particular, includes business, mastery of the art of speech is mandatory. After all, a business person engaged in the field of entrepreneurship constantly has to communicate with people, have conversations, participate in commercial negotiations, hold office meetings, and receive visitors and colleagues. But to speak well, it is not enough to know what to say, you also need to know how to say it, i.e. master the tools of oratory and rhetoric techniques.

If all this is specified, then it can be argued that in order to learn to speak well, you need to ask yourself the following questions:

How to say it correctly?

How can I say it's clear?

How to say it beautifully?

How to say it convincingly?

Rhetoric teaches you to speak beautifully. It lays out the laws of preparing and delivering public speeches in order to produce the desired effect on the audience. We especially emphasize that this is not just a science about ways of beautifully presenting information through the spoken word, but a set of specific laws and rules that ensure the effectiveness of speech, turning the word into a means of influencing other people. Knowledge of the laws and rules of eloquence is especially important for people of business. Neglect of them is one of the significant reasons for the failures of many entrepreneurs, their low rating among professionals - businessmen and among consumers. Therefore, in the most general terms, we will describe the essence of oratory.

Rhetoric involves taking into account factors that significantly influence the effectiveness of communication.

The first such factor is the composition of the audience, its cultural, educational, national, age and professional characteristics.

The second factor is the content and nature of the speech itself. An authoritarian tone and peremptory statements are unacceptable here. It is necessary to show trust in people and consult with them during the performance process.

The third factor is the speaker’s objective self-assessment of his personal and business qualities, competence in the issues with which he speaks to people. It is important not to overestimate or underestimate your preparedness.

Conventionally, the following communication styles are distinguished: “mentor” - instructive and edifying; “spiritualizing” - elevating people, instilling in them faith in their spiritual powers and personal qualities; “confrontational” - causing people to want to object and disagree; “informational” - focused on transmitting certain information to listeners, restoring certain facts in their memory.

Businessmen and managers should strive in every possible way to avoid a mentoring tone when communicating, and also beware that with professional success, instructive and edifying notes begin to appear in their voice. No posturing, no display of one’s intellectual superiority over people, no ignoring their reaction to the information presented.

The “informational” style of communication is not popular among businessmen and managers. They most often resort to a “spiritualizing” manner, and in some cases they use a “confrontational” style of communication. Usually they resort to it when they want to activate the attention of listeners and draw them into a discussion of a problem.

In rhetoric, the following psychological and didactic principles of speech influence are used: accessibility, associativity, expressiveness and intensity.

Using the principle of accessibility, it is necessary to take into account the cultural and educational level of students, their life and work experience. We should never forget that many people hear what they want to hear. Hence the need to take into account the emotional and psychological stratifications of each audience. To increase accessibility, a very effective technique is to communicate little-known information, as well as to combine diverse information and its reliability.

The principle of associativity is associated with evoking empathy and reflection in listeners by appealing to their emotional and rational memory. To evoke appropriate associations, techniques such as analogy, references to precedents, and imagery of statements are used.

The principle of expressiveness is expressed in the emotionally intense speech of the speaker, his facial expressions, gestures and posture, indicating complete dedication. Passion, genuine joy or sadness, compassion - all these are specific forms of expressiveness.

The intensity principle is characterized by the rate at which information is presented. Different information and different people need a differentiated pace of presentation and assimilation of speech. It is necessary to take into account the temperament of people, their preparedness to perceive a specific type of information. In this regard, the following are important: the speaker’s ability to navigate the mood of the audience; the ability of the audience to work in a certain information cliché; the ability of the speaker to offer the audience the necessary speed of assimilation of information.

There is a whole set of oratorical tools, the elements of which are communication effects. Let's look at them in more detail.

Visual image effect. As a rule, at first a person is perceived by his appearance, and this initial impression leaves an imprint on further relationships. Therefore, an entrepreneur must adopt the aesthetics of clothing, well-executed facial expressions, a heightened sense of tact in order to radiate charm, win over the interlocutor with elegant manners, etc.

You should not allow eccentricity in clothing. Nothing in it should restrict freedom of movement. Do not wear tight-fitting suits that restrict the movement of your shoulders and arms. Men should be clean shaven, free from unnecessary things that bulge in their pockets. Women are advised to at least leave flashy jewelry at home. Modesty in clothing is preferable to intrusive chic. Don't cause surprise or envy - this will prevent people from listening to what you say.

Gestures accompanying speech are one of the means of transmitting information that are designed to enhance it and help convince listeners. The rationale for using gestures lies in the fact that a significant part of human activity is carried out with the help of hands, and therefore their position and movement have become the most characteristic for expressing our experiences.

Sensitivity to gestures is deeply embedded in the mind of the listener. When combined with words, gestures also speak, enhancing their emotional resonance. But they must be adequate to the content of the speech, properly emphasizing some semantic elements. Meaningful and expressive work of the hands from the hands to the shoulders creates the impression of courageous strength and meets the natural human need for movement, which does not find sufficient satisfaction in intellectual activity.

Artificial, theatrical gestures that betray the insincerity of speech, leaving a residue of prejudice and mistrust, are very harmful to the speaker. The speaker should not specially invent gestures, but he must control them. In this case, you should be guided by the following rules.

1. Gestures should be natural. Use a gesture only when you feel the need for it.

2. Gesticulation should not be continuous. Avoid gesturing throughout your speech. Not every phrase needs to be emphasized with a gesture.

3. Control with gestures. The gesture should not lag behind the word it reinforces.

4. Add variety to your gestures. Do not indiscriminately use the same gesture in all cases where you need to give expressiveness to words.

5. Gestures must correspond to their purpose. Their number and intensity should correspond to the nature of the speech and the audience.

The effect of the first phrases reinforces or corrects the initial impression on people. The first phrases should contain interesting information, with elements of originality, that immediately attracts attention.

The effect of argumentation. The speech should be reasonable, convincing, logical, provoking thought and comprehension of information.

The effect of portioned release of information is one of the effective rhetorical techniques of maintaining the attention of the audience. This effect is based on a pre-thought-out distribution of new thoughts and arguments throughout the entire space of speech, and periodic interpretation of what was previously said. Thus, the speaker activates the attention of the listeners, throwing out portions of “fresh” information at certain time intervals.

The effect of artistic expressiveness is the correct construction of sentences, correct word stress, the use of metaphors, hyperboles, etc. As Voltaire argued, a beautiful thought loses its value if it is poorly expressed.

Relaxation effect. Someone who knows how to make a joke at the right time, or insert a witty remark, will be much luckier than someone who doesn’t know how to do this. Humor creates a natural break for people to relax, brings people closer together and puts them in a favorable mood. But, resorting to a joke, we should not forget what D.I. said at one time. Pisarev: “When laughter, playfulness and humor serve as a means, then everything is fine. When they become a goal, then mental debauchery begins.”

The main concept of rhetoric is the speaker. The people to whom his words are addressed constitute the audience. The speaker and the audience interact with each other in the process of public speaking.

All of the above allows us to conclude that oratory speech combines an impact not only on the minds of listeners, but also on their feelings, therefore emotionality is a completely natural and at the same time necessary quality of public speech, which helps to perceive and assimilate its content.

An emotional speech usually happens when the speaker experiences feelings that are in tune with his audience. There are special linguistic means related to the concept of “figurative speech”, with the help of which the speaker has an emotional impact on listeners. The most important lexical means of expressive speech (tropes) are: hyperbole (figurative exaggeration), personification (animation of the inanimate), epithet (figurative definition), comparison (comparison of two objects or phenomena with the aim of more vividly characterizing one of them through the properties of the other), metaphor ( the transfer of the properties of another object to one object, the bringing together of two phenomena by similarity or contrast), metonymy (replacement of one word with another based on the similarity of the concepts they express), synecdoche (the use of the name of a larger one in the meaning of a smaller one, a whole in the meaning of a part and vice versa).

Lexical means of expressiveness also include phraseological units - stable combinations of words with a full or partially reinterpreted meaning that reflect the national specifics of the language and its originality. Phraseology captures the rich historical experience of the people; it reflects ideas related to the work, life and culture of people. The correct and appropriate use of phraseological units gives speech a unique originality, special expressiveness, accuracy and imagery.

Another group of means of expressive speech is syntactic means. These include: a rhetorical question (an affirmation or denial, clothed in the form of a question, which itself contains an answer and is intended to activate attention and attract the interest of listeners), repetition - repeated repetition of the same word or phrase in order to highlight or emphasize the most significant places of the statement. A type of repetition is anaphora, i.e. repetition of initial words, and epiphora, i.e. repetition of final words, antithesis (a turn in which opposite concepts are sharply contrasted to enhance the expressiveness of speech), inversion (deliberate violation of the usual word order), gradation (arrangement of words in which each subsequent one exceeds the previous one in intensity), rhetorical exclamation (a particularly emotional statement or negation, the purpose of which is to attract the attention of the audience or to induce it to share the opinion of the speaker).

In conclusion of this topic, I want to give general advice on public speaking, which is a brief summary of everything previously stated.

1. Speak only when you have something to say and when you are confident in the importance or usefulness of your speech.

2. Do not start your speech as soon as you are given the floor. Wait a little. Let the audience look at you for 15-20 seconds. Then look at the audience, smile and say “hello.”

3. If you decide to read your speech, do it as if you were talking to your interlocutor. If you say “no paper,” still read out short statements and numbers from time to time, even if you remember them. This will remove doubts from listeners about the reliability of your information.

4. Speech must be limited to the subject of discussion and based on strictly verified and selected facts.

5. Don't fix your gaze on individual faces. Remember that staring for a long time leaves an unpleasant feeling. Therefore, glance at individual listeners. This attracts the attention of the listeners and wins their favor.

6. Speak expressively, because expressive speech can convey a huge number of shades of thought.

7. Use the entire vocabulary of your vocabulary. Try to exclude clericalisms and vulgarisms from your speech. Avoid bookish style as well.

8. Stimulate your audience's attention. Anticipation generates interest and emotion more than something unexpected. At the beginning of the speech, hint that the main thing is ahead and remind you of this several times. From the very first words, the listener must be hooked on interest, waiting for a “surprise.”

9. Learn to pause. This will help focus attention on important thoughts, emphasize the unexpectedness of the conclusions, and summarize what is presented.

10. Connect the word with the gesture. Often an expressive gesture is understandable without words. Gestures should be spare, precise and expressive. Facial expressions should be moderate and friendly.

11. Change the pace of your speech. This gives it expressiveness. Changing the tempo of speech also changes the speed of perception, preventing the listener from being distracted. Also change the tone of your voice - it should either rise or fall. A sudden rise or fall in tone of voice makes a word or phrase stand out from the general background.

12. Speak loudly, clearly, clearly, expressively, but do not raise your voice unless absolutely necessary.

13. Try to avoid a mentoring tone, instructive and edifying notes in your voice.

14. Have humorous stories, jokes, tales and anecdotes in stock that can help you out in difficult cases.

15. Always try to start your speech with something unusual, and make the end bright and rich, since what is best remembered is what is on the edge, i.e. the beginning and end of the performance. If, however, the main theses, according to the logic of presentation, fall in the middle, then they should be summarized at the end of the speech.

business conversation rhetoric speech

4. Tspeech technique

Speech technique is the skill of public speaking, business communication between people through language structures created on the basis of certain rules of oratory, associated with strength, height, euphony, mobility, tone of voice and diction.

Probably everyone in childhood dreamed, listening to the clear and well-produced voice of a central television or radio announcer, to master the technique of speech and speak just like them. Unfortunately, for various reasons, not everyone is able to clearly and articulately convey their thoughts to others. Many people don’t notice this, some don’t attach any importance to it, and only a few feel out of place.

Overcoming various deviations in the sound structure of speech is of great importance. Timely elimination of pronunciation deficiencies allows you to prevent the enormous difficulties that can arise due to speech defects.

One cannot fail to take into account the fact that pronunciation deficiencies, like other speech disorders, can often cause serious deviations in the development of the psyche, especially in children. Children who pronounce words incorrectly often avoid verbal communication with friends, do not participate in children's performances at matinees, and are not active. For adults, the mentioned shortcomings can serve as some kind of obstacle to moving up the career ladder.

Regular practice will help you cope with or significantly reduce the discomfort of stuttering. Everything is very simple. Every person has developed so-called inner speech, which is not pronounced out loud, but exists only in our brain and which we turn to ourselves. When we mentally talk to ourselves, we don't stutter. Inner speech, although silent, is not so different from external, sounding speech. Both are controlled by the same speech mechanisms.

It should be remembered that only with considerable persistence and regular training can you achieve the desired goal and achieve positive results in rhetoric, diction and eloquence.

No matter how interesting and educational the speech is, it will not be perceived by the audience if the speaker delivers it inarticulately, in a hoarse, weak, inexpressive voice. The voice when speaking is important to the same extent as the content of the speech, as well as the appearance and manners of the speaker. This is the tool with which the speaker conveys his message to the audience. The human voice is a powerful means of influencing the public. Thanks to a beautiful, sonorous voice, a speaker can attract the attention of listeners from the first minutes, win their sympathy and trust.

In addition, the voice can contribute to a person's professional career and can hinder it. Imagine a journalist with a squeaky, thin voice or a prominent politician with a harsh, nasal pronunciation. Such people could achieve more if they improved their voice.

A beautiful, well-trained voice is required by representatives of many professions - politicians, diplomats, journalists, teachers, doctors, managers, tour guides, social workers, that is, everyone who works with people and often speaks to a wide audience.

A good voice is necessary not only to achieve professional success in business, but also in everyday communication. People with a pleasant, soulful voice are usually listened to more willingly and for a longer time than those who have a harsh, shrill or rough hoarse voice.

Is it possible to learn to speak clearly, clearly, beautifully? Yes! This will be helped by speech technique - a special section of rhetoric and an important aspect of oratory. Speech technique is “a set of skills and abilities used for the optimal sound of speech; mastery of techniques to effectively use the speech apparatus.”

The components of speech technique are:

1) establishing correct speech breathing;

3) work on diction;

4) work on intonation;

5) development of speech hearing.

Speech technique is a very specific section of rhetoric. Here, more than anywhere else, exercises and persistent, long-term practical work on pronunciation skills are important.

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The relevance of this topic is that global economic relations oblige business people to know the rules of good manners in other countries. Here, violation of the rules of etiquette can even lead to the severance of business ties and result in the loss of sales markets. It is difficult to imagine a person who would not want to behave confidently, relaxed, freely in any society and company. Everyone dreams of being liked, of attracting others with their manners, appearance, and the ability to feel free in the most difficult situation.

Business is done not only on an economic basis, but also on an ethical one. Just as it is unacceptable to violate generally accepted rules of entrepreneurship in commerce, it is also unacceptable to violate the rules of business etiquette.

When mastering the civilized market, modern entrepreneurs should know that only 10-15% of those who want to establish themselves in the market world achieve their goals. And it is precisely following the rules of business etiquette and ethics of business communication that is the key to success in business. In other words, compliance with the rules of business etiquette and business ethics is one of the necessary elements of your professionalism.

The purpose of the work is to analyze the requirements for business etiquette.

Give the concept of business etiquette;

Study the basic requirements of business etiquette.

This work used the works of: Bazhanova E., Virgiles E.V. , Rubin Yu. B., Kuznetsova I. N. and , Shapovalova B.A. and Shapovalova T.M. .

This work consists of an introduction, two chapters, two appendices, a conclusion and a list of references.

Business etiquette is the most important aspect of the morality of professional behavior of a business person, entrepreneur. Knowledge of it is a necessary professional quality that must be acquired and constantly improved.

The most general definition of etiquette is: it is an established order of behavior somewhere. Etiquette, accepted as a culture of behavior, rules of good manners, socially approved manners, prescribes standards of behavior at work, at a party, at business meetings, etc.

Almost 70% of failed deals that were profitable for people did not take place due to the fact that businessmen do not know the rules of business communication and do not have a culture of behavior. This figure is confirmed by international experience. So, back in 1936, Dale Carnegie wrote: “The success of a person in his financial affairs depends 15 percent on his professional knowledge and 85 percent on his ability to communicate with people.” Quite a few careers collapse and money is lost due to improper behavior or bad manners. Knowing this, the Japanese spend hundreds of millions of dollars a year on teaching good manners and advice on etiquette and behavioral culture. They know well that the success of any company largely depends on the ability of its employees, on their ability to work together to achieve a common goal. Knowledge of etiquette and culture of behavior are the key conditions for successful work in any organization - this is the opinion of leading specialists of companies.

In Russia at the beginning of the 18th century. Western etiquette began to be increasingly introduced. Clothes, manners and external forms of behavior were transferred to Russian soil. The observance of these rules by the boyars and the noble class (especially in capital cities) was constantly and persistently, sometimes cruelly monitored by Tsar Peter I himself. Violations of these rules were severely punished. Subsequently, during the reign of Elizabeth and Catherine II, rules of etiquette were selected that met the requirements and characteristics of the national culture of Russia, which, as a Eurasian country, in many ways united the opposites of Europe and Asia. And there were many of these opposites not only in the 18th century, but also now. The English writer Rudyard Kipling said that the West is the West, the East is the East, and they will never meet. So, in Europe the mourning color is black, and in China it is white. Even within the borders of the Russian Empire, the rules of behavior of different peoples differed significantly.

In modern society, the number of people visiting different countries is large and growing all the time, and there is a convergence of customs, morals and etiquette. If earlier for the nobility the guidelines for good behavior were Spanish and then French etiquette, today the norms of behavior of European peoples have become so close that we can talk about the existence of a pan-European code of good manners. This code is practically no different from the American or Russian codes of good manners. The basic rules and norms of good behavior apply here: politeness, simplicity, dignity, good upbringing.

So, business etiquette is a very large and important part of universal human culture, morality, developed over many centuries of life by all peoples in accordance with their ideas about goodness, justice, humanity - in the field of moral culture and about beauty, order, improvement, everyday expediency - in the field of material culture.

Requirements for business communication etiquette

The role of clothing in business communication is very significant. Clothing carries multidimensional information about its owner:

About its economic capabilities;

About aesthetic taste;

About belonging to a certain social group, profession;

About attitude towards people around you;

Psychologically significant:

Ability to choose clothes;

Ability to wear it;

Ability to use a variety of accessories.

For men, the shirt should be lighter than the suit, and the tie darker than the shirt. The tie, when tied, reaches the belt buckle, and is not too bright or flashy. The width of the tie should be in harmony with the width of the lapel of the jacket. The collar of the shirt is without wrinkles or folds, the cuffs are below the wrist, protruding a centimeter from under the sleeve of the jacket. (see Appendix No. 1)

White and plain shirts are evidence of taste and authority; Pastel colors are also good, but the paler the better.

The most common suit is dark blue or dark gray with pinstripes. A black suit is not recommended for every day.

For women, the most authoritative business dress or suit is gray with small stripes (long sleeves). The best colors are dark blue, rusty brown, dark brown, gray in different shades. Shirts are the same as men's in light colors. (see Appendix No. 2)

Plain fabric is preferred, as well as different options for stripes and checks. Drawings of flowers, sailboats, and abstract drawings are undesirable.

Do not wear sandals in a business setting.

Dark-colored pumps with heels no larger than 4 centimeters are preferred. Natural colored stockings are required.

In general, a man should look respectable and self-confident, business-like and attractive, inspiring confidence, not without pretensions to grace and elegance.

And a businesswoman should not allow the fashion industry to completely determine her clothing choices or allow her social background to influence the way she dresses.

As for accessories, the word itself implies something secondary. But often it is minor items that create the entire appearance of a business person.

When using accessories, a sense of proportion is necessary. In a business setting, a woman wears no more than two items, and for men, the less jewelry the better. The belt can be anything, but without fancy buckles.

If, when communicating with business partners, all the above recommendations are taken into account, the rules and norms of good behavior and ethics are observed, your business communication will only bring positive results.

The ability to conduct a conversation is one of the components of success in business communication. This is an extremely useful and convenient mechanism for regulating business communication. The reputation of an organization largely depends on how cultured and correct its employees are in their speech behavior.

In a business conversation, you must be able to answer any question, but within the limits. So the question is: “How are you?” In business communication, it is often asked in order to greet a person, and only a bore will begin to seriously answer how things really are with him. But not answering such questions is also considered impolite. Business etiquette dictates answering something like this: “Thank you, everything is fine.”

The most important rules of speech etiquette include the appropriate use of “You - You” forms. Their choice is determined by the relationship between the social statuses of the interlocutors, the degree of their acquaintances, the nature of the relationship, the formality - informality of the situation and other factors. Business etiquette recommends using the “You” address in an official setting, even with a well-known person.

Speech etiquette involves knowing and using phrases that are pleasant to the interlocutor. These are speech signs of stroking and location.

Stroking ones include, for example, the following:

- "Greetings";

- "Good luck to you";

- "Best wishes";

- “I wish you good luck”, etc.

Location signs are also widely used:

- "Firework";

- "No problem";

- “Okay.”

Psychological techniques that allow you to evoke a positive assessment of the activities and business qualities of your interlocutor. One of these techniques is a compliment. A timely and sincerely given compliment improves well-being, inspires, and gives confidence. A compliment can express approval, emphasize taste in clothing and appearance, and evaluate the intelligence of a business partner.

All conversations consist of three parts:

1. Introduction is an important part, as it helps to win over the interlocutor. In terms of time, it usually takes up 10-15% of the entire conversation;

2. The main part is the conversation itself, occupies 60-65%. In this part, you exchange information with your interlocutor, come to general agreements, decisions, and resolve controversial issues;

3. Conclusion – 20-30% of the entire conversation. You formulate conclusions, conclude contracts, arrange the next meeting and say goodbye.

Business etiquette prescribes strict adherence during negotiations to the rules of conduct of the country - a business partner. The rules of communication between people are related to the way of life, national customs and traditions. All this is the result of centuries of life experience, the life of previous generations of a particular people. Whatever the traditions, rules of behavior, you have to follow them, if, of course, you want to succeed. Often you have to follow all the rules even if you don’t like them.

You should try to conduct business conversations within an hour or an hour and a half. If the deadlines are delayed, then the conversation is poorly prepared.

There are many examples of the peculiarities of the rules of behavior of businessmen in different countries. If, for example, Americans, emphasizing their affection, pat you on the shoulder in a friendly manner and willingly accept the same gesture from you, then by patting a Japanese on the shoulder or trying to give a friendly hug to a Chinese or Vietnamese, you can ruin your deal.

In general, when talking, you need to avoid speech cliches, resort to artistry, clearly formulate the goal, be prepared for all questions, be able to highlight important points, be able to listen to your interlocutor

Telephone communications have become firmly established in our lives and, above all, in the business sphere. Talking on the phone is an art that a business person must possess. It is very important to communicate correctly on the phone using this effective means of connecting people.

In the absence of visual contact, it is impossible to evaluate clothing, appearance and facial expression, so you can use the following tricks:

Unlike written speech, oral speech has a number of features. It is characterized by unfinished phrases, the presence of replicas, many intonations, and the use of pauses. The interlocutor must confirm at certain intervals that the information has been accepted: “Exactly true!”; "Is not it?"; "All clear." etc. A conversation on the phone should not turn into a monologue. To find out if you were understood correctly, pause in the conversation.

Speech plays a big role here. Of all the possible ways of transmitting information (using gestures, facial expressions, pantomime, eye contact), speech is the most universal means, since it allows you to convey the meaning of communication.

It is necessary to monitor intonation, pronunciation, volume, and choose your words more precisely. Verbosity harms your image. You need to be concise, polite and friendly. Speak clearly, in a calm voice, do not shout. If you have a high voice, you need to use the lowest part of your register. The phone distorts the voice, and this must be taken into account. You must speak kindly and avoid a dry and authoritative tone. You need to avoid monotony, change the intonation and pace of conversation. Remember, the manner of speaking on the phone, as in a personal meeting, is part of the image.

Advances in modern science and technology allow us to be almost always within reach of a telephone call. Cellular or other radiotelephones have become firmly established in the everyday life of businessmen, financiers, journalists and people of many other professions. But at the same time, he should under no circumstances interfere with others. Almost every phone like this has the ability to adjust the volume and tone of the call so that it is almost inaudible to anyone except you.

When going to the theatre, concert or museum, you should turn off the ringer or turn off your phone altogether. Ringing the phone in the theater is inappropriate and will not at all add to your authority in the eyes of others.

But it also happens that you are waiting for a call and the cell phone signal catches you during a conversation, lunch with a business partner or negotiations. In this case, you must definitely apologize and keep the conversation to a minimum. The same applies if you need to make an urgent call. If possible, it is better to step aside.

The rules of telephone conversation etiquette developed almost immediately after the introduction of telephone communication in the 1980s. XIX century, their main requirement is brevity, because by entering into a conversation with an interlocutor, we deprive him of the opportunity to contact other subscribers.

Business correspondence

Another important part of business etiquette is official correspondence. The approach to deciding what a business letter should be requires a certain amount of creativity, but nevertheless, there are general rules for business correspondence.

Correspondence is communication in miniature; mastering it is both work, sometimes difficult, and an art.

One of the main requirements for a letter is that it should not be long. The letter should be placed on one and a half pages of typewritten text, or even better - on one page. Good writing, like speaking, should be crisp and clear. This is the second requirement for writing. It is necessary to avoid polysyllabic, incomprehensible (foreign, highly specialized) words and expressions in a business letter. This is the third rule of writing a business letter. The same rule also involves composing letters in short sentences, in which the main thoughts of the author are clearly and clearly formulated. Laconic letters written in monosyllabic words characterize the writers as good conversationalists who master the art of communication. Letters should not contain unnecessary adjectives and adverbs, which often makes the style too “florid”.

Intelligent business correspondence helps to increase the turnover of a company or enterprise, improve the relationship between various services, improve skills, and establish strong connections with consumers.


Etiquette is a historical phenomenon. The rules of people's behavior changed with changes in the living conditions of society and the specific social environment. Etiquette arose during the birth of absolute monarchies. Adhering to certain rules of behavior and ceremonial was necessary for the exaltation of royalty: emperors, kings, tsars, dukes, princes, dukes, etc., to consolidate the hierarchy within the class society itself. Not only a person’s career, but also a person’s life often depended on knowledge of etiquette and compliance with its rules.

Modern etiquette inherits the customs of almost all nations from hoary antiquity to the present day. Fundamentally, these rules of conduct are universal, since they are observed not only by representatives of a given society, but also by representatives of the most diverse socio-political systems existing in the modern world.

1. The first rule of business communication ethics is not to say too much.

Any employee is obliged to keep the secrets of his organization; this rule applies to all matters of a company or institution: from personnel to technology.

2. The second rule of ethics in business is to think not only about yourself, but also about others.

Always strive to listen patiently to your interlocutor; you need to respect other people’s opinions and understand them.

3. The third rule of business ethics is to dress as is customary.

The main thing is to dress appropriately for your surroundings while on duty.

4. The fourth rule is the ethics of business communication - speak and write in the correct language.

A person’s ability to speak competently influences his overall image. The chances of concluding a particular contract often depend on the ability to communicate. In order to succeed, a business person must also master the art of rhetoric, that is, the skill of eloquence. It is very important to monitor diction - pronunciation and intonation. You should never use slang words or offensive expressions in business communication.

Based on all of the above, we can conclude that mastering business communication skills is necessary for future business people: managers, economists and others. It's not as simple as it seems, but it's not difficult either. These skills can play an important role in the future when concluding a deal or signing a contract.

Business etiquette is the most important aspect of the morality of professional behavior of a business person, entrepreneur. Knowledge of it is a necessary professional quality that must be acquired and constantly improved.

1. Bazhanova E. Business etiquette. Why do you need to behave this way and not otherwise? M.: AST, 2009. 226 pp.

2. Virgiles E.V. Conducting business negotiations. M.: Moscow International Institute of Econometrics, Informatics, Finance and Law, 2003. 26 P.

3. Kuznetsova I.N. Business Etiquette. M.: Unity, 2005. 431 pp.

4. Kuznetsova I. N. Business etiquette from “A” to “Z”. M., 2006. 344 S.

5. Rubin Yu. B. Basics of business. M.: Market DS, 2009. 320 pp.

6. Rules of business etiquette. Etiquette of business relations. Ethics of business communication. [Electronic resource]: Southern Bush.URL: (access date: 10/08/2010).

7. Psychology and ethics of business communication. [Electronic resource]: Sinton. URL: (access date: 10/08/2010).

8. Directory of the secretary and office manager. No. 4 M: 2009. 114 S.

9. Shapovalov B.A. and Shapovalova T.M. Business etiquette. M., 2007. 328 S.

Appendix No. 1

Appearance of a business man

Appendix No. 2

Appearance of a business woman

Business conversation as a special type of oral speech Business conversation is, understood in the broadest sense, oral speech contact between people connected by the interests of the business, who have the necessary authority to establish business relationships and solve business problems.

Conducting business conversations every day with each other, as well as with their clients, such people sometimes display blatant verbal illiteracy, which significantly reduces their business activity and does not allow them to fully realize their potential. At the same time, business conversation as a scientific concept is absent in modern linguistics. Hence the complete lack of development of oral business speech in the field of entrepreneurial activity.

Meanwhile, such speech has its own lexico-grammatical and stylistic specificity, which is manifested in the fact that its purely business-like and concrete nature prevents the penetration of grammatical-stylistic means of fiction, but the influence of colloquial, everyday and official business styles is most clearly manifested here. It is these features that largely determine the organization of speech material in a business conversation and its linguistic specificity.

Business conversation is primarily oral business speech, which has significant differences with its written form. First of all, a business conversation is a direct communication that involves a specific interlocutor (or interlocutors), which makes it possible to directly influence him (or them). The presence of an interlocutor allows you to use facial expressions, gestures, intonation and other communication techniques, which significantly distinguishes oral business speech from its written form.

Direct communication eliminates the possibility of preliminary thinking, and therefore business conversation is full of relaxed forms of communication, as well as some grammatical and stylistic features. Thus, this type of business speech is characterized by a certain departure from the usual morphological norms of the general literary language, which in business communication are often considered as an excess that does not allow the meaning of the statement to be accurately and concisely conveyed. It has already become the norm to use the singular in the plural meaning of those nouns that have a collective meaning in business speech, for example: “These units consist of a direct current generator connected by an elastic coupling to an internal combustion engine.” Or: “This stand presents three lathes with a fundamentally new type of cutter.”

In business oral speech, it has become common to use in the plural those nouns that in the general literary language have only a singular form (tobacco, oils, steel, bitumen, paper, repairs, etc.), as well as “truncation” of the ending in the genitive case of a number of names masculine nouns. For example: “The mains voltage is 120 volts” (instead of volts). “The current in the circuit does not exceed 12 amperes” (instead of amperes). “The thickness of the device plates does not exceed 7 microns” (instead of microns).

Some words and phrases in the oral speech of business people have wider boundaries of compatibility than in ordinary literary language. For example, the verbs “provide”, “perform”, “implement” have almost unlimited combinability here.

These features of colloquial business speech are undesirable for a literary language, since, strictly speaking, they are linguistic inaccuracies. Here it is wrong to consider them as speech deficiencies, since they are normalized by their widespread use in the business environment.

The purely business-like and specific nature of the description of goods and the processes of their production and sale prevents, as already noted, the penetration of grammatical and stylistic means of fiction into business speech, which, for example, is so characteristic of ordinary speech. And yet, the spoken speech of business people consists of common grammatical and stylistic phenomena inherent in written business speech. The specificity of the language of oral business speech is manifested only in the fact that certain lexical formations and syntactic constructions are found in it somewhat more often than in its written form.

The high scientific and technical level of production of industrial goods predetermines a large share of special vocabulary, professional phrases and speech formulas associated with the names of various goods and their components in colloquial business speech. Among them, in the first place are production terms, i.e. words and phrases, which, on the one hand, serve as the basis of the professional language of manufacturers of industrial products, and on the other, are the officially established names of special technical and technological concepts.

Along with production terms, in the colloquial speech of business people there are a large number of names of specific systems and types of technical devices, as well as types of raw materials. Such lexical elements are quite specific in nature. They represent, as it were, the proper name of an apparatus, device, mechanism or machine in the form of a manufacturer’s mark, which is attached to them arbitrarily and is conditional.

The names of brands and models usually consist of either one word or a combination of a word with a digital designation. In the practice of many industries, there is a rule according to which a machine of a new design, having the same purpose and a similar operating principle, is given the same name, but only with a different numerical indicator. In domestic automobile production, for example, the bulk of the names of passenger car brands are names of precisely this type: “Moskvich-2142”, “Moskvich-21412”, “Zhiguli-2104”, “Zhiguli-2105”, “Volga-2410”, “ Volga-2411”, etc.

There are also many names of specific types of equipment produced and sold, which represent the initial letters of the main words (with the corresponding numerical designation) that make up the full name of a particular device, mechanism, machine or manufacturer. As an example, let us refer to the same automotive equipment, where the factory brands of trucks are given only through letter abbreviations such as: GAZ-24-10, GAZ-24-11; UAZ-3151, UAZ-31512, etc.

As already noted, colloquial business speech is somewhat simplified. However, this does not mean at all that words denoting abstract concepts are inappropriate here. However, in quantitative terms, compared to written business speech, there are significantly fewer of them here.

The syntax of a business conversation fully meets the conditions of ease and spontaneity of verbal communication. The abundance of ready-made frozen structures and, above all, speech cliches helps to express a thought more specifically, concisely and clearly, completely eliminating its different interpretations. Hence the focus on standardizing business language when displaying typical situations of business communication and narrowing the range of speech means used.

This setup makes it much easier to conduct a business conversation. Indeed, if you have a set of ready-made and already tested by many years of practice of business communication standard cliche phrases, by analogy with which you could formulate the desired thought, then expressing it will not be particularly difficult. These constructions require minimal stress during perception and significantly make the situation easier for the speaker, allowing you to avoid spending additional effort searching for the necessary formulations.

The syntax of a business conversation is also characterized by the incompleteness of the grammatical composition of sentences and the weakening of the forms of syntactic connections in them. Connective syntactic constructions, related sentences and addresses are also common in it. This should also include the replacement of adverbial and participial phrases with subordinate clauses.

The use of complex sentences is a distinctive feature of written business speech. In the colloquial speech of business people, simple sentences are mainly used, and very often incomplete (the absence of certain words is compensated by gestures, facial expressions, and body movements). This is explained by the fact that the content of statements usually does not require complex syntactic structures that would reflect the logical and grammatical connections between the parts of the statement.

The absence of conjunctions in such speech is compensated by intonation, which acquires decisive importance in it for expressing various shades of semantic and syntactic relations.

In business conversational practice, a large number of excerpts from technical documentation, technical specifications, standards and other documents are used. It is quite natural that such a language gravitates towards the capacious syntactic constructions characteristic of such publications (participial phrases, verbal nouns, etc.). These forms are not perceived here as a stylistic flaw, since they give oral business speech the rigor necessary for the accurate transmission of business information.

Business people, especially those involved in commercial activities, very often have to provide practical information on the operation and maintenance of specific devices, apparatus and machines. The consequence of this is a certain instructiveness of business information, characterized from a syntactic point of view by an abundance of indefinitely personal, impersonal, infinitive and passive reflexive constructions.

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1. Business conversation as a special type of oral speech

Business conversation is, understood in the broadest sense, oral speech contact between people connected by business interests who have the necessary authority to establish business relationships and solve business problems.

Business conversation is primarily oral business speech, which has significant differences with its written form. First of all, a business conversation is a direct communication that involves a specific interlocutor (or interlocutors), which makes it possible to directly influence him (or them). The presence of an interlocutor allows you to use facial expressions, gestures, intonation and other communication techniques, which significantly distinguishes oral business speech from its written form. business conversation etiquette argumentation

As already noted, colloquial business speech is somewhat simplified. However, this does not mean at all that words denoting abstract concepts are inappropriate here. However, in quantitative terms, compared to written business speech, there are significantly fewer of them here.

The syntax of a business conversation fully meets the conditions of ease and spontaneity of verbal communication. The abundance of ready-made frozen structures and, above all, speech cliches helps to express a thought more specifically, concisely and clearly, completely eliminating its different interpretations. Hence the focus on standardizing business language when displaying typical situations of business communication and narrowing the range of speech means used.

This setup makes it much easier to conduct a business conversation. Indeed, if you have a set of ready-made and already tested by many years of practice of business communication standard cliche phrases, by analogy with which you could formulate the desired thought, then expressing it will not be particularly difficult. These constructions require minimal stress during perception and significantly facilitate the speaker’s position, allowing you to avoid spending additional effort searching for the necessary formulations.”

The syntax of a business conversation is also characterized by the incompleteness of the grammatical composition of sentences and the weakening of the forms of syntactic connections in them. Connective syntactic constructions, related sentences and addresses are also common in it. This should also include the replacement of adverbial and participial phrases with subordinate clauses.

The use of complex sentences is a distinctive feature of written business speech. In the colloquial speech of business people, simple sentences are mainly used, and very often incomplete (the absence of certain words is compensated by gestures, facial expressions, and body movements). This is explained by the fact that the content of statements usually does not require complex syntactic structures that would reflect the logical and grammatical connections between the parts of the statement. The absence of conjunctions in such speech is compensated by intonation, which acquires decisive importance in it for expressing various shades of semantic and syntactic relations.

In business conversational practice, a large number of excerpts from technical documentation, technical specifications, standards and other documents are used. It is quite natural that such a language gravitates towards the capacious syntactic constructions characteristic of such publications (participial phrases, verbal nouns, etc.). These forms are not perceived here as a stylistic flaw, since they give oral business speech the rigor necessary for the accurate transmission of business information.

Business people, especially those involved in commercial activities, very often have to provide practical information on the operation and maintenance of specific devices, apparatus and machines. The consequence of this is a certain instructiveness of business information, characterized from a syntactic point of view by an abundance of indefinitely personal, impersonal, infinitive and passive reflexive constructions.

2. Basic requirements for a business conversation

A business conversation is subject to the requirements of correctness, accuracy, brevity and accessibility of speech. Let's consider each of them separately.

The first and indispensable requirement for a business conversation is the CORRECT SPEECH of the speakers. Although the standards of oral business speech are not as strict as those of its written form, speakers are obliged to strive for the correctness of their language. The need to comply with this requirement is dictated by the fact that the majority of participants in a business conversation, who themselves make speech errors, will not miss the opportunity to note (if not out loud, then to themselves) the most obvious errors in the speech of the partner talking to them. In addition, until you firmly know that your speech from the point of view of its lexical and stylistic norms is correct, you will not get rid of the feeling of uncertainty. Only complete confidence in this regard makes it possible to focus not on words, but on deeds.

For speech to be correct, words must be used in strict accordance with their meaning. Meanwhile, errors in word usage are the most common speech flaw among participants in business conversations. For example: “The weather” (instead of “FAVORABLE”) ACCEPTED the unloading of the platforms. In this case, the word is used without taking into account its semantics. Such errors arise as a result of the speakers’ stylistic negligence, inattention to the word, or poor knowledge of the language.

Speakers do not always skillfully use antonyms in their speech. Consider the following phrase, which is heard quite often in business conversations: “DUE TO WEAK CONTROL...”. Here, the first of the words of the antonymic pair, acting as a preposition, should not have retained the original lexical meaning, but due to the close proximity of its antonym, this meaning “appeared”, and the combination of incompatible concepts became the reason for the illogicality of the statement.

A careless attitude to language can cause speech failure - missing words necessary to accurately express a thought: “THE DEPARTMENT STARTS at exactly 12 o’clock” (“meeting” is missed). Speech impairment usually occurs when the speaker is in a hurry and does not monitor the correctness of the statement, which causes serious damage to the semantic side of speech.

Very often in a business conversation there is a confusion of paronyms (i.e. words that are similar in morphological composition and, therefore, in sound, but differ in meaning), which leads to gross lexical errors. Most often this causes a violation of lexical compatibility, for example: BOW your head (must: bow); beautiful and PRACTICAL clothes (necessary: ​​practical).

For the correct use of words in speech, it is not enough to know their exact meaning; it is also necessary to take into account the lexical compatibility of words, i.e. their ability to connect with each other. Involuntary violation of lexical compatibility is a very common defect in oral speech. Thus, they often say: the meeting is convened, the conversation is read, the obligations are completed, the attention is increased, the horizons are broadened. You can often hear the phrase “MEET THE NEEDS OF THE MODERN NEEDS,” which is a mixture of MEETING REQUIREMENTS and MEETING NEEDS.

PRECISION AND CLARITY OF SPEECH is the most important requirement for any business conversation. The accuracy of business speech refers to the correspondence of statements to the thoughts of the speaker. In order for a business person’s speech to be accurate, it is necessary to use words in accordance with the meanings assigned to them. Accuracy and clarity of statements are interrelated. Precision gives them clarity, and clarity of statements follows from their accuracy.

Very often in oral business speech its accuracy is violated as a result of synonymy of terms. THERE SHOULD NOT BE SYNONYMOUS TERMS IN ONE STATEMENT!

It’s bad when the speaker says either “vacuum”, then “vacuum”, then “water turbine”, then “hydraulic turbine”, or when in one case he uses the word “tomatoes”, and in another - “tomatoes”.

In colloquial business speech, to denote new concepts, new words are often created from foreign ones according to the word-formation models of the Russian language. The result is such awkward terms as “gateway” (from “gateway”), “stacking” (from “stack”), “cable” or “cable” (from “cable”).

The advantage of professionalisms over their commonly used equivalents is that they serve to distinguish between closely related concepts, which for a non-specialist have one common name. Thanks to this, special vocabulary for people of the same profession is a means of precise and concise expression of thoughts. However, the information value of professionalisms is lost if a non-specialist encounters them. Therefore, the use of professionalism in the speech of businessmen is undesirable, and it should be classified as a shortcoming of word usage.

There should be pauses between sentences and groups of words expressing a complete thought. There is no need to fill them with anything. In addition, by continuously uttering any sounds, you deprive yourself of those unoccupied moments during which you can calmly think about what to say to your interlocutor.

The accuracy and clarity of oral business speech is determined not only by the targeted choice of words and expressions. No less important is the choice of grammatical constructions, which presupposes strict adherence to the rules of connection of words in a phrase. The ability to combine words and phrases in different ways creates ambiguity. Thus, the construction is ambiguous: “There are no similar markings on other products” (there are no other products or similar markings - unclear).

BRIEFS is the most important requirement for any form of business speech, since such speech is characterized, as we have already noted, by a purely applied nature in the presentation of the information being reported. This means that the speaker does not abuse the listener's time and patience, avoiding unnecessary repetition, unnecessary detail and verbal garbage. Every word and expression serves a purpose here, which can be formulated as follows: to present the essence of the matter to the listeners as accurately and concisely as possible. Therefore, words and phrases that do not carry any semantic load should be completely excluded from business speech.

Speech redundancy can take the form of PLEONASM, which is understood as the simultaneous use of words that are close in meaning and therefore superfluous (anticipate in advance, dark darkness, the main essence, everyday routine, valuable treasure, etc.). Often pleonasms are born by combining synonyms (long and lasting; bold and courageous; only; however, nevertheless).

A type of pleonasm is TAUTOLOGY, that is, repetition of the same thing in other words. Everyday conversations of business people are literally filled with repetitions of the same or similar words, for example: “in the MONTH of August”, “SCHEMATIC plan”, “five PEOPLE miners”, “seven PIECES of transformers”, etc.

Speech redundancy in business speech also includes the unnecessary use of foreign words that duplicate Russian words and thereby unjustifiably complicate the statement. Why, for example, say “nothing extraordinary” when you can say “nothing special”; instead of “ordinary” - “ordinary”, instead of “indifferent” - “indifferent”, instead of “ignore” - “notice”, instead of “limit” - “limit”, instead of “approximately” - “approximately”, instead of “function” - “act”, instead of “diversification” - “diversity”, instead of “determine” - “define”, instead of “test” - “check”, etc.

Stylistic forms of verbosity include, first of all, the abuse of bureaucratic language that clogs the language of business people, giving it an official connotation. An example is the following phrases: “These goods are ACCEPTABLE FOR SALE only after special treatment,” “The adapter rings in this unit serve as insulation ", "The supply of voltage is carried out here THROUGH a two-pole contactor", "The unloading of goods is carried out BY USING a belt conveyor."

Especially often, bureaucracy penetrates the speech of business people as a result of the inappropriate use of so-called denominative Prepositions (in business, along the line, at the expense of, in part), which deprive the speech of emotionality and brevity. For example: “IN PART OF satisfying the needs of the population”, “IN THE CASE OF increasing the efficiency of the first engine”, “DUE to tax reduction”, “Speech along the line of criticism”.

DEFINITIONS are needed for words whose meaning the interlocutors do not know, and for terms used by the speaker in a special sense. Usually the most expressive way to define a concept is to say, “Let me give you an example of what I mean,” and then give a specific case that typifies the concept.

COMPARISONS are very important in speech. The mental process of comparison is an essential factor in cognition. Until we know what a thing is like and how it differs from other things, we cannot understand it. Comparisons serve one purpose - to make clearer and more convincing those expressed thoughts to which they are directly related.

Comparisons can be very different. A figure of speech that contains a hidden simile, a figurative convergence of words based on their figurative meaning, is called a METAPHOR. When making comparisons, the expression “similar to how” is often used. A more extensive form of comparison - ANALOGY - is an inference: two objects are similar in one respect, then they are similar in others.

Analogies can be figurative and literal. With a figurative analogy, two phenomena from different areas of different order are compared. They have only a symbolic connection. In analogy, two phenomena from the same area, of the same order are literally compared. An analogy in the literal sense has greater significance as evidence in a dispute; figurative analogy usually stimulates the imagination.

EXAMPLE is the most effective and intelligible method of speech. With its help, it is possible to bring the subject closer to the listener. The essential quality of an example is specificity. Examples can be brief or more detailed, factual or speculative, humorous or serious.

3. Rules of speech etiquette

Compliance with the norms of speech etiquette is a necessary condition for conducting any business conversation. The basis of speech etiquette is politeness, which necessarily involves, first of all, GREETINGS. Since ancient times, people have shown respect to each other through greetings.

Although generally accepted etiquette stipulates that a man greets a woman first, a younger person greets an older person, and a lower-ranking partner greets a superior, a civilized businessman should not wait for a partner who is younger in age or position to greet him. You need to greet your interlocutor first.

A man should consider it a sign of special respect for him if a woman greets him first. When greeting a woman on the street, a man takes off his hat and glove. When he greets someone from a distance, he makes a slight bow and touches his hat with his hand or lifts it slightly. This rule does not apply to other headwear - a winter hat, ski cap, cap or beret. In all cases, this is not necessary for women. If a woman does take off her glove, it is a sign of special respect. This should be the norm for older women and men. In any case, at the moment of greeting there should not be a cigarette in your mouth, nor should you keep your hand in your pocket. Women bow their heads slightly and answer the greeting with a smile; they may not remove their hands from the pockets of their coats or jackets.

It is always recommended for men to shake hands when meeting, and for women - by mutual consent

A woman’s hand is never kissed on the street as a sign of greeting; this is done only indoors. It is customary for us to kiss the hand of only a married woman. You shouldn't kiss a woman's hand. raise it too high, try to bend over yourself.

Men, when greeting each other, may not take off their gloves. But if one is removed, the other must also be removed. On the street, the first man passing by bows to the one standing.

The handshake initiator should almost always be a woman. But in some cases, a woman, as well as a man, is not the first to extend his hand to a person much older than himself in age and higher in official position. There is a general situation: the elder initiates the handshake, the woman shakes hands with the man, the married woman shakes hands with the unmarried woman; a young man should not rush to shake hands with an older man or a married woman first.

When shaking hands, men usually say a short greeting: “My respects...”, “Glad to meet you (see you),” “Good afternoon...” When greeting a man, according to the rules of politeness, one should ask: “How is your wife’s health,” “ How are your children doing,” “How is your Mom?” and so on.

If, upon entering a room where there are several people, you want to shake hands with one of them, according to etiquette, you should definitely extend your hand to everyone else.

There are very specific rules of speech etiquette that relate to ADDRESSING your interlocutor. The address “YOU” indicates the culture of the one who addresses, emphasizes respect for a partner or colleague. A well-mannered and correct business person always uses this polite form of address, regardless of who he is talking to: be it his immediate superior or a subordinate, a person much older than him or younger. Addressing “TY” in a business setting is undesirable. It is permissible only when it can be mutual or due to informal relationships.

It is preferable to address business partners who know each other well, as well as your colleagues, by their first and patronymic names or last names with the addition of the words “Mr.” (formerly “comrade”).

You should not abuse the address only by name, and even in the American style in an abbreviated version. In our country, from time immemorial, it has been customary to respectfully call people by their first and patronymic names, this is our tradition. You can address your closest colleagues by name if they are young and do not object to such treatment.

You can address a stranger with the words: “citizen”, “mister”, “sir” or “madam”, “girl”, “young man”. In today's Russia there is no established form of such treatment. And we must admit that some of the words mentioned are not entirely successful in specific cases. That’s why we often address a stranger impersonally: “Excuse me...”, “Excuse me...” or “Be so kind...”

When conducting a business conversation, it is very important to take into account the distance between the interlocutors and the amount of communication space. There is the following unwritten law here: a distance of up to one meter is considered intimate (communication at such a distance usually occurs between friends or loved ones). A distance of one to two and a half meters is considered official. In cases where people violate these “instinctive” boundaries, you feel uneasy, and you are left with an unpleasant feeling from contact with them (remember how tense strangers usually remain silent in the elevator).

A distance of three meters or more is a distance of indifference. This distance is quite skillfully used by bosses who are going to reprimand their subordinates. At a distance of eight meters you can only give orders. Therefore, if you want to establish contact with your interlocutor and conduct a constructive dialogue, keep a distance of approximately 1.5 m and try not to have a huge desk between you and your interlocutor.

An important element of politeness in business life is INTRODUCTION, with the help of which you can establish necessary and useful connections. Etiquette provides certain rules indicating when and how to present and be presented, and these should not be neglected.

First of all, it is customary to introduce a younger person to an older person, a single person to a married person, a lower person to a higher person, a man to a woman, a younger woman to an older person, etc.

When a man is introduced to a woman, he stands up and bows slightly; a seated woman does not stand up in such cases. When introducing the closest relative, they say “My father”, “My brother Peter”, omitting the surname. Those who have just arrived at a meeting or reception are not introduced to persons who are already leaving it.

If there is a need to be introduced, and there is no one around who could help you with this, then you should simply offer your hand and clearly identify yourself.

In business conversations between a manager and subordinates, OFFICIAL SUBORDINATION must be observed, but at the same time, all participants in such conversations must be polite. So, in the case when you need to instruct a subordinate to do something, the essence of the order is best stated in the form not of an order, but of a request. An order expressed in the form of a request brings people together, promoting a more respectful attitude towards each other. For example, instead of saying: “Ivan Ivanovich! I demand...” (or somewhat softer: “Ivan Ivanovich! I ask...”), it is better to say: “Ivan Ivanovich! Could YOU..."

For the subordinate, of course, it is clear that this is not a request, but an order, but modern official speech etiquette requires, whenever possible, to adhere to the democratic form of official conversation. This form indicates that the manager takes into account the interests of the subordinate, but since more urgent work needs to be done, he asks to interrupt the current work and do something else.

It is advisable that every time, when giving verbal orders to subordinates, the leader excludes the personal pronouns “I”, “me”. However, the above does not apply to such expressions of the leader that begin with the words “I think”, “I think”. There is no substitution of social needs for personal ones. The desire to be correctly understood is a personal need.

In practice, it often happens that the manager, in order to emphasize his busyness, rests his gaze on the papers and does not raise his head when a visitor appears. He had already entered and said hello, but the boss still did not look up from his papers. Needless to say, this kind of situation demonstrates disrespect for a person.

The person who enters - whether he is a manager of a lower rank or an ordinary worker - must, from the first moment, as soon as he crossed the threshold, feel that he is perceived not as an inanimate object to which one turns one's gaze only when one needs to use it, but as a person who deserves respect. No matter how busy the manager is, he should in any case apologize for the delay in the conversation and finish the task as quickly as possible that distracts him from the conversation with the newcomer.

When talking with a subordinate, naturally, you need to be extremely attentive to him and not be distracted from discussing the issue by any extraneous matters. Thus, it is necessary to reduce to a minimum a telephone conversation that may unexpectedly take place, or a dialogue with a third party who intrudes during a meeting. This especially applies to telephone conversations of a non-official nature. Such behavior can not only be interpreted as a lack of due respect for the interlocutor, but also represents a waste of the leader’s time, since a conversation with interruptions creates the need to return again to an issue already discussed, and therefore a waste of time.

A serious, attentive attitude to the content of what a subordinate says is always necessary. Experience shows how important it is not to rush into final judgments regarding a proposal made by a subordinate. In any sentence there may be something that cannot be immediately understood. Therefore, an instantly expressed categorical judgment does not in any way indicate depth of mind, wisdom based on extensive life experience. A leader who has these qualities is well aware of the existence of hidden difficulties in knowing the truth and will try to comprehensively think through his reaction to any proposal made by a subordinate.

However, many leaders of the old Soviet culture still have the false idea that he must “right away” speak out, and in the most categorical form, on any official issue. And some people practice this approach in matters that lie far beyond their professional competence.

Every senior person very often has to evaluate the work of his subordinates. These assessments are an important method of stimulating both the individual employee and the entire team. After all, assessments on the part of the manager, if they are correct and not arbitrary, contribute to the formation of the public opinion of the team, helping to create an appropriate moral and psychological climate in it. Experience shows that it is not only a matter of the correspondence of assessments to the actual state of affairs. The ratio of positive and negative assessments, the nature of their expression, as well as the environment in which these assessments are brought to the attention of employees are very important.

Speech service etiquette requires that the same standards be applied to all team members when assessing their work. A boss who uses different standards in assessment, depending on personal likes and dislikes or any other signs not related to business relations, reveals a quality that is considered perhaps the most negative for him - injustice. Therefore, in approaching subordinates, the principle of emotional neutrality is most appropriate, requiring all employees to be treated equally and with restraint, regardless of personal likes and dislikes.

4. Logical rules of argumentation

The main thing in a businessman’s work is developing the right management decision, the ability to prove his loyalty to his partners or clients or refute their arguments. It is argumentation, built on the laws of logic, that helps to correctly balance short-term and long-term goals, develop the ability to “look at your feet, but see the horizon,” and combine current benefits and future benefits.

ARGUMENTATION is a purely logical process, the essence of which is that it substantiates the truth of our judgment (i.e., arguments or, as they are more simply called, arguments).

Argumentation achieves its goal when the rules of evidence are followed. Let's start with the rules for formulating the subject of our proof, i.e. with the RULES FOR CONSTRUCTING THE THESIS.

1. THE THESIS of the evidence must be FORMULAR CLEARLY AND ACCURATELY. At the same time, ambiguity should not be allowed (For example, the formulation of the thesis “laws must be followed” is ambiguous, because it is unclear what laws we are talking about: the laws of nature or the laws of social life, which do not depend on the will of people, or the legal laws, which depend only from the will of citizens).

This requirement is very important, because any mistake in the choice of a word, the possibility of a double interpretation of a phrase, an unclear form of presentation of a thought - all this can be interpreted against you when you want to prove something.

2. During the proof, the THESIS MUST REMAIN UNCHANGED, i.e., the same position must be proven. Otherwise, you will not be able to prove your point. This means that throughout the entire proof one cannot deviate from the original formulation of the thesis. Therefore, throughout the entire proof, you need to keep your thesis formulation under control.

Now let's point out the main MISTAKES IN CONSTRUCTING THE THESIS.

1. LOSS OF THE THESIS. Having formulated a thesis, we forget it and move on to another thesis, directly or indirectly related to the first, but in principle already different. Then we touch on the third fact, and from it we move on to the fourth, etc. In the end, we lose the original thought, that is, we forget what we started arguing about.

2. COMPLETE CHANGE OF THE THESIS. Having put forward a certain position, you begin to prove something else, close or similar in meaning, that is, you replace the main idea with another.

Substitution of the thesis arises as a result of sloppiness in reasoning, when we do not first clearly and definitely formulate our main idea, but correct and clarify it throughout the entire proof.

A type of substitution of the thesis is a TRICK, when, when discussing the specific actions of a certain person or the solutions proposed by him, imperceptibly moving because discussing the personal qualities of this person, i.e., as they say, they “get personal” and begin to remember his previous sins that are not related to the issue under discussion.

Another type of substitution of the thesis is an error called “LOGICAL DIVERSION.” Feeling the impossibility of proving or disproving the position put forward, the speaker tries to switch attention to discussing another, possibly very important statement, but not directly related to the original thesis. The question of the truth of the thesis remains open, because the discussion artificially switches to another topic.

3. PARTIAL SUBSTITUTION OF THE THESIS, when during a conversation we try to modify our own thesis, narrowing or softening our initial statement that is too general, exaggerated or too harsh.

If in some cases, under the influence of counterarguments, we strive to soften our very harsh assessment, because in this case it is easier to defend, then in other cases the opposite picture is observed. Thus, they often try to modify the opponent’s thesis in the direction of strengthening or expanding it, since in this form it is easier to refute it.

For arguments to be convincing, the following requirements must be met:

1) only such provisions can be used as arguments, the truth of which has been proven or they do not raise doubts in anyone;

2) arguments must be proven regardless of the thesis, i.e. the rule of their autonomous justification must be observed;

3. arguments must be consistent;

4. the arguments must be sufficient.

So, the requirement for the truth of arguments is determined by the fact that they serve as the foundation on which the entire proof is built. Arguments must be such that no one doubts their indisputability, or they must be proven earlier.

Violation of this requirement results in two errors. The first of them is called “false argument”, i.e. using a non-existent fact as an argument, referring to an event that did not happen, pointing to non-existent eyewitnesses, etc. The second error is “anticipating the basis”, when the truth of the argument is not is established with certainty, but is only assumed. In this case, unproven or arbitrarily taken provisions are used as arguments: references to popular opinion or assumptions made by someone, supposedly proving our statement. The requirement for the autonomy of arguments means that the arguments must be proven independently of the thesis. Therefore, before proving a thesis, you should check the arguments.

The requirement of consistency of arguments means that the arguments should not contradict each other.

The requirement of sufficiency of arguments is determined by the fact that the arguments in their totality must be such that the thesis being proven necessarily follows from them. A violation of this requirement often lies in the fact that during the proof they use arguments that are logically not connected with the thesis and therefore do not prove its truth. This violation is indicated by the words: “does not follow”, “does not follow”. There are two types of errors here.

1. INSUFFICIENCY OF ARGUMENTS, when they try to substantiate a very broad thesis with individual facts: generalization in this case will always be “too hasty.” Reason: insufficient analysis of factual material in order to select from the multitude of facts only reliable ones that most convincingly prove our thesis. Usually in this case the opponent is told: “How else can you confirm this?”

2. “EXCESSIVE EVIDENCE”. The principle “the more arguments, the better” is not always suitable. It is difficult to recognize reasoning as convincing when, in an effort to prove their assumption at all costs, they increase the number of arguments. By acting in this way, you will, unnoticed by yourself, begin to present clearly contradictory or unconvincing arguments. But, as you know, “he who proves a lot proves nothing. Thus, the sufficiency of arguments should be understood not in terms of their quantity, but taking into account their weight and persuasive power.

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