The teacher passes when the student is ready. The student is ready - the teacher is ready too

Action can lead you to Tao, and non-action can also lead you to Tao, because there is nothing but Tao. If you are aware through action, you will also meet it. Action is the pouring out of your energy into the Tao, and in non-action the Tao pours out...

Love at any age and in different manifestations- this is happiness. Happiness is when a teenager discovers his first love, its torment and doubts - this is how he learns to feel and gets to know the world of his feelings. Happiness is when two young people love...


To the reader: The end of each chapter in this series is accompanied by an addition that may surprise readers who were not present at the talks themselves. First time goes by Sardar Gurudayal Singh. "Sardarji" is a long-time student who is so kind-hearted...

HOW TO BECOME FREE 1996 TELLS BY A DISCIPLE OF CARLOS CASTANEDA c Publishing House "Shareholder" and Kb" 1995 c Preface, translation and notes Selivanov S.A. Preface by the translator. At the end of June 1992, Lama Ole Nydahl in Once again came to Russia...

G. S. Gorchakov PLATO - TEACHER OF GREECE ("Banner of Peace" No. 3 1996) Among his contemporaries, Socrates' student and Aristotle's teacher was known as Aristocles. And only after leaving for the Subtle World the playful nickname Plato, given to him for his broad...

The key to the subconscious. The secret of secrets: power of a word heard at the right time. I recently spoke on the phone with an old friend of mine, with whom I had been disconnected for almost ten years. She is worrying difficult period in my life, who...

Training seminar "Is there life after marriage?" - for present and future husbands and wives (free). Did you know that half of families break up after 4 years life together? And after 7 years - 70 percent. The family is created for happiness. But how does it come?...

Platonova T.Yu. Dialogues - Once a student came to the Master. - Teacher, can I learn from you? - My teaching is the life I lead. Learn to be happy with your life. - If everything is Light, then where does darkness come from? - Darkness is ignorant...

Milton Erickson My Voice Will Stay With You 1. CHANGING THE UNCONSCIOUS “Sid, what you don’t understand is that most of our lives are determined by the unconscious." When Erickson told me this, I reacted the same way as most of my patients...

He saw himself at a crossroads. A short man with a backpack over his shoulders approached him from the right. Then he realized that he was an observer of these two people, one of whom was himself. Both were no longer young, and gray hair had silvered not only their temples, but also their heads. One of them was red-cheeked and moderately well-fed, and also full of energy, with lively, cheerful, although a little tired, eyes. The other, which was himself, looked like an ascetic, with tense, concerned eyes and a tight pursed lips. Each of them had a huge backpack behind them. On the backpack of the man who approached from the right, it was written in pink oil paint: I CARRY EVERYTHING WITH ME. The backpack of the second was decorated with words written one under the other, written in black paint:


It seemed that the second's backpack was much heavier than the first's and had probably chafed his shoulders for a long time, but it was apparently impossible for him to change anything.

Hello, buddy! - the first greeted the second. The second nodded silently and was about to continue on his way, but stopped, as the first suggested that they rest a little and have a snack.

“Yes, perhaps it’s time to take a break,” the second said tiredly and, freeing his shoulders from the straps of the backpack, he threw it to the ground like an unbearable and long-tired burden. Then, wiping the beads of sweat on his forehead with his sleeve, he tiredly sat down on a large stone lying in the grass.

The first deftly freed himself from his backpack, carefully placed it next to the equally bulky burden of his random acquaintance and straightened his back and shoulders.

Well, now we can eat, otherwise since morning there hasn’t been a poppy seed or a drop of dew in his mouth, - and he began to pull out from his bottomless bag a stick of sausage, several sandwiches wrapped in wax paper, a thermos, apparently with hot tea, and last he pulled out an open bottle of red wine and laid it all out on a large paper napkin. Then, turning to his unexpected friend, he offered to dine with him.

Thank you, but I have my own food for today's lunch and I would not like to break the rules that I have set for myself. The point is that seeing the meaninglessness of our short life, I decided to give up my attachments to her and everything that tempted my mind and my heart and, of course, my stomach, I left at home. I only took bread and water with me.

What, you have a bag full of bread and water? - the first traveler asked in surprise, devouring sandwiches on both cheeks and washing them down with hot sweet tea.

No, why, there are more important things in my backpack than ordinary food. There I have the principles of a new life. These principles are completely different from those that guide modern humanity- do not live for fleeting joy, because it is a lie; not to be attached to everything that surrounds us and on which we, in connection with this, are constantly dependent; not to be a slave to your habits and conventions of the world around you; to be above everything that can capture us and narrow our consciousness. To the latter I include sex, passions of any kind, human love and other various imperfections human race. In other words, I want to get rid of everything worldly in order to take the spiritual path. And therefore my path is the path of a loner, since few can dare to such a feat.

But listen, buddy! Are you sure that your heroic rejection of all human imperfections will lead you on the path leading to perfection? I can imagine how difficult it is to resist all sorts of temptations in our lives that we encounter at every step.

Everything you say is true, but you cannot imagine even a hundredth part of what a person striving for spirituality has to overcome. To acquire the Divine, it is necessary to completely free my soul from worldly desires and attachments, and the efforts that I make to this give rise to pride and hope in me. I always remember that only those who are called by God take the spiritual path. Just now you invited me to share your meal with you. Of course you did it from pure heart, because I did not know that this kind of offer was a temptation for a hungry man, but God is always present in me, who will not allow me to be captured by everything that does not correspond to the spiritual path I have chosen. Remember the words of Christ: To the one through whom temptation comes." Therefore, I want to wish you: do not tempt people with anything worldly. Remember the words of Christ.

With these words, the ascetic-looking man took from his backpack a handful of black bread and a flask with cold water to quench your hunger and thirst.

During a short rest, the first traveler, with his arms and legs outstretched, stretched out on his back and silently looked with narrowed eyes into the cloudless blue sky, while the second one, leaning back against his backpack, closed his eyes and began repeating something monotonously and inaudibly. Some time later, he suddenly stood up decisively, put his backpack on his weary shoulders, busily adjusting its straps, and was about to leave when the first traveler called out to him:

Or maybe we will go together, it will be more fun, and the path will be less dangerous. We can always help each other.

The second traveler stopped and, turning half a turn to his random stranger, said decisively: “The Holy Scripture says: “Blessed is the man who does not walk in the counsel of the wicked and does not stand in the way of sinners.” And it also says: “. ..the Lord knows the way of the righteous, but the way of the wicked will perish." As you can see, you and I different ways". And, bent under the weight of his principles, he quickly walked away...

Several years passed, and once in other lands they unexpectedly met again. The hair on their heads was already completely gray, their gait became less light, but, oddly enough, their backpacks became even more bulky and heavy. They met at a fork in the paths, which merged into one wide, well-trodden road.

Well, here we are again,” the first traveler smiled benevolently. “Apparently the goal to which we are going is the same for both you and me.”

Don't be stupid, Our roads cannot have the same purpose.

The second traveler stopped, looked irritably at his casual acquaintance and turned to the side, onto a path barely visible in the grass leading to snow-covered mountains.

Several more years passed. The second traveler, on whose backpack it was written: “ALL IS VANITY OF VANIES,” overcame many mountain passes, crossed many rivers and streams, and even swam across one sea and finally reached the end of his journey. In front of him was a huge gate, on both sides of which a high stone wall stretched into infinity. Many paths and roads led to the gate, along which people approached from all sides. They all carried on their backs I carry a heavy load, with which they seem to have become one. Their heads were bowed low and it seemed that they could see nothing but the ground under their feet. Soon a huge silent gray crowd gathered at the gate. They all stood and waited for something, catching their breath after a long and difficult journey. And then the second traveler, unexpectedly for himself, among other people saw his old acquaintance, whom they had already met several times before. “I did something wrong on my path,” he thought with alarm. “I should have received liberation, but my burden remained as heavy as it was before...”.

Then a heavy bell rang out and the massive, wide gates slowly and silently opened. Saint Peter, looking into a huge and thick book, let some through and pushed aside others, who, sadly lowering their heads, walked away to the side. It was the monk’s turn. Saint Peter looked into his eyes, and the monk realized that his previous assessment of his life was completely wrong, that he was full of selfishness and all sorts of shortcomings. And he realized that he was not worthy to enter the wide open gate. A smile of compassion appeared on Saint Peter's face. He nodded his head, and the monk, lowering his eyes and feeling remorse for having dared to approach the gates leading to heaven without being ready for this, went to those whose earthly fate was not yet over...

Then there was a cloudy, formless darkness and a barely conscious state of being. There was a perception that some force was carrying him higher and higher, and the previously dull gray space became lighter and lighter. Then came the awareness of his individuality, but he still did not know who he was. Then came the awakening, and he realized who he was, but did not yet remember where he was. He was lying on his back with eyes closed and tried to remember himself. He did not feel his body, which was still sleeping, but vague shadows of memories disturbed and woke him up. Unexpectedly for himself, he remembered the events of the dream he had just passed, which was reality down to the smallest detail. This memory was like a flash of light that made his body fully awake. The monk opened his eyes and saw himself in a cave in the mountains, sitting on a straw mat. It was early morning outside the cave. There was a feeling of anticipation inside - he knew that someone should come to him today. After deep sleep the memories were viscous and slow, and efforts had to be made so that the vague images could become clearer in the reality of memory. I remembered that a woman was supposed to come from a village located at the foot of the mountain. Once a week she came to him to receive his blessing and listen to his instructions. But that will come later. The monk's memories became more and more dynamic and vivid.

“I’m doing something wrong,” he thought. - It’s not for nothing that I dreamed this. Or maybe these are again devilish temptations with which he wants to convince me of the futility of my efforts to spiritual path? Yes, this is really so, - the monk thought, convincing and at the same time calming himself. He remembered his childhood, when his parents blessed him for monastic service. His zeal for monastic life earned him the special favor of the abbot of the monastery, and by the age of thirty he was already in the rank of hieromonk. Of course, he was pleased by the respectful attitude of ordinary monks towards him, but he tried not to pay attention to the shoots of vanity that imperceptibly sprouted in his heart. He tried to be constant in his striving for Divine truth. At thirty-three years old, at the age of Christ, he decided to retire in order to live only by prayers and taming his desires and inner temptations, for which he received the blessing of the abbot of the monastery. And since then, for the second year now, both in the cold winter and in the heat in the summer, he almost never left his gloomy home. They brought him food from the monastery, but often it remained untouched, because in their deep dives during prayer, he often did not notice that his body needed food...

Years passed, the monk felt that his constant prayers, fasts and penances that he imposed on himself were leading nowhere. Moreover, he realized that the more he strives for purification and spiritual transformation, the more often he is overcome by temptations. His mind seemed to be divided into two parts. One of them persistently strived to fulfill everything necessary for life in God, and the other part, completely beyond his control, created in his imagination all sorts of temptations of the worldly life that he left. The devil whispered to him that none of his efforts would be enough to achieve holiness, that all the past years had been lost in vain for him. And then he, embittered by his mortal nature, imposed even more cruel penance on himself, but every effort he made to change something led to the fact that the devilish temptations were more and more persistent. A Lately started visiting him intrusive thought that spiritual work was not his destiny at all and it would be better if he left his monasticism and went into the world. And at the same time he felt that he could not do this.

But one day he felt satisfied with his persistence in pursuing a holy life. He realized that there was really no other way for him, and all his doubts and suffering were nothing more than a temptation from the devil. And realizing this, he devoted himself to fasting and prayer with even greater zeal. So that his aspiration would not be hindered, he asked that food be brought for him only twice a week and, in order to be further from worldly temptations, he began to dig a cave for himself in this mountain, much higher than the previous one. He understood that now it would be more difficult for his brothers, the monks, and even the laity, who, having heard about his holy life, sometimes came to him to hear from him holy word and receive a blessing...

A few more years have passed deep loneliness, fasting and prayer, several more years of enduring and unrelenting temptation, and one day he heard a voice within himself that commanded him, in order to further pacify the flesh and immerse himself in the service of God, to create for himself a dwelling in the mountain, in that place that was almost inaccessible to people. So that from this place he can see all the frailty human nature and perceive the Divine voice, not clouded by worldly passions and unbelief. Now every day he climbed up the narrow visible path to a rock that rose completely inaccessibly from the greenery mountain forests, and cut down steps in it, so that later, at the end of his ascent, he could cut out a new home for himself in the rock. He already knew that it would be near the pine tree clinging to the ledge of the rock. And the higher the monk rose, cutting into the rock, the greater was his zeal in his work. The palms of his hands became rough and were bleeding in some places, his legs were covered in abrasions and bruises, but his eyes burned feverishly. He knew that his work was destined for him by God himself and when it was finished, he would achieve what he had been striving for all his life. It was especially difficult for him in winter, when the frosty wind burned his bare arms and soles. His face was chapped and his eyes, reddened from night vigils and prayers, were watery. And one day during prayer, when the whole world was sleeping, and he hard work, covered with an old woolen blanket, sat on his worn-out long-term use mat, he heard soft footsteps approaching the entrance to his cave. Then these steps died down and a tall human figure appeared in the dull gray opening of the entrance, around which a light orange light flowed. At first the monk was frightened and began to vigorously repeat the Jesus Prayer, but then he calmed down when he saw that neither the holy cross that he had placed on the stranger nor the prayer had any effect on him, and instead he heard a soft and gentle voice that calmed him , saying that he was the messenger of God and brought him from the Almighty good news. The monk prostrated himself on the stone floor of the cave, repeating thanksgiving to God. And when the stranger picked him up and pressed him to his chest, tears rolled down the monk’s cheeks in an uncontrollable stream.

God sees your zeal and hears your prayers. He sent me to you to give you the other side of the truth, which you neglected in your zeal. How can you reject what you don't know? And, rejecting the outside world with all its temptations, will you tear all its temptations out of yourself? You must understand that the words you read or hear do not yet carry knowledge, because true knowledge you can only gain through experience. But you have no experience, because your life since childhood has been devoted to serving in a monastery, how can you reject what you really don’t know? Your inner temptations, which continue to bother you even now, are only shadows of real temptations. What can you do with shadows when they always remain elusive? With your fasts and prayers you constantly turn your face to God, but your imperfections, which are perceived as shadows, despite your desire to overcome them, constantly remain with you. In order to deserve holiness before God, it is necessary to free yourself from your imperfections.

My lord, I have no acquisitiveness, no desire for power, I am not attached to material benefits Since childhood, I don’t know what anger, rancor, despondency are, I don’t know what jealousy and envy are. All that remains in me is the relentless pursuit of Divine love and to unity with Him...

With a quiet gesture of his hand, the stranger shining with golden-orange light stopped the monk’s speech, which suddenly flowed from his lips in an uncontrollable stream.

Your words say only one thing: that you are not free from the greatest pride that has settled in your heart. Each person contains all the good and all the evil in the world. All your advantages that you just listed are just a screen behind which your shortcomings are hidden. You do not know the cunning of the human mind, which knows how to hide a lie, presenting it as the truth. If you strive for truth, then your mind will find many facts confirming the success of your aspirations. The mind is that part of ourselves that constantly adapts to our desires, justifying them. In reality, the mind strives only for its own satisfaction. You there, in the monastery, leaving the world to wallow in sins, strive for your own salvation. Isn't this selfish? You who pray, asking God to forgive humanity its sins and guide it on the true path, thereby act as mediators between the world and God. But are you pure enough for God to trust you with this work? Don't you think, monks, that you are like the blind leading the blind? How can you instruct the laity who come to you when you yourself are as imperfect as those who seek your protection? But they are more truthful, since they do not hide their sins, while you, putting masks of holiness on your faces, instruct them in righteousness. Don't you think that, in addition to all other sins, the sin of hypocrisy has blossomed in you? I came to you to open your eyes to yourself and help you take the path of truth. You still have time.

You must go out into the world to gain experience that brings knowledge. And all the temptations that will strive to enter yourself from all sides, you must experience, understand and present to God as part of your imperfection. You must remember that God pleases not those who strive to devote their lives to fasting and prayer, but those who work diligently in His field.

And suddenly the monk felt that he was falling into an abyss of darkness filled with wild laughter. The next moment he realized that, gently pressing him to his chest, he was being carried in the sky by a bright being, and tears of joy and love watered his face. Then again falling into the abyss of suffering and darkness. He seemed to split into two, because he was simultaneously falling into the abyss and ascending into heaven. And to his horror, he realized that both the darkness of hell and the light of heaven had become equally attractive to him, that they were simultaneous and inseparable. He was torn, not finding support anywhere. Everything he knew before now had no meaning. He realized that he was following a false path towards his goal, but could not understand where the roots of this lie were.

Spiritual work is not about suppressing the temptations of the world around us. No human life And human will not enough to resist the lower nature. She is immeasurably more powerful than him. All the temptations of this world are given to man so that he can realize their response within himself. In every person, that part of his being that belongs to the external world responds to external temptations. You must perceive these parts with a calm mind. And your calm vision of them will be the force that transforms in you what belongs to the lower nature. Your passionate desire to save your soul from the sufferings of hell is like a frantic floundering in deep waters seas into which you plunge deeper and deeper. Everything that happens on earth is done for the sake of the evolution of consciousness, and try to ensure that your consciousness is not captured and remains detached from internal consonances with temptations material world. These harmonies will become more and more subtle, but your alertness and receptivity should increase as your work deepens within yourself. You must not only be a witness to internal states, but also at the same time push them aside with a gentle effort of will. The position of a witness will help you to be detached and not captured by the painful temptations of human nature. When in your internal work you will need to do next step, I will come to you again... Now open your eyes, because to you a man is walking who needs your help.

“When the student is ready, the teacher comes.” Every person has many teachers in his life, and each of them comes to a person when he is ready to meet him. The internal state of a person attracts outside world everything that corresponds to this state in terms of vibration level. Therefore, under certain conditions, a person could attract to himself those circumstances that are necessary for him, managing his internal states.

If in the outside world, in order to realize his desires, a person shows a certain physical activity, then in spiritual practice directed efforts lead to nothing. In order to achieve something, you need to become internally in tune with it. In fact, the efforts that a person makes to realize something, for example, some desire, are always accompanied by certain internal states, but the person does not consider them decisive, but secondary, a consequence of his activity or external circumstances. That's why, internal states The average person is almost always opposed to his goals, which significantly interferes with the achievement of the goal.

Any harmonious interactions between people are a consequence of the consonance of those who interact. A person makes discoveries, penetrates into the depths of matter, only because one day he becomes in tune with what is revealed to him. The consonance can be illustrated by the following parable. The teacher sent all the people who came to him to gain knowledge to a cave monastery, carved into the rocks many centuries ago. Currently, this monastery was empty and was used as a museum, which was eagerly visited by all kinds of visiting tourists. The curator of the museum never showed tourists the round hall of this monastery, although people's rumors spread the most contradictory rumors about it and, therefore, some of the people suffering from excessive curiosity persistently asked the curator of the museum to show them this mysterious round hall.

It was to this hall that the teacher sent everyone who came to him to gain knowledge from him. The Guardian was a friend of the teacher and knew for what purpose he sent people to him. The keeper, thirsty for knowledge, led him into a dimly lit hall, illuminated by several candles fixed in candlesticks along the walls of this hall. Together they stood in the center of the hall, and the keeper showed the man to many doors leading to an unknown destination. The door that the keeper showed first was wide and massive. Each next one was more and more narrow. And the latter was so narrow that one person could hardly squeeze into it. The peculiarity of these doors was that they did not have door handles, and there were no keyholes in them, although all the doors were tightly and securely closed and not a single person using physical strength I couldn't open them.

“There are fifty doors in this hall, except the one through which we entered here,” the museum curator explained to the messengers from the teacher. The key to one of the doors is inside a person who would like to penetrate the world that is behind the door. There are fifty doors leading to fifty worlds, and the door will open in front of a person only when the world behind it and the person are in tune with each other. That's why, inner essence person and is the key to any of the doors.

“But consonance is always an attraction, an attraction that can be irresistible for a person,” the museum curator said, and in order to prevent irreparable things from happening, for every doorway grate installed. Previously, there were cases when a person left through the opened door and never returned. In reality, people are in tune with all the worlds that are behind these doors, but the door will open only when this consonance reaches its maximum. Therefore, only one door can open for a person in this room. The Teacher sends sufferers here only so that they can see what they are ready for and what they can claim. For the seeker even dear teacher will not be sufficiently authoritative in assessing the student’s readiness for the work that lies ahead of him. In the same hall, the student is practically convinced of what he is like and what path he has to go through.

Spiritual practice of any student, regardless of what level of consciousness he is at, consists in raising the level of his internal sound. And only for this will the last, narrowest door leading to to the highest levels the light of consciousness, which will surpass all the attractions of this manifested material world. And since a person’s meeting with the reality of this world takes place within himself, then on the path to his spiritual perfection a person must surpass himself.

Under the influence of Spiritual Parables, inspiration comes again.
No wonder I registered
On your website. Something's going on
With my Soul, which cannot be described.

I enter completely into this atmosphere,
Reading wise words to the music,
And I find myself in a different sphere
Another dimension, Genesis.

I stopped eating almost completely -
Parables became spiritual food for me.
A new reality appeared before me,
She attracts me, beckoning me to her.

Living Teacher, how I need you!
The further I go, the more I realize this.
Living an ordinary life, my mind is overloaded,
At least I learn Spiritual information from them.

Get away from thoughts, dive deep into consciousness
And into silence, into solitude, into peace,
To comprehend with the Soul the breadth of the entire Universe,
Teacher! I can only do it next to you.

I can't control my mind on my own,
Become a detached Observer forever.
I immediately felt what kind of teacher I needed,
When Man appeared on the horizon

With the vibrations of the Master and Guru -
This one can be distinguished immediately.
And it’s impossible to miss this figure,
I want to learn from him and study his way of life.

And adopt that experience, Knowledge and Wisdom,
When your Soul has already merged with the Divine.
I understood my meditation practices scarcity,
I can only write poetry, creating under inspiration.

But I feel that this is not enough for me -
My Soul chose to achieve Samadhi in this life.
And I missed the True Teacher so much,
I prayed for a long time to meet him.

God hears prayer and helps -
I have been convinced of this, more than once.
And the cleaner you are, the sooner it helps,
And miracles happen sometimes.

How, for example, the website Best Parables opened,
Which seems to have been created for me, my Soul.
It has many differences from others,
The video parables on it are very good.

From your music the Soul wakes up,
And I definitely like it all.
And if the Inner Sound opens in me,
Then I will know everything - The soul will calm down.
The best video parables about the mystery of time, work, cities, happiness, the soul, the Eternal Self, the secrets of the Cosmos, love, etc.


Very interesting work, extraordinary and deep. Reminiscent of the stream of consciousness in a meditative state and the fruits of true spiritual insight. Truly - in this world (and in all others) chance encounters does not happen - at a certain stage there are those whom we were looking for and subconsciously calling. The main thing is to be able to listen and hear yourself, trust your intuition and renounce earthly stereotypes. Your creativity is very original. As a person immersed in various spiritual practices, it is interesting to read. And others will probably be curious - again, they don’t visit the page by accident. This means that something needs to be heard and understood. Good luck to you on your worthy Path!

The daily audience of the portal is about 200 thousand visitors, who total amount view more than two million pages according to the traffic counter, which is located to the right of this text. Each column contains two numbers: the number of views and the number of visitors.

The best training for a psychologist can be called, in addition to his education and personal experience, communication with a more experienced colleague or teacher. And here it’s the same - teacher is different from teacher.

In order for a teacher to be able to teach a student at all, it is necessary that he himself understands, from his own experience, the SOURCE from which the creative wave flows. In addition, the teacher must be able to adapt to the way of thinking and perceive the current life of the student himself. Then only he can put himself in his position and try to find for him a teaching system where he himself could understand how to free his will and strength from the personal pressure of petty and base passions and flickering, broken thoughts.

Concordia Antarova

It would be great if everyone realized that not every authoritative specialist can help, even if you are very impressed with him and his thoughts seem correct to you. First of all, because all the strength and opportunity to change your life lies only in you. A psychologist (teacher, instructor) can only tell you where to go, but whether you follow his advice is your right and your choice, isn’t it?

Only those who are strong in spirit, responsible for their every step and who value the freedom and rights of others to live the way they want, to do what they want, can master life. And to do this, it is important to believe that your life is what you make of it.

I would not like to illustrate with my personal example those life positions, which I promote, because what is important is not what my life was and is, but what principles I was guided by in order to change it. But since there is interest, I will satisfy it. About myself, I can only say that I had a difficult life, and the dislike of my loved one, and the suffering of loved ones, and the poverty of the large family in which I grew up, and lack of recognition in the business in which I was engaged, and rejection of relatives and friends; there was nothing that could become for me launching pad in achieving my goals, except for my own desire to achieve them: no rich parents, no amazing personal data (including external ones), no luck. Only after seeing that I was the cause of all my troubles, I was able to change and build for myself new life, everything I have today is the result of a lot of work on myself. This didn't make me callous. Rigidity is only what helps to get rid of self-pity, from attachment to the usual train of thoughts and actions that create a familiar and hopeless picture of life. That’s why I recommend to my readers to be tougher and more specific, and I don’t spare anyone in my recommendations.

Pity and mercy have nothing in common with each other. Pity does not express compassion, but only apparent, not true love, that is, sentimentality. Concordia Antarova

Throughout the book I use quotes from books by Richard Bach, Concordia Antarova (“Two Lives”) and others. In my opinion, these books most fully outline the concepts of “learning”, “teacher”, “student” and others related to the relationship between “psychologist and client”. To these authors I would like to add one more - Vitaly Bogdanovich, and his book “Rifs of Esotericism”, in which professionalism and amateurism, charlatanism and conscientiousness in such areas as psychology and education of the spirit are very specifically distinguished from each other.

On these lines, I do not consider reflections on this topic complete, since only when communicating with you, dear readers, do you illuminate new facets and subtleties of psychology for yourself, the uniqueness and similarity with others of each, as well as your own imperfection and the need to develop further.