But the rise is behind, wow. Control dictations

Preparing for the Russian language exam...

Lesson topic:

Syntactic and punctuation analysis of sentences with words, phrases and sentences that are grammatically unrelated to the members of the sentence

Goals: repeat and systematize the material on the topic “Sentences with introductory constructions, appeals and interjections”;

consolidate knowledge about placing punctuation marks in complex sentences and the ability to perform syntactic and punctuation analysis of sentences with introductory constructions, addresses and interjections;

prepare to complete task No. 17.

Progress of the lesson:

Write down sentences - an example of the use of a word in speech.

The blue sky and abundance of light make one feel the approach of spring.

The sun, you can feel it, is already setting behind the tops of distant buildings.

What is the difference in the use of the word?

Parse the first sentence.

How can I figure out the second one?

Is it possible to ask a question by the way?

Make a conclusion about its place in the sentence. If you have any difficulties, refer to the textbook.

Sample analysis of a sentence (projected onto the screen).

Repeat why we believe that interjections, addresses and introductory constructions are not related to the members of the sentence?

Selective dictation.Individual working on a computer (performing test tasks)

It is simply impossible to do without them in speech, and, therefore, we must take them into account when placing punctuation marks.

Task: write down words that are grammatically unrelated to the members of the sentence, define them (classify them), indicate their role in the sentence.

A) Maybe, Semyon, I acted frivolously after all?

B) As if on purpose, it rained for several days.

C) According to experts, the Oka floods leave beautiful silt on the meadows.

D) September was quiet, warm and, fortunately, without rain.

D) but the rise is behind us. Wow, how you can see everything from here!

E) The next day after breakfast I went on my bicycle (it was completely wobbly) to the neighboring village.

Syntactic and punctuation analysis of sentences.

So, she was called Tatyana.

The forest soon thinned out, but the rain, as luck would have it, intensified.

In the examples given, all are numberedcommas. Write down the numbers indicating commas in the introductory word.

    The boy puts into his love for nature not only passion, (1) but also the talent of a naturalist, (2) which he, (3) undoubtedly, (4) possesses. (3.4)

    “This, (1) seems, (2) is also an extraordinary sprout,” Maya thought. -He, (4) right, (5) is made of sun rays. (1,2,4,5).

B) completing tasks B5 in grade 9 tests (according to options)

Individual work with students on the computer.

Analysis of the proposal. There are no signs.

They passed quite close but did not seem to notice us

He loved life and apparently life loved him .

Content tasks 17 defined as follows: words and constructions that are grammatically unrelated to the members of the sentence.

What is meant?

The language has appeals, introductory words and combinations, introductory sentences, and inserted constructions. All these phenomena relate to the topic. But in KIMs the range of linguistic phenomena is narrowed. Therefore, we will limit ourselves to introductory words and sentences. What do you need to know about them?

1. Introductory words are not parts of the sentence.
2. Introductory words are not grammatically related to the members of the sentence.
Everyone knows that they are separated by commas in writing. The difficulty is not in punctuation as such, but in the need to recognize such words, combinations of words and constructions. The fact is that in Russian the same word can play different roles. How not to confuse introductory words with homonymous members of the sentence? We learn to distinguish. To do this, compare:

Fortunately, my mother did not ask what time I returned, and there was no unpleasant conversation.

Fortunately - introductory word, separated by a comma.

The dishes break, fortunately.

Fortunately - addition, syntactic connection - control: beats (to what?) fortunately.

Try loweringfortunately . In the second sentence, this cannot be done without violating the meaning and grammatical structure of the sentence.
Let's compare:

The dishes break, fortunately. ≠ The dishes break.

You feel that this is not the same thing at all. Why doesn't the second sentence allow for such a transformation? Becausefortunately - a member of a sentence that is grammatically and meaningfully related to another member of the sentence. If it is excluded, the structure changes. In the first sentencefortunately is not part of the sentence. Moreover, it is not grammatically related to any part of the sentence. Therefore, the sentence structure will not change if the introductory word is omitted.

In the Russian language, many words can be used in two ways: both as introductory words and as members of a sentence.

Maybe Oh, my brother will become a musician. ≠ BrotherMay be musician: he has perfect pitch.
right , from North? ≠ You solved the problemright .
Maybe , he will call today. ≠ ArticleMaybe write in a week.
See , we are not late, you worried in vain. ≠ Youyou see road sign?

In some cases, a double interpretation of the meaning of a sentence is possible, for example:

She's definitely right.

undoubtedly = of course: speaker’s confidence, introductory word

She's definitely right.

undoubtedly = without conditions and restrictions, circumstance of measure and degree

Then, he became a famous actor.

Then - word introducing argument, introductory word

Then he became a famous actor.

After = later, time adverbial

In such cases, the broader context and intonation of an oral utterance or the punctuation of a written one help to distinguish between introductory words and members of a sentence. But in CIMs there are no commas: everyone must determine for themselves whether they are needed or not. This means that the only thing you can focus on is the meaning of the sentence and the possibility - the impossibility of omitting the analyzed words without breaking the grammatical connections and structure of the sentence.

Lists of examples will help you notice introductory words and sentences.

What is expressed:

Emotions, feelings, assessment

Fortunately, to joy, unfortunately, to chagrin, to chagrin, unfortunately, to shame, to surprise, to amazement, to happiness, to joy, to surprise, to happiness, to truth, to conscience, to justice, what good , strange thing, amazing thing, funny to say, don’t say it as a reproach

Degree of reliability, possibility, confidence

Without a doubt, without any doubt, undoubtedly, certainly, of course, self-evidently, indisputably, of course, apparently, apparently, probably, probably, probably, in all probability, perhaps, it seems, it should be, maybe, maybe , one must believe, one can assume, one must think, (I) think, (I) believe, (I) hope, (I) believe

Message source

According to ..., according to information ..., in opinion ..., according to rumors, in accordance with ..., they say, report, convey, in my opinion, in my opinion, in my opinion, remember, remember

Sequence of presentation, coherence of speech

Therefore, so, thus, it means, finally, therefore, further, by the way, by the way, however, by the way, in general, in general terms, in particular, in addition, in addition, on the contrary, on the contrary, for example, to for example, firstly, secondly (and other similar ones), on the one hand, on the other hand

Methods of formulation, ways of expressing thoughts

In a word, in one word, in other words, in other words, in other words, more precisely, more precisely speaking, in short, briefly speaking, frankly speaking, speaking the truth, frankly speaking, without beating around the bush, to put it mildly, calling a spade a spade, if I may say so to say, if I may say so, with your permission, with your permission, it is better to say, more precisely to say, so to speak, as they say

Activating the attention of the interlocutor, including for the purpose of establishing trust

Do you understand, know, see, understand, believe, listen, agree, imagine, imagine ( -you) imagine, do you believe, do you know, I repeat, I emphasize, between us speaking, between us be it said

The measure of what is being said

The most, the least, the most unusual, the most surprising, at least

Ordinariness, typicality of what is being said

It happens, it happened, it happens, it happened, as usual, as a rule, as a last resort


The following words are not introductory words:

suddenly, as if, as if, literally, in addition, hardly, almost, hardly, supposedly, even, precisely, after all, certainly, here, after all, like, necessarily, exclusively, by decision, by proposal, by decree, to top it off, ultimately and others like that.

They are never separated by commas.


By decision of the director, classes were canceled.
Kirill hardly knows where we are going. I need to call him.
Be sure to come! We will be waiting for you.
But he's right!
He supposedly didn't recognize us.

Russian language lesson in 8th grade.

Syntactic and punctuation analysis of sentences with words, phrases and sentences that are grammatically unrelated to members offers

Lesson objectives: repeat and systematize the material on the topic “Sentences with introductory constructions, appeals and interjections”;

consolidate knowledge about placing punctuation marks in complex sentences and the ability to perform syntactic and punctuation analysis of sentences with introductory constructions, addresses and interjections;

prepare to complete task B5 KIMov.

Lesson type: repeating and generalizing

During the classes.

  1. Lesson organization. Checking readiness for the lesson. Announcing the topic and objectives of the lesson.
  2. Lexical work with the word is felt.

Determine the lexical meaning of this word.

Check it in an explanatory dictionary. Write down sentences - an example of the use of a word in speech.

The blue sky and abundance of light make one feel the approach of spring.

The sun, you can feel it, is already setting behind the tops of distant buildings.

What is the difference in the use of the word?

Parse the first sentence.

How can I figure out the second one?

Is it possible to ask a question by the way?

Make a conclusion about its place in the sentence. If you have any difficulties, refer to the textbook (p. 166).

Sample analysis of a sentence (projected onto the screen).

Repeat why we believe that interjections, addresses and introductory constructions are not related to the members of the sentence?

  1. Selective dictation. Individual working on a computer (performing test tasks)

It is simply impossible to do without them in speech, and, therefore, we must take them into account when placing punctuation marks.

Task: write down words that are grammatically unrelated to the members of the sentence, define them (classify them), indicate their role in the sentence.

A) Maybe, Semyon, I acted frivolously after all?

B) As if on purpose, it rained for several days.

C) According to experts, the Oka floods leave beautiful silt on the meadows.

D) September was quiet, warm and, fortunately, without rain.

D) but the rise is behind us. Wow, how you can see everything from here!

E) The next day after breakfast I went on my bicycle (it was completely wobbly) to the neighboring village.

4. Syntactic and punctuation analysis of sentences.

So, she was called Tatyana.

The forest soon thinned out, but the rain, as luck would have it, intensified.

  1. The importance of the topic in preparation for the State Examination

A) analysis of examples from the State Historical Archive. Task B5.Projected onto screen

In the examples given, all commas are numbered. Write down the numbers indicating commas in the introductory word.

  1. The boy puts into his love for nature not only passion, (1) but also the talent of a naturalist, (2) which he, (3) undoubtedly, (4) possesses. (3.4)
  2. “This, (1) seems, (2) is also an extraordinary sprout,” Maya thought. -He, (4) right, (5) is made of sun rays. (1,2,4,5).

B) completing tasks B5 in grade 9 tests (according to options)

Individual work with students on the computer.

6. Analysis of the proposal (on the topic of the lesson). There are no signs.

They passed quite close but did not seem to notice us

He loved life and apparently life loved him .

7.. Homework.

1. Lexical work with the word of course

2. Essay (optional)

A) What do appeals and introductory words have in common and how do they differ?

B) The role of introductory words and sentences in L.N. Tolstoy’s story “After the Ball.”

3. Exercise 398 (optional).

8. Summing up the lesson. (I know... I can...)

On the topic: methodological developments, presentations and notes

Open lesson - generalization on the topic "Introductory words, phrases and addresses" contains material on preparing for the Unified State Exam (A22), meta-subject (sign), tasks for the development of spelling and punctuation...


Presentation for an open Russian language lesson in 8th grade...

In winter, jackdaws and crows live in cities and villages, rummaging through garbage heaps together and getting food for themselves. It's easy to distinguish them. The jackdaw is smaller than a crow and all black, only there are gray feathers around its neck, as if it were tied with a gray scarf. And the crow’s entire body is gray, only the head, neck, wings and tail are black.

By winter, jackdaws gather in large flocks and fly together all day long. And in the evening they will cling to the trees somewhere in a city garden or park, hug each other and warm themselves. It's always warmer together. So they doze all long winter night. Only occasionally will they start talking to each other, as if they were calling out to each other.


  1. Parse the sentence:
1c: Jackdaws for winter……….

2c: Jackdaws in winter…………

  1. Break down by composition:
1c: feathers, in winter, stick around

2c: head, city, warm

  1. Find 2–3 words in the text with the spelling “Letters i, y, and after sibilants.”

It turned out to be a quiet frosty morning. A hazel grouse flew out of the spruce forest and settled on a stump, exposing its back to the sun. A flock of waxwings perched on a tall tree, and a bullfinch froze on a birch tree.

People took care of the forest inhabitants. For the deer and roe deer they filled the feeders with hay, and for the hares they cut down several aspen trees and hung brooms. For the squirrels, the schoolchildren built jars in the trees with nuts and acorns. They prepared treats for the birds: cereals, bread crumbs, and especially for the tits they hung pieces of lard on the branches. Many birds and animals rush here, and the forest dining room is noisy all day long. Only in the evening does the dining room empty.


  1. Underline the grammatical basis in the sentences:
1c: From the spruce forest……….

2v: For squirrels……….

2. Break down by composition:

1c: frosty, forest, inhabitants

2c: bread, acorns, morning


We walk along a narrow path along the shore of a large lake. The sun rises over the nearby forest. The blue lake sparkles under its bright rays. Behind it lay a wide swamp. It's dangerous to walk here.

We enter the green thicket. Tall pines stand in even rows. A rare ray will break through the dense greenery. It's cool under the trees. Quietness and wilderness in the forest.

Furry squirrels live in this area. So the animal jumped from branch to branch and dropped a pine cone.

We stood at the edge of the forest and walked towards the village. A steep climb leads up the mountain. There is the end of our journey.

At the edge of the village there was a large tree on which the storks had built a nest. One day people learned about the death of a stork.

When the chicks hatched, another stork had to feed the chicks alone. That was hard. The storks grew up and kept asking for food. The heads of the chicks were visible from the nest. They looked around restlessly because they were hungry.

The guys were walking from the river and saw chicks. One boy took a small fish from a bunch and pulled it on a pole straight into the stork’s beak. The storks were frightened at first, spread their wings, and backed away. But one grabbed the fish and ate it. The boy raised the pole again. And another kid became brave, then a third.

Since then, the guys helped the stork feed the chicks. Every day they caught fish for the storks in the river behind the grove.

In the garden, a nimble bird flies from branch to branch. Her back is gray, her chest is yellow, and she has a black cap on her head. This is a tit. She flew into the garden to get bugs. They cause great harm to gardens. Some chew leaves on fruit trees, others spoil the fruit. Take an apple, break it, and inside is a worm. These are the pests that the tit catches. It will see prey with a keen eye, grab it with its beak and eat it. And the tit’s beak is thin, it can fit into any crack.

She eats many different bugs per day. I can’t even believe that a little bird could have such an appetite. People call the tit the guardian of our gardens.


1.Indicate the parts of speech in a sentence:

1 in: In the garden from branch to branch………………

2 in: Will see with a keen eye………………

1 in: apply, fruit, breast

2 in: break it, small, with bugs

3. Underline the spellings in the words:

1 in: harm, fruits, spoils; 2 in: beak, head, gardens.




Summer morning gets you out of bed. There is still fog over the river. Soon it disappears in the clear air and frees the gray crown of a dense poplar, then the tops of a bird cherry tree. It's time to go mushroom hunting.

I noticed that most often mushrooms are found near birch trees. Birch is friends with mushrooms. The well-known boletus grows under its cover.

Boletus is a bright, slender mushroom. It does not suddenly appear on the road or path. Lives in a tall aspen forest and does not hide. From a distance you notice his bright hat. You cut a mushroom, and next to it you see about five more.

And all at once you run out of mushrooms, but your basket is already full. You can get ready to go home.

You will look under the water and want to take a closer look at the life of the underwater kingdom. I set up an underwater garden to get the fish used to it. I lowered the Christmas trees to the bottom and reinforced them with stones. I cleared the alleys, planted algae, and laid shells under them. At night, a lantern lit up in the underwater garden, and bright fish flew to the light.

“What are they whispering about?” I listened. It seemed to me that the fish wanted to tell people a lot.

The fish complained about the greedy fishermen who caught them with a net. The fish asked the guys to clear the drains in the lakes, because stagnation in them spoils the water. For this they promised not to leave the reservoirs and cheerfully peck at the children’s fishing rods in the summer.


1.Write down words with alternating vowels at the root.

2. Parse the words according to their composition:

1c: underwater, fisherman

2c: asked, reservoirs

3. Parse the sentence:

1c: They promised not to leave for this………….

2c: Cleared the alleys, planted……………

A large frozen Christmas tree was dragged into the living room. The tree was raised, and it turned out to be so tall that the soft green top bent under the ceiling.

The spruce smelled cold, but little by little the branches thawed, rose, fluffed up, and the whole house smelled of pine needles. The children brought wooden boxes with decorations, placed chairs near the tree and began to clean it up. But it soon turned out that there were not enough toys. I had to glue the pound cakes, gild the nuts, and tie silver strings to the gingerbread cookies. The children sat at this work all evening until Lilya fell asleep at the table.

The tree was decorated, shrouded in artificial gold cobwebs, glass chains were hung, and candles were placed in colored pins. When everything was ready, mother said:

- Now, children, go away and don’t look into the living room until the evening.


1. Trees have grown, late night, flat valley, see ahead, smell of plants, lean to one side, hate lies, sit by the fire, nature calendar, touch the wall, art of wood carving, giant ship, bad mood, study the atmosphere, unquestioningly follow orders .


1.Bake a cake, light up a room, spreading vegetation, priority in science, attend a meeting, an approaching hurricane, a cast iron grate, panting gymnasts, an oval shape, a wooden gate, a plastic bag, sensitive reeds, silver birch trees, a coral reef, a taiga raspberry forest, mother-of-pearl earrings, curly-haired lamb, devoted friend, snowflakes swirling, find a friend.

2. Silver birch trees, coral reef, taiga raspberries, mother-of-pearl earrings, curly-haired lamb, rosehip infusion, inhabitants of the Siberian taiga, neat hairstyle, light a fire, group objects, talented artist, makes his way upstairs.

3. A wonderful carpenter, an immense plain, a wooden gate, a plastic bag, a sacred custom, wrestling cubs, burn out in the sun, mother-of-pearl earrings, a talented artist, a lesson schedule, birch bark letters, sneaks up, affect health, distort the meaning, despise the enemy.



She greeted me with the silence of the predawn morning. I walked along the land where bison, foxes and roe deer have roamed freely since time immemorial. The autumn night had thrown off its blanket, but the fog still hung in the air like a thick veil. I walked along the path, made my way through the bushes, and crouched under the arches of spreading spruce trees.

Now the sun touched the tops of the trees, and its rays pierced the twilight. The morning woke up the forest and filled it with bird chirping. The birch tree breathes light and is golden with sparse leaves.

Suddenly a rustling sound was heard. I turned around. Something red appeared in the bushes. "Fox!" - a thought flashed. But a roe deer jumped out into the clearing. She turned her head in my direction and carefully moved her ears. In the rays of the morning sun, her fur sparkled with a bright flame.


Once, returning from Petrovsky, I got lost in the forest ravines. Streams muttered under the roots, and small lakes glistened at the bottom of the ravine. The still air was reddish and hot.

From one of the forest clearings I saw an approaching cloud. It grew in the evening sky like a huge medieval city, surrounded by white towers. Dull, rumbling, unrelenting sounds flew from afar, and the wind, suddenly rustling in the clearing, carried splashes of rain.

Taking a closer look, I recognized an unmown meadow above Sorotya, a sandy slope, and a path leading to the park. It was Mikhailovskoye.

When I was young, I traveled almost the entire country, I saw many amazing, heart-tugging places, but none of them has such lyrical power as Mikhailovskoye.

Here you imagine that along these simple roads, along knotty roots, Pushkin’s riding horse walked and easily carried its thoughtful rider.




After a two-day snowfall, the familiar forest became unrecognizable. It became thicker and lighter. Each thin blade of grass, covered with fluffy snow, looked like a thin twig. Young fir trees with branches drooping to the ground rose like white cones. The sky and earth were the same color. The moist, warmed air was permeated with rare tiny crystals. There was such silence in the forest thicket that the ear could catch the whisper of real snowflakes.

Ivan Timofeevich was the first to leave the winter quarters. Having crossed the unfrozen river along a fallen ash tree, as if on a bridge, he headed into the swampy floodplain larch forest. The dog Faithful trotted after him, tied to his belt. The hunter walked through the frozen swamp and vigilantly peered into the gaps between the trees. Soon he noticed a moose trail, lightly sprinkled with snow. The dog poked his nose into the deepening of the tracks. Willow and alder appeared - sure signs of the proximity of a small key. In such a place, the elk could linger for feeding.


A barely noticeable path winds along the steep slope of the mountain and goes to the left. At first it is not very difficult to walk along it. Then the climb becomes steeper and our path becomes more difficult. Thickets of some tenacious bushes are very disturbing. Blocks of gray granite are becoming increasingly common. They are randomly piled on top of each other and seem impassable. However, someone's hand placed the trunks of fallen trees in the most dangerous places. We walk along them, almost without fear of heights, like on a walkway.

But now the last obstacle is behind us, and we are at the top of the mountain. The view from here is wonderful. I have never seen such a breathtaking picture. A narrow valley, immersed in greenery of gardens, goes to the east. A little to the left, the blue surface of the lake glitters in the sun among the hills. To the right you can see the snow caps of distant peaks. And above everything there is a blue, clear sky.

1. Parse the sentence:

1c: A slightly noticeable path……..

2c: Goes to the east …………………

2.Write out 3 phrases from these sentences and analyze them.

3. Disassemble the words according to their composition:

1c: path, impassable, laid.

2c: thickets, fallen trees, we pass through.


1.President of the republic, veterans' privilege, very skillful, matriculation certificate, conference delegate, peers of the century, surprise the director, unique library, medical commission, arts festival, museum restoration, theater workers, transformation of nature, newspaper correspondent, patriotic impulse.


The summer evening fades away, and a resounding silence reigns in the falling forest. The tops of the giant pines are still red with the gentle glow of the burnt dawn, but below it is becoming dark. The aroma of resinous branches, sharp and dry, weakens, but the cloying smell of smoke spreading across the ground from a distant forest fire is stronger through it. Silently and quickly, night falls to the ground. As the sun set, the birds fell silent.

It got completely dark. The eye, accustomed to the gradual transition from light to darkness, discerns the vague silhouettes of trees around. Not a sound or rustle is heard in the forest, but in the air you can feel the amazing herbal smell floating from the fields.

Everywhere: both to the right and to the left of the path - there are low tangled bushes, and around it, clinging to branches, swaying and stretching, torn shreds of fog, unclear, white, wander.

A strange sound suddenly echoes through the forest. It is long, low and seems to come out of the ground.


1. Achievements of human thought, progressive worldview, humane writer, conservative ideals, domestic traditions, risky experiment, sports commentator, popular composer, highway, natural resources, giant waves, concrete structures, Olympic competition, fire-resistant overalls, metal object, porthole glass , jet engine, train of cars on an asphalt road.




Nature spreads out all around, like a great temple prepared for the holiday. But for the blind man it was only an immense darkness, which unusually agitated around, moved, rumbled and rang, reaching out to him, touching his soul from all sides with still unknown, unusual impressions, from the influx of which the child’s heart beat painfully.

From the very first steps, when the rays of a warm day hit his face and warmed his delicate skin, he instinctively turned his sightless eyes towards the sun, as if feeling which center everything around him gravitated towards. For him there was neither this transparent distance, nor the azure vault, nor the widely spread horizon. He only felt something material, caressing and warm touching his face with a gentle touch. Then someone cool and light, although less light than the warmth of the sun's rays, removes this bliss from his face and runs over him with a feeling of fresh coolness. In the rooms the boy was used to moving freely, feeling the emptiness around him. Here he was engulfed by some strangely alternating waves, now gently caressing, now tickling and intoxicating. The warm touches of the sun were quickly brushed aside by someone, and a stream of wind, ringing in the ears, covering the face, temples, head, stretched around, as if trying to pick up the boy, drag him somewhere into a space that he could not see. It was then that the boy’s hand squeezed his mother’s hand tighter, and his heart sank and seemed about to stop beating completely.

Practical material for the oral exam in Russian for the 8th grade course based on the textbook by L.A. Trostentsova.
Ticket No. 1

  1. What common idea are the statements united by?

By the attitude of each person to his language, one can accurately judge not only his cultural level, but also his civic value. - TO.Paustovsky.
Language is the history of a people. Language is the path of civilization and culture. That is why learning and preserving the Russian language is not an idle activity because there is nothing better to do, but an urgent necessity. - A.I. Kuprin.
Language, our magnificent language
River and steppe expanse in it,
It contains the screams of an eagle and the roar of a wolf,
The chanting, and the ringing, and the incense of pilgrimage.

Konstantin Dmitrievich Balmont

2. Make up sentences that would include (in whole or in part) the quoted sayings of Russian writers as quotations. Express your opinion on these statements.

Ticket No. 2
1. Using the words in brackets, make sentences with direct speech. Place the commentary part at the beginning, middle, and end of the sentence.

True love for one's country is unthinkable without love to my language. ( K. Paustovsky - writer.)
The greatest wealth of a people is its language! For thousands of years, countless treasures of human thought and experience accumulate and live forever in the word. (M.A. Sholokhov is a writer and public figure.)
2. In the sentences received, explain the signs of completion, division, and emphasis.

Ticket number 3

  1. Describe the sentences and explain punctuation marks.
There was a round-faced moon in the sky; nothing could hide from its light.

The sun was shining through the windows in the house and the street was surprisingly calm and quiet, and this peace was set off by the kind, peacefully grumbling noise of the fading samovar.

The Church of the Intercession on the Nerl, which is located on a small hill, is a masterpiece of world architecture.

2. Replace direct speech with indirect speech.
“Be at the museum exactly at 11 o’clock,” the history teacher warned us.
The taxi driver assured: “I will take you to the station in fifteen minutes.”
Doctors believe: “Smoking is especially harmful to the lungs.”
Nina asked her friend: “Tanya, will you go to the concert tonight?”

Ticket number 4

  1. Quatrain F.I. Tyutchev, written on November 28, 1866, consists of one complex sentence. And yet this is text. Why do you think?
You can't understand Russia with your mind,
The general arshin cannot be measured:
She has a special status -
You can only believe in Russia.
2. Place marks for interjections. What feelings do interjections express? Read it, trying to convey these feelings.
A sound thundered behind the cloud, and the earth frowned. (F.I. Tyutchev.)
But the rise is behind us. Wow, how you can see everything from here! (L. Fomin.)
Oh, joy has fast wings, golden and bright feathers! (I. Nikitin.)
Oh, in this rainbow vision, what a delight for the eyes! (F.I. Tyutchev.)

Ticket number 5

  1. Determine the type of phrases based on the main word. Specify the type of subordinating connection.
Thinking about the future, enjoying the holiday, a basket of mushrooms, a new apartment, gloomy in the autumn, walking through the autumn forest, very good, intention to work.

  1. Indicate the method of transmitting someone else's speech.
    The teacher said: “Guys! Be careful when crossing the street."
    The teacher told us to be careful when crossing the street.
    According to the teacher, we must be careful when crossing the street.
    The teacher told us about the rules for crossing the street.
Ticket number 6

  1. Indicate the grammatical basis of the sentences (simple and each of those included in the complex). Place punctuation marks.
    The train rushed into the unclear distance and I remembered the winter night. Where the sun was setting, a faint blush of dawn appeared.
    A person must work. Long storage makes the cheese brittle and dry. Reading is the best teaching. What you don’t want to do to yourself, don’t do to others. Don't be late for classes. Be friends with a happy song; there is no need to be friends with sadness.

  2. Find introductory words and indicate their meaning. The signs are not posted.
    It seemed that the quiet hour of the night gave the conversation a special charm. I won't detain you. In my opinion the matter is clear. Fortunately he recovered quickly. According to popular belief, the stork guards happiness. It was probably cool at night.
Ticket number 7

1. Explain the nature of intonation in each sentence. Arrange the signs of completion, selection and division, explain their placement.

The other day I spent the night on a steppe lake / It was completely overgrown with tall reeds / A narrow strip of clear water glistened in the middle / The dawn was slowly fading / Before dawn, an alarming duck cry made me wake up / Why were the ducks worried / Who could disturb them / Some shadow flashed in front of my with the eyes of someone’s wings almost hit me in the face / Owl / That’s who kills birds at night / Beware the night predator / (According to N. Nikonov.)

2. Find plug-in structures, explain punctuation marks.
One evening it was at the beginning of October 1773, I was sitting at home alone, listening to the howl of the autumn wind. (P.) The slowness of our march on the first day, we covered only fifteen miles, the unbearable heat, lack of supplies, restless overnight stays... drove me out of patience. (P.)
There was always a lot of duckweed floating on the small lake, called Larin’s Pond.

Ticket number 8

  1. Indicate the grammatical basis of the sentences (simple and each of those included in the complex). Please specify. what the subject is expressed by.
    It was already midday when we returned to Stepanchikovo. The Baltic Sea juts deep into the mainland. Those present talked about various subjects. Tomorrow will not be like today. Learning is always useful. Grandfather and mother walked ahead of everyone. In the distance someone began to sing.

  2. Find appeals, indicate how they are expressed. Explain punctuation marks.
    Peter, where have you hidden / Timur / Your uncle is looking for you / Let me go, dear one, into the wide open space / Silent sea, azure sea, reveal your deep secret to me / From you, my young friends, we require diligence in your studies and loving attention to the social values ​​​​that lie in your field of vision.
Ticket number 9

  1. Find simple verbal predicates, indicate their forms and grammatical meaning.
    In the mornings, thick steam spread over the fields. We see frost on the roofs. You will rewrite this exercise and talk about spelling rules. Prepare to work independently. Without training, I would not have met the swimming standards.

  2. Indicate sentences with isolated members. Place punctuation marks and explain their placement.
    Power over the earth has been given to you young people. An astonished passerby asked something. Exhausted and chilled, I barely made it home. Somewhere deep underground, water was oozing and making its way to the lake. Smart animals, beavers spend the winter intelligently. He began his journey into science as a member of an expedition.
Ticket number 10

  1. Young Dubrovsky wanted to get down to business. The girl stopped crying. I was ready to love the whole world. A person must work. A person must remember from childhood, from school, on what land he was born. He must remember that he has responsibilities to this great, most beautiful land in the world, which is called the Motherland.

  2. Indicate separate definitions, explain why they are separated. Place punctuation marks.
    The paw-like maple leaves stood out sharply against the yellow sand of the alleys. Tired of new impressions, I fell asleep earlier than usual. A damp, cold, piercing wind knocks on the windows. Snow that does not melt even in the hottest summer covers the tops of the mountains. Varvara Pavlovna, wearing a hat and shawl, hastily returned from her walk.
Ticket number 11

  1. Find the predicates and indicate their type. How are they expressed?
    Good work is the beginning of everything. The air became sweeter. I was deeply offended by the words of the guards officer. Mind and health are more valuable than anything else. Peter in “Poltava” is the embodiment of historical reason, the national interests of the Fatherland.

  2. Identify the separated applications and explain why they are separated. Place punctuation marks.
    I am your old matchmaker and godfather who has come to make peace with you. The colorful autumn evening of the year smiles brightly at me. This summer I went to Tarusa, a quiet town on the Oka River. The pilot, a simple blond guy, nodded his head and smiled. Yuri, as a native of the south, found it difficult to get used to the Arctic climate.
Ticket number 12

  1. Find the grammatical basis of the sentence. Place punctuation marks and explain their use.
    The forest is the most faithful assistant in the struggle for the harvest. Twenty years is an absolutely insignificant period in the life of nations. A person who loves and knows how to read is a happy person. Conscience is the inner consciousness of good and evil. Envy is not a desire for the good of another, but only for oneself. Dissatisfaction with oneself is a necessary condition for a rational life. An affectionate word like a spring day.

  2. Indicate the isolated circumstances, explain why they are isolated. Place punctuation marks.
    Having rounded a high cape, the steamer entered the bay. It is difficult to play chess without looking at the board. Reading while lying down is harmful. Chelkash, without letting go of the watchman's hand, continued to talk. He worked tirelessly. Despite the late hour it was stuffy. I refused the trip, but after thinking I agreed.
Ticket number 13

  1. Sort the data below into members by member. Indicate how the main and minor terms are expressed.
    By evening the weather worsened. An icy cold came from the ocean. Dense waves of gray fog swirled heavily over the tundra. The sky was clouded with low clouds.

  2. Indicate separate clarifying members of the sentence. What are these sentence parts? Explain punctuation marks.
    Below, under a clay cliff, the Sea of ​​Azov glittered. The truck picked us up three hours later, that is, in the evening. There was no one on the pier except a watchman with a lantern. The small house stood on a mountain above the river at the very edge of the city. In autumn, during bad weather, the forest has a particularly dull appearance.
Ticket number 14

  1. Find the additions, indicate how they are expressed, whether they are direct or indirect.
    Tree roots feed the leaves. City streets are decorated with multi-story buildings. I ordered to go to an object unknown to me. Shvabrin asked me to forget about the past. The steamer wakes up the city with a crying whistle.

  2. Determine why these proposals are complicated. Place punctuation marks and explain their placement.
    My thoughts, my name, my works will belong to Russia. Treat your native language with care and love, think about it, study it, love it. The father nodded his head without turning around. Vaska and Sashka were already waiting at the fence on a pile of boards. The forest, covered with a haze of young greenery, came to life. He was probably a well-mannered man. Guys let's be friends!
Ticket number 15

  1. Indicate agreed and inconsistent definitions and ways of expressing them.
    Place commas and explain their placement.
    All around stretched a flat, dull steppe. Small, cleanly swept courtyards were surrounded by earthen fences. I need a leather briefcase. The desire to learn took possession of the boy. It was autumn in the sun and fogs. Someone's horses were standing in the yard.

  2. Find sentences with homogeneous members. Place commas.
    The sunny pine forest beckoned us with its beauty. This world seemed so ordinary, ordinary, even boring. Study and work lead to glory. There was snow on the roof and on the balcony and on the trees. The cloud grew and captured the west and east. Thanks to a strict regime of strong will and determination, the comrade manages not only to cope with all school affairs but also to perform social work.
Ticket number 16

  1. Specify applications, add punctuation marks.
    White seagulls, fishermen, flew screaming over the Don. The sun stands high and hotly bakes the mother earth. The tug Kochegar passed by with four oil barges. Tourists rode along the Moscow River on a motor ship. A woman doctor from a rest home listened to Semyon.

  2. Find consistent and inconsistent definitions. Indicate how they are expressed.
    The forester's hut consisted of one room. The minutes before a fight are special minutes. Suddenly a rather large yellow river appeared on our way. He had the habit of stopping in the middle of a conversation and looking intently with laughing, affectionate eyes. The most frantic race began.
Ticket number 17

  1. State the circumstances. Determine their type by value.
    The swimmer fell into a sound sleep from fatigue. At the slightest bit of luck, he became unusually encouraged. Swimming along the river was dangerous due to the speed of the current. The sea roars menacingly. Menacing waves roll noisily. Having arrived at the place, the geese noisily descend onto the water. A very cold wind is blowing. Yesterday I arrived in Pyatigorsk. At dawn the army moved forward.

  2. Indicate homogeneous members of the sentence, place punctuation marks, and explain their placement.
    Blizzards of snow and fog are always subject to frost. The road either rose to a hill or rested on a rock. The strange sound floated closer and closer and grew in strength. Singing, laughter and grumbling could be heard there. Have at least a small mind of your own. Both old and young came to his aid. Be persistent but not stubborn.
Ticket number 18

1. Identify the types of one-part sentences. Give reasons for your answer.

June. Hot. They're mowing everywhere. The nuts are already ripe. I walk through the meadow into a distant forest.

  1. Indicate generalizing words and explain punctuation marks.
Winter was felt everywhere in the short days, the smell of snow and the early warning lights. Larks sang everywhere above and below. On the reddish grass, on the blades of grass, countless threads of autumn cobwebs glittered and waved everywhere. Young trees of all species, spruce and pine, aspen and birch, grow together and closely.

Ticket number 19

  1. Read it. Indicate nominative sentences. What are they used by the author for? Identify the grammatical principles in the sentences. Place punctuation marks.
    Pskov land. Small forest. Boulders. Blue lakes of flax. Fields of ripening rye. The mighty stones left by the glaciers remind Vasnetsov and the harsh landscape of his heroic outpost. Truly the Pskov land is a heroic outpost of the Russian land.

  2. Add missing punctuation marks.
One day the Big Telescope and Little Glasses argued.

That's how big I exclaimed Telescope.
And we will grow up and be big too, answered Glasses.
You will never grow up, the Telescope laughed loudly.
But we have two whole pieces of glass, Glasses timidly said.
The telescope stated with importance
And I have a hundred of these magnifying glasses. And everyone is thunder-a-hell.

The glasses were completely sad and thought that the Telescope was right and they were completely useless. But then the Astronomer came in, walked up to the table on which the Glasses lay and carefully put them on.
And what would I do without you, my dears? Because I see so poorly, he said affectionately.

Ticket number 20

  1. Find specific, personal suggestions. Indicate how the main term is expressed in them.
Tomorrow I’m going with a radio operator and a guide to the mountains. Pavlik and I select only the most necessary things from our property. I'll talk to the doctor again in two hours. Don't forget to report to headquarters today about the events of yesterday. Choose a book to your liking.
2. Indicate the minor members of the sentence. Explain the placement of punctuation marks (the marks are not placed).

The wind blowing from the sea intensified. A strong, damp, cold, piercing wind knocks on the windows. You young people need to learn how to live your life.
When we said goodbye, we promised to write to each other.

Ticket number 21
1. Indicate the type of sentence and the form of the predicate verb.

A smart head is revered from a young age. You can't replace action with words. After a case they don’t seek advice. Stand up for the truth. Nightingales are not fed fables. They don't walk on lawns.

  1. Find incomplete sentences. Explain punctuation marks.
Alyosha looked at them and they looked at him. The raft was floating along the shore and the boat was across it. Yegorushka looked at him for a long time, and he looked at Yegorushka. My brother studies well. Sister, it doesn't matter.

Ticket number 22
1. Find impersonal sentences. Indicate the form of the predicate verb in them.

It was getting light. A snowy field with frozen waves of crust suddenly turned pink from the cold sun. It's getting dark. The pre-holiday evening is coming. The village is dark and quiet. Be a great storm! The tree was lit by a thunderstorm.f

2.Indicate direct speech. Place punctuation marks and explain their placement.
How did our city seem to you? Manilova said: Did you have a pleasant time there?

Until tomorrow I said, tomorrow everything will be decided.
Do what you want, Dubrovsky answered them dryly, I’m no longer the boss here.
Hey Vlas exclaimed Fog, looking at him, Hello brother


Verochka was catching a butterfly with a net. She broke the net.
- Fix it, girl, net.

Wooden goby.
The bull is walking, swaying,
sighs as he walks:
- Oh, the board is running out, now I’m going to fall.

We have chickens.
We feed them.
Chickens eat porridge.
Who is this?
Gray in summer, white in winter (for..). Soft paws, and scratches in the paws (cat..).

On the river.
Volodya and Senya had fishing rods. They were fishing.
Senya caught a bream.
And Volodya caught a pike.

We have puppies living with us. They are in a box.

In the grove.
The children went to the grove.
Vera and Lyuba were picking berries. Asya and Tanya entered the thicket. They saw a bunny there. The bunny galloped away.

On the farm.
The pioneers were on the farm.
They brought food for the chickens. Fenya fed the chickens.
She sang them a song:
- Chick-chick, my chicks, chick-chick, my killer whales, you fluffy balls, my future quokkas.

Fenya had a chick.
The chick's name was Buryonka.
Fenya fed and watered her. He will bring a basket of grass.
And Buryonka is already at the feeder. He waits for the grass and waves his head. It’s as if he’s saying thank you to Fena. Fenya is happy, and Buryonka is happy.

Fedya and Vanya were fishing.
Fedya has crucian carp. Vanya has a perch. - Mom, here’s the fish, cook the fish soup. The soup turned out good.

The bullfinch sat down on the plank.
He came to eat grains.
The bullfinch's chest is red.
And the head is completely black. The bullfinch ate its fill and flew away again.

Mom wrote a letter to Vera.
- Vera, buy Ivan a coat, and Kolya some skates.
Zhenya put the letter in the box.

Our family.
Our family is big.
Father works at a factory.
Mother works at home.
Aunt Sophia treats children. Tatyana and Daria are studying.
Ilyusha is carried to the manger.
Our family lives together.

A skier comes out of the gate and goes on a hike. He is wearing a warm hat and a sheepskin coat with a collar, a thick scarf covers his face,
I would be glad to go - I have no strength.
He’s not used to climbing, he climbs straight up the mountain, he didn’t reach the top: he kept slipping and slipping!
For those who know all the tricks, it’s easy to overcome the climbs, climbing with the song “herringbone” and “ladders.”

How V.I. Lenin studied.
He studied easily and willingly.
And he had good abilities, and his father taught him to be persevering, to be precise and to carefully carry out tasks.
His teachers said that it helps Volodya a lot that he always listens carefully to the explanation of the lesson in class.
He usually memorized a new lesson in class. And at home he only had to repeat it a little.
According to A. Ulyanova.

V. I. Lenin.
The clear sun shines in the battles of our Motherland in the blue sky. Lenin defended
We sing a faithful song about the great Lenin on her way. fortunately pointed out.
He did not spare our lives for our happiness; he ordered us to take care of the Soviet Motherland.
T. Volgina.

Hello Spring!
Hello, hello, beautiful spring.
We have sown seeds in the ground; Sprouts grow from the ground, flowers bloom on the window.
Hello, hello, beautiful spring! Bird house by our window; There is fun in this house today, the winged residents are having a housewarming party.
O. Vysotskaya.

So winter has come to an end.
Somehow, in one day, everything changed. The wind drove in low clouds. They covered the entire sky. And suddenly the first rain fell on the ground. And then the clouds parted, the sun appeared and warmed the earth.
Tits were the first to mark the beginning of spring. They quickly flew from branch to branch. They looked for bugs and worms in the folds of the bark, and they themselves merrily sang: chi-chi-ku, chi-chi-ku.
According to G. Skrebitsky

Spring is coming towards us with quick steps, and the snowdrifts are melting under its feet.
Black thawed patches are visible in the fields.
That's right, spring has very warm feet.
I. Tokmakova.

The first cosmonaut.
The world's first cosmonaut was Yuri Alekseevich Gagarin. He took off into space on the Vostok ship.
It was April 12th. We have a new holiday on our calendar. This is Cosmonautics Day.
Now we have many astronauts. We are proud that a Soviet man was the first to fly into space.

Boys dream.
Whether at home reading a book or in kindergarten, boys dream of flying to a star!
They persistently dream about the Moon and even fly, but only, but only in their dreams!
But now, as if in a fog, the years pass.
The star beckons and beckons the boys!
“Vostok” and “Voskhod” fly higher and higher, and their voice is heard by the Soviet, Soviet

In the greenhouse.
A man wanted to grow fresh vegetables early. But the frost doesn't help. You can’t command Frost: give up; You can’t ask the sun to shorten the winter. And yet man figured out how to start spring in the middle of winter.
He built an amazing house. It looks simple. The walls are wooden, the roof is glass. The floor is earthen, but this floor is heated by an underground stove. And the roof itself catches the sun's rays.
This is a greenhouse house. There's snow all around, but it's spring in the greenhouse. The seedlings are turning green. When the frost ends, the seedlings will move from here to the beds.
According to N. Nadezhdina.

Without windows, without doors, the room is full of people.
The red maiden sits in prison, and the scythe is on the street.
Seventy clothes, all without fasteners.
Red boots in the ground and in a basket.
A yellow side appeared, but I’m not a bun, I’m not made of soft dough, and if I roll, I won’t budge. I am firmly rooted to the ground. Call me. I....

In a collective farm field.
Sowing begins. Heavy tractors hum day and night. You can hear cheerful, cheerful voices of people.
The collective farmers set to work together. The earth lies in black layers behind the plow. Seeds are falling into the ground like golden rain... The spring sun gently warms from the high sky.

My bells, steppe flowers!
Why are you looking at me, dark blue ones?
And what are you ringing about on the merry day of May, shaking your head among the uncut grass?

In the forest in spring.
It's good in the forest in the spring. Birch trees are spreading their sticky leaves. Spruce trees grow dark among them.
The air is clean, light, smells of spruce resin, young leaves, rotten earth.
And a choir of birds... And the voices are so wonderful! The sun is burning with all its might. And the shadow is still cold.

The sun dropped a golden ray, a dandelion grew - the first, young one.
He has a wonderful golden color, he is a small portrait of the big sun.

The starlings occupied the house on the birch tree. They made their nest in it.
I asked my father: “How many caterpillars and different beetles do starlings carry to their chicks per day?”
The father did not answer, but brought a sheet of paper and a pencil. “Here,” he says, “sit under the birch tree until lunch, watch the starlings. When they fly up with food, put a line on the sheet with a pencil. And then we’ll count.”
I sat down under a birch tree and began to watch the starlings. And what? Before lunch I covered the entire sheet. He set more than a hundred sticks. Even my hand is tired...
According to G. Skrebitsky.

Sparrow from a birch tree onto the path - jump!
- No more frost. Tweet-chirp!
The air smells like spring and my garden is green.
And the nightingale, the nightingale, sings in the shadow of the branches.

In the morning I woke up. Suddenly I hear someone knocking quietly on the window: “Knock, knock, knock.”
I jumped out of bed and looked behind the curtain. Behind the window, frozen meat hangs in a net. And on the meat there are two tits. They hammer with their beaks as much as they have strength. They try to peck out pieces of lard.
I look at that titmouse that is right next to the window. Her head is covered with a black cap. There is a black tie on the neck and chest. The back, wings and tail are dark. And the breast is bright yellow. And the second titmouse is exactly the same. Both are busy, plucking meat and lard with thin beaks...
According to G. Skrebitsky.

The grass is turning green, the sun is shining, a swallow is flying towards us in the canopy with spring.
With her, the sun is more beautiful and spring is sweeter, greet us quickly from the road!

There is a large ant heap on the forest edge. Ants are running and fussing around her. Some carry twigs, others carry leaves and blades of grass. Here are several Ants dragging a twig. It is no larger than a match. And for the ants this is a huge log. They will drag it and put it on a pile. And on top there is another twig, another blade of grass... And so the anthill grows.
Ants do everything together. They defend themselves from enemies, build houses, and hunt. From morning to night, work is in full swing in the anthill. Ants are busy all summer. And when the cold comes, the anthill will quiet down. The ants will go into their underground passages and fall asleep for the whole winter.

An ant in a thicket is dragging a heavy oak tree.
Hey, comrades, friends, help the ant!
If there is no help for him, the ant will stretch his legs.
Hey, comrades, friends! Help the ant!

A bee sat on a flower. She picked up fragrant juice with her proboscis. And she flew to her hive. A beehive is like a house for bees. Just no windows. And instead of a door there is a entrance. Bees fly into their hive through it. Many bees live in such a hive. And it's all one family.
Bees work all summer from morning to evening. There are bee houses in the collective farm apiary. A real bee town. A beekeeper will collect a lot of honey over the summer. But you can’t take all the honey. We need to leave it for the bees for the winter.
According to G. Skrebitsky and V. Chaplina.

Spring is red
You, spring, red spring, what have you brought with you? I brought a blanket of flowers for the meadows. I brought new needles for the Christmas tree.
There is a whole cartload of fresh leaves for aspens and birches.

Who built this house?
A new house was built on Sadovaya Street.
It has so many bright windows! Counting - not counting!
And the roof is so high that the birds cannot reach it.
The house has ten floors and there are thousands of people in the house.
Who built this house?
The house we live in? The new house is almost ready and will welcome residents for the holiday. That's who built this house, the house in which we live.
S. Baruzdin.

Who in the world wears a stone shirt? They walk around in a stone shirt... .
There are no wings, but it is a bird. It will fly and land on the moon.
The hut was built without hands, without an axe.
How good it is to be able to read!
How good it is to be able to read!
No need to pester your mother, no need to ask your grandmother: “Read, please, read!”
There’s no need to beg your sister: “Well, read another page!”” No need to call, no need to wait, but you can just pick it up and read it!