What is teleportation. Chance meetings at the Mariinsky Theater

Hi all! I continue to publish a series of articles in the “Amazing Discoveries” section, which I began with a story in February 2015. Today our topic is: “Human teleportation”

1. What is teleportation

If you have read at least one of my stories, you probably realized that I am not making anything up. The reason is simple - I just don’t know how to do it. All the events I describe actually happened. Everything is tied to time and place. Individual stories, like a mosaic, add up to a larger picture called “Notes of an Old-Timer.”

In this story I will continue this tradition, although I am sure that there will be skeptics who will argue that human teleportation is a fiction, like everything stated below, because this phenomenon is a figment of human imagination. That I could not witness this phenomenon because this could never happen. Judge for yourself.


I'll start with the definition from Wikipedia.

Teleportation (Greek τήλε - far, into the distance and Lat. portare - to carry) is a hypothetical change in the coordinates of an object (movement), in which the trajectory of the object cannot be described mathematically by a continuous function of time.

It's a bit complicated. Now in Russian:

Teleportation is the instantaneous movement of living and inanimate objects to any distance in space, regardless of any barriers or screens, one of the forms of psychokinesis. (The term was coined by Charles Fort.)

Let me remind you that there have been similar cases in history. I will give the most famous:

2. Teleportation of the philosopher Apollonius

The Roman emperor Domitian (1st century AD) put the famous philosopher Apollonius on trial. After the verdict was announced, the unfortunate man said: “No one, not even the Emperor of Rome, can keep me in captivity.” There was a flash of light, and the defendant, in front of the eyes of the assessors and the emperor himself, disappeared from the courtroom and found himself several days away from Rome.

This is not a mystical story, but a historical fact.

Philosopher Apollonius

3. Teleportation of the Atta Ant Queen

There is also a scientifically proven fact of teleportation of the queen of Atta ants:

If you open the side of the concrete chamber where the queen lives and mark it with paint, at first nothing happens. But if you close the camera for a few minutes, the uterus will disappear. It, marked with paint, can be found several tens of meters away in another chamber. The effect shocked the scientific community.

Atta ant queen

All this is denied by Newtonian mechanics. It says that atoms do not simply move in motion, without the influence of a second force, and do not disappear or reappear in another place. However, according to the theory of quantum mechanics, such things are quite possible. Considering the properties of atoms, scientists have discovered that an electron behaves like a wave and can make quantum jumps while rotating around the nucleus of an atom.

For me the question is: “Is teleportation possible? It’s not worth it!” As proof, I cite a story that happened to me these days. .

4. Teleporting a person with your own eyes

4.1 Arrival in St. Petersburg

On December 27, 2013, Giuseppe Verdi’s opera “Il Trovatore” was staged at the Mariinsky Theater, where the role of Leonora was to be performed by Anna Netrebko. It was impossible for my wife to miss such an event. Tickets for the performance were booked several months before the start of the performance, and for the train – a month in advance.

I had no choice but to join, although neither Ian Gillan nor Klaus Meine were among the characters.

On Wednesday, December 25, the Sapsan train safely delivered me and my wife to the city of Great October. We settled in a private hotel near the Moskovsky railway station. We went on an excursion to Tsarskoe Selo.

Tsarskoye Selo

4.2 Chance meetings at the Mariinsky Theater

And on Friday, December 27, as planned, at 18:30 we entered the foyer of the Mariinsky Theater. In the stalls of the theater, where we sat comfortably in our seats, Tatyana, our old friend from Moscow, called out to us. She was a fan of classical music, worse than my wife.

Our chance meetings were commonplace. In Moscow, Tatyana and I constantly met at the Conservatory on Herzen Street and in the Tchaikovsky Hall on Mayakovka. We even collided once at Sheremetyevo airport, returning from Greece, although this place has nothing to do with music.

During a lively conversation, my attention was attracted by a man in a light suit who was sitting in the first row of the amphitheater, 3 rows behind us.

“Some familiar face...” noted Tatyana, who caught the direction of my gaze.

“Yuri Aksyuta is the head of the music directorate of Channel One TV,” I remembered.

Everyone turned their heads together, looked at Aksyuta, nodded their heads in agreement... and forgot.

Yuri Aksyuta

4.3 “Troubadour” and Netrebko

The performance was a success. All the participants sang superbly, but when it was Netrebko’s turn, the hall literally froze.

Firstly, Leonora is one of the most romantic characters in the history of opera.

Secondly, Netrebko’s vocal and artistic abilities were an order of magnitude higher than other performers. Her voice grabbed hold of you and didn’t let go until the last note. There was some kind of magic in it.

Anna Netrebko as Leonora in G. Verdi's opera “Il Trovatore”

The performance lasted 2 hours 45 minutes with one intermission.

4.4 Teleportation of Aksyuta to “The Voice”

At 23:00 we left the Mariinsky Theater building and boarded a trolleybus. After 40 minutes we were already entering our room. The impression of what we saw and heard was so great that we decided to continue the evening. We made tea and turned on the TV. The final of the Second Season of the music show “The Voice” was broadcast on Channel One.

Imagine our surprise when, at about 12 at night, Yuri Aksyuta, dressed in blue faded jeans, a gray shirt and a black jacket, went up on stage to award the winners. The first thought was: “This can’t be! An hour ago we sat with him at the performance. It’s simply not realistic to be in St. Petersburg at Troubadour at 23 o’clock and in Moscow at Golos at 24 o’clock!” However, facts are stubborn things.

Here is a case of human teleportation, which I myself witnessed!


Who wants to develop these abilities in themselves, now know: for training we need to go to Yuri Aksyuta.

5. Reasonable explanations for what happened

P.S. In response to my story, two counterarguments are given:

“Aksyuta left after the first act of the performance.” - I don’t agree. It’s still impossible to get from the Mariinsky Theater to Ostankino in two and a half hours.

Firstly, the winner of the competition was chosen by direct voting of television viewers.

Secondly, I think journalist Olga Romanova called the studio during the final and asked the time. She was answered correctly!

I wanted to end the article with a video from the award ceremony for the winner of the 2013 “Voice” competition, where Yuri Aksyuta presents Sergei Volchkov with the first prize, but for some reason it was removed from YOUTUBE.COM. Even photographs. If you help me, or I find it myself, I will fill this gap.

In the meantime, let’s look at the video “This story shocked the whole world! A person has teleported from another space and time!”:

In this article, you learned about a case of human teleportation that I witnessed in December 2013. If you liked the story and want to read my other articles, subscribe to the blog site and recommend this to your friends on social networks and beyond.

Yours Alexey Frolov

Do you think teleportation is possible? An affirmative answer to this question may seem implausible. Until recently, scientists disputed the very possibility of teleportation. However, modern physicists claim that all the technologies necessary for this process already exist. And researchers are even conducting scientific experiments on the movement of bacteria and viruses from one place to another. They try to do this with small objects too. But with the movement of a person, the situation is much more complicated.

I don’t know about you, but for me, for example, it’s very difficult to believe this. But let's try to understand how likely this is, based on facts and examples.

The possibility of teleportation is rejected by all laws of physics, scientists believed 200 years ago. Meanwhile, modern researchers do not stop their scientific searches. But is this possible in practice? After all, our technologies have not yet been developed to such a level that we can easily take and teleport even a button from one room to another.

The term "teleportation" is formed from two words: the Greek "tele" - far and Latin "portable" - transfer. Teleportation means the instant transfer of objects from one point to another. Moreover, the condition of the item should not change! This theory can be confirmed by the words of Albert Einstein, who at one time stated that there are no clear boundaries between the future and the past. In scientific terms, teleportation refers to quantum states or the phenomenon of particles transferring basic properties to each other without physical contact.

The famous natural scientist Vladimir Vernadsky said that a scientific hypothesis almost always goes beyond the facts that served as its basis. Doesn't this mean that teleportation is really possible, since the theory of moving bodies from one place to another is becoming increasingly stronger in scientific circles today? Modern scientists ambiguously emphasize that all theoretical knowledge is available to implement teleportation.

Well-known biologist, geneticist and entrepreneur Craig Venter argues that a cell is the same molecular machine whose software is its genome. The scientist assures that you can do anything you want with a cell if you change the genome using synthetic biology methods. This is the so-called “biological television reporter”. Digitized biological information, like absolutely any other software, can be transmitted over vast distances at the speed of light.

Nature has created insects that can teleport in case of danger! These are atta ants. Or rather, their uterus, which is a real incubator. To prove this inexplicable ability, an experiment was conducted. The uterus, which is kept in a very strong chamber at all times, was marked with paint. If the chamber is closed for several minutes, the insect disappears and appears at a distance of several tens of meters in another similar chamber. Previously, this was explained by the destruction of the queen by the ant tribe. And if not for the experiment with the painted body of an insect, the phenomenon of instantaneous teleportation would not have been identified.

Teleportation as a clue to time

World scientific celebrities believe that time is not just a series of events, but the dimensions of space, which are determined only by our consciousness. Time is a perfect formula that scientists have been trying to unravel for centuries. Teleportation is a kind of key to solving it.

The film “Secret Experiment” is based on a truly mysterious case of the disappearance of a ship. According to Charles Berlitz, a famous American researcher of anomalous phenomena, they say that this incident actually happened. In October 1943, the US Navy conducted an experiment that resulted in the disappearance of a warship from a Philadelphia dock. A few seconds later the cruiser appeared at the Norforlk-Newport dock several hundred miles further. Following this, the ship disappeared again and reappeared in Philadelphia. Of the ship's crew, half of the officers and sailors went crazy, the rest of the people were dead. This case was called the "Philadelphia Experiment".

There are many mysterious phenomena happening around us that cannot be explained from a scientific point of view. But some experts note that they are very reminiscent of teleportation.

Experience of scientists from different countries

The first teleportation experiment was carried out in 2002. Australian scientists have managed to instantly move the photons of light that make up a laser beam. It was recreated at a distance of 1 meter from the real beam. With this example, physicists demonstrated the possibility of billions of photons being destroyed and reflected in a completely different place. After this experiment, the scientific community started talking seriously about teleportation.

In September 2004, scientists from the University of Tokyo announced that they were able to transmit data over an unlimited distance. They performed quantum teleportation between three photon particles. According to them, this experiment paved the way for the creation of ultra-fast quantum computers and uncrackable information encryption systems.

There are known cases of teleportation between calcium atoms and beryllium atoms. And what’s interesting is that scientists from different countries used completely different technologies for this.

A unique experiment was carried out by physicists from the University of Vienna. They were able to transmit the properties of individual particles of light over a distance of as much as 600 meters - from one bank of the Danube River to the other. A fiber optic cable was laid in a sewer canal under the river bed, which connected the two laboratories. During the experiment, three different quantum states of photons were transmitted in one laboratory, and they were reproduced in another laboratory. The data transfer process occurred instantly at the speed of light. The results of this experiment were published in the journal Nature.

Quantum teleportation is the transfer of the state of an object at a distance. The object itself remains in place. That is, it does not move, but only information about it is transmitted. This method was described by Einstein. But according to the scientist himself, such a quantum effect should lead to complete absurdity. Although the method itself does not contradict the laws of physics. In the age of high technology, according to researchers, it will lead to the creation of a new generation of computers.

Teleportation of vaccine properties

The purpose of this experiment: to create a therapeutic effect in the patient’s body at a distance. It is based on quantum effects that manifest themselves at the microscopic level. Imagine that the drug and the patient are at a certain distance from each other. Informational properties of a medicine can be transferred to a sick person for therapeutic purposes. The experiment showed that this teleportation demonstrated a direct healing effect, and the effect of the medicine was quite strong. But whether this effect was effective or not is still a mystery.

Teleportation and the US War Department

Most often, expensive teleportation experiments are carried out on the initiative of intelligence agencies.

According to the American magazine Defense News, the Pentagon, together with defense research organizations, are quite successfully developing the latest communications system. With its help, it will be possible to transmit messages around the world at speeds that exceed the speed of light!

Unlike conventional information transfer, a superluminal communication system will be able to ensure complete confidentiality of data. It is impossible to determine the location of the sender and recipient. This data transfer capability is based on quantum teleportation of the electromagnetic field.

The transmitting device will look like a laptop computer or an ordinary mobile phone. At the moment, a prototype has been manufactured. So far it is capable of transmitting data over a distance of no more than 40 km. But he has simply fantastic capabilities and in the future the distance for teleportation will have absolutely no limits. It will take about 10 years to develop this superluminal communication system.

Every person spends a significant part of their life moving. Traffic jams, public transport, daily wasting of time on the road or long journeys take up a significant part of the time. Fortunately, science can solve this problem, for example by scanning and eliminating the body at the subatomic level at point A, and then sending all the scanned data to point B, where a computer builds the body back from nothing in a split second.

This is called teleportation - the transfer of matter or energy from one point to another without crossing the physical space between them, and cannot be described mathematically by a continuous function of time. The term was coined by the American writer Charles Fort in 1931 to describe the strange disappearances and appearances of anomalies that he suspected were related. According to the writer, teleportation can explain many paranormal phenomena. Subsequently, this term became firmly established in science fiction literature, fantasy films (everyone knows Star Trek), etc.

For humans, this amazing technology can make it possible to travel vast distances. In essence, this is global instantaneous transport, with the help of which interplanetary travel can literally become one small step for a person.

This all seems rather dubious. Although, what if you think for a moment that teleportation is not a purely science-fiction definition and imagine that this concept has moved from the realm of impossible fantasy to a real theory. Physicist Charles Bennett and a team of IBM researchers have confirmed the possibility of quantum teleportation, but only if the original teleported object is destroyed and the copy becomes the only original.

Bennett made this statement at the annual meeting of the American Physical Society in 1993, and on March 29 of the same year he published his findings in scientific periodicals. Since then, experiments using photons have proven that, in fact, quantum teleportation is possible.

The work continues today, with researchers using elements of telecommunications, transportation and quantum physics in striking combinations.

Teleportation: Latest Experiments

In 1998, physicists from the California Institute of Technology (Caltech), along with two European groups, created the IBM theory of teleportation by successfully teleporting a particle of light, a photon.

The team of researchers calculated the atomic structure of the photon, sent that information 3.28 feet (about 1 meter) through a coaxial cable, and created an exact copy of the photon on the other side. As described in the theory, the original photon no longer existed when the replicant appeared.

In order to carry out the experiment, the Caltech team had to bypass the Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle, which states that it is impossible to simultaneously know the location and momentum of a particle. This thesis is the main obstacle to the teleportation of objects larger than a photon.

But if it is impossible to know the position of a particle, then how can quantum teleportation be achieved? To teleport a photon without violating the Heisenberg principle, Caltech physicists used a phenomenon known as quantum entanglement. Such a quantum mechanical phenomenon requires two or more interdependent objects. To achieve quantum teleportation, three photons were taken:

  1. Photon A: the photon will teleport;
  2. Photon B: photon transport;
  3. Photon C: photon interdependent (entangled) with photon B.

By removing information from photon A, the researchers thereby changed it. When photons B and C were entangled, part of the information about photon A passed to B and through entanglement to C. The rest of the information was transferred from photon A to C. So scientists did not create an exact copy of photon A, but the photon no longer existed in its original form and the information received was sent to photon C. Thus, during quantum teleportation, the properties of particle A (for example, the spin value) are copied to the same particle C, located at some distance, while changing the initial properties of the original particle.

Until today, scientists have not worked on the teleportation of living matter, especially since it is infinitely difficult. Nevertheless, the progress is impressive. In 2002, researchers at the Australian National University successfully teleported a laser beam, and in 2006, a team at the Niels Bohr Institute in Denmark teleported information stored in a laser beam into a cloud of atoms 1.6 feet (about half a meter) away. This was a step forward because for the first time teleportation was made between light and matter, two different objects.

In 2012, researchers from the University of Science and Technology of China took a new step in the development of teleportation. They teleported the photon 50.3 miles (81 kilometers) and then 60.3 miles (97 kilometers) to extend their own record. Two years later, European physicists were able to teleport quantum information through ordinary optical fiber used for telecommunications.

Given these advances, one can imagine how quantum teleportation will impact the world of quantum computing long before it will be possible to teleport living matter. These experiments are important in the development of networks through which it is possible to transmit quantum information at speeds significantly exceeding the maximum known today.

It all comes down to moving information from point A to point B. But will it ever be possible to take a walk using teleportation?

Human teleportation

Unfortunately, Star Trek's transporters are not only in the distant future, but probably physically impossible. After all, a transporter that will allow a person to move instantly to another place, according to Einstein’s special theory of relativity, must do this at a speed exceeding the speed of light.

In addition, to teleport a person, you need equipment that can scan and analyze all 10 28 atoms that make up the human body. That's more than a trillion trillion atoms. This miracle machine will also send the collected information to another place, where another unique machine will reconstruct the human body with absolute accuracy.

What is the possible error? There can be no question of inaccuracy. If the restored molecules are displaced even by a fraction of a micron from their place, the teleported body will “arrive” at its destination with severe neurological or physiological damage.

The definition of “will arrive” will also be incorrect. The whole process will be similar to a fax - a copy will come out at the destination, but what to do with the original after each fax?

And even if the original dematerializes, it turns out that every successful bio-digital teleportation will be accompanied by an act of murder. It’s not particularly pleasant to realize that by sending a child to school through a teleport, we commit infanticide, receiving in return a genetic clone complete with all the memories, emotions and thoughts.

Scientists are still working to improve the underlying concepts of teleportation. One day, for example, from a moral point of view, the attitude towards life, death and teleportation may be reconsidered, or perhaps the concept will be so improved that it will become safe and commonplace like in Star Trek.

Teleportation was confirmed, and this caused a lot of speculation. What types does it come in, what are its mechanics? Find out more about this!

Does teleportation exist?

Teleportation¹ is the general name for processes in which an object moves from one place to another, in a very short period of time (almost instantly), without existing at intermediate points between them, using technological methods or paranormal phenomena.

Teleportation has been studied by science and described in science fiction; the possibility of covering a huge distance in an instant has always attracted people due to both the convenience and the simultaneous mystery of the phenomenon.

This article describes several theoretical perspectives on what teleportation is.

In fact, the possibility of teleportation has already been scientifically confirmed: quantum teleportation has been confirmed in laboratory conditions.

In 2004, it was possible to teleport single quanta². It would seem that this changes little in material life, but it provides a great foundation for the future: all matter consists of quanta and other subatomic particles; if you find a way, you can also move larger and more complex things.

This idea captured the minds of many scientists who began to create theoretical justifications for how material things and living beings (including humans) can move instantly.

The research of scientists has led to the fact that teleportation comes in different types; a certain classification was proposed.

Based on performance:

  • instant teleportation;
  • non-instant teleportation.

According to the method of physical implementation:

  • quantum teleportation;
  • hole teleportation.

By simultaneous movement of parts:

  • sequential teleportation;
  • volumetric teleportation.

What is sequential teleportation?

This method of teleportation is based on movement through a certain communication channel with the simultaneous “destruction” of an object on the transmitter side and its reconstruction on the receiver side.

This idea has created several fundamental questions among the scientific community:

1. The need for precise detailing of an object for its safe transportation down to the atomic structure.

Even the most superficial knowledge of physics is enough to appreciate the complexity of implementing this engineering task. Transferring such large amounts of information may be accompanied by errors. From the point of view of the law of thermodynamics, this method is practically impossible to implement.

Although 3D printers operate on this basis to “print” solid objects according to templates stored in the computer’s memory.

2. The same applies to the movement of animate objects, in particular people. In this case, the problems get worse.

Humanity has not fully understood what life, mind and consciousness are, and has not resolved the question of what the soul is; How can you teleport a person in this case? What will “come together” in the end? Is it the same person or a different one with external identity? Or just a dead body?

Accordingly, with this method, questions of an ethical, philosophical and theological nature arise: the “destruction” of the body at the point of departure can be regarded as murder, and its re-creation in another - as resurrection.

Features of volumetric teleportation

The situation with volumetric teleportation is somewhat simpler compared to the previous point. Its idea boils down to a “puncture” of space-time with the transfer of matter through this puncture. Some researchers believe that such teleportation requires black holes.

1. This type of teleportation looks quite scientific and does not contradict the general theory of relativity: it allows for the existence and artificial creation of such “punctures” (wormholes, wormholes).

2. But there is a serious obstacle, and it lies in the fact that teleportation occurs instantly, that is, faster than the speed of light, which conflicts with the theory of relativity.

Combining space: the most understandable way

Combining space is an intuitive type of teleportation. It can be thought of simply as a gate leading to another place. For all its ease of understanding, this type also conflicts with the theory of relativity.

They boil down to the fact that in this case a person or a physical object finds itself in completely different conditions, including atmospheric ones: difference in pressure, magnetic attraction of the planet, etc.

The body will not be able to reconfigure itself, which will lead to disruptions in internal functioning.

It is possible that the creation of unique pressure chambers during movement can solve this dilemma.

It must also be said that scientists consider teleportation as a technological process, overlooking the psychological aspect.

A person has unrealized potential: his brain works at only 3-5 percent. Now civilization is going through a qualitatively new stage of development, in which the superpowers of people hidden in people are awakening again.

Teleportation can be carried out using the power of consciousness and psychic energy of a person. Of course, you need to train for this, but it’s real!

On our website you can find the necessary techniques and materials that will help you master teleportation!

Notes and feature articles for deeper understanding of the material

¹ Teleportation is a change in the coordinates of an object (movement), in which the trajectory of the object cannot be described mathematically by a continuous function of time (Wikipedia).

² Quantum is an indivisible portion of any quantity in physics; general name for certain portions of energy ( quantum of energy), angular momentum (angular momentum), its projection and other quantities that characterize the physical properties of micro-(quantum) systems (


Teleportation- moving from one place to another instantly, without existing at intermediate points in between. In science fiction works, the instantaneous movement of a material object from one point in space to another. The term was introduced in 1931 by the American writer Charles Fort to describe strange disappearances and appearances, paranormal phenomena, which, in his opinion, had something in common. He combined the Greek prefix tele- (meaning distance) with the Latin verb portare, (meaning to carry). Fort originally used the word in his 1931 book Lo!

This process is sometimes described as one of the hidden skills of the mind. Substitute words used: jantation, transgression, null-transportation, null-jump, hyperjump, hyperjump.

Teleportation, as an actually observed phenomenon, is currently not scientifically confirmed.

Theoretically, several methods of teleportation have been proposed (wormhole theory, hole teleportation). Experimentally, in laboratory conditions, only quantum teleportation has been confirmed, which does not transfer energy or matter over a distance and has nothing to do with the “fantastic” teleportation of material objects.


Based on performance:

  • Instant
  • Immediate

According to the method of physical implementation:

  • Quantum

By simultaneous movement of parts of an object:

  • Volumetric
  • Combining space

Volume teleportation

Science fiction writers, as well as adherents of the so-called. “parascience” has come up with many ways to implement it, most of which come down to one of the simple ideas: the implementation of a “puncture” of the space-time continuum with the transfer of matter through a type of “wormhole”, or a fairly rapid transfer of a body through a space with a higher dimension (hyperspace ), in particular, with the intermediate convolution of matter into “wave packets”. In many cases, black holes are required for its implementation.

  • This type of teleportation looks quite scientific and, in general, does not contradict the general theory of relativity. Indeed, on the one hand, the general theory of relativity does not prohibit the existence and even artificial creation of such anomalies as wormholes, wormholes, but on the other hand, it imposes significant restrictions on them - wormholes are unstable, their stabilization requires fields with a negative energy density, not yet known to modern science.
  • There is, however, one serious obstacle, which most authors conveniently ignore: teleportation, as a rule, occurs faster than light or instantly, that is, it involves superluminal movement along a space-like trajectory or a break in the world line of the object being moved (in some works, authors make teleportation a universal transport , allowing you to move freely even in time), which conflicts with the theory of relativity, since this can lead to a violation of cause-and-effect relationships. In addition, the theory of relativity makes the very concept of simultaneity uncertain; in each reference system, time moves in its own way. How, in this case, do the times of disappearance of a teleported object in one place and its appearance in another correlate? In science fiction works, this issue, as a rule, is avoided; the existence of a certain selected coordinate system is tacitly assumed, for which the concept of simultaneity has a very specific meaning, consistent with the ideas of Newtonian mechanics.
  • Another problem with volumetric teleportation is the hypothetical possibility of accidental or intentional combination of transported matter with matter at the destination. In this case, there can be two possible outcomes: either an explosion will occur (this, however, is unlikely, since matter actually consists of emptiness - the distances between the nuclei of atoms, electrons and between the atoms themselves are orders of magnitude greater than the particles themselves), or the atoms will simply mix. In any case, the result is considered irreversible (see the film “The Fly”).
  • There is a concept of volumetric teleportation that bypasses the last problem; according to it, during volumetric teleportation, areas of space equivalent in volume and configuration are exchanged. With such teleportation, any solid object moving within a volume larger than its size will remain undamaged - however, teleporting somewhere where there is a solid body larger than the volume being moved, it will “eat out” a piece of it, which will move to where the first object was located . In the fantasy story Monument by Evgeniy and Lyubov Lukin, the hero of the story, who suddenly gained the ability to teleport, used this property of volumetric teleportation to create his statues from various rocks, teleporting inside the rock deposits and thereby creating an exact copy of himself from a given rock on the spot where he was there before the teleportation.

Combining space

Combining space is the most elegant, intuitive type of teleportation. Externally, they are just doors, gates or other arched structures that “just” lead to another place. This type of portal also conflicts with the theory of relativity.

  • The combined spaces are in different reference systems. First, the most obvious, it is necessary to ensure instantaneous and continuous transformation of 4-vectors of energy-momentum of all those crossing the surface of the portal particles, because at the same speed of the body relative to the surface of the portal, different impulses will correspond to the body on its different sides in any arbitrary reference system. This aspect is usually left behind the scenes by the authors; it is believed that this is an integral property of the portal.
  • Atmospheric conditions on different sides of the portal are usually also different. The authors also usually leave the concern for preventing air flows due to pressure differences to the portal equipment or the properties of the combined space area.
  • The problem of simultaneity for portals of this type is even more acute than for volumetric teleportation. When spaces belonging to two different reference systems are combined with each other for a long period, in “real time” mode, then by what clock does time tick on both sides of the portal? How do relativistic effects, such as Lorentz shortening of lengths and time dilation at subluminal speed of one of the sides, affect the operation of the portal and the image visible through its surface? Gravitational potential? Magnitude of uniform acceleration? - The special theory of relativity classifies such questions as meaningless, since it itself is based on the postulate about the limit of the speed of light in a vacuum and, accordingly, the impossibility of instantaneous dissemination of information. The hypothetical introduction of such signals (inevitable, assuming the possibility of teleportation), significantly modifies the special theory of relativity (?), reducing its predictions to simple metrological paradoxes and reintroducing the concept of simultaneity.

Teleportation in science fiction works

Teleportation is not only a very effective visual technique, but also a fairly bright archetype, an invention desired by many people, expressing in the most complete form a person’s long-standing dream of conquering space. However, many different problems are associated with possible implementations of this invention: ethical, psychological, scientific, etc.

Teleportation became a real property of mass culture thanks to the Star Trek series. The authors were forced to introduce it into the plot, since the studio did not have money for expensive special effects for the takeoff and landing of ships. It was cheaper to move people along the beam.

In the episode Tuvix of the film Star Trek Voyager, a case was described of the successful combination at the molecular level of two characters - Neelix and Tuvok. The resulting hybrid chose the name Tuvix. The doctor’s phrase: “He is surprisingly healthy, given the current circumstances” violates the accepted axiom about the impossibility of such a teleportation effect. Despite all this, the question immediately arises about the principle of such a combination, since Neelix and Tuvok were representatives of different species and they obviously had a different set of organs, not to mention the principle of functioning of the common brain. It is known that the human (and not only) brain stores memory by connecting neurons in a strictly defined order with the required number of nerve endings. Anyone can easily provide a dozen more similar arguments in favor of the impossibility of this process. The Star Trek Voyager series itself has a decent set of episodes that take it out of the genre of strict science fiction.

After some time, the game Unreal was released, demonstrating portals that actually combined space - two planes located in different places in the location were combined into one. In some games, for example, Quake III: Arena, the combination of space is only simulated, in fact representing volumetric teleportation at the moment of touching the virtual screen.

Sometimes teleportation is the main theme in the plot of a computer game itself, as was the case in Doom, Half-Life and Gorky-17. In these games, scientists carried out experiments on teleportation, and accidentally discovered another dimension, from which hordes of enemies began to teleport into our world (Doom, Half-Life) or mutations occurred that changed the appearance of teleporting organisms beyond recognition (Gorky-17). In Prey, combining spaces is a key feature of the gameplay and the main tool, along with weapons.

In role-playing games based on magical game systems (AD&D, GURPS, etc.), for example, text MUDs, as a rule, there are various teleportation spells. For example, gate (gate) - moves the player to a given point. Usually another player or some object is indicated as the target. In this case, most often, to indicate the target of teleportation, objects that are characteristic of a certain area or whose location is well known are used. A common way to harm someone is to move these beacon objects from their places, for example, to a location where there are aggressive high-level monsters. The victim of this is a player who, out of habit, moved along a familiar beacon, finds himself in an unusual place and with a high probability dies.

Volumetric teleportation, as a magical or technological process, is present in most games of various genres. For example, in the role-playing game: Morrowind, using a spell or potion, you can teleport to a pre-selected point. In Fable: The Lost Chapters, you can teleport from anywhere to one of the stationary portals that are usually installed in cities. The ability to teleport is also available in strategies: Heroes of Might and Magic, Red Alert, WarCraft and many other games.

In space simulators, teleportation has existed since the very origins of the genre - in the 1984 game Elite, it was already possible to jump between star systems on a spaceship, and, with the purchase of a special device, between galaxies. Often in games of this genre, teleportation requires the passage of a ship through a special gate in outer space. For example, EgoSoft's X-Series space simulators use ring teleportation gates left behind by an ancient race that allow spaceships to instantly travel from one star system to another. It is worth mentioning that the Earthlings could also build gates, but according to the plot, after the war with the terraformers, they abandoned this technology because they were afraid of their return.

In the Space Rangers series of games, movement between systems is carried out using hyper-jumps. A jump is only possible from the edge of one system to the edge of another, since massive objects (stars) create gravitational anomalies along the boundaries of systems, which greatly “softens” space and allows for a “puncture”. In the first part of the game, hyperspace is presented in the form of separate clumps of matter, “sliding” along the surfaces of which the ship moves to its destination. Pirates and various objects of the material world can also hide in the clumps. In the second part, the player no longer visits the clumps, since new engines allow him to bypass them.

There is also a game Narbacular Drop, the gameplay of which is entirely based on solving puzzles using portals. The game was created by technical college students and is absolutely free. The game was later demonstrated by Valve. VALVe was impressed by the game, and the company decided to take the project under its wing, adapting the technology for its Source engine. The result of the work can be seen in the game Portal (sold in The Orange Box). It is curious that in this game the law of conservation of energy is violated, for example, by placing one of the portals above himself, the player can move into it, thereby increasing his potential energy “for free”. When a player falls down, potential energy will turn into kinetic energy, and this cycle can be repeated indefinitely (the maximum speed of the player in the game, however, will be limited by software). Some game objectives can only be completed by gaining the required speed by placing portals on top of each other in order to fly through them several times.

You can also teleport in the game Infernal: Devilishness. There it is possible to teleport to three points in space at once, but only for a while and only in the line of sight. In this game, teleportation is considered an evil skill and occurs due to the forces of darkness.

In the multiplayer RPG World of Warcraft, magicians have teleportation as a “leap”, which carries the player several meters forward, and warlocks have the opposite spell, which transports them to a previously left demonic circle. Mages also have the opportunity to create “portals” to the capitals (and not only) of their faction for themselves and members of the group/raid.

Homeworld 2 implements the idea of ​​hyperspace. Moving into it, the spacecraft does not cover long distances instantly, but with significantly less time than the traditional method.

In the Starcraft 2 strategy game for the Protoss, “stalker” units have the “jump” ability, which allows them to move to any visible point at a certain distance.

Sometimes teleportation is present in the game as a plot event, but the player cannot use it during the game. This approach is used in the games Earth 2160, Perimeter.

Devices that perform instant teleportation are usually called portals. There are two types of portals in science fiction works and computer games: three-dimensional, which carry out instant transfer of matter located in some enclosed space, and flat, which combine two spaces in the form of a common, most often flat, surface through which the object being moved passes.