The meaning of the tightly compressed lips gesture in men. Sign language of men

What we say does not always correspond to what we demonstrate to our interlocutor with our postures and body movements. How to decipher them?

Psychology of gestures and facial expressions


It can tell a lot about us to an attentive person. If you want to create the impression that you are very busy, you rush forward quickly. Do you have a spring in your step when walking? You will definitely be mistaken for an optimist and a creative person. The gait of a confident person is easy to recognize - he steps on his heel and rolls his foot onto his toe.

Sitting style

A business meeting. In front of you is a stranger who has spread out his papers all over the table. This means he feels like a very important person. Wide-spaced legs reinforce this impression.

Body rotation

If several people take part in a conversation, we turn to the interlocutor who is more attractive to us. Or to the leader - as a sign of respect. This is the simple psychology of human gestures.

Let's move closer

We try to get closer to those who are truly pleasant to us.


Raised eyebrows
This is evidence that a person is sincerely interested, he is curious about what is happening. If he frowns, it means he is experiencing fear and embarrassment. The eyebrows are motionless if there is no interest in what is happening now.

Closed eyes
If the interlocutor in a conversation suddenly begins to rub his eyes, covers them with his hand or lowers his eyelids, it means that he is trying to protect himself from unpleasant or dangerous information that he has received.

Attention - on the face
Have you noticed that your interlocutor often straightens his hair, moving it away from his face? Maybe he's a little nervous. Another interpretation: he is trying to attract your attention to his face and neck by flirting.

Lip biting
It is easy to determine when a person is in a stressful situation: the interlocutor begins to bite or lick his lips. He does this to relieve tension and calm down a little.

Sincere smile
Do they smile at you only with their lips for 5-6 seconds? This is a reason to doubt that the person is sincere with you now. After all, a real smile implies that it involves not only the lips, but also the eyes! If you want to be known as a thorough person at work, smile less. Employees who smile excessively do not seem too serious to management.

Head tilt

Do you want to make it clear that your interlocutor’s words are interesting to you and that you are listening to him carefully? Tilt your head slightly towards him, showing that you don’t want to miss a single word.


If your counterpart blinks more than 6-8 times per minute, it means that the person is very worried at the moment.


A person who is telling a lie really has an itchy nose - it’s just at this moment that adrenaline is released, which causes the capillaries to dilate and the nose begins to itch.


By looking at us, we can determine whether the interlocutor is lying to us or whether he is interested in someone present. If your interlocutor looks too closely into your eyes without looking away, this may mean that he is deceiving you. But, realizing this, he tries to seem sincere, without taking his eyes off your face.

A quick exchange of glances occurs between people who like each other. If a man casts quick interested glances at you and immediately looks away, he likes you, but he is not sure of reciprocal feelings. A quick glance is one of the signs of a defensive reaction: a person is afraid of rejection.


If you nod your head, and do it more than once, you show your interlocutor that you are interested. If you nod three times at once, the person's response will be about three times longer. This means don’t nod more than once if you want to quickly end a boring conversation.

Looking from the bottom up

A person who tilts his head slightly and looks up at his interlocutor needs support and protection. This is how young children often look, and there are plenty of photographs of Princess Diana in this position.

Pursed lips

When the interlocutor's lips stretch into a thin line, there is no doubt that the person is simply furious. The fact is that in a calm state, few people can purse their lips in this way.

Look up

Do you want to know what your interlocutor is thinking about? Notice how his eyes move. When a person remembers what he saw before, he looks up, as if trying to imagine the picture. When a person remembers what he heard, he looks towards one of his ears. And the deepest experiences are accompanied by a gaze that seems to be directed inward and does not react to what is happening around.

Forehead and ear massage

Does your interlocutor touch his forehead or stroke his earlobes? He feels vulnerable and defenseless and tries to relieve tension. For example, a person may react this way when a boss looks around at his subordinates, trying to decide who to entrust an unpleasant job to. By touching the forehead, earlobes, rubbing our knees, we massage the nerve endings, and this helps reduce blood pressure and pulse.

By the way, the psychology of human gestures speaks louder than words. Scientists have found that with their help we receive up to 90% of information. Whereas words give us no more than 7%.


Feet shoulder width apart
This position speaks of self-confidence and a tendency to dominate. During an argument, a person in this position will firmly stand his ground. If you want to intensify the impression, place your hands on your hips - this is a traditional position that shows strength.
Crossed arms
It may seem that the person crossing his arms is angry or wants to close himself off from the eyes of others. But don't rush into such an assessment. This pose can really indicate that a person does not want to let anyone into his thoughts if his legs are also crossed. However, it is worth paying attention to the surrounding environment: most often people take this position when they are cold. And besides, many find this position simply comfortable.
Body weight is transferred from one leg to the other
The way your body moves matches your thoughts. Does your partner often shift from one foot to the other or sway back and forth? He is worried or upset about something. In other words, these movements clearly indicate what is happening in a person’s head: he moves from one unpleasant thought to another and cannot decide on a solution.

Feet pointing towards the door

It’s easy to determine how interesting the conversation is to your interlocutor. If you are talking to a person whose feet are turned towards the door, this is a sign that he wants to end the conversation as quickly as possible and is looking for a way to retreat.


The interlocutor hides his hands, Does he keep them behind his back or put them in his pockets? He is hiding something from you, does not give complete information.

A person who touches his nails and cuticles while talking
(and even worse - he bites his nails), gives the impression of insecurity and vulnerability. Instead, interlace your fingers to appear calm and balanced.

Restless gestures

Does a person alternately take off and then put on his shoes under the table, shake his legs rhythmically, or cross one leg over the other? Such gestures help relieve anxiety. They also say that the situation is unpleasant for you.

What do you know about the psychology of gestures and facial expressions?


Mouth facial expressions: experiment.

When we make any effort, we usually close our mouth. Some bare their teeth, others purse their lips (often even curl their mouths). The next time you invite a group of friends over, try this: take three coins and show them to your friends with the words: “Who can, holding these three coins in his hand, at the same time move the middle coin down, without resting on anything with this hand? Moreover, all actions must be carried out without the help of a second hand." Then give the coins to whoever wants them. After this, you will have the opportunity to observe signals that occur not only in situations when a person does something for the first time, that is, requiring increased concentration, but also in everyday life.

Corners of the mouth.

The most important element influencing facial expression is the corners of the mouth. In the picture below you are offered three “faces” that do not have a mouth. You must draw the corresponding mouths a, b and c for faces A, B and C:

a: barely noticeable raising of the corners of the mouth;

b: smooth, calm mouth, its corners are neither raised nor lowered;

c: barely lowered corners of the mouth.

If you are amazed by the differences that have occurred due to seemingly such minor changes, then remember:

Facial forms of expression of all three areas of the face can be used for interpretation as signals only in combination.

It is impossible to raise or lower the corner of the mouth even one millimeter without simultaneously moving other facial muscles.

A joyfully satisfied face and a gloomy, disapproving face generally produce a very different impression (see Fig. 8).

Figure 8

Therefore, information related to the position of the corners of the mouth is interpreted only in conjunction with other signals.

We have already looked at what instantly pursed lips mean. Here we are talking about people who clench their mouths so often that deep vertical lines have formed at the corners of their mouths. We have already mentioned that these lines could arise as a result of illness or hard fate, but often these lines are the result of something like this life path: in his youth, this person had “great plans” (in young people, the corners of the mouth are more likely to be turned up). Then these people lost one illusion after another. They experienced a period of frustration and discord, and more and more began to notice how most of their aspirations, desires and hopes were slipping away. This gradually poisoned their lives. In adulthood, such people often already have fine lines extending from the lips. Later, the corners of the mouth chronically drooped, the lips compressed, and all this was fixed by the position of the muscles. And now we can already see the lines going down, deeply “cut into” them. So this chronically clenched mouth often characterizes dissatisfied or unhappy people who have lost their illusions and who are now hardly capable of anything constructive. Such people often feel sorry for themselves and look for only the negative in everything, believing that nothing good can ever happen. But there is also another type of compressed lips - “pouting”, tied in a “bow”, as if their owner is preparing to perform at an artistic whistling competition.

Pursed lips.

Eric Berne, in one of his books, offers an experiment in which not only the facial muscles work, but also the back muscles (along with the corners of the mouth). Sit down (if you are not currently sitting) and tense your anus muscle. Now lean forward slightly and try to stand up without leaning on anything or losing control of the severely pinched anal muscle. Stop.

Well, are you curious enough to try it? Then you will certainly feel that the tension is transmitted through the spine up to your lips. The lips pulled together in this way and at the same time slightly pointed is a different form of pursed lips than when you pressed your lips together, holding them straight, and at the same time the corners of your mouth were downturned. The Americans call this form "tight-ass".

If an American says about someone that he is "tight-ass", then he means different things. Firstly, this person may be “internally constrained,” that is, in his manifestations he is not open and free. Secondly, he can be exaggeratedly restrained (and at the same time greedy). Finally, this word also denotes any person who adheres to strict moral requirements and at the same time condemns those who are rather loose with these requirements. This is how a teetotaler teaches a drinker that alcohol is poison and the best thing is to quit this stupid activity. The old maid also condemns the frivolity of young love...

Later we will talk about how people explain the relationship between physical and mental stress. Everyone who thinks about the mutual dependence of the physical and mental experiences at least surprise at our body. How everything is interconnected in it: for example, when excited, the electrical resistance of the skin decreases; hormones depend on mood and in turn influence it, etc. Therefore, I prefer the Eastern attitude, which instead of “I have” states:

I am my body.

In the same way, our neighbors “have” their body. Therefore, when we communicate (and even when we are alone), our body “participates in the conversation” as an “independent” interlocutor.

As for the corners of the mouth, they are not only a tool for transmitting information (many can “read” from our corners of the mouth what cannot be heard), but through them a highly effective connection between the mutual influences of the physical and mental is carried out.


There is a saying in China: “He who cannot smile should not open a store.”

Thus, Eastern wisdom not only believes that a gloomy store owner has a negative effect on customers (who may not come again), but it also reveals the idea that a person who does not know how to smile is already a “bad” person. He has no agreement with himself, no peace within, he is constantly dissatisfied with something, etc. With such an attitude, it is difficult to achieve success, no matter where a person works: in trade, in industry, in the service sector, and in any other areas.

This makes it clear why the “stumbling block” for American managers is not only “salespeople” who do not know how to smile, but also their managers. One could say this: starting from the middle level of management, it is not entirely advisable to use people whose corners of their mouths are chronically drooping.

And one more experiment, simply amazing in its results: the next time you have an unpleasant conversation, shortly after which you have another business visit, try smiling before going to this meeting. Between conversations, try to find a secluded place and there, behind closed doors (so that no one can see you), conduct this experiment.

At first glance, this advice looks completely absurd. Firstly, you are not laughing at all right now, and secondly, you know that in any case the result will only be a grimace, and not a smile. This is true and not true. Let there be a “grimace”, “a forced smile”, “a comical grin”, but still make the corners of your mouth turn up! This will cause a chain reaction of mutual influences of body language and feelings. If you keep a “smirk” on your face for at least twenty seconds, then unexpectedly your condition will begin to change! At first, your grin will seem “funny.” Then it will turn into a slightly “forced” smile; Well, it’s already very close to a “sincere smile”!

Then you realize that you are able to think clearly again.

And all because you calmed down. And now it seems to you that the one with whom you were just angry is not so guilty, that he “didn’t know,” “didn’t want,” or at that moment “couldn’t” do otherwise.

Meanwhile, your “smile” has acquired a “lighter” shade.

If you now go to meet your next partner, then, of course, you will not glow with happiness, but still there will be no lines of displeasure on your mouth, which could in turn cause a negative reaction from your partner; which means you will have a chance that at least these negotiations will be productive.

It is not for nothing that yogis and Zen Buddhists, during meditation, sit with their mouths relaxed and closed, the corners of which are subtly raised upward (this can be seen in most sculptural images of Buddha).

Open mouth.

Remember our experiment, during which you tried to relieve tension in your mouth muscles. Remember also the words of Feldenkrais, from which it follows that it is necessary to “hang” the relaxed lower jaw so that certain muscles do not consciously (and usually unconsciously) pull it up. A "civilized" person never relaxes his mouth. Perhaps in a dream, and this relaxation can go so far that people’s soft palates become “loose” and extremely comical sounds can arise.

But while we are awake, we never keep our mouth completely open; This only happens among “village fools” - a highly unpleasant association. Thus, we prefer to close our mouths in accordance with the norm that is ingrained in us by upbringing. This means that a constantly closed mouth is an acquired quality of our behavior, but not innate!

From this perspective, an open mouth acts as a body signal suggesting inner openness. Either to let information out (for example, to take a breath and say something), or to let it in (for example, in engaged listening). As possible states, for example, the following can be mentioned: 1. Surprise.
2. Fright.
3. Willingness to communicate something.
4. An elevated and positive state of mind.

At the same time, some authors often characterize an open mouth as a sign of “lack of purposefulness” and “bad character”, as they proceed from the rule enshrined in the Western norm (“the mouth must be closed!”). I point this out (before discussing this issue in detail in Chapter 9) to warn against the possible serious mistake in interpreting the behavior of people of another culture when you take for granted that others should always react the same way as you yourself. Yes, an open mouth may indicate a lack of determination (this depends, of course, on secondary signs), but this does not mean at all that this person is generally incapable of being businesslike, although his mouth is open (at least from time to time). time).

Features of bitterness around the mouth.

Try the following mini-experiment. Go to the mirror and eat something bitter or suck on a piece of bread soaked in some bitter liquid. (If you drink something bitter, you may not see such a clear reaction, since the container from which you drink will cover your mouth.)

Observe (with repeated trials), firstly, what you see, and secondly, the change in sensations in your mouth. Stop.

Have you tried it? Then you probably noticed that when you felt bitterness in your mouth, your tongue moved as far as possible from the palate, and your lower jaw simultaneously moved down, although your lips remained closed.

Externally, this manifests itself in the form of certain facial expressions in the mouth area, which are difficult to describe and are defined as “bitterness” features.

This bitter grimace also occurs, of course, in those cases when we feel something “bitter”, with certain unpleasant feelings, such as a feeling of disgust, disgust, contempt. However, this works even when we only imagine it! When you are reading something with enthusiasm and at the same time you come across the word “abomination,” then, if you are sufficiently imbued with this feeling, you can notice the same features of bitterness on your face.

People who have this, as they sometimes say, “mine of bitterness” “stuck” to their faces, evoke a similar feeling in observers with their suffering appearance. Therefore, people usually try to avoid such people.

Features of pleasure around the mouth.

Now, also in front of the mirror, try eating something sweet to feel and see the perceived signals of sweetness (of course, when the bitter taste left over from the previous experience disappears...) Stop.

Did you see how your lips pursed tightly and moved in front of your teeth? Of course, such traits also occur in moments of joy or something pleasant. However, this is all quite obvious, so we will not dwell on them in detail.


Like the signals of the ears, cheeks and nose, the facial capabilities of the chin are quite limited and are hardly noticeable to most observers, especially when the face is not in profile, but in front of the observer. Essentially, we can only say the following: at the moment of purposeful action, the chin is pulled forward (try looking at yourself in the mirror at such a moment), while during passive pleasure the chin is pulled back more.

To conclude the section on mouth signals, it is also worth pointing out that intonation is produced primarily by the mouth and only partly by the larynx or chest. Thus, the aspect of intonation could just as well be considered a subsection of facial expressions: pay attention to the position of your mouth when you say "o-o-o-o" or "ee-ee-ee."

Head signals.

We have already discussed one head signal - this is the pulling of the head into the shoulders in a “closed” pose. Other signals, such as shaking or nodding the head (within our culture), are understood quite clearly.

The situation is more complicated with the interpretation of the head hanging low, since cultural differences are important here (even within Western culture). At this point, it is only worth pointing out that tilting the head to the side can be caused by the fact that a person has difficulty hearing. Further note that tilting the head back or down, especially in people wearing glasses, may simply represent an attempt to see something better (for example, if glasses have double lenses). Such signals can be interpreted erroneously if they are assessed in terms of a “closed” or “open” posture and secondary signs are overlooked or truth control is not carried out.

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Antifragility. How to benefit from chaos

ANTIFRAGILITY is a unique book: it talks about the key property of people, systems, a property that has not yet had a name. In a world where uncertainty reigns, one cannot wish for more than to be antifragile, that is, to be able, when faced with the chaos of life, not only to remain unharmed, but also to become better than before, to evolve, to develop. Taleb formulates simple rules that allow us to overcome fragility and act so that unpredictable uncertainty, that menacing and sudden Black Swan, does not harm us - and, moreover, that this rare and powerful bird helps us improve.
ANTIFRAGILITY is a wise oracle that helps each of us navigate our own future. Topics such as life-changing decision making, trial and error, risk assessment, innovation, politics, education, war, personal finance, economic systems and medicine are masterfully intertwined here.

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As the woman wants. Master class on the science of sex

About the book
Scientific answers to all questions about the female body and how to realize your own sexual potential.
This book is an exploration of how female sexuality works, based on scientific research and neuroscience. It can change your sex life for the better.
Over the past decade, scientists have been trying to invent an analogue of Viagra for women. Where is this "pink pill"? This book explains why such a pill is impossible. But she talks about the discoveries in the field of female sexuality that were made during the search for the magic pill.
The first lesson from Emily Nagoski is that every woman has her own sexuality, as unique as her fingerprint, and women are much more different from each other than men. Therefore, never try to judge yourself by the experiences of others. Women are different - and that's normal.
The second lesson is that sex is always connected to an external context. Everything that happens in a woman's daily life affects her arousal, passion and orgasm. And when you understand how your sexual response mechanism works, you will take control of both your external environment and your own brain to maximize your sexual potential, even in an imperfect world.
Research from various fields of science proves that the key factor in a fulfilling sex life is not what and how a woman does in bed, but how she feels about it. This means that stress, mood and confidence play a vital role - and once you understand this, you can influence these factors and realize your sexual potential.
No matter where you are in your sexual journey, whether you are completely satisfied and want things to get better, or you are suffering and looking for answers, after reading this book you will definitely be able to improve your sex life. You will see that you are whole and healthy from a sexual perspective - even if you are not quite sure about it yet.

From the author
Being a sex education expert means answering questions endlessly. Students, friends, friends of friends and strangers endlessly send me questions about sexual desire, arousal, pleasure, as well as pain associated with sexual relations, orgasms, fetishes, fantasies, discharge and a host of other things.
Here are some examples of such questions:
When my partner takes the initiative, I willingly play along with him. But I never seem to suggest sex myself. Why?
I've seen programs about women who don't enjoy sex because they're always unhappy with their bodies. This is just about me. How can I get rid of this habit?
I read somewhere that sometimes women in long-term relationships become disinterested in sex, even if they still love their partner. This is exactly my case. What can you do to want sex with your partner again?
I don't think I've ever had an orgasm...
Behind each of these questions lies one and the most important: “Am I even normal?” (And almost always the answer is yes).
In this book I have collected answers to a wide variety of questions. I saw dramatic changes in those who received answers based both on the latest scientific evidence and on examples of women who understood the sexual side of their lives and changed their relationship with their own bodies. These women became the heroines of my book. By telling their stories, I really hope to empower you to forge your own path and realize your sexual potential.

Who is this book for?
For women who want to get answers to all questions about their sex life and realize their sexual potential.

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Chicken broth for the soul. 101 stories about happiness

As a child, when you were sick, your grandmother would give you chicken soup. Today your soul needs nourishment and care. Little stories from "Chicken Soup" will heal emotional wounds and strengthen the spirit, give your dreams new wings and reveal the secret of the greatest happiness - the happiness of sharing and loving.

The homeless man lived in a tent, read by candlelight and washed at gas stations, but was absolutely happy with his life. He had nothing, but at the same time there was the main thing...
- Kari went to school and started a new career when all her friends retired.
- Nancy was upset when she received inappropriate gifts, until one day she realized that people saw something in her that she herself did not notice...
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First say NO. Secrets of professional negotiators

If your client threatens to break the relationship and forces you to give him another discount, and you are afraid to refuse and lose him, then Jim Camp has another, more effective way of negotiating for you: Just say NO. This short word is the most effective tool in the arsenal of negotiation techniques, allowing you to stop fruitless discussions, discard false assumptions and avoid unnecessary compromises. After reading this book, you will master a unique system of preparation, planning and negotiation. You will learn: how to stop depending on the outcome of negotiations, which you cannot control, and concentrate on what you can control - your own behavior; what and how to say at the negotiating table: how to lead your opponent with the help of correctly posed questions; how to resist a strong opponent who uses pressure and manipulation.

Popular science portal "Attic"

What is this book about
It is generally accepted that mathematicians are people endowed with remarkable intellectual abilities that need to be developed from childhood. And for most, the accuracy and logic of mathematical thinking is inaccessible. Barbara Oakley, Ph.D., proves that anyone can change the way they think and master the techniques that all STEM professionals use.

Why the book is worth reading
From this book you will learn:

  • why it is important to absorb knowledge in portions;
  • how to overcome the “stupor” and achieve insight;
  • what role does sleep play in solving complex problems;
  • what is procrastination and how to deal with it;
  • why the practice of recall is much more effective than rereading the same thing several times;
  • what is “interleaving” and why is it so useful for remembering and assimilating new information.

    Who is author
    Barbara Oakley, Ph.D., is a consulting engineer and board member of the American Institute of Medical and Biological Engineering. Barbara changed several professions: she was a translator from Russian on a Soviet trawler in the Bering Sea, worked as a teacher in China, served in the US Signal Corps, and in West Germany as the commander of a communications department. She proved from her personal experience that a person is able to train his brain and master new, seemingly inaccessible areas of knowledge.

    Key Concepts
    Brain, mathematics, science, training, learning, knowledge, task, procrastination, information.

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    The audience of the evo_lutio blog - hundreds of thousands of people - is growing every day, the blog is being translated into other languages, the method is generating great interest due to its effectiveness. The system claims to be a full-scale discovery in the field of scientific psychology, but is described in the book in accessible, lively language.
    The first book in the "Psychoalchemy" series is dedicated to unfreezing and pumping up the love resource. Thanks to the approach described in the book, hundreds of people managed to get out of a crisis in their personal lives. Psychoalchemy is a synthesis of modern knowledge about psychology and the secrets of alchemists who melted themselves to increase energy resources.
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    Thinking. System research

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    The concept of trust is at the core of everything we value. In its absence, we will simply survive, not thrive.

    It is trust that allows us to quickly get along with people. On the other hand, a lack of trust often destroys relationships both at home and at work. However, an equally important question is: how to achieve trust? How to maintain a trusting relationship? How to solve trust problems? How to learn to instill trust in others? How to gain someone's trust in a couple of hours, minutes or even seconds? How do we understand that this or that person does not deserve our trust?

    In the old days, when we lived in small towns and villages, establishing trust was easy. Everyone knew who to trust. But now most of us no longer live in small towns, where we knew very well the ancestry of our parents and where we were also known like crazy from birth. Most of us live and work far from where we were born.

    We live in a world where trust is necessary, although we do not always realize it. Trust is a social concept that binds us together, allowing us to do the same thing together, work more efficiently and strengthen cooperation.

    Robin Dreek, an FBI agent and a great expert on the intricacies of human behavior, knows how to make the behavior of other people more understandable. Using skills honed while working for the FBI, where life and death were dealt with daily and everything was decided in seconds, not days, Robin gives you insight into how to properly assess other people and identify their needs, wants, needs, intentions and fears. In the book, he shares his system for building trust, which has helped him in his work and then many of the companies and leaders he has advised. It can be mastered by anyone willing to invest 8-10 hours of their time.

    Who is this book for?
    For everyone who wants to build trusting relationships in business and life.

    1459 rub

    Are you studying psychology or are you just interested in it? Then you will be curious to know what the interlocutor, whose lip is pursed, is thinking. Physiognomy is an interesting science that can tell you a lot about your interlocutor. You can literally read a person's mind if you know how to interpret a person's emotion. Find out more about the pursed lip below.

    Upper lip

    A person is unable to control his thoughts, gestures and facial expressions at the same time. Of course, there are exceptions to any rule, but they are very rare. Therefore, you can safely rely on your knowledge and be sure that you will be wrong in one of 99% of cases.

    What does pursing your lips mean? A person who is engaged in this activity is rarely aware of what his face looks like from the outside. The upper lip of a person is responsible for personal sensations. For example, if you seriously hurt a person, they may purse their upper lip. From the outside it will look like biting your lip with your teeth. The gesture may be fleeting, however, the person clearly makes it clear to the interlocutor that the topic of the conversation is unpleasant to her. A person may also bite his upper lip when he finds himself in an awkward situation. No one may be communicating with him personally at the moment, but, feeling internal disharmony, the person will definitely begin to bite or purse his lip.


    In the modern world, it is not customary to express one’s emotions violently. Most people agree that you need to hide your feelings as much as possible. But not always and not all people succeed. It will be easy to read a face if you attach importance to pursed lips. A person who purses his lower lip is deliberately trying to hide something from you. The person tries not to show his emotions and makes a total effort to appear indifferent. But facial expressions, unlike gestures, are difficult to control.

    A person’s lower lip is responsible for his sincerity and demonstration of feelings to others. If a person intentionally or unintentionally purses his lip, he tries to concentrate his emotions inside and prevent them from coming out. In a similar way, it is easy to determine a person’s internal tension, irritation or anger. People don’t try to hide positive feelings so carefully. Most often, they hide something that can offend or offend the interlocutor.

    Pursing lips

    As already written above, such a gesture means that a person is dissatisfied with something, is annoyed, or that the person with whom he is talking is unpleasant. The person tries to hide his personal feelings, and also tries to relieve himself internally. A smart interlocutor can immediately replace such tension. But a less observant person may ignore nonverbal signs and continue the conversation on a topic that is very unpleasant to the interlocutor.

    What does it mean to purse your lips? A person bites his lips with his teeth or simply squeezes them tightly. Such an expression should be interpreted as suspiciousness, distrust or neglect. You will never be able to see such a facial expression on those people who treat you well and share your opinion. But those individuals who treat you with a certain coolness can easily neglect your opinion, although they will try their best to hide this fact.


    Every adult knows what pursed lips mean. However, not everyone can accurately interpret such a facial expression on their interlocutor. If you see an unpleasant asymmetrical grimace on your opponent, you know that the person despises you. This feeling is expressed by the fact that the right and left sides of the face do not work synchronously. The individual cannot control his facial expressions, and as a result, the pursing of the lips occurs unevenly. For example, the left corner of the mouth will fall significantly lower than the right.

    How to behave with a person on whose face you read contempt? There is no point in convincing the person. If a person has made a decision regarding your candidacy, it will be difficult, and sometimes impossible, to change it. So don't waste your energy or time. Say goodbye to the person and don't try to earn her trust. People who are biased towards their interlocutors will never be able to understand the point of view of the person who is talking to them. Value yourself and your time.


    A pursed lower lip will not always indicate disdain for your interlocutor. If a person bites his lip and his gaze is directed into space, then, most likely, the person is deep in thought. He is trying to understand what he wants to demonstrate at the moment. Not all people can quickly and clearly explain to themselves exactly what they feel and how to express their feelings to their interlocutor. If you see inattention in the eyes of your opponent, do not rush to scold him and attract the person’s attention. Let him first decide how he wants to present himself to you. For some people, such internal work may take not just a few seconds, but half a minute.

    During a conversation, a person can also withdraw into himself and purse his lips at this time. It is difficult to say that this is normal human behavior. In his inner thoughts, a person can try on the roles that appeared in the conversation. Talking to someone who occasionally disconnects from the conversation is unpleasant, but you should accept the behavior and adapt to it.


    A person’s pursed lip speaks of internal work and the boiling of feelings. And if a person not only purses his lips, but also clenches his lips, you can be sure that the person is overcome with anger. The person does not allow his anger to come out and tries in every possible way to hide it. Having understood such feelings of a person, you should change the topic of conversation and help the person free himself from internal tension. If you don’t notice in time what a person is trying to hide, you can use some phrase to unsettle the person, and he will no longer be able to restrain his emotions. Therefore, try to read people and understand what individuals want from you. If you don’t succeed, then you yourself will feel bad about it.


    You can always guess a person’s mood by the direction in which the corners of their lips are directed. Have you noticed that your interlocutor has a pursed lip? If the corners of the lips look down, then the person is clearly dissatisfied with something. The mood can vary from simple irritation to disgust and mockery. The person is not angry with the opponent, but it is unpleasant for the person to have conversations with the person. Therefore, the person will protect himself from such a conversation and hide behind a wall of sarcasm or sullenness. It will not be possible to talk to such a person, and is it necessary to do this if you understand that the interlocutor will not reciprocate your feelings?


    Every person has troubles in their life. A pursed lip may be a sign that a person does not want to share his problems with his interlocutor and will not open his soul to a person. In this case, you need to understand that there is no point in insisting. If a person does not want to talk about personal topics, then this should not be done. Pursed lips will be lowered, but at the same time the person will not try to fly away into his inner world. You will see that the person hears you, but deliberately ignores the questions. Don't try to insist on continuing the dialogue. Just ask when the next time the person would be comfortable discussing with you. Do not insist on continuing the conversation if you see that the person is closed and does not want to open up.

    You are communicating with a girl in neutral tones and notice that she often bites her lips. Is this really a hint that she wouldn’t mind spending the evening with you? Should this be interpreted as a sign for more decisive action or should it be ignored?

    If a girl bites her lips: what does it mean?

    You see this girl almost every day or you met her by chance... And then you noticed that when you look at her, she bites her lips. Is this really a secret sign for you? There is no need to rush, because in fact there can be many reasons.

    Many guys and men believe that biting your lip is a sign that she likes you. But women have a slightly different opinion on this matter, and it is radically different from yours .

    What does it mean when a girl bites her lips? There may be several reasons and a lot depends on how exactly she does it:

    She wants you to make the first move. Perhaps she got tired of waiting and decided to go on the offensive. In such cases, girls also look into your eyes or smile. If she doesn't look at you, it's unlikely to be a sign of sympathy and desire.

    Her lips were dry. Many girls bite them only to moisturize them, as they constantly dry out. Take a closer look, if she is busy with something and does not pay attention to you, then most likely this is the reason.

    She's nervous
    . Lip biting may also indicate that she is not in the mood and is nervous. This can be determined by her shifting gaze and nervous gestures. You are unlikely to confuse this with passion and desire.

    She's thinking about something. Perhaps the girl was just thinking about something, and nothing more. And you’ve already come up with something for yourself!

    The girl is angry. Sometimes this is a sign that she is upset or angry. In such cases, it is better not to try to get to know her.

    It's just a habit . Some people do this completely unconsciously, both boys and girls. Take a closer look, if she does this often, then most likely lip biting in this case is a habit.

    What if a girl bites her lower lip? It doesn’t matter which lip she bites - the upper or the lower! We wrote about possible reasons above. Please use this information as a guide.

    What do girls think about this?

    Why do girls bite their lips? If you ask the fair sex themselves about this, most of them will answer that they did it only to moisturize them, or when they were nervous. And only a few actually tried to “pick up” the guy they liked in this way.

    To determine for what purpose a girl bites her lips, it is enough to simply analyze her behavior. If she doesn't look at you, don't get your hopes up. But if, when biting, she glances at you with a mischievous look, go on the attack!

    Along with the eyes, the mouth is the most expressive part of the face. The science of physiognomy allows one to determine a person’s internal energy by the size and shape of the mouth. A large mouth and drooping corners of the lips indicate a strong will, that is, it is difficult to influence such a person. Although the opinion regarding the corners of the mouth is quite ambiguous. Charles Darwin, for example, believed that drooping corners of the mouth indicate a tearful mood or depression. According to another opinion, the owner of a small arched mouth with slightly drooping corners is sentimental and vulnerable. The raised corners of the lips correspond to a simple-minded, conscientious and mentally gifted nature.
    According to physiognomists, a small mouth indicates a weak character and concern in the struggle for survival. The Japanese, for example, are attracted to large mouths in men and small mouths in women. A woman with a big mouth is considered courageous, and strong-willed men really don’t like this.

    It has been noticed that tightly compressed lips and clenched teeth indicate a person’s persistence. A tightly closed mouth is about purposefulness and determination. On the contrary, an open mouth, especially with a drooping lower jaw, expresses a decrease in mental activity. A symmetrical, undistorted mouth opening indicates balanced emotions.

    In a word, we can say that a large mouth is evidence of courage and at the same time deceitfulness, a small one - timidity, as well as modesty, a compressed mouth - hardness, an open mouth - stupidity.

    Also, great importance in physiognomy is attached to the size, shape and color of the lips. Representatives of different schools of physiognomists interpret it differently. For example, according to one school, thick and large lips speak of mockery and intelligence, thin and small lips speak of deceit and deceit. A thick upper lip is about injustice, a long lower lip is about amorousness and intelligence. Lips with a heart signify determination and activity, while retracted lips signify gullibility and a bad state of affairs.

    According to another school of physiognomists, there are different types of lips, mainly in women:

    Bow lips are the most feminine. They indicate charm, coquetry, sensuality and at the same time insincerity and deceit. For men, this is a sign of vanity and frivolity;

    Lively, talkative, open people have luscious lips, who quickly make friends, easily adapt to any situation and are distinguished by their temperament and sensuality;

    Small lips - tender, thin, with soft lines, speak of generosity, intelligence, honesty and modesty;

    Thin lips - cold but charming. They reveal a passionate, very tender nature, but sometimes too restrained. It is difficult to captivate such a person; in any situation he is eloquent and witty. Tough people who are capable of meanness have lips that are too thin;

    Harmonious lips - finely drawn and somewhat ironic, may belong to a poetess and intellectual who knows how to combine reality with sentimentality;

    Asymmetrical lips - due to the large upper lip, belong to a domineering, dry person with a rational mind and devoid of emotions. If the lower lip is pursed, this indicates impotence in men and frigidity in women;

    Thick (plump) lips are at the same time a sign of sensuality and strength of character, the distinctive features of which are excellent self-control, unshakable calm and the need for pleasure.

    In the same way, by the shape of the mouth, or more precisely by the bend of the lips at the moment of the kiss, you can assess the character and temperament of your chosen one or partner. The “geometry of lips” during a kiss is excellent material for serious scientific study. Back at the beginning of the 20th century. An accurate test was developed based on identifying the manner of kissing: the subject covers his lips with lipstick and, instead of pleasant lips or cheeks, “kisses” a white sheet of paper. Identification of a print of such a kiss will allow a person to learn about the character and attitude of his (or her) chosen one towards him.

    Various impressions of lips at the moment of a kiss and their identification:

    A - mouth in the shape of a regular circle: the partner deserves complete trust;

    B - mouth in the shape of a deformed circle: attraction to you is not serious;

    B - mouth in the shape of a semicircle: the partner is sincere, but without any special guarantees;

    G - mouth in the shape of a deformed semicircle: promises made in the heat of the moment will be kept;

    D - mouth with a straight horizontal line: a partner with a kind, big heart;

    E - mouth in the shape of a torn square; sadomasochist partner;

    F - horn with a deformed vertical line: a very fearful partner;

    Z - lines of the mouth in the form of a regular zigzag: a partner who hates you.