Personal discipline. Overcoming new small changes leads to huge results

When people encounter the word “discipline,” they become outraged. Many went through an attempt to discipline them in their childhood. Often those who resisted were severely punished. Our parents tried to instill good qualities in us, but their methods were so unpleasant and cruel that everyone developed a negative attitude towards discipline, a quality that helps in achieving goals. And here the question arises, how to discipline yourself.

Let's start with the definition of discipline - what is it? This is a kind of self-restraint, which implies adherence to certain rules. A person takes a subordinate position in relation to certain algorithms, rules, laws, etc. Discipline can be compared to law-abiding - when a person knows the laws and adheres to them, does not violate them. However, violation of discipline does not always result in punishment, especially when it comes to an adult.

Today, the cult of freedom has become widespread. A person must be free. Many people understand freedom as the ability to do whatever they want. However, psychologists consider freedom to be a person’s ability to live in accordance with his desires and achieve them. Feel the difference between doing whatever comes into your head and making your desires come true.

A natural question arises: why become disciplined? This quality, according to psychologists, helps in realizing one’s desires. In other words, a disciplined person becomes successful and happy. He can achieve whatever he wants, and not just waste time proving his freedom.

A disciplined person is a free person because he can have whatever he wants. It is precisely those people who avoid discipline, but shout about their freedom, who are unhappy and limited. They are not free from their freedom, while a disciplined person becomes free by achieving his goals through the use of discipline.

What is discipline? This is adherence to specific rules that help achieve the goal. A person simply takes those actions that will lead him to his goal and controls this process. This is self-discipline.

How to discipline yourself?

To discipline yourself, you need to have a goal. Desire disciplines a person because it forces him to adhere to specific rules if he wants to achieve something. Rules can be external or internal. For a disciplined person, it doesn’t matter who invented them. If they help him achieve his goals, then they need to be adhered to.

Disciplined people are people of order. They understand that everything in this world is natural. If you don’t maintain order, then everything will fall apart, things will go wrong, and you won’t be in the zone of control. People striving for freedom live somehow. And people who maintain order gradually achieve the life they want to live.

People who know how to discipline themselves become successful. They know how to control the process, transform negative events into beneficial ones, and maintain balance and order. This may seem boring to some. However, mastery is achieved only by establishing certain rules and adhering to them. Here you need to be able to obey those laws that help you achieve your goals.

A leader, boss, commander, manager, president, etc. is a person who is at the head of some structure, which must work and achieve certain goals under his leadership. Thus, a leader is not just the ability to command someone (as many people dream of when organizing their own business), but also the ability to make plans, strictly follow them, bear responsibility for all the actions of his subordinates and, accordingly, obtain the results for which he brought his structure. A skillful leader must have certain qualities of character, knowledge and willpower. The leader also adheres to certain rules.

Self-discipline is a faithful assistant in achieving any goals. How to cultivate it in yourself? This does not require iron will and nerves. You just need to clearly define your goals and plans to achieve them. As soon as you have a concrete picture of what you are going to move towards, then self-discipline arises as if by itself, and emotions and desires replace iron will. And then, when you set goals for yourself, be sure that you will complete them. However, this process is tedious to control, since a person sometimes wants to get away from his own affairs in order to be lazy.

Be your own boss and subordinate. As a leader, you should not think that others will do your work instead of you, since then you find yourself as an extra link. You must be able to both develop strategy, give instructions and control the course of events, and implement plans, carry out routine work and obey your own instructions. Any excuses and references to difficulties should be immediately cut off by you, like a boss. You must ensure that your old habits, which are inherent in a subordinate, do not allow you to retire. Otherwise, how can you manage others if you cannot manage yourself?

A leader adheres to another special rule, which is not inherent in all people, and that is to be honest with himself. If you lie to yourself and try to somehow justify yourself, then this activity will not bring you any constructive results. As long as you deceive yourself, you will not be able to see the situation as a whole, which will close off various opportunities for you to achieve goals in any business. You can pretend that you are busy all day, but if this does not lead to positive results, then you are actually deceiving yourself. A leader always adheres to the rule of being honest with himself, otherwise he simply will not be able to see other opportunities for promoting any business, because he is running away from reality in attempts at self-deception.

Ask yourself every night, “What did I do today that produced constructive results?” You should focus on today's result, and not the one that was 5-10 months ago. Be honest with yourself about how productive you have been this day.

It is very easy to deceive yourself. You promise yourself something, make some plans in your head. Days pass and your memory blurs the lines of some of your promises depending on whether you kept them or not. It will seem to you that you have really done a lot, although it is just your memory that has erased some plans that were unfavorable to you. Therefore, any leader keeps his plans and goals in writing. It is your records that will help you take a realistic look at how you keep your own promises. In this case, self-justification and excuses will no longer help you, since what is written down and done will clearly show the results of your activity or inactivity.

Self-criticism and self-praise are inherent in a leader who really looks at the state of affairs in his structure. Criticism allows him to improve himself, and praise allows him to experience pleasant feelings for the work done. But this is only in the case when the person’s assessment is objective and not far-fetched.

The rules of a good leader are available to all people. However, it depends only on you whether you will achieve any heights in your own business or whether you will continue to suffer defeat due to self-deception. If you really want to achieve anything, then you will have to take the position of a leader who adheres to certain rules.

How to become disciplined?

To become disciplined, you need to stick to a specific routine that is solely set by you depending on the goals you want to achieve. The goal requires the performance of certain actions at a specific time and subject to conditions. If all this is not adhered to, then the goal will not be achieved. If a person understands this, then he himself sets the rules that he will adhere to, whether they were invented by him or taken from outside.

To maintain discipline, written records will help you:

  1. Goal – state what you want to achieve.
  2. A list of actions that need to be taken to achieve a goal.
  3. The time of their implementation - when will you start taking the necessary actions?
  4. Possible difficulties that may overtake you when performing specific actions.
  5. Ways to overcome these difficulties if they arise.
  6. Report - what did you do, what happened, how did you deal with it?

After drawing up a plan, you need to move on to its implementation. Take actions, make notes, re-read your notes. If something is not going in the direction of your goal, you need to reconsider your action plan. Perhaps something was not taken into account, it is necessary to do differently. Stick to the plan, but be flexible if your strategy doesn't work.

If you fail to achieve your goal, you should not be discouraged. Discipline involves the control of one's own emotions by a person who does not become discouraged, but reviews his strategy to create a new plan of action.

To discipline yourself, you should adhere to the following rules:

  • Give up unnecessary things that take up energy and time.
  • Give yourself proper rest, sleep and nutrition to have enough energy.
  • Praise yourself for the first results achieved in order to celebrate the correctness of the actions taken.
  • Stick to rules that tell you what needs to be done to achieve what you want.
  • Learn to concentrate your attention on important and necessary moments, cutting off everything else.
  • Control your emotions, do not allow yourself liberties and relaxation.
  • Manage your life and resources alone, without allowing anyone to do it for you.

How to discipline a child?

Discipline is usually instilled from childhood. All parents want to discipline their children. However, as already written, many do it wrong. The main mistake in teaching a child is severely punishing him for disobedience and failure to comply with discipline. As a result, this leads to a negative attitude of the child towards this quality.

To discipline your child, adhere to the following principles:

  1. Praise your child for his achievements. Do this only after you have achieved it.
  2. Give your child the right to choose so that he feels independent and responsible for his promises.
  3. Create or train the child to find himself in a favorable environment in which the implementation of planned actions will lead to the desired result.
  4. Create rules and restrictions for the child within the family, adhering to which he will receive praise. He must understand that only by taking the “right” actions will he achieve the desired result. Here you need to be interested in what the child wants to get in a given situation.

Bottom line

Discipline is a state that is chosen by a person who wants to live the way he wants. Free people go with the flow, and disciplined individuals buy a boat and oars and row in the direction they want to go.

If you think you don't have discipline, then you don't need it. What you need is a goal that excites you. If there is a goal, there will be time to achieve it, which you yourself will want to organize competently and effectively. For this reason, I think the importance of discipline for success is overstated, to say the least. Most people lack motivation: a sincere desire to achieve their goal at any cost.

Many people think that discipline is some kind of magical quality that you need to be born with. Like, for some it is given, but for others, no matter how hard you try, it is not. Others believe that discipline can be developed through long drills, both in the literal sense (many note army discipline) and figuratively. But I would still like to figure out what we mean when we say this word, “discipline”?

If I wake up early every morning to study English, is that discipline? Most people will answer: of course. I will say that last of all I think of myself as a disciplined person.

Discipline is a natural result of motivation

How do I explain the fact of getting up at 5 am in order to study English? It’s very simple: I have a very high level of motivation. I wake up early in the morning because I really want to wake up and practice my language. I am spurred on by my desire to spend the calm, fresh morning hours preparing for international exams. I know that at work I should be working, not studying. And I also know that after work my brain leaves much to be desired: all the information it can absorb is a couple of episodes of Desperate Housewives. So when else to study, if not in the morning?

So it turns out that discipline is such a strange term, which, if you look at it, includes an upcoming reward (I will pass the exam!) and the desire to be better in the eyes of other people and set an example for them (my friends thought hard about their own goals, which I don’t have time for after a month of my “ups”). What else is included in this concept? Of course, positive thinking and commitment to your goals. I tell myself that I can do anything, and I really can do anything. I highly doubt that without the above points I would have any kind of “discipline”. After all, what is important is not the very fact of getting up early, having a strict schedule, constantly doing some things, but what we are doing all this for.

Accordingly, the right path to discipline is to find your motivation. Guided by this simple conclusion, I can give some advice to those who dream of being disciplined.

Becoming disciplined

  1. First tip: pick one habit and add it to your schedule, without changing anything else yet. Don’t try to immediately become a model of discipline and good routine. Just do the same thing at the same time every day. Do you dream of losing weight? Do gymnastics. Do you want to learn a language? Finally, get busy. Is it time to save up for renovations? Find a part-time job that you can devote one to two hours a day to. Anything.
  2. Second tip: break down this habit. What does it mean? This means that the actions you do, you do to achieve certain goals. What are these goals? What do you want to achieve in a week, in a month, in a year? This is necessary so that you yourself can clearly see why you are working out and keep your motivation in good shape. Let's return to the example with foreign languages. If you just want to “learn”, you don’t have to start: after a week, at most, your efforts will come to naught. What do you want to learn for? What will this give you? Only by answering these questions can you move on. No sane person would waste his time doing something “easy.” Everything must have a reason.
  3. Third tip: always remember your new habit. Don't let current affairs and unexpected events interfere with your daily activities. If you feel your motivation is dropping, revive it immediately. Remind yourself of your goals, visualize them (hang a beautiful poster with your dream city in front of your desk if you want to travel, for example). Lastly, blog. Inspire others and be inspired yourself.

By following these simple rules, you will find that discipline is not a “magic means” of achieving goals, but a natural result of correct and inexhaustible motivation, and making yourself a disciplined person is not at all difficult.

Self-discipline is a very important quality for those who want to achieve success in life and business. If a person is always late everywhere, doesn’t deliver completed projects on time, and can’t force himself out of social networks and start working, then he lacks discipline and self-organization. In addition, discipline is important not only at work. When you develop this quality in yourself, you will be able to easily go to the gym and take care of your health, you will always promptly solve all the problems that arise in life and not suffer from their consequences.

The word “discipline” causes unpleasant feelings for many and is associated with some kind of violence against oneself. This attitude towards discipline is wrong. Instead of thinking about how boring and uninteresting it will be to do something that you don’t want but need, think better about how the completed task will benefit you.

We have collected a number of useful tips for you, following which you will understand that being disciplined with yourself is not so difficult. But how useful!

Sleep on schedule

Set for yourself the optimal time for getting up in the morning and falling asleep in the evening. You know perfectly well what time you need to wake up in order to calmly get ready for work and get there on time. You also know how many hours you need to sleep in order to get enough sleep and feel good all day. This is all individual for each person, so make yourself a schedule that will be most convenient for you. And follow it strictly. It will be difficult only at first, then following these rules will be very easy for you.

If you suddenly violate the schedule, then punish yourself - no matter how funny it may sound. The punishment can be anything - thirty push-ups, depriving yourself of your favorite cake, and so on. And of course, the less you violate the established boundaries, the easier it will be for you to comply with them in the future.

Sports activities

Any sport disciplines a person, if, of course, you take it seriously. Find a sport that you like and sign up for the appropriate section. You will attend classes, for example, on Monday, Wednesday and Friday, from 18.00 to 19.30. If you don’t miss classes without a good reason, then sticking to this schedule will teach you to be disciplined in other areas of your life.

You can also go in for sports on your own, for example, running in the morning for a certain amount of time or doing a set of exercises. However, it will be somewhat more difficult to force yourself to do this regularly, since you know that no one will control you or scold you for bad results, and besides, the money for a missed lesson will not be lost, as is the case with attending a section. In addition to developing self-discipline, playing sports brings another undeniable advantage - good health and a beautiful body.

Daily schedule

Get yourself a small notebook or diary where you write down all the important things you need to do. Moreover, write them down in this format: task – approximate time to complete – priority. If you can determine as accurately as possible how long it will take you to complete each task, this will help you calculate how many tasks you can realistically get done in one day. The priority of a task must be determined in order to understand which task can be transferred to the next day in case of lack of time, and which cannot. For example, you can nail a shelf tomorrow, but today it’s better to go visit your grandmother, because you promised her a long time ago.

If we are talking about work responsibilities, then consider not only the urgency of the task, but also the likelihood that you may have to redo it or modify it.

Everything is before your eyes

If you work at a computer, write your current tasks on a sticky note and attach it to your monitor. By constantly keeping a list of things to do before your eyes, they will seem quite real and inevitable to you, and not somehow abstract and unimportant. You will want to quickly get rid of this feeling of inevitability, and the work will go more vigorously and faster. Psychologists have proven that if you hang an instruction to action in front of your eyes, you will do it much faster than if you just keep it in your head.

Concentration of attention

One of the main enemies of discipline is absent-mindedness. Here you are working on a project, but now you have already accessed social networks, because a sound notification came from there. That's it, concentration has already been lost. Now, in order to return to the project, you need to make some effort on yourself, and besides, it is not always possible to quickly continue working from the same point where you left off last time. Sometimes it can take some time to review the work that has already been completed and understand what needs to be done next. If you hadn't been distracted by anything at the very beginning, you wouldn't have wasted so much time.

You can train concentration with various exercises that you find and trust. And every time you are just distracted from completing your main task, mentally scold yourself and immediately return to work. An internal feeling of shame before oneself will also do its job, of course, if the person has at least a little responsibility.

Financial control

Financial discipline is a great way to develop other types of discipline. Many people often buy absolutely unnecessary things because they wanted it right at that moment and right here. We are all susceptible to impulse purchases, but try to at least keep them to a minimum. Buy only what you really need. Train yourself to save some amount from each salary - when an unforeseen situation arises that requires an urgent injection of money, you will say “thank you” to yourself for this.

Record all your expenses and income. Seeing these numbers on paper or on your tablet screen will make it easier for you to manage your finances and develop financial discipline.


On the path to discipline, use carrots as well as sticks. This is no less important. Love yourself and reward for every victory, even the smallest. Did you spend a productive day at the dacha helping your relatives plant tomatoes? When you arrive home, treat yourself to a delicious delicacy. Were you able to run two kilometers more than usual today? Go to the cinema in the evening. If you just can’t get down to work on a difficult task, promise yourself a reward in advance: “This is how I’ll draw up this stack of contracts, at home after work I’ll order my favorite pizza and finally watch a movie that I’ve been bookmarking for a long time.” The anticipation of a pleasant pastime will motivate you to start working right now and do it as quickly as possible.

And one last thing. Forget the phrases “I’m a weak-willed person,” “this is too difficult for me,” “I’m too lazy and will be lazy all my life.” All these are just excuses for those who do not want to change anything in their lives. And if you repeat such phrases to yourself, then do not expect any internal motivation and will - they will not appear. Tell yourself that whatever you set your mind to, you will succeed. And then you will see how inner willpower will begin to fill you and it will not be difficult for you to maintain self-discipline.

Discipline is the most important quality of a warrior’s personality

Discipline is a certain order of people’s behavior that meets the established norms of law and morality in society, as well as the requirements of a particular organization. In accordance with the spheres of manifestation, it can be divided into state, industrial, social, technical, military, etc.

The essence and content of military discipline

The modern Military Encyclopedic Dictionary defines military discipline as “strict and precise observance by all military personnel of the order and rules established by laws, military regulations and orders of commanders (chiefs).” This is also written in the Disciplinary Charter of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. This means that the starting point, both in understanding discipline and in ensuring it in everyday practice, is the rules of conduct of a military personnel.

Discipline is based on each serviceman's awareness of his military duty and personal responsibility for the defense of the Fatherland. It does not infringe upon individual rights and does not reject initiative. Discipline ensures the cohesion of military personnel and their readiness to carry out the tasks facing the troops. Therefore, military discipline is:

firstly, soldiers’ knowledge of the laws and statutory requirements governing military service;

secondly, their precise, strict and conscious execution.

High military discipline is one of the decisive conditions for the combat effectiveness of troops, the most important factor ensuring victory on the battlefield. History does not know a single commander, a major military leader, who would not care about strengthening discipline, organization, efficiency and order in the army. So, for example, A.V. Suvorov saw discipline as the basis of military valor, courage, and heroism and called it the mother of victory. The discipline of P.A. was called the soul of military service. Rumyantsev and M.I. Kutuzov. Military theorist M.I. Dragomirov emphasized that “military discipline is the totality of all moral, mental and physical skills necessary for officers and soldiers of all levels to meet their purpose...”. Many statements about the role and importance of military discipline are also contained in the works of commanders M.V. Frunze, G.K. Zhukova, A.M. Vasilevsky, K.K. Rokossovsky and others.

The entire heroic history of the Russian Armed Forces convincingly demonstrates that feat begins with discipline. Thousands of soldiers performed heroic deeds during battles, showing loyalty to the military oath, high diligence and responsibility for fulfilling their military duty.

Modern warfare involves the use of previously unprecedented means of armed struggle. Combat operations in such a war will involve enormous physical and moral stress and rapid changes in the situation. The direct responsibility of each military personnel in these conditions is the rational use of training time, saving money and resources, constantly searching for and mastering such forms and methods of study that would best meet modern requirements. Fulfilling these tasks is impossible without strong military discipline.

In addition, mastering modern methods of warfare, the latest weapons and military equipment, the ability to fully use their combat power requires strict adherence to military regulations, coordinated actions of a large number of soldiers of various specialties, organization, technical literacy, coherence, clarity, attentiveness, impeccable performance. Being an important component of the combat readiness of subunits, units, ships, military discipline turns army and navy teams into a single, strong, cohesive organism, capable of acting quickly and accurately in any situation. Military and naval life confirms: where military discipline is stronger, the effectiveness and quality of combat training is higher.

That is why every soldier is obliged to be not only honest and brave, but also disciplined.

Today, to be disciplined means to conscientiously and honestly fulfill the requirements of military regulations, to unquestioningly and accurately carry out the orders of commanders and superiors.

The personal discipline of each warrior is a socio-psychological and moral trait of his personality, manifested in a respectful attitude towards the laws of the state, the norms of society, the rules of community life and military duty. It expresses his readiness for self-sacrifice in the armed struggle for the security of the Motherland.

A warrior's discipline can be conscious if it is based on the motives of patriotism, duty, honor and high internal responsibility. It is not conscious if it is dictated by fear of punishment, considerations of profit, or other similar incentives. The structure of discipline has two important components: self-discipline and diligence.

If a serviceman’s behavior is determined solely by an understanding of norms and rules that do not require any reminders, this is self-discipline.

The correct behavior of a warrior, which is guided by remarks, commands, orders of commanders and is implemented on the basis of obedience, is diligence.

Discipline is especially important in combat conditions, when the slightest violation can lead to failure to complete the assigned task.

The concept of “military discipline” includes:

Mandatory requirements for all categories of military personnel;

The coincidence of the goals of legality and military discipline;

Detailed regulation of rules of conduct for the entire range of types of military activities

Increased legal liability for violation of the order and rules of military service;

Mandatory adherence to moral standards, supported by statutory requirements;

Disciplinary liability for violation of rules and norms not only in an official, but also in an off-duty environment;

Unity of unconditional fulfillment of established norms and manifestation of activity, independence, creativity, etc.

Military discipline is designed to regulate military order, relationships between military personnel, relationships in units in order to ensure high organization and combat effectiveness. It creates a healthy moral and psychological climate in the military team, ensures high controllability of units and makes it possible to use time, weapons, material resources and human forces with the greatest efficiency to solve problems in peacetime and in combat.

An army cannot exist without discipline. Military labor and the specifics of military service require strict regulation of the activities and behavior of military personnel. Military discipline is the basis of the combat readiness of the Armed Forces.

With the help of discipline, coordination of actions is achieved, subordination and comradely mutual assistance are ensured. Its observance makes it possible to sum up the efforts of many people and is an effective means of social management.

The main core of military discipline is unquestioning obedience, accurate and timely execution of orders and instructions. Its essence is knowledge of the rules of conduct and established order, understanding of their necessity and a stable habit of observing them. The condition for compliance with the requirements of discipline and its result is the personal discipline of the warrior.

The main directions of formation of discipline among military personnel

Discipline is the requirements of military discipline, the fulfillment of which is a deep internal need for a serviceman, a stable habit of complying with all norms and statutory provisions. This is a manifestation of the serviceman’s responsibility for his actions before the law, consciousness, understanding of the need to subordinate his actions to the will of the commander, personal interests - the interests of the combat readiness of the unit, unit, ship.

Thus, we can conclude that the concept of “discipline” is a specific quality of a warrior that ensures his stable, rule-compliant behavior during military service. It is characterized by external and internal indicators.

External indicators of discipline:

Strict adherence to military order;

Accurate and proactive implementation of orders and instructions from commanders and superiors;

Careful attitude towards military equipment and weapons, their competent use in solving combat training and service tasks;

Exemplary appearance. Internal indicators of discipline:

Conviction in the necessity and expediency of military discipline

Knowledge of regulations and instructions, requirements of military service;

The ability to manage oneself in accordance with the requirements of military discipline;

Skills and habits of disciplined behavior;


Such a quality as discipline is not born with a person, and especially not given to a warrior with shoulder straps. It is formed and developed in the process of army life and activity.

Throughout his service, a soldier must engage in self-education of discipline. It represents the purposeful activity of a serviceman, contributing not only to strengthening or weakening certain qualities of his personality, but also to the formation of those that he previously lacked.

Where to start developing self-discipline? First of all, you need to ask yourself the following questions: “Do my commanders have many complaints against me? What do they basically boil down to? Why is this happening?" By answering them, you can draw conclusions for yourself about what personal disorganization, inability to manage your time, superficial knowledge of statutory requirements, and inability to force yourself to conscientiously fulfill official duties lead to.

It is important that every serviceman understands that developing qualities that meet the interests of the service, the requirements of the oath and regulations, is not an end in itself, but an urgent need of the army way of life.

How to develop the ability to self-esteem? You can learn a lot by following the examples of commanders and colleagues, and by respecting the traditions established in the unit. Good results come from mutual assessments and mutual characteristics. Evaluating his comrades during collective events, one or another soldier involuntarily compares (identifies) himself with other people and accordingly evaluates his actions and actions. Works of literature, radio and television programs, films and videos provide great assistance in the development of self-esteem.

A higher level of self-awareness is self-analysis. This is a military personnel’s mental division of their activities, actions, and behavior into separate components and their fundamental assessment. A simple statement - “am I good or bad” - should not satisfy a serviceman. He must strive to get an answer to what he is bad at, why things are like this, and how to correct this situation. It is important that self-analysis concerns both negative aspects of work activity and positive ones. In this case, the person will not withdraw into himself, will not experience complexes, but will try to deal with shortcomings on his own. It is important to learn to find the reasons for your own failures and be able to draw practical conclusions from this.

In working on oneself, self-control is of great importance - the ability to critically look at one’s actions through the prism of the requirements of statutory norms, notice shortcomings and mistakes, and find ways to correct them. It has been noticed that the higher the demands on each other in the team, the higher each member of the military team places it on himself. When self-control, endurance and self-control are important, as well as the ability to suppress impulses and actions that contradict established norms of behavior. It is these qualities that underlie the moral and volitional stability of a serviceman. A solid statutory order in the unit, a streamlined combat training process, and vigilant guard and internal service actively influence their development.

The defining components of self-awareness that contribute to the self-education of discipline are an ideal, a dream, a life goal, interests, which, like a compass, help a person navigate in life and do not allow him to stray from the course. Military personnel's awareness of their importance becomes a powerful incentive to work on themselves.
What methods are suitable for instilling discipline?

This is self-exercise, self-persuasion, self-hypnosis, self-coercion (see diagram).

Self-exercise is the conscious repeated execution of planned actions in order to develop certain qualities, character traits, skills and abilities. As a rule, it manifests itself in the following sequence:

Analysis and assessment of qualities and skills of one’s behavior;

Developing a mindset for action;

Playing the action silently;

Carrying it out in parts or as a whole;

Self-monitoring and evaluation of one’s actions, self-tasks for repetition, improving their quality.

Self-persuasion helps in justifying actions and actions. At the same time, arguments and counter-arguments are given, they are tested in practice. Self-conviction often manifests itself in the form of internal polemics, an argument with oneself. It can also be carried out in the form of self-explanation, self-proof, self-refutation, self-criticism, self-consolation, self-condemnation.

Self-hypnosis manifests itself in influencing oneself with a short verbal formula in order to control one’s mental and physical state. For example: “don’t chat,” “don’t flail,” “tense up,” “you still have strength.” In this way, states of strong nervous excitement, physical fatigue, and many difficulties are overcome, and weaknesses and shortcomings in behavior are eradicated.

Self-coercion consists of the manifestation of volitional efforts to perform actions and deeds that meet the requirements of regulations, established norms in military and public duty, as well as personal rules and obligations. Any act of self-coercion begins with an understanding of the task, an assessment of one’s readiness to carry it out, and a motivated self-setting for volitional actions. Self-coercion is stimulated by demanding self-control, self-persuasion, self-approval, or self-condemnation. At the same time, it is important to evaluate your actions and the results obtained, and aim yourself at high-quality implementation of new, more complex tasks.

The increasing role of military discipline and the discipline of military personnel in modern conditions is obvious. And constant work to improve their quality level is an objective necessity, both for each military personnel and for the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation as a whole.

1. You must be a citizen: About the history of the Russian state and its armed forces, traditions, moral, psychological and legal foundations of military service. / Ed. S.N. Erlika, V.N. Ivanova, VV. Marushchenko.

2. In the service of the Fatherland: About the history of the Russian state and its armed forces, traditions, legal and moral-psychological foundations of military service. - M.: Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, Main Directorate for Internal Affairs of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, IVI, Higher Institution of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation. -1998.

3. General military regulations of the RF Armed Forces. - M.: Military Publishing House. -1994.

4. Utlik E.P. Psychological foundations of the discipline. - M.: RF Ministry of Defense, Main Directorate for Internal Affairs of the RF Armed Forces. -1993.

Lieutenant colonel
Alexey Nikishov.
Oleg Samosvat

Discipline is expressed in the precise and unswerving subordination of one’s actions to the established rules and requirements of duty.

The essence of discipline is a conscious attitude towards one's behavior and one's responsibilities towards society. The formation of discipline is associated with the development of certain skills of disciplined behavior.

Self-discipline is of great importance in developing discipline. Self-discipline is spoken of when a person subordinates his activities to reasonable grounds, consciously struggling with lower-order inclinations and inclinations (for example, a tendency toward laziness), which lead him away from fulfilling certain duties. Following these drives develops weakness of will, its lethargy. On the contrary, in the fight against them, a person strengthens his will and develops a sense of duty.

Self-discipline presupposes that a person has more or less established moral beliefs. In childhood, conscious subordination of one's behavior to reasonable grounds, consciousness and a sense of duty is achieved only in the process of systematic education, which in the initial stage takes place within the framework of subordination to someone else's will. Submission to certain social requirements, and in childhood, to the will of elders, is necessary for the development of discipline.

To cultivate discipline, compliance with the established regime, consolidation of habits and skills of disciplined behavior developed throughout life, and obedience to certain rules are of great importance.

Mode. Its essential aspect is the strict time distribution of various types of activities. The presence of a regime introduces a certain system and order into human activity; on the contrary, its absence leads to scattered and random volitional efforts. Disorganization of working time and chaotic work in fits and starts are associated with excessive expenditure of volitional efforts, since under these conditions one has to re-adapt to work every time.

Habits and skills of disciplined behavior. Following the regime contributes to the development of valuable habits: always be active, always expend strictly necessary volitional efforts in certain conditions, be stable in their manifestation, bring the work started to the end without abandoning it halfway, be decisive, act quickly and in a certain way, etc. d.

When developing these habits, it is important to remember that they are always formed through action. An essential role in this is played by the repetition of an action or behavior that needs to be turned into a habit. The factor of continuity in strengthening the corresponding habits is of great importance: when cultivating habits, we should not miss a single specific case in which the behavior or manifestation of will that interests us may manifest itself. The habit of discipline is not an end in itself, but only a means for the best implementation of socially significant effective manifestations of personality.

Behavior rules. Rules and norms of behavior and work reveal either the goals of behavior (“do this”, “don’t do that”), or the means to achieve these goals (“do this”, “refrain from such actions”). In both cases, the rules achieve their goal only when they are clear and precise, easily understood and fixed in memory. The power of their influence on behavior lies in the fact that they are briefly expressed provisions, behind which lie complex ideas, concepts and feelings.

Rules make it easier to perform the required activity, making it specific and precise. If we did not have such rules and we were forced, in order to ensure disciplined behavior, to raise every time a complex set of experiences that prompts us to act one way and not another, our volitional manifestations would be extremely difficult.

Rules aimed at instilling discipline must meet the following requirements:

  • To be expedient, to ensure not blind obedience, but reasonable adherence to them.
  • Directly relate to certain specific activities.
  • Be concise, clearly and precisely formulated and not subject to conflicting interpretations.
  • Strictly observed, otherwise they lose their most essential quality - the quality of a strict imperative to which the pupil must obey in his behavior.