I can’t find a job, they refuse me everywhere. Latest requests for help

Employers are behaving disgracefully. Resumes are not responded to. And if they call, it’s from some suspicious individuals who look like swindlers. Sometimes an invitation to an interview does happen, but it’s not good enough. They talk and disappear. Or they suggest that it’s better not to take risks and stay at home. There is a feeling of impasse and hopelessness. And hands gradually give up.

It is especially difficult if you are already over forty. Or you do not have work experience that is interesting to employers. Or you live where work is very bad. There are always serious external circumstances that explain problems with work. If you consider yourself a victim of such circumstances, then you will have little benefit from reading this article. Success is achieved by those who seek and find the reasons for failure, first of all, in their wrong actions or omissions.

The vast majority of problems with getting a job are due to a few main reasons, discussed below.

Reason No. 1. A person does not know how to properly look for a job

A normal person will not undertake to fly an airplane or perform a surgical operation if he has not studied it. But look for a job - please! Many people do not understand that this can and should be learned. And they certainly don’t know how to do it.

Looking at a couple of articles on the Internet about how to write a resume and how to behave during an interview is not training, but mere appearance. At a minimum, you need to study one of the books on how to look for a job or take a full-fledged training course. And find someone who can knowledgeably review your resume, your job search plan, and your readiness for interviews.

With approximately the same business qualities, knowledge, skills, education, experience, age, etc., success is more likely to be achieved by the one who looks for work more correctly.

Reason No. 2. A person wants to get the wrong job and the wrong salary that he really deserves.

For many employers, things are organized in such a way that you can work for years without improving your qualifications and even losing previously acquired knowledge and skills. Some companies are even afraid to train their employees. Like, I’ll train him, and he’ll start looking elsewhere and will sooner find another job. Let him hold on to what he has here.

In business, this approach does not contribute to success. And if you end up having to fire employees, then they have a bad time on the labor market. All other things being equal, they lose to those who, while already working, continued to study, and whose qualifications are higher. It is especially difficult for such applicants in the labor market to find a new job with the same pay as before.

What to do? Either persistently look for a job no worse than the old one, delay the search process and wait happy occasion or someone's help. Or honestly admit that you won’t be able to find a job with the same salary, and lower your expectations.

How to properly evaluate your real value in the job market? There are working techniques for this too. But many job seekers do not know how to do this. While searching new job, they set the wrong price for themselves and then are surprised that it is not they who get the job, but someone else.

Reason No. 3. A person has lost faith in himself, unsuccessfully trying to find a job.

A fairly common and understandable problem is that after a long search, a person gives up and sharply reduces activity.

In people different level psychological security. If a person is not confident in himself, then failure to find a job can greatly reduce his self-esteem and deprive him of his faith in success.

Here a lot depends on the right mood at the beginning of the search. Poorly understanding one’s pros and cons, and poorly knowing the situation on the labor market, a person may be overly optimistic about the amount of effort required and the time frame to get a new job. Pink glasses at the beginning of the search can be psychologically very dangerous.

Reason No. 4. Objectively difficult situation on the labor market

In the region in which a person is looking for work, there are clearly not enough vacancies of the required profile for all applicants. Most often this situation is called as main reason problems with a new job.

Yes, in relatively small populated areas this can be a very serious problem. Along with other reasons, this is facilitated by the overproduction of lawyers, economists and some other “specialists” with higher education diplomas.

You need to either significantly reduce your wage requirements, change your profile, or look for a job with relocation. The market requires flexibility in decisions. But at the same time in big cities vacancies appear in almost all profiles, only they go to someone else. If so, then the explanation of the situation must be sought in other reasons.

Reason No. 5. The person doesn’t really want to work

Therefore, he seems to be looking for a job, but at the same time he is not overworked and is waiting for a happy occasion. There are those too. They say that they are doing everything they can and are dependent on relatives.

A person is rarely ready to admit that it is his own fault that he has problems with work. Most will tell you the most different reasons, but not their own shortcomings. In the book “5 Steps to a Decent Job” there are these words: “Looking for a new job is also work. And its success depends on you, on how correctly you will do this work and how much effort and time you will spend on it. If you find yourself unemployed, then you should spend 40 hours a week, and preferably more, looking for a new job.” Wrote this in 2003. But I’m ready to sign up for this today.

Valery Polyakov

Question for a psychologist:

Good afternoon. I already have very deep depression, constant thoughts about the meaning of further existence, suicide. I only hold on because of my parents. I repeatedly imagined my funeral, the grief of my parents, cried and found the strength to hold on. This situation has been around for about a year, but the prerequisites began to appear two years ago.

Previously, I had a prestigious job in one of the best companies in the capital, respect in the team, recognition, success. I vacationed at good foreign resorts. I had many fans. Wherever I went, there was always increased attention from the opposite sex. All this gave rise to “star fever” in me. I felt like some kind of alpha male who could do anything, a demigod.

But there was one "but". It seemed to many girls that I was not developing and that with my capabilities I could achieve maximum success, become a millionaire, etc. At first I didn’t pay attention to this chatter, but every day they nagged me: “You can achieve great success”, “Why aren’t you a millionaire yet?”, “You need to find better job", etc. It got to the point where I was already ashamed to show up at work. In short, several girls praised me so much and cheated me so much, zombified me, that I decided to quit and start achieving “great success.” They barely let me go with work, they said that without me everything would fall apart. This screwed me up even more. That means something depended on me! I am needed!

But! When I quit, rested for several months and started looking for a new job, I was faced with the fact that no one would hire me!! They don’t respond to my resume; when I get to interviews, they don’t call me back. And this has been going on for about two years!!! A year and a half ago, my previous boss persuaded me to return, but as a freelancer. I thought that I would work part-time at my previous place and do some searching. Everything would be fine, but there is very little work there (crisis), and other employers don’t need me.

A year and a half ago, my beloved refused to marry me, although she had previously given her consent. A year ago, as a result of unskilled medical intervention, I suffered an injury that caused my life to deteriorate dramatically.

And now I'm sitting at home with poor health, broken hearted and lack of work. Sometimes they call previous place earn extra money, but this is very little.

I can't understand why other employers can't consider me?

I fell into depression and constant anxiety. Stopped sleeping normally. I was told that the solution was to find a job and a girl. But I can't do it!!! Vicious circle.

Thoughts come into my mind that one of the girls has jinxed me and cast a spell on me.

Perhaps out of jealousy or envy.

I just can’t wrap my head around how everything could have collapsed like this?

I want to go to “grandmother”, maybe he will see the evil eye?

Life energy gradually dries up. With each new refusal to work, one's hands become more and more discouraged...

Psychologist Irina Nikolaevna Panina answers the question.

Hello, Sergey.

I sympathize with you in your condition. I’m glad that the thought of your parents (and I’ll also suggest, the thought of your unborn children and thoughts of other imperfect plans) supports you and gives you support.

Yes, now everything is not “ice” for you. It could have been much better. However, everything could have been much worse. It depends on what you compare it to.

At one time, you were a brilliant young man with a developing career and good income.

You say “evil eye”... Eh... as the devilish figures say in some films, “Vanity is the most beloved sin.”

Let's think soberly and even harshly. Like a woman with a man.

You write:

"I can't understand why other employers can't consider me?"

Who considered you BEFORE this?

Girls? Who else?

You write that it was the girls who, as if by agreement, predicted a brilliant future for you in free swimming.

How could they (these dolls) know, actually KNOW what exactly you can handle and what you are capable of? What do you want?

It was THEM who wanted to go to bed (sorry) with a millionaire.

Has at least one of them offered you a JOINT project?

Any project?

Did you listen flattering speeches girls you don’t know well, but are trying to please you, and go NOWHERE. From a warm place.

On the other hand, such “kicks of fate” teach great intelligence and add experience. At least understand people, at least understand for the future that you need to lay down straws when you jerk sharply through life.

You still have a lot young man, there is a real chance to think and draw conclusions. You have strength. Since you are writing here, I understand that it’s hard for you, it sucks, so to speak, but you sat down in front of the monitor at the keyboard and typed this text. For this you have great respect.

As they say, for one beaten they give two not beaten (but they don’t hurt)...

You need to understand exactly what conclusions you can draw from the current situation. And what kind of “lemonade” can you make from the “lemon of fate” that fell to you?

Are they NOT hiring you?

Create your own jobs. You seemed to want free swimming?

Has your lover abandoned you?

It's good that this has happened now. Imagine if you had children with her, and then found out that she was not with you for love...

We suffered a health injury. Of course this is not good. And you got busy legal proceedings or social work to improve medical care? Perhaps, there, in this area, both your career and your money “lie”?

Regarding job refusals... Yes, with each failure you fade more and more... And this can become a vicious circle, because you non-verbally broadcast yourself to people (employers), presenting yourself as a loser.

A vicious circle - feeling sorry for yourself so that people will later tell you about “how pathetic you are.” Only YOU can take care of yourself, others will behave with you as YOU allow them.

Finding a girl... in my opinion, this was not your problem in those days when you had a job and money.

Get back on your feet and choose among the girls who will again fly in to tweet flattering speeches for you.

This is where you will (possibly) be smarter.

Since your parents are your support, stay with them, remember your childhood, what you were interested in, what you wanted and what you dreamed about. What were they playing?

Think about your friends and connections. Who can really help you with work (with income) now? How to ask him about this? What to offer in return?

I believe that what doesn't kill you makes you stronger. If you so wish.

5 Rating 5.00 (27 Votes)

Catherine Gracheva

ICF career coach

Things to think about

Calmly analyze the situation by answering a series of questions. Who am I? What are my strengths, values, what are my motivators at work? What inspires me, where do I get my energy? What are my skills (competencies), what marketable knowledge do I have, what professional experience I already have it? This way you will understand the direction in which you want to develop further.

Then determine what you really want. The goal does not have to be a vertical career. Look wider, think also about the possibilities horizontal career. It is worth understanding in what related fields you can find a use for your talents. Are there any areas at the intersection where you can be unique?

Analyze the market. Research what requirements your dream company has, what competencies and knowledge you currently lack. Find resumes of other candidates for positions that interest you. Compare with yours. What can you do to pull yourself up to the required level? At a minimum, you can actively engage in self-education - now the Internet has all the opportunities for online learning: read professional forums, books on your topic, search thematic groups on social networks (there are also interesting vacancies there), subscribe to experts in your field.

Taking into account new information update your resume and make it professional - show it to an expert. When your career goal is based on knowing yourself and your inner desires (rather than conventional standards), then you will be confident and have more energy to seek out new opportunities.

What to fix on your resume

You can only panic in one case - the financial airbag is deflated. When calculating, take into account possible risks: from exchange rate jumps to an underestimation of your own monthly expenses. If you've been unemployed for a long time, then you probably want too much (and the market can't give it to you right now) or don't know how to sell yourself. If there is a discrepancy between the request and the market supply, you will have to solve the dilemma - agree to less today or wait. If you decide not to wait, start moving. If the problem is selling yourself as a specialist, then analyze your resume and work on your self-presentation skills.

Rewrite your resume to suit the requirements of each specific job and company. The selection specialist will “filter” you if he doesn’t see you keywords, matching the requirements.

Previously, it was extremely important that relevant experience be recorded in the work record. Fortunately, this is not the case now. Companies do not look at employment records or even actual experience, but at specific results. Emphasize them in your resume.

Use more active verbs(“made”, “developed”, “implemented”), voice the numbers confirming your result. Broadcast active position- it confirms that you are ready to take responsibility for the result.

Do not voice your desired salary before your first face-to-face meeting with the employer. First - the benefits that the business will receive from you, then - how much it will cost the company. It is especially important to consider this point if you are more expensive than the market. For example, when we were selecting a product trainer at Mango Telecom, we only considered those candidates whose salary wishes fell within our range. We didn’t even consider the CVs of candidates with requests higher than we can offer. During the interview, one of the candidates announced a higher amount, but I already liked the specialist. In addition, I realized that he would close another important area, and I went to negotiate the possibility of a higher salary for him. An expert will always bring added value. Now he works in our company and, in addition to training employees, is also involved in mentoring aspiring managers.

What affects the number of invitations

Your profession is “developer” mobile applications", three years of work experience, do you have a portfolio? The search time will be a negative value - most likely, you have offers from employers before changing jobs. You - Chief Editor publications with low ratings and don’t understand what your colleagues from successful media are talking about? Six months of searching is your minimum. This is hygiene employee- from time to time monitor objective indicators in your industry that may affect search time. For example, using such data.

The search period is directly affected by the individual characteristics of the candidate: objective ( professional level and experience, possession of search and self-presentation skills) and subjective (motivation to search, expectations from future work, ambitions).

What slows down the search:

You are applying for a high position and salary. Top managers are unhappy people. Once they fall out of a certain circle of connections, the search for a job that meets their needs and expectations turns into painful work.

You are old and have low qualifications. An excellent doctor, an excellent engineer, an experienced builder will find work at any age. A resume for the position of a junior copywriter indicating the experience of “courier”, “loader”, “cashier” in combination with an age of 45+ can be compared to a search handbrake.

Personal passivity (you don’t send responses, don’t update your resume, don’t use personal connections).

How to solve a problem

If work is needed yesterday, then it’s too late to do prevention. Personal activity is the most basic tool. Online, these are responses to vacancies and the correct settings for a resume. the main objective problem that an online resource can solve is receiving an invitation to an interview. Every point on your online resume influences an employer's decision to hire you. Every missed or poorly completed section is a lost opportunity. From the experience of searching on Superjob, for example, we see that if a person writes “not ready” in the “business trip” column, then the number of invitations he will have is 1–2% less.

Again, online is a powerful tool, but not the only one. If you are looking for a job, then expand your circle of contacts: former colleagues, friends, relatives, project partners, institute friends, members of professional groups in in social networks. According to Superjob.ru, 85% of personal recommendations lead to successful employment.

Where to look for alternatives

A long job search is, first of all, an opportunity to review your experience and skills. Let’s say you have correctly reflected your experience in your resume, written your cover letter correctly, regularly monitor vacancies and are ready for an interview. But in the current conditions, when massive layoffs create enormous competition for jobs, and the employer selects a new employee from ten similar candidates, this may not be enough. If you haven't been able to find a job for a long time, it's useful to think about what other industries your skills might be useful in.

For example, if you worked as an economist, financial knowledge and experience in Excel are applicable to planning - for example, in Digital positions where many new employees are hired. If you have worked in procurement, experience in searching and working with suppliers, drafting contracts can be applied in an event agency or in design organization. It's certainly smart to continue to regularly monitor job openings in your current profession, but you should also take the time to develop your skills and explore other industries.

Birth of a child, additional education, caring for a sick relative, own business or trip around the world– There can be many reasons for a career break. However, in most cases, a specialist sooner or later needs to find a new job.

He will tell you how to avoid getting lost among other applicants after a long break.

A recruiter is a friend, not an enemy
Let's start with the bitter truth. Objective reality is this: a job seeker who has not worked for more than six months, or, even worse, several years, is at a disadvantage compared to other candidates in the labor market. Recruitment managers tend to think that such a specialist has partially lost his qualifications, lost useful connections, are not up to date with the latest trends in their professional field etc. Of course, this is not always true, but to a person job seeker after a long break, you will most likely have to deal with similar stereotypes.

However, you should not initially prepare yourself for a stubborn struggle with recruiters. You will find a job much faster if you try to see in the hiring manager not a harsh examiner, but a person ready to understand the reasons for “downtime” and adequately assess your readiness to work in the company.

Summary: functional or traditional?
What should be the resume of a specialist who has made a stop on his career path? How not to alienate a recruiter by admitting that you haven’t worked for a while, but, on the contrary, to interest him and get an invitation to an interview?

Some career consultants advise in such cases to create not a traditional resume, which sequentially outlines all stages of your career, but a functional one, reflecting skills and competencies. In this way, you can make the break in your experience less noticeable and still receive the desired invitation to an interview.

In the Russian professional environment, non-traditional resumes are viewed with more distrust than interest. It is very likely that your attempts to disguise a long absence from work will be noticed and interpreted not in your favor.

It is much wiser to use a traditional resume, but edited so that it is clear: despite the break in work, you remained a good specialist, and maybe even improved your qualifications in some ways.

The main thing is to stay in shape
Recruiters unanimously advise: when writing your resume, be honest. Do not invent falsehoods, do not invent the names of non-existent LLCs or CJSCs in which you allegedly worked without registration. It is unlikely that deception will contribute to your career growth: The lie will be revealed sooner or later.

It’s better to think: how can what you did while you weren’t working play into your hands? Perhaps, in parallel with caring for your child, you managed to get a second higher education or improve your English? Or while yours employment history did you relax, attend courses or training in your specialty? Perhaps you worked part-time as a freelancer, mastered new computer programs or at least regularly read professional periodicals?

Be sure to indicate in your resume your achievements during the period of absence from work, and, if possible, attach a portfolio of completed work. Recommendations from former colleagues or companies for which you worked as a freelancer (if any).

In your cover letter, explain the reason for your career break. Be sure to clarify that now your problems have been solved and you are ready to devote yourself completely to work: your grandmother is looking after your child, and the renovation in your apartment that has been consuming all your time has been successfully completed.

Good and bad reasons
What reasons for a break in work experience do recruiters tend to regard as valid? According to the survey Research Center website, 16% of recruiting managers consider family events to be such events - the birth of a child, moving to a new place of residence, illness of relatives, etc.

Another 9% of HR specialists are confident that good reason there may be a long period of downtime serious attitude to the choice of a place of work: let’s say the candidate did not want to waste time on uninteresting projects, but was purposefully looking for a worthy offer. But such an explanation will not always satisfy the recruiter: if you have not worked for several years, then the words “I haven’t come across interesting job", will most likely cause confusion in your opponent. In turn, 7% of recruiting managers believe that best explanation break in work experience - study or advanced training.

As for such explanations as “I decided to become a downshifter”, “there was no need for money”, “I tried to open my own business, but it didn’t work out”, then you need to be careful with them. A specialist who has “just rested” for several months, or even years, may be considered by a recruiter to be a lazy person who does not have sufficient internal motivation.

Interview: breaking stereotypes
Finally, your resume was noticed and you were invited for an interview. Now the main thing is not only to clearly explain to the recruiter and potential boss the reasons for the break in work, but also to demonstrate that you have not lagged behind life in professionally. Remember: You must destroy any possible stereotype about your professional incompetence.

Prepare for the meeting by studying all available information about the company, practice. Show off your knowledge of the latest market trends, refer to last changes in legislation, mention reputable names in your professional environment; in short, during the interview you should look and feel like a real pro. Then success will be on your side.

If you are unlucky...
It is quite possible that you will not be able to quickly find a job after a long break. The reasons may vary. It is possible that you actually relaxed somewhat without the daily bustle of the office. Or your explanations about the reasons for the break will cause mistrust among recruiters. Or maybe you are simply unlucky. Analyze the situation and adjust your behavior. Ask for help from friends, relatives or former colleagues - let family and professional connections serve you well. Be prepared to slightly reduce your salary aspirations or even apply for a position lower than the one you once left. This should not be taken as a drama: as a rule, good specialist quickly making up for lost time - both in career and material terms.

Psychologists have found that people asking the question “I can’t find a job, what should I do?” are very vulnerable psychologically. Getting fired and being unable to find a new job in a short period of time is the strongest stress factor, which will certainly leave a negative mark on the soul of every person. Prolonged unemployment at its initial stage threatens a shock.

The person develops a feeling of confusion and anger at former bosses. However, on next stage unemployed man starts looking positive points your condition. Of course, if there is no work, there is no need to get up early and spend most days on duty. In addition, all production problems become distant. A person, who until relatively recently was considered an over-busy hard worker, begins to have a lot of free time. However, very soon the euphoria wears off. A person begins to wonder: “I just can’t find a job, what should I do?” Depression becomes his constant companion. At the same time, a painful feeling of lack of demand and lack of prospects appears. This condition is also aggravated by financial distress.

Of course, the situation described above is very average. Every specific case has its own specificity. After all, it happens that a person does not ask the question “I can’t find a job, what should I do?” He is quite comfortable at home, where an atmosphere of sympathy and support for relatives and household members is created. Such a person simply lacks the motivation that would make him get off the couch and seriously get involved in his own employment.

However, it is worth remembering that long-term unemployment threatens not only poverty. It leads a person to a loss of qualifications and, accordingly, to the degradation of a person who does not have the habit of working. Anyone who doesn’t even ask the question “I can’t find a job, what should I do?” should remember that there are certain laws in life. According to one of them, everything that does not work will certainly begin to gradually die off.

The danger of dismissal

A long period of unemployment threatens not only the loss of professionalism. Potential employers They are suspicious of those specialists whose track records have a serious gap. Some HR department employees, reviewing the resume of a candidate who has not worked for a vacant position for a long time, decide that no one simply needed him, and their company for him is nothing more than a place where he can temporarily “hang out.” And, of course, there is hardly a company that would want to become a haven for losers.

Sometimes a person wonders: “I can’t find Good work, what to do?" In such a situation, tactical flexibility will be required. Often, those employees who are accustomed to a certain status reject vacancies for lower-than-expected positions with lower salaries than they had. However, such a person needs to realize the fact that, despite his qualifications, the labor market today cannot offer the desired vacancy. Therefore, you need to reduce your appetite, pacify your pride and cling to the existing job. This will give a chance to soon return to their previous positions.

Respect for professionalism

Psychologists advise not to react to dismissal as a result of professional incompetence. Most likely, managers are simply cutting the company's expenses due to the difficulties that have arisen. In this case, the employee is most likely not at fault, and it is worth remembering that real professional will always find a new place to work. The main thing is not to lose self-respect, and not to compare yourself with a poor loser who is mercilessly beaten by life. Successful people always, even in the most problematic situations, are able to maintain an optimistic attitude. Anyone who is asking the question “I can’t find a job, what should I do?” does not need to concentrate on the obstacles that stand in the way of achieving the goal. Attention should be paid only to the opportunity provided by an unplanned time-out, which will allow you to rise to a higher quality level.

Work according to the acquired profession

Today, every third resident of our country faces the problem: “I can’t find a job in my specialty, what should I do?” How to solve this difficult problem?

This problem is often faced by recent graduates of universities and colleges who have no work experience. All large companies want to hire employees who will not need practical training. Such unemployed people should look for employers who believe that working with a newcomer is easier than retraining a professional to suit the needs and requirements of their company. Fortunately, this approach is becoming more and more popular. There are statistics according to which 66% of employers are ready to hire an inexperienced candidate. Their only requirement is successful completion testing and assessment interview.

What advice can you give to those who are faced with the problem of “I can’t find a job”? Careful preparation for interviews should be undertaken. This will allow you to establish yourself as promising specialist which the company needs. However, you should not start with large organizations. Without experience, it is easier to get a job in a small company with a low salary. After working there for one or two years, you can safely send your resume to a more prestigious company.

Psychological attitude

Anyone who complains: “I can’t find a good job!” should clear his consciousness of the harmful stereotypes that exist in him. They are the cause of confused will and closing of the horizon professional prospects. All this does not allow a person to actively act in the right direction.

For example, many of those who complain “I can’t find a job for a long time!” believe that everyone good places are already occupied, and you can only take them by acquaintance. Such reasoning becomes psychologically destructive attitudes. You should definitely get rid of them. Real life provides many examples of how people who did not have the necessary connections occupied enviable positions in prestigious companies. Skeptics will explain such luck as ordinary luck. However, here it is more appropriate to rely on some laws of successful employment.

There are many negative stereotypes that prevent a person from finding a good job. However, it is worth remembering that opportunity only appears when people are ready to take advantage of it. After all, many of those unemployed people who complain “I can’t find a job for a long time” perceive themselves as losers, and not in demand, successful and highly paid specialists. Often the main cause of the problem does not lie in the situation in the labor market, the lack of the necessary diploma or the arrogance of the employer. Many people cannot resolve the issue of employment due to their barrier thinking.

Determination to act

Experts believe that many of those who ask the question “I just can’t find a job, what should I do?” are insufficiently enterprising and indecisive candidates. A faster solution to a problem is achieved by those who vigorously try to correct the situation. It is those people who prefer not to wait for a suitable vacancy, but look for it themselves, who transfer their consciousness to the business wave.

What can experts recommend to those who seek advice with the words: “I can’t find a job for a long time, what should I do?” First of all, it is worth overcoming your own laziness and breaking out of the boundaries of a calm and safe refuge in which a person most likely hid after being fired. Don't be afraid of lack of strength. Practice proves that positive person there is enough energy for everything.

The unemployed should also make detailed plan of your actions, outlining specific steps in it, while planning each day. Depending on the situation, the program can be adjusted.

You will need to act massively and intensively. In this case, all possible methods of obtaining must be used necessary information about a potential employer. Remember that three resumes sent to different companies within a week is not a serious job search. This is just an attempt to calm yourself down and create the appearance of solving the problem.

If a person asks the question “I just can’t find a job, what should I do?”, he should be assertive and arrogant in a good way. Pride, aristocracy and modesty are qualities that are good for those who, from their student days, have been prepared for a warm place with a green career corridor. The rest will have to make a lot of effort to turn the current situation in their favor. That is why you should not be afraid to call the HR departments of companies and make inquiries about available vacancies. At the same time with active searches works worth visiting professional presentations and exhibitions. These events provide an opportunity to meet potential employers.

Writing a resume

Active job searches should begin by sending out a document to the company’s personnel services, which is a source of information about your strengths, and sometimes weaknesses. In this case, the resume must be correctly composed. You should not clutter it with a huge list of your past achievements and merits. This text will look more like an obituary. It is advisable to include business proposals that are interesting to the employer in your resume. Even the candidate who has “gaps” in his work history, will be of interest to the employer if he feels like a person who will not need to be brought up to date for a long time. Preference will always be given to a specialist who has profitable ideas and ready to implement them.

It happens that a person sent a large number of resumes for different companies. However, he continues to complain: “I haven’t been able to find a job for a year, what should I do?” This may mean that your resume is not written correctly. This document probably contains a lot of water or does not correspond to a specific vacancy. If a potential employer refuses to apply for a job, then it is worth asking the reason for such an answer. This will help you draw appropriate conclusions and correct mistakes made in your resume.

They may be:
- the presence of template and repetitive phrases about your achievements, responsibilities and positions;
- lack of constructive information;
- chronological confusion;
- presence of spelling and grammatical errors.

You should not send out resumes for various vacancies that reflect all your existing work experience. The emphasis should be placed only on knowledge that is relevant to the potential position.

A serious mistake when sending a resume is considered to be neglecting to write a cover letter. An employer is more likely to pay attention to an applicant who expresses gratitude for the invitation to an interview.

After sending your resume, do not neglect the opportunity to call the ad. This should be done in cases where the employer has indicated his phone number. It is worth preparing for this conversation, as it may become the initial interview.

Unspecific desires

Sometimes a person complains: “I haven’t been able to find a job for a month.” The problem will not be solved in the future. Sometimes this happens because the applicant has little idea of ​​what kind of work he needs. As a result, he engages in aimless searches that do not bring any results. To solve the problem as quickly as possible, you should decide what you want from the vacancy, what salary level you are applying for, etc.

External factors

Sometimes a person cannot quickly get a job for reasons beyond his control. One of them is the seasonality existing in the labor market. According to statistics, the peak of the search for suitable vacancies occurs in spring and autumn. In winter and summer periods Companies are less actively looking for employees. This is explained big amount holidays, vacation season and some other reasons.

Contacting friends

Those who are looking for work should not neglect friendly help. Perhaps your friends know of any vacancies and they can help you find a job. Many companies are happy to hire for vacant positions those recommended by their employees.

Is materiality above all else?

Undoubtedly, important point when selecting vacancies is the level wages. Not only the applicant, but also the employer knows that this moment is, as a rule, decisive. However, it is worth keeping in mind that the employer will not focus on a specialist who is only interested in monetary remuneration. And if you have one unsuccessful interview after another, then it’s worth thinking about the emphasis you place on your expected salary level. Any employer will consider a person who puts personal finances above the interests of work to be an unreliable candidate. Companies must advance, and for this the entire team must be concerned about the success of the common cause.

Looking for a job as head of a family

In life they add up various situations. It happens that material support families fall entirely on women's shoulders. “My husband can’t find a job. What to do?" - this question worries many representatives of the fairer sex. First of all, do not despair and try to accept the situation. At the same time, it is necessary to reduce the importance this issue. After all, in otherwise the spouse will despair more and more every day, psychologically closing all existing plans for work.

The husband cannot find a job... What should the wife do? Encourage your significant other and start believing in his success. You should also improve your self-esteem loved one and express faith in his powers. At the same time, it is worth convincing your husband that your children need his work. It is also worth keeping in mind that a woman must certainly support her husband, instilling in him hope for a speedy resolution of the problem. At the same time, conversations about work should not be constant and contain reproaches. It's best if the right topic in such situations it is touched upon as if in passing.

How to encourage an adult son to look for a job?

All parents look forward to their children growing up. But now school is over and student years, and the grown-up son cannot find a job. What to do in this case?

The reasons that lead to this situation are different. However, their basis lies in the lack of a sense of care for loved ones, independence and responsibility for actions committed. The matured child still believes that his parents will help him find a job, give him money if necessary, and provide him with everything he needs. And then mothers and fathers begin to think: “An adult guy can’t find a job, what should I do to change the situation?” Of course, it is already too late to raise a young man, but there are some techniques, the use of which will help get rid of the urgent problem.

First of all, it is worth sharing responsibility and starting to look at your son as an adult. In this case, you should draw up a cost estimate for the month, which will include all costs, including utilities. Here you will need to use a little trick and tell your son that your salary has been reduced. A grown man must understand that he will also be responsible for paying the bills. The main thing in this matter is to be firm.

Another incentive is to support the job search initiative. Moreover, it is worth showing joy even with the most insignificant successes in this process.

If you follow all this simple tips, then you can solve the main problem, which is to instill responsibility in an already matured son. For a guy, this will be an excellent incentive in looking for a job.