Relevance of project work example. Project activity as a way to organize educational space

Yulia Klimkina
Project "Secrets of Friendship" for children middle group

Project name:"Secrets of Friendship"

Project duration: medium (2 weeks).

Project type: creative-informational, gaming.

Project participants:

Children of the middle group 4-5 years old



Problem: When observing children during communication, it was noticed that not all children know how to cooperate. Some find it difficult to negotiate and defend their point of view without offense, fights and quarrels. IN joint activities Difficulties arise when you need to give in, or, seeing the difficulties of another child, simply come up and offer help. It is still difficult for children to determine the mood of another person, so they cannot provide support to the child who is in currently needs it.

Relevance of the project: the problem of forming positive relationships between children is relevant, as it contributes to the child’s entry into society and interaction with people around him. The implementation of this project contributes to the formation of friendly relationships among children: the ability to live in a team, take into account the opinions of other children, adequately evaluate themselves and their friends, helps to learn norms and rules of behavior.

Goal of the project: fostering friendly feelings: trust, mutual assistance, empathy, creation friendly relations in Group.

Project objectives:


1. Fostering a culture of behavior and communication, the habit of following the rules of culture, being polite towards people, restraining immediate emotional impulses if they cause inconvenience to others.

2. Foster a sense of collectivism, cohesion, and the ability to work in a team.


1. Development of good feelings, emotional responsiveness, ability to distinguish between moods and emotional condition people around you and take this into account in your behavior.

2. Develop communication skills, social and communication qualities (cooperation, tolerance, tolerance).

3. Develop coherent speech, enrich lexicon, encourage the use of proverbs and sayings in speech.


1. Expand and systematize children’s ideas about what it means to “be able to be friends”, teach them to comprehend and evaluate the situation, independently understand the motives of behavior and correlate these motives existing standards behavior.

2. Contribute to the formation of the child’s personal attitude towards compliance and violation of moral standards: sympathy for the offended person and disagreement with the actions of the offender; approval of the actions of someone who acted fairly;

Expected results of the project:

Children will develop the concept of “friendship.”

Children will acquire mutual assistance skills.

Strengthen collaboration skills.

A positive emotional atmosphere will be created in the group, conducive to the acceptance of each child.

Project stages:

Preparatory stage

Study and analysis of psychological, pedagogical and methodological literature on the topic “Friendship”, “Children’s group”.

Development of a project to implement tasks in the process of joint activities on the topic “Secrets of Friendship.” Planning.

Selection of methodological and fiction literature, selection visual material, didactic games, musical accompaniment, creation of a card index of myrillas and counting rhymes.

Working with parents. Homework: recommend reading works about friendship to children, select and learn a proverb or saying about friendship with the child, compose a story with the child about his friend, learn the world from the created card index.

Conversation “About friendly guys.” Creating a collective application with children “The Tree of Friendship of our group.”

Main stage

Ethical conversations, situational conversations, children's stories, proverbs and sayings about friendship; reading fiction followed by a conversation, looking at pictures with developing dialogue, verbal, communicative games, outdoor games, didactic games, imitative-performing exercises and creative nature, finger gymnastics, games to develop communication skills, creating the “Secrets of Friendship” pictogram.

The final stage

Creation of the final product of the project - the collective panel “Secrets of Friendship”. Creating a project presentation.

Implementation mechanism

The group receives a letter from the old woman Shapoklyak, which says that Shapoklyak found out about the tree of Friendship that the guys made, and she doesn’t like it. Shapoklyak gets angry and scares the guys: the tree of friendship between the guys will never bloom and die, because they don’t know the secrets of friendship. The teacher offers to go on a journey to find the secrets of friendship and then decorate the Friendship tree with them.

21.03 The teacher asks in what mood the children will go on a journey to find the secrets of friendship, and offers to play. We meet Little Raccoon, listen and sing his song. Let's unravel the first secret of friendship - a smile, good mood. The raccoon suggests going on a train journey. The price for a train ticket is a smile and a polite word. The ticket to everyone is the pictogram of the first secret: a smiley face.

Listening and singing the song “Smile”.

Game "My Mood".

Exercise “Give a smile and a polite word.

Outdoor game "Train".

Image/toy "Little Raccoon".

Audio device for playback, recording of the song “Smile” (words by M. Plyatskovsky, music by V. Shainsky).

Pictogram “Smiley” by the number of children.

Reading “A Lesson in Friendship” by M. Plyatskovsky followed by a conversation.

Listening to the song “If you are kind.”

Game “Ribbon of Generosity.

Conversation: what toys can be brought to kindergarten. Drawing up a memo.

Game "Throne of Friendship".

Game "Enchanted Princesses".

Game "Kittens".

Text “Friendship Lesson” by M. Plyatskovsky.

Image/plasticine figures/toys of sparrows.

Audio device for playback, recording of the song “If you are kind” (M. Plyatskovsky, B. Savelyev).

Image or layout of the Pharmacy of sensitivity and kindness.

Long ribbon.

Pictogram “Heart” according to the number of children.

22.03 To find next secret friendship, you need to get to the “To the Rescue” pharmacy. But Shapoklyak conspired with the evil sorceress, and the road turned into a swamp. The guys figure out how to get across the swamp and approach the “I’m in a hurry to help” pharmacy. There, to the music, they are met again by the cat Leopold. He explains that friends who need help come to this pharmacy. Bunny and Mishka went to the pharmacy. The guys will find out what happened to them and how they can help correct the situation. Leopold the cat also talks about other visitors to the pharmacy and their situations. We conclude that mutual assistance is important in friendship. Leopold asks the guys how they can help each other. The guys are talking. Leopold gives in return for each a pictogram of the third secret - a red cross.

Game "Crossing".

Listening to the song “True Friend.”

Game situation “Bunny and Bear”.

Looking at pictures with dialogue.

Exercise “How can I help a friend.”

Sheets of A4 paper (bumps) according to the number of children.

Audio device for playback, recording of the song “True Friend” (M. Plyatskovsky, B. Savelyev).

Image or layout of the “To the Rescue” Pharmacy.

A picture or toy of Leopold the cat.

Toys hare and bear.

Pictures depicting help situations.

Pictogram “Red cross” according to the number of children.

23.03 A dove flies in, saying that the guys know how to help, and asks to help Mishka and Hedgehog, who had quarreled. The guys find out what the quarrel was about, they conclude that they need to give in to each other, and if they quarrel, then they need to be able to make peace. They offer their own options for helping friends: counting rhymes, peace books, singing songs. The teacher asks if it is possible to make peace if we draw something together? He invites you to play and decorate paired mittens together. Leopold the cat praises the children for their drawings and invites them to play at being good friends. As a reward, he gives everyone a pictogram of the fourth secret of friendship - a dove as a symbol of peace.

Situational conversation “Bear and Hedgehog”

Reciting little words and counting rhymes.

Game "Mittens".

Game "Good-bad".

Drawing or figurine of a dove.

Toys bear and hedgehog.

An image or mockup of a swing.

Paper pairs of mittens according to the number of children.


Pictogram “Dove” according to the number of children.

24.04 The teacher says that a magic ball will show them the way to the fifth secret of friendship. It will roll only after the magic ones, polite words. Each of the children says a word, the ball unwinds and leads the children to the meadow where the boy grazes sheep. The boy cries and tells what trouble happened to him. Children listen and conclude that lying is not good. Anyone who likes to lie should not be taken as a friend. The teacher says that he knows another boy who lied, and because of this he grew up a long nose. And you can find it by solving the riddle. The children solve the riddle and find Pinocchio behind the fireplace. Pinocchio makes the guys promise not to deceive each other and treats everyone to candy, saying that now he will check how friendly the guys are in the group. Children, accompanied by music, divide the candies fairly - everyone has equal shares. Pinocchio praises the guys and gives them a pictogram of the fifth secret of friendship - an open palm as a symbol of open, honest thoughts and actions.

Game "Magic Ball".

Reading and conversation. Fable “The Liar” by L. Tolstoy.

Saying a proverb.

Guessing the riddle.

Exercise “Divide equally.”

A ball of thread.

Images of a wolf, sheep, a boy or illustrations to the fable “The Liar” by L. Tolstoy.

Text of the fable “The Liar” by L. Tolstoy.

Drawing/layout of the hearth.

Drawing/figurine of Pinocchio.

Candy according to the number of children multiplied by two.

Audio device for playback, recording of the song “As friends should” (M. Plyatskovsky, V. Shainsky).

Pictogram “Open palm” according to the number of children.

25.03 Shapoklyak comes and says that the guys’ friendship tree has not blossomed. The teacher objects: the guys traveled and found all the secrets of friendship. The guys show a map of the secrets of friendship with five pictograms, talk about each secret and about their friends. The teacher suggests decorating the friendship tree with flowers - pictograms received during the trip. The tree is our group, the leaves on the tree are the palm of each child. Each palm has 5 fingers, which are decorated with 5 secret pictograms. Shapoklyak agrees that she was wrong: the guys are friendly, they know the secrets of friendship, and their tree of group friendship has blossomed beautifully.

Individual stories of children.

Creation of a collective panel (application).

Dynamic pause “If you have a good friend.”

Game "Yes-yes-yes, no-no-no."

Shapoklyak image or doll.

Pictograms of the secrets of friendship, 5 pieces for each child.

Audio device for playing, recording songs about friendship.

What great people say about friendship.
Interview with parents.
What does friendship mean to me?
Basic laws of friendship.
Proverbs, sayings, aphorisms.
My favorite story is about friendship.
A song about friendship.

What great people say about friendship.

- close relationships based on
mutual trust, affection, community
interests. (Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary)
it is a deep connection between people,
which presupposes “not only fidelity and
mutual assistance, but also internal closeness,
(Encyclopedia "Around the World")

Enjoying communication - main feature friendship.
Without friendship there is no communication between people
“A friend loves at all times and, like a brother, will appear in time
misfortune,” said biblical king Solomon.
It’s even nice to be sick when you know that there are people who
They are waiting for your recovery like a holiday.
Chekhov A.P.
In happiness it is easy to find a friend, but in misfortune it is extremely
Anyone can empathize with the suffering of a friend, but only an unusually subtle nature can empathize with success.
Oscar Wilde
Friends have everything in common, and friendship is equality.
Pythagoras of Samos

Interview with parents.

What is friendship for my parents?
here's what I found out...
Friendship is, firstly, a feeling, that is,
friendly love.
It's not something external, friendship lies deep within
Secondly, friendship arises spontaneously.
You can't force yourself to be a friend to someone or
force someone to be your friend.

I learned that my parents also had
Then I wondered how they used to
were you friends?
Mom remembered that when she was little,
I was friends with the neighbor's children at the dacha. They walked,
visit each other because their parents do too
talked to each other, ran to the cinema children's party. They built a hut in the forest,
They made a fire, fried bread and baked potatoes.
They loved to go far on bicycles.
At school, my mother kept her diary with some
interesting information, pictures and
jokes, then exchanged with

What is friendship for me?

I think a true friend is someone who understands you, with
who is interesting to communicate with, who will never betray you, who
will help and support in different situations.
The basis of friendship is mutual respect and trust.
Respecting your friend means being respectful to
him, to take into account his opinion.
Respect is shown in words and deeds. Friend to whom
shows respect, feels valued as
personality, respect his dignity and help him not
only out of a sense of duty.
Trust means confidence in
integrity and sincerity of a friend, in that he does not
will betray and not deceive.
You can make friends within your family, or at school, in
When troubles happen, you can talk about it in
family circle. Then close person will always find what you need
words of encouragement or help you sort out difficulties.

I have friends. We visit each other
Let's celebrate birthdays together. We have fun together.

I love playing football. We deal with
coach, his name is Maxim Alexandrovich. U
We are a friendly team. And that's why we often
we win.

Basic laws of friendship.

I think the rules of friendship are:
to help each other;
do not remember the offense for a long time;
to trust each other;
be tolerant;
be able to forgive;
don't envy;
be honest and loyal;
be friendly.

Proverbs and sayings

A man without friends is like a tree without roots.
An old friend is better than two new ones.
If you don't have a friend, look for him, but if you find him, take care of him.
A friend in need is recognized.
Together, troubles are easier to bear.
If you hold on to each other, you can
don't be afraid of anything.
A good joke does not ruin a friendship.
Don't have a hundred rubles, but have a hundred friends.
There is no distance for friendship.
A father is a mentor, a brother is a support, and a friend is both
A bird is strong with its wings, and a man is strong with friendship.

My favorite story is about friendship. “Wolf and Eagle” Alim Ablyazov


One day on a hot summer day I was wandering under
rock cub. He was chasing a butterfly
which beckoned him further and further from
native den. And when he stopped, then
I saw the beauty of these places. Admired
summer nature, he walked on, looking at
high cliffs and a big blue lake. Near
A faint, plaintive chirping was heard.
The lupus came closer, and in the tall grass
I saw a small defenseless eagle chick.
“Perhaps he fell out of the nest,” he thought
lupus. "He needs help, he's here in
danger,” the wolf cub decided. He's careful
took the chick with his teeth, walked around the rock on the other
side, and found his nest.

On the way he was very tired, scratched his paws,
the scorching sun made him thirsty. But still he
reached the nest and lowered the little chick into
a nest where the little eaglet was safe.
After making sure that the chick has calmed down and that it is in the nest
he had food, the wolf went to his home.
Time passed, a lot has happened since then in life
wolf cub. He grew up, learned to hunt, and already
he himself obtained prey for the family. One day while hunting
trouble happened to him. He fell into a trap - a deep dug hole from which he could not get out.
He spent in it for a long time and have already lost everything
strength and hope for salvation. He closed the tired
crystal eyes and humbly lowered his head to
raw stone. And at that very moment there was a sound in the sky
the cry of an eagle that soared over the area.

The eagle came closer and dropped into the hole,
grabbed the wolf by the back and dragged him into the field.
When the wolf's eyes got used to the bright sun
light, he recognized the little chick he had saved
many years ago. Now the chick has grown and become
strong and, as expected, a proud eagle.
- Do you remember me? You saved me once
rock when I was still completely defenseless
chick? I don't forget my friends!
- Thank you, eagle! – answered with gratitude
wolf. - If it weren’t for you, I would have remained in that hole
Since then, the eagle and the wolf have been inseparable
This is how good selfless deeds are connected
two animals - an eagle and a wolf. None of the animals in this
forest and could not imagine that friendship could
exist between such different animals.

Song about friendship

"Song about friendship"
Nothing just happens like that.
It even rains for a reason.
Who forgets to help others
He will never find friends.
You can't just be friends like that
Friendship must be earned
Don't cry, don't wonder,
Stand up for your comrades,
Honor your word of honor.
Everything works out better with a friend
Everything comes out twice as fast.
True friendship will teach
To be stronger and smarter and kinder.

Municipal budget educational institution

Average comprehensive school №5


"Let's talk about friendship"

Compiled by:

Teacher primary classes

Sozonova Olga Yurievna

G. Alapaevsk



    integrated and practically aimed at including students in active creative activities;

    long-term, the project was implemented over 4 months;

    involves group and individual work, the children themselves looked for the necessary information;

    complex (cognitive, creative, gaming, information retrieval).

Objective of the project: expand children's knowledge about friendship and friendly relationships.


    To promote the formation of such moral qualities, as the ability to make friends, cherish friendship, communicate in a team.

    To promote the development of the ability to analyze and draw conclusions; development of coherent speech and creative abilities.

    Create conditions for a friendly, respectful attitude towards each other, as well as the development of students’ intellectual and communication skills, their creative thinking, to form an emotional and value-based attitude towards the world around us.

Expected result:

    Development of an emotional friendly atmosphere for children in the classroom.

    Acquiring skills to work in collaboration.

    Show concern and respect for your classmates.

Description of actions:

    Teacher's activities.

    Conducting classroom hours

1. “What is friendship?” Conversation. (We carried out an analysis and identified symbols of friendship that most accurately convey the concept of friendship);

2. “Proverbs about friendship”...Game.

3. “What is he like, a real friend?” Conversation. Reading a story.

4. Rules of friendship. Work in groups.

5. “How to find friends.” Conversation. Watching a cartoon about Crocodile and Cheburashka. Discussion.

Children's activities in creative groups Oh.

    Search for proverbs and sayings from various sources.

    A selection of poems and songs about friendship.

    Drawing competition about friendship and friends;

    Creation general pattern"My friends"

    Setting up exhibitions in the classroom.

    Making a gift for a friend. (teach sensitivity,

friendly attitude towards comrades.

    Encourage children to moral actions, wish

do good deeds.)

Stages of project activity.

The first stage (motivational) is goal setting, immersion in the project.

Class teacher The problem was formulated before the students: What is friendship? What do we know about her? Do we have it? Do we need it in our class? For what? What is a true friend?

The second stage (activity planning).

The children were divided into small creative groups, which together came up with and looked for the necessary material for their performances during class hours. Within the group, the children themselves assigned roles and responsibilities.

The third stage (practically - activity)

    Performance by creative groups during class hours.

    Creation of exhibitions outside of school hours.

    Design of a general wall newspaper.

The fourth stage (reflective-evaluative).

    What was achieved from what was planned? What was good?

    What didn't work? Why?

    What have you learned? What knowledge did you gain as a result?

The fifth stage is project implementation.

Class hour “Let's talk about friendship” Final.

Target: generalize the system of children's knowledge about friendship and friendly relations.

To achieve this goal it was necessary to decide

the following tasks:

    Create a friendly atmosphere in the classroom

and respectful communication.

2.Summarize children’s knowledge about friendship and friendly relationships.

3.Create conditions for the formation of skills such as

analyze, draw conclusions; listen and hear your own


Planned results:

Students recognize themselves as members cool team; learn to discuss issues about the need for friendship and friendly relationships in the classroom; evaluate from a moral standpoint forms of behavior that are acceptable or unacceptable in relation to classmates; draw conclusions from the material listened to.

Progress of the event.

1.Org. moment.

Hello, Dear Guys! Let's all turn around and say hello to our guests, smile at both the guests and each other.

I am your friend and you are my friend, Hands stretched out to the sun,

Turn left to right, You caught the rays,

Hold your hands tightly and press them to your chest.

And smile at each other. With this ray in my chest

Look at the world more clearly...

2. Opening remarks.

I want to tell you a parable. What is a parable?

Parable - a short educational story containing moral teaching(wisdom). The content of the parable is close to a fable.

Listen and say: “What wisdom is contained in this parable?”


High, high in the mountains there lived a shepherd. One day, on a stormy night, three people knocked on his door.

My hut is small, only one can enter. - Who are you? - asked the shepherd.

We are friendship, happiness and wealth. Which of us should enter - choose for yourself!

The shepherd thought and chose... friendship.

Friendship came, happiness came, and wealth appeared.

DW: What problem did the shepherd face? What decision did he make? What wisdom is contained in this parable?

Friendship is always the main miracle,

A hundred discoveries melting for us,

And any trouble is not a problem,

If you have real friends nearby!

3. Goal setting.

Can this wisdom help us? And How?

What are we going to talk about today? What should we agree on?

4. Conversation

Who do you think came up with the word “Friend” and when was it?

Listen to the poem and answer: “Has the person changed since the word “friend” appeared?”

When no one knew a word yet -

Neither “hello”, nor “sun”, nor “cow”, -

To the neighbors ancient man used to it

Show fist or tongue

And make faces (which is the same thing),

But the word became a guttural sound,

More meaningful face smarter than your hands,

And the man came up with the word "friend"

He began to wait for his friend and grieve in separation.

Thanks to him for my friends.

How would I live, what would I do without them?

Friends - people I love

I will never do anything to offend you.

Did the person change when the word “friend” appeared? How?

How did he begin to treat his friends?

Who do we call a friend?

What qualities of a friend do you consider the most important?

What kind of friends would you like to have?

Now we will find out.

5. Game "Magic Candy".

I will ask you, passing the “magic candy” to each other, to name a trait that is inherent in a true friend. There is a beginning to help you, but you think and continue...

Start with these words: A friend must be... A friend always.... Friend never...

6.Presentation of children's projects.

Now let's listen carefully to each other. Everyone with their work wanted to say something, talk about something, and even ask for something.

7. Reflection.

When mutual affection for each other arises between people, the desire to be close is common interests, we want to help each other, that’s when friendship begins. And when you have friends, you always want to please them. And this can always be done. Give gifts to your friends.

You can give it to a friend,

All the warmth of your soul.

I gave everything - I became richer,

What you saved, you lost.

Only the one who is not for a year is rich forever.

Who cherishes friendship like a priceless treasure.

Only he is not for a year, he is happy forever,

Who can carry friendship through the years?

And I really hope that our friendship will become stronger and stronger every day.

Let's end our conversation with a song and watching a film about our friendly class.

Scenario class hour

“Without friends I’m a little bit”


Teach children to value friends, friendship, and take care of loved ones.


Show the importance and value of true friendship:

Cultivate caring and warm attitude Not only

to loved ones, but also to all surrounding people;

Create a friendly, cohesive team.


Phonogram of the song “If you went on a journey with a friend”

Record player

Poster with the motto “Don’t have a hundred rubles, but have a hundred friends”

The story of V. Oseeva “Three Comrades”

Class progress

(the soundtrack of the song “If you went on a journey with a friend” sounds)

What do you think will be discussed today at our

class hour?

(About friendship, about friends)

Who are friends? What kind of person can

call him a true friend?

(A friend is a person who will certainly help in

joy and sorrow, to whom you can entrust the most

innermost desires and secrets).

Listen to V. Oseeva’s story “Three Comrades” and say,

Which of the boys turned out to be Vitya’s true friend?

(I’m reading a story. After the story, there’s a discussion of the characters.

Conclusion - Volodya turned out to be a true friend).

If you had the same “comrades” as Vitya, which of them

Would you take them with you on a long and difficult journey? Why?

Of course, in difficult moments we need someone nearby

in which we can rely, in which we can be

sure. And in moments of joy, who is more pleasant to spend time with?

time? (Of course, with those whom we are always glad to see, with

close friends).

We were just talking about the person you would like

see next to you. Do you know how to make friends yourself?

Do you have many friends? What are you doing to

(discussing issues, expressing opinions).

Now let’s turn to the motto of our class hour:

“Don’t have a hundred rubles, but have a hundred friends.”

Think and tell me, what is the wisdom of this motto?

Do you agree with him? Are they really friends?

more expensive than money or is it the other way around?


We have now heard many opinions, but the main thing is

This is that you consider friendship more important than money. You made

right choice, because money comes and goes,

and true friends always remain close. And when you're nearby

friend, is it possible to be lonely and unhappy?

I want to tell you a fairy tale, after hearing which you will already

you will know exactly what is better – a friend or money.

Once upon a time, there lived a rich man in the mountains. He had a huge

a flock of sheep, but this man was kind and good, so he

he had many friends.

But one day trouble happened. One night somehow

unknown thieves managed to break into the property

our hero and drive away all the sheep.

When the next morning the owner saw what had become of his farm,

he sat down and cried bitterly: after all, now he had lost everyone

your money and work.

News of the theft quickly spread throughout the surrounding area.

villages, and the very next day this man saw

as his friends walk along the road to his house. But friends

they did not walk empty-handed - each of them led

followed by a small flock of sheep. When everyone is friends

got together and gave their sheep to a friend, he again

it turned out to be a herd, even larger than before.”

This is a story that happened a long time ago.

What do you think would happen to this person?

if he didn't have such friends?

(He would have been left alone in his misfortune, would have become a beggar, and

If I hadn’t found a job later, I could have died from


Yes, guys, without friends a person is lonely, without friends he is not enough,

and with friends a lot.

Have there been any cases in your life when you, as a friend, helped

to your friend or, conversely, they helped you when

it was difficult? Tell us about them.

(Children tell incidents from life, in parallel

We discuss situations with stories and draw conclusions).

Well done! I see that many of you know how to be friends,

have many friends. But is everything always smooth and good with friends? Can friends quarrel and argue?

(Quarrels and disputes, of course, are inevitable, but real

friends will never quarrel over trifles,

A serious problems they will decide together, together.

But even if a quarrel arose, if you value

your friend, you will be able to find a way to make peace).

And now I offer you some situations,

that can happen in life.

You discuss your situation in a group.

(The children are given pieces of paper on which situations are written):

Your friend didn't homework and asks for a notebook,

to write it off.

Your friend is using bad words and expressions.

Your friend wants to commit bad thing, and you about it

You know.

Your friend suggests that you do something bad.

Your friend did something bad and you were punished.

Why do you think maintaining friendships is so important?

(Losing a friend is easy, but finding one is very difficult).

You know that some people don't make friends forever

own life. Their life is very difficult and lonely.

But to have a lot, you need to be the most sociable,

sensitive, responsive, loyal, kind and

good friend. And when you have many friends,

you will not feel lonely, there will be many of you.

(The same phonogram is playing that was at the beginning of the lesson, children

together with the teacher they pick up the song and sing).




"Friendship is happiness"

Zlokazov Vladimir, Molodkin Sergey,

Privalova Evgenia, Rakova Victoria,

Reva Tatyana, Ustinov Alexander,

4th grade students

S. Bunkovo


Problem friendship between people is one of thoserelevance which is not lost over time. Questions about the characteristics of friendship, its emergence and development continue to interest researchers. This is due to the fact that in different times values ​​and images of human relationships changed.

Earlier real friendship was revered as one of human values, poets sang about her. They treated friendship more carefully and were ready to make great sacrifices for it. IN early middle ages heroic knightly friendship was praised. At the beginning of modern times, friendly feelings were understood as business relationship. In the 18th - 19th centuries - tender lyrical friendship, main value which was frankness and sincerity. In the 20th century, they started talking about the impoverishment of friendship under the influence of the development of society and scientific progress. Today, friendship does not oblige you to anything. Children are more attracted to the TV or computer than chatting with friends. Maybe we no longer need friends or friendship at all?

We believe that our chosensubject project “Friendship is happiness” is relevant.

An object: friendship of classmates.

Item: characteristics of classmate friendship.

Target: drawing up rules of friendship.

Research objectives:

1) Study information about the role of friendship among classmates;

2) Explore the opinions of classmates about friendship;

3) Drawing up the rules of friendship so that friendship is real happiness for friends.

Research hypothesis: Based on the fact that friendship is one of the human values ​​and can make a person happy, it is necessary to adhere to the rules of friendship so that friendship is real happiness for friends.


1. Study of literature, Internet resources

2. Essay “Friendship in my life”;

·questionnaire “Me and my friend”;

3. Processing of collected information.

4.Creative work: drawing up rules of friendship.

Project work.

Motivational stage. Formulation of the problem.

A survey was conducted among our 4th grade students. We decided to find out what we know about friendship. All students in our class answered next questions:

What is friendship?

What and how is friendship manifested?

Is friendship necessary in our time?

Do you have a real loyal friend?

What should a friend be like?

What rules of friendship do you know?

The results of the survey showed that children in our class have friends at school, although not everyone understands what and how friendship manifests itself and cannot name the qualities of a true friend. That is why the need for this project arose.

Preparatory stage (distribution of tasks, definition of tasks).

At this stage, the goals and objectives of the project were determined. We received and completed various tasks.


Find explanation in explanatory dictionaries the words "Friendship"

Find children's songs about friendship and introduce them.

Find books with stories and poems about friendship

Find and study proverbs about friendship in books, find an interpretation for them.

Information stage.

On at this stage we collected material, worked with fiction and other sources. Here's what we found out:

According to Dahl's dictionary,friendship - is a mutual affection between two or more people; their close connection, selfless, lasting affection, based on love, respect and mutual benefits.

Friendship - These are relationships based on mutual trust, affection, and common interests.S.I. Ozhegov

Friendship - selfless personal relationships between people based on love, trust, sincerity, mutual sympathy, common interests and hobbies. Mandatory signs of friendship are trust and patience.Wikipedia

Friendship - this is a type of selective personal relationship between people, characterized by mutual recognition, trust, goodwill, and care.Philosophical Encyclopedia

Friendship - this is a deep connection between people, which presupposes “not only fidelity and mutual assistance, but also inner closeness, frankness,... love.”Encyclopedia "Around the World"

People connected by friendship are calledfriends . Wikipedia

Friend - 1. A close friend, a person connected with someone by friendship. 2. Supporter, defender of someone or something (book).Ushakov's Explanatory Dictionary

Friend - this is another I.Philosophical Encyclopedia

Friendship, what is it? People have been asking this question for generations. A lot of fiction has been written and films made on this topic.

In the book "The Wizard" Emerald City"tells about what feats you can accomplish for the sake of your friends. And how friends help you become better: the Lion became brave, the Scarecrow - smart, the Woodcutter - got loving heart. The girl Ellie took care of her friends and helped them. This is what she said to her friends: “I am only a weak little girl, but I loved you and always tried to help you, my dear friends!” To which her friends answered her: “You taught us the most precious and best thing in the world - FRIENDSHIP!”

In such cartoons as “Cheburashka and the Crocodile Gena”, “Leopold the Cat”, “Cat’s House”, “ Winnie the Pooh and his friends", "Dunno and his friends", "Musicians of Bremen", " The Snow Queen", talks about how important it is to be friendly, help each other, and be able to forgive mistakes. Such cartoons show that if you act together, you can achieve a lot.

In Russians folk tales Friends always help in any trouble (the cat helps the rooster, the wolf helps Ivan Tsarevich).

There are many proverbs about friendship: Don’t have a hundred rubles, but have a hundred friends; Perish yourself, and help your friends; You will not get to know your friend without trouble; A true friend is better than a hundred servants; Stand together for peace, there will be no war.

Statement of great people: “In life there is only one undoubted happiness - to live for another” L.N. Tolstoy; “Friendship is an ongoing journey of discovery and openness.” Charles Michley.

Voltaire: “The eyes of friendship are rarely mistaken.”

Practical stage.

On practical stage we participated in a collective discussion and assessed the results of our work according to following criteria:

quality of work on the topic;

independence of work on the project;

artistry and expressiveness of performance;

persuasiveness of the presentation.

We looked through our class album, remembered how many different things we had done together: we went on a hike, visited the library together and participated in various events, we didn’t have fights in class, we celebrated birthdays together.

After discussion, we identified the rules of friendship:

1. Help a friend in need. Know how to share your joy with a friend.

2. Don't laugh at your shortcomings.

3. Choose friends by their spiritual qualities, not by their clothes.

4. Don’t deceive your friend about anything. Be honest with him.

5. Be able to tactfully point out your friend’s shortcomings.

6. Don’t be offended by your friend’s criticism or advice: he wants the best for you.

7. Know how to admit your mistakes and make peace with your friend.

8. Don't betray your friend.

The final stage.

While working on the project “Friendship is Happiness” we made the following conclusions:

1. B modern world true friendship is quite rare. But if it exists, then we must take care of it like the apple of our eye. After all, when we lose a friend, we lose a part of ourselves.

2. Friendship cannot be one-sided, otherwise it is no longer friendship. Everything is common, all together! Always and everywhere!

3. A friend always sees who I really am. And yet not stops be my friend.

4. I have a friend - that means I happy man. So I'm not alone. And he too. And together - the sea is knee-deep, together we will solve any problems, and we will not be afraid of any difficulties and adversities. After all, we are friends!

Thus, we have proven that people need friendship. And having a true friend means having real happiness.


Reader on the comprehensive training course “Fundamentals of Religious Cultures and Secular Ethics.” Module “Fundamentals of Secular Ethics”: a collection of various literary sources for use in complex lessons training course ORKSE/aut.-comp. N.A. Okhokhonina. - Tyumen: TOGIRRO, 2012.

Buneev R.N., Danilov D.D., Kremleva I.I. “Spiritual and moral culture of the peoples of Russia. Secular ethics"for 4th and 5th grades of general education institutions.: Balass Publishing House, 2012

Peretyagina N.N. Self-actualization of personality: a lesson as a performance. - ISBN 978-5-85-716-822-6.: Publishing house Chelyab.gos.ped.un-ta, 2010-174p. : Festival pedagogical ideas « Public lesson» [Electronic resource].- Project activities in elementary school. - Access mode:

Memo “Stages of performing research work”

Designed and compiled by a primary teacher MOU classes"Central District No. 14" Bogoroditsky district Tula region

Chikasova Tatyana Andreevna.

Stage I. Preparation for research work (project)
1. Find a problem - something that you think you want to study and explore.
2. Name your research, i.e. determine the topic of the research work;
3. Describe the relevance of the research work, i.e. justify the choice of this particular topic of work;
4. Formulate the purpose of the research work and describe the tasks of the research work step by step;
5. Choose the best solution to the problem;
6. Together with your teacher, draw up a work plan for the implementation of your research project.

Stage II. Research planning
1. Decide where you plan to search and find information;
2. Decide on ways to collect and analyze information, i.e. how, in what form and by whom the information will be collected, selected and analyzed;
3. Choose a way to present the results of your work, i.e. what form will your report be in (text description of the work, presence of diagrams, presentations, photographs of the research process or experiment, audio or video recordings of observations, experiments, stages of the experiment and the final result);
4. Establish evaluation criteria (how you will evaluate) the progress of the experiment, research, the obtained result of the research work (research project);
5. Distribute tasks and responsibilities among students in the group if this is a group project.

Stage III. Study (process of research, experiment)
1. Collect necessary information to conduct research, if necessary, carry out calculations, measurements, select high-quality and safe material and instruments for experimentation, etc.
2. Carry out what you planned: interviews, surveys, observations, experiments, experiments, the necessary work.

Stage IV. conclusions
1. Analyze the information obtained during the research work;
2. Give an economic and environmental justification (is it costly, economically beneficial, is it environmentally friendly to carry out your research work);
3. Formulate conclusions (whether you achieved what you set in goals and objectives).

V stage. Report and protection of work
1. Formalize and prepare a presentation of the results of your work:
defense in the form of an oral report, oral report with demonstration, written report and brief oral defense with presentation;
2. Defend your research work (project) and take part in a possible discussion, give clear answers to the questions that arise.

VI stage. Evaluation of the process and results of work
1. Participate in the evaluation of research work by collective discussion and self-esteem.

When justifying the relevance of the study in the Introduction section of the research work, it is necessary to decide why this particular problem needs to be studied at this time.
The relevance of research is the degree of its importance on this moment and in a given situation to solve a specific problem, task or issue.
Relevance of the research problem - this is the demand for studying and solving this problem in society.

Justification of the relevance of the study - this is an explanation of the need to study this topic and conduct research in the process of general knowledge.
Justification of the relevance of the research topic is the main requirement for research work.

The relevance of the research topic is due to the following factors :

    Filling any gaps in science;

    Further development of the problem in modern conditions;

    Your own point of view on an issue on which there is no consensus;

    Generalization of accumulated experience;

    Summarizing and promoting knowledge on the main issue;

    Raising new problems to attract public attention.

The relevance of the research work may be the need to obtain new data, test completely new methods, etc.
Often in research project together with the word “relevance” the word “novelty” of the research is used.

Competent formulation of the goal in the project is very important.
Purpose of the research work - this is desired final result which the student plans to achieve as a result of his work.

The purpose is described to the student in the Introduction of the research paper. in simple words and one or two sentences!

Simple scheme drawing up the purpose of the research work (project):

    Choose one of the words like:

Study, research, find out, define, analyze, establish, show, check, involve in a problem, justify, generalize, describe, find out, etc.

    Add the name of the research object.

Examples of received formulations of the purpose of research work:

    Research street names of our city and demonstrate street landmarks.

    Research the content of iron and copper in the foods we eat daily.

    Study history and role of the village in the history of the country.

    Research meaning plastic bottles in the life of man and nature.

    Explore schoolchild's food ration.

    Explore the life of bees, their behavior, relationships and activities.

    Explore the force of friction and its impact on human life.

    Explore types of mushrooms and their importance in the environment.

    Explore use of numbers in proverbs and sayings.

    Reveal the influence of SELFIES on the human psyche.

    Reveal the influence of the weight of a schoolchild’s backpack on his health.

    Reveal conditions necessary for the growth of mold spores.

    Definition quality of fast food products.

    Define the role of animals in people's lives.

    Definition causes of poor posture in children.

    Define dependence on SELFIES and SMS among school students and teachers.

    To know, what the Sun is and show its significance in human life.

    To know , why exactly the eagle is depicted on the coat of arms of Russia.

    To know about the origin of the animal world.

    To figure out secrets of creating animated films.

    To figure out what properties magnets have and how people use them.

    Show content of nitrates and nitrites in food products.

    Show reflection of the country's historical events in literary works L.N. Tolstoy.

    Attract public attention to the problem of homeless animals in our city.

    Attract attention of students and their parents to the problem of maintaining eye health and good vision.

    Prove that there are predators among plants.

    Introduce with the history of the city’s development, its inhabitants, traditions.

    Check : Is ice cream good or bad?

    Analyze the likelihood of illness due to poor nutrition.

    Rationale justified use of computer slang and identification of its distribution in the speech of modern youth.

    Summarize material on historical events Battle of Kulikovo.

After formulating the project goal, we will indicate specific tasks that have to be addressed during the research process.

Objectives of the research work - these are all successive stages of theoretical and experimental work student from beginning to end.

To determine the objectives of the research work , you need to consistently answer the question: “What should I do to achieve the goal of the research?”

Objectives are written in the Introduction of the research paper immediately after the objective.

Usually tasks creative project are listed and begin with the words: find out, study, carry out, find out, analyze, research, determine, consider, find, propose, identify, measure, compare, show, collect, make, compose, summarize, describe, install, develop, get to know each other, etc.

Examples of research paper tasks:

To figure out history of the creation and use of plastic bottles
Find out the meaning historical monuments related to city life
Find out the historical significance of the people of the city who left their mark on the history of the region
Find out what a magnet and magnetic force are
Find out how people use magnets in life.

Explore chemical properties of plastic bottles
Study the history of your hometown
Study the history of animation
Learn the process of creating a cartoon
Explore historical information about salt
Study the composition of ice cream
Study morbidity from medical records
Learn ways to eat food
Explore youth slang as a linguistic phenomenon
Study the requirements for a school backpack
Learn exercises to preserve and improve vision
Study the biography of my great-grandfather
Study literature about the life of bees
Study the conditions of the Center social assistance family and children of the city.

Conduct survey of class students and their parents
Conduct experiments with salt
Conduct the “Spy Note” experiment
Conduct qualitative analysis products instant cooking

To know what kind of bees are there and what do they do?
Find out the importance of salt in human life
Find out how old the candy wrapper is and who invented it
Find out where the candy wrapper can be used when the candy has already been eaten
Learn the history of ice cream
Find out the types of ice cream
Find out what properties magnets have.

Analyze results
Analyze creative heritage A.S. Pushkin
Analyze ecological state mixed forest in the green zone of the village
Analyze the problem of ecological soil indication

Research weight of schoolchildren's backpacks
Investigate the ecological state of the soil in the school area
Investigate the density of ant populations in the forest
Explore the spread of computer slang among various social groups

Define caloric content of the studied food products
Determine the weight of schoolchildren's backpacks
Determine the artistic goal that guided the writer

Consider importance of mushrooms in the environment
Consider possible vision defects

Find information about salt
Find information about the benefits and harms of mineral water
Find useful application subject under study
Find information about invisible people in scientific, fiction and the Internet.

Offer your own ways to improve soil health
Suggest possible replacements for instant foods

Reveal students with poor posture
Find out the percentage of students in my school who have various diseases eye.

Show the role of figures who lived in our city

Collect material about various types mushrooms
Collect legends and myths about...
Collect material about mold mukore, having studied literary sources.

Do comparative analysis
Draw a conclusion based on the results of the work.

Compose short dictionary the most frequently used words in youth computer slang
Summarize results

Describe practical experiment

Install main causes of visual impairment.

Research methods

Research methods - these are ways to achieve the goal of research work.

Justification of research methods described in Introduction to Student Research. Often this section contains a simple listing of research methods.

In justifying the research methods you need to specify:
- research methods used in the research work;
- it is advisable to explain your
selection of research methods , i.e. why these methods are better suited to achieve the goal.

At each level of work, the researcher determinesresearch methods used .

Types of research methods:









Using these research methods, we study specific phenomena, on the basis of which hypotheses are formed.

Experimental methods theoretical level:


laboratory experience







These research methods help not only to collect facts, but to test them, systematize them, identify non-random dependencies and determine causes and consequences.

Theoretical level methods:

study and synthesis




analysis and synthesis

induction and deduction


These research methods make it possible to produce logical research collected facts, develop concepts and judgments, make conclusions and theoretical generalizations.

Themes research work junior schoolchildren are selected and carried out with the consultation of the teacher and the assistance of parents.

Topics of research works and projects for junior schoolchildren about the family:
I and my family

War and our family
My family tree
Name in a person's life
My ancestry
My Family Timeline
Reward in our house
Holidays for our family
Letter from my grandmother to her grandson
Family traditions
Family heirlooms
My family's sports life
Our house. Our yard

The world

Trees and shrubs

And we have pineapple!
"White birch tree under my window"
My birch, my birch!
Evergreen beauty of the forest
Forest life
Who paints the leaves green?
The forest is our friend
My Garden of Eden
My favorite fruit is orange

I wish you creative success!