Earth's magnetic field influence. How does the earth's magnetic field affect human health? Existing radiation standards, their control

Ambient modern man the world is filled with electromagnetic fields (EMF) of various origins. They are created as natural objects, and made by human hands.

The main ones natural sources radiations are:

  • Earth's own EMF;
  • solar radio emission;
  • atmospheric phenomena associated with electricity.

Artificial sources of waves are:

  • transformer substations;
  • high-voltage power lines with voltage up to 1150 kV;
  • power plants;
  • household electrical appliances, for example: computers, laptops, electric kettles, televisions, washing machines, refrigerators, microwaves, hair dryers, electric ovens;
  • hand-held power tools: screwdrivers, hammer drills, drills, power saws, jigsaws and others;
  • electrical wiring in a house or apartment;
  • electrically powered machine tools;
  • television towers and radiotelephone nodes;
  • radar installations;
  • Wi-Fi equipment, such as towers;
  • wireless communications: walkie-talkies, mobile phones;
  • transmitting antennas;
  • industrial equipment and installations powered by electricity;
  • electric transport: trams, electric trains, trolleybuses.

The way an electromagnetic field affects a person does not depend on the source, but is determined by its intensity, frequency, and energy. Moreover, the nature of the distribution of waves indoors is associated with the placement of objects and structures and the degree of their conductivity. Their frequency determines their penetrating properties.

Fields from the considered sources are static and variable. Their intensity is determined by the power of the source. Each variety has some characteristics associated with the nature of its effect on living organisms.

Impact of EMF on human health

The effect of electromagnetic fields on the human body is associated with the polarization of the molecules (for example, water) that make up the human body. At the same time, they are guided by power lines EMF. As a result, normal flow physical and chemical processes and passing nerve impulses is violated. Variable radiation also leads to heating of the tissues of the human body.

But the considered phenomena in the body occur only at a certain field strength and some time after the onset of their action. An important factor There is also the individual sensitivity of each person, which allows them to tolerate negative impacts in different ways. Children, the elderly, and people with poor health are especially susceptible to changes in the electromagnetic background.

If the field strength norms (at a certain frequency) are exceeded, then the polarization mechanism primarily affects the organs containing the largest percentage of water. Overheating is dangerous for all living tissues. Therefore, the effect of EMF affects, to one degree or another, all systems of the body:

  • the nervous system is usually the first to react with the appearance of migraines, fatigue, irritability, disturbances in memory, sleep, attention, coordination of movements, depression;
  • immunity decreases, the number of leukocytes in the blood drops, while chronic diseases worsen, the body becomes susceptible to respiratory infections;
  • the value increases blood pressure, which over time leads to arrhythmia;
  • blood sugar levels fluctuate, the functioning of the entire hematopoietic system is disrupted;
  • the lens of the eye becomes cloudy;
  • functioning deteriorates endocrine system: disruptions occur in the production of basic hormones (adrenal glands, pituitary gland, thyroid gland);
  • both men and women can become infertile;
  • during pregnancy, the likelihood of miscarriage, as well as fetal malformations, increases;
  • the lens of the eye becomes cloudy;
  • increased brittleness of nails is observed;
  • at prolonged exposure DNA changes.

If the nervous system is severely affected, then delusions and hallucinations arise, and the adaptive capabilities of the individual decrease. At the organic level, changes can lead to cancer, such as brain cancer.

Due to total electrification, there was an increase negative impact fields electromagnetic nature on people. In medicine, a special term “radio wave disease” appeared. Experts believe that symptoms of this disease have already affected a third of the population. developed countries. But due to the commonality of symptoms with other diseases, diagnosing radio wave disease is difficult.

Existing radiation standards, their control

Electromagnetic fields and their influence on the human body are being studied by a whole field - electromagnetic safety. During the studies, maximum permissible radiation levels were established (in different frequency ranges), exceeding which causes deterioration in human health, indicating the need for protective measures.

All radiation is divided by frequency into ranges presented in the table below. It also contains the maximum permissible field strength values ​​that are not dangerous to humans.

Mobile communications, television and radio broadcasting operate in the ultra-high frequency range.

On the territory of Russia, the maximum levels of EMF intensity are regulated by sanitary and hygienic norms and rules. Control functions are performed by representatives of sanitary supervision, and at enterprises also by occupational safety specialists.

Maximum dose electromagnetic radiation, which a person can tolerate without harm to health is 0.2 µT according to the standards.

Reducing the negative impact of electromagnetic waves

The main protective measures that reduce up to minimum level influence of electro magnetic field on the human body is:

  • construction of houses outside the sanitary protection zones of high-voltage lines;
  • passive, active or complex shielding of the radiating source;
  • correct arrangement of furniture and electrical appliances in the room;
  • use of modern advanced equipment, with reduced level radiated power;
  • reducing the time spent in the field action area;
  • creation of a grounding system.

Screening the workplace or is the most reliable method. In this case, screens are divided into absorbing and reflective. The latter type is made of metal sheets or mesh, which must be grounded.

Reducing cell phone communication will also help reduce exposure.

To accurately determine the electromagnetic background at home, it is enough to use a dosimeter. With its help, you can easily identify the equipment that is most dangerous in terms of radiation levels in order to use it less. The device will also allow in the best possible way arrange the devices so that the fields emanating from them are not amplified by mutual overlap.

Electricity brought comfort and entertainment into everyday life, created coziness, and made life easier. At the same time, the level of electromagnetic fields has increased to a dangerous level, which has a detrimental effect on people’s health. The simplest measures considered will help change the situation for the better. When purchasing household electrical appliances and tools, you should give preference to products High Quality from well-known brands, while avoiding counterfeits.

An inhabitant of planet Earth is constantly under the influence of a magnetic field. Human body has its own magnetic field, different for different organs. External magnetic fields largely determine the state of our internal magnetic fields. Therefore, maintaining a balance between external and internal magnetic fields is very important.

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The human electromagnetic field is formed in different cells organs, nervous system and blood. Thus, neurons in the nervous system are carriers of electrical charge, and cells contain ions (charged particles) of metals. Therefore, all these components are sensitive to magnetic fields.

Doctors and scientific experts note the influence of the magnetic field on the human circulatory system, the efficiency of oxygen transfer by blood, transportation nutrients. Many other body systems also respond to magnetic fields: endocrine, cardiovascular, respiratory, musculoskeletal and digestive system, sense organs and blood. The nervous system is the most sensitive to the magnetic field.

The influence of the magnetic field on various body systems

The human body lives in the so-called circadian rhythm - this is a 24-hour cycle. The most important thing in this cycle is the change of sleep and wakefulness. These are like this The biological clock inside the body. It is impossible to disrupt their rhythm, as this is fraught various diseases psyche and life important organs. Circadian rhythms normally create circadian balance - a state when a person feels great, the person feels physically healthy, has an excellent appetite, great mood, his body is rested and full of energy. This means that a person is in a rhythm consistent with nature. But when circadian balance is out of balance, it leaves its mark on the body's health.

So the circadian rhythm directly depends on the Earth’s magnetic field. But not only from him! Also, any magnetic fields of man-made and natural origin influence circadian rhythms, which ultimately affects the general condition. In a person, when he is briefly in a non-magnetic environment, the reaction of the central nervous system immediately changes.

IN natural conditions a person is subject only to natural electromagnetic fields, to which he has tuned throughout the entire process of evolution on planet Earth. When interfere with this interaction process artificial sources magnetic, electric and electromagnetic fields, then a synchronization disorder occurs. It turns out that our electronic civilization takes people away from natural rhythms and disrupts our connection with nature, the Earth and the Sun.

On average, the Earth's magnetic field varies at an average frequency of 8 Hz. Our body is already configured to perceive this frequency and counts it natural background . Our cells are thus sensitive to a given frequency of exposure to a magnetic field.

Research has shown that when exposed to human body short-term alternating magnetic field with a frequency of 0.01 - 5 Hz causes a sharp change in the nature of the electroencephalogram of the human brain. Under the influence of weak alternating magnetic fields, a person’s pulse rate increases, his head begins to hurt, his health worsens and he feels weak throughout the body. At the same time, a strong change occurs electrical activity brain

The influence of magnetic storms on humans

During magnetic storms on Earth, low-frequency variations geomagnetic field will affect people's well-being and health. It was experimentally revealed that the heart rate, pressure and content of leukocytes in the blood depend on the disturbance of the Earth’s magnetic field. With high solar activity, the concentration of leukocytes decreases, and vice versa.

Magnetic fields affect the entire human body - all systems are affected to one degree or another. Therefore, the body’s reaction to a storm depends on its condition - sick or healthy. A healthy body adapts to the effects of magnetic fields, but the more sick it becomes, the more significant the impact becomes. An organism weakened by a long illness, even slightly, weak impact can cause significant damage.

This is especially evident in the example of patients with cardiovascular diseases. During geomagnetic storms in healthy young people, blood clotting slows down, the number of leukocytes and platelets in the blood decreases, the erythrocyte sedimentation rate and thrombus formation activity increase. This effect affects patients critically. Research has shown that on the day of a magnetic storm and for the next 1-2 days after it The number of requests from people with cardiovascular problems is greatly increasing.

The importance of the magnetic field for humans

A decrease in the level of the external magnetic field leads to disruption of the magnetic field in the circulatory system, as a result of which blood circulation and the transport of oxygen and nutrients to organs and tissues are disrupted, which can ultimately lead to the development of the disease. Thus, insufficient level external magnetic influence in terms of the degree of harm it causes to the body, it can easily compete with a deficiency of minerals and vitamins.

Under the influence of magnetic fields, the permeability of blood vessels and epithelial tissues increases, which makes it possible to accelerate the resorption of edema and the dissolution of medicinal substances. This effect formed the basis of magnetic therapy and is widely used for various types injuries, injuries and their consequences.

We must understand that solar flares and the magnetic storms caused by them do not in themselves harm human health. Health or ill health is created by the person himself through his way of life and thoughts.. The human body is the temple of his soul, which must be maintained in a healthy state, consistent with the natural rhythms of the Earth and the Sun. We wish all our listeners to achieve such a state, and the Sun will definitely help us with this!

Surrounded by a magnetic field. Absolutely everything that is on Earth is exposed to special, invisible force rays of this field. But the magnetic field exists not only around the Earth, it also exists in the body of every person. Many doctors and biophysicists, studying the influence of the magnetic field on living organisms, including humans, note that it has a huge impact on the circulatory system and on general state all blood vessels.

What is the significance of the magnetic field for humans? Its influence has been proven more than once and continues to be studied constantly. Remember how when sudden change an external magnetic field deteriorates a person’s well-being. However, we should not forget that this state of the magnetic field is a temporary phenomenon. There are also more dangerous changes.

Our era is especially characterized rapid development various equipment, creation large quantity all kinds of machines, structures and products made of complex alloys. All this huge amount of metal surrounding us leads to the fact that the magnetic field is redistributed incorrectly. Metal attracts it to itself, thereby depriving the bodies of people and animals of its effects. This creates a deficiency of the magnetic field in the body, which results in malfunction various systems body, organs and tissues.

There is a theory that it is the deficiency of the magnetic field that is to blame for the fact that the cause of this phenomenon is now in first place among all diseases in terms of frequency of occurrence. The reason for this phenomenon is to a certain extent related to the magnetic field, under the influence of which epithelial and vascular permeability increases, therefore, the resorption of edema is accelerated, This effect is widely used in magnetic therapy.

As a rule, the influence of a magnetic field on living organisms, on a person as a whole and on his individual organs does not cause an increase in body temperature, the formation of endogenous heat or skin irritation. IN medicinal purposes It is necessary to dose the magnetic field correctly; the effect on humans in this case will only be positive. It is well tolerated in very weak patients, as well as in elderly people. Today, a lack of a magnetic field is compared to a lack of vitamins and minerals in the body.

About 50 years ago, Japanese scientist Nakagawa described a new disease - magnetic field deficiency syndrome in humans. The main symptoms are weakness, decreased performance, increased fatigue, headache, changes in the functioning of the cardiovascular system, skin disorders. And it's not full list disturbances that can be caused by a lack of magnetic field. Of course, the magnetic field itself, or rather its deficiency, is not the main cause of all these diseases, but it becomes an important component in their development. One of the treatments Nakagawa proposed was procedures to restore the normal magnetic field.

Scientists also described the mechanism of action of a magnetic field on any living organism. The metal ions entering the vessel circulate throughout the body, so a magnetic field is formed around the vessel. Since blood flows through the vessels to all parts of the body, the magnetic field exists everywhere in the body. As soon as a decrease in the magnetic field occurs, blood circulation is disrupted, a failure occurs in the transport of oxygen to the organs, and a disease develops. So it’s not in vain that a magnetic field deficiency is compared to a deficiency of vitamins, minerals and useful substances in organism.

This is a form of existence of matter that surrounds moving electric charges. It is created in the liquid core of the Earth. The core is basically liquid metal. As it moves, it produces currents that produce a magnetic field.

The influence of the magnetic field on living organisms is enormous. Birds flying south in autumn find their way there with its help. People do not feel its presence or influence as long as it is stable. But under the influence solar flares, this release of energy, the magnetic field becomes unstable. This phenomenon is called magnetic storms. Well-being worsens, diseases associated with blood circulation worsen.

A person has his own personal electric and magnetic field and it is constantly subjected to external influences. During geomagnetic storms, blood thickens and this dangerous factor. The risk of strokes and heart attacks increases.

Places of greatest impact

– When flying at an altitude of more than 9 thousand meters, air protection is weaker than on the ground. Aircraft accidents occur more frequently during outbreak days.

– Surprisingly, the data natural changes are acutely felt in the subway. This is due to the fact that the movement of underground trains is produced by ultra-low frequency magnetic fields.

– Districts Far North are more exposed to the undue influence of such storms than other regions.

More than 60% of people acutely sense a disturbed magnetic field. On such days it happens large quantity suicides, car accidents occur more often. It has been established that on such days attention decreases, heart function is disrupted, and fatigue sets in faster. Scientists have found that more than 70% of hypertensive crises, strokes and heart attacks occur on days of increased solar activity. People who are weather-sensitive begin to experience headaches, increased blood pressure, disturbed sleep, increased heart rate, and worsened chronic diseases. The speed of blood movement through the vessels slows down. Thick blood is not able to deliver oxygen to all peripheral parts. Coming oxygen starvation fabrics. This is dangerous mainly for the brain and nerve endings.

At risk are the elderly, young children, people suffering different shapes cardiovascular diseases and varicose veins.

Interesting fact: increased solar Activity may cause premature birth. The very rhythm of the beginning and end of labor directly coincides with the rhythm of high-frequency geomagnetic oscillations.

A person is endowed with his own magnetic field, he is influenced by the Earth’s field on the one hand and fluctuations in the energy of the Sun on the other. But people thought this was not enough. Every home is now crammed with various electronic equipment: telephone, computer, TV, electric stove, the list is huge. All this is a source of electromagnetic and electric fields. These fields are in dissonance with natural rhythms and negatively affect health. People put their mobile phone under their pillow, they even install a receiver near their baby’s crib. It's time to consider whether these wellness devices are worth it.

Impact on the psyche

Well-known university psychiatrist in the United States, Kelly Posner, has identified a connection between sunbursts and depression. There is a disruption in a person’s daily biorhythms, resulting in less production of melanin, which is responsible for cyclicity biological rhythms. Sleep is disturbed, the person is in a state constant stress. Hence depression and suicidal tendencies. The psyche reacts very sensitively to low-frequency vibrations, a feeling of panic appears, this is noticed before the approach of an earthquake. Unbalanced people, workaholics and bosses react especially sharply to this.

Consequences of geomagnetic influence

Russian biophysicist Alexander Chizhevsky argued that it was magnetic storms that were the catalyst for the emergence of epidemics: cholera, plague, diphtheria. These days, the outbreak of the well-known “bird flu” has coincided with another geomagnetic storm.

Statistics show that on days of atmospheric activity, the condition of people with heart disease worsens, even to the point of death. These are the consequences of superimposing the rhythm of the sun on the rhythm of man.


An unstable magnetic field disrupts the blood supply, thereby disrupting the full supply of oxygen and other substances to various bodies. The same harm is caused as with a lack of vitamins and minerals in the body. Vascular permeability increases. As a result, swelling resolves and medications dissolve faster. This property of magnetic fields is used in magnetic therapy to treat fractures and other injuries.

The existence of weather sensitivity has been proven scientific research. But insecure, skeptical people are often too great importance attach to the words of the TV announcer about solar flares. They find illnesses that do not exist; these are the costs of an unregulated flow of information.

It is impossible to completely hide from geomagnetic storms, but there are methods to reduce the risk negative consequences in this period.

Actions to reduce negative influence geomagnetic storms

– follow weather forecasters, they constantly warn about approaching solar flares;

– when you wake up in the morning, do not jump out of bed abruptly. To avoid causing a sudden surge in pressure;

– refrain from drinking alcohol;

– temporarily reduce physical exercise;

– a disturbed magnetic field increases cholesterol levels, so you need to refrain from overeating;

– for heart patients, carry medications with you;

– compresses from eucalyptus oil;

– a contrast shower for at least 20 minutes is useful;

– drink more fluid.

To date, scientists have not figured out how to strengthen the protection of the Earth’s magnetic field, thereby protecting it from solar flares. But research in this area is actively continuing.

Geomagnetic storms do not always cause harm to health; in most cases, we do not notice their occurrence. A person is free to choose for himself, to take care of his body: to lead healthy image life, don’t eat too much, work mentally, or lie on the couch and think about your illnesses. All in our hands. Good health to you.

Everyone has heard more than once about magnetic storms that force people to measure their blood pressure and take medications to relieve headaches. Living organisms not only perceive the magnetic field, but also generate their own rays. Doctors and biophysicists note positive influence magnetic field on a person, in particular on the circulatory system. What is a magnetic field and magnetic storms? What is the effect of a magnetic field on the human body? It has long been established that the magnetic field protects humanity from the destructive influence sun rays, having both negative and positive effects on the body.

Positive influence of the magnetic field on humans

The activity of the magnetic field improves the condition of blood vessels, increases the activity of transporting nutrients and transferring oxygen through the blood to the tissues.

The influence of a magnetic field on a person has some differences from other influences - thermal, chemical, electrical and radiation. Dangerous current can be partially shunted by the muscles, radiation is partially absorbed by the surface layers of the body, and the magnetic field acts entirely on the body.. Researchers terrestrial magnetism found that the magnetic field operates in an ultra-low frequency range, therefore it coincides with the physiological rhythms of the cardiac system, brain function and breathing rhythm. A person, without feeling the influence of the magnetic field, reacts with functional changes in brain activity, nervous system and cardiovascular system.

The influence of the magnetic field on a person and his psyche

Psychiatrists have long drawn attention to the fact that there is a connection between increased magnetic field activity and exacerbations of mental disorders leading to suicidal thoughts.

Psychiatrists consider the most likely explanation for this fact to be a mismatch of circadian rhythms, as well as a failure in the production of melatonin, a pineal gland hormone that regulates circadian rhythms.

It has been proven that geomagnetic surges and storms affect the internal biological clock, triggering the development depressive states with an increased likelihood of suicide. Therefore, the influence of a magnetic field on a person can be negative, with damage to the psyche.

The influence of the magnetic field on humans during magnetic storms

The influence of magnetic storms on humans, in particular on the cardiovascular system, has been studied. The research revealed that a couple of days before the magnetic storm, the number of patients with cardiovascular complications increased. An increase in the number of cases with fatal. The body reacts not on the day of the magnetic storm, but a day after it.

Research shows that magnetic fields affect blood clotting. Magnetic storms increase this figure by 2.5 times, and the erythrocyte sedimentation rate increases, which provokes the formation of blood clots.

It was discovered that during the period of magnetic field activity, human growth slows down. Since the magnetic field activity is now declining, population acceleration is increasing. According to Japanese scientists, a decrease in geomagnetic activity leads to magnetic field deficiency syndrome, which is manifested by poor appetite, sleep disturbances, and a tendency to frequent illnesses, decreased immunity, nervousness and general weakness.