DIY hanging modules for kindergarten. Multifunctional module “Smart caterpillar”

Consultation prepared by:

Nadezhda Ivanovna Pustakhod

Teacher speech therapist

Currently, the preschool education system is experiencing the contradictions of the transition period. The old principles of work are gradually becoming obsolete, and they are being replaced by new concepts and ideas.

Innovative processes at the present stage of development of society determine new methods, forms, means, technologies used in pedagogical practice, focused on the child’s personality and the development of his abilities.

The educational process in preschool educational institutions is characterized by an increase in the volume of intensity of educational and cognitive activity.

A child, as we know, is able to assimilate an educational program compiled for him by adults only if it becomes his own program, that is, if it becomes interesting and meaningful for him. Therefore, it is necessary to build the educational process on the basis of a comprehensive thematic principle, close to the so-called “event” principle, which will make the life of kindergarten children more interesting and the educational process motivated.

This can be achieved by carrying out the pedagogical process based on the principle of integration.

The modular principle of constructing the pedagogical process can help with this.

Modular principle organizing the pedagogical process is one of the types of integration of activities and makes it possible to implement modern requirements for the organization of work in a preschool institution.

The idea of ​​the modular principle was expressed by the director of the Research Institute of Preschool Education, Academician N.N. Poddyakov back in 1973. He proposed creating a program in such a way that the specific knowledge acquired by children is built around a central link, the basis of which is the most important connections and dependencies of a particular area.

And only now the idea of ​​the modular principle has been developed in the system of work of preschool educational institutions.

A distinctive feature of the module is that the classes included in it are not separate, as in the traditional education system, but are combined with each other.

The author of the modular principle of organizing the pedagogical process is A.I. Ivanova, Candidate of Biological Sciences, Associate Professor of the Municipal Educational Institution of Additional Professional Education “IPK” (Institute for Advanced Studies) of Novokuznetsk. Fundamentally new is the fact that the core for unification is any modular principle of constructing the pedagogical process:

Allows you to provide a sufficient amount of knowledge without allowing educational overload;

Carry out the educational program not in the form of “direct instruction”, but in the form of a game and with the inclusion of other types of activities adequate for a preschooler;

Build communication on a personality-oriented basis and associated pedagogy of cooperation and development.

South, interesting for children, which can last up to several weeks.

What is the modular principle of organizing the pedagogical process?

The name of modular planning is associated with the international concept of “module”, one of the values ​​of which is a functional node, i.e. modular planning is a complete block of information.

The term “module” is defined as a unified, functionally complete unit, designed structurally as an independent product.

The module refers to several activities aimed at developing certain concepts in children. The word “occupation” does not mean an analogue of a school lesson, but any type of children’s employment, including play and free activity.

The fundamental differences between modular technology and other pedagogical technologies are the following:

1. The content of training in this system is presented in the form of an independent module, which is both a bank of information and a methodological guide for its acquisition.

2. The educational module ensures the achievement of the set goals. Children learn to formulate a sequence of actions and understand the purpose of the activity.

3. The very essence of modular technology requires respect for the subjective relationship between the teacher and the child. In this regard, the teacher faces the task of motivating, coordinating and managing the educational process.

A module is fundamentally different from a lesson cycle. Let's call these differences:

The cycle, as a rule, is organized within one type of activity; the module includes classes in all types of activities (cognitive - research, play, work, productive, communicative, musical - artistic, reading);

Almost all lessons in the module are comprehensive. Within one lesson, children receive a maximum understanding of the properties, qualities, relationships between objects, phenomena, and existing relationships in the process of different types of children's activities;

The term “occupation” is returned to its original meaning, because children are busy all the time (even in everyday conversation and free activities), thereby the word “occupation” ceases to be synonymous with lesson;

A module, unlike a cycle, has a plot that unfolds over a long period of time (a month or more);

In the module, the pedagogical process ceases to be “preparation for life”, but becomes life itself, the life of children, here nothing is done “for fun”, conditionally, but everything happens in reality (what cannot be done is not included in the module);

Children’s activities acquire purposefulness; they acquire knowledge not because the teacher planned it this way, but because they really really need this knowledge today or in the near future.

The module is not built on top of the pedagogical process, but is built into it. Consequently, when drawing up a work plan, the teacher includes the module’s lesson topics as lesson topics for the relevant types of activities.

The advantage of teaching children on a modular basis

1. The modular principle allows you to build a pedagogical process based on the integration of all types of activities.

2. The pedagogical process becomes more economical, allowing you to solve several didactic goals and objectives in a short period of time.

3. The presence of a plot contributes to the development of the principle of learning through play: while playing, children do not notice that they are learning.

4. The same factor gives children’s activities a certain significance, since knowledge becomes necessary in real life. Children clearly see the purpose of learning, and this makes it easier for them to form goal-setting. Knowledge is not an end, but a means to an end.

5. Understanding the significance of their work and satisfaction from the quality of its final result creates in children a positive emotional mood and a desire to perform actions in the best way.

6. Personality-oriented model of interaction between all participants in the activity.

7. Taking into account the individual capabilities, inclinations and individual pace of development of each child, since the module allows you to vary the type of activity and complexity of the work of each individual child in a single process.

8. Stimulation of children’s own cognitive activity (rather than imparting ready-made knowledge). The main emphasis shifts from messages of ready-made knowledge to stimulation of one’s own cognitive activity.

“The modular principle of organizing the pedagogical process in preschool educational institutions as a way of speech development of preschool children”

The use of the modular principle of organizing the pedagogical process effectively contributes to increasing cognitive activity and independence of children, which is important for the development of children.

Acting independently, by trial and error, the child acquires—“appropriates”—knowledge and experience.

What should narrowly specialized specialists do? One of the possible options: interaction between specialists, i.e. compiling a joint module, or participating in a module conducted by group teachers (“Gnome Astronomer”, “Getting ready for school”, “Bread is the head of everything”), because The module is nothing more than the integration of educational areas and types of children's activities. You can try to organize your own - a speech therapy module. First of all, of course, it should have a correctional focus, that is, by participating in it, children should exercise their speech abilities, train language skills and abilities.

The obvious fact is that the Russian language is very difficult. Our vocabulary includes historical and foreign words, and almost every word can have several synonyms. It is difficult for a preschool child to immediately master all the relationships of words; it is difficult to construct his phrase so that all the words are correctly consistent with each other - “friends.” This is especially difficult for children with speech impairments. All the more difficult is the task for the teacher - to organize children’s observation of linguistic reality, to make this process an exciting and interesting activity.

Work on compiling lesson modules

Let's look at the structure of the module.

Module structure

Like any completed knot, module It has:

Beginning (commencement)

At the beginning of the module, children become familiar with the object through observation, examination, examination, and aesthetic perception. At this stage there are excursions and observations, acquaintance with examples of classical and fine art, reading fiction and educational material, games to develop thinking, perception, memory, etc.

The first lesson in which the beginning is implemented is introductory.

Main part

The main part of the module includes classes in drawing, modeling, applique, design; exercises, aesthetic games, experimenting with various artistic and visual materials, etc.

Completion (final final lesson)

The completion of the module is the completion of creative tasks; design of exhibitions, albums, compositions; fantasizing on the proposed topic and inventing new stories, organizing performances, theatrical games, holidays, etc.

When developing the content of the module, we must keep an eye on three main points:

· each lesson must carry a certain functional load;

· implementation of logical connections between classes;

· the same forms of work should not be repeated, i.e. should be varied.

Thus , the plot allows you to make the purpose of learning clear to children - they know whyeach lesson is conducted, where and how the results of their work will be used. This facilitates the formation of goal-setting; children’s activities become expedient.

While working on the module, various types of children's activities are used.

Thus,not only the integration of content occurs, but also the integration of various organizational forms, in which various types of children's activities will be integrated to one degree or another, which ensures the integrity of the educational process.

A significant place in the work on the modular planning system for achieving better results is occupied by effective methods and techniques, and various forms of organizing work with children. For this purpose, it is advisable to use TRIZ techniques. They contribute to the development of logical thinking and the formation of the idea that any action can be performed in different ways, that each of them has both advantages and disadvantages.

The last lesson of the module becomes the final one, so you need to make it the most interesting. At this lesson, the results of the work done are summed up and organized not in the form of a survey, but in the form of a holiday, tea party, ball, game - the activity for which the plot of the module was conceived and in which all the knowledge acquired by the children was implemented in an informal setting.

If the module is designed successfully, children willingly work together with the teacher and do not even notice that they are engaged in different types of activities. Here all the principles of the pedagogy of the commonwealth are implemented, children are emancipated, and a positive emotional coloring is introduced into their lives. The module is, to some extent, a performance in which children are not spectators, but participants. This is a long-term game.

The correct emotional attitude of the teacher is important in the module. He acts not as a knowledgeable adult, but as a person who receives joy from learning new things.

The organization of an object-based play environment in kindergarten and family that is adequate to the mental and physical capabilities of the child is the most important condition for the formation and development of play activity in early and preschool age.

The problem of finding new approaches to selecting a play environment for preschoolers has been studied and continues to be studied by scientists in various fields: teachers, psychologists, doctors, designers, etc.

The scientific literature identifies a fairly wide range of requirements that an object-based gaming environment must meet at the present stage. Among them are such as flexibility, transformability, multifunctionality, and transportability. However, despite the multiplicity and difference of opinions, most researchers are unanimous on the main fundamental issue concerning the main function and importance of the play space for the timely and full development of a preschool child.

The play environment both in kindergarten and in the family should be developmental, i.e., in the language of psychologists, create a zone of proximal development for children, prepare them for life in an increasingly complex objective world. The object-game environment should become a cognitive-heuristic model for the child, allowing him to carry out independent research and search activities. The modular gaming environment fully meets these requirements.

The idea of ​​​​creating modules belongs to the candidate of architecture, Professor A. A. Ovchinnikov and dates back to the early 70s of the last century.

The modular environment gets its name from the word “module” - this is a unit borrowed from architecture and construction, which is used to coordinate the size of the building and bring the parts and the whole into harmonious relationship. The modules included in the playing material are light, soft, stable, geometric shapes: prism, cylinder, cube, parallelepiped, made of polyurethane foam and covered with leather in bright colors.

All volumetric elements of the modular environment are focused on the size of toys of medium and large size and are commensurate with the height of the child. The side of the main cube is 250-500 mm; the height of the parallelepiped faces is 250-750 mm; prism base - 350-700 mm; the radius of the cylinder base is 150-300 mm. The weight of the parts is from 1.5 to 3-4 kg. They are proportionate in size. For example, a large parallelepiped can be made of two smaller cubes or even smaller four parallelepipeds. Thus, each geometric shape of modular equipment is represented by different sizes: large, medium and small.

The scale and design features of modular forms provide versatility in their assembly and disassembly during the game, as well as ease of storage. They can be stored on shelves or on the floor, being part of the interior of a group room and at the same time playing equipment.

Speaking about the playful use of modules by children, it must be said that on the one hand, they (in terms of functional properties) are a large building material with the help of which a child can independently model the play space he needs. That is, in this situation, modules are used as the subject tone of the game. For example, a preschooler can build a house for dolls by making walls, windows, an entrance door, a balcony, etc. (since the dimensions of the modules correspond to the height of the child, he can “live” in such a house himself).

On the other hand, children can build a variety of furniture from modules, both for dolls and for themselves. This could be a table, chair, bed, gas stove, refrigerator, TV, piano, etc.

In addition, modules are also large substitute items. They themselves, without creating any buildings from them, can serve as a toy or object with an easily changing purpose depending on the plot of the game. So, a large cube can be a table, chair, TV, etc. As you can see, the possibilities for playful use of modular material are quite extensive. Its main advantage is that the modules included in its composition serve simultaneously as elements of an object-play environment, furniture used for different purposes, a toy with a changing purpose, and a physical education aid. The components of modular equipment and their number may vary in different age groups. So, for children of the second and third year of life, 1-2 tens of units are enough, because The children's gaming experience is small, the plot is undeveloped and therefore this amount is enough to complete single constructions of the game: a bus, a train, a car, furniture for dolls, a garage, etc.

Older preschoolers, in accordance with the level of development of gaming activity, need a larger number of modular forms (30-50) for games. This will allow them to develop interesting collective games that combine several plots at once: “Family” + “Bus” + “Pharmacy”; “Bus” + “Kindergarten” + “Shop” + “Family”, etc. A sufficient amount of modular material will avoid disagreements arising between children regarding taking on the main roles. If both children want to be drivers, each of them can build their own car, embodying their game plan.

In the practice of kindergartens, modular play material can be widely used in all age groups for individual and collective forms of play. However, serial production of such equipment has not yet been established in our republic, although it is widely used in the work of preschool institutions in Russia, the Baltic states, and Ukraine. But an proactive teacher can solve this problem on his own. For example, as modular forms you can use unnecessary cardboard boxes of different sizes, covered with fabric or oilcloth. You can also sew modular geometric shapes from oilcloth, dermantin, leather and fill them with scraps of paralon, fur, fabric or any other light waste. And if the teacher performs such material in front of the children with their direct participation, then the interest in it will be double. This material will certainly attract the attention of children and will contribute to the development of interesting plots of games.

What are the features of guiding preschoolers’ games with modules?

A kindergarten teacher can rely on a well-known arsenal of techniques and methods for developing play in preschool children; among these techniques, an important place is occupied by: creating a play environment, organizing suggestive story situations, introducing additional toys and attributes, or making them together with the students.

It is good to organize a prompting play situation for children, i.e. build several buildings from modules in the context of a certain plot before they arrive in kindergarten (table, chair, doll, dishes; bed with bedding, doll; doll in the bathroom, soap cube, towel, etc.). In this case, the adult, as it were, demonstrates to the children ready-made options for organizing a gaming environment from modules. Children usually, when they come to a group, are happy with the buildings and quickly get involved in the situations offered to them. Gradually they acquire the experience of creating various objects from modular material. To check how well the children remember the correct arrangement of parts of a structure, the teacher can use the technique of “accidentally destroying it,” under some pretext, approach the players, “accidentally” touch the construction of the modules, then apologize and ask the children to “fix it.” construction.

If preschoolers successfully complete the task, then half-finished buildings can be offered for subsequent games.

Also, before the children arrive in the group, build familiar objects, but do not build some of their parts. They should be minor details, the absence of which would not interfere with the perception and recognition of the object. If this is the construction of a car, then the cabin should be clearly marked, but the body may be missing 1-2 parts, instead of 4 wheels, the teacher can build 2, the rest of the guys complete the construction themselves. When building a house, you can leave part of the wall, door, window unfinished. In most cases, children immediately notice shortcomings and begin to eliminate them, as in a situation where the teacher “accidentally” destroyed buildings. Then they start playing.

If a preschooler is content with any form of building and does not perform any actions to complete it, it is necessary to let him understand that he cannot play with an unfinished building, and to do this, try to include the child in activating communication: “Is your car driving poorly, shaking, knocking? Maybe it's faulty?

If the child does not accept the indirect formulation of the game task, the teacher can use direct management techniques: “Driver, your car is faulty, it has no wheels, you need to fix it.” So, children gradually learn the necessary constructive skills, first by completing half-finished buildings, and later by creating their own.

When children master the game with single, separate buildings from modules, the teacher leads them to using several buildings within one game. To do this, he first erects buildings himself or together with one of the children in a logical sequence - “Garage”, at some distance - “Gas station”. Additionally, you can build a “Medical Post”, “Canteen”, “Car Service Point”, “Shop”.

At the same time, it is important to find a way to designate buildings so that children can recognize them. These can be plot pictures, schematic images, in older groups - a sign (traffic police post). In this case, additional material provides a semantic connotation for the game with module objects.

The younger the child, the more he needs additions to the modules.

They can be story toys, various building materials, natural and waste materials, as well as ordinary physical education equipment that acts as large substitute items. Thus, children willingly turn a climbing arc into an entrance door, a tunnel or an underground passage, depending on the game plan. The hoop can be a mirror hanging on the wall or standing on the floor, or it can turn into a puddle after the rain, which must be walked around or jumped over in order to “Don’t get your feet wet.” Stands for high jumps with a rope stretched in the middle take on the appearance of a clothes dryer, and are successfully used by children in the game, thereby making it more varied and exciting.

A positive impact on the play activity of preschoolers is provided by providing novelty of modular play equipment in the group, introducing modules of different sizes and shapes, moving them to different places, introducing additional attributes for the game, etc. It brings children's play to life.

To a large extent, the active activity of preschoolers with module objects depends on the level of development of their gaming skills and abilities, i.e. on the level of development of the creative game itself. If the child’s play activity is of an undeveloped nature, he does not know how to independently choose the theme of the game, develop the plot, develop the play action, find the means for its implementation - such activity will have little content and will have modular forms.

When offering game modules to children, it is important to know exactly what their level of game development is in order to competently approach the choice of techniques and methods of formative pedagogical influence (direct and indirect).

Independent creative games with modular material are also impossible without preschoolers mastering constructive skills. The higher the level of their development in a child, the richer, more varied and meaningful his play activities with large, multifunctional, environment-forming objects-modules will be.

We tried to reveal only some aspects of the play activity of preschoolers in a modular play environment. We hope that this problem will interest practical workers and guide them along the path of a creative search for options for organizing a subject-based play environment in kindergarten.

Children's hanging mobile. MK and ideas...

It’s so easy to make a bright colorful hanging mobile together with your child (or for a child), which can be hung on a wall, a chandelier or on a window, so that passers-by can admire your creativity. Kids will love the idea of ​​making this action toy with their own hands.

1. This cute cockchafer was made from an egg carton in just half an hour.

We will need:
1. 2 cells from a cardboard egg carton
2. Colored cardboard or a piece of old wallpaper, postcards lying around
3. Gouache: red, orange, brown, green, white and red,
4. Scissors
5. Cutting
6. Braid
7. Twigs
8. 1 black pompom
9. Eyes
10. Glue
11. Brush
12. Hot glue

1. You need to prepare a cardboard egg box: turn it upside down, take paint of the desired color and paint the cells. Painting should be done in pairs, that is, we paint 2 cells with one color.

2. After the paint has dried, you need to carefully cut out the cells and remove unnecessary cardboard residues from the workpiece.

3. Cut out 2 wings (size 2x2cm), and glue them together with a pattern on the outside.

Body+ wings

4. We fasten the body and wings so that between the 1st and 2nd parts of the body there are wings and a braid that will come out of the middle.
5. Take a pompom and glue eyes on it. Using hot glue, we attach horns to the top of the head, which can be of completely different shapes.
6. Using hot glue, connect the head to the body

7. We tie the finished beetle to a prepared base of wooden rods

2. Or try making this wonderful butterfly mobile with your kids:

You can decorate your bedroom or children's room with them, or give them as a gift to someone - everyone will like these mobiles! Of course, they are so tender and graceful! Well, let's get started with the process?
To make a butterfly mobile you will need:
. A small wreath (about 30 cm in diameter) or a hoop from a hoop, or something else round (whatever you find);
. Fishing line;
. The pink ribbon is transparent or colored - at your discretion;
. Ribbon with polka dots or other ornament, or a strip of tulle;
. Artificial vine 45 cm long;
. Remnants of plain white or pink tulle;
. Double-sided tape or glue.

Operating procedure
1. Wrap the wreath with green vine and polka dot ribbon.

2. Cut out 32 large butterflies and 32 smaller ones. You can do this using the following template:

3. Cut 4 pieces of fishing line 56 cm long. Using glue or double-sided tape, connect the small and large butterflies, leaving 13 cm of fishing line free at the top. Each piece of fishing line will produce 4 butterflies.

4. From the remains of white or pink tulle, cut 8 strips 13 cm wide and 50 cm long.
Take 4 more pieces of fishing line 56 cm long. Gather the pieces of tulle onto a thread using a needle, leaving pieces of thread along the edges - you will get 8 lush school bows. Tie these bows to the fishing lines - 2 for each.
Make 8 pieces of pink ribbon about 50 cm long, burn the edges to prevent splitting. Now tie them with bows on the fishing lines - 2 for each. In general, you should end up with something like this:

5. Alternating fishing lines with butterflies and fishing lines with bows, tie them to the wreath. You can vary the height: for example, tie butterflies higher, bows lower, or just at random - everything is at your discretion. Carefully cut the line at the very top.

3. Here is another amazingly beautiful butterfly mobile:

How to make such a simple but colorful “butterfly” mobile from felt or paper that will be perfect for decorating a child’s room? Yes, very simple!
You will need plates of multi-colored felt or felt, white threads, beads, thick cardboard for the base and two white openwork paper napkins.
Instead of felt, you can use colored double-sided paper.
First, we cut out a circle from thick cardboard according to the diameter of the napkin, which we then glue onto it.
Then we cut out 19-20 butterflies according to the template (they do not have to be all the same size).

Then we string the butterflies onto a thread, alternating with felt beads or small cardboard circles (1cm radius), if you chose the cardboard option. Felt butterflies can be made in two layers and sewn together with large stitches, departing from the edge about 0.5 cm.
We need to make 4 threads with butterflies. Arrange the butterflies by color first on the table and see in what combinations they look best. Each thread starts with a large knot and bead. Take threads approximately 1.5 m long and do not cut off any excess until the last moment.
When all the threads are collected, you will need to make four holes in the cardboard circle with an awl. We will thread the threads in them, adjust them in height, then tie knots and only then cut off the excess.

4. Mobile "Solar System"

5. Hanging mobile “Bright Aquarium”, which the kids can make themselves.

Colored cardboard in various colors
Colored paper
Pencil, ruler, compass
Scissors and PVA glue
Needle and thread
Small stick from a tree
Preparation method.
The basis of the fish is cardboard, cut out in the form of an outline of fish with tails and fins.
The body of the fish is made of a paper cone, which is glued to the base.

It is desirable that the base of the fish and the voluminous body be of different colors.
We decorate the resulting fish with additional elements: eyes, mouths...
Draw waves (about 11 cm in length) on a piece of white paper with a pencil. Cut out the same waves, but smaller in size, from blue paper. Glue the waves together, as in the photo.
Place the sticks (about 20-30 cm long), fish and waves together in the way you would like to see them in your mobile.
Using needles and threads, first connect the sticks, then the waves, fish, etc. (Don't forget to make knots before and after each figure so they don't get together).
Your colorful mobile “Bright Aquarium” is ready.

In general, to make such mobiles you only need colored paper, glue and thread. Everything is very simple!))

6. And of course, no one canceled sewn mobiles)). This is where the diversity of colors, shapes and ideas really comes into play.!

A real treasure for children is play furniture for kindergarten, where a child can realize his brightest dreams. Organizing a play area is a very important process that helps children in groups to further hone important social skills in the form of play.

Designers offer “professionally oriented” furniture for playrooms, complexes of several modules, made in accordance with the age characteristics of children, promoting motivation for play activities - taking on roles, performing algorithms:

  • for girls you can find kitchens, hairdressers, dressing rooms, doctor's offices, store counters;
  • for boys in the children's room, play furniture for kindergartens is produced in the form of transformer modules, from which children can jointly assemble a car, or the walls of a fortress - actively interact with it.

All furniture in a kindergarten, for outdoor or indoor use, must comply with a whole list of sanitary and hygienic requirements and be safe for students.

The choice of children's play furniture for kindergartens when planning an area is carried out in accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard, based on the age of the pupils and the number of children in groups. An important role in the arrangement process is played by the opinion and initiative of parents - part of the furnishings can be done with your own hands, subject to compliance with all standards.

Children's toy furniture involves arranging corners for role-playing games. Here, toy houses become an integral part, in which children can learn socially significant skills in a playful way. At the same time, not only girls, but also boys can play in the houses - the latter are often assigned the role of guests coming for tea. The boys' "house" can be stylized as a garage or a captain's bridge.

You can divide play furniture for kindergarten into the following categories:

  • outdoor - houses, modules with swings, slides, sandboxes;
  • for interior spaces - plastic houses, tents, role-playing modules, transformer modules.

In the first case, the structures are static. Made from impact-resistant, moisture-resistant materials - wood, plastic and metal structures. Materials are painted in bulk or using special impregnations, wood or metal paints.

In the case where children's furniture is intended for use in a group, it can be made:

  • with a rigid, static frame;
  • in the form of collapsible modules;
  • children's soft play furniture, from which pupils can build sofas, cars, boats, and other furnishings.

Furniture items also take into account the possibility of storing children's toys.

For the street

For kindergartens, outdoor children's play furniture is designed primarily to meet children's needs not only for communication and interaction, but also for physical activity. Manufacturers offer entire complexes made in accordance with the requirements of SanPin, environmental safety and the characteristics of the psychophysiological development of preschool children. If parents take on the task of organizing playgrounds and want to set up a playground with their own hands, you need to enlist the support of a specialist who is knowledgeable about safety standards and requirements. This means that play furniture as in the photo must have the following qualities:

  • stability, reliable fixation on the ground. Children's temperament is activity, mobility, a desire to experiment, to shake the structure. Whether it’s a slide, a swing, or a section with a basketball hoop, the module must remain motionless and prevent the structure from falling;
  • the absence of sharp corners is another important factor in preventing injuries;
  • the material used is impact-resistant, guaranteed to withstand the declared weight load;
  • the design must have comfortable non-slip steps and railings, reliable fences;
  • decorative, movable elements are securely fastened. Joints, hinges, bearings are closed to prevent pinching of clothing, child’s skin, fingers;
  • surfaces are easy to clean if necessary, resistant to sanitary treatment.

Outdoor play furniture for children will become a real field of miracles if you choose and install it wisely. When installing swings, houses, and slides, adults should remember that, despite manufacturers’ assurances about the safety of the products, children should play outside under the supervision of teachers.

For indoors

Furniture for a children's playroom, according to the recommendations of the Federal State Educational Standard, should have multifunctionality, the ability to modify the environment and contribute to the development of spatial perception, motor skills, and imagination. While serving as a toy, furniture must remain a reliable and safe piece of furniture:

  • Manufacturers make transformable tables, chairs, racks for toys, “hair salon” and “doctor’s offices” modules for girls, garages and ships, houses for boys from high-quality, certified materials - natural beech, laminated chipboard, bent plywood;
  • the metal frame is coated with polymer powder paint;
  • Water-based varnish is preferred as a coating;
  • products made from wood panels or plastic must be odorless, without any harmful substances that can cause illness to children in the room or cause allergies;
  • sharp corners are contraindicated - the outlines of the parts must have rounded protruding parts;
  • Children's furniture may contain drawers, sections for toys, while all parts are securely fixed, and fasteners are securely closed with plugs. No protruding nails or screws.

Children's soft play furniture consists of modular elements with which a child can build a house, a car or design another object. The various designs and shapes of such modules allow children to find replacement toys and gain a wide variety of experiences.

Upholstered furniture for kindergartens, used as play furniture, can be of 3 types:

  • frame - the product is based on a frame made of metal or wood filled with foam rubber, which is covered with fabric on top. Flock is often used for these purposes - it is abrasion resistant and easy to care for;
  • frameless or filling type - similar to the well-known beanbag chair. Penoplex as a filler allows you to give such a module a bag absolutely any shape. For children, such a product provides real scope for imagination and experimentation. This option is easy to manufacture and parents can make such modules with their own hands;
  • soft-filled - here, in addition to foam rubber, vinyl artificial leather is used. The material is easy to care for, does not stretch, and is economical in cost.

There are modifications equipped with wheels for movement. This could be furniture in the shape of animals, which the child can ride on while sitting astride. At the same time, the elastic upholstery will reliably soften the blow in the event of a fall.

Play areas

The arrangement of a play space in a kindergarten should include the following points:

  • opportunity for outdoor games - there should be enough space for children to be active;
  • furniture for role-playing games. This includes houses, “kitchen” type complexes, where there are kitchen utensils, sets of dishes and products, a toy medical office, a hairdresser, a store - or a colorful rack with a window that can become a pharmacy or a post office;
  • racks and containers for toys. After all, one of the important functions of the play area is to teach children order;
  • special boards or sections of the wall with a washable coating on which students can draw.

When organizing your space, you should take into account that boys can be more active than girls. Children should not interfere with each other while playing.


Manufacturers of play furniture offer a large selection of houses for children of different ages. These can be “home” and outdoor structures. Most of them are easy to assemble, so even girls can handle the device. This is important, because they are often the ones who make up the kindergarten staff:

  • For younger children, inflatable models are recommended. There are no sharp corners here; the floor acts as a trampoline. Children will happily run and frolic inside such a house. Another option is a tent house in the form of an Indian wigwam or a fairy-tale tent. The disadvantage of such options is their lightness and instability. With high activity, children can turn it over;
  • houses made of cardboard - suitable for older preschoolers. These structures can be painted, giving the house the look of your choice;
  • plastic structures - for indoor use, quite compact in size; street options are larger, may have 2 floors, extensions in the form of slides, ropes, ladders or swings;
  • wooden houses - used outdoors, they can become a smaller copy of a log house or tower.

When giving preference to a house model, be sure to take into account the conditions of its use, the age of the pupils, and their needs. Will it be a compact model or a spacious option with space for toys. For mixed groups, it is better to choose a universal design that is suitable for boys and girls playing.

Manufacturing materials

A wide range of materials are used to produce play furniture intended for kindergartens. Moreover, regardless of the type, the base must be environmentally friendly, safe and wear-resistant to ensure high-quality operation of the products.

Material type Purpose Examples of using Advantages Flaws
Tree Outdoor structures/furniture for play areas. Playhouses, swings, sandboxes. Shelving, modules. Eco-friendly, in the case of the house, well ventilated, durable. Requires regular painting and treatment with impregnations when used outdoors.
Plastic Outdoor designs, indoors. Playhouses, swings, sandboxes, slides, modules. Eco-friendly, low maintenance, impact resistant, can be easily assembled and disassembled. At low temperatures (-18 o C) deformation may occur.
PVC Street/room. Playhouses, trampolines, slides, tunnels. Light, elastic, no sharp corners, bright, children like them. Suitable for younger ages. If the quality of the material is poor, there may be an unpleasant odor and the release of allergens.
Chipboard, MDF, laminated chipboard For premises. Shelving, modules, frames. Economical, strong material, wear-resistant. Ability to produce the most complex designs. May release harmful substances if production technology is violated.
Foam rubber, polystyrene foam Interior premises. Fillers for upholstered play furniture. They provide high-quality upholstery of the frame and maintain its shape. They have a certain service life. Then they must be replaced.

The production of furniture for preschool institutions is strictly regulated. Manufacturers undertake to follow established GOST standards and have on hand documents confirming the quality and safety of the materials used.

Requirements for children's furniture

Children's furniture used to equip the play area in a preschool institution must meet the standards established by GOST, be environmentally friendly and comply with SanPin recommendations. When purchasing products, all necessary accompanying documents and certificates must be attached:

  • the surfaces of objects should not have burrs, sharp corners, or protruding fasteners;
  • all fasteners are securely fixed and hidden with cuffs and plugs;
  • paint coating in pleasant shades, no smell or marks on clothes or skin upon contact;
  • all edges are carefully processed;
  • furniture should be multifunctional, ideally helping to save space, which is important in small spaces;
  • designs should take into account the age characteristics of children.

Furniture design is important. It should be attractive to children, motivate them to play and manipulate module objects.

To decorate a group room with a corner of nature, I would like to offer a hanging module, which, without any doubt, will decorate the room and will be a convenient display material. The tree can “change” its crown (depending on the time of year) and hanging figures (depending on the theme). Hanging figurines can be figurines of forest animals and figurines of fruit.



Group design Hanging module Group “Special Child”

Hanging volumetric module “Forest tree”





Description: To decorate a group room with a corner of nature, I would like to offer a hanging module, which, without any doubt, will decorate the room and will be a convenient display material. The tree can “change” its crown (depending on the time of year) and hanging figures (depending on the theme). Hanging figurines can be figurines of forest animals and figurines of fruit.

Materials for making the module:

Double-sided cardboard:For the tree trunk you will need 2 sheets of brown cardboard. For figurines of forest animals, cardboard is selected in accordance with the color of the object at this time of year.

Templates used for the barrel and figures.To make the module, you can use the templates included below, as well as use reusable stencils depicting the outlines of animals, birds and fruits. These stencils are used by many teachers to develop graphomotor skills in children.

Manufacturing process:1.Cut out the necessary parts according to the templates. 2. We put together the parts of the trunk and crown (the crown part is located between the parts of the trunk). 3.Sew the parts together in the center using regular thread. 4. Fold each part of the trunk in half, giving volume to the tree. 5. We hang the tree from the ceiling by a thread attached to the crown. 6. We hang figures of forest animals or fruits cut out of cardboard (according to the time of year) from the roots and crown of the tree.