Project activities of preschoolers Veraksa Nikolay Evgenievich. Project activities for preschoolers

Nikolay Evgenievich Veraksa, Alexander Nikolaevich Veraksa

Project activities for preschoolers. Manual for teachers preschool institutions

Library "Programs of education and training in kindergarten" under general edition M. A. Vasilyeva, V. V. Gerbova, T. S. Komarova

Veraksa Nikolay Evgenievich- doctor psychological sciences, professor, head of department social psychology Development of Moscow State University of Psychology and Education, Head of the Laboratory of Pedagogy and Psychology of Abilities, Institute for the Development of Preschool Education, Russian Academy of Education, Chief Editor magazine “Modern preschool education. Theory and practice".

Personal website address – www.veraksaru

Veraksa Alexander Nikolaevich– postgraduate student at the Faculty of Psychology, Moscow State University. M.V. Lomonosov, lecturer at the Faculty of Social Psychology of Moscow State University of Psychology and Education, Master of Science in psychological counseling(University of Manchester, UK).


The book offered to the reader is devoted to the issues of supporting children's cognitive initiative in conditions of the preschool educational institution and families. This topic is very relevant for a number of reasons. Firstly, a person must receive a positive test as early as possible social experience realizing your own plans. The uniqueness of a person is manifested not in his appearance, but in what a person brings to his social environment. If what seems most significant to him is also of interest to other people, he finds himself in a situation of social acceptance that stimulates him personal growth and self-realization. Secondly, the ever-increasing dynamism of economic and social relations requires the search for new, non-standard actions in a variety of circumstances. Non-standard actions are based on originality of thinking. Thirdly, the idea of ​​harmonious diversity as a promising form social development also involves the ability to take productive initiative.

This skill must be cultivated from childhood. However, there are certain difficulties on the way to its formation. One of them is related to the fact that society is strict regulatory system, in which a person must act according to certain rules, that is in a standard way. Initiative always involves going beyond the framework defined by tradition. At the same time, this action must be culturally adequate, that is, fit into existing system norms and rules. A child who shows initiative must navigate the reality around him, understood as a certain culture that has its own history. It is intended to provide such orientation general abilities. We understand abilities in the context of L. S. Vygotsky’s cultural-historical theory and activity theory. Abilities act as a psychological tool that allows the child to move in the space of culture. At the same time, we emphasize once again that the cognitive initiative represents a step beyond the boundaries of culture. But how can one demonstrate transcendence of culture in a culturally appropriate way? Project activities will help solve this problem. It is precisely this that allows not only to support a child’s initiative, but also to formalize it in the form of a culturally significant product, that is, in the form of some cultural model (or norm).

A similar interpretation of children’s initiative and its implementation in project activities based on research conducted under our direction (since 2000). It was carried out in preschool educational institutions Novouralsk and at the base resource center"Little genius" of Moscow. The results of the work showed that preschoolers can successfully carry out project activities. At the same time, there are clear positive changes in cognitive development children, personal growth of preschoolers is observed, which is expressed in the desire to fulfill original creative works. Change significantly interpersonal relationships preschoolers, children gain experience of productive interaction, the ability to hear others and express their attitude towards to various parties reality. There are changes in the relationship between children and parents. Children become interesting to parents as partners in joint activities.

Children's cognitive initiative

One of effective methods working with older children preschool age is a method of project activity, which is based on understanding the role of the child’s personality in the preschool education system. Typically, a person is understood as a person with his/her inherent individual characteristics(often psychophysiological, for example, aggressiveness, mobility, etc.). However, the concept of personality is associated not so much with psychophysiological qualities, but with how a person manifests himself among other people. Consequently, personality is a socio-psychological category, it is a social assessment of a person as a member of society. However, a person does not always manifest himself as an individual. In some cases it acts in accordance with accepted standards and traditions. For example, when one person listens to another, he is adhering to a social norm. It is clear that if a person does not follow social norms, then those around him direct all their efforts to subordinate his actions generally accepted rules. For example, if a child eats sloppily or fastens buttons incorrectly, then adults try to make sure that the child learns the appropriate rules. But when a preschooler learns to eat soup with a spoon, he can hardly be considered a unique personality.

Personality is special social characteristic a person who has two characteristics. The first is related to the fact that a person does something that distinguishes him from other people. The second feature is that this difference turns out to be important and useful for other people.

The main feature of this or that achievement lies in its novelty and connection with the need sphere. Let's give an example. Famous domestic inventor A. S. Popov created a device called “radio”. This device made it possible to transmit information wirelessly over long distances. This invention turned out to be extremely useful for large number of people. In the same way, V. Van Gogh, who painted the painting “The Lilac Bush,” created a work that continues to delight and thereby satisfy the aesthetic needs of visitors to the Hermitage. Of course, both A. S. Popov and V. Van Gogh are extremely significant unique personalities for society.

Important characteristics of a person are a person’s thinking and imagination, which allow him to first visualize the idea of ​​a work in a figurative way and consider it various options and find the best one, and then bring it to life. In fact, by creating a work, an inventor, artist, teacher embody their idea of ​​an ideal, which at the same time becomes an ideal for the people around them. Thus, personality always involves the creation of something new, the acceptance of this new by others.

What contributes personal development person?

One of the main conditions is to support the activity of the individual. Such support is impossible without positive social assessment activities aimed at creating something new. As a rule, something new is the result of solving a problem in which one is interested. creative person. Therefore, we can say that exactly creative activity is main feature personality. No less an important condition, conducive to personal development, is adequate social presentation results of human activity.

Personal support is largely related to the attitude of society towards the presented creation. Once a creative product is completed and presented to society, it ceases to be new. This phenomenon can be seen especially clearly in the example of songs written by composers. Often enough new song, which initially amazed with its novelty, is losing popularity and may be completely forgotten. Support for the composer's personality is ensured by the fact that the song continues to be performed, that is, it becomes some traditional content of various social situations. In fact, the song becomes institutionalized and becomes the norm. For example, the song of Gena the Crocodile from the cartoon about Cheburashka is quite often performed at children's birthdays, although it has clearly lost its novelty.

The main task related to support creativity The person facing preschool education is to search for forms in which such support can be provided.

Cognitive activity of children is carried out in a specific cultural space, which is a system of norms set by adults. This implies the need to consider the child’s activity in a normative situation.

The book describes a methodology for working with preschool children to organize project activities. This form interaction between a child and an adult allows you to develop cognitive abilities, the personality of a preschooler, as well as relationships with peers.

The book is intended primarily for teachers of preschool institutions, but will undoubtedly be useful to students, teachers of psychological and pedagogical specialties, as well as to all those who are interested in the possibilities of enhancing the development of children.

    Nikolai Evgenievich Veraksa, Alexander Nikolaevich Veraksa - Project activities of preschool children. Manual for preschool teachers 1

Nikolay Evgenievich Veraksa, Alexander Nikolaevich Veraksa
Project activities for preschoolers. A manual for preschool teachers

Library "Programs of education and training in kindergarten" under the general editorship of M. A. Vasilyeva, V. V. Gerbova, T. S. Komarova

Veraksa Nikolay Evgenievich– Doctor of Psychology, Professor, Head of the Department of Social Developmental Psychology of Moscow State University of Psychology and Education, Head of the Laboratory of Pedagogy and Psychology of Abilities at the Institute for the Development of Preschool Education of the Russian Academy of Education, Editor-in-Chief of the magazine "Modern Preschool Education. Theory and Practice."

Personal website address – www.veraksaru

Veraksa Alexander Nikolaevich– postgraduate student at the Faculty of Psychology, Moscow State University. M.V. Lomonosov, lecturer at the Faculty of Social Psychology, Moscow State University of Psychology and Education, Master of Science in Psychological Counseling (University of Manchester, UK).


The book offered to the reader is devoted to the issues of supporting children's cognitive initiative in preschool educational institutions and families. This topic is very relevant for a number of reasons. Firstly, a person must gain positive social experience in realizing his own plans as early as possible. The uniqueness of a person is manifested not in his appearance, but in what a person brings to his social environment. If what seems most significant to him is also of interest to other people, he finds himself in a situation of social acceptance, which stimulates his personal growth and self-realization. Secondly, the ever-increasing dynamism of economic and social relations requires the search for new, non-standard actions in a variety of circumstances. Non-standard actions are based on originality of thinking. Thirdly, the idea of ​​harmonious diversity as a promising form of social development also presupposes the ability to show productive initiative.

This skill must be cultivated from childhood. However, there are certain difficulties on the way to its formation. One of them is due to the fact that society is a strict normative system in which a person must act according to certain rules, that is, in a standard way. Initiative always involves going beyond the framework defined by tradition. At the same time, this action must be culturally adequate, that is, fit into the existing system of norms and rules. A child who shows initiative must navigate the reality around him, understood as a certain culture that has its own history. General abilities are designed to provide such orientation. We understand abilities in the context of L. S. Vygotsky’s cultural-historical theory and activity theory. Abilities act as a psychological tool that allows the child to move in the space of culture. At the same time, we emphasize once again that the cognitive initiative represents a step beyond the boundaries of culture. But how can one demonstrate transcendence of culture in a culturally appropriate way? Project activities will help solve this problem. It is precisely this that allows not only to support a child’s initiative, but also to formalize it in the form of a culturally significant product, that is, in the form of some cultural model (or norm).

This interpretation of children's initiative and its implementation in project activities is based on research conducted under our leadership (since 2000). It was carried out in preschool educational institutions in Novouralsk and on the basis of the resource center “Little Genius” in Moscow. The results of the work showed that preschoolers can successfully carry out project activities. At the same time, there are clear positive changes in the cognitive development of children, personal growth of preschoolers is observed, which is expressed in the desire to perform original creative works. The interpersonal relationships of preschoolers change significantly, children gain experience of productive interaction, the ability to hear others and express their attitude to various aspects of reality. There are changes in the relationship between children and parents. Children become interesting to parents as partners in joint activities.

Children's cognitive initiative

One of the effective methods of working with children of senior preschool age is the method of project activity, which is based on understanding the role of the child’s personality in the preschool education system. Typically, a personality is understood as a person with his own individual characteristics (often psychophysiological, for example, aggressiveness, mobility, etc.). However, the concept of personality is associated not so much with psychophysiological qualities, but with how a person manifests himself among other people. Consequently, personality is a socio-psychological category, it is a social assessment of a person as a member of society. However, a person does not always manifest himself as an individual. In some cases, he acts in accordance with accepted norms and traditions. For example, when one person listens to another, he is adhering to a social norm. It is clear that if a person does not follow social norms, then those around him direct all their efforts to subordinate his actions to generally accepted rules. For example, if a child eats sloppily or fastens buttons incorrectly, then adults try to make sure that the child learns the appropriate rules. But when a preschooler learns to eat soup with a spoon, he can hardly be considered a unique personality.

Personality is a special social characteristic of a person, which has two features. The first is related to the fact that a person does something that distinguishes him from other people. The second feature is that this difference turns out to be important and useful for other people.

The main feature of this or that achievement lies in its novelty and connection with the need sphere. Let's give an example. The famous domestic inventor A. S. Popov created a device called “radio”. This device made it possible to transmit information wirelessly over long distances. This invention turned out to be extremely useful for a large number of people. In the same way, V. Van Gogh, who painted the painting “The Lilac Bush,” created a work that continues to delight and thereby satisfy the aesthetic needs of visitors to the Hermitage. Of course, both A. S. Popov and V. Van Gogh are extremely significant unique personalities for society.

Important characteristics of a person are a person’s thinking and imagination, which allow him to first visualize the idea of ​​a work, consider its various options and find the best one, and then bring it to life. In fact, by creating a work, an inventor, artist, teacher embody their idea of ​​an ideal, which at the same time becomes an ideal for the people around them. Thus, personality always involves the creation of something new, the acceptance of this new by others.

What contributes to a person’s personal development?

One of the main conditions is to support the activity of the individual. Such support is impossible without a positive social assessment of activities aimed at creating something new. As a rule, something new is the result of solving some problem in which a creative person is interested. Therefore, we can say that creative activity is the main personality trait. An equally important condition promoting personal development is adequate social presentation of the results of human activity.

The book describes a methodology for working with preschool children to organize project activities. This form of interaction between a child and an adult allows for the development of cognitive abilities, the personality of a preschooler, as well as relationships with peers.

The book is intended primarily for teachers of preschool institutions, but will undoubtedly be useful to students, teachers of psychological and pedagogical specialties, as well as to all those who are interested in the possibilities of enhancing the development of children.

Nikolay Evgenievich Veraksa, Alexander Nikolaevich Veraksa
Project activities for preschoolers. A manual for preschool teachers

Library "Programs of education and training in kindergarten" under the general editorship of M. A. Vasilyeva, V. V. Gerbova, T. S. Komarova

Veraksa Nikolay Evgenievich– Doctor of Psychology, Professor, Head of the Department of Social Developmental Psychology of Moscow State University of Psychology and Education, Head of the Laboratory of Pedagogy and Psychology of Abilities at the Institute for the Development of Preschool Education of the Russian Academy of Education, Editor-in-Chief of the magazine "Modern Preschool Education. Theory and Practice."

Personal website address – www.veraksaru

Veraksa Alexander Nikolaevich– postgraduate student at the Faculty of Psychology, Moscow State University. M.V. Lomonosov, lecturer at the Faculty of Social Psychology, Moscow State University of Psychology and Education, Master of Science in Psychological Counseling (University of Manchester, UK).


The book offered to the reader is devoted to the issues of supporting children's cognitive initiative in preschool educational institutions and families. This topic is very relevant for a number of reasons. Firstly, a person must gain positive social experience in realizing his own plans as early as possible. The uniqueness of a person is manifested not in his appearance, but in what a person brings to his social environment. If what seems most significant to him is also of interest to other people, he finds himself in a situation of social acceptance, which stimulates his personal growth and self-realization. Secondly, the ever-increasing dynamism of economic and social relations requires the search for new, non-standard actions in a variety of circumstances. Non-standard actions are based on originality of thinking. Thirdly, the idea of ​​harmonious diversity as a promising form of social development also presupposes the ability to show productive initiative.

This skill must be cultivated from childhood. However, there are certain difficulties on the way to its formation. One of them is due to the fact that society is a strict normative system in which a person must act according to certain rules, that is, in a standard way. Initiative always involves going beyond the framework defined by tradition. At the same time, this action must be culturally adequate, that is, fit into the existing system of norms and rules. A child who shows initiative must navigate the reality around him, understood as a certain culture that has its own history. General abilities are designed to provide such orientation. We understand abilities in the context of L. S. Vygotsky’s cultural-historical theory and activity theory. Abilities act as a psychological tool that allows the child to move in the space of culture. At the same time, we emphasize once again that the cognitive initiative represents a step beyond the boundaries of culture. But how can one demonstrate transcendence of culture in a culturally appropriate way? Project activities will help solve this problem. It is precisely this that allows not only to support a child’s initiative, but also to formalize it in the form of a culturally significant product, that is, in the form of some cultural model (or norm).

This interpretation of children's initiative and its implementation in project activities is based on research conducted under our leadership (since 2000). It was carried out in preschool educational institutions in Novouralsk and on the basis of the resource center “Little Genius” in Moscow. The results of the work showed that preschoolers can successfully carry out project activities. At the same time, there are clear positive changes in the cognitive development of children, personal growth of preschoolers is observed, which is expressed in the desire to perform original creative works. The interpersonal relationships of preschoolers change significantly, children gain experience of productive interaction, the ability to hear others and express their attitude to various aspects of reality. There are changes in the relationship between children and parents. Children become interesting to parents as partners in joint activities.

Children's cognitive initiative

One of the effective methods of working with children of senior preschool age is the method of project activity, which is based on understanding the role of the child’s personality in the preschool education system. Typically, a personality is understood as a person with his own individual characteristics (often psychophysiological, for example, aggressiveness, mobility, etc.). However, the concept of personality is associated not so much with psychophysiological qualities, but with how a person manifests himself among other people. Consequently, personality is a socio-psychological category, it is a social assessment of a person as a member of society. However, a person does not always manifest himself as an individual. In some cases, he acts in accordance with accepted norms and traditions. For example, when one person listens to another, he is adhering to a social norm. It is clear that if a person does not follow social norms, then those around him direct all their efforts to subordinate his actions to generally accepted rules. For example, if a child eats sloppily or fastens buttons incorrectly, then adults try to make sure that the child learns the appropriate rules. But when a preschooler learns to eat soup with a spoon, he can hardly be considered a unique personality.

Personality is a special social characteristic of a person, which has two features. The first is related to the fact that a person does something that distinguishes him from other people. The second feature is that this difference turns out to be important and useful for other people.

The main feature of this or that achievement lies in its novelty and connection with the need sphere. Let's give an example. The famous domestic inventor A. S. Popov created a device called “radio”. This device made it possible to transmit information wirelessly over long distances. This invention turned out to be extremely useful for a large number of people. In the same way, V. Van Gogh, who painted the painting “The Lilac Bush,” created a work that continues to delight and thereby satisfy the aesthetic needs of visitors to the Hermitage. Of course, both A. S. Popov and V. Van Gogh are extremely significant unique personalities for society.

Important characteristics of a person are a person’s thinking and imagination, which allow him to first visualize the idea of ​​a work, consider its various options and find the best one, and then bring it to life. In fact, by creating a work, an inventor, artist, teacher embody their idea of ​​an ideal, which at the same time becomes an ideal for the people around them. Thus, personality always involves the creation of something new, the acceptance of this new by others.

What contributes to a person’s personal development?

One of the main conditions is to support the activity of the individual. Such support is impossible without a positive social assessment of activities aimed at creating something new. As a rule, something new is the result of solving some problem in which a creative person is interested. Therefore, we can say that creative activity is the main personality trait. An equally important condition promoting personal development is adequate social presentation of the results of human activity.

Nikolay Evgenievich Veraksa, Alexander Nikolaevich Veraksa

Project activities for preschoolers. A manual for preschool teachers

Library “Programs of education and training in kindergarten” under the general editorship of M. A. Vasilyeva, V. V. Gerbova, T. S. Komarova

Veraksa Nikolay Evgenievich– Doctor of Psychology, Professor, Head of the Department of Social Developmental Psychology of Moscow State University of Psychology and Education, Head of the Laboratory of Pedagogy and Psychology of Abilities at the Institute for the Development of Preschool Education of the Russian Academy of Education, Editor-in-Chief of the magazine “Modern Preschool Education. Theory and practice".

Personal website address – www.veraksaru

Veraksa Alexander Nikolaevich– postgraduate student at the Faculty of Psychology, Moscow State University. M.V. Lomonosov, lecturer at the Faculty of Social Psychology, Moscow State University of Psychology and Education, Master of Science in Psychological Counseling (University of Manchester, UK). From the book Project activities for preschoolers. A manual for preschool teachers author Veraksa Nikolay Evgenievich

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