Monarchs who ruled England during the period of absolutism. Absolutism in England XV-XVII centuries

Russian Federation has a number of features that significantly distinguish it from other federations. A federation is usually formed by combining two or more states into a single union state. The formation of the Russian Federation followed a completely different path. Russia as a federation is not an association of several states. It was formed as a result of the creation of a number of autonomous states and autonomous national-state formations of peoples inhabiting its territory. These states, as well as national state entities and were recognized as subjects of the Russian Federation.

The subject of the Russian Federation- this is a territorial entity with limited legal capacity, which has some features of statehood, built on the territorial or national principle of formation.

The limited legal capacity of the subjects of the Russian Federation means that they are independent only within the limits of their competence.

Currently, the Constitution provides for 6 types of subjects of the Russian Federation, securing them with the help of separate paragraphs of Chapter 3o federal structure Art. 65: republic, region, region, city federal significance, autonomous region, autonomous district. At the same time, all types of federal subjects can be integrated into more general groups and create 3 types of subjects:

· national state (republics within the Russian Federation);

· administrative-territorial (territories, regions, cities of Moscow and St. Petersburg);

· national-territorial (autonomous region and autonomous okrugs).

Such a typology is based, on the one hand, on the different scope of powers of the relevant subjects (some of them are vested with the powers of the state as such, the rest - with the powers of a state entity), on the other hand, on the introduction of new, territorial forms statehood along with pre-existing national ones.

Currently, there are 83 constituent entities of the Russian Federation: 21 republics, 9 territories, 46 regions, one autonomous region (Jewish) and 4 autonomous districts, 2 federal cities (Moscow and St. Petersburg).

An essential feature of the Russian Federation is that it consists of subjects that themselves have the form government organization. All of them are given the status of state entities by the KRF. Outside state form there is no subject of the Federation. It is the state nature of the subjects that gives their relations within Russia a federal character.

As state entities, all subjects of the Russian Federation have elements of constituent power, are endowed with the right to issue their own laws and other legal acts, exercise territorial supremacy within the boundaries of their jurisdiction, and are characterized by the same competence, special character relations with the federal government. Ordinary administrative-territorial units do not have such relations, as a result of which they do not have legal personality within the federation.

Most common feature of all subjects is their equality both in relations with each other and in relations with federal bodies state power. The equality of the subjects of the Russian Federation is manifested regardless of their construction on a national-state or territorial-state basis.
TO general features subjects of the Russian Federation should also include the presence of each of them with its own administrative-territorial division, its own property, and its own legislation.

Depending on the type of subject of the Federation, they are differentiated legal status within the state and in relations with other constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

Republics (21) , unlike territories and regions, they are national-state formations, that is, a form of statehood of one or another people (peoples) within Russia. Unlike other subjects of the federation, the republics adopt their own constitutions in accordance with the CRF and have the right to establish their own state languages.

The constitutional and legal status of a republic within the Russian Federation is characterized primarily by the fact that it is recognized as a state within the Russian Federation. (In Article 5 of the Russian Constitution, republics are characterized as states. However, this does not mean that they are bearers of state sovereignty.) But a republic is this is not just a state, but a state that is part of the Russian Federation as its subject. Therefore, the constitutional and legal status of the republic expresses its features both as a state and as a subject of the Federation. From this the trace
It is clear that the legal personality of a republic cannot cover the entire set of properties of an independent state. Its status is determined by the federal Constitution and the constitution of the republic (Article 66 of the CRF).
Republics have a state. symbolism - State. coat of arms, State flag and State hymn. This official symbols states that are approved by each republic independently. They express identity and historical traditions peoples of this republic. As an attributive feature of a state, one can “consider the presence of capitals in republics, while other subjects have administrative centers. The legal status of capitals and administrative centers is established by the laws of the relevant subjects.

The peculiarities of republics should not create the impression of exclusivity of this type of subjects in relation to others. The main principle of modern Russian federalism is the principle of equality of all subjects, which, while allowing for the presence of certain characteristics of one or another type of subjects of a federal association, categorically does not allow the predominance of any one type of subjects over others.

The Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation in its decision in the case “on republican sovereignty” emphasized that the concept “republic (state)” used in the federal Constitution does not mean recognition of the state sovereignty of these subjects, but only reflects certain features their constitutional and legal status related to factors of historical, national and other nature.

Along with the republics within the Russian Federation, the national-state type of subjects of the Federation includes autonomous region (Jewish) and autonomous okrugs.

Autonomies are national-state formations distinguished by their special national composition and the life of the population. If an autonomous region was established as a universal form of autonomy applicable in any part of the federation (Volga region, North Caucasus, Far East), then the autonomous okrug (until 1977 - the national okrug) was considered as a form national statehood small peoples And ethnic groups North, Siberia and Far East.

Most of autonomous okrugs is part of the territories and regions. Autonomous regions and districts carried out administrative self-government regarding their inner life. This legally placed them in the position of administrative units within a territory or region, although as subjects of the Federation they had the status of a state. formations.
The autonomous region and autonomous okrugs have elements of constituent power. This is manifested in their right to adopt their charters, and on issues of their own and joint competence with the Federation - laws and other regulations. They are mandatory for execution in the relevant territory.

The Autonomous Okrug is an equal subject of the Russian Federation:

  • has its own legislation (charter and other legal acts);
  • has its own territory (cannot be changed without the consent of the subject) and population;
  • is independent in resolving issues within the jurisdiction of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation (within the powers of the autonomous region);
  • independently participates in international and foreign economic relations and has the right to enter into agreements both at the international and federal levels.

An autonomous district, if relations with the region or region of which it is a part are not settled, has the right to conclude an appropriate agreement with it.

Territories, regions, cities of federal significance have their own territory. It cannot be changed without their consent. Borders between them and other subjects of the Russian Federation
can only be changed with their consent. Territories and regions have their own administrative centers. Representative, executive and judiciary. They operate on the basis of the Russian Federation, as well as the statutes of the territory, region, and city of federal significance. It should be noted that previously the authorities of territories, regions, cities republican significance related by law to local authorities authorities. Currently, they are not classified as such, but are government bodies. authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation. Territories, regions, cities of federal significance have the right to have their own symbols.

Cities of federal significance, in addition, differ from other subjects of the Federation by combining both the status of a subject of the Federation and the status settlement- cities. The remaining subjects, being territorial units, on the contrary, include cities, other settlements, etc. Finally, Moscow’s status includes at least four legal aspects. Moscow acts as a populated area - a city; subject of the Federation - a city of federal significance; administrative center another subject - the Moscow region; capital of the Russian Federation.

1. Altai region(Barnaul)

2. Kamchatka Krai(Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky)

3. Khabarovsk region(Khabarovsk)

4. Krasnodar region(Krasnodar)

5. Krasnoyarsk region(Krasnoyarsk)

6. Perm region(Permian)

7. Primorsky Krai (Vladivostok)

8. Stavropol Territory (Stavropol)

9. Transbaikal region(Chita)

The republics within the Russian Federation have the greatest amount of powers, and the autonomous okrugs and autonomous regions have the least, since they are part of other constituent entities of the Russian Federation (territories and regions), and therefore partially depend on the decisions of government bodies. The territories and regions within the Russian Federation have approximately equal amounts of powers.

Cities of federal significance have a special status among the constituent entities of the Russian Federation. They represent the Russian Federation and are its “face”.

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One of the types administrative entities, which take into account the ethnic factor.

Administrative-territorial division of Russia

N.-t.o. are formed in places of compact residence of national groups that make up the majority of the population in a given administrative-territorial unit. In places of traditional settlement of small peoples, national administrative-territorial units can also be formed in cases where national groups do not constitute the majority of the population. N.-t.o. are created for the purpose of creating favorable conditions for development national culture and language, habitat conservation, traditional crafts and crafts of national minorities. N.-t.o. may have greater or lesser administrative powers. On the territory of Russia, the hierarchy of N.-t.o. presented national republics, autonomous okrugs, regions.

See also: Subjects of the Russian Federation

Source: Dictionary of sociolinguistic terms

subjects (regions) of the Russian Federation

Federal structure of Russia

Features of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation

The Russian Federation can be divided into subjects such as:

  1. republics
  2. federal cities
  3. region
  4. autonomous okrugs and autonomous regions

Each type of subject has its own characteristics in the constitutional legal status. Links to articles of the Russian Constitution are marked with a [*] sign; when you hover your mouse, you will see the relevant provisions containing them.


  • in the Russian Constitution it is characterized as a state [*]
  • the status of the Constitution of Russia is determined by its own constitution [*][*]
  • has the right to establish its own state. languages ​​[*]
Territory, region and city of federal significance
  • status is determined by the Constitution of Russia, as well as its charter, adopted by the regional (city or regional) legislative (representative) body [*][*]
Autonomous region
  • status is determined by the Constitution of Russia and its charter, adopted by the legislative (representative) body of the autonomous region [*][*]
  • a federal law on the autonomous region may be adopted [*]
Autonomous Okrug
  • status is determined by the Constitution of Russia and its charter, adopted by the legislative (representative) body of the autonomous region [*][*]
  • a federal law on the Autonomous Okrug may be adopted [*]
  • relations between autonomous okrugs that are part of a territory or region may be regulated by federal law and an agreement between the corresponding autonomous okrug and the territory or region [*]

Location on the map

Below is information about the number of subjects of the Russian Federation and their territorial location on the map.

List of federal districts in Russia

Federal districts in the Russian Federation were created on the basis of the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation V.V. Putin dated May 13, 2000 under number 849 “On authorized representative President of the Russian Federation in the Federal District."

Below is a list of federal districts of Russia and their location on the map.

No. Nom County name Official site Its area in km² Its population as of 01/01/2014 [*] Subjects of the Russian Federation Administrative center
1 Central federal district 652,800 ↗38819874 18 Moscow
2 Southern Federal District 416,840 ↗13963874 6 Rostov-on-Don
3 Northwestern Federal District 1,677,900 ↗13800658 11 Saint Petersburg
4 Far Eastern Federal District 6,215,900 ↘6226640 9 Khabarovsk
5 Siberian Federal District 5,114,800 ↗19292740 12 Novosibirsk
6 Ural federal district 1,788,900 ↗12234224 6 Ekaterinburg
7 Volga Federal District 1,038,000 ↘29738836 14 Nizhny Novgorod
8 North Caucasus Federal District 172,360 ↗9590085 7 Pyatigorsk
9 Crimean Federal District 27,161 ↗2342411 2 Simferopol

Types of subjects of the Russian Federation

The central element of federalism is the presence real rights subjects of the Federation, enshrined in the federal Constitution, within the framework of which they are independent in determining their own political structure.

As a rule, federal states can be built on two principles: territorial and national. Depending on what principle is the basis of the Federation, the legal status of the subject of the Federation is determined.

The territorial principle of building a Federation means that the subjects of the Federation are certain territories, regardless of nationality population living there.

The national principle of building a Federation presupposes the presence within a certain territory of a titular nationality (along with others), which gives the name to this autonomy.

Before the signing of the 1992 Federal Treaty

The Russian Federation was built on a national principle. Republics, autonomous regions and autonomous okrugs were recognized as subjects of the Federation. After the conclusion of the Treaty, territorial subjects - territories, regions, cities of federal significance - became part of the Russian Federation.

A subject of the Federation is a limited legal entity that has the features of statehood and is part of a single federal state.

How many subjects are there in the Russian Federation?

Subjects of the Russian Federation meet the following parameters:

do not have sovereignty;

have no right of separation or secession;

citizens of any subject of the Federation have equal fundamental rights and obligations throughout the entire Federation;

the law of a subject of the Federation cannot contradict federal law;

in the face of federal power, the subjects of the Federation are equal.

The Russian Federation is a federation that combines entities organized on both national and territorial grounds. There are currently 83 subjects in Russia. In the science of constitutional law, there is a point of view that Russian republics have limited sovereignty.

An important characteristic of a subject of the Federation is its name, the legal meaning of which is that in the Constitution of Russia there cannot be any other subject with the same name. If the question arises about renaming a subject of the Russian Federation, then the new name of the subject is included in the text of Art. 65 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation on the basis of a decision of a subject of the Federation adopted by it in the prescribed manner (referendum, decision of a legislative or executive body).

All subjects of the Russian Federation according to the scope of their competence can be divided into three groups:

1) republics within Russia, which can adopt their own constitutions, establish, along with Russian, their own state language and have their own State symbols(coat of arms, flag, anthem);

2) territories, regions, cities of federal significance, which adopt their charters, establish their own authorities and may include autonomous okrugs and a region;

3) autonomous okrugs and autonomous region: according to their proposal, a federal law can be adopted on an autonomous region, a okrug that is, as it were, in double subordination - both by Russia and the region (territory) in which they are located.

Despite the status differences between the subjects of the Russian Federation, they have a number of important signs, unifying them as social, legal and secular state formations, which are integral part Russian Federation. These signs include:

the presence of their own constitution or charter defining them as a subject of the federation;

own territory;

own system of government bodies;

its own legal system, which includes both regulatory acts of government bodies of a constituent entity of the Federation and acts of local government bodies;

presence of own competence;

availability of property of the subject of the Federation, tax base and budget;

representation in the federal parliament;

recognition of the right to international connections and foreign economic activity;

the right to conclude agreements on the delimitation of jurisdiction and powers between government bodies of the Russian Federation and government bodies of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation;

presence of its own symbolism.

The Constitution of the Russian Federation provides for the possibility of changing the composition of the Russian state.

This can happen by:

1) admission to the Russian Federation of a subject “from outside”;

2) the formation of a new entity within it as a result of:

mergers of existing entities;

isolating new independent entities from existing entities;

transition from one type of subjects to another;

changes in the constitutional and legal status of the subject.

Changes in the constitutional and legal status of a subject of the Russian Federation and the entry into its composition of a new subject are formalized by the adoption of a federal constitutional law, but not in general procedure legislative process, and special order. Subjects of the right of legislative initiative make a proposal for a constitutional amendment to Art. 65 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, containing a list of names of all subjects of the Russian Federation. To adopt this amendment, a qualified majority of both chambers of the Federal Assembly is required, but unlike other articles of Chapters 3–8 of the Constitution, approval by the legislative bodies of two thirds of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation is not required. However, the issue of changing the status of a subject is not only legal, but also political, and therefore must be resolved extremely carefully.

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Russia is a country with a vast territory. It is home to many nationalities with their own traditions and languages. To help preserve the identity of cultures, the state has a division of territory into regions and republics.

Today Russia includes 85 constituent entities. The number of republics may change over time. This is due to the will of the people and changes in the number of people living in the territory of the subject. Until March 2014, the Russian Federation included only 83 constituent entities. On March 14, Crimea and Sevastopol joined the state.

How many subjects are there in the Russian Federation?

Due to changes in the composition of the country, the number of subjects has increased. Today their number is 85.

  1. Republic of Adygea.
  2. The Republic of Dagestan.
  3. Republic of Chechnya.
  4. Republic North Ossetia(Alania).
  5. Republic of Karachay-Cherkessia.
  6. The Republic of Ingushetia.
  7. Republic of Kabardino-Balkaria.
  8. Altai Republic.
  9. Chuvash Republic.
  10. The Republic of Khakassia.
  11. Republic of Tatarstan.
  12. The Republic of Sakha (Yakutia).
  13. Tyva Republic.
  14. The Republic of Mordovia.
  15. Republic of Karelia.
  16. Republic of Crimea.
  17. Komi Republic.
  18. Republic of Udmurtia.
  19. Mari El Republic.
  20. Republic of Kalmykia.
  21. The Republic of Buryatia.
  22. Republic of Bashkortostan.
  23. Khabarovsk region.
  24. Kamchatka Krai.
  25. Altai region.
  26. Krasnodar region.
  27. Transbaikal region.
  28. Stavropol region.
  29. Primorsky Krai.
  30. Krasnoyarsk region.
  31. Perm region.
  32. Ivanovo region.
  33. Amur region.
  34. Voronezh region.
  35. Arhangelsk region.
  36. Vologda Region.
  37. Astrakhan region.
  38. Vladimir region.
  39. Belgorod region.
  40. Irkutsk region.
  41. Bryansk region.
  42. Volgograd region.
  43. Magadan Region.
  44. Kaliningrad region.
  45. Lipetsk region.
  46. Kaluga region.
  47. Leningrad region.
  48. Kemerovo region.
  49. Kursk region.
  50. Kirov region.
  51. Kurgan region.
  52. Kostroma region.
  53. Moscow region.
  54. Pskov region.
  55. Murmansk region.
  56. Penza region.
  57. Nizhny Novgorod Region.
  58. Oryol Region.
  59. Novgorod region.
  60. Orenburg region.
  61. Novosibirsk region.
  62. Omsk region.
  63. Tomsk region.
  64. Rostov region.
  65. Tver region.
  66. Ryazan Oblast.
  67. Tambov Region.
  68. Samara Region.
  69. Smolensk region.
  70. Saratov region.
  71. Sverdlovsk region.
  72. Sakhalin region.
  73. Yaroslavl region.
  74. Tula region.
  75. Chelyabinsk region.
  76. Tyumen region.
  77. Ulyanovsk region.
  78. City of federal significance Moscow.
  79. Saint Petersburg.
  80. Sevastopol.
  81. Jewish Autonomous Region.
  82. Nenets Autonomous Okrug (AO).
  83. Chukotka Autonomous Okrug.
  84. Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug.

Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug - Yugra.

The subjects of the Russian Federation are not alike. They have:

  • Different population sizes and densities;
  • Different sizes of territory included in their composition;
  • Different nationalities prevailing on the territory of the republic.

The size of the indicators may increase or decrease over time. The state carries out periodic monitoring of the composition of subjects. The main tool for carrying out the action is the census. With its help, it is possible to understand the dynamics of population movements.

Legal status of subjects of the Russian Federation and their types

The Russian Federation is a federal state that was created taking into account the will of its multinational people. Its legal status is determined by the Constitution of the Russian Federation.

The composition of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation is enshrined in the Constitution of the Russian Federation.

Note 1

The Russian Federation includes:

  • States included in the Russian Federation;
  • State entities - autonomous region and autonomous districts;
  • Territorial entities - territories, regions, cities of federal significance.

Based on the provisions of the Constitution of the Russian Federation and federal laws, constituent entities of the Russian Federation are allowed to adopt constitutions and charters, laws and other regulations.

Based on the principle of the supremacy of the Constitution, the subjects of jurisdiction of the Russian Federation established by it and the subjects of joint jurisdiction of the subjects of the Russian Federation cannot be transferred, excluded or redistributed on the basis of the constitutions, charters, laws and other normative acts of the subjects of the Russian Federation.

Note 2

Subjects of the Russian Federation have the right to independently establish their name, and if this name changes, it must be included in Art. 65 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation. The Constitution of the Russian Federation provides the exact and comprehensive name of all subjects of the Federation, and this means that each subject voluntarily joins the Russian Federation and is subject to all the norms of the Constitution of the Russian Federation.

Equality of subjects of the Russian Federation manifested in the fact that they have equal representation in the Federation Council of the Federal Assembly, as well as in the order of formation State Council of the Russian Federation, consisting of senior officials from all constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

The equality of the subjects of the Russian Federation also lies in the fact that subjects of general jurisdiction are defined for them. Subjects of the Russian Federation do not interfere with the competence of federal government bodies created with the participation of a multinational Russian people and all subjects of the Russian Federation. State authorities of the Russian Federation and constituent entities of the Russian Federation in matters of joint jurisdiction exercise legal regulation and management. It is worth saying that until the constituent entities of the Russian Federation have adopted laws, they are allowed to carry out their own legal regulation. After the relevant federal law has been adopted, laws and other regulatory legal acts of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation must be brought into full compliance with the current federal law within 2 months. On issues that are not within the jurisdiction of the Russian Federation and are not the subject of joint jurisdiction, the constituent entities of the Russian Federation have the right to independently exercise state power.

The subjects of the Federation are characterized own legal system, consisting of constitutions, charters, laws and by-laws. Legal system subjects of the Russian Federation is represented by its own constitutional law, which is united with the constitutional law of the Russian Federation and constitutes its federal aspect. Subjects of the Russian Federation independently adopt their legal acts, but the main requirement is their full compliance with the Constitution of the Russian Federation and federal laws.

The constitutions of the republics and the charters of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation in their own way legal force are equivalent. The differences are only in terms relating to states and state entities.

Subjects of the Russian Federation have their own territory, which is part of the territory of the Russian Federation. The boundaries between these territories can only be changed with the consent of both parties.

Economic base of the subjects is property owned by a constituent entity of the Russian Federation, as well as budget funds of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation and property rights.

Subjects of the Russian Federation independently establish a system of government bodies, but at the same time they must comply with certain constitutional requirements.

Subjects of the Russian Federation have the right to carry out international and economic relations. But their international legal personality is inherently limited. They have no right to raise questions about diplomatic recognition and organize foreign missions at the embassy level. The Russian Federation coordinates all international and foreign economic relations of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

The constitutional and legal status of the subjects of the Russian Federation gives them great opportunities to regulate the activities of citizens on their territory. Legislatures subjects of the Russian Federation pass a huge number of laws in the field social policy, protection of the rights and freedoms of citizens, in the field of state building, economic development, entrepreneurship and culture.

Species composition of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation defined and presented by the Constitution of the Russian Federation. The Russian Federation includes formations of a strictly established form:

  • republic;
  • region, region, city of federal significance;
  • autonomous region, autonomous district.

All types of subjects of the Russian Federation are integrated into more general groups and constitute three types of subjects(Fig. 1):

Figure 1. Types of subjects of the Russian Federation

Composition of the subjects of the Russian Federation

By shape government structure states can be unitary or federal.

A federal state is a union state that includes several state entities (federal subjects) that have a certain political independence.

Note 3

Historically, it so happened that our state is like union state, which includes independent territorial and political entities. The main factors that influenced this process were a significant part of the territory, the abundance of nationalities and different level regional development. The state structure of the Russian Federation is characterized by federal ties between its subjects, which arise on the basis of the Federal Treaty and the Constitution of the Russian Federation simultaneously. Therefore, the Russian Federation is considered a constitutional-treaty federation.

The Russian Federation includes the following types of subjects:

  • republics;
  • autonomous region;
  • autonomous okrugs, territories and regions;
  • cities of federal significance - Moscow and St. Petersburg.

As mentioned above, the subjects of the Russian Federation comprise three groups.

  1. Republic characterized by their constitution, higher authorities state power and name. In the Constitution of the Russian Federation they are called states and have a large amount of powers in their activities.
  2. Autonomous entities – autonomous region and autonomous okrugs are national-territorial entities and have the right to independently develop a project federal law about your legal status and make a proposal Federal Assembly. They also have their name according to the name of several nationalities or ethnic groups that originally lived on their territory.
  3. Territories, regions and cities of federal significance - this is administrative territorial entities. Their territory is not segregated according to nationality.

Basic principles of forming the Federation:

  • national-territorial principle of the structure of the Federation;
  • free regional development subjects of the Russian Federation;
  • all peoples are equal and have the right to self-determination;
  • all identical subjects exist in accordance with the principle of equality;
  • The life of all peoples is based on mutual assistance and comprehensive cooperation.

All these principles are enshrined in the Constitution of the Russian Federation.

Definition 1

So, Russian Federation is a federal state, the norms of the constitutional and legal institution of which establish the form of government, determine the types of subjects of the Russian Federation, distribute competence between the subjects and the Federation, and build relations between the subjects of the Russian Federation.


republics (states) that are part of the Russian Federation, national-territorial (autonomous) state entities - autonomous region, autonomous district, territorial entities - territories, regions, cities of federal significance.

The Russian Federation as a federation consists of 21 republics. 6 territories, 49 regions, 2 federal cities, 1 autonomous region. 10 autonomous okrugs - equal subjects of the Russian Federation (Article 5 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation). The status of the S. Russian Federation is determined by the Constitution of the Russian Federation and, accordingly, the constitution and charter of the S. Russian Federation; it can be changed by mutual agreement of the Russian Federation and the subject of the Russian Federation in accordance with the Federal Law (Article 66 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation).

The Constitution of the Russian Federation abandoned the category of “sovereignty” in relation to them and uses it (Article 4) only in relation to the Russian Federation as a whole (although some republics call themselves sovereign states in their constitutions). The right of unilateral withdrawal from the Russian Federation is not provided for the Northern Russian Federation, including the republics.

S. RF have equal rights, i.e. have legally equal rights and equal responsibilities as subjects.

The situation of the S.Russian Federation is characterized by a whole set of their possibilities in federal relations with the Russian Federation. The main ones are: a) division of issues of reference between them into those. which relate to the jurisdiction only of the Russian Federation (exclusive jurisdiction of the Russian Federation) and their joint jurisdiction:

all other issues fall within the own and exclusive jurisdiction of the subjects of the Russian Federation: b) delimitation of subjects of jurisdiction between government agencies RF and S. RF is possible both on the basis of the Constitution of the RF and agreements between them “on the delimitation of subjects of jurisdiction and powers”: c) representation of the constituent entities of the RF at the federal level is provided and the possibility of them raising questions before the bodies of the RF. including the right of legislative initiative in the State Duma. appeal to the President and Government of the Russian Federation, to the Constitutional Court.

Each State of the Russian Federation has its own fundamental act: the republics have a constitution; the rest of the States of the Russian Federation have a charter. Everyone has the right to their own legislation (i.e. laws and other normative legal acts). Hence the general principle of the supremacy of the Federal Law. If laws are adopted on issues related to the jurisdiction of the Russian Federation, they are valid throughout the entire territory of the state and acts of the Russian Federation cannot contradict them (in case of a contradiction, the Federal Law applies). However, if an act of the Constitution of the Russian Federation is issued on issues within its jurisdiction, then it is this act that is in effect. Thus, the Constitution of the Russian Federation protects the interests of S.

the Russian Federation and does not allow arbitrary interference of the Russian Federation in its areas of jurisdiction. In particular, the sphere of their joint jurisdiction includes administrative, administrative-procedural, labor, family, housing, land, water, forestry legislation, legislation on subsoil, and environmental protection.

Each state of the Russian Federation has its own system of government bodies. It is established by the subject independently, however, in accordance with the fundamentals of the constitutional system of the Russian Federation and general principles representative and executive bodies state power (Article 77 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation). Most typical system bodies: in the republic - the president (head of the republic), legislature, government, ministries and departments of the republic, Supreme Court, the highest arbitration court, in a number of republics - constitutional courts. prosecutor of the republic; in other parts of the Russian Federation - the governor (in Moscow - the mayor), legislative assembly, administrations (in a number of subjects - governments), departments, departments (ministries), courts, arbitration courts subject, in some places - statutory courts or chambers, prosecutor. To exercise its powers, the Russian Federation may also have its own bodies on the territory of the Northern Russian Federation or appoint appropriate officials.

Each S.Russian Federation has its own territory. It cannot be changed without the consent of the given State of the Russian Federation, and the boundaries between them can be changed with their mutual consent. At the same time, since the territory of the Russian Federation is united, this, among other things, means that within the Russian Federation it is not allowed to establish (including the S. Russian Federation) customs borders, fees and any other obstacles to the free movement of goods, services and financial resources. Such restrictions may be introduced in accordance with the Federal Law if necessary to ensure safety, protect human life and health, protect nature and cultural values.

The S. Russian Federation has its own property as a type of state property (its objects, among other things, can be land, subsoil, water and other Natural resources), its budget, its taxes, fees, duties and payments (as part of a unified tax system, the basis of which is established by the Russian Federation).

The status of an individual in the Russian Federation is uniform and regardless of the territory of which S. Russian Federation a person lives.

The S. Russian Federation has the right to participate in international and foreign economic relations. However this area refers to joint management. The Russian Federation coordinates international and foreign economic relations S. RF. They are obliged to take into account the interests of the Russian Federation. The creation of representative offices of the S. Russian Federation in other states is not excluded. In this case, the Russian Foreign Ministry and its bodies perform coordinating functions.

S. Russian Federation have the right to cooperate with each other. They can conclude mutual agreements, resolve current issues, send delegations, representatives, etc. \"

Republics like the S. Russian Federation are allowed to have their own state language. In government bodies and local self-government of the republic it is used along with state language RF. The Russian Federation guarantees the rights of indigenous peoples in accordance with generally recognized principles and norms international law"between people's treaties of the Russian Federation.

All S. Russian Federation have their own main city(capital), may have a coat of arms, flag, anthem, and other traditional signs and symbols.

Avakyan S.A.

Encyclopedia of Lawyer. 2005 .

See what “Subjects of the Russian Federation” are in other dictionaries:

    State legal entities(communities) that together form the Russian Federation. The Constitution of the Russian Federation establishes six types of states of the Russian Federation: a republic within the Russian Federation, a territory, a region, a city of federal significance, an autonomous region, an autonomous ... ... Legal dictionary

    State legal entities (communities) that together form the Russian Federation. In accordance with the Constitution of the Russian Federation of 1993, the Russian Federation consists of 21 republics, 6 territories, 49 regions, 2 cities of federal significance (Moscow ... encyclopedic Dictionary economics and law

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    subjects of the Russian Federation- state legal entities (communities) that together form the Russian Federation. The Constitution of the Russian Federation establishes six types of states. The Russian Federation is a republic within the Russian Federation, a territory, a region, a city of federal significance... Large legal dictionary

    SUBJECTS OF THE RF- state legal entities (communities) that collectively form the Russian Federation. The Russian Federation consists of 89 subjects, incl. 21 republics, 6 territories, 49 regions, 2 federal cities (Moscow and Saint Petersburg), 1 autonomous region (Jewish... ... Political science: dictionary-reference book

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Since March 18, 2014, there are 85 subjects of the Federation in the Russian Federation. Added Republic of Crimea and the city of Sevastopol.

Before this date in Russia there were 83 subjects of the Federation.

Of these: 46 regions, 21 republics, 9 territories, 2 federal cities, 1 autonomous region, 4 autonomous districts.

The full list of subjects of the Russian Federation is given in Article 65 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation (numbering is provided by the author of the post, does not yet include the Republic of Crimea and the city of Sevastopol):

1. The Russian Federation includes the following subjects of the Russian Federation:

1) Republic of Adygea (Adygea), 2) Altai Republic, 3) Republic of Bashkortostan, 4) Republic of Buryatia, 5) Republic of Dagestan, 6) Republic of Ingushetia, 7) Kabardino-Balkarian Republic, 8) Republic of Kalmykia, 9) Karachay-Cherkess Republic, 10) Republic of Karelia, 11) Republic of Komi, 12) Republic of Mari El, 13) Republic of Mordovia, 14) Republic of Sakha (Yakutia), 15) Republic of North Ossetia - Alania, 16) Republic of Tatarstan (Tatarstan), 17) Republic of Tyva, 18) Udmurt republic, 19) Republic of Khakassia, 20) Chechen Republic, 21) Chuvash Republic- Chuvashia;

22) Altai Territory, 23) Trans-Baikal Territory, 24) Kamchatka Territory, 25) Krasnodar Territory, 26) Krasnoyarsk Territory, 27) Perm Territory, 28) Primorsky Territory, 29) Stavropol Territory, 30) Khabarovsk Territory;

31) Amur region, 32) Arkhangelsk region, 33) Astrakhan region, 34) Belgorod region, 35) Bryansk region, 36) Vladimir region, 37) Volgograd region, 38) Vologda region, 39) Voronezh region, 40) Ivanovo region, 41) Irkutsk region, 42) Kaliningrad region, 43) Kaluga region, 44) Kemerovo region, 45) Kirov region, 46) Kostroma region, 47) Kurgan region, 48) Kursk region, 49) Leningrad region, 50) Lipetsk region, 51) Magadan region, 52) Moscow region, 53) Murmansk region, 54) Nizhny Novgorod region, 55) Novgorod region, 56) Novosibirsk region, 57) Omsk region, 58) Orenburg region, 59) Oryol region, 60) Penza region, 61) Pskov region, 62) Rostov region, 63) Ryazan region, 64) Samara region, 65) Saratov region, 66) Sakhalin region, 67) Sverdlovsk region, 68) Smolensk region, 69) Tambov region, 70) Tver region, 71) Tomsk region, 72) Tula region, 73) Tyumen region, 74) Ulyanovsk region, 75) Chelyabinsk region, 76) Yaroslavl region;

77) Moscow, 78) St. Petersburg - cities of federal significance;

79) Jewish Autonomous Region;

80) Nenets Autonomous Okrug, 81) Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug - Yugra, 82) Chukotka Autonomous Okrug, 83) Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug.

The subjects of the federation are united into federal districts, of which there are 8(until 2010 there were 7).

1. Far Eastern Federal District (9 constituent entities of the Russian Federation);
2. Siberian Federal District (12 constituent entities of the Russian Federation);
3. Ural Federal District (6 constituent entities of the Russian Federation);
4. Northwestern Federal District (11 constituent entities of the Russian Federation);
5. Volga Federal District (14 constituent entities of the Russian Federation);
6. Central Federal District (18 constituent entities of the Russian Federation);
7. Southern Federal District (6 constituent entities of the Russian Federation);
8. North Caucasus Federal District (7 constituent entities of the Russian Federation; separated in 2010 from the Southern Federal District).

state-legal entities (communities) that together form the Russian Federation. In accordance with the Constitution of the Russian Federation of 1993, the Russian Federation consists of 21 republics, 6 territories, 49 regions, 2 federal cities (Moscow, St. Petersburg), 1 autonomous region, 10 autonomous districts. Total - 89 subjects of the Russian Federation. The republic has its own constitution and legislation. The remaining subjects of the Federation have their own charter and legislation. In relations with federal government bodies, all subjects of the Russian Federation have equal rights among themselves and in relations with federal government bodies.

Excellent definition

Incomplete definition


republics (states) that are part of the Russian Federation, national-territorial (autonomous) state entities - autonomous region, autonomous district, territorial entities - territories, regions, cities of federal significance.

The Russian Federation as a federation consists of 21 republics, 6 territories, 49 regions, 2 federal cities, 1 autonomous region, 10 autonomous districts - equal subjects of the Russian Federation (Article 5 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation). The status of the S. Russian Federation is determined by the Constitution of the Russian Federation and, accordingly, the constitution and charter of the S. Russian Federation; it can be changed by mutual agreement of the Russian Federation and the subject of the Russian Federation in accordance with the Federal Law (Article 66 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation).

The Constitution of the Russian Federation abandoned the category of “sovereignty” in relation to them and uses it (Article 4) only in relation to the Russian Federation as a whole (although some republics call themselves sovereign states in their constitutions). The right of unilateral withdrawal from the Russian Federation is not provided for the Northern Russian Federation, including the republics.

S. RF have equal rights, i.e. have legally equal rights and equal responsibilities as subjects. The situation of the S.Russian Federation is characterized by a whole set of their possibilities in federal relations with the Russian Federation. The main ones are: a) division of issues of jurisdiction between them into those that relate to the jurisdiction only of the Russian Federation (exclusive jurisdiction of the Russian Federation) and their joint jurisdiction: all other issues relate to the own and exclusive jurisdiction of the subjects of the Russian Federation; b) the delimitation of jurisdiction between state bodies of the Russian Federation and the Northern Federation of the Russian Federation is possible both on the basis of the Constitution of the Russian Federation and agreements between them “on the delimitation of jurisdiction and powers”; c) provision is made for the representation of constituent entities of the Russian Federation at the federal level and the possibility for them to raise questions before the bodies of the Russian Federation. including the right of legislative initiative in the State Duma. appeal to the President and Government of the Russian Federation, to the Constitutional Court.

Each State of the Russian Federation has its own fundamental act: the republics have a constitution, the remaining States of the Russian Federation have a charter. Everyone has the right to their own legislation (i.e. laws and other regulatory legal acts). Hence the general principle of the supremacy of the Federal Law. If laws are adopted on issues related to the jurisdiction of the Russian Federation, they are valid throughout the entire territory of the state and acts of the Russian Federation cannot contradict them (in case of a contradiction, the Federal Law applies). However, if an act of the Constitution of the Russian Federation is issued on issues within its jurisdiction, then it is this act that is in effect. Thus, the Constitution of the Russian Federation protects the interests of S.

the Russian Federation and does not allow arbitrary interference of the Russian Federation in its areas of jurisdiction. In particular, the sphere of their joint jurisdiction includes administrative, administrative-procedural, labor, family, housing, land, water, forestry legislation, legislation on subsoil, and environmental protection.

Each state of the Russian Federation has its own system of government bodies. It is established by the subject independently, however, in accordance with the fundamentals of the constitutional system of the Russian Federation and the general principles of the organization of representative and executive bodies of state power (Article 77 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation). The most typical system of bodies: in a republic - the president (head of the republic), legislative assembly, government, ministries and departments of the republic, the supreme court, the highest arbitration court, in a number of republics - constitutional courts, the prosecutor of the republic; in other parts of the Russian Federation - the governor (in Moscow - the mayor), legislative assembly, administrations (in a number of subjects - governments), departments, departments (ministries), courts, arbitration courts of the subject, in some places - statutory courts or chambers, prosecutor. To exercise its powers, the Russian Federation may also have its own bodies on the territory of the Northern Russian Federation or appoint appropriate officials.

Each S.Russian Federation has its own territory. It cannot be changed without the consent of the given State of the Russian Federation, and the boundaries between them can be changed with their mutual consent. At the same time, since the territory of the Russian Federation is united, this, among other things, means that within the Russian Federation (including the Northern Federation of the Russian Federation) customs borders, fees and any other obstacles to the free movement of goods, services and financial resources are not allowed. Such restrictions may be introduced in accordance with the Federal Law if necessary to ensure safety, protect human life and health, protect nature and cultural values.

The S. Russian Federation has its own property as a type of state property (its objects, among other things, can be land, subsoil, water and other natural resources), its own budget, its taxes, fees, duties and payments (as part of a unified tax system, the basis of which are established by the Russian Federation).

The status of an individual in the Russian Federation is uniform and does not depend on the territory of which State of the Russian Federation a person lives in. S. The Russian Federation has the right to participate in international and foreign economic relations. However, this area falls under joint jurisdiction. The Russian Federation coordinates international and foreign economic relations of the Northern Russian Federation. They are obliged to take into account the interests of the Russian Federation. The creation of representative offices of the S. Russian Federation in other states is not excluded. In this case, the Russian Foreign Ministry and its bodies perform coordinating functions. S. Russian Federation have the right to cooperate with each other. They can conclude mutual agreements, resolve current issues, send delegations, representatives, etc.

Republics like the S. Russian Federation are allowed to have their own state language. In the authorities and local self-government of the republic it is used along with the state language of the Russian Federation. The Russian Federation guarantees the rights of indigenous peoples in accordance with generally recognized principles and norms of international law, international treaties RF.

All northern regions of the Russian Federation have their own main city (capital) and may have a coat of arms, flag, anthem, and other traditional signs and symbols.

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