Peoples within the Russian Empire. Peoples of the Russian Empire in the 18th century

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I. Slavic tribes

1. Russians (72.5%, more than 86 million). The largest proportion of Russians is noted in the Moscow industrial, Central Chernozem, Little Russian and Lake regions, in which the Russian population makes up 94%; in the Northern region (89%), in New Russia (87%), in Belarus (85%), in the southwestern provinces 80%, the Urals 80% and the Volga region 75%. In the remaining western and northwestern provinces, the Russian population is a minority. According to language and cultural characteristics, the Russian population is divided into three groups: a) Little Russians. a.1) Ukrainians a.2) Poleshchuks a.3) Rusyns b) Belarusians c) Great Russians 2. Poles (6.6% of the population of European Russia). They predominate in the Vistula region (70%), except for the provinces of Suwalki, Sedletsk and Lublin, where Lithuanians predominate in the north and Little Russians in the south. 3. Bulgarians. There were about 125 thousand, mainly in the Bessarabian, Tauride and Kherson provinces.

  • In the same provinces there were a small number of Serbs; There are a small number of Czechs in the Caucasus.

II. Lithuanian tribes (3.3% of the population of European Russia).

1. Lithuanians. They live along Viliya and in the lower reaches of the Neman. 2. Zhmud. In the western part of the Kovno province. There are 1800 thousand of those and others. 3. Latvians. In Livonia, Courland and three western districts of Vitebsk province. The number is about 1350 thousand.

III. Germanic tribes.

1. Germans (1.3% of the population of European Russia; 10% of the population of the Baltic provinces, 15% of the population of the Vistula region). The total number is 1.5 million. 2. Swedes - live along the coast of Estonia (9.5 thousand), as well as in Finland, where they make up the predominant part of the nobility.

IV. Finnish tribes

1. Baltic Finns. a) Lapps (3.5 thousand) b) Finns - the main part of the population of the Principality of Finland c) Korels (200-300 thousand) d) Ests (900 thousand) e) Livs (3.5 thousand) 2. Volga Finns a) Cheremis (300-400 thousand) b) Mordva (up to 1 million) b.1) Erzya b.2) Mokshane b.3) Teryukhan b.4) Karatay 3. Kama Finns a) Votyaks (400 thousand) b) Permyaks (90 thousand) c) Zyryans (170 thousand) 4. Finno-Ugric people (30-35 thousand people) 5. Samoyeds (up to 1000 people)

V. Turkic-Tatar tribes

1. Kirghiz - in the eastern half of the Orenburg province and on the lands of the Ural army. The most numerous part of the Turkic-Tatar tribe. The exact number could not be calculated. 2. Nogais (up to 100 thousand) 3. Crimean Tatars. About 150 thousand. They are actively moving to Turkey. 4. Volga Tatars (burgarlyks), there are about 1300 thousand people 5. Bashkirs (1300 thousand) - mainly in the Ufa and Orenburg provinces, some in Saratov, Perm and Vyatka. 6. Meshcheryaks (130 thousand) - in the “Meshchera region” in the adjacent districts of Ryazan, Tambov and Penza provinces, as well as in Ufa, Perm and Saratov. 7. Teptyari (300 thousand) - in separate settlements in the Orenburg, Ufa and Vyatka provinces 8. Bessermon (up to 10 thousand) - in the Glazov district of the Vyatka province. 9. Chuvash (about 650 thousand) - in the Kazan province, beyond the right bank of the Volga, as well as in the Simbirsk, Samara, Ufa, Saratov and Orenburg provinces

VI. Mongols.

1. Kalmyks. There are 120 thousand people in European Russia. In the Kalmyk steppes of the Arstrakhan province, in the Salsk district of the Don Army and in some villages of the Ural army.

VII. Other peoples

1. Romanians (Moldavians) - 900 thousand, live in Bessarabia and the western districts of the Kherson province. 2. Greeks (about 100 thousand) live in the Novorossiysk region, Tiflis province, Kars region, in the Nezhinsky district of the Chernigov province), in capitals and large cities. 3. French. Insignificant in the capitals, Odessa and some large cities. 4. Italians. Insignificant in the capitals, Odessa and some large cities. 5. Armenians (0.5 million outside the Caucasus) 6. Gypsies. Mainly in Bessarabia, also dispersed throughout European Russia. 7. Jews (3.4% of the population of European Russia). In all of Russia there are about 4 million. a) Karaites (up to 10 thousand people in Crimea and the Western Territory)

More than a hundred different ethnic groups lived on the territory of the Russian Empire. As the state expanded, the smallest of them were absorbed by larger peoples - Russians, Tatars, Circassians, Latvians.


It would be more correct to call the Bukharts an ethnosocial group that, migrating from Central Asia, settled primarily in Western Siberia. The ethnic component of the Bukharians is complex: Tajik, Uyghur, Uzbek, and to a lesser extent Kazakh, Karakalpak and Kyrgyz national traits are found in it. The Bukharans spoke two languages ​​– Persian and Chagatai. The main specialization of this group was merchants, although there were also missionaries, artisans and farmers.

The number of Bukharians in Siberia began to increase sharply after the conditions for accepting Russian citizenship were simplified. So, if in 1686-1687 there were 29 Bukhara households in the Tyumen district, then in 1701 their number reached 49. Bukharans often settled together with the Siberian Tatars, gradually assimilating with them. Perhaps this was explained by the fact that, even living on the same territory with the Tatars, the Bukharans had fewer rights.

Ethnographers believe that it was the Bukharians who taught the Siberian Tatars one of the traditional types of craft - leatherworking. Thanks to the Bukharans, the first educational institutions, the first national library, and the first stone mosque appeared beyond the Urals.

Despite the fact that until the beginning of the 20th century there was a Bukhara volost in the Tara district of the Tobolsk province, this ethnic group actually disappeared even before the collapse of the Russian Empire. The last time the word Bukharan in the national sense is found in the census of the peoples of the USSR for 1926. After that, only the inhabitants of Uzbek Bukhara were called Bukharians.


Today the Krevings (“Krewinni” - “Russians”), on the one hand, are Russified, on the other hand, assimilated by Latvians, a Finno-Ugric tribe that inhabited the Bauska district of the Kurland province in the vicinity of the village of Memelgof from the mid-15th to the end of the 19th century. Tradition says that the forefathers of the Krevings initially inhabited the island of Ezel (today the largest island of the Moonsund archipelago), but were bought out by the owner of Memelgof and resettled to their own lands in place of the peasants who died from the plague.

However, historians trust more the version according to which in the middle of the 15th century, German knights, on the orders of the Landmaster of the Teutonic Order in Livonia, Heinrich Vincke, during one of their raids captured a group of the Finno-Ugric Vodi people and sent them to Bauska (the territory of present-day Latvia). Subsequently, their descendants formed a new ethnic group - the Krevings. The knights used the krevings as labor to build fortifications that protected Livonia from the army of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania; in particular, they built the Bauska Castle, which has survived to this day.

In 1846, Russian linguist Andrei Sjogren discovered about a dozen Krevings near the capital of Courland, Mitau, who still retained vague knowledge of their ancestors and language - the so-called Kreving dialect, now extinct. By the beginning of the 20th century, the Krevings actually merged with the Latvians, differing from them only in their traditional costume.

Sayan Samoyeds

If one part of the Samoyed peoples, for example, the Nenets, Nganasans, Selkups, still lives in Siberia - in the Nenets Autonomous Okrug, Tyumen Region, Taimyr and Krasnoyarsk Territory, then the other has already sunk into oblivion. We are talking about the Sayan Samoyeds, who once inhabited the Sayan mountain taiga (within the southern part of the modern Krasnoyarsk Territory) and who, according to linguist Evgeniy Khelimsky, spoke two unrelated dialects.

The first to discover the Sayan Samoyeds was the Swedish officer and geographer Philipp Johann von Stralenberg, as reported in 1730 in his book “Historical and Geographical Description of the Northern and Eastern Parts of Europe and Asia”; Later, this people was studied by the German naturalist Peter Pallas and the Russian historian Gerhard Miller. By the beginning of the 20th century, almost all Sayan Samoyeds were assimilated by the Khakass, and partly by the Tuvans, Western Buryats and Russians.


Historians still have not come to a consensus on who the Teptyars are. Some call them fugitive Tatars who did not want to submit to Ivan the Terrible after the capture of Kazan, others consider them representatives of different nationalities - Tatars, Chuvash, Bashkirs, Mari, Russians, who turned into a separate class.

The encyclopedic dictionary of Brockhaus and Efron in the 19th century wrote that “Teptyars are a people living among the Bashkirs in the number of 117 thousand souls, which was formed from various fugitive elements of the Volga Finns and Chuvash, who over time merged with the Bashkirs.”

In 1790, the Teptyars were transferred to the category of military service class, from which the Teptyar regiments were formed. Later they were transferred to the subordination of the Orenburg military governor. During the Patriotic War of 1812, the 1st Teptyar Regiment took part in hostilities as part of a separate Cossack corps of Ataman Platov. After the establishment of Bolshevik power, the Teptyars lost their right to national self-determination.


In Russian historiography, the Tuba tribe, which was part of the Adyghe peoples, has been known since the 18th century. Tsarist general Ivan Blaramberg in his “Historical, topographical, statistical, ethnographic and military description of the Caucasus” reported: “The Tubins are one of the isolated societies of the Abedzekh tribe and speak the same dialect of the Circassian language. They are daring and occupy the most high-mountainous and inaccessible areas near the rivers Pchega and Sgagvasha, right up to the snowy peaks, the southern slopes of the snowy mountains.” By the end of the Caucasian Wars, the Tubins were assimilated by other mountain peoples.


According to many researchers of Siberia, in particular Gerhard Miller, the Turalinians were the Siberian Tatars who lived sedentarily in the territories between the Irtysh and Tobol rivers. This was a special people of the Turkic-Tatar tribe, similar in customs to the Kazan Tatars, having some admixture of Mongoloid features.

For the first time, Ermak met the Turalinians, who destroyed their settlements of Epanchin and Chingi-Turu and subjugated this tribe to the Russian crown. The people of Turalin were engaged primarily in agriculture, cattle breeding and fishing, and to a small extent in hunting and trade. By the beginning of the 18th century, the overwhelming majority of Turalin residents converted to Orthodoxy and soon became Russified.

For the 1870s, the sources of the Russian Empire provide the following information about the national composition of Russia.

I. Slavic tribes

1. Russians (72.5%, more than 86 million). The largest proportion of Russians is noted in the Moscow industrial, Central Chernozem, Little Russian and Lake regions, in which the Russian population makes up 94%; in the Northern region (89%), in New Russia (87%), in Belarus (85%), in the southwestern provinces 80%, the Urals 80% and the Volga region 75%. In the remaining western and northwestern provinces, the Russian population is a minority. According to language and cultural characteristics, the Russian population falls into three groups: a) Little Russians. a. 1) Ukrainians. Poles (6.6% of the population of European Russia). They predominate in the Vistula region (70%), except for the provinces of Suwalki, Sedletsk and Lublin, where Lithuanians predominate in the north and Little Russians in the south.3. Bulgarians. There were about 125 thousand, mainly in the Bessarabian, Tauride and Kherson provinces.

· In the same provinces there were a small number of Serbs; There are a small number of Czechs in the Caucasus.

II. Lithuanian tribes (3.3% of the population of European Russia).

1. Lithuanians. They live along Viliya and in the lower reaches of the Neman.2. Zhmud. In the western part of the Kovno province. Those and others are 1800 thousand.3. Latvians. In Livonia, Courland and three western districts of Vitebsk province. The number is about 1350 thousand.

III. Germanic tribes.

1. Germans (1.3% of the population of European Russia; 10% of the population of the Baltic provinces, 15% of the population of the Vistula region). Total number 1.5 million.2. Swedes live along the coast of Estonia (9.5 thousand), as well as in Finland, where they make up the predominant part of the nobility.

IV. Finnish tribes

1. Baltic Finns.a) Lapps (3.5 thousand)b) Finns - the main part of the population of the Principality of Finlandc) Korels (200-300 thousand)d) Ests (900 thousand)e) Livs (3.5 thousand)2. Volga Finnsa) Cheremis (300-400 thousand)b) Mordva (up to 1 million)b.1) Erzyab.2) Mokshaneb.3) Teryukhanb.4) Karatai3. Prikamsky Finnsa) Votyaks (400 thousand)b) Permyaks (90 thousand)c) Zyryans (170 thousand)4. Ugro-Finns (30-35 thousand people)5. Samoyeds (up to 1000 people)

V. Turkic-Tatar tribes

1. Kirghiz - in the eastern half of the Orenburg province and on the lands of the Ural army. The most numerous part of the Turkic-Tatar tribe. The exact number could not be calculated.2. Nogais (up to 100 thousand)3. Crimean Tatars. About 150 thousand. They are actively moving to Turkey.4. Volga Tatars (burgarlyks), number about 1,300 thousand people5. Bashkirs (1,300 thousand) - mainly in the Ufa and Orenburg provinces, some in Saratov, Perm and Vyatka.6. Meshcheryaks (130 thousand) - in the “Meshchera region” in the adjacent districts of the Ryazan, Tambov and Penza provinces, as well as in the Ufa, Perm and Saratov provinces.7. Teptyari (300 thousand) - separate settlements in the Orenburg, Ufa and Vyatka provinces8. Bessermon (up to 10 thousand) - in the Glazov district of the Vyatka province.9. Chuvash (about 650 thousand) - in the Kazan province, beyond the right bank of the Volga, as well as in the Simbirsk, Samara, Ufa, Saratov and Orenburg provinces

VI. Mongols.

1. Kalmyks. There are 120 thousand people in European Russia. In the Kalmyk steppes of the Arstrakhan province, in the Salsk district of the Don Army and in some villages of the Ural army.

VII. Other peoples

1. Romanians (Moldavians) - 900 thousand, live in Bessarabia and the western districts of the Kherson province.2. Greeks (about 100 thousand) live in the Novorossiysk region, Tiflis province, Kars region, in Nezhinsky district of Chernigov province), in capitals and large cities.3. French people. Insignificant in the capitals, Odessa and some large cities.4. Italians. Insignificant in the capitals, Odessa and some large cities.5. Armenians (outside the Caucasus 0.5 million)6. Gypsies. Mainly in Bessarabia, also dispersed throughout European Russia.7. Jews (3.4% of the population of European Russia). In all of Russia there are about 4 million. a) Karaites (up to 10 thousand people in Crimea and the Western Territory)


1. Yanson. Comparative statistics of Russia. - St. Petersburg, 1878

2. Great encyclopedia. - St. Petersburg, 2003

This selection of photographs is dedicated to the ethnic diversity of the Russian Empire, which the photographer deliberately tried to capture.
The peoples represented in his photographs are given in alphabetical order in accordance with modern Russian names and necessary comments.
To compile this review oldcolor it was necessary to do some research work, since before 1917 many peoples in Russia were called completely differently, sometimes nationality is not indicated in the control album at all, but it was possible to determine it from other sources. In some cases, the author's signatures with the names of nationalities in the control album turned out to be mixed up with each other: “Armenian women” became “Georgian women” and vice versa, but we managed to sort this out too.
Unfortunately, not all photographs were preserved in color and some were not preserved at all. For example, according to List 416, Prokudin-Gorsky had a sketch of a gypsy woman.

1. Avars.
"Avarki." Aul Arakani in Dagestan. 1904:

Prokudin-Gorsky has a wonderful series of ethnographic photographs of Dagestan, but all of them are signed in the control album retroactively as “Types of Dagestan.” Fortunately, List 416 (compiled in 1905) preserves the original author's titles for some of them. The title “Avarki” suits this photo. Until now, representatives of this nationality, if I’m not mistaken, predominate among the residents of the village of Arakani.

Probably Avars (if not Lezgins) are represented in two other remarkable photographs from the village of Arakani:

It still remains a mystery how Prokudin-Gorsky came to Dagestan in 1904 and for what purpose these ethnographic surveys were intended:

It is also paradoxical that the most successful and high-quality photographs of people in the entire collection were taken in 1904, even before Prokudin-Gorsky invented an improved sensitizer (1905), which made it possible to reduce exposure time.

2. Azerbaijanis.
Before the revolution they were called “Baku Tatars”, and Prokudin-Gorsky’s only close-up with representatives of this nationality is signed as “Persian Tatars”:

The photograph was taken in the village of Saatly in the Mugan steppe (Baku province), which Prokudin-Gorsky apparently photographed in 1912 in connection with the cotton project.
Here's the entire photo:

3. Armenians.
Although Prokudin-Gorsky did not reach the territory of the modern Republic of Armenia, he took remarkable photographs of Armenian women in the Artvin district of the Batumi region in March 1912.
"Armenian (Christian) women in ordinary costume":

Armenian woman in festive attire. Artvin, 1912:

4. Bashkirs.
In the summer of 1910, Prokudin-Gorsky made a remarkable series of ethnographic photographs in the Bashkir village of Yahya on the border of modern Bashkortostan with the Chelyabinsk region. Now on maps it is indicated by the Russified toponym Yakhino.
"Young Bashkir":

"Bashkir woman in national costume":

On the other side of modern admin. border, already on the territory of the modern Chelyabinsk region, two photographs were taken with the title “Bashkir Switchman”.

5. Belarusians.
Prokudin-Gorsky filmed on the territory of modern Belarus in connection with the anniversary of 1812, so he paid almost no attention to ethnography.
There is only one photo with a Belarusian peasant woman - “At the harvest. Near the village of Bychi”:

Unfortunately, the whereabouts of the color original of this photograph remain unknown.

6. Greeks.
As is known, since Antiquity and Byzantium, Greeks have lived in the northern Black Sea region. During a visit to the village of Chakva (Chakvi) in the Batumi region in the summer of 1912, Prokudin-Gorsky took the photograph “Group of workers picking tea. Greek women”:

7. Georgians.
Prokudin-Gorsky has three beautiful ethnographic photographs of Georgian women in elegant costumes.
Here is one of them - “Georgian women in festive attire”:

The photo was mistakenly pasted among Artvin’s photographs above the caption “Armenian women in festive attire,” but it is easy to notice that the photo shows benches in the Borjomi Mineral Park, standing near the Catherine Spring.

Georgian woman in national dress, Borjomi Park, 1912:

"Georgian - Tomato Trader", 1912:

This is a fragment of a photograph (not very successful technically) taken somewhere between Dagomys and Sochi. Prokudin-Gorsky's only portrait of a man of Georgian nationality.

8. Jews.
"Group of Jewish boys with a teacher. Samarkand", 1911:

9. Cossacks.
The Cossacks are not a nationality in the full sense; they were still a special class, however, with a high degree of ethno-cultural identity, so they can be called a subethnic group of the Russian people.
Prokudin-Gorsky has a photograph with the author’s title “Dzhigit Ibrahim”. It was made in 1911 in the royal estate of Bayram-Ali, Merv district, Transcaspian region (now it is the Mary velayat of Turkmenistan):

The horseman's uniform is Cossack. Just in 1911, the 1st Caucasian Prince Potemkin-Tavrichesky Kuban Cossack Regiment was stationed in the Merv oasis. Judging by his name (if it is real) and appearance, this Cossack is an Ossetian or a representative of another mountain people.
By the way, at that time the Cossacks who had special training in horse riding were called horsemen.

10. Kazakhs.
Until 1936, the Kazakhs were officially called “Kyrgyz”.
In 1911, in the Hungry Steppe (now the territory of Uzbekistan), Prokudin-Gorsky captured a Kazakh family, calling the picture “Nomadic Kirghiz”:

11. Karelians.
In 1916, during a trip along the Murmansk railway on the territory of modern Karelia, Prokudin-Gorsky took the photograph “Types of Karelian”:

And even earlier, in 1909, in the territory of what is now the Leningrad region, he made a series of ethnographic photographs of women in Karelian folk costume. Unfortunately, they were also not preserved in color.

12. Chinese.
The Chinese were not uncommon in the Russian Empire.
In 1912, in the Batumi region, Prokudin-Gorsky made a wonderful photographic portrait - “Tea factory in Chakva. Chinese master Lau-Jan-Jau”:

This is a legendary personality, one of the “fathers” of Georgian tea growing, you can find a very detailed story about him on the Internet.
Batumi director Zaur Margiev made a documentary about him, “The Second Homeland of the Chinese Lau”:
In addition, Prokudin-Gorsky has a photograph with Chinese doctors on Registan Square in Samarkand.

13. Kyrgyz.
Before the revolution, they were called “Kara-Kirghiz” (and Kazakhs were simply called Kirghiz). Prokudin-Gorsky never mentions the name “Kara-Kirghiz”, but it seems that there are several photographs with representatives of this people.
For example, on the territory of modern Kyrgyzstan a photograph was taken with the caption “Bashkirs”:

Before 1917, there was indeed a Bashkir community in Central Asia, but in this case, I believe, Prokudin-Gorsky called the Kyrgyz “Bashkir”.
The photo with the rider was not preserved in color. However, perhaps there is still a color photo with a representative of Kyrgyz nationality. I mean the photograph "Hungry Steppe and Fat-tailed Sheep." Fragment. 1911:

Although it could have been a Kazakh, of course.

14. Kurds.
A relatively small number of Kurds lived within the borders of the Russian Empire in the Caucasus. Prokudin-Gorsky couldn’t pass by and paid special attention to them.
"Kurdish woman with children." Village of Kvartskhan, Artvinsky district, Batumi region, 1912:

Not long ago it turned out that there was another photo from the missing part of the collection:

This is a reproduction of a Prokudin photograph from the book “South Colchis: An Essay by Prof. A. N. Krasnov.” Petrograd, 1915.

15. Lezgins.
In List 416, Prokudin-Gorsky mentions a photograph with the title “Lezgin”.
With a high degree of probability, this is the original author's title for this photo:

Filmed in Dagestan in 1904, possibly in the same village of Arakani.

16. Russians.
Until 1917, it was customary to call all descendants of the Old Russian people Russian. Those who are now officially called “Russians” in the Russian Empire were called representatives of the “Great Russian people” or simply “Great Russians”.
Prokudin-Gorsky took a lot of ethnographic photographs of the Great Russians, so a separate review will be devoted to them.
Here we will show only the most beautiful, poetic photograph - “Lunch in the Mow”, taken on the banks of the Sheksna River (modern Cherepovets district) in 1909:

17. Tajiks.
Before the revolution, the entire settled population of Turkestan was called “Sarts,” and Prokudin-Gorsky signed his photographs in the same way.
Most of the city's Sarts were ethnic Tajiks, identifiable by their more Caucasian facial features (Uzbeks are usually mixed racial).
In terms of the total number of photographs, Prokudin-Gorsky’s sarts are second only to the Great Russians (and perhaps even surpass them).
Here is one of the photographs taken in Samarkand in 1911:

In my opinion, these are ethnic Tajiks, but I am not completely sure, the nationalities are too mixed up in this “melting pot”.
It is impossible to determine what nationality of the Sartyan women in the photographs of Prokudin-Gorsky, since he took them in traditional attire:

18. Tatars.
As far as is known, Prokudin-Gorsky did not film on the territory of modern Tatarstan. However, on the territory of the present Chelyabinsk region in 1910, a photograph was taken entitled “Tatars at the Fire.” Here is its fragment:

19. Turks.
Many Turks lived in the Batumi region after its annexation to Russia in 1878. As A.N. wrote. Krasnov, the Turks lived completely separately, with almost no contact with the Russians and without adopting anything from them, in the hope of a quick return to their former homeland.
Prokudin-Gorsky photographed the Turks in the Batum and Artvin region in 1912.
True, in Batum these could also be Adjarian Muslims, in the photo “Mullahs in the Azizia Mosque. Batum”:

The author himself indicated the nationality of “Turks” only for one of the photographs, which belongs to the missing part of the collection and is available to us only in book reproductions:

20. Turkmens.
Prokudin-Gorsky photographed a lot of Turkmen in the Trans-Caspian region in 1911, on the territory of the royal estate in Bayram-Ali.
True, he called them “Tekins”. Strictly speaking, this is the name of the main Turkmen tribe, but the photographer clearly used the term in a generalized sense.
Here is one of the most interesting pictures - “Tekin with his family”:

21. Uzbeks.
Although Prokudin-Gorsky took a record number of ethnographic photographs on the territory of modern Uzbekistan, it is not easy to understand who the ethnic Uzbeks are in them, since everyone is signed “Sarts”.
It seems that these students in the photograph of a madrasah in Samarkand (January 1907) have an “Uzbek” type of face:

The Emir of Bukhara from the famous photograph was certainly an Uzbek.

Prisoners in Bukhara, 1907:

22. Ukrainians.
Before the revolution they were called “Little Russians” in Russia. Prokudin-Gorsky in 1904 took a series of beautiful photographs in the Putivl district of the Kursk province (transferred from the RSFSR to the Ukrainian SSR in 1924). In the album, all these photographs are signed in the same way, “In Little Russia,” however, thanks to the author’s postcards and List 416, it was possible to clarify the location of the shooting.
Little Russian. Near Putivl, Kursk province, 1904:

There is another portrait of a woman, which was preserved in color only on a postcard:

23. Finns.
As we remember, Prokudin-Gorsky made his very first photographic expedition (apparently in the fall of 1903) to Finland, which was then nominally part of the Russian Empire.
So the Finns became the very first in the series of ethnographic surveys, although they are the last in our alphabet.
Unfortunately, none of these photographs have been preserved in the original.
There is a color book reproduction:

And a black and white control from the album - “Finn Digging Potatoes”:

More than a hundred different ethnic groups lived on the territory of the Russian Empire. As the state expanded, the smallest of them were absorbed by larger peoples - Russians, Tatars, Circassians, Latvians.

It would be more correct to call the Bukharts an ethnosocial group that, migrating from Central Asia, settled primarily in Western Siberia. The ethnic component of the Bukharians is complex: Tajik, Uyghur, Uzbek, and to a lesser extent Kazakh, Karakalpak and Kyrgyz national traits are found in it. The Bukharians spoke two languages ​​- Persian and Chagatai. The main specialization of this group was merchants, although there were also missionaries, artisans and farmers.

The number of Bukharians in Siberia began to increase sharply after the conditions for accepting Russian citizenship were simplified. So, if in 1686 - 1687 there were 29 Bukhara households in the Tyumen district, then in 1701 their number reached 49. Bukharans often settled together with the Siberian Tatars, gradually assimilating with them. Perhaps this was explained by the fact that, even living on the same territory with the Tatars, the Bukharans had fewer rights.

Ethnographers believe that it was the Bukhara people who taught one of the traditional types of craft - leatherworking - to the Siberian Tatars. Thanks to the Bukharans, the first educational institutions, the first national library, and the first stone mosque appeared beyond the Urals.

Despite the fact that until the beginning of the 20th century there was a Bukhara volost in the Tara district of the Tobolsk province, this ethnic group actually disappeared even before the collapse of the Russian Empire. The last time the word Bukharan in the national sense is found in the census of the peoples of the USSR for 1926. After that, only the inhabitants of Uzbek Bukhara were called Bukharians.


Today the Krevings (“Krewinni” - “Russians”), on the one hand, are Russified, on the other hand, assimilated by Latvians, a Finno-Ugric tribe that inhabited the Bauska district of the Kurland province in the vicinity of the village of Memelgof from the mid-15th to the end of the 19th century. Tradition says that the forefathers of the Krevings initially inhabited the island of Ezel (today the largest island of the Moonsund archipelago), but were bought out by the owner of Memelgof and resettled to their own lands in place of the peasants who died from the plague.

However, historians trust more the version according to which in the middle of the 15th century, German knights, on the orders of the Landmaster of the Teutonic Order in Livonia, Heinrich Vincke, during one of their raids captured a group of the Finno-Ugric Vodi people and sent them to Bauska (the territory of present-day Latvia). Subsequently, their descendants formed a new ethnic group - the Krevings. The knights used the krevings as labor to build fortifications that protected Livonia from the army of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania; in particular, they built the Bauska Castle, which has survived to this day.

In 1846, Russian linguist Andrei Sjogren discovered about a dozen Krevings near the capital of Courland, Mitau, who still retained vague knowledge of their ancestors and language - the so-called Kreving dialect, now extinct. By the beginning of the 20th century, the Krevings actually merged with the Latvians, differing from them only in their traditional costume.

Sayan Samoyeds

If one part of the Samoyed peoples, for example, the Nenets, Nganasans, Selkups, still lives in Siberia - in the Nenets Autonomous Okrug, Tyumen Region, Taimyr and Krasnoyarsk Territory, then the other has already sunk into oblivion. We are talking about the Sayan Samoyeds, who once inhabited the Sayan mountain taiga (within the southern part of the modern Krasnoyarsk Territory) and who, according to linguist Evgeniy Khelimsky, spoke two unrelated dialects.

The first to discover the Sayan Samoyeds was the Swedish officer and geographer Philipp Johann von Stralenberg, as reported in 1730 in his book “Historical and Geographical Description of the Northern and Eastern Parts of Europe and Asia”; Later, this people was studied by the German naturalist Peter Pallas and the Russian historian Gerhard Miller. By the beginning of the 20th century, almost all Sayan Samoyeds were assimilated by the Khakass, and partly by the Tuvans, Western Buryats and Russians.

Historians still have not come to a consensus on who the Teptyars are. Some call them fugitive Tatars who did not want to submit to Ivan the Terrible after the capture of Kazan, others consider them representatives of different nationalities - Tatars, Chuvash, Bashkirs, Mari, Russians, who turned into a separate class.

The encyclopedic dictionary of Brockhaus and Efron in the 19th century wrote that “the Teptyars are a people living among the Bashkirs in the number of 117 thousand souls, which was formed from various fugitive elements of the Volga Finns and Chuvash, who over time merged with the Bashkirs.”

In 1790, the Teptyars were transferred to the category of military service class, from which the Teptyar regiments were formed. Later they were transferred to the subordination of the Orenburg military governor. During the Patriotic War of 1812, the 1st Teptyar Regiment took part in hostilities as part of a separate Cossack corps of Ataman Platov. After the establishment of Bolshevik power, the Teptyars lost their right to national self-determination.

In Russian historiography, the Tuba tribe, which was part of the Adyghe peoples, has been known since the 18th century. Tsarist general Ivan Blaramberg in his “Historical, topographical, statistical, ethnographic and military description of the Caucasus” reported: “The Tubins are one of the isolated societies of the Abedzekh tribe and speak the same dialect of the Circassian language. They are daring and occupy the most high-mountainous and inaccessible areas near the rivers Pchega and Sgagvasha, right up to the snowy peaks, the southern slopes of the snowy mountains.” By the end of the Caucasian Wars, the Tubins were assimilated by other mountain peoples.


According to many researchers of Siberia, in particular Gerhard Miller, the Turalinians were the Siberian Tatars who lived sedentarily in the territories between the Irtysh and Tobol rivers. This was a special people of the Turkic-Tatar tribe, similar in customs to the Kazan Tatars, having some admixture of Mongoloid features.

For the first time, Ermak met the Turalinians, who destroyed their settlements of Epanchin and Chingi-Turu and subjugated this tribe to the Russian crown. The people of Turalin were engaged primarily in agriculture, cattle breeding and fishing, and to a small extent in hunting and trade. By the beginning of the 18th century, the overwhelming majority of Turalin residents converted to Orthodoxy and soon became Russified.