Indigenous people of Khakassia. The Republic of Khakassia

population of Khakassia
The population of the republic according to Rosstat is 535 796 people (2015). Population density - 8,7-1 people/km2 (2015). Urban population - 68,49 % (2015).

  • 1 Population
  • 2 National composition
  • 3 General map
  • 4 Notes


1959 1970 1979 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995
411 047 ↗445 824 ↗500 106 ↗568 605 ↗570 934 ↗572 444 ↗573 998 ↗574 367 ↘573 123 ↘571 865
1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005
↘570 247 ↘567 153 ↘564 318 ↘561 366 ↘557 481 ↘554 411 ↘546 072 ↘545 200 ↘541 400 ↘538 000
2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015
↘533 800 ↘531 100 ↗531 300 ↗531 900 ↗532 403 ↘532 300 ↘532 135 ↗533 025 ↗534 079 ↗535 796

100 000 200 000 300 000 400 000 500 000 600 000 1990 1995 2000 2005 2010 2015

Fertility (number of births per 1000 population)
1970 1975 1980 1985 1990 1995 1996 1997 1998
16,5 ↗19,2 ↗19,8 ↘19,2 ↘15,2 ↘9,9 ↘9,8 ↘9,1 ↗9,6
1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007
↘9,1 ↗9,7 ↘9,6 ↗10,6 ↗11,8 ↗11,9 ↘11,5 ↗12,0 ↗13,8
2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014
↗14,8 ↗15,0 ↗15,1 ↗15,1 ↗16,0 ↘15,7 ↘15,3
Mortality rate (number of deaths per 1000 population)
1970 1975 1980 1985 1990 1995 1996 1997 1998
8,4 ↗9,5 ↗10,6 ↘10,3 ↗10,5 ↗14,0 ↘13,8 ↘13,3 ↗13,4
1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007
↗14,3 ↘14,0 ↗14,8 ↗16,1 ↗17,8 ↘16,2 ↗17,4 ↘14,8 ↘13,6
2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014
↗13,8 ↘13,5 ↗13,9 ↘13,5 ↘13,3 ↘13,1 ↗13,2
Natural population growth (per 1000 population, sign (-) means natural population decline)
1970 1975 1980 1985 1990 1995 1996 1997
8,1 ↗9,7 ↘9,2 ↘8,9 ↘4,7 ↘-4,1 ↗-4,0 ↘-4,2
1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005
↗-3,8 ↘-5,2 ↗-4,3 ↘-5,2 ↘-5,5 ↘-6,0 ↗-4,3 ↘-5,9
2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013
↗-2,8 ↗0,2 ↗1,0 ↗1,5 ↘1,2 ↗1,6 ↗2,7 ↘2,6
at birth (number of years)
1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998
66,7 ↗66,7 ↘64,9 ↘61,1 ↘59,6 ↗61,7 ↗62,2 ↗63,2 ↘63,0
1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007
↘62,7 ↗62,8 ↘62,2 ↘61,2 ↘60,6 ↗62,4 ↘61,2 ↗64,5 ↗66,2
2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013
↗66,5 ↗67,3 ↘67,1 ↗67,8 ↘67,6 ↗68,6

National composition

In total, according to the 2002 population census, representatives of over 100 nationalities lived in the Republic of Khakassia. For comparison: according to the results of the first All-Union Population Census of 1926, mainly Khakass (50.0%) and Russians lived in the Khakass Okrug.

Although the number of Khakass in the republic has increased, as the 2002 census showed, there has been a decrease across the country: in 1989, 79 thousand Khakass lived in Russia, and in 2002 - 76 thousand. The reasons for the decrease in number are a decrease in the birth rate and an increase in the mortality rate, as well as migration. In 2002, out of the total number of Khakassians, 25.1 thousand people. (38.3%) lived in urban settlements, 40.3 thousand people (61.7%) lived in rural areas. Most of the indigenous population lives in Askizsky district (31.6%), Abakan (28.2%), Tashtypsky district (11.9%), a smaller proportion of Khakassians live in Bogradsky district (0.9%) (this is predominantly populated by Russians district), Sayanogorsk (1%), Chernogorsk (2%). According to the 2002 census, of the total number of Russians, 333.2 thousand people live in urban settlements (76.0%), 105.2 thousand people live in rural areas.

The share of the main nationalities of Khakassia according to census data from 1939 to 2010:

People 1939 1959 1970 1979 2002 2010
Russians 75,3 % 76,5 % 78,4 % 79,4 % 80,3 % 81,7 %
Khakassians 16,8 % 11,8 % 12,3 % 11,5 % 12,0 % 12,1 %
Germans 2,6 % 2,4 % 2,2 % 1,7 % 1,1 %
Ukrainians 2,9 % 3,6 % 2,1 % 2,1 % 1,5 % 1,0 %
Tatars 1,1 % 0,9 % 0,9 % 0,7 % 0,6 %

The number of Ukrainians, who were third in Khakassia in 1989 after the Russians and Khakass, has also decreased.

In 2002, the Germans became the most numerous after the Russians and Khakass, although their numbers also decreased. The main reason was their departure to Germany for permanent place residence.

The number of indigenous peoples has increased slightly Siberian peoples, in particular, the Shors - a people belonging to the indigenous small peoples of Russia. Their compact places of residence are the village. Balyksa, Askiz district, villages of Anchul and Matur, Tashtyp district.

High rates of population growth were demonstrated by peoples who actively migrated to Russia, in particular to Khakassia, for example, the Kyrgyz. Their number in the republic in 2002-2010 increased from 626 people to 1875 people, or 3 times.

Usually, most of The peoples of Russia consider the language of their nationality to be their native language. 49.6% of the non-Russian population of Khakassia (54,464 people) called Russian their native language during the 2002 census. This so-called Russian-speaking population consists mainly of ethnic Khakass, Ukrainians, Germans, Tatars, Belarusians, as well as Estonians. Of the 65,421 people of the indigenous population of Khakassia, 41,334 (63.2%) Khakassians considered the native language of their nationality, and 23,663 people (36.2%) considered Russian. In total, the Russian-speaking population, including Russians themselves, amounted to 490,736 people.

National composition according to the population censuses of 1959, 1979, 2002 and 2010:

% 1959
% 1979
% 2002
Total 272730 100,00 % 411047 100,00 % 498384 100,00 % 546072 100,00 % 532403 100,00 %
Russians 205254 75,26 % 314455 76,50 % 395953 79,45 % 438395 80,28 % 80,31 % 427647 80,32 % 81,66 %
Khakassians 45799 16,79 % 48512 11,80 % 57281 11,49 % 65421 11,98 % 11,98 % 63643 11,95 % 12,15 %
Germans 333 0,12 % 10512 2,56 % 11130 2,23 % 9161 1,68 % 1,68 % 5976 1,12 % 1,14 %
Ukrainians 7788 2,86 % 14630 3,56 % 10398 2,09 % 8360 1,53 % 1,53 % 5039 0,95 % 0,96 %
Tatars 3043 1,12 % 3796 0,92 % 4249 0,85 % 4001 0,73 % 0,73 % 3095 0,58 % 0,59 %
Kyrgyz 18 0,01 % 37 0,01 % 626 0,11 % 0,11 % 1875 0,35 % 0,36 %
Chuvash 585 0,21 % 1924 0,47 % 3284 0,66 % 2530 0,46 % 0,46 % 1824 0,34 % 0,35 %
Azerbaijanis 3 0,00 % 118 0,03 % 205 0,04 % 1672 0,31 % 0,31 % 1494 0,28 % 0,29 %
Belarusians 1598 0,59 % 3573 0,87 % 3456 0,69 % 2590 0,47 % 0,47 % 1452 0,27 % 0,28 %
Uzbeks 3 0,00 % 95 0,02 % 229 0,05 % 668 0,12 % 0,12 % 1300 0,24 % 0,25 %
Shors 862 0,32 % 1015 0,20 % 1078 0,20 % 0,20 % 1150 0,22 % 0,22 %
Mordva 3659 1,34 % 3933 0,96 % 3415 0,69 % 1853 0,34 % 0,34 % 1124 0,21 % 0,21 %
Tuvans 21 0,01 % 97 0,02 % 271 0,05 % 494 0,09 % 0,09 % 936 0,18 % 0,18 %
Armenians 10 0,00 % 101 0,02 % 185 0,04 % 839 0,15 % 0,15 % 776 0,15 % 0,15 %
Gypsies 127 0,05 % 300 0,07 % 392 0,08 % 399 0,07 % 0,07 % 559 0,10 % 0,11 %
Koreans 271 0,10 % 240 0,06 % 238 0,05 % 489 0,09 % 0,09 % 547 0,10 % 0,10 %
Tajiks 155 0,03 % 298 0,05 % 0,05 % 524 0,10 % 0,10 %
Mari 33 0,01 % 387 0,09 % 805 0,16 % 729 0,13 % 0,13 % 444 0,08 % 0,08 %
Moldovans 12 0,00 % 107 0,03 % 175 0,04 % 424 0,08 % 0,08 % 375 0,07 % 0,07 %
Kazakhs 175 0,06 % 272 0,07 % 344 0,07 % 424 0,08 % 0,08 % 363 0,07 % 0,07 %
Poles 574 0,21 % 826 0,20 % 654 0,13 % 481 0,09 % 0,09 % 273 0,05 % 0,05 %
Bashkirs 70 0,03 % 123 0,03 % 299 0,06 % 336 0,06 % 0,06 % 251 0,05 % 0,05 %
other 2382 0,87 % 7043 1,71 % 4214 0,85 % 4612 0,84 % 0,84 % 3047 0,57 % 0,58 %
indicated nationality 272620 99,96 % 411044 100,00 % 498384 100,00 % 545880 99,96 % 100,00 % 523714 98,37 % 100,00 %
did not indicate nationality 110 0,04 % 3 0,00 % 0 0,00 % 192 0,04 % 8689 1,63 %

General Map

Map legend (when you hover over a marker, it displays real number population):

Krasnoyarsk region Kemerovo region Tyva Altai Republic Abakan Chernogorsk Sayanogorsk Abaza Ust-Abakan Sorsk Bely Yar Shira Cheryomushki Askiz Tashtyp Beya Maina Bograd Kopevo Tuim Kommunar Ust-Kamyshta Poltakov Iyus Borets Znamenka Vershino-Bidzha Moscow Chapaevo Izykhskie Kopi Kirba Ochura Beltyrskoye Bondarevo Matur Ust-Byur Charkov Domozhakov Arshanov about Raikov Sabogov Podsinee Kolodezny Tselinnoye Tabat Settlements of Khakassia


  1. 1 2 Population estimate permanent population as of January 1, 2015 and on average for 2014 (published March 17, 2015). Retrieved March 18, 2015. Archived from the original on March 18, 2015.
  2. Estimated resident population as of January 1, 2015 and average for 2014 (published March 17, 2015)
  3. All-Union Population Census of 1959. Retrieved October 10, 2013. Archived from the original on October 10, 2013.
  4. All-Union population census of 1970. The actual population of cities, urban-type settlements, districts and district centers USSR according to census data as of January 15, 1970 for republics, territories and regions. Retrieved October 14, 2013. Archived from the original on October 14, 2013.
  5. All-Union Population Census 1979
  6. All-Union population census of 1989. Archived from the original on August 23, 2011.
  7. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Resident population as of January 1 (persons) 1990-2010
  8. 1 2 Results of the 2010 All-Russian Population Census for the Republic of Khakassia
  9. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Population of the Republic of Khakassia at the beginning of the year
  10. Population Russian Federation By municipalities. Table 35. Estimated resident population as of January 1, 2012. Retrieved May 31, 2014. Archived from the original on May 31, 2014.
  11. Population of the Russian Federation by municipalities as of January 1, 2013. - M.: federal Service state statistics Rosstat, 2013. - 528 p. (Table 33. Population of urban districts, municipal districts, urban and rural settlements, urban settlements, rural settlements). Retrieved November 16, 2013. Archived from the original on November 16, 2013.
  12. Estimated resident population as of January 1, 2014. Retrieved April 13, 2014. Archived from the original on April 13, 2014.
  13. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
  14. 1 2 3 4
  15. 1 2 3 4
  16. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 5.13. Fertility, mortality and natural increase population by regions of the Russian Federation
  17. 1 2 3 4 4.22. Fertility, mortality and natural population growth by constituent entities of the Russian Federation
  18. 1 2 3 4 4.6. Fertility, mortality and natural population growth by constituent entities of the Russian Federation
  19. Fertility, mortality, natural increase, marriage, divorce rates for January-December 2011
  20. Fertility, mortality, natural increase, marriage, divorce rates for January-December 2012
  21. Fertility, mortality, natural increase, marriage, divorce rates for January-December 2013
  22. Fertility, mortality, natural increase, marriage, divorce rates for January-December 2014
  23. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 5.13. Fertility, mortality and natural population growth by regions of the Russian Federation
  24. 1 2 3 4 4.22. Fertility, mortality and natural population growth by constituent entities of the Russian Federation
  25. 1 2 3 4 4.6. Fertility, mortality and natural population growth by constituent entities of the Russian Federation
  26. Fertility, mortality, natural increase, marriage, divorce rates for January-December 2011
  27. Fertility, mortality, natural increase, marriage, divorce rates for January-December 2012
  28. Fertility, mortality, natural increase, marriage, divorce rates for January-December 2013
  29. Fertility, mortality, natural increase, marriage, divorce rates for January-December 2014
  30. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 Life expectancy at birth, years, year, indicator value per year, entire population, both sexes
  31. 1 2 3 Life expectancy at birth
  32. Demoscope Weekly - Application. Directory of statistical indicators
  33. Demoscope Weekly - Application. Directory of statistical indicators
  34. Demoscope Weekly - Application. Directory of statistical indicators
  35. Demoscope Weekly - Application. Directory of statistical indicators
  36. Information materials on the final results of the 2010 All-Russian Population Census
  37. Demoscope. All-Union Population Census of 1939. National composition of the population by regions of Russia: Khakass Autonomous Okrug
  38. Demoscope. All-Union Population Census of 1959. National composition of the population by regions of Russia: Khakass Autonomous Okrug
  39. Demoscope. All-Union Population Census of 1979. National composition of the population by regions of Russia: Khakass Autonomous Okrug
  40. All-Russian Population Census 2002: Population by nationality and Russian language proficiency by constituent entities of the Russian Federation
  41. Official website of the 2010 All-Russian Population Census. Information materials on the final results of the 2010 All-Russian Population Census
  42. All-Russian population census 2010. Official results with expanded lists by national composition of the population and by region: see.
  43. Regions

    Amur Arkhangelsk Astrakhan Belgorod Bryansk Vladimir Volgograd Vologda Voronezh Ivanovo Irkutsk Kaliningrad Kaluga Kemerovo Kirov Kostroma Kurgan Kursk Leningrad Lipetsk Magadan Moscow Murmansk Nizhny Novgorod Novgorod Novosibirsk Omsk Orenburg Orel Penza Pskov Rostov Ryazan Sam Arskaya Saratovskaya Sakhalinskaya Sverdlovskaya Smolenskaya Tambovskaya Tver Tomskaya Tula Tyumenskaya Ulyanovskaya Chelyabinskaya Yaroslavlskaya

    Cities federal significance

    Moscow St. Petersburg Sevastopol

    Autonomous region


    Autonomous okrugs

    Nenets1 Khanty-Mansiysk - Yugra2 Chukotka Yamalo-Nenets2

    1 Located on the territory Arkhangelsk region 2 Located in the Tyumen region

    population of Khakassia

    Population of Khakassia Information About


The population of Khakassia is 538.2 thousand people. Of these, Russians are 80.2%, Khakassians are 12%, Germans are 1.7%, Shors are 0.2%, Ukrainians, Tatars, Chuvashs, and Mordovians also live.

The Khakass are the indigenous population of the Minusinsk Basin. They were known before the establishment of the ethnonym “Khakass” (beginning of the 20th century) under the names Abakan Tatars, Minusinsk Tatars, and earlier under the names Kyrgyz, Khoorai. Currently there are 78.5 thousand Khakass in Russia. Ethnic groups Khakassians live mainly in the steppe part and along river valleys. The Sagais make up the largest group of Khakassians (70%) and live in the valley of the river. Abakan on the territory of the former Sagai Steppe Duma. The Kachen people are located on the territory of the former Kachen Steppe Duma. The Kyzyls live in the valley of the river. Black Ius. The Koibals have now merged with the Kachins and Agais and are partially preserved. In the Middle Ages they had statehood, there was a Yenisei (ancient Khakassian) writing system, which was subsequently lost.

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Population The population of the region is 2156 thousand people, of which two thirds are urban. On the territory of the region there is one metropolis - Omsk (1159 thousand people), and five cities - Tara, Kalachinsk, Tyukalinsk, Nazyvaevsk and Isilkul - with a population of 12 to 27 thousand.

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Population The population of the district is 18.5 thousand people. Population density is the lowest in Russia – 0.03 people. by 1 km?. The majority of the population is Russian. Evenki, the largest indigenous nationality - only 14%. Along with Evenki, 4,122 people live. representatives of indigenous

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Population Population – 44.1 thousand people. (excluding Norilsk industrial area, the number of inhabitants of which reaches 250 thousand people), including urban - 28.6 thousand, rural - 15.5 thousand people. The population in the district is distributed extremely unevenly and lives

From the book India: North (except Goa) author Tarasyuk Yaroslav V.

Population Population of Khakassia 538.2 thousand people. Of these, Russians are 80.2%, Khakassians are 12%, Germans are 1.7%, Shors are 0.2%, Ukrainians, Tatars, Chuvashs, and Mordovians also live. Khakassians are the indigenous population of the Minusinsk Basin. Known before the establishment of the ethnonym “Khakass” (beginning of the 20th century) under the names

From the book Italy. Umbria author Kunyavsky L. M.

Population Number – 306 thousand people. Ethnic composition: 67.1% Tuvans, 30.2% Russians and 2.7% other nationalities. Urban population – 51.7% of total number residents. The main occupation of the population is work in institutions of Kyzyl (a third of the population of Tuva lives here, mostly

From the author's book

Population Population: 2786.2 thousand people. Composition: Russians (89.8%), Buryats (3.1%), Ukrainians (2.8%) and small peoples Siberia. The smallest ethnic group: the Tofs (630 people, live in the Eastern Sayan). Administrative division - 33 districts, 22 cities. The largest cities in the region:

From the author's book

Population The population of the district is 143.8 thousand people. The indigenous Buryats make up about a third of the population, Russians make up a little more than 50%. Living density – 6.4 people. on

From the author's book

Population The population of Buryatia is 970 thousand people. The urban population is about 60%. Indigenous people republics - Buryats, Evenks and Soyots. State languages ​​- Russian and Buryat. Buddhism and Orthodoxy are widespread in the republic. Buryatia is home to the Traditional

From the author's book

Population 1237.2 thousand people live in the region, including in Aginsky Buryat Autonomous Okrug– 79.4 thousand people. Urban population – 62.1%. National structure: Russians – 88.4%; Buryats – 4.8; Ukrainians – 2.8; other nationalities – 4.0. The population is distributed by territory

From the author's book

Population The population of the district is 72.2 thousand people. Urban population 32.2%. Ethnic composition: Buryats (55%), Russians (41%), Evens (0.2%), Ukrainians, Tatars, Bashkirs and representatives of other nationalities. The official language is Russian, about 60% of residents speak Buryat. Organs

From the author's book

Population Population Altai Territory– 2686 thousand people, including urban 1.3 million people. Big cities: Barnaul, Biysk and Rubtsovsk. The region is inhabited by: Russians (about 91.4%), Germans (3.9%), Ukrainians (2.9%), Belarusians, Kazakhs, Mordovians, Tatars, Chuvashs. Famous people Bianchi Vitaly

From the author's book

Population The population of the region is 202.9 thousand people. National composition: Russians – 60%, Altaians – approx. 30% (mainly in Ulagansky, Ust-Kansky, Ongudaysky districts), Kazakhs - approx. 6% (mainly in the Kosh-Agach region), as well as Old Believers, recognized as indigenous in the republic

From the author's book

Population About 188,078 million people live in Brazil. (2006 data). In terms of population, the country ranks 4th in the world after China, India, the USA, and Indonesia. The modern Brazilian people (port. povo brasiliero) are distinguished by a variegated ethnic composition. Nation

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Population The population of India is a diversity of races and peoples that differ from each other appearance, language and customs. The people of India speak 17 major languages ​​and 844 dialects. The most common language is Hindi, it is spoken by 35% of the population living in

From the author's book

Population In 2009, the population of Italy reached 59.6 million people; in terms of population density (about 197 people/km2), Italy ranks 4th in Europe. Constant influx of immigrants from Morocco, former Yugoslavia, Albania, Philippines, United States, Tunisia, China, Senegal and Germany

This is a region with an original and very attractive nature. The expressive steppe plains of the republic are surrounded by the highest hillocks, which are replaced by even more elevated mountains. In some steppe places, as if thumbs, indestructible stones sprout from the ground - the remaining pieces of the former ancient culture that once existed here.

General information about the Republic of Khakassia

Nowadays, there are 2 nature reserves in the republic:

  1. Khakass government natural reserve;
  2. State Museum-Reserve, which is called "Cazanovka".

More than 2 thousand archaeological monuments, including mysterious petroglyphs, have been discovered in the Kazanovka area.

The first power to emerge on the territory of Khakassia existed in the 4th century BC. e. After which the Kyrgyz arrived in this area. It was hard for them - after all, they constantly had to fight off invaders such as:

Subsequently, after the travels of Genghis Khan, the territories of the Khakass were part of various Tatar countries until these lands became the property of Russia.

Economy of Khakassia associated with the creation of aluminum and electricity. At the border with Krasnoyarsk Territory, on everything famous river Yenisei, near the village of Shushenskoye, where Ulyanov once had to serve exile, the Sayano-Shushenskaya hydroelectric power station was built. It is the largest power plant in Russia. In addition, the energy produced here is quite cheap.

In the town of Sayanogorsk, which is located near the hydroelectric power station, large factories have been created that specialize in the production of aluminum, belonging to various industrial groups. Their occurrence is associated with the presence of inexpensive electricity - one of the most significant factors when selecting a territory for establishing aluminum smelters. Thus, the population of Sayanogorsk for a long time guaranteed presence of jobs.

Wide steppes belonging to the Khakassians seem to be specially formed for the agricultural sector. It is customary to grow sunflowers, grains, and other crops here. In addition, livestock farming is well developed, including horse breeding.

This the state is located in Eastern Siberia , namely in the southwestern part, in the zones of the Khakass-Minusinsk Basin and the Sayan-Altai Highlands.

On the map you can see that Khakassia is adjacent to:

  • the Republic of Tuva in the south;
  • Krasnoyarsk Territory in the east;
  • WITH Kemerovo region in the West;
  • With the Altai Republic in the southwest.

Here you have the opportunity to experience different climatic and natural areas. For example, in high mountain areas there are glaciers and tundra, in the basin there are forest-steppes and steppes. The main landscape of the territory is steppes, forests, and mountains. There are approximately 500 lakes in Khakassia, rivers and small streams. Using the map you can see the largest rivers of Khakassia:

  • Abakan;
  • Yenisei;
  • Tom;
  • Chulym.

Below will be provided the Republic of Khakassia on the map of Russia. As well as additional cards and detailed information information about the state can be found on the Internet, for example, on Wikipedia.

Population of Khakassia

Lives in the state 534,243 people. Some municipal residents - 65.79%. The republic has a favorable natural increase in population of +2.7 people. per 1 thousand citizens. Despite migration, the number of residents of the republic remains stable.

As for the national composition, it is dominated by Russian people(80.32%). The second place is occupied by the Khakass (11.95%). Khakassia is a multinational region in which more than 100 nationalities live.

Republic of Khakassia: climate

Khakassia is characterized by sharp continental climate. Winters here are cold and summers are hot. In addition, it should be noted that the state has a predominance of sunny and fine days over the Black Sea coast of the Caucasus. The weather is usually partly cloudy and light. In spring, powerful southwesterly winds cause dust storms. The average temperature in January is -17 degrees, and in July - +20 degrees. Approximately 300-600 mm of precipitation falls annually. The most a large number of precipitation occurs in August.

Fauna, flora and minerals

Khakassia is located in the steppe and forest-steppe zones. IN lower areas basins are dominated by dry steppes; as for the outskirts, there is forest-steppe, as well as steppes with various plants. The slopes of the Kuznetsk Alatau are characterized by the presence of a taiga of pine and larch trees, and the slopes of the Western Sayan Mountains and the Abakan Range are characterized by cedar and fir forests. On forested areas covers about 4 million hectares. total area.

Birds, animals and fish are found here, such as:

  • Capercaillie;
  • Hare;
  • Columns;
  • Squirrel;
  • Burbot;
  • Mole;
  • Taimen;
  • Wolf;
  • Fox;
  • Bear et al.

There are also nature reserves on the territory of the state: “Maly Abakan” and “Chazy”.

Abakan - Republic of Khakassia

Main city Khakassia is located in the very center of Siberia, near the river of the same name. Abakan is quite young, it is only 80 years old, however, its history has distant roots. Thanks to traditional shamanic cultures, the veneration of fire, earth, sky, water, ancestral culture, and motherhood was formed. On this moment main faith Orthodoxy stands out.

Regarding the climate, we can say that it is sharply continental. Summers here are warm - + 19 degrees, but winters are very cold and long. Spring begins around mid-April, however, the cold can continue until mid-June.

War years of Abakan

During the Great Patriotic War approximately 30 thousand soldiers left Abakan for front-line positions. The popular 309th Division was created in the city, and it was this division that was able to repel attacks from Ukrainian city- Piryatin. Now Abakan and Piryatin are sister cities.

After the end of hostilities, production facilities begin to be built light industry, a large number of jobs arise, new resources are discovered, and people began to come to Abakan large quantity people to get a job, but many stayed forever. During the same period, the construction of the largest hydroelectric power station began.

Economic development of the Republic

The capital of Khakassia has a highly developed transport network, as well as industry. Cars and containers are manufactured here. There are also various sausage production, confectionery, knitting and shoe factories, as well as cheese factories.

Nowadays, Khakassia is famous for its capital, which is capable of receiving aircraft of almost any category. The city has one federal airport. There are railway connections with a large number cities and towns of Russia, as well as other CIS territories.

Education in Abakan

There are 7 higher educational institutions here, several sports schools, 18 technical schools, as well as 27 regular schools. Children preschool age They go to kindergartens, of which there are a lot throughout the state. The younger generation can acquire prestigious education without even leaving the borders of their homeland.

Sights of Abakan

Abakan is able to surprise its guests with various attractions. There are many spiritual buildings of various faiths here: Catholic cathedrals, Protestant and also Jewish temples, Christian churches. There are many different monuments in the city. Guests of the city will find it fascinating to visit many of them. The most famous is the monument to a soldier of the Great Patriotic War.

Abakan attracts travelers from all cities of Russia not only with the opportunity to visit the caves for which the state is famous. The city contains many entertainment venues. Some of these are the largest zoo in all of Eastern Siberia. The capital is always full of guests, both tourists and local residents.

Distinctive features. Khakassia is a region with a unique, very beautiful nature. The picturesque steppe valleys of Khakassia are surrounded by high hills, which are replaced by even more high mountains. In some steppe areas, gravestones grow out of the ground like giant fingers - the remains of an ancient culture that once existed here.

There are two nature reserves on the territory of the republic - the Khakass State Nature Reserve nature reserve and the national museum-reserve "Cazanovka". More than 2 thousand were found on the territory of Kazanovka. archaeological sites, including mysterious petroglyphs.

Khakass Nature Reserve. Photo

The first state on the territory of Khakassia was founded in the 4th century BC. Then the Kyrgyz came here. They had a hard time - every now and then they had to fight off the Mongols, Uighurs and other peoples of Central Asia. After the campaigns of Genghis Khan, the lands of the Khakass were part of various Mongolian states until these territories ceded to Russia in 1727.

The economy of Khakassia is associated with the production of electricity and aluminum. On the border with the Krasnoyarsk Territory, on the Yenisei River, not far from the village of Shushenskoye, where Lenin once served his exile, the Sayano-Shushenskaya hydroelectric power station was built. This is the largest power plant in Russia, and the energy generated here is very cheap.

Sayano-Shushenskaya hydroelectric power station. Photo by ingalipt66 (

Not far from the hydroelectric power station, in the city of Sayanogorsk, large aluminum production plants were built, owned by various industrial groups. Their appearance here is associated with the availability of cheap electricity - one of the main factors when choosing the location of aluminum production. So the residents of Sayanogorsk are provided with work for a long time.

The vast steppes of Khakassia seem to be created for Agriculture. Grains, sunflowers, and other crops are grown here. Livestock farming is also very well developed, including horse breeding.

Geographical location. The Republic of Khakassia is located in the southwestern part of Eastern Siberia, on the territories of the Sayan-Altai Highlands and the Khakass-Minusinsk Basin. Khakassia borders the Republic of Tuva in the south, the Krasnoyarsk Territory in the east, the Kemerovo region in the west and the Altai Republic in the southwest. Khakassia is part of the Siberian Federal District.

Highway M53 "Baikal" in Khakassia. Photo by Ilya Naimushin

Here you can find a variety of natural and climatic zones. In the high mountain regions there are tundra and glaciers, in the basin there are steppes and forest-steppes. The predominant terrain is mountains, steppes and taiga. There are about 500 lakes, rivers and small streams in Khakassia. Most large rivers- Yenisei, Abakan, Chulym, Tom.

Population. The Republic of Khakassia has a population of 534,243 people. The share of the urban population is 65.79%. In Khakassia, positive natural population growth is +2.7 people. per 1000 inhabitants. Despite migration, the population of the republic remains at a stable level.

In terms of ethnic composition, the Republic of Khakassia is dominated by Russian population(80.32%). In second place are the Khakass (11.95%). Khakassia is a multinational region, more than 100 nationalities live here.

Festival of puppet theaters in Khakassia. Photo by sinovna (

Crime. 23rd place in the ranking of regions of the Russian Federation in terms of the number of crimes committed - far from the most worst result. But in essence, is there a fundamental difference between Khakassia, where about 10 crimes per 1000 people are recorded in six months, and the leaders of the rating, where this number is 13-14? Crimes are committed both there and there, and their number in any case is very significant. The only thing that gives hope is a trend towards a decrease in the crime situation (by 10-20% compared to the previous year). The most common crimes committed are theft, theft, and car theft.

Unemployment rate in the Republic of Khakassia - 7.95%. This region cannot be called economically developed. The average salary in Khakassia is 23 thousand rubles, and the highest average salaries in the field of financial activities are 44,352 rubles. However, in many other industries incomes are generally miserable. For example, in textile production - 12 thousand rubles, in the field of hotel and restaurant services - 13.3 thousand rubles.

Property value. A one-room apartment in Abakan costs 1.3 - 1.5 million rubles. Two-room apartment - 2-2.5 million rubles. Three rubles with an area of ​​70 square meters. meters and above cost from 3 million rubles. There are few apartment offers. Apparently those who wanted to leave Khakassia left a long time ago, and there are not many people who want to move here.

Climate Khakassia is sharply continental. Summers here are hot and winters are cold. It is also worth noting that in Khakassia sunny days more (on average 311 per year) than on the Black Sea coast of the Caucasus. The weather is usually clear and partly cloudy. In spring, strong southwesterly winds bring dust storms. In January average temperature−17°С, in July +20°С. The amount of precipitation is 300-700 mm per year. Most of them fall in August (more than half of the annual norm).

"Wild" resort "Goryachiy Klyuch" near Abaza. Photo by Andrey Viktorovich (

Cities of the Republic of Khakassia

(170 thousand people) - capital of the Republic of Khakassia. Located at the mouth of the Abakan River, which flows into the Yenisei. The settlement existed here back in the 17th century, but the official founding date of Abakan is considered to be 1931. Industry here is not very developed: there is a factory for the production of carriages, as well as a number of food industry enterprises.

But Abakan is the cultural and scientific center of Khakassia: there are several museums, theaters, palaces of culture, a number of institutes and the Khakass State University. Among the advantages of the city are the ecology and well-developed infrastructure. Of the minuses - crime, bad condition public utilities, problems with more or less well-paid jobs.

Chernogorsk(72.6 thousand people) - the second largest city in Khakassia. This is a city of miners, as you can guess from its name. A black piece of coal is also depicted on the city's coat of arms. It was founded in the 1930s for the development of Minusinsk coal basin. At first, forced labor camp prisoners were recruited to work in the mines. Production coal and today forms the basis of the city’s economy.

Sayanogorsk(48.9 thousand people) - a city on the banks of the Yenisei River, 80 km south of Abakan. Founded in 1975 in connection with the construction Sayano-Shushenskaya HPP. At the same time, they began to build two aluminum plants that used electricity from this very hydroelectric power station. These factories are the main city-forming enterprises. By the way, one of them, the Sayan Aluminum Smelter, is one of the three largest aluminum smelters in Russia. The city's infrastructure is poorly developed, but everything necessary for life is available. On the plus side, there is room to work, but it ruins everything ecological situation associated with the work of hazardous industries.

Abakan is the capital of the Republic of Khakassia, which is a subject of the Russian Federation. Within the city there are the main industrial, financial, political, cultural and scientific centers the entire republic. The population of Abakan makes up 35% of the entire Khakassia. It is diverse and unique in its own way ethnic composition. This city is one of the examples of international cohesion and friendship, which unites more than 100 nationalities.

Historical reference

According to scientists, the first settlements on the territory of the republic arose more than 300 thousand years ago. Khakassia is known throughout the world as the site of many ancient finds and archaeological sites. More than one developed here. On the territory there were bloody wars, including the Mongol invasion.

IN late XVII century, the fate of Khakassia was more or less determined. Russian pioneers built the Abakan fort, which dates back to 1675. From this moment the history of the city begins. The population of Abakan at that time consisted of those who participated in the construction of the fort. Under Peter I, Khakassia finally became part of Russia. Its lands gradually began to be developed and populated. The main occupation of peasants during this period was agriculture.

Abakan in the 19th-20th centuries

Mineral deposits have been found on the territory of Khakassia, which leads to the development of industry in this region. However, production in the current capital of the republic began a century later. At the beginning of the 1800s, the population of Abakan increased to 90 settlements. Despite the nascent development, the level of medicine and education left much to be desired, which directly affected demographic situation.

At the beginning of the 20th century before October revolution Khakassia had a unique economy, which included several political structures mixed with each other. Coming Soviet power played a major role in the development of this city: a decision was made on the strategic and economic transformation of the village of Ust-Abakanskoye into the center of Khakassia. A path was passed from the settlement to the administrative center of the second level. Historical name the villages were preserved, renaming the city Abakan. New ones have started to open here educational establishments, cultural centers. Industry and the agricultural sector were actively developing.

Geographical location and climate

Abakan is the center of the Asian continent, located in Southern Siberia. The city is located between the confluence of the Yenisei and Abakan rivers. The territory is 250 meters above sea level. Time zone is +8 UTC, the difference with Moscow is +4 hours. The climate is continental, but under the influence of hydroelectric power stations and manufacturing enterprises it manifests itself more softly in the city. Temperature in winter period can drop to 30 degrees below zero, but generally does not exceed -20. In summer the thermometer reaches +30.

The city is interesting for its unique nature. Tourists come to admire the mountainous terrain. Non-residents enjoy exploring caves, conquering ridge tops and exploring plains.

Population of Abakan: national composition

During the birth of the capital, the territory was developed by Russian pioneer workers. Their numbers reached more than 50% of the total ethnic composition. The population of the city of Abakan, in addition, consisted of indigenous people - Khakassians. This is a people with deep Turkic roots. Historians call them “Yenisei Tatars.” The population of the city of Abakan, accounted for by Khakass during its formation, was about 40%. The rest, 1-2%, came from other nationalities. These included:

  • Ukrainians;
  • Belarusians;
  • Poles;
  • Germans;
  • Chuvash and others.

Over the years, the composition of the population has undergone changes. Currently, more than 80% of the total population of the republic are Slavs. The indigenous population has decreased significantly: their share does not exceed 20%.

Demographic situation in 2000

From the end of 1900 to 2006, the population of Abakan remained virtually unchanged and amounted to 166.2 thousand people. Compared to 1993, the number of residents has increased. Although at the beginning of the second millennium the demographic situation in the republic worsened: birth rates fell, the number of pensioners increased, total number dropped by several hundred people.

If we evaluate the population census figures for 2000 and 2010, the population of Abakan gradually declined, losing about 3 thousand people over the decade. The main reasons for this situation are reduced life expectancy and low birth rates.

Factors of population decline

The decline in the number of citizens at the beginning of 2000 is associated with an increase in mortality due to diseases and causes of a violent nature. There was a reduction in life expectancy to 60 years. Diseases that claim a large number of lives every year include the following pathologies:

  • of cardio-vascular system;
  • injuries incompatible with life;
  • malignant neoplasms.

Approximately 20% of the total population decline is attributed to violent death. Of these, about half are associated with road accidents, and the rest are crimes: murder and serious injury. In addition, the composition of the population was not updated enough: the birth rate decreased. With the development of medical technologies and the improvement of the quality of life in the city, indicators began to rise.

City population in 2010-2015

Statistics from the second decade of 2000 indicate changes in the demographic situation in the country. The city of Abakan was also included in these statistics. The population in 2010 was 165.2 thousand people, and after five years the figures increased by 11 thousand.

The changes are due not only to improved fertility and quality medical care, but also the development of the capital. All more people buy real estate here and get a job. The city is becoming one of the main cultural, political and economic centers of the Republic of Khakassia, which certainly attracts residents.

Population for 2016

The demographic situation continues to grow: in January of this year, census data indicate an increase in citizens. Abakan significantly improves its indicator. The population is approaching 180 thousand. The average increase in one year was 2,950 people. Population density per one square meter is 1562 inhabitants. At the moment we can talk about a positive demographic situation.

Overall this is very good data for administrative unit second level. Every year the capital is developing more and more, which contributes to the influx of population from other regions of the Russian Federation. At the moment, it is known that Abakan is inhabited by many nationalities, among which the bulk are Russians and Khakass.

Religious views

The indigenous inhabitants - the Khakass - had cults of shamanism during the founding of the city. The main deities were: fire, sky, sun, motherhood. Ancestors, their culture and way of life were highly revered. Basic traditions Khakass people were associated with elements of clothing and culinary preferences. Over time, most of the population accepted the Orthodox faith.

Nowadays, many nationalities that belong to different faiths are concentrated in Abakan. Of course, the majority of residents adhere to Christianity. About 10 Orthodox churches. There are also religious buildings for Catholics. About a thousand Muslims are eagerly awaiting the completion of the mosque within the city.

Abakan - developed administrative center Khakassia, which has a centuries-old history and unique nature. Since the formation of the fort, the population mixed, the number was constantly changing. The fate of the city was largely determined by the decisions of the Soviet government to turn it into the center of Khakassia. This, of course, had a positive impact on the demographic situation not only in the country, but also in the capital itself.