Russian strategy. Born in the Penza region

(5.9.1979-29.8.1999). Brigade fighter operational purpose BB, private. Born on September 5, 1979 in the village of Prigorodnoye, Serdobsky district Penza region. Russian. In December 1997 he was called up to military service to the internal troops of the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs. As part of the Kalachevskaya brigade internal troops carried out tasks to liberate the Republic of Dagestan from terrorists. On August 28, 1999, he participated in the assault on Mount Chaban near the village of Chabanmakhi (Dagestan). While holding occupied positions on the mountain, Chaban protected his comrades with his body from an exploding grenade. He died in the hospital the next day. Title of Hero Russian Federation Kalyapin Andrey Vyacheslavovich was awarded posthumously on October 14, 1999. He was buried in the cemetery of the village of Prigorodnoye. Forever on the list personnel parts. By decision of the administration of the Serdobsky district, the school in the village of Prigorodnoye, where he studied, now bears the name of the Hero of the Russian Federation, Private Andrei Kalyapin.

View value Kalyapin, Andrey Vyacheslavovich in other dictionaries

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05.09.1979 — 29.08.1999

In August 1999, Internal Troops reconnaissance driver Private Andrei Kalyapin took part in special operation to destroy militants in Dagestan.

On the night of August 29, the scouts captured a strategic height in the area of ​​the village, on which the militants' radio repeater and television transmission center were located. At dawn, having brought up large forces, the militants launched an assault on the heights, trying to dislodge the military personnel from their positions.

Fighting a fierce battle and surrounded, the scouts held the heights for five hours. At the most difficult moment of the battle, when the enemy launched a counterattack, a grenade fell into the trench where Andrei and his colleagues were. The brave warrior took on the full power of the deadly metal.

He saved the commander and the military personnel who were next to him from certain death. From a grenade explosion, Private Kalyapin received seriously injured and was taken to the hospital, where he died from his wounds.

For courage and heroism, self-sacrifice in saving colleagues, by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of October 14, 1999, Andrei Vyacheslavovich Kalyapin was awarded the title of Hero of the Russian Federation (posthumously).

By order of the Minister of Internal Affairs, he was forever included in the lists of personnel of the military unit.

Born on September 5, 1979 in the village of Prigorodnoye, Penza region. In December 1997, he was called up for military service in the internal troops of the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs. Performed tasks to liberate the Republic of Dagestan from militants. He died on August 29, 1999 in a battle near the village of Chabanmakhi. The title of Hero of the Russian Federation was awarded on October 14, 1999 (posthumously). Enlisted forever in the unit's personnel lists. By decision of the Serdobsky district administration, a school in the village of Prigorodnoye now bears the name of Andrei Kalyapin. The order came in the early morning of August 28, 1999 - in the damp, dank darkness, the scouts of the Kalachev brigade had to secretly pass through the village of Chabanmakhi occupied by the Wahhabis and capture Mount Chaban. Very soon the troops would storm the village, and from the mountain cover the advance of the main forces, correct their movement, artillery fire was much more profitable than with command post on the plain. In addition, the intelligence officers had to disable the radio repeater and the transmitting television center of the militants, which were located on the mountain - through them, Wahhabi programs were broadcast to the villages. The security was quickly destroyed. They destroyed the repeater, cut the cables... Then they took up defensive positions and began to dig in. The rocky soil made it impossible to dig trenches of sufficient depth - all of them turned out to be no deeper than knee-deep. And then there was a fight. Wave after wave of militant attacks hit the scouts. They stayed at the top of the mountain all day. They held on, and the “spirits” could not knock them off their occupied positions. Nature came to the aid of the militants - thick fog enveloped the top of the mountain, visibility was zero. This was only to the advantage of the bandits - they knew perfectly well all the approaches to the repeater and took advantage of this. On one side of the mountain, the militants managed to approach the positions of the Kalachevites about thirty meters, on the other - about ten meters. The bandits did not spare cartridges - the lead barrage was so strong that it was impossible to raise their heads. Hand grenades were used. But the scouts held on, repelling the furious attacks of the enemy. Many were wounded and cut by shrapnel. The dead also appeared... The density of the fire did not allow reaching the wounded, who were in the neighboring trenches, just a few meters away... When another grenade fell into the trench in which Andrei Kalyapin and several of his comrades were holding the defense, one of them was Dima Perminov grabbed the “efka”, swung it to throw... And then an explosion thundered. A hail of shrapnel covered the scouts. In addition to Dimka, whose hand was torn off by the explosion, Andrei Kalyapin took the bulk of the fragments - he covered the other scouts with himself. When special forces from the “Rus” detachment made their way to help the Kalachevo residents, Andrei was still alive. He died the next day in the hospital... That day, a strange premonition did not leave Vera Alekseevna Kalyapina, Andrei’s mother. The day before she had a strange dream, although she didn’t particularly believe in all sorts of prophecies, she noted that such dreams were unlucky. Moreover, my beloved dog Pooh couldn’t find a place for himself all morning, howling heart-rendingly. The mother's heart was breaking from a premonition of some kind of trouble. Where can we expect it? What's about to happen? She couldn't find any answers. heavy feeling left Vera Alekseevna when mailbox she found the long-awaited news from her son Andrei. “He served near Volgograd in the internal troops,” she recalls. - He wrote often, never complained, rather boasted: what a wonderful commander they have, what a friendly team. Sent greetings to everyone. And not a word about the fact that this is not the first month in Dagestan. We found out about this quite by accident: our mutual friend went to visit his son, who served in the same unit with Andrei, and asked him to give our son a gift and a message from us. And he returned and said that Andrei was on a business trip. IN last letter, what Vera Alekseevna found in her mailbox today, Andrey only briefly said that he was in Makhachkala. “It’s quiet and peaceful here,” he writes, “so don’t worry. I've already been to the sea twice. To be honest, I fell in love with the sea...” And he also asked that they prepare a “civilian”, because there was very little left before dismissal, about two or three months... But the “civilian” was never useful to the guy. In the evening, when the Kalyapins were about to go to bed, they were brought terrible news: “...While fulfilling your military duty to disarm gangs in the Republic of Dagestan, your son Andrei Vyacheslavovich Kalyapin died heroically.” Vera Alekseevna, together with her husband Vyacheslav Ivanovich, reread the meager lines of the funeral over and over again. Is this really about Andrey? It seemed like something terrible had happened, stupid mistake. After all, just a few hours ago they were reading their son’s letter... But no mistake happened - a few days later the mournful “cargo-200” arrived on Penza soil. “And you know, they didn’t want to take Andrei into the army at all,” says Vyacheslav Ivanovich, looking through photographs of his son. - He had allergic asthma since childhood. Doctors advised to obtain an appropriate conclusion, which would allow him to avoid service. Where there! He said firmly: “My brother served, but I’m worse, not a man, or what!” Yes, and I could have refused that fateful mission - only volunteers were sent from their unit. Andrey had two months left before demobilization; even his commander tried to dissuade him. But the son directly stated: “How am I going to look the boys in the eyes after this?” And he left for the war. Damn her... Vyacheslav Ivanovich wipes away a tear and remembers what plans he and Andrey made. Just before the conscription, the dacha was laid out - now they were going to finish it. True, Andrey planted seven currant bushes on the plot. Now they grow as a memory of him. - And how Andryushka sang! Everyone listened. He had talent. At all sorts of shows and concerts he only took first places. As soon as “Crimson Ring” starts singing, a tear wells up, says Vyacheslav Ivanovich. - And my head was thinking great. At school he qualified as a tractor driver, and before being drafted into the army, he also became a welder and driver. I kept teasing: “Wow, Andrei, by the age of fifty I have only five professions, and by the age of eighteen you already have three. You’ll soon overtake your father.” He just smiled. In general, I enjoyed life. He should have lived and lived, but fate decreed otherwise. Andrei Kalyapin was buried on September 4, 1999 in a rural cemetery, and on the 5th he would have turned twenty... Sergei PRONIN

Kalyapin Andrey Vyacheslavovich - soldier of the operational brigade of the internal troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, private.

Born on September 5, 1979 in the village of Prigorodnoye, Serdobsky district, Penza region. Russian. In 1996 he graduated from Prigorodnaya high school, in June 1997 - Serdobskoe Professional institute No. 20, specializing in welding.

In December 1997, he was called up for military service in the internal troops of the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs. After studying at educational unit Private Kalyapin was sent as a gunner-driver of an armored personnel carrier reconnaissance company operational brigade of internal troops in the city of Kalach-on-Don. As part of the brigade, he performed tasks in a special operation to disarm illegal armed groups in the Kadar zone of the Republic of Dagestan.

On August 28, 1999, he participated in the assault on Mount Chaban near the village of Chabanmakhi (Dagestan). While holding occupied positions on the mountain, Chaban protected his comrades with his body from an exploding grenade. He died in the hospital the next day.

The title of Hero of the Russian Federation was awarded posthumously to Andrei Vyacheslavovich Kalyapin on October 14, 1999.

He was buried in the cemetery of the village of Prigorodnoye.

Enlisted forever on the unit's personnel lists. By decision of the administration of the Serdobsky district, the school in the village of Prigorodnoye, where he studied, now bears the name of the Hero of the Russian Federation, Private Andrei Kalyapin.

The order came in the early morning of August 28, 1999 - in the damp, dank darkness, the scouts of the Kalachev brigade had to secretly pass through the village of Chabanmakhi occupied by the Wahhabis and capture Mount Chaban. The troops had to storm the village, and from the mountain cover the advance of the main forces, correct their movement; artillery fire was much more advantageous than from the command post on the plain. In addition, the intelligence officers had to disable the radio repeater and the transmitting television center of the militants, which were located on the mountain - through them Wahhabi programs were broadcast to the villages.

The relay guards were quickly destroyed. They destroyed the repeater, cut the cables... Then they took up defensive positions and began to dig in. The rocky soil made it impossible to dig trenches of sufficient depth - all of them turned out to be no deeper than the knee. And then there was a fight. Wave after wave of militant attacks hit the scouts. All day they stayed on the top of the mountain and it was impossible to knock them out of their positions. Nature came to the aid of the militants - thick fog shrouded the top of the mountain, visibility was zero. This was only to the advantage of the bandits - they knew perfectly well all the approaches to the repeater and took advantage of this. On one side of the mountain, the militants managed to approach the positions of the Kalachevites about thirty meters, on the other - about ten meters. The bandits did not spare cartridges - the lead barrage was so strong that it was impossible to raise their heads. Hand grenades were used. But the scouts held on, repelling the furious attacks of the enemy. Many were wounded and cut by shrapnel. The dead also appeared... The density of fire created by the militants did not allow them to reach the wounded, who were in the neighboring trenches, just a few meters away...

When another grenade fell into the trench in which Andrei Kalyapin and several of his comrades were holding the defense, one of them - Dima Perminov - grabbed the “efka”, swung it to throw it... And then there was an explosion. A hail of shrapnel covered the scouts. In addition to Dimka, whose hand was torn off by the explosion, Andrei Kalyapin took the bulk of the fragments - he covered the other scouts with himself. When special forces from the “Rus” detachment made their way to help the Kalachevo residents, Andrei was still alive. He died the next day, August 29, in the hospital...