Novosibirsk Law Institute TSU Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation. File archive NUI TSU

Many people dream of getting a legal education. They associate the image of a lawyer with an intelligent and educated person who is the guardian of law and order, strives to eradicate crime and achieve justice in everything. There are currently quite a lot of lawyers in our country. Despite this, real professionals have no trouble finding work.

The Novosibirsk Law Institute invites persons wishing to obtain a legal education to study. Those people who studied here received not only a diploma, but also knowledge and important practical skills that allowed them to become highly qualified specialists in the field of law and build an excellent career.

Historical information

Archival documents compiled in the 30s of the last century indicate that in the Novosibirsk region there were not enough operational workers, prosecutors, and investigators. Some people holding these positions did not have the appropriate education. This became the prerequisites for the opening of a higher educational institution - in 1939, a branch of the All-Union Correspondence Law Institute appeared in Novosibirsk.

This educational institution operated in the city for about 20 years. Then it was renamed the faculty, and after 3 years it was included in the Sverdlovsk Law Institute. This is how the Novosibirsk Faculty of Legal Studies appeared. The next change occurred in 1986. The faculty was transferred to the Tomsk State University. university. The structural unit is currently called the Novosibirsk Law Institute (branch) of a well-known university.

Modern period

The Novosibirsk Law Institute is now considered a multidisciplinary educational institution. Applicants entering here can choose the profile that suits them:

  • state-legal;
  • civil law;
  • criminal law;
  • financial and legal.

At the institute you can become a bachelor, specialist and master. Different forms of education allow people to receive higher legal education at a university on conditions convenient for them - full-time, part-time or part-time.

Quality of the educational process

Novosibirsk Law Institute (branch) of TSU has always strived to provide its students with a quality education. This goal, which the university set for itself, served to form a highly professional teaching staff. Approximately 2/3 of employees have academic titles and degrees.

To improve the quality of education, the university has introduced innovative technologies. The classrooms have interactive whiteboards and projectors. The computer center, which includes three terminal rooms, has modern computers. The second building of the university in Novosibirsk is equipped with the latest video and audio equipment, and there is a satellite communication system.

Custom Audiences

Novosibirsk Law Institute has a forensic laboratory. Its goal is to ensure that criminology teaching is at the proper level. The laboratory has all the necessary tools to obtain important professional skills:

  • computer program for drawing up sketches;
  • equipment for determining the authenticity of money, securities, documents;
  • modular mannequins that help students learn to take forensic photographs and write a crime scene report;
  • office with a collection of weapons.

The Novosibirsk Law Institute (a branch of Tomsk University) has also created an office on forensic medicine and life safety. In it, students practice first aid skills on adult mannequins. Of particular interest is the courtroom. In it, teachers and students conduct role-playing procedural games in civil, criminal, administrative and arbitration cases.

Library at the Law Institute

The library plays an important role in the educational process. In it, students receive the necessary literature. The library at the university is famous for its rich book collection. It contains rare publications on jurisprudence that were published several centuries ago and are of particular value today. There are a huge number of periodicals. Novosibirsk Law Institute (the branch has subscribed to several dozen magazines and newspapers. Students learn from them current information about changes in legislation, read about interesting and difficult cases that professionals encounter in their practical activities.

At the university, students also use the electronic library. It consists of textbooks, teaching aids, dictionaries, reference books, and encyclopedias. Work with electronic resources is carried out via the Internet. Students and teachers can work with the library in any place convenient for them. Login to the electronic resource is carried out using individual passwords.

Legal clinic

The Law Institute (Novosibirsk branch) has a student clinic. It has existed since 2009. On certain days, senior students provide legal assistance to citizens - they give advice that complies with modern legislation, and draw up documents. As a rule, from 3 to 5 students receive citizens at the clinic. The entire process is led by a teacher. He helps students with complex issues and checks the correctness of documents.

The legal clinic always provides free assistance. There have been no complaints about her work. This indicates that students have a good level of knowledge. Citizens of the city who visit the clinic thank the Novosibirsk State Law Institute and its students.

Information for applicants

At the Novosibirsk Law Institute, the list of exams for admission includes the Russian language, history and social studies. Unified State Examination results in these subjects are required for applicants entering the 11th grade, and the results of entrance tests are required for those people who have secondary vocational or higher education.

To submit documents, it is important to score a minimum number of points. In 2016, the following acceptable threshold was established: for social studies and Russian. language - 52 points, and for history - 45 points. In 2017, these values ​​increased slightly. Now, to enter the Novosibirsk Law Institute, you need social studies and Russian. language score at least 55 points. According to history, the meaning has not been changed. 45 points are also required to apply.

About the non-state Novosibirsk Economic and Legal Institute

Several years ago in Novosibirsk it was possible to obtain a higher legal education at a branch of the Tomsk Economics and Law Institute. It was opened in the city in 1993. However, this is no longer possible today. In 2016, Rosobrnadzor deprived this university of accreditation and banned the admission of new students.

It is worth noting that the Novosibirsk Institute of Economics and Law was in good demand - 242 people were accepted into one of the admission campaigns for the first year. However, not all students spoke positively about the university. Those people who came here for knowledge said that the quality of the educational process was at a very low level. University staff were interested in money. They were not worried about the fact that many graduates do not have the required level of knowledge and are uncompetitive specialists in the labor market.

Thus, the Novosibirsk Law Institute (a branch of Tomsk University) is an educational institution where you can receive a high-quality legal education. Applicants who want to gain good knowledge should not pay attention to non-state educational institutions that offer similar services. As a rule, such universities are aimed at making money, and not at training qualified specialists whom one could be proud of.

Novosibirsk Law Institute (branch) of Tomsk State University

Novosibirsk Law Institute (branch) of Tomsk State University (NUI(f)TSU) - is a single-profile educational institution and trains highly qualified lawyers in the field of “jurisprudence” with the awarding of the qualification (degree) “Bachelor of Law”. Founded in 1939 as the Novosibirsk branch of the All-Union Legal Correspondence Institute (VYUZI). In total, more than 14 thousand specialists graduated. More than two thousand students study. Over 300 graduates graduate annually.


It was founded in 1939, when by order of the People's Commissar of Justice of the USSR the Novosibirsk branch of the All-Union Legal Correspondence Institute was created, reorganized in 1963 into the Novosibirsk Faculty of the Sverdlovsk Law Institute. Since 1986, the educational institution has been an integral part of Tomsk State University; in 1999 – acquires modern status.

Departments of the Institute

The institute has six educational departments:

  • history of state and law, constitutional law;
  • theories of state and law, international law;
  • criminal law, procedure and criminology;
  • civil law;
  • labor, land and financial law;
  • social sciences.

Five of them are releasing ones.

Specializations of the institute

  • civil law;
  • criminal law;
  • state-legal;
  • financial and legal.


  • 1st (main) - st. Sovetskaya, 7
  • 2nd - st. Shirokaya, 33

Forms of training

Full-time, part-time (evening), part-time.

Directors (Deans)

  • Tereshchenko Evdokia Florovna (1939 - 1942)
  • Morozova Evdokia Efimovna (1942 - 1944)
  • Smirnova Irina Mikhailovna (1944 - 1948)
  • Bass Vladimir Alexandrovich (1948 - 1953)
  • Tagunov Evgeniy Nikolaevich (1953 - 1955)
  • Tatarintsev Gennady Vasilievich (1955 -1958)
  • Derevianko Grigory Fedorovich (1959)
  • Dianov Petr Dmitrievich (1960 - 1963)
  • Kozitsin Yakov Mikhailovich (1963 - 1982)
  • Makarova Valentina Semenovna (1982 - 1986)
  • Doronin Gennady Nikolaevich (1986 - 1999)
  • Chumakova Lidiya Petrovna (from 1999 to present)

Created as the Novosibirsk branch of the All-Union Legal Correspondence Institute (VYUZI) in 1939. During its existence, the university has graduated more than 16 thousand graduates. Now almost 1,200 students are covered here in all forms of education. Every year more than 300 graduates receive TSU diplomas. The Institute works hard to improve the educational process, strives not only to give students in-depth knowledge, but also to equip them with practical skills, bringing theory as close as possible to practice. The quality of education is the primary and daily concern of the teaching staff. The Novosibirsk Law Institute (branch) of TSU is the only one in Novosibirsk that has passed the public accreditation procedure carried out by the Russian Lawyers Association. In 2018, the institute for the twelfth time became a laureate of an open competition for the right to assign products (services) the official status “Novosibirsk Brand”, held by the city chamber of commerce and industry and the mayor’s office of Novosibirsk, in the category “For the successful implementation of educational programs.”

NUI (f) TSU has a modern material and technical base that provides students with the necessary conditions for successful studies, science, creativity, and sports. Lecture halls and classrooms are equipped with visual aids and equipment that make it possible to implement the requirements of state educational standards for the level of training of graduates and to use modern innovative technologies in the educational process. The institute successfully operates specialized classes on life safety and forensic medicine, forensic technology, tactics and methods of crime investigation, and a training room for court hearings. The forensic laboratory of NUI (f) TSU is one of the most equipped beyond the Urals.

It is prestigious to study with us!
Graduates of the institute are absolutely in demand in the legal services market - in law enforcement agencies, government and business structures, organizations providing legal services to the population. This is largely facilitated by strong connections with employers; Cooperation agreements have been concluded with more than forty institutions and organizations where students undergo all types of internships. In senior years, when preparing for the “Jurisprudence” major, students can choose any of four profiles - civil law, criminal law, state law, financial law.

Areas of training:
03/40/01 Jurisprudence, qualification “Bachelor”.
40.04.01 Jurisprudence, Master's qualification.

Training profiles: civil law; criminal law; state-legal; financial and legal.

Documents for admission

  • document proving the identity and citizenship of the applicant;
  • state document on education;
  • military ID (for persons who served in conscription and were discharged from military service and using the results of the unified state exam they passed within a year before conscription);
  • documents confirming the individual achievements of the applicant, the results of which are taken into account when applying for training in accordance with the admission rules approved by the organization independently (submitted at the discretion of the applicant);

Documents for admission can be submitted in person, by federal mail or by e-mail.

Admission conditions

Bachelor's degree - based on the results of the Unified State Exam or exams conducted by the institute (on the basis of secondary vocational education): Russian language, social studies, history.
Bachelor's degree on the basis of higher education - based on the results of exams conducted by the institute: in the Russian language, social studies and the fundamentals of the constitutional system of the Russian Federation.
Master's degree - based on the results of entrance exams conducted by the institute in written form on criminal law, theory of state and law.

Standard training periods

03/40/01 Jurisprudence, qualification “Bachelor”:
Full-time - 4 years (education on a budget; under contract);
Part-time and part-time - 5 years (education on a budget; under contract);
on the basis of higher education - 3 years 6 months
(training under contract)

40.04.01 Jurisprudence, Master's qualification:
Full-time - 2 years (training under contract);
correspondence course - 2 years 5 months (budgetary training; by agreement)

The admissions office works from April to August.

schedule Operating mode:

Mon., Tue., Wed., Thu., Fri. from 10:00 to 17:00

general information

Novosibirsk Law Institute (branch) of the Federal State Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Education "National Research Tomsk State University"


No. 01067 valid indefinitely from 07/28/2014


No. 02603 is valid from 05/29/2017 to 05/29/2023

Monitoring results of the Ministry of Education and Science for TSU in Novosibirsk

Index18 year17 year16 year15 year14 year
Performance indicator (out of 7 points)4 6 6 5 3
Average Unified State Examination score for all specialties and forms of study69.47 68.35 65.47 64.13 64.24
Average Unified State Examination score of those enrolled on the budget- 85 88.60 86.00 92
Average Unified State Examination score of those enrolled on a commercial basis67.8 67.5 67.50 68.00 67
Average minimum Unified State Exam score for all specialties for full-time students enrolled56.8 56.7 56.70 54.00 60
Number of students1142 1278 1453 1590 1839
Full-time department354 480 510 577 593
Part-time department205 241 336 371 459
Extramural583 557 607 642 787
All data Report Report Report Report Report

University Reviews

About TSU in Novosibirsk

The history of Tomsk State University is extensive and fascinating; since the 19th century it has been training specialists in classical fields. In 1993, the university opened its branch in Novosibirsk, endowing it with the powers of higher professional training of lawyers and giving it the name “Novosibirsk Law Institute (branch) of Tomsk State University.” More than 15 thousand qualified lawyers received education within the walls of the educational institution.

Applicants to the Novosibirsk Law Institute (branch) of Tomsk State University are given the opportunity to master the undergraduate specialty “Jurisprudence”, subsequently continuing their education in the corresponding master’s degree profile. The institute also trains legal specialists. As they prepare, students can choose the educational profile they are interested in so that by the time they graduate they will be ready for legal, prosecutorial, judicial or notarial work. Training is organized in full-time, evening and correspondence forms. The institute has budget places financed by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, however, for the bulk of students, the educational services of the educational institution are provided on a commercial basis, under a contract.

The educational process is regulated by federal educational standards, which are successfully supplemented by the developments of experienced teaching staff. For each of the academic disciplines included in the educational programs being implemented, university teachers and authoritative employees of the Tomsk State Faculty have developed full-fledged educational and methodological complexes. Full-time practical training is organized in the second, fifth and sixth academic semesters. The internship takes place after studying basic legal disciplines at enterprises in the legal industry; The duration of educational and practical training is four weeks.

The university building is located in the very center of Novosibirsk, which is extremely convenient for students from all parts of the city. The Novosibirsk Law Institute has spacious classrooms equipped with multimedia educational tools (information interactive boards, computer equipment). On the basis of the department of criminal law, process and criminology there is a criminal law and forensic unit, which includes a forensic laboratory, several specialized rooms, and a forensic testing ground. The library complex provides students with access to modern information resources, and also provides full bibliographic support, which is important in the research work of students. The creative abilities of students develop not only in the course of carrying out scientific work; on the basis of the educational institution, their own periodical publication “Novosibirsk Lawyer” is produced. The educational institution also organized the student festival “Golden Trail” and a competition of educational films in forensic science.

Former graduates of the educational institution also take part in its life. Having become government officials, founders of law firms, scientists, graduates participate in the career guidance work of the institute and contribute to the employment of students.

Novosibirsk Law Institute (branch) of the federal state autonomous educational institution of higher education "National Research Tomsk State University" is a modern educational institution where the educational process is built on a reasonable combination of traditional - classical - and the latest educational technologies.

The director of the institute since 2003 is Candidate of Legal Sciences, Associate Professor Lidiya Petrovna Chumakova. Deputy Director – Anzhelika Valentinovna Petrova.

Today NLU (f) TSU is a single-disciplinary educational institution that trains highly qualified lawyers in the field of 40.03.01 Jurisprudence with the qualification (degree) of “bachelor”. Since 2013, a master's program has been opened in the direction of 40.04.01 Jurisprudence “Criminal Law and Criminology; criminal-executive law" with the assignment of qualification (degree) "master".

Over the 78 years of its existence, the institute has graduated more than 16 thousand specialists. Now about 1,600 students are covered here in all forms of education.

In recent years, the university has passed a number of inspections and examinations at various levels, including several licensing and state accreditation procedures, as well as public accreditation.

The educational process is provided by seven departments.

  • Department of Social Sciences, Acting Head – Associate Professor M. S. Petrenko.
  • Department of Theory of State and Law, International Law, Head – Associate Professor A. M. Kalyak.
  • Department of History of State and Law, Constitutional Law, Head – Associate Professor V.V. Belkovets.
  • Department of Civil Law, Head – Associate Professor L.P. Chumakova.
  • Department of Labor, Land and Financial Law, Head – Associate Professor I.V. Frolov.
  • Department of Criminal Law, Head – Associate Professor G. N. Doronin.
  • Department of Criminal Procedure and Forensics, And. O. Head – Associate Professor A.K. Averchenko.

The last six departments are graduating.

Forms of training: full-time, part-time (evening), part-time – on the basis of higher (non-legal) education.

Levels of education. Novosibirsk Law Institute (branch) of the National Research Tomsk State University provides training in accordance with the levels of education:

  • Higher education - bachelor's degree;
  • Higher education - master's degree.
Novosibirsk Law Institute (branch) of Tomsk State University provides training in the following main educational programs:
Number of students in educational programs being implemented

There are no vacant places for admission (transfer) to the second and subsequent courses in each educational program, specialty, area of ​​training for places financed by federal budget allocations.

There are no vacant places for admission (transfer) for each educational program, area of ​​training under educational agreements at the expense of individuals and legal entities.

The quality of education is the primary and daily concern of the university teaching staff. The Institute actively introduces innovative educational technologies into the educational process. Classrooms are equipped with multimedia projectors and interactive whiteboards. A specialized class on life safety and forensic medicine has been created, where practical classes are conducted using modular mannequins; a training courtroom is equipped.

The computer center, which includes three terminal classrooms, provides access to reference and information systems, allows for self-study and control of students’ knowledge, and participation in online conferences.

Based on the departments of criminal law; criminal procedure and forensic science there is a specialized educational criminal law and forensic unit, which, in addition to the departments named above, includes a forensic laboratory (two specialized classes - forensic technology; tactics and methods for investigating crimes), a forensic office, and a forensic testing ground.

The forensic laboratory of the institute is equipped with the most modern technical means, which other educational institutions do not have. In particular, students master the Papillon automated fingerprint identification and search system, which can read biometric data, allowing identification of a person by papillary patterns. This includes modern equipment, with the help of which you can quickly determine the authenticity of unreadable documents, banknotes, and securities stained with blood or paint. The forensic office has the richest collections beyond the Urals of samples (models) of firearms and bladed weapons, crime detection equipment, and antique photographic equipment. And all this is not hidden, but is actively used for educational purposes.

The educational process of the institute is provided by the library and information complex. Its most significant and rich resource is its book fund; subscriptions have been issued to almost 50 titles of magazines and newspapers corresponding to the profile of the institute. It has a library and information complex and an extensive collection of multimedia resources, as well as a collection of rare and valuable publications of the 19th – early 20th centuries. in jurisprudence.

Since 2010, the library and information complex has been working with the electronic library system (ELS) “University Library Online” - this is an electronic library that provides access to the most popular materials: primary sources, educational, educational and methodological literature, scientific monographs of modern authors. The electronic library collection includes publications from more than 50 major publishing houses. The catalog contains the latest textbooks and teaching aids, which are widely used in the educational process of the institute, as well as educational media courses, reference books, dictionaries and encyclopedias. You can work in EBS from any place where you have access to the Internet - this is done by assigning individual passwords to each student or teacher.

The library and information complex has an automated library and information system (ALIS) VIRTUA of the American corporation VTLS. This system allows you to effectively manage library processes.

Since 2007, a second academic building has been operating on Shirokaya Street, 33, and since 2017 - a building on Lebedevsky Street, 1. Students have access to modern classrooms equipped with the latest audio and video equipment; a satellite communication system that provides reception and transmission of audio and video information over long distances in real time; gym.

The youth cultural center (MCC), created in 2011, has become a powerful means of aesthetic education. The center has a cozy concert and rehearsal hall with all the accompanying props and musical instruments.

The quality of educational services provided by the institute complies with international quality standards ISO 9001:2008.

Our educational programs 40.03.01 Jurisprudence and 40.04.01 Jurisprudence were twice recognized as one of the best in the country, according to the National Center for Public and Professional Accreditation (city of Yoshkar-Ola).

For many years, the institute has been the winner of the “Novosibirsk Brand” competition for goods, works and services, which is held by the mayor’s office and the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the city of Novosibirsk, in the categories “For sustainable development in the educational services market” and “For the quality of education.” For services in the field of training legal personnel, the Novosibirsk Law Institute (branch) of TSU has been invariably included on the Honor Board of the city of Novosibirsk since 2011.

A highly professional teaching staff has formed at NLU (f) TSU; two thirds of teachers have academic degrees and academic titles; 70% of them are graduates of our institute from different years.

Within the walls of the institute their own scientific schools are born. As fully formed, we can talk about the schools of legal technology (the founder is Doctor of Philosophy, Doctor of Law, Professor Albert Konstantinovich Chernenko) and diplomatic law (the leading scientist is Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor Larisa Prokopyevna Belkovets). L.P. Belkovets has been studying the history of Russian-German diplomatic relations for many years. She interned several times at universities in Germany, worked in the archives and libraries of Bonn, Berlin, Bochum, Marburg, etc., and participated in several international projects. She is the author of more than 200 scientific monographic and educational works, including those that have received the stamp of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation.

The opening speech is made by the director of the institute, candidate of legal sciences, associate professor L. P. Chumakova. On the presidium is Doctor of Law, Professor of Altai State University V. K. Gavlo

Faculty and student scientific and practical conferences – interregional and interuniversity – are regularly held at NUI (f) TSU; There are currently 15 scientific student circles, united in a student scientific society.

The information and publishing department of the institute publishes collections of scientific works, teaching aids and monographs of teachers of the institute; The institute-wide newspaper “Novosibirsk Lawyer” is published monthly.

Graduates of the institute are in demand in the legal services market. In the Novosibirsk region and the city of Novosibirsk they make up: in the prosecutor's office - over 70% of the operational staff, in courts of general jurisdiction - 80%, in the arbitration court - 60%, in the justice department - 45%, in the bar and notaries - about 90%; In internal affairs bodies, every fourth investigator graduated from NUI (f) TSU.

Cooperation agreements have been concluded by the institute with more than forty institutions and organizations, including law enforcement agencies and institutions providing legal assistance to the population, where our students have the right to undergo all types of internships.

NLU (f) TSU students also undergo practical training at the institute’s student legal consultation (clinic), which is constantly operating at four sites.

Together with the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for the Novosibirsk Region, a project is being implemented for targeted training of legal personnel from among rural and urban police officers.

Famous graduates

The prosecutor's office of the Novosibirsk region was headed at different times by graduates of the institute K. A. Nazaryuk, N. P. Bezryadin, P. A. Pogrebnoy; Prosecutor's office of the Tula region - A. M. Octagon; Prosecutor's Office of the Kemerovo Region - N. V. Seleznev(later a judge of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation); Novosibirsk prosecutor's office - V. T. Borisov and G. I. Shilokhvostov. The chairmen of the Novosibirsk Regional Court were elected P. I. Manyashin, M. S. Karpenko, A. P. Serebryakov, V. A. Kurochkin. For many years he was the Chairman of the Presidium of the Bar Association P. A. Voskoboynikov. The chief state arbiter of the region was N. A. Toropova and E. V. Polezhaeva. The head of the Main Directorate of the BHSS Ministry of Internal Affairs of the country was a major general of police V. I. Runyshkov; Head of the Department of Internal Affairs of the Tomsk Region - A. G. Vladimirov. The title of Honored Lawyer of the RSFSR was awarded in different years L. Ya. Berchansky, P. A. Voskoboynikov, Y. K. Voronin, I. P. Zyryanov, M. G. Klevtsov, V. P. Kopylova, K. S. Lopatin, V. D. Svobodina, N. F. Sobolev, B. A. Sokolov, N. K. Sosnov, N. A. Toropova, T. D. Shevchuk, A. I. Shkurin and others.

Among the graduates of the institute currently working or engaged in public activities is a retired judge of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation Nikolai Vasilievich Seleznev; former deputies of the State Duma Vasily Ivanovich Volkovsky– Lieutenant General, Honored Lawyer of the Russian Federation, Doctor of Sociological Sciences, Professor, Honorary Doctor of the University of Cambridge; included in the first hundred of the presidential reserve Liana Vitalievna Pepelyaeva; Olga Vladimirovna Onishchenko. Until recently, he was Minister of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, Assistant to the President - Secretary of the Security Council of the Republic of Kazakhstan Kairbek Shoshanovich Suleimenov. Until recently, the position of Director of the Research Institute of Theory and Practice of Public Administration of the Academy of Management under the President of the Republic of Belarus was held by a Doctor of Law, professor, and famous writer Sergey Alexandrovich Trakhimyonok. Among the major scientists who once graduated from our university, one cannot fail to mention a specialist in the theory of state and law, sociology of law, legal problems of education, Honored Scientist of the Russian Federation, Doctor of Law, Professor Vladimir Mikhailovich Syrykh.

In Novosibirsk, the names of graduates of our institute from different years are well known: lieutenant general of police, until recently head of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation for the Siberian Federal District Yuri Mikhailovich Proshchalykin; in the recent past - head of the Office of the Federal Bailiff Service for the Novosibirsk Region - chief bailiff of the Novosibirsk Region Mikhail Nikolaevich Pechurin; Commissioner for Human Rights in the Novosibirsk Region Nina Nikolaevna Shalabaeva; Deputy Plenipotentiary Representative of the President of the Russian Federation in the Siberian Federal District, Honored Lawyer of Russia Lyubov Evgenievna Burdy; Chairman of the Novosibirsk Regional Court, Candidate of Legal Sciences Rimma Viktorovna Shatovkina; President of the Notary Chamber of the Novosibirsk Region Elena Valentinovna Bykova and many others.