For those who have nothing to do. What to do if you are very bored? Exercises at home in your free time

One day in a bookstore I came across a popular science book. This book said that if you feel that you are bored with life, you think that you are depressed, then most likely you have no purpose in life and you do not understand who you are. In this article we will look at what to do when you are bored?

You don't feel yourself. You don't know what you want to do. Basically, you don't know what you love. And even if you are now released from work and given a large amount money, you won’t know what to spend it on or what you should do now.

Therefore, the first thing I think you need to start doing if you are bored is to start making plans. Because it’s boring because of idleness!

1. Plan.

Make plans. You can make a wish map. What will you look like in 5 years? Where will you live. How will your day go? What habits will you have? What will you love to eat for breakfast? What languages ​​will you know? What kind of people will you communicate with? Where will you work? Or perhaps you will go to study. You don't have anything to do right now anyway, so why not sit and dream about what kind of life you might have in the future. Plans make us happier.

If you really know what you want, then perhaps you should start planning steps towards your goal. For example, you want to work as a designer, then you need to go to a site with job advertisements and see what requirements are imposed on a person who works in this position. See what programs you need to study, what skills and work experience are required.

And begin to slowly develop these skills and develop a portfolio in order to get this position in the future. If in this moment If you don’t want to learn anything, then don’t teach it. But look on the Internet for courses that can help you in the future, look for books or other online resources for studying design. And when you are in the right mood for studying, you will not need to look for these resources all over the Internet and bookmarks lying around, you will just need to open the courses, books that you have carefully collected in a separate folder to study.

Plan your vacation.

Plan your trip. If you are going to go somewhere. Or you just dream of going somewhere. Anyway. Check ticket prices. Check out the hotels. Look for things to do in this country. What can you eat? What to see. Look for typical establishments with many locals. This way you can learn more about the culture and the country. Come up with entertainment during your vacation. You can bungee jump, go surfing, you can go on an excursion, scuba dive, you can ride a roller coaster, take part in a festival, sleep in a Japanese capsule hotel, you can chat with locals by making an appointment with them on the couchsurfing website and much much more everything you have enough imagination and patience to browse the Internet for. In general, to ensure that you don’t get bored during your vacation, you need to plan everything in advance.

If you don’t like planning trips in general, then think about some events that are happening in your city and you would like to attend. For example, there is a concert of some very cool band coming up and you would like to go to it. Perhaps there is a festival taking place in your city, and you would like to feel the atmosphere of the city during this festival and walk along its streets. Or maybe an English language course or a dance group starts next week. And it would be great for you to sign up there, because they are very conveniently located near your work or home.

Or you can go to historical excursion in your city.. Or see on which days you will definitely be free and you don’t plan to go anywhere and then on that day you can meet your friends. Just get into the habit of planning some events in your life and life will become more interesting. You will begin to enjoy not only the event itself, but also the time you spend waiting for it.

Plan your day.

Come up with new ones good habits. Plan your day according to these habits. For example, you want to start doing yoga or doing exercises in the morning. Or you want to save some money for your trip and from now on you decide to take food with you to work rather than spend money on cafes at work. And you will need time to prepare the food, pack it in a container and put it in your bag. And so that there is no temptation, as always, to rush off to work in a hurry and again have lunch at the local canteen, you need to get into the habit of getting up early.

Planning your habits This is also a very fun and interesting activity. Especially nowadays when there are a huge number of applications, such as Google calendars, Google Keeper, Google tasks. People who have jimail understand perfectly what I'm talking about, since right side There is a column in your email where you can write down a list of tasks, and after completion, mark these tasks as completed. Inventing habits is somewhat reminiscent of a quest. Like in games like Gothic, when you level up your character. Only in life all this is much more interesting. And much more useful.

2. Start learning a foreign language.

Well, if at the moment you are sitting in the office and you are bored and sad, then, in my opinion, learning a foreign language is simply an amazing option. And many employers are quite loyal to the fact that employees, after doing their work, sit with English textbooks or read some fiction in English. Admit it, do you have volumes of Harry Potter and The Lord of the Rings at work? I saw volumes of Harry Potter in many offices.

3. Register on the couchsurfing website or on the penpals website.

You can continue to practice your foreign language. Or arrange a meeting with one of the foreign guests. Show them your city, chat with them, learn something new about their culture, tell them about yours. Just 15-20 🙂 clicks and a completely new and interesting experience.

4. Learn to cook something new. For example, borscht (new ha-ha) or sushi or fry some pies.

Cooking is actually quite enough interesting activities. But if you really don’t like cooking at all, then you can just think about what you would like to eat and find a place in the city where this food is prepared.

5. Just read an interesting book.

I can give you good advice, get yourself a special notebook where you will write down films and books that interest you and that you want to read. Sometimes it happens that you simply cannot remember what kind of film it was and you have to watch the first or second one that you came across on the Internet.

6. Take a walk.

Take a walk around the city or your neighborhood. Select a route on Google maps, 8 kilometers and go! Ideally, this route should go along the most beautiful places in your city and then the walk will be even more interesting.. After the walk you will feel very tired and forget that you were bored at all. Besides this, walking is always very beneficial, there is a huge amount of research that suggests that walking is the best way to prolong our life and improve our health. Walking will once and for all rid you of thoughts of what to do when you’re bored?

7. Come up with a list of gifts for your friends and family.

When the time comes for holidays and birthdays, coming up with a gift for a person becomes simply a super task. So, why don’t you come up with something to give now, when you’re bored? You can also come up with a romantic surprise for your loved one.

8. Another very fun activity.

This is watching videos on YouTube. But something tells me that you watch them all the time anyway:J

9. Sports.

Go to the pool, play basketball, football, tennis, badminton, any active sports game, dance, go hiking, ride a bike. In general, an active hobby is one of the most important components of healthy psychological well-being. If you notice that you are often bored, often feel tired, or feel overwhelmed, then most likely there is very little physical activity in your life. A sports hobby is one of the best ways to take your mind off problems and make your life more interesting and varied. Besides everything else exercise stress- this is the most natural way, invented by nature, to relax and calm your thoughts. Physical activity is meditation.

10. What to do when you're bored? Just call some of your friends and just chat.

About all sorts of nonsense, about what happened in your life, about what book you read, about where you were, about what phone you bought, what movie you want to watch. Better yet, invite them to your place for tea or invite them to sit in some coffee shop in the city center. In general, chatting with friends over a cup of coffee is a very fun and relaxing activity.

11. Clean the house.

If you are at work, remove your desk. I think that almost every person at home has piles of clothes that should have been cleared away long ago. There is a bookcase with a bunch of books, which, by the way, you can leaf through while cleaning and turn cleaning into reading. Dust that needs to be wiped off. There are a lot of unnecessary things that clutter up your space and, as my observations show, interfere with your thinking. In general, cleaning is two in one. This is cleaning and at the same time it can be dancing to very fun live music. (Girls, take note!) It follows from this next point articles what to do if you're bored, it's music.

12. Listen to your favorite music.

There are a huge number of musical styles that you can explore. You do not want? Ok Jump and have fun to your favorite familiar music. We all really loved doing this as children, so even if you are an adult now, maybe this is the time to feel that childhood joy.

You can also sing karaoke. Some Disney song. For example from Mulan. It seems to me that almost all people in the world love to sing. I wonder why? Of course, there are people who are shy, but love :)

13. Keep a diary.

You can write down events that happened in your life there. And after some time you will be able to re-read them. Very often, after a few years, events are forgotten, but thanks to your diary, you will be able to return to the warmest and most precious moments of your life. Many famous personalities writers and travelers kept their diaries. Perhaps it is the diary that will encourage you to make your life more vibrant and interesting.

14. Come up with a business idea.

Come up with a way additional income. It could be tutoring, it could be extra work, just a small business idea, you can start your own Youtube channel or blog. At the same time, do your own own business It's always more interesting than working for someone else. You can be an author, designer, businessman, all rolled into one. It can be anyone - after all, it’s your business.

There are a huge number interesting lectures about evolution, lectures about human psychology, lectures about mathematics, physics, lectures about space, lectures about animals. The world around us is so amazing and huge that you will definitely be able to find a topic that will interest you. In addition, it has now become fashionable to popularize science. A huge number of interesting lecturers have appeared who talk about very difficult things as if it were your friend talking about what happened to him yesterday in your kitchen. They joke a lot, give real examples, after which you stop thinking that astrophysics is something for the elite.

16. Learn to draw or just draw.

People, nature, animals. Paints, pencils, felt-tip pens, crayons, on the computer. As you wish.

17. Take care of yourself.

If you are a girl, then make a face mask, paint your nails, come up with a beautiful makeup that you have never done. Look on YouTube for hairstyle ideas and create something new for yourself: braids, lambswort, long straight hair, curls. All this takes time. After all the procedures, will thoughts about what to do when you’re bored stop coming into your head?

18. Go to a university open day.

Perhaps you have long dreamed of visiting the building of some famous university, or are you actually interested in training program of this university. Open days are like a breath of fresh air, Sometimes it feels like an opportunity to touch the future. Especially when it comes to faculties related to science.

19. Buy tickets for football, hockey.

Cheering for a team is a lot of fun, but it's just as fun if you're cheering for that team at home or in a sports bar. Go to a sports bar.

20. What to do when you're bored? Get together with friends and family and play board games.

There are a huge number of board games now: from strategies to the simplest entertaining games like mafia. In the event that none of your relatives and friends loves Board games, you can join some clubs that are located near you. Nowadays this is all very common.

21. Arrange a photo shoot for yourself.

You can do a portrait photo session, you can arrange a photo session outdoors, on the street of your city, choosing the most unique views. Or take a photo yourself.

22. Do it yourself.

Learn to do something with your own hands: sew, knit, make furniture, assemble robots, grow strawberries or tomatoes at home.

If none of the activities have yet touched a single string of your soul, then just lie idle, or better yet, sleep. Everything has its time.

23. Sleep is also a very useful thing.

What do you think you should do when you're bored?

IN present century It’s very difficult to find a reason for boredom, considering what incredible opportunities the Internet opens up for us! Needless to say, our parents could only dream of such benefits, but we practically do not use them.

What to do on the Internet when you're bored

Basically, people regularly visit only a few sites, and having searched them far and wide, without finding new information, come to the conclusion that the Internet is incredibly boring. Of course this is not true! If you used at least half of the opportunities that the World Wide Web provides, then you would have no time for real life at all!

What to watch when you're bored

    Series. Well, perhaps everyone knows that now, in order to watch a new episode of your favorite series, you don’t have to wait until it comes out on television. Yes, and TV suffers from regular advertising breaks, but on the Internet this can be avoided. Every year a huge number of interesting multi-part projects are released, which are not inferior in quality to full-length films. If you are looking for similar new products that have been highly praised by world critics, then pay attention to such amazing projects as “Westworld”, “Stranger Things”, “Taboo”, “Game of Thrones”, “The Crown”, “Outlander” and many others. However, you can start watching hits that have been delighting fans for many years, and during this time they have managed to establish themselves with best side– “Supernatural”, “The Big Bang Theory”, “The Originals”, “ the walking Dead", "Vikings" and many others! By the way, you can not only watch your favorite series, but also read about them fun facts and theories! On social networks such as VK, almost every more or less well-known series has communities where news about the filming of the project, casting history and much more are posted. You can also find entire websites dedicated to your favorite TV series. For example, Game of Thrones and The Walking Dead have their own Wikipedias! There you will read about each, even episodic, character in detail, learn the backstory of this or that hero and much more - in general, all the information that exists about him. It is worth noting that you can not only read about your favorite characters, but also watch videos. Many talented fans create short videos highlighting popular television personalities. Although it is more interesting to look at theories and guesses about the series - just enter into the search “Westworld - theories” or “Game of Thrones - theories”, and if you are a fan of these projects, then you will discover a lot of information that you did not even think about! Movies. In addition to TV series, you can also watch on the Internet art films. Immediately after premieres in the cinema, the quality of films may leave much to be desired, but there are exceptions. However, it is not necessary to chase new products. Many cinema websites offer already formed categories for the best thrillers, action films, cartoons and other genres. Of course, each film, as a rule, has a description, so if the name of the project seems unfamiliar to you, you can read the announcement or trailer, which will give even more insight into the selected film. Educational videos. Nowadays, there is no need to attend any master classes when the Internet is connected to the computer. Of course, not for the reason that you can do something else instead, but because on the Internet, if you wish, you can find many master classes on almost any topic! No matter how incredible it may seem to you, note that if you yourself want it, you can master some type of dance “from scratch”! Of course, it will be more difficult with paired dances, but single dances can easily be conquered by you. There are also many lessons and other directions on the Internet. For example, you can knit a sweater or scarf in a short time by simply carefully reading the corresponding video. If you devote a month to this goal - to master several video lessons - then at the end of this period you will already have several significant achievements. It could be a self-sewn dress, an oil painting, soft toy do it yourself and much, much more!

Of course, only you can determine which sites are truly interesting for you, but you can be sure that on the Internet you can find information about everything you like, about any hobbies. If you are a beginner angler, then specialized sites for other fishing enthusiasts will make you a real professional in this matter. The same applies to floriculture, knitting, dancing and other hobbies.

What to look for on website pages in Yandex or Google

Here you have not one or several options - there are so many of them that you probably can’t count them. Currently, Yandex and Google are able to find almost everything you need. Old acquaintances, menu of your favorite cafe, rare photos celebrities, the latest movies, a delicious charlotte recipe, homework solutions and a huge variety of other topics.

What to play on the computer

There are a lot of games currently released, and you can easily find something to suit your taste. If you like puzzles, then pay attention to the game “Seven Wonders of the World”. If you want to play in a company with other users, then World of Tanks is an excellent choice. If you want to get into an intriguing horror game, then Slender could be a great choice. In general, it will be easier for you to decide if you go to the games catalog and study the descriptions of the shooters you like most.

What interesting and useful things can you find on the Internet?

As we have already mentioned more than once, the World Wide Web hides in its depths a lot of necessary and useful information. You have the opportunity to read rare books in the original, create music, explore other countries and do much more without leaving home! So let's look at some useful options spending time on the Internet. Education. You can learn a lot with the help of the Internet! Learn a simple hobby or a new profession - the choice is yours! Using the benefits of the Internet, you can learn programming, learn a foreign language from scratch, learn the basics of drawing, applying makeup, hairdressing, and more. Job. Previously, most people were skeptical about working on the Internet, and many of them did not change their former skepticism. However, more and more people are realizing themselves in this niche. One of these types of income can be called copywriting and rewriting, which even schoolchildren can do (with the proper level of literacy). If you want to find out more about what we’re talking about, then simply type the phrase “Review of the best copyright exchanges” into Google or Yandex and study the information. Others make money by leaving advertising comments under other people’s pictures and liking them. Going to the Instagram page of any Russian celebrity, under almost every photo or video you can easily find an offer for such work. In general, your possibilities are not limited to this, because, among other things, there is also: surfing websites, playing on the stock exchange, sports betting and more!

Self-development. It's hard to argue that it's pretty too useful look activities. Previously, to become an intellectual or simply not to be known stupid person, it was necessary to apply much more effort. To be well-read, you had to own a decent home library or regularly visit a reading room. For studying foreign language and it was absolutely necessary to set aside time to visit the teacher, and this was also lucky if he lived not too far from his home. Now, to achieve the desired result, it is not necessary to overcome all these difficulties. You will find all the masterpieces of world literature on the Internet, as well as online lessons on learning a particular language. Of course, this doesn’t stop there. You can learn more about the world's most famous paintings, the most famous cinematic works, and more! Acquaintance. It's probably no secret that many happy couples found each other on the Internet. You don’t even have to register on a dating site to do this! Often, in order to start a dialogue with the person you like, you can simply add him to your friends list on a social network and start a virtual conversation. This is often how it starts beautiful stories love. Although, of course, not everyone can decide on such a casual start to dating. In this case, a dating site may be a way out of the situation. There you won’t get into trouble by starting a conversation with the guy you like because... know exactly what the purpose of his stay on this site is.

1. Watching a movie This kind of time spent in front of the computer is quite popular, and, of course, there are good reasons for this. Now you don’t need to study the program schedule, subsequently waiting for several hours or days for a more or less suitable film to appear on television screens. However, you don’t have to go to the cinema either. You can find almost any film that has already been made on the Internet! As a rule, many movie sites create wonderful selections of various genres. If you consider yourself a fan of thrillers, then be sure to check out the list of “most intense thrillers” on the Internet. By the way, there is also such interesting selection, as “movies with surprise endings.” These films include “Shutter Island”, “Seven”, “Black Swan”, “Fight Club” and many other hits. 2. Listening to music Also quite a useful advantage of the Internet! You can quickly track all the new music and listen to it later. In addition, the premieres of long-awaited videos will not pass you by! However, you can also listen to retro music at any time. Considering that your favorite music is what lifts the mood for many, we can say that salvation from the blues is almost always at hand. 3. Sing karaoke Improving your singing talents or having fun with friends is not at all difficult when you have karaoke! Who knows, maybe it's dormant in you real star, and you don’t even know about it yet. Of course, you probably know that the choice of karaoke songs on different sites is huge. You can sing both foreign and Russian hits. However, take into account the fact that in many cities after eleven in the evening it is prohibited by law to interfere with the rest of your neighbors, so if you doubt that they will want to join you, it is better to complete the “song festival” before the specified period. 4. Read a book A very useful pastime! Plus, you have quite a lot of choice. We bring to your attention masterpieces of world classics, modern bestsellers and more. Perhaps you have always wanted to get acquainted with the work of Stephen King, but never had the opportunity? With the advent of the Internet, you now always have this opportunity! 5. Play a game A great way to overcome boredom or “kill” time before doing something else. Game world Nowadays it is very diverse, and if you don’t immerse yourself in it headlong, then such a vacation can even be useful. 6. Read the news Every day various events happen in the world - in politics, in fashion trends, V personal life celebrities, in cinema, music, science and so on. If you have an interest in any of these areas, then it would be unreasonable not to take advantage of the advantage that the World Wide Web gives you - to be one of the first to know about significant changes, taking place in the country or even in the Universe! 7. Find friends If you are lonely, then this is not at all a reason for serious despondency. Many people have managed to find true friends using the World Wide Web. If you think it's stupid and time-consuming to try to make friends with random strangers, then know that there are now specialized sites for finding friends and company. Don't deprive yourself of the joy of communicating with people who also need friends. 8. Learn a foreign language Perhaps this is one of the most great benefits, which gives humanity the Internet. So take advantage of it! Think about what country you plan to visit in the near or distant future, what culture is close and interesting to you? Nowadays there are many online lessons that are completely free! Study the videos that the teachers carefully recorded, and gradually you will reach your intended goal.

Remember what dish made you feel indelible impression at a party or in a cafe. Of course, you can prepare something similar yourself! You can also determine what ingredients you want to see in your dish and find a recipe taking into account the selected products. You have the opportunity to cook some masterpiece of Mexican, Italian, Ukrainian, Russian, French or other cuisine with your own hands! Subsequently, you will be able to periodically delight your household with your new skills. It is also possible that you will want to have a romantic dinner, and knowledge of proven recipes in this case will not hurt you at all. 10. Find a job or part-time job Spending time on the Internet can be not only interesting, but also profitable if you are interested in additional form earnings. However, with due diligence it can be the main one! 11. Sell unnecessary things Just because you have things you don’t need lying around at home, this doesn’t mean that no one needs them. Clothes that don't suit you, or that are already boring, but look pretty decent, can quickly interest someone else. Many people various reasons They can’t always afford to buy new things, so they often pay attention to second-hand stores and look for used things on the Internet. This applies not only to clothes, but also to shoes, furniture, musical instruments, equipment and more. So don’t rush to put unnecessary junk into the far corner, or even throw it away - it can still serve you well! 12. Shopping, buy yourself things Of course, clothes can not only be sold, but also bought. If you don’t need used clothes, then you can pay attention to other models that are posted on Avito and similar sites. As a rule, domestic craftsmen present dresses there at very reasonable prices - for quite modest money you can buy a magnificent dress for a holiday or a date. And the assortment is not limited to dresses - there you will find many other wardrobe items, shoes, outerwear, casual and erotic underwear, accessories and more. Also, don’t forget that many brands have online stores where you can often find wonderful promotions. 13. Take the test (for purpose in life, logic, IQ) With the help of a variety of tests you can learn something new about yourself! Do you know what your IQ level is? You can easily find a test on the Internet that will help you find out! You can also determine which profession suits you best, what your temperament is, and the image of your ideal partner. In addition, you can determine your own purpose in life and much more. 14. Learn dance Perhaps you have been thinking about signing up for dancing for a long time, but you constantly put it off for fear of appearing inept in front of teachers and other students. You can avoid awkward moments if you start learning at home. The Internet contains many educational videos that will help you master almost any dance style. In addition, you can first work on your stretching by watching videos of the most effective exercises. If you want to be toned and in harmony with your body, then yoga is a great choice. And it’s not at all necessary to buy a subscription to sports complex! Now you just need to turn on the desired video and start meditating. A couple of weeks of such classes and you will feel like a completely different person!

16. Find a new hobby Many people forget about various hobbies as adults. If in childhood many of us collected inserts and made some crafts, then in adulthood similar activities seem stupid. However, even now, with the help of the Internet, you can take up a hobby that will even be useful - learning a foreign language, knitting, soap making, baking and much more! 17. Solving puzzles and riddles Sometimes our mind needs a workout, and various puzzles and rebuses are great for this. In the vastness of the Internet you are without special effort You will find riddles of varying difficulty that will surely make you sweat. 18. Handicrafts Even if you think that knitting, sewing clothes or other handicrafts are not for you, you can change your mind by checking out a few simple master classes. If you are already an experienced needlewoman, then additional lessons for making complex and interesting things can be a real find for you! 19. Chat with friends You may now find less and less time to meet with your friends. Of course, this is not a reason to completely refuse to communicate with them or periodically just exchange likes on the Internet. Regularly take an interest in the affairs of your friends, tell them about yourself, and, of course, use the virtual world for another important thing - invitations to real meetings. 20. View photos We can talk about your own photographs, which have been accumulating in personal albums for several years. And, of course, many are interested in seeing how things are going with friends and old acquaintances. If you use Odnoklassniki, then without a special “invisibility” mode it will be difficult to study other people’s photos without being noticed. If you have long switched to other social networks, then calmly look at any photos, and no one will know about your interest in them, if you yourself do not like them. 21. Read jokes When your mood leaves much to be desired, reading jokes can cheer you up at least a little. They can be found in large quantities, both on special sites and in separate groups in VK. In addition, memes are now quite popular, with which collections of jokes are periodically added. Who knows, you might like them even more! 22. Videos of your favorite bloggers If you don’t have any favorite bloggers at all, and you can hardly imagine who we are talking about, then you can familiarize yourself with the lists of the most popular bloggers in search engines - these lists are regularly updated. As a rule, you can always find something interesting for yourself in their videos - of course, if you choose the right blogger. Having made the right choice, you can draw for yourself a huge storehouse of information - how to skillfully apply makeup, how to do complex hair coloring yourself, what methods to use in raising children, how to travel inexpensively and much more! 23. Fitness In order to gain necessary forms, it is absolutely not necessary to sign up for a fitness center. There are many videos on the Internet, like “Pump up your butt in a month”, “Get rid of your sides in two weeks”, “Pump up your abs at home”, “I want buttocks like these” and others! Experienced instructors will tell you in detail how to perform certain elements. All you have to do is look at the screen, repeat after the trainer, and soon expect excellent results.

24. Healthy eating If you decide to follow proper nutrition, you can familiarize yourself with the menu that nutritionists have already compiled. As a rule, you can find similar menus on the Internet for a week, or even more - all you have to do is stock up on food. There are also sites like “Your Trainer”, which ask you to enter your weight and height parameters into a table, indicating what you want - to gain weight, maintain it, or lose weight. According to the information entered and the specified request, you will immediately be presented with a table of the most relevant menu for you. Perhaps you are no longer new to this business, then you will be interested healthy recipes, thanks to which you will eat not only healthy, but also tasty and varied. 25. Watch a concert of your favorite band Previously, not being able to attend a concert of your favorite band could be seriously upsetting, but now everything is not so bad. Various concerts of musical performers are regularly posted on the Internet, and you can watch them with interest. Also, you will probably find it very interesting to see the performances of cult groups that are already a thing of the past. 26. Find old friends There are probably a lot of friends on your friends list with whom you communicate quite often. But at the same time, you could also find those who have long “dropped out” of your life. These could be some classmates, former neighbors, first love, childhood friend and others. Of course, you may not want to put these people's names back on your friends list, but you would probably be interested to know how they live now. 27. Chat on forums Nowadays there are many different interest forums, and many of them will most likely seem quite interesting to you. For example, a forum for pickup artists! It doesn’t matter what gender you are, you will probably be interested in reading what these people talk about, what secrets they share with each other, and, perhaps, also participating in their conversation. There are also forums for young and experienced mothers, fishermen, gamers, volunteers and others. You have the opportunity to expand your knowledge in a particular area, or, if necessary, ask for advice. There are also special women's sites where representatives of the fair sex share their life situations and consult with each other. Even if you consider yourself an unimportant adviser, it is always useful to evaluate other people's situations from the outside, especially if they are in some way similar to your own life realities. 28. Best pictures from satellite This could really be interesting! On Google you can even find a selection of shocking and inexplicable satellite photos, and also read various theories at their expense. Such a pastime can seriously captivate you. You can create a collage of photos of you with your loved one, or create a composition of photos with your friends. Subsequently, these photos can be posted on your page on a social network. 30. Photoshop You have a wonderful opportunity to master the intricacies of Photoshop. Surely, you have always been amazed by the star’s “Before and After Photoshop” photos. Perhaps you yourself are unhappy with some of your photos, and believe that certain touches will improve the situation. This means that such online lessons will only benefit you. It is important to learn how to do this kind of work subtly and unnoticed, so that in the end the photographs do not look ridiculous.

If you don’t have brushes with paints and pencils, but you really want to draw, then the Internet is ready to come to your aid! Moreover, you can use different techniques - the effect of oil paints, watercolors, pencil drawing and the like. Having practiced creating masterpieces on the Internet, you can later try to transfer them to paper. 47. Write a letter We all exchange periodically short messages with friends. Even if the messages turn out to be long, then, as a rule, they are written in the context of a general topic, a certain conversation. How long has it been since you sent or transmitted a full letter to someone? Of course, if you write it by hand, it will be just great, but a message created on a computer can be no worse. You can pick up unusual font, add a bright ornament and so on. Subsequently, the finished text can be easily printed on a color printer. 48. Self-care tips Self-care is an integral part of any person’s life, and the World Wide Web can help you quickly navigate the variety of home and salon beauty treatments. You can easily determine which face mask is ideal for your skin type, and what ingredients you can use to make a scrub at home. Of course, the wealth of advice that can be found on the Internet does not end there - information about body wraps, hair masks, the intricacies of an ideal manicure and much more is freely available on the Internet. 49. Incredible facts The World Wide Web contains many exciting sites that will tell you about incredible facts. Most likely, many of them will become a real discovery for you. Meanwhile, in the animal, scientific and other worlds, various discoveries periodically occur that can be called truly stunning. 50. Creation of comics, cartoons This may seem surprising to you, but you yourself can become the creator of an animated film. Surely, this will be a truly exciting adventure for you - to come up with a story, create colorful characters and make a cartoon using one of the Internet programs. Subsequently, this cartoon can be shown to loved ones, gradually supplementing it with new episodes. 51. Sounds of nature The World Wide Web contains audio recordings of many natural sounds. Why might you need this? Well, first of all, just for fun, you can find out what sounds certain animals make. Although, of course, this is not the main advantage. Many people use recordings of these sounds to calm them down, and you can do the same. You can have a wonderful rest by sitting comfortably in a chair or bed, closing your eyes and listening to a high-quality recording of birdsong, crackling logs, the sound of rain, crunching snow, and the like. 52. Skype Skype gives you a great opportunity to communicate with people you care about, even if they are far from you right now. This way, you can maintain close contact with relatives and friends even while at a distance. Also, such a pastime can be very useful for couples in love who would like to see each other more often, but for one reason or another do not have such an opportunity. 53. 3D panoramas You can go to virtual excursions along the most beautiful streets of famous and little-known cities in the world! Perhaps you are going on a trip soon and want to know what awaits you there - 3D panoramas will give you the opportunity to satisfy this curiosity. However, the situation may be different - you understand that in the near future you are unlikely to have the opportunity to travel around the world, but you would really like to see the real streets of some distant country. In general, 3D panoramas are really interesting and entertaining. You may be able to find their own home or area that you often visit - such searches usually also turn out to be very exciting for many users. 54. Search for interesting establishments around the city You and your friend have a couple interesting places for meetings, and are you not interested in other establishments? Meanwhile, most likely, in your city for Lately Many cozy coffee shops and restaurants have opened that may suit your taste. A change of environment is often very useful; do not deprive yourself of this novelty. 55. Study any necessary information On the World Wide Web you can find any information you need. If you have any questions or are unsure about something, there is no need to act at random - on the Internet you can find the answer to any question that worries you! Knowing the variety of sites available on the Internet, it is very difficult to get bored. Surely, the existence of many of them can become a real discovery for you. However, we decided to take you on a tour into the world of truly impressive and special sites! They are all very different, but interesting at the same time. Some of them contain funny jokes, while others can become a real lifesaver for you. We decided to bring to your attention 55 useful links! We recommend that you take a look at each of the proposed resources, and from your former boredom you will only have vague memories! If you are ready to familiarize yourself with the list of interesting sites that we have carefully selected for you, then we suggest going to our group on VK, where you will already find:

In this article we will look at what you can do if you are bored sitting at the computer. There are many difficulties in life, and fighting boredom is one of them.

Anyone want to argue? And remember with what pleasure we waited for the bell to ring during boring classes.

Or how much joy there was sometimes when the time approached for the end of the working day or shift, where you just had to sit at the computer and wait.

If you are reading these lines, it means the article designed just for you. It briefly describes the most popular entertainment resources and timekiller sites that allow you to have a little fun, relieve boredom, speed up the waiting process and just relax.

This page is dedicated specifically to the topic of online resources, although on a computer and without the Internet there is something to do:

  • read a book or article;
  • play a game;
  • to see a movie;
  • devote yourself to creativity (moderating, drawing, creating animation and cartoons) and much more.

The second part of the article contains more educational than entertainment portals.

Let's have fun

Unpredictable transformations

A simple site created using an outdated flash player. He offers to choose one of two proposed items, which will randomly interact with the one located on the field.

Moreover, the result of the transformation will be not only visual, but also taking into account physics virtual world. Very fun and funny, and most importantly, exciting and colorful.

What was the past like?

A multi-colored political map. Each country has its own color.

Above the map there is a drop-down menu where you can select any year, up to 3000 before the start of the current calendar. The map shows the outlines of the then states according to ideas modern historians and the routes of movement of great navigators and expeditions, if they existed then.

The scale is changed using the wheel.

Bursting bubbles on bags

Has anyone forgotten what it's like to pop the air-filled bubbles on packaging bags?

A virtual lesson will not fully replace the sensations that a person experiences when destroying another bubble on a cloth bag, but when there is time and there are no bags nearby, the time has come to pop the bubbles. Plus - an endless field for action.

For ardent fans of the activity there is a mode Manic Mode– when all the bubbles located under the cursor burst.

Create a clip

Interacting with interactive objects, we look for all the evidence that will help the fisherman find out the reasons for what happened.

Control is carried out using the spacebar and cursor keys. During the entertainment process, you will witness terrible events accompanied by a pleasant melody.

Playing with water

A small transparent reservoir with a tenacious liquid and a ball floating in it that never gets wet.

It can be thrown into the water, observing the waves and the play of light, changing the intensity of lighting and controlling gravity. Nothing remarkable, but you can relax.

A lot of interesting things

The website will show the user a lot of extraordinary things displayed randomly.

One day you can see the structure of the human head by studying the brain, the location of the eyeballs and nerves, and sometimes - a crystal translucent drop, which you can rotate and observe the rays reflected by its surface.

Universe on one page

We turn the mouse wheel and see how many tens and even thousands of orders of magnitude there are things in the universe that are larger than you and me.

In this way, we can approximately imagine the scale of our galaxy and compare the size of our home planet with the sizes of other cosmic bodies.

Become a geneticist

Another almost game, included in the most interesting sites that you should visit if you get bored at the computer.

In the game, you can extract any genes from any representatives of the animal world and add them to other animals, achieving the creation of mutants, freaks, or vice versa, giving the animal new qualities, making it more developed, better, stronger.

Elements can be combined not in pairs, but in dozens, achieving unimaginable effects. The hint system will notify you of the approximate effect in order to avoid trying combinations to obtain the desired result.

Listening to music from past decades

A world map in the style of the middle of the last century will be displayed in the browser window. On it we select the country and indicate the decade, starting from 1900.

After this, the resource will find in the database the music present in it from that era that was popular in the selected state, and will play one of these songs.

This can be a track, either recorded on a cassette or on a rare radio disc in our time or an even older reel.

Changes on the planet

The page contains materials related to the 20-year history of our planet.

You can select a country or city and see what has happened to it in recent years. The information is provided in text form and photos.

Don't know what to listen to or watch?

When you're bored at the computer, you can watch videos or listen to music. There is a lot of such content on the Internet. But what to do when you’re tired of all the films, TV series and videos from Youtube?

Go to the website. Find interesting film, performer, or even a book, and the site, based on genre similarity, tastes of millions of users and other variables, will display content similar to the desired movie, performer, or book.

In this case, all connections of the desired artist (film, author) with similar, recommended ones will be visualized.

LivePlasma, alas, does not understand Russian.

Rain is just for you

Just the sound of rain and a picturesque corner of untouched nature that is pleasant to the eye will allow you to relax a little in any weather, listening to the drops hitting the ground and plants.

Looking for the philosopher's stone

One of the many web resources where you can create literally everything from almost nothing.

Water flows through your fingers, you can’t take fire with your hands, you can’t hold air even in a jar, and you can only touch the earth. With these combined elements you can create almost anything.

Starting with four bricks, with the proper patience, thinking and skill, you can get 560 various objects. Try yourself as a medieval chemist.

Who's in the air now?

Here you can see which plane is flying where today and trace its route. Just after seeing the map, one can be amazed: how many iron birds are now plowing the air spaces of our planet.

On the map you can select any flying objects and get a lot of information about them. There is a search and selection of air carriers, as well as several filters that allow you to remove aircraft that are not of interest to the user from the map based on one or more parameters.

Entertainment portals where you can kill time and watch cool pictures and gifs, sea. Only a small fraction of them are shown here. You can find more similar sites yourself. Leave links to the most interesting ones in the comments.

Now let’s review several general educational web resources.


Chronology of victory in World War II

We are the grandchildren of the victorious grandfathers who stopped the expansion of the fascists and did not allow united Europe and everyone who stood behind it to conquer Slavic people. The Winners website will show the development of events on all fronts and directions from the first day of the start of the war until the return of the vanquished back to their home capital ahead of the Soviet troops.

Multimedia card equipped with a convenient chronometric scale. It allows you to quickly travel back in time to any selected date and see the situation on the fronts in the form of a beautiful animation with sound.

Places where the hottest events took place are indicated by special icons and are accompanied by brief description. Clicking on it will reveal more detailed information about the event, and if there are documents or videos (meetings, decrees) confirming it, they will certainly be posted for users to see.

Learning to type blindly

Nowadays, thanks to social networks, there are few people who type with one or two fingers, but they exist. On you can practice fast typing in several languages. The duration of the lesson varies from 5 to 30 minutes.

There are several types of exercises and dictionaries, and there are even dictionaries for programmers and news feed editors.

Russian language rules

Dictionaries and auto-correct text are gradually putting an end to the education of the people. Many young people make simple mistakes in words or hesitate between two options for spelling a word or placing punctuation marks.

Boredom and despondency are the main enemies of leisure. Often this condition finds us at home when there is free time, but there is nothing to occupy him with. In the article we'll talk about how to spend your free time usefully, relax and diversify your leisure time.

What to do if you're bored at home

What to do if you're bored

When you want to relax and not think about anything, change your activity. If you worked physically before, read a book, and if you solved important intellectual problems, do exercises. What to do if you're bored at home? Devote time to one of the following leisure activities:

  • Get a manicure, healing mask or body wrap. Perform eyebrow shaping or peeling. The easiest way to maintain beauty is in your free time, while at home you will always have everything you need at hand. When you don’t know what to do, take care of yourself - this statement is more relevant than ever.
  • Do a sports training session. Ideal figure- the dream of every person. Why not get one step closer to this? Exercise at home, preferring low-intensity workouts.
  • Read a short story or book. If you love to read, then reading is the most useful activity in order to pass the time. Do you have a home library? Then you should never be bored. Book - new life, which you can live by leafing through pages in a worn binding. With a book you won't be bored.
  • Get creative. If inspiration strikes, do not deny yourself the pleasure of creating another masterpiece. A particularly favorable time for this is when no one is at home. Prepare everything you need, turn on relaxing music and create. It doesn’t matter at all what it will be - drawing, modeling or decoupage. Enjoy the process and the time will fly by.
  • Devote time to self-development. Have you always dreamed of learning a foreign language? Want to learn something new? Then free time is good for this the best way. Choose a direction of study, take a notebook and make a lesson plan. It is much easier to assimilate systematic information. Make sure of this and your time will not be wasted. What to do at home? The main thing is that this is not aimless sitting on the couch, because time is the most valuable resource in a person’s life.
  • Visit social media. Time on the Internet flies by leaps and bounds. Look through the news, interesting groups. You won’t even notice how several hours will pass.
  • Watch educational programs. When you don't know what to do, watch popular science TV shows. Documentaries according to your interests, they will help you spend your time profitably and relax.

What to do with your free time at home

Exercises at home in your free time

There is always something to do at home, but everyday work gets boring, and the free time remaining before any event needs to be whiled away. So, to avoid wasting time, follow these tips:

  • Pick a few important things to accomplish tomorrow and get them done.
  • Chat with old friends. Perhaps, due to your busy schedule, you have not had the opportunity to meet old friends for many months. Write or call them. They will be delighted by your attention and you will restore the friendship.
  • Go through your things. A closet is a bottomless abyss where the things you wear are stored, as well as a lot of unnecessary junk. Turn on some fun music and do the fitting. You will free up shelves and be able to update your wardrobe.
  • Make healthy purchases. What to do in your free time? Of course, shopping. Purchasing always brings positive emotions. It doesn’t matter what exactly you buy - seeds for a spring garden or a new dress - positive results are guaranteed.

What to do when you're bored at home

Don't waste your time because it will never come back. Always spend your leisure time usefully, and your life will become fun, eventful and full of meaning. No time for sadness! Enjoy every minute of life - and you will see how the world around you will change!

You can die from boredom. And this is not a metaphor: scientists testify that people who lead boring life, one and a half times more likely to die prematurely! The reason is that bored people are more susceptible to anxiety, depression, as well as various addictions - gaming, drugs and even alcohol. And such people are at risk of becoming obese.

Research conducted several years ago in Britain shocked scientists with its results. It turns out that 42% of Britons eat out of boredom! So if you fall into the blues, take advantage of the short pause between depression and a plate of Olivier salad with mayonnaise and quickly figure out how to move on with your life.

Don't let boredom drag you into addiction to bad habits!

We offer quick guide to combat boredom at home. So what to do if you're bored?

  1. Don't do anything. But only for a short time! Since you're depressed, take full advantage of this opportunity. If earlier you rushed around at the speed of an electric broom and were torn between a bunch of things to do, now you finally got what you wanted - a break. The same scientists say that a state of boredom usually sets in before changes in life. Think about what you are missing and what needs to be done to achieve it.
  2. Have fun reflecting. Since you are already covered, enjoy this state. Watch a sad movie (and admit that everything is not so bad for you!), eat ice cream or a piece of cake - and your mood will improve!
  3. Do something useful. You can’t even imagine how many things you can do without leaving the couch! About gadgets, WiFi and mobile version You've probably heard of Facebook before. If this doesn’t help, you can, for example, knit or crochet something, put things in order in your diary, make a to-do list for the next week, go through your mail, or write a letter that you haven’t had time for for two weeks.
  4. Help someone. Take grandma across the street, hold the door to the subway for someone with a big bag. Babysit your friends' children, and let them go to the cinema or sleep. The effect will be stunning, you will see.
  5. Invest in yourself. Read for 15 minutes on foreign language, and then look up the meaning of new words in the dictionary. Half an hour will be put to good use! Oh, by the way, a new haircut, a pair of crazy mittens that you would never buy in your right mind and of blessed memory, are also considered an excellent investment.
  6. Be bored with company. Gray, cold days are the best time to talk about the eternal, as well as discuss mutual acquaintances and Miley Cyrus's next scandalous outburst.
  7. Dream. You are moping and have already shown weakness. Now you can do everything. Dream about anything, make plans, draw diagrams and travel routes on North Pole or to the Amazon jungle!
  8. Go somewhere. You've probably already missed 100,500 movie premieres and never made it to the museum around the corner that you've walked past twice a day for the last 10 years. Here it is, the reason!
  9. Call your relatives. Best of all - those with whom you have not spoken for a long time. They will be happy. You too.
  10. Earn money. If you have any freelance work, do it. If not, find it.
  11. Go to the gym. Suffering must be real!
  12. Clean up the house. On perfect order Only the most truly boring and boring people can do this. This is your chance.
  13. Pet the cat. Or an owl.

Dream about traveling to countries you would like to visit!

Boring conclusion

All the same scientists (what bores!) calculated that a person spends about 6 hours a week on boredom. This means nothing. Just know that you have 6 hours that you can spend doing whatever you want: just being bored or doing any of the above. Just don't get involved. Otherwise, one day you will realize that your life in the blues is much more fun, enjoyable and useful than without it!