Programs for creating Youtube channel headers. Where do you get hats for your YouTube channel?

This section contains a large collection of free online video Photoshop lessons in Russian. Learning the Photoshop program ( Adobe Photoshop) online video lessons are very convenient. To do this, you do not need to download video lessons to your computer or register on the site. Just select the desired category, for example Photoshop for beginners, point to the desired lesson and watch it online. In this case, the lesson can always be paused and, if necessary, repeated after the author. Here you will find lessons on Adobe Photoshop on a variety of topics: video tutorials of Photoshop for beginners, photo processing, working with text, animation in Photoshop, design and drawing, buttons and icons, effects and much more. Some online lessons will have additional materials available that you can download for free. Good luck with your studies!

Total materials: 120
Materials shown: 1-10

How to select an object in a photo using the Pen tool

Here's how to select and cut out an object in a photo using the Pen tool in Adobe Photoshop. During this tutorial we will cut out an object and place it on a different background. Let's open the photos we will work with. Let's convert the background layer to normal, i.e. remove the lock from it. To do this, double-click on the name of the layer and in the window that opens, click on the Ok button. Select the Pen tool. The Pen settings should be “Outlines”, “Pen Tool”...

Vector and raster graphics

This video lesson explains what vector and raster graphics are. On this moment Adobe Photoshop is one of the most popular and multifunctional graphic editors. Computer graphics are divided into two types - raster and vector. This is based on the fundamental principle of image formation. The basis of a raster image is a dot, or pixel. Those. A raster image consists of many dots, each of which has its own color. To...

RGB, SMYK color schemes

This video is devoted to the issue of Photoshop color schemes - RGB, SMYK, Grayscale, Duplex, Indexed Colors, Lab mode. A color scheme is a specific set of basic colors. As a result of mixing them, you can get any other color. The RGB color scheme consists of three basic colors: red, green and blue. The name comes from the first three letters Red, Green, Blue. This mode is most often used when working in Photoshop. Let's see what colors look like in RGB. Let's take...

How to remove wrinkles and rejuvenate facial skin in Photoshop

This video tutorial talks about how to remove wrinkles and rejuvenate facial skin in Photoshop. The main tool that we will use to rejuvenate facial skin is called a Patch. Let's select it and start removing wrinkles under the eyes of the woman shown in the photo. To do this, the area with wrinkles needs to be circled and the resulting selection transferred to an area of ​​skin that does not have wrinkles. This way, the area of ​​skin with wrinkles will be replaced with smooth skin. So that everything done...

How to remove glare and oily shine from facial skin in a photo

This video is devoted to the question of how to remove glare and oily shine from facial skin in a photograph in Photoshop. We will do this using the Brush tool and editing tools. Select Brush, set the hardness to 0, i.e. it should be with the most blurred boundaries. The size of the brush should be specified depending on the size of the highlight. The mode should be set to Multiply or Base Darkening. It depends on the photo being processed, and here you can experiment and...

How to change hair color in Photoshop from blonde to brunette

This online lesson is devoted to the question of how to change hair color in Photoshop from blonde to brunette. Those. Now in the photo with the image of a girl we will change light hair to dark using Adobe programs Photoshop. In general, dyeing your hair from light to dark is much easier than vice versa. Let's highlight the hair in the photo using a quick mask. Click on the corresponding button at the bottom of the toolbar. Now we’ll paint our hair with a black brush, and we can erase it with white...

How to Add Color to a Black and White Photo

The video “How to add color to a black and white photo” is devoted to the question of how to turn a black and white photo into color. There are several ways to color black and white images. In this video tutorial we will look at the method of coloring through color correction using adjustment layers and, the second method, using different modes overlays For painting, you need to use more subdued and subdued colors, because... they will look more natural. For different areas of the image...

Making the effect of an old photograph in Photoshop

Video lesson “Making the effect” vintage photography in Photoshop" is devoted to the question of how to give an ordinary photograph the effect of old age. There are several images in the supplementary materials that you may find useful to help you complete this lesson. You can download them. So, let's begin. Open the photo you want to apply a similar effect to. Duplicate the layer and make it black and white through the menu Image - Corrections - Desaturate. Let's make a copy of this layer and apply the Gaussian Blur filter...

03/27/2014 Hello everyone, today a very relevant topic is creating headers for Youtube channel. Those. how to create them or where you can download ready-made hats. Previously, I wrote an article and recorded a video and sold it for a relatively small price. Due to the high demand for hats Youtube, I decided to create a separate section of the site in which I will publish PSD source codes, instructions for them and, of course, the headers themselves, and they can be downloaded FOR FREE only regular readers of my blog.

So, this article answers the question: “Programs for creating Youtube channel headers?” There is only one answer, all the hats are made in the program Photoshop. Of course, I don’t deny what can be done and PowerPoint, and in Paint, and in other programs and that I talked about, but the quality will differ significantly.

Program for creating a Youtube channel header - #1 method Photoshop CS6

I'll start with the best program for creating headers for Youtube - and this is Photoshop no matter how you twist it or turn it, it’s still one of the best programs for editing and creating graphics? in particular for creating a header on youtube. Photoshop I also use it to create pictures ( Video Frame) for video channel, rate . In order to start creating a header, you need to perform 2 steps:

1. — download photoshop Photoshop in Russian for free ()

2. - download and open in Photoshop ( photoshop) youtube header template ()

After you complete these 2 steps, you should move on to further study of this article. Perhaps someone already has Photoshop, then immediately perform the 2nd step, i.e. download the youtube header template and open it in photoshop CS6 and you will have something like this work zone to create your “masterpiece” Youtube channel header.

In general, watch the video and you won’t have any questions about how to create a header for a Youtube channel using Photoshop CS6. Video instructions below.

Program for creating a Youtube channel header - #2 method

And now, we will look at alternative way creating a header for a Youtube channel. I know that not many people know how to work with Photoshop, so in this article I will look at 2 ways to create a header for a youtube channel. And we will consider an online service that does not require any installation programs to a computer or some other plugins. Just follow the link to and follow the instructions detailed in the video below. For all questions and suggestions, write in the comments. Very interesting, how do you create or created your headers for your youtube channels? Describe your options or suggestions in the comments to this article.

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Hello, dear readers. It's great when a person wants to learn something, especially when it comes to such an amazing and powerful program like Photoshop.

Only those who are not interested do not know how many hidden functions this utility contains. It opens up incredible opportunities for making money on the Internet and simply implementing creative potential. I wouldn’t be surprised that someday the knitting-loving grandmothers will be replaced by those who quietly photoshop in the evenings, create their own incredible paintings, collages, or retouch something old.

Today we will talk to you about Photoshop lessons from scratch. I'll tell you all about where to look free classes, what are their advantages and disadvantages, how to master the program at a professional level and step by step learn all the intricacies of the editor.

Let's start with something simple and accessible to everyone.

Where and how to look for lessons

I don't think I need to explain why tutorial videos are the best way to understand Photoshop. Everything is visible, accessible, understandable. The author does not have to explain everything in detail, and you can repeat after him and not encounter discrepancies.

For many beginners, YouTube becomes a storehouse of useful information. The advantages of this service are obvious:

  • For free;
  • In Russian;
  • Lessons of different levels (from beginner to professional);
  • Access at any time of the day;
  • You can model your own training program.

There are, of course, disadvantages, but we'll talk about that a little later. Let's focus on the positive. It became very convenient to work after YouTube provided the ability to create collections.

If you don’t understand the program at all, I can advise you to start with this one.

Everything is here: where to download Photoshop and which version to prefer, which language is better to work in (by the way, you can also find information on my blog), a lot of information about the main tools - moving, zooming in and out of photos, brushes and much more.

Once you understand the basics, you can move on to improving your professionalism. You can find a lot of videos on this topic, much more than in the first case.

I will suggest several of them. I really liked Alexey Kuzmichev’s lessons on photo processing.

In this collection you will find many videos on creating interesting effects: turning summer into winter, neon glow, pencil drawing, watercolor, professional portrait retouching, complex selection, how to cut a person from a picture and paste it into another image, and so on. If this is not enough for you, you can watch another 137 lessons from him.

The main drawback of this “course” is that, at least in those instructions that I looked at, the author does not pay due attention to explaining this or that point, but simply suggests doing the same thing as he does. “Click here, click here, poke without looking back.” In my opinion, this is not very healthy. You are not a real student who understands what he is doing, but a monkey blindly following the leader.

Another selection that I offer you is created a little more professionally.

There aren't many lessons here. The abundance of terms that are incomprehensible to a beginner complicates perception and the speed of work, as if it forces you to keep your “rolls” in suspense, but how nice it is to watch how a real master works. I liked it very much. If you have approximately the same level of proficiency in the program as I do, then these lessons will not seem useless to you.

So that you understand what I mean when I talk about ideal activities, I’ll offer you a cool video from the channel ProPhotoshop .

The author explains everything, you really understand what you are doing and why. You get an idea of ​​colors, shadows, what the photo looks like and professional work photoshop artist. Overall, just beautiful.

The only drawback of this channel is that there are too few videos, about 50, most of which are not entirely suitable for either a beginner or an average user - something about Lightroom, somewhere about logos.

This is understandable, the authors are quite busy people who make money from their skills. They don't create a training program for newbies. They don't teach the program to others at all, they are busy with real work, and this was just a temporary activity, most likely for the sake of PR. Just one or two interesting effect and that's enough.

Unfortunately, the findings are depressing. What are the disadvantages of learning Photoshop using YouTube? The lack of quality materials leads to gaps in the student’s knowledge.

It is difficult to find a full-fledged course that would tell you about the artistic component and tools, and also help you become a real professional. Well, we must not forget that a lot of time and effort is often spent searching for the next lesson. Productivity drops, but knowledge levels remain at the same level longer.

Fortunately, there is a way out of this situation.

How to learn to work masterfully

When we want to cook pilaf or borscht, why not open a recipe or the same YouTube? We have the basic knowledge, all that remains is to see what ingredients to put in the pan and in what order. If you want to become a real chef, you need to look for a teacher. In Photoshop everything is exactly the same.

I can offer you two courses. The first one is suitable for beginners who still have little understanding of the basics of this program. It's called " Photoshop from scratch in video format ».

There is just a lot of information about the tools, as well as their use, basic terms and basic work with the program: channels, filters, objects, and so on. Everything a beginner needs to know.

Well, for those who are ready to move to the next level " 100 Photoshop lessons to improve your skills ».

Here we talk about the artistic component and technical points. Well, that's all. Real professionals are working on the project, who strive to make money not only from their skills, but also from training users.

If you are afraid to buy a pig in a poke, you can see what the lessons look like on the website . Those published no later than two weeks are free. You can get access to the rest for 100 rubles per month.

That's basically it. I can also advise you interesting article about that, or. The articles turned out to be very interesting.

You have something to do and think about. Choose the best ways to achieve your goal. Don't forget to subscribe to the newsletter and become a subscriber of my official group In contact with . This will allow you to get useful recommendations on how to turn your passion into a profitable hobby easily and simply.

See you again and good luck in your endeavors.

Photoshop has been a mainstay of the design software pantheon for, and it remains a great tool for pro artists and alike.

But the sophisticated image editor has a daunting learning curve. With so many tools, features, and concepts to get a hold of, new users can be discouraged by dry help files and blind fumbling.

But fear not, gentle reader, for the collective wisdom of is at your disposal. Photoshop tutorials abound on the video network. Some are superb, while others may not be worth your precious clickthrough. For help, check out the resourceful selections below. Whether you"re brand new to Photoshop or a seasoned veteran, there"s always something to learn from the screencasting community.

For Beginners

If you"re looking for a visual way to wrap your head around the basic functions of Photoshop, check out these "101" resources that take it nice and slow, and don"t assume any prior experience.

1. Workspace Overview

If you"ve never taken up the virtual paintbrush before, get the lay of the land with this overview of the workspace. It will give you a good sense of where the most useful tools and menus live in Photoshop.

2.Tools and Layers

This two-part tutorial breaks down most of the basic tools you"ll need to start your graphic hacking adventures.

If you come away with only one concept from a Photoshop lesson, it should be about layers. Layers are key to everything in Photoshop, but jumping in head-first can often leave new users confused. In addition to rummaging through the toolbox, this video offers a concise, visual explanation of how layers work using a simple drawing exercise.

For Intermediate Users

If you"ve gotten a feel for the software and done your share of image touch-up and manipulation, you may want to kick the program into second gear and start exploring some of the more powerful and creative features. These tutorials will get you going .

3. Blending Modes

Blending modes are connected to layers and are integral for toning photographs and many other graphic manipulations. This screencast will take you through Photoshop's many blending flavors and hopefully spark some creative ideas for your next epic photo.

4. Patching and Healing

So you"ve got your new Facebook photo perfectly toned for maximum epicness - except for that tiny blemish and your annoying little brother who insists on jumping into every frame. That"s where the healing tools come in. With these, you can remove unwanted elements and (with a bit of practice) smooth those adjustments right into the background.

5.Text Effects

Let's face it: The black and white arial text your rendered in MS Paint simply won't cut it as your blog's logo anymore. It's time to snazz it up with some creative texturing. Check out this two-part tutorial that showcases some of the powerful text manipulation tools at your disposal in Photoshop.

6. Creating Actions

As you start using the software more regularly, you may find you"re repeating the same processes (sizing, filtering, blending, etc.) over and over again. The "Actions" feature lets you record the steps you use frequently and execute them with a single time-saving click or hotkey combination.

For Advanced Users

If you"ve spent any time on the Internet, you surely know what some Photoshop wizards are capable of. While the truly amazing feats require actual artistic talent (for which there is not yet a software substitute), some advanced Photoshop knowhow can go a long way to impressing your social media pals. Even if you"re not up to speed on all the advanced tools, just following along with these example-based lessons will provide a lot of insight into how the pros work their magic.

7. Changing Eye and Hair Color

If you"re due for a new look, but don"t want to drop a pretty penny at the salon, check out this tutorial on how to change eye and hair color for some dramatic portrait results.

8. Photo Combination and Manipulation

And now for some of the cool stuff. Through some clever erasing, blending, smoothing, and layering, this tutorial grafts a roaring lion's face onto an apple to make for some frightening fruit that even Adam and Eve would have stayed away from.

9. Environmental Effects: Beams of Light

If landscapes are your passion, you can add even more drama to your sweeping vistas with some Photoshop tricks. Here, the designer adds some cloud-bursting light to make for an awe-inspiring desktop wallpaper, or perhaps even a snazzy

Target: 1) Give you 10 ready-made, unique headers for your YouTube channel for FREE.

2) Show and tell how they can be edited in Photoshop.

3) Give PGN a template - markup to create your own headers in Photoshop.

Hello, dear friends. YouTube video hosting is gaining more and more momentum, and therefore it should not be overlooked under any circumstances.

If you don’t have a channel yet, be sure to start one, I wrote in the article “how to do it”.

Once the channel is created, it needs to be embellished. To do this, set a small avatar and change the header, that is, the large central image.

If you have created a personal channel and want to promote your name, then set your photo as a small avatar. It's your face, but it shouldn't be dull and boring! In the future, if your photo appears somewhere on the Internet, people will recognize you.

If you are promoting your brand, then put your logo as this avatar. This is about the small image. But what about the big one?!

Where do you get the caps for your YouTube channel?

Did you know:

In this article we will look at several options for creating headers.

The easiest way is to find a ready-made picture on the Internet, download it to your computer and then upload it to YouTube.

To search, just open any search engine (Yandex or Google) and enter the search query “ 2560×1440 pictures for YouTube».

You will be offered a lot of different sites, go to them, choose the option you like, download it to your PC and then install it as a header on YouTube.

You can pre-apply the desired text. To make it easier to navigate by the picture, below I give youtube header template in png format, and brief instructions how to apply text in photoshop.

In the end, you will get a more or less nice hat. Of course, if you have the skills to work with this graphic editor, then you can make a very juicy picture that will attract hundreds of subscribers.

Second way- this is to buy ready-made hats that are made in Photoshop. But after surfing various sites, I still couldn’t find any good ideas.

Yes, people sell them, but the quality suffers significantly. Let's say I found a set of 25 images that cost 970 rubles, but the quality, as I already said, is not so great. It is clear that a beginner level amateur made them.

Third option- this is to go to the freelance exchange and order it from a professional designer. This method is also not free, but will cost 300 rubles and more, everything again depends on the technical specifications and your wishes.
When ordering hats from freelancers, you need to be careful, there are a lot of scammers out there, unscrupulous people.

Fourth option– download it already ready-made hats for YouTube. To make this whole process easier for you, I went freelance and ordered 10 headers for my YouTube channel from a professional designer. I gave him a technical task, and he coped with it perfectly.

The end result was 10 different headers with five different themes:

1.Blogging, making money on the Internet, website promotion.
2. Cooking.
3. Sports, fitness, healthy image life.
4. Games, entertainment.
5. Personal video blog.

All YouTube headers come in psd format, that is, they can be opened in Photoshop and edited in your own way: change colors, substitute images, change logos, etc.
This pleasure cost me 4,500 rubles. All this is for you ABSOLUTELY FREE!!!

You can download these templates using the form at the top right!

Video hosting requirements for uploaded images:

But it's not that simple. The image for channel design is universal and adapts to different screen resolutions.

To make the design look organic on any display, you need to use a template with ready-made markup.

Download this YouTube header template you can follow this link. The hat template goes to PNG format and works great with Photoshop.

How to make a header for youtube?

For some time I had instructions on how to make a header for YouTube in Photoshop, and there was a text version. That is, all steps are written in text. As practice has shown, people do not really like to read, much less do something according to instructions.

Therefore, I decided to make a video - a lesson in which I tell you how to make a hat, how to reduce the volume of a hat, how to keep a hat in in the required format and upload it to your channel.

Let's go back to the PNG header template and look at why such a large image is needed.

As you can see, TVs require the maximum size. That is, if people view your channel on TV, the header will be displayed in full size.

If you upload it with a different size, empty areas will be shown, which immediately visually reduces the quality of the channel.

Next comes permissions for PCs, tablets and mobile devices. YouTube itself determines which image needs to be substituted for a particular screen; you just need to initially upload the header in the correct size, that is, 2560x1440 pixels.

Watch the video - lesson, how to make a hat in photoshop and upload it to your channel.

Articles that will change your understanding of YouTube and can change your goals in the future!

Also, subscribe to blog updates and the YouTube channel. There are a lot of delicious buns and chips ahead!

Do you want to become a professional in the video industry and earn a monthly salary like world stars?

Best regards, Alex and Cindy.