Program installation options. Installation script changes

Software package "1C:Chronograph School 3.0 PROF" - a new version program "1C:Chronograph School 2.5 PROF" ensures the continuity of databases ensures the implementation of the functionality of previous versions contains a large number of newly developed algorithms and mechanisms aimed at implementing the requirements of the national educational initiative"Our new school» on organizing and assessing the quality of activities of educational institutions

In 1C: Chronograph School 2.5 in 1C: Chronograph School Technology support regulatory ensuring school activities

Organization of information exchange of data Continuity of the database and integration with programs from the software package"1C: School Management"; Data exchange with programs for automating the activities of municipal educational authorities (“1C: ChronoGraph Education Management 3.0”) and ensuring the financial activities of educational institutions (“1C: Accounting for budgetary institutions", "1C: Salary and Personnel", "1C: ChronoGraph Remuneration"); Data exchange with planning systems and operational management educational process: “Chronograph 3.0 Master” - for schools with a traditional (classroom) organization educational process, “Profile” - for schools with a specialized or multidisciplinary organization of the educational process.

Synchronizing results educational activities with information systems that support maintaining electronic journal and student diaries (“3T: ChronoGraph Journal”); Uploading reports and basic data into the Regional educational portal"; Exchange of data with software systems that support learning content with digital objects and digital educational resources(TsOR), developed as part of INPRO-2003, ISO-2006 and FCPRO, incl. system "1C: Education 4. School"; Uploading data about the institution and students to Unified State Exam formats; Uploading and downloading data from a school-wide information database in order to combine databases during the restructuring or merger of educational institutions; Uploading electronic personal files of students and employees in order to organize information exchange between educational institutions. Organization of information exchange of data

The materials were prepared within the framework of the project “Informatization of the system

education", implemented National Fund training

commissioned by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian FederationAnd.

Quick Installation and Startup Guide

software package
"1C:Chronograph School 2.5"

Methodological materials. - M.: , 2007. - 8 pages.

These materials are part of the educational and methodological complex and

are addressed to RCC specialists and regional tutors responsible for promoting information systems for administering the activities of educational institutions, as well as for training teachers of additional professional education, providing advanced training for practical workers in the education system - users of these systems.

The use of these materials makes it possible to most flexibly take into account the regional characteristics of organizing advanced training for specialists in the promotion of ICT and teachers, training administrators and employees of educational institutions.

The materials are intended for training specialists and teachers on the basis of Regional Coordination Centers and ISO project coordinating organizations.

Mandatory mention of the copyright holder when quoting this material.

Brief guide to installing and launching the software package
"1C:Chronograph School 2.5"

Install"1C:Chronograph School 2.5"- the task is not as difficult as it might seem at first glance. If you have never done this before and fundamentally do not want to read the official “Installation and Startup Guide,” then perhaps this will help you this material. People who have experience installing the 1C:Enterprise software system may find the section “ Methodical advice"at the end of the article - perhaps you will find something new and useful for yourself.

Procedure for installing programs

The process of installing and launching the 1C:Chronograph School 2.5 program on any computer, like many other operations, can be divided into the following main stages:

1. Installation of the 1C:Enterprise platform.

2. Installing the “1C:Chronograph School 2.5” configuration.

To make it more clear what we mean we're talking about, let’s imagine the 1C:Enterprise software system using three notations:

The platform - the “engine” - and the “components” are installed by one installation program, and the configurations are installed by separate installation programs.

It is necessary to take into account that the configuration contains two indivisible blocks - the program itself and the information base.

The procedure for installing and launching the platform and configuration changes depending on the organization of users’ work with the “1C: ChronoGraph School 2.5” configuration.

Options for working with the program

The “1C:Chronograph School 2.5” configuration provides opportunities both for working on a local computer and for organizing user work over an internal network with a common information base.

We suggest considering the following accounting solutions maximum quantity possible situations.

Local work with the program

If the educational institution does not have an internal network, it is possible to organize work with the program on local computers. In this case, the following are installed on each local computer:

· platform;

· configuration.

A serious drawback of such an organization of work is the need for constant prompt updating of the information databases of all users in order to adequately reflect overall activities.

Network work with the program

Organization of network work with the program allows users to access a common information base from their computers. The database itself can be located either on the server or on any computer. The best option is to host the database on a server.

The efficiency of such a system - the speed of information processing - depends on the capacity of the equipment and the corresponding software, as well as on the number of active clients of the database (that is, users simultaneously accessing the common information base).

There are two options for installing a platform for organizing network work:

1. On each computer – local access to the platform.

2. On the server – network access to the platform.

Program installation options

Installation procedure for working locally with the program:

Installation of the 1C:Enterprise platform. Before you begin installation, make sure that 1C:Enterprise has not yet been installed on this computer. Naturally, this point does not apply to the availability of other 1C products (such as toys, training books, etc.). If you have an installed platform the best way out- contact specialists to determine whether the 1C:ChronoGraph School 2.5 configuration can work on your platform or to reinstall the 1C:Enterprise platform.

So, in front of you is the program distribution kit - this is a CD with the 1C installation program. In most cases, it is enough to install it in the CD‑DRIVE and wait for the installation menu to automatically launch. If you still can’t wait for automatic start (which sometimes happens due to different operating system settings), you will have to independently launch the “AUTORUN.EXE” program from the disk.

For example, this can be done like this: Let's say your CD-DRIVE has the designation “D”. From the Start menu, select Run, and then type the command D:\AUTORUN. EXE" in the dialog box and click "OK". The installation menu will appear on the screen. In the menu you need to select the item called “Install 1C:Enterprise”.

In the window that opens, you need to safely click the “Next” button and you will go to the “Select installation option” window. Make sure that “Install on the user’s computer (local)” is selected and click the “Next” button. When the program asks you about “Name” and “Organization”, do not be alarmed - write what you want: this will not affect your further work programs. (It is recommended, however, to use current registration data - full name of the person in charge and the name of the school)

After confirming the registration data, the “Select installation directory” window will open. You must either agree to the default path or specify your own directory. In the next window “Selecting a program group” You can leave everything unchanged. As usual, click “Next”. The actual installation process will begin. After the process is completed, the installation program will prompt you to immediately install the configuration.

Setting up the configuration. If you refused in the previous section from automatically installing the “1C: ChronoGraph School 2.5” configuration, you can do this later by selecting “Install program” from the installation menu.

Once launched, the configuration installer asks the user the following questions:

“Selecting an installation option” - installing a new or updating configuration. The answer is chosen based on the situation. By default we consider a new installation.

That's it, installation for users of local versions is complete. You can launch “1C:Enterprise” (“Start” - “Programs” - “1C:Enterprise” - “1C:Enterprise”). In the launch window, select the information base to which you currently want to connect and click the “OK” button.

Attention! During the first launch of the information base, the process of building auxiliary index files occurs and “1C” starts a little longer than usual.
Also note that despite the local installation, you have a network version of 1C:Enterprise installed, and when you first start you must check the “Exclusive” checkbox (Further selection of exclusive and non-exclusive modes depends on the rights and tasks of a particular user).

For an infobase, there is a list of users who are allowed to work with it. Before starting the program, the “Access Authorization” dialog will appear. Select a user, enter a password (if assigned), and click OK. Don't be scared! By default, all users do not have a password - just select the user and click OK.

After completing the steps, you can work with the program.

More detailed information for installation of the software package is contained in the documentation "1C:Enterprise Version 7.7 Installation and Startup Guide" included in the delivery package.

Installation procedure for network work with the program

Selecting an operating system. Network versions of 1C:Enterprise are best installed on server operating systems. If the expected number of users is more than three, then it is recommended to use a network operating system(Novell Netware or Windows Server).

Setting up the configuration. To organize network access to the infobase, regardless of the platform installation option, the configuration must be located in a folder on a server with open access.

Attention! Be sure to check that you have the “edit” right to access this folder from the network. It is advisable to map this folder for users as a network drive (to simplify administration, it is recommended to use the same letter indicating the network drive for all users).

Platform installation. When organizing a local access to the platform, a local installation of the 1C:Enterprise platform is performed (see the chapter “Installation procedure for local work with the program. Installing the platform”).

When organizing a network access to the platform, you must perform an administrative installation of the 1C:Enterprise platform.

An administrative installation, strictly speaking, is not an installation as such, but rather a preparation for installation. Its essence is that on the server local network a directory accessible over the network is created (enough “read” rights), into which all the necessary files are transferred from the 1C:Enterprise distribution package in order to run SETUP from this directory. EXE, it was possible to perform the network installation procedure of the platform on the user’s computer. This does not make any changes to the menu, system directory, or Windows registry for the server.

Network installation can be performed on the user's computer only by running the SETUP program. EXE from the directory created on the server during the administrative installation process. Network installation differs from local installation mainly in that during the network installation process on the user's computer not copied 1C:Enterprise program files, and menu items for launching programs are configured in such a way that when they start, executable files (.EXE, .DLL) are taken from the same local network server directory from which the SETUP program was launched. EXE to perform a network installation.

Selecting a platform installation. So which option for accessing the platform when working online is preferable? Local installation is the most simple option. In this case, on each computer on which you intend to use 1C:Enterprise, you must complete the local installation procedure. In the simplest case, installation is performed directly from the distribution kit.

When installed locally, 1C:Enterprise is launched the fastest (program files are loaded from the local disk of the computer, and not from a remote server disk) and the network is loaded somewhat less, but at the same time, disk space is consumed on each of the user’s computers for the same same 1C:Enterprise program files.

The most serious disadvantage of a local installation is the complexity of administration, especially in cases where the 1C:Enterprise system is used on many computers on the local network. The fact is that updated releases (releases) periodically appear, which, if you use a local installation, have to be reinstalled on each computer on which 1C:Enterprise is used. It is also not recommended to use different releases of 1C:Enterprise when working with the same information base.

In cases where a significant number of computers are used within the same local network to work with the 1C:Enterprise system and the network is not too overloaded, it is recommended to use the 1C:Enterprise network installation. As already noted, to perform a network installation of the platform, you must first perform an administrative installation on the server disk. And only then the network installation procedure can be performed on user computers. This somewhat complicates the installation process as a whole, but allows you to take advantage of some advantages, the main one of which is simplifying the procedure for updating 1C:Enterprise releases. IN in this case updating the 1C:Enterprise release comes down to the administrative installation of a new 1C:Enterprise release on the server on top of the existing one. Thus, updated versions of 1C:Enterprise program files will be launched on user computers (in the case of a network installation, program files are launched from the server disk).

The network installation procedure involves copying some of the 1C:Enterprise included into the Windows system directory on user computers. system files, which may also be updated from time to time (though much less frequently than 1C:Enterprise program files). Therefore, to ensure reliability and to avoid inconsistencies between versions of system files, after updating the 1C:Enterprise release on the server, it is recommended to repeat the network installation procedure on user computers.

To speed up the launch of the network version of 1C:Enterprise, you can take the following actions:

1. Many antivirus programs install an agent (antivirus monitor) that starts when Windows operation. Such agents are designed to check launched and opened files and the contents of emails on the fly. When you start, 1C:Enterprise opens a configuration file (*.MD), views files with user data (*.USR), opens tables and index files (*.DBF and *.CDX).
In some antivirus programs you can configure exception by mask - a set of extensions that the agent will not check. If your antivirus does not have this option, try:

· Update your antivirus.

· Disable agent startup: in this case, the risk of virus infection increases, and, therefore, it is necessary to run a standard disk scan more often.

Check the presence of a network printer, such as Canon LBP, on the network. A printer monitor that starts at startup significantly slows down 1C. It makes sense to refuse to run this monitor.


The modern approach to learning dictates its conditions to educational institutions. Currently, advanced schools must not only provide knowledge - they must be competitive in this market. Today, there is growing interest in monitoring the learning process and increasing control on the part of the main customers - parents and the state. Therefore, school computerization appears to be one of the significant indicators of a school’s position in the market.

Indeed, in a modern school there are many factors that cannot be taken into account without electronic means. And at the same time, taking them into account becomes mandatory - this includes the class schedule in the context of the transition to specialized education, and tariffs in the conditions of regulatory funding, and student results in the Unified State Examination.

This problem is not new, but Lately Most of the factors that make informatization irreversible have been clearly identified. But the implementation of such systems is associated with some problems.

The most important of them is clear understanding factors for entering and distributing information, their relationship. The lack of such understanding may lead to unnecessary consideration of unimportant factors, but at the same time, some of the main ones may be missed. In addition, a lack of clarity in the organization of information can lead to a confusing interface and, as a result, user inconvenience.

This is connected to another problem. Unfortunately, the level computer training teachers whose activities are not directly related to high technology, And service personnel not tall. In this regard, the functions they need must be available for use and not call unnecessary problems in mastering.

Finally, the program must be compatible with existing accounting software. For example, the number of lessons taught by a given teacher must be taken into account when calculating wages.

Software "1C: Chronograph School" is a solution that allows you to solve these and other problems facing modern school. Company "Chronobus"- the system developer is by no means a newcomer to the market specialized systems. The application we are considering was developed within the framework of the "Informatization of the Education System" (ISO) project of the "Improving human resources heads of the Education system", conducted by the National Personnel Training Foundation commissioned by the Ministry of Education and Science Russian Federation. The program is based on the previous developments of "1C: ChronoGraph School" and "1C: ChronoGraph School 2.0", the Customer's (NFPC) requirements for improvement information system administration of the activities of educational institutions, wishes of numerous users, comments from experts and approbators.

From the poster: completing the “velvet” transition to open source software in several educational institutions, at the end of this year I was faced with the following problem: in classrooms, on the “typewriters” of teachers, methodologists and secretaries, the existence of Windows in the boot menu was due only to the existence of 1C: Chronograph. Even with the help official instructions and descriptions of successful adherence to it for a long time the problem of stable operation of this proprietary product under Linux was not solved. However, even under Windows this 1C product is no different in stability..

The problem is only for Last year in my region, several groups of specialists tried to solve it... And the day before I received a letter from the head of our Regional Resource Center E.V. Mikhaleva, her team managed to understand the reasons for the inapplicability of the official instructions, seriously refine it and achieve stable operation school Chronograph for AltLinux 4 Master. Next up is an update for AltLinux 5 and popular ubuntu-based distributions.

“November 15-17 in the Shelekhovsky district Irkutsk region a seminar of the Regional Resource Center on network installation of AltLinux and Edubuntu was held in classrooms and its subsequent configuration. It trained employees of 16 territorial resource centers Irkutsk region and engineering and technical staff municipal departments education (in which similar centers are not organized). ORC employees also developed improved instructions and finalized standard installation scripts for “1C: Chronograph.”

Installation script changes:

  • The line intended for automatic removal of the wine program and programs dependent on it has been removed. Instead, manual removal of these programs has been added since these programs are not always removed and replaced with the necessary ones. Which can lead to incorrect installation in the future.

    Rpm -e wine-school wine-20070302-alt1 docs-wine_intro-0.1-alt1 libwine-20070302-alt1 docs-wine_intro docs-issue-junior_user-0.1-alt1

  • The installation line for the fonts-ttf-liberation package has been removed; this package is already installed on the system.
  • Added configuration update for 1C: Chronograph before release 7.70.316

Changes to the official instructions:

  • The installation of applications is described in more detail, and several tips have been added on how to make installation more convenient.
  • Added description of database export
  • Problems that have not yet been solved are described

I put an archive of improvements (added instructions with pictures, scripts, a special vine). I hope it will be useful)