Educational portal my achievements of the Russian Federation. A new educational portal “my achievements” has launched on the Internet.

Tons of textbooks, creative assignments, lectures and video consultations - a new educational portal has launched on the Internet. This is a free service that will help schoolchildren improve their knowledge, test themselves with tests and, if necessary, prepare for exams on their own.

Tenth-grader Anya Romanenko has already decided on her future profession - she wants to become a journalist. Next year - state exams. Will take history and social studies. I started preparing now. Tests his knowledge online.

“I had difficulty with the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact. I didn’t quite understand the meaning of the question, indicated the wrong aspect, and then I had to turn to the textbook,” says Anna Romanenko, a 10th grade student at gymnasium No. 1797.

You can now test your knowledge at any time and anywhere - using a computer or smartphone. A new service called “My Achievements” has been created for Moscow schoolchildren. Various test tasks were divided into subjects: dictations in Russian, tasks in mathematics, physics, history, geography, and more.

“The books in which our assignments are very large take up a lot of space, and therefore it’s easier to take a phone with you that has it all.” “In the application, for example, in the “Geography” section there is a special button, by clicking on which you can open the atlas. This is convenient because you do not need to carry the atlas with you,” the students note.

There are tests of increased complexity for specialized classes - engineering and medical. Even teachers perform them with interest.

“The results, of course, leave much to be desired. You understand that you are forgetting something a little. There are mistakes, there are shortcomings,” admits biology teacher, methodologist at gymnasium No. 1797 Natalya Kozhedub.

In this application you can even take the OGE - as a training. The work is checked not by teachers, but by independent experts. They find mistakes, and if a student doesn’t understand something, they provide a free video consultation. To order it, just click the icon here on the website.

“We pass each expert through certain standard checks. If there is a discrepancy with the standard of more than 1.5% in the final assessment, then the expert is not allowed to be checked,” emphasizes Pavel Kuzmin, director of the Moscow Center for Education Quality.

For those who do not like rigid boundaries - creative tasks. There is no division into objects here. In one version - tasks on logic and attentiveness, questions on biology and mathematics. You can answer either on a computer or on a piece of paper, then scan it and upload it to the system - the application recognizes handwritten text.

“A Moscow schoolchild confirms his status by following a link through government services to an electronic diary, and then to our service, he logs in, gets full access and can work in the system,” explains Roman Yurkovsky, head of the “My Achievements” project.

You can also fill gaps in knowledge yourself, without leaving home. If you missed a lesson or didn’t understand a difficult topic, it’s okay. Lectures on all school subjects from grades 1 to 11 were recorded on video by the teachers themselves. Valeria Levchak often uses the Internet Lesson service when doing her math homework.

“I turn on the video lesson, listen to the words of the teacher, he explains the topic to me in the same way as it happens at school. Everything is clear, and if it’s not clear, you can rewind and re-listen - this is also a convenient function,” notes Valeria Levchak, a student at school No. 1995 .

More than 4 thousand lessons are collected on one site. These are videos, notes and various simulators. And every week something new appears.

“We focus on the average student, we teach the same way as at school, our program complies with the federal state standard,” says Olga Khasyakova, head of the Home School project.

The "Internet lesson" is available to all schoolchildren in Russia. For now, only small Muscovites can access the “My Achievements” service through the government services portal. For other regions, many options are blocked during testing. But soon everyone will be able to use the application.

Tons of textbooks, creative assignments, lectures and video consultations - a new educational portal has launched on the Internet. This is a free service that will help schoolchildren improve their knowledge, test themselves with tests and, if necessary, prepare for exams on their own.

Tenth-grader Anya Romanenko has already decided on her future profession - she wants to become a journalist. Next year - state exams. Will take history and social studies. I started preparing now. Tests his knowledge online.

“I had difficulty with the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact. I didn’t quite understand the meaning of the question, indicated the wrong aspect, and then I had to turn to the textbook,” says Anna Romanenko, a 10th grade student at gymnasium No. 1797.

You can now test your knowledge at any time and anywhere - using a computer or smartphone. A new service called “My Achievements” has been created for Moscow schoolchildren. Various test tasks were divided into subjects: dictations in Russian, tasks in mathematics, physics, history, geography, and more.

“The books in which our assignments are very large take up a lot of space, and therefore it’s easier to take a phone with you that has it all.” “In the application, for example, in the “Geography” section there is a special button, by clicking on which you can open the atlas. This is convenient because you do not need to carry the atlas with you,” the students note.

There are tests of increased complexity for specialized classes - engineering and medical. Even teachers perform them with interest.

“The results, of course, leave much to be desired. You understand that you are forgetting something a little. There are mistakes, there are shortcomings,” admits biology teacher, methodologist at gymnasium No. 1797 Natalya Kozhedub.

In this application you can even take the OGE - as a training. The work is checked not by teachers, but by independent experts. They find mistakes, and if a student doesn’t understand something, they provide a free video consultation. To order it, just click the icon here on the website.

“We pass each expert through certain standard checks. If there is a discrepancy with the standard of more than 1.5% in the final assessment, then the expert is not allowed to be checked,” emphasizes Pavel Kuzmin, director of the Moscow Center for Education Quality.

For those who do not like rigid boundaries - creative tasks. There is no division into objects here. In one version - tasks on logic and attentiveness, questions on biology and mathematics. You can answer either on a computer or on a piece of paper, then scan it and upload it to the system - the application recognizes handwritten text.

“A Moscow schoolchild confirms his status by following a link through government services to an electronic diary, and then to our service, he logs in, gets full access and can work in the system,” explains Roman Yurkovsky, head of the “My Achievements” project.

You can also fill gaps in knowledge yourself, without leaving home. If you missed a lesson or didn’t understand a difficult topic, it’s okay. Lectures on all school subjects from grades 1 to 11 were recorded on video by the teachers themselves. Valeria Levchak often uses the Internet Lesson service when doing her math homework.

“I turn on the video lesson, listen to the words of the teacher, he explains the topic to me in the same way as it happens at school. Everything is clear, and if it’s not clear, you can rewind and re-listen - this is also a convenient function,” notes Valeria Levchak, a student at school No. 1995 .

More than 4 thousand lessons are collected on one site. These are videos, notes and various simulators. And every week something new appears.

“We focus on the average student, we teach the same way as at school, our program complies with the federal state standard,” says Olga Khasyakova, head of the Home School project.

The "Internet lesson" is available to all schoolchildren in Russia. For now, only small Muscovites can access the “My Achievements” service through the government services portal. For other regions, many options are blocked during testing. But soon everyone will be able to use the application.

The Moscow Center for Quality Education officially launched the first online self-study service “My Achievements”. Access to the system is open to every Moscow schoolchild. You can complete the tasks on the website Now there are more than 300 different works in the system - these are subject and meta-subject test works, as well as tasks from international studies. The service for assessing educational achievements allows the student to independently check his level of knowledge at any convenient time and in a convenient place. You can evaluate your knowledge in various general education subjects. The system shows the student what difficulties he has, and this is the most important thing, this system is focused on this. The child can not only independently undergo diagnostics and receive reliable information about his gaps, but also correct the gaps in time, “pull up” his knowledge on this or that subject. The system helps move from assessment to self-assessment of schoolchildren’s educational achievements. This is a very necessary and very important step. The service will allow the child to find out what he knows very well, what he knows firmly, and what really requires adjustment. And this is the main achievement. In addition, a student, a teacher, and a parent can take the same test in order to understand what a particular test is like in terms of its content. This service has become one of the diagnostic formats in which the Moscow Center for Quality Education takes a leading position . In particular, in 2015, on the basis of the Moscow Center for Quality Education, an Independent Diagnostics Center was opened, where any participant in the educational process can check the level of knowledge in any subject in an environment similar to a real exam. During the year of operation, the Center for Independent Diagnostics carried out more than 30,000 diagnostics.

It was developed by specialists from the Moscow Center for Quality Education. Students and teachers from several metropolitan schools took part in its testing. RG tried to figure out how the new service works.

The "My Achievements" portal can also be used on a tablet. Photo:

Essay online

You can now test your knowledge and better prepare for the Unified State Exam on the website All portal tasks were developed by experts from the Moscow Center for Quality Education, the City Methodological Center, and the creators of federal programs. Before presenting the portal to the general public, teachers' associations of different subjects themselves decided on the submitted works. The resource was adjusted taking into account their wishes.

Here you can find test papers in all school subjects, international tests, which will be useful for those who decide to take, for example, English for an international certificate. The service also presents pre-professional assignments that are relevant for students in engineering, cadet, and medical classes. That is, this is a service not only for testing knowledge of the school curriculum, but also for those children who want to know a little more than their peers.

To solve problems and exercises, you need to register on the portal, including using social networks. Registration through social networks gives access to an incomplete version. You can fully use the site if you find out the login and password for it at your home school.

Such a self-study portal, of course, will not replace full-fledged lessons with a teacher, but it will help relieve psychological stress and gain confidence in your abilities. The main advantage of the site is the ability to independently check your level of knowledge at any convenient time and in a convenient place. “We have become closer to each child, given the opportunity to see the objective dynamics of knowledge,” Pavel Kuzmin, director of the Moscow Center for Educational Quality (MCQE), told RG. “Without leaving home, a child can try to pass the OGE, Unified State Exam tasks, to find out how ready he is to pass the exams."

Those who have already tried the service also agree with the developers. “First of all, the service brings anti-stress to the child - there is no assessment here, children can evaluate themselves, this is a very important factor,” says Maxim Nordas, chairman of the governing council of school N 1259. “Secondly, it is comfort - the child can go through self-testing. The third is the child’s conscious approach to testing, no need to cheat, no need to deceive yourself, you need to understand and evaluate what level you are at and take further steps.”

The site contains not only classical tests, of which today schools, teachers and students themselves are quite tired. Here you can find all possible types of tasks: these are not only answers to questions - briefly or fully, listening tasks, for example, in foreign languages, but the service also allows you to write dictations, summaries and even essays. For some tasks, it is possible to use reference materials that the resource also offers - for example, the periodic table for solving problems in chemistry or contour maps for tasks in geography. “The service is designed for self-testing, so that the student himself evaluates his preparation, sees problems and difficulties, adjusts, checks again,” continues the director of the Moscow Center for Educational Quality, Pavel Kuzmin. “There is the possibility of in-depth testing of his knowledge. Moreover, the results are known only to the child himself. Assessment is not put, we show only topics in which there are certain difficulties."

On the “My Achievements” website you can take tests in all subjects and even write an essay. Photo:

Get in touch with an expert

After completing tasks, as with all online resources, on “My Achievements” you can view the results, points received and find out the correct answers. Short answer questions are automatically checked and the results are available immediately after completion. Long answer assignments, as well as essays, are manually checked by experts. The results of such tasks will be available within five working days. The opportunity to directly contact experts and discuss the result is an exclusive thing that no self-study portal other than “My Achievements” offers. All you need to do is sign up for an online consultation given by experts via Skype. MCSC works with selected experts, these are members of subject commissions that check examination papers in the 9th and 11th grades.

The service has an automatic reminder function to remind you to take a break. While completing tasks, time is monitored. In accordance with SanPiN standards, online assignments cannot last longer than the established time: for students in grades 3-4 - no more than 25 minutes, for students in grades 5-7 - no more than 30 minutes, for students in grades 8-11 classes - 35 minutes.

As the developers said, the most difficult tasks can be found in the “Meta-subject tests” section, aimed at identifying the ability to work with text and new information. To perform such work, you will need knowledge in several subjects of the school curriculum, plus a well-developed outlook.

5 services for self-preparation for the Unified State Exam

  • Demo versions of tests for the current year are posted by the state “Federal Institute of Pedagogical Measurements” (FIPI) on the website Assignments for the Unified State Examination and the Unified State Examination for previous years in all subjects of the school curriculum are also loaded there.
  • Yandex Unified State Examination - demo versions of tests from FIPI, only better grouped and with more convenient search.
  • Electronic application "I will solve the Unified State Exam: offline tasks." It presents almost all Unified State Exam subjects, the application is free. To use it, you do not need constant Internet access; all tests are available offline.
  • The LinguaLeo website, one of the most popular online services for learning English, now prepares for the Unified State Exam. The service offers 8 exam options, compiled according to FIPI recommendations and standards. Also on the site you can prepare for exams for international certificates TOEFL, IELTS, ENEM, etc. You have 100 minutes to complete one test.
  • Unified State Exam score calculator from the Higher School of Economics. Based on data on the admission of applicants over previous years, the program calculates which university has the best chance of admission. You need to choose the areas of training, region, university where you would like to study, Unified State Exam scores in the subjects required for admission.

MOSCOW, October 3. /TASS/. Moscow schoolchildren will be able to test their knowledge in various subjects themselves in the new online service “My Achievements”, including completing tasks from the international PISA tests conducted by the Organization for Economic Cooperation (OECD). This was reported by the press service of the capital's Department of Education.

“You can evaluate your knowledge in various general education subjects. The new service includes subject and meta-subject test papers, as well as tasks from international studies,” the message quotes the words of the director of the Moscow Center for Education Quality (MCQE), Pavel Kuzmin.

PISA study

In May 2016, Moscow for the first time participated in the PISA study as a separate region of the Russian Federation; before that, the knowledge of schoolchildren in all schools of the Russian Federation as a whole was assessed. The sample included 609 out of 630 metropolitan schools - all institutions where children of 15 years of age studied. According to Rosobrnadzor, the top 100 schools in Moscow were ahead of Singapore and Hong Kong in their results: 26% of students were at the highest levels of mathematical literacy. Another 300 Moscow schools took 4th place - between Singapore and Hong Kong, which are in 3rd and 5th places, respectively.


By international studies, we mean the PISA (Program for International Student Assessment) survey, which has been conducted by the Organization for Economic Co-operation (OECD) every three years since 2000 among students aged 15 in three areas: reading literacy, mathematics and science. Its purpose is to test how students can use their knowledge in practice. The OECD provided a bank of open PISA tasks from previous cycles specifically for the “My Achievements” service, the press service clarified.

Later, the system will be supplemented with tasks for all classes in all subjects, thematic tasks for students will be developed (in addition to semi-annual and annual tests), the number of tasks of international standard will be increased, a closed bank of tasks will be created for administrative tests, diagnostics will appear within the framework of medical, engineering and cadet tests. classes. By December, it is planned to create versions of the tasks for children with disabilities.

The service has become one of the new diagnostic formats being developed by MCCO. According to the center, the directors of several Moscow schools have already received logins and passwords to enter the My Achievements mobile application; later the system will be open to all Moscow schoolchildren.

How the "My Achievements" service will work

You can register for the service through social networks, and use it using a special mobile application “My Achievements”. The service provides a choice of long and short answers, the ability to use the listening format, write dictations and summaries. Tasks with a detailed answer can be photographed or scanned and loaded into the system using a QR code via a mobile application. The image will automatically be associated with the participant's work.

Results for those tasks that are checked automatically are available immediately after testing is completed, and those that require expert verification are available within three days. At the same time, the student can see not only his result, but also receive information about which topics he has certain difficulties with. He can also ask questions about his work to specialists online. Students’ questions are answered by experts with experience working in subject commissions and developing diagnostic systems.

The service has developed an automatic reminder function to remind you to take a break. While completing tasks, time is monitored. In accordance with SanPin standards, intervals are monitored: for students in grades 3-4 - no more than 25 minutes, for students in grades 5-7 - no more than 30 minutes, for students in grades 8-11 - 35 minutes.